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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating the economic impact of national sporting performance : evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Smith, Brendan Kent 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research report examines stock market reactions to sudden changes in investor mood. The motivation for the study is the large volume of psychology and finance research showing that investor mood is affected by various non-economic or economically-neutral phenomena. Previous research has provided strong evidence of a link between the outcome of international sporting results, particularly soccer, and investor mood. This report examines the impact of South Africa's national soccer, rugby and cricket teams' performances in international matches on returns on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). Match results constitute a mood proxy variable hypothesised to affect stock returns through its influence on investor mood. The unconditional mean return on the JSE All Share index for a 13 ½ year period from September 1995 to February 2009 was compared to the mean return after wins, draws and losses by the national sport teams. An event study approach was followed and four different statistical tests were conducted in order to test for a relationship. The results of the tests indicate the existence of a moderate win effect, with mean returns after wins being statistically significantly higher for all sports combined, cricket and soccer. The report concludes that there is some evidence of a relationship between sporting success and stock returns. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsverslag ondersoek die reaksie van die aandelebeurs op skielike veranderings in beleggersentiment. Die motivering vir die studie is die aansienlike volume sielkundige en finansiële navorsing wat toon dat beleggersentiment beïnvloed word deur verskeie nie-ekonomiese of ekonomies-neutrale verskynsels. Vorige navorsing het sterk getuienis verskaf van 'n verband tussen die uitkoms van internasionale sportresultate, veral sokker, en beleggersentiment. Hierdie verslag ondersoek die impak van Suid Afrika se nasionale sokker-, rugby- en krieketspanne se prestasies in internasionale wedstryde op opbrengste op die Johannesburg Effektebeurs (JEB). Wedstryduitslae verteenwoordig 'n sentimentsveranderlike met die hipotese dat dit aandeeloprengste sal beïnvloed deur die uitslae se invloed op beleggersentiment. Die onvoorwaardelike gemiddelde oprengs op die JEB All Aandele-index vir 'n 13 ½ jaar periode van September 1995 to Februarie 2009 is vergelyk met die gemiddelde oprengs na oorwinings, nederlae en gelykopuitslae van die drie nasionale spanne. 'n Gebeurtenisstudie-benadering is gevolg en vier verskillende statistiese toetse is uitgevoer om te toets vir 'n verband. Die resultate van die toetse dui op die bestaan van 'n matige oorwiningseffek met gemiddelde oprengste na oorwinnings wat statisties wesenlik hoër is vir alle sportsoorte gekombineerd, krieket en sokker. Die verslag kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat daar wel getuienis is van 'n verband tussen sportsuksesse en aandeeloprengste.

A critical review of project management success factors in large SA ICT companies

Volschenk, E. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the growth and adoption of project management expertise and techniques, the increase in organisational project-maturity and the emergence of the Web, project success remains a challenge. A key factor leading to the continued failure in IT projects is the lack of identification and appreciation for the key factors that influence the success of project management success. Therefore the researcher embarked on this study to determine the top five critical success factors of project management in the South African ICT environment. The researcher also determined during which phases of the project life cycle these critical success factors occur. In order to determine these objectives, qualitative research was conducted that included a study of literature, available material, views from experts as well as a content analysis from sample interviews. South African ICT companies do not directly focus on any critical success factors, but indirectly they do focus on certain areas that will increase the probability of project management success. The research identified the top five critical success factors as a comprehensive project management plan, well defined scope, skilled and experienced project managers, user / customer involvement and top management support. The research also identified that the focusing on the project planning and project execution and monitoring phases of the project life cycle are the most crucial for project management success. In addition the research identified that project managers who have a strong technical background understand the complexities of the product better and do tend to manage the deferent component of the projects more effectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van die groei en toename in projekbestuurkundigheid en -tegnieke, die toename in organisatoriese projek volwassenheid en die uitbreiding van die Web, bly projeksukses ‘n uitdaging. Om die rede het die navorser die studie onderneem om die vyf top kritiese suksesfaktore van projekbestuur in die Suid-Afrikaanse ICT omgewing te bepaal. Om hierdie doelwit te bepaal is kwalitatiewe navorsing onderneem wat ‘n literatuurstudie, beskikbare materiaal, opinies van kundiges sowel as inhoudsanalise van onderhoude gevoer insluit. Suid-Afrikaanse ICT maatskappye fokus nie direk op enige kritiese suksesfaktore nie, maar indirek fokus hulle wel op sekere areas wat die waarskynlikheid van projekbestuur sukses sal laat toeneem. Die navorsing identifiseer die vyf kritiese suksesfaktore as ‘n samevattende projekbestuursplan, goed gedefinieerde omvang, kundige en ervare projekbestuurders, gebruiker/kliënt betrokkenheid en topbestuur ondersteuning. Die navorsing het ook identifiseer dat die fokus op projekbestuursbeplanning, en projekuitvoering en monitering fases van die projeklewensiklus die mees kritiese is vir projeksukses. Die navorsing het ook identifiseer dat projekbestuurders wat ‘n sterk tegniese agtergrond het die ingewikkeldheid van die eindproduk beter verstaan asook die verskillende komponente van die projek meer effektief bestuur.

Investigation and evaluation of the canning production processes of various cultivars of small white beans

Bekker, Leon Johan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The vegetable unit of Tiger Brands annually is responsible for the canning of approximately 115,200,000 cans of a variety of vegetables, of which baked beans constitute approximately seventy percent. The canning of baked beans is subject to a number of challenges with regard to the raw materials and equipment used. The challenges involve the approved raw materials, the storage thereof and the condition and age of the equipment in the plant. The baked beans are produced throughout the year and inconsistencies in the final product are a major cause for concern. The primary aim of this study was to determine which cultivar of beans is the most suitable for use in the canning industry and whether other cultivars can be used with some adjustments to the production processes to eliminate the current inconsistencies. A further aim was to make recommendations on how to create more capacity and to increase the quality of the final product. The problem was addressed by analysing the production processes for the three different bean cultivars over a period of approximately three months and determining the behaviour of the different cultivars. It is clear from the data collected that the different cultivars behave differently during the production processes and yield different results at the final stage of inspection. Human intervention during the production processes also played an important role in the quality of the final product of the different bean cultivars. Human interventions are currently necessary due to the age of the equipment, poor maintenance over the years and modifications made to the equipment to try to increase capacity and the quality of the product. Further studies could be conducted in some of the areas excluded from this study, to determine the suitability of other bean cultivars for the canning industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die groente-eenheid van Tiger Brands is jaarliks verantwoordelik vir die inmaak van omtrent 115,200,000 blikkies groente van verskillende soorte waarvan gebakte bone omtrent sewentig persent van die volume behels. Die inmaak van die bak bone is onderhewig aan unieke uitdagings ten opsigte van die rou materiaal en masjinerie wat in produksieprosesse gebruik word. Die unieke uitdagings behels die verskille in die goedgekeurde bonekultivars, die opberging daarvan en die toestand en ouderdom van die masjinerie in die aanleg. Die inmaak van die bak bone vind regdeur die jaar plaas en die wispelturige resultate in die finale produk is 'n groot rede tot kommer. Die primêre doelwit van die studie was om te bepaal watter bonekultivar die mees geskikte kultivar vir gebruik in die inmaakbedryf is en of die ander kultivars meer aanvaarbare resultate sal lewer as sekere verstellings in die proses aangebring word om die kwaliteit te verbeter en die teenstrydige resultate uit te skakel. 'n Verdere doelwit was om aanbevelings te maak oor hoe om die kapasiteit van die aanleg te verhoog, sowel as om die kwaliteit van die produk te verbeter. Die probleem is aangespreek deur die data wat oor 'n tydperk van drie maande oor die produksie prosesse vir die drie verskillende kultivars ingesamel is, te analiseer, en die gedrag van die drie verskillende bonekultivars in elke proses te bepaal. Dit is duidelik te sien in die verskeidenheid van ingesamelde data dat die verskillende bonekultivars verskillend reageer gedurende die produksieprosesse en dus verskillende resultate gedurende die finale inspeksieproses lewer. Menslike ingrype in die produksieprosesse speel 'n belangrike rol in die uitkoms van die finale produk se kwaliteit by die verskillende bonekultivars. Die menslike ingrype is tans krities belangrik in die produksieprosesse as gevolg van die ouderdom van die masjinerie, die swak instandhouding wat oor die jare uitgevoer is, asook die wysigings wat aan die masjinerie aangebring is in 'n poging om die kapasiteit van die aanleg te verhoog en om die produk se kwaliteit te verbeter. Verdere studies kan uitgevoer word in sekere van die ander areas wat by hierdie studie uitgesluit is, om te bepaal of ander bonekultivars ook in die inmaakbedryf gebruik kan word.

Marketing metrics as measurements of marketing efficiency : a case study of the car dealer group Tepass + Seiz KG

Wilkes, Henrike-Raija 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Marketing has long been seen as a qualitative discipline following a rather soft approach. This, in many circumstances, resulted in a loss of marketing's credibility against other more quantitative managerial disciplines. Out of this plight, numerous marketing practitioners and experts during the past two decades have developed ways to prove that marketing can indeed be quantifiable. Born were the theories of marketing metrics as tools to make marketing measurable and, thus, to justify its existence. As can be assumed, in most organisations, the existence of the marketing discipline is not threatened; yet, an increased importance is placed on the fact that marketing expenditure is located wisely and efficiently in order to make a contribution to bottom line. This is particularly significant for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) which typically have only small marketing budgets and dispose of limited marketing expertise. The purpose of this study is to examine whether such a medium sized enterprise, the Tepass + Seiz KG, a German group of car dealerships, shows a marketing behaviour typical for that of an SME and does not use a sophisticated system of marketing metrics to measure the efficiency of its marketing activities. Primarily, a literature review was performed to illustrate the role of marketing metrics within large corporations and smaller enterprises and to shed light to the typical marketing behaviour of SMEs. The subsequent examination of the Tepass + Seiz KG and its marketing performance measurement system was built onto the findings of that review. The study was conducted, following a single case study strategy with the use of in-depth interviews to collect the data. The analysis illustrated that the Tepass + Seiz KG, even though conducting numerous different marketing activities, shows a marketing behaviour typical for a medium sized enterprise and that it does not measure its marketing activities efficiently. Consequently, recommendations on how to improve its measurement systems were made and various marketing metrics were introduced and suggested for implementation. The development of a stringent marketing strategy in addition to the metrics recommended was found to be a necessary further step towards a sophisticated marketing management within this enterprise. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bemarking word lank reeds beskou as 'n kwalitatiewe dissipline met 'n taamlike sagte aanslag. Dit het onder vele omstandighede gelei tot 'n verlies aan geloofwaardigheid vir bemarking vergeleke met ander meer kwantitatiewe bestuursdissiplines. As gevolg hiervan het baie bemarkingspraktisyns en bemarkingskundiges oor die afgelope twee dekades maniere ontwikkel om te bewys dat bemarking inderdaad kwantifiseerbaar kan wees. Daaruit is die teorieë van bemarkingsmaatstawwe gebore as 'n instrument om bemarking meetbaar te maak en om sodoende die bestaan daarvan te regverdig. Daar kan aanvaar word dat die bestaan van die bemarkingsdissipline in die meeste organisasies nie bedreig word nie; nogtans word al meer klem gelê op die feit dat bemarkingsuitgawes slim en doeltreffend aangewend moet word om 'n bydrae tot winsgewendheid te lewer. Dit is veral belangrik vir klein en mediumgrootte ondernemings (KMO's), wat gewoonlik oor slegs klein bemarkingsbegrotings en beperkte bemarkingskundigheid beskik. Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om te ondersoek of so 'n mediumgrootte onderneming, die Tepass + Seiz KG, 'n Duitse groep van motorhandelaars, bemarkingsgedrag tipies van 'n KMO toon en nie gebruik maak van 'n gesofistikeerde stelsel van bemarkingsmaatstawwe om die doeltreffendheid van sy bemarkingsaktiwiteite te meet nie. Daar is primêr 'n literatuuroorsig uitgevoer om die rol van bemarkingsmaatstawwe binne groot korporasies en kleiner ondernemings te illustreer en om lig te werp op die tipiese bemarkingsgedrag van KMO's. Die daaropvolgende ondersoek van die Tepass + Seiz KG en die metingstelsel vir sy bemarkingsprestasie is gebou op die bevindings van die literatuuroorsig. Die studie is uitgevoer volgens die strategie van 'n enkele gevallestudie met die gebruik van in-diepte onderhoude om die data in te samel. Die ontleding het aangetoon dat die Tepass + Seiz KG, hoewel daar baie verskillende bemarkingsaktiwiteite uitgevoer word, die tipiese bemarkingsgedrag van 'n mediumgrootte onderneming uitvoer en nie sy bemarkingsaktiwiteite doeltreffend meet nie. Gevolglik is aanbevelings gedoen oor hoe metingstelsels verbeter kan word en verskeie tipes bemarkingsmaatstawwe is voorgestel vir implementering. Daar is bevind dat die ontwikkeling van 'n streng bemarkingstrategie bykomend tot die aanbevole maatstaf 'n noodsaaklike verdere stap is vir gesofistikeerde bemarkingsbestuur binne hierdie onderneming.

The development of a business model for the national intellectual property management office

Sifunda, Pindiwe 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many countries recognise the importance of realising economic growth through the exploitation of research outputs culminating from publicly financed institutions. At the forefront of these countries is the United States of America which has seen increased commercialisation efforts made by its universities since the passing of its Intellectual Property (IP) legislation, the Bayh-Dole Act in the 1980s. The Act assigned IP rights to public institutions. Most countries have since followed suit and SA is likewise in the process of adopting similar legislation, namely the Intellectual Property Rights Bill (IPR Bill). The Department of Science and Technology (DST), which is responsible for growing the knowledge base of the country, guided by the National R&D Strategy adopted in 2002, has developed a framework for IP rights emanating from publicly financed research. This will form the basis for IPR legislation, which is currently under review by Parliament. The legislation is similar to that adopted in the USA, with due consideration for local content. It also assigns IP rights emanating from publicly financed research to the recipient entities, that is, public institutions and small businesses. The legislation aims to stimulate inter alia a culture of patenting by public institutions. This has the potential to increase the commercialisation of these research outputs, as evidenced in other countries. The abovementioned legislation refers to the establishment of a national agency, the National IP Management Office (NIPMO), which will have the responsibility of undertaking the administrative function set out in the legislation. This paper investigates a business model, as well as an institutional framework for NIPMO, taking into account the challenges of IP management in SA and abroad. Desktop research was carried out for a better understanding of the status quo in the IP management landscape, both locally and abroad. This was followed by primary research by means of interviews in order to gain insight into the nature of local IP management offices, the challenges they are faced with and also the expectations of the planned National IP Management Office. The literature survey indicated that many countries have come to realise the importance of developing their economies through exploitation of publicly financed research outputs. Most countries have since adopted IPR legislation to enable public research institutions to manage their IP, and commercialise their research outputs. There are still challenges faced by this system, which are similar across countries. These range from the financing required for the management and running of these office, limited capacity, and also traditional mindsets of researchers in putting greater value on publications than on patents. Exploiting the information gathered, an environmental analysis in the form of SWOT and stakeholder analyses was carried out, which culminated in the development of a business model and a governance model. Some of the key recommendations that have been made in this study include the following:  NIPMO should follow the proposed business model which outlines the different number of expertise and services that should be provided to ensure the sustainable administering of the IPR legislation.  In order to be able to provide a much needed service and be accessible to the institutional technology transfer offices (TTOs), NIPMO should set up provincial offices to better assist the under-capacitated TTOs, as well as institutions without TTOs.  As skills are being developed in the area of IP Management, it should be considered to roll-out these regional offices incrementally, starting with areas that are in most need of these services, namely Kwa-Zulu Natal and the Eastern Cape.  NIPMO should play a major role in monitoring and evaluating the implementation and the impact of the new legislation on the innovativeness of the country’s research environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie lande besef die belangrikheid van die verwesenliking van ekonomiese groei deur die benutting van navorsingsuitsette wat van staatsgefinansierde instellings afkomstig is. Die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA) is aan die voorpunt van hierdie lande, met toenemende kommersialisering deur hierdie land se universiteite sedert die wetgewing oor Intellektuele Eiendom (IE) by wyse van die Bayh-Dole-wet in die 1980’s goedgekeur is. Hierdie wet het IE-regte aan regeringsinstellings toegeken. Die meeste lande het hierdie voorbeeld gevolg, en ook Suid-Afrika is tans besig om soortgelyke wetgewing goed te keur, naamlik die Wetsontwerp op Intellektuele Eiendomsregte (IER-wetsontwerp). Die Departement van Wetenskap en Tegnologie (DWT), wat verantwoordelik is vir die uitbreiding van die land se kennisbasis en deur die Nasionale Navorsings- en Ontwikkelingstrategie wat in 2002 goedgekeur is, gerig word, het ’n raamwerk vir IE-regte wat uit staatsgefinansierde navorsing afkomstig is, ontwikkel. Dít sal die grondslag vorm van IER-wetgewing en die IER-wetsontwerp, wat tans deur die Parlement in hersiening geneem word. Die wetgewing stem ooreen met dít wat in die VSA goedgekeur is, en skenk behoorlike oorweging aan plaaslike inhoud. Dit ken ook IE-regte wat uit staatsgefinansierde navorsing afkomstig is, aan die ontvangerentiteite, naamlik staatsinstellings en klein besighede, toe. Die wetgewing is daarop gemik om onder andere ’n kultuur van patentering deur staatsinstellings te stimuleer. Dit bied die moontlikheid van verhoogde kommersialisering van hierdie navorsingsuitsette, soos in ander lande aangetoon. Die bogenoemde wetgewing verwys na die stigting van ’n nasionale agentskap, die Nasionale IE-bestuurskantoor (NIMPO), wat daarvoor verantwoordelik sal wees om die administratiewe funksie, soos in die wetgewing gestipuleer, uit te voer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek ’n sakemodel asook ’n institusionele raamwerk vir NIPMO, wat die uitdagings van IE-bestuur in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland in aanmerking neem. Literatuur oor die onderwerp is ondersoek om beter begrip van die status quo in die terrein van IE-bestuur, sowel plaaslik as in die buiteland, te verkry. Hierna het primêre navorsing deur middel van onderhoude gevolg, ten einde insig in die aard van plaaslike IE-bestuurskantore, die uitdagings waarvoor hulle te staan kom en ook die verwagtinge van die beplande NIMPO te verkry. Die literatuuroorsig het getoon dat baie lande die belangrikheid van die ontwikkeling van hul ekonomieë deur die benutting van staatsgefinansierde navorsingsuitsette besef. Die meeste lande het intussen IER-wetgewing goedgekeur ten einde staatsnavorsingsinstellings in staat te stel om hul IE te bestuur, en om hul navorsingsuitsette te kommersialiseer. Hierdie stelsel kom steeds voor uitdagings te staan, soos ook die geval in ander lande. Hierdie uitdagings wissel van die finansiering wat nodig is vir die bestuur en werking van hierdie kantore en beperkte kapasiteit tot ’n tradisionele ingesteldheid van navorsers om groter waarde op publikasies as op patente te plaas. Op grond van die inligting wat ingesamel is, is ’n omgewingsontleding in die vorm van SWOT- en belanghebberontledings uitgevoer, wat tot die ontwikkeling van ’n sake- en ’n beheermodel gelei het. Op grond van die ontledings is belangrike aanbevelings gemaak, wat die volgende insluit:  NIPMO moet die voorgestelde sakemodel volg, wat die hoeveelheid kundigheid en dienste stipuleer wat nodig is om die volhoubare uitvoering van die IER-wetgewing te verseker.  Ten einde in staat te wees om ’n uiters noodsaaklike diens te verskaf en vir die institusionele tegnologie-oordragkantore (TOK’s) toeganklik te wees, moet NIPMO provinsiale kantore stig om TOK’s met ’n lae kapasiteit asook instellings sonder TOK’s beter te kan bystaan.  Aangesien vaardighede in die veld van EI-bestuur nog ontwikkel word, moet oorweging daaraan geskenk word om hierdie streekskantore toenemend van stapel te laat loop deur te begin by gebiede wat hierdie dienste die nodigste het, soos Kwa-Zulu Natal en die Oos-Kaap.  NIPMO moet ’n belangrike rol in die monitering en evaluering van die implementering en die impak van die nuwe wetgewing op die vernuwende aard van die land se navorsingsomgewing speel.

The role and impact of emotional intelligence (EQ) on the leadership styles of the systems integration management team within T-Systems

Cromhout, Jaco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is an investigation and study into the impact of emotional intelligence (EQ) on the leadership qualities and competencies of the management team of the T-Systems South-Africa’s Systems Integration (SI) department. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) business arena is a volatile and unpredictable environment that brings about unique challenges for the leadership qualities and skills of the modern leader and team member. During his studies towards the degree of Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Stellenbosch, the researcher was introduced to the concept of emotional intelligence and the impact that it could have on the management of people and the growth and success of an organisation as a whole. Organisations are investing more and more in ICT practices to direct their business initiatives towards financial success. These investments include the professional disciplines such as program and project management. This lead to the question whether the so-called “hard” sciences that are applied on a daily base to govern a project, team or a business will be enough to sustain growth and ensure financial sustainability for a company. The importance of the “softer” sciences such as EQ are often overlooked and the researcher wanted to investigate the impact that increased awareness and knowledge regarding EQ abilities could have on leadership within an ICT department towards achieving overall success. The value of EQ can only be understood if managers and teams understand the concept and potential impact of EQ on both a personal and professional level to guide them to eventual success, even in difficult and trying times. The aim of this study, whilst focusing on the impact of EQ on leadership, will be to provide information and create awareness of the EQ concept to the broader SI department’s employees. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is verkennende navorsing en verdere studie om die impak wat emosionele intelligensie (EQ) op die leierskap strukture binne die Stelsel Integrasie department (SI), van T-Systems, Suid-Afrika kan hê, verder te verken. Die korporatiewe omgewing van vandag is uiters mededingend, onvoorspelbaar en kompleks. Die omgewing bied unieke uitdagings aan die leierskapkwaliteite van die moderne leier en bestuurder binne die Informasie en Kommunikasie Tegnologie (IKT) veld. Gedurende sy studie aan die Universiteit Van Stellenbosch om die Meestergraad in Besigheidsadministrasie (MBA) te voltooi, was die navorser blootgestel aan die konsep van emosionele intelligensie en die onderlinge impak wat die wetenskaplike veld kan teweeg bring om volhoubare groei en ontwikkeling binne ‘n organisasie te stimuleer. Organisasies spandeer en investeer jaarliks miljoene rande aan Informasie en Tegnologie (IT) stelsels om hulle besigheidsprosesse te aktiveer en sodoende suksesvol te wees op alle strategiese gebiede insluitende volhoubare finansiële sukses. Die investerings sluit die konsepte van program- en projekbestuur in. Die vraag wat gereeld gevra word, is of die sogenaamde “harde” wetenskappe soos projekbestuur wat daagliks in ’n projekomgewing aangewend word, genoeg sal wees om te verseker dat ’n organisasie volhoubare groei en finansiële sukses op die langtermyn kan nastreef. Die belangrikheid van die “sagter” wetenskappe soos emosionele intelligensie word baie kere oorgesien en die navorser wil poog om die impak van emosionele intelligensie op die leierskapkwaliteit en standaarde binne die SI department te ondersoek en te bepaal of dit bydra tot die departement se sukses. Die waarde van emosionele intelligensie kan net verstaan word indien leiers en bestuurders die onderliggende konsepte en potensiële impak verstaan en die waarde besef wat die veld op beide hulle persoonlike maar ook professionele lewens mag hê om suksesvol te kan wees, selfs in moeilike tye. Die doel van die studie, alhoewel meer gerig op die impak wat emosionele intelligensie op leierskap mag hê, poog ook om bewustheid te skep en die nodige inligting rakende emosionele intelligensie konsepte uit te lig en van toepassing te maak op die werknemers binne die SI department.

The industry attractiveness of the South African footwear industry : a productivity perspective

Forster, Eugene Friedrich 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has been integrated into the global economy since the abolishment of the apartheid era in 1994 through a rapid programme of trade liberalisation. Its footwear industry illustrates the effects of these policies on companies and their real output, employment and wage payments, which are among the most important channels through which the market forces (supply and demand) affect poverty in a developing economy. Exporting has been driven by trade liberalisation, but the restructuring of companies to keep up with technology and the effect of cheaper imports from the East have been the main reasons for a substantial fall in total employment, while manufacturing has stagnated. Labour productivity has increased with better production methods and some innovation, which had a positive effect on wage payments to workers in this labour-intensive industry. South Africa has not been isolated from the world recession that began in 2008, therefore manufacturing – the second biggest sector in SA – has been in free-fall this year, sliding by double digits on a year-on-year basis. The footwear industry’s attractiveness is therefore seen as moderate, but with potential once the economy starts growing again. A factor that needs to be taken into account is the exchange rate of the South African rand, which has gained more than 20 per cent to the dollar so far this year. This has been the main reason why the fall in exports has been larger than that of imports. These lower imports also highlighted weak consumer demand. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vanaf 1994, met die beëindiging van die apartheidsera, het Suid-Afrika se toetrede tot die wêreldekonomie voortgesnel danksy handelsintegrasie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse skoenbedryf is ’n tipiese voorbeeld hiervan, en maatskappye in die bedryf getuig daarvan deur werklike uitsette, werkverskaffing en loonbetalings wat die belangrikste vorme is om markewewigte (vraag en aanbod) in a onderontwikkelde ekonomie te bevredig. Uitvoere is die gevolg van hierdie handelsintegrasie, maar vele maatskappye het agterweë gebly om tegnologies vooruit te gaan. Tesame met goedkoper invoere uit die Ooste, was dit die vernaamste rede vir werkloosheid in die skoenbedryf terwyl produksie gestagneer het. In sekere gevalle het werkers se produktiwiteit verhoog as gevolg van beter produksiemetodes en innovasie, wat ’n positiewe effek op die salarisse en lone van werkers in die bedryf gehad het. Die wêreldresessie in 2008 het Suid-Afrika ook negatief beïnvloed, veral die tweede grootste sektor, naamlik vervaardiging, wat tot dubbelsyfers gedaal het op ’n jaar-op-jaar basis. Die skoenbedryf word gesien as ’n gematigde bedryf om in besigheid te doen, maar met heelwat potensiaal wanneer die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie weer begin groei. ’n Belangrike faktor is die wisselkoers van die Suid-Afrikaanse rand teenoor die Amerikaanse dollar, wat met meer as 20 persent toegeneem het. Dit is die hoofrede vir ’n groter daling in uitvoere as invoere. Laer invoere beklemtoon ook die swak verbruikersvraag.

Word-of-mouth marketing to emerging black middle class women in South Africa

Van Loggerenberg, Marthinus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Word-of-mouth is fluid and happening everywhere. Networks are invisible and sensitive to organisational behaviour. The post-modern consumer is sceptical of advertising messages. Friends' advice is trusted more. People love to be entertained and for a story to travel it needs to be sticky i.e. have simplicity, credibility and value. The product or message must be relevant and appropriate to their lives. Influencers exist in every product category and marketers could utilise them authentically to infiltrate network hubs. However, a contagious product is needed from a trusted, loved company with a solid reputation first before any buzz or referrals could commence. Communication between the company and the subject ought to be ongoing and personal. Companies must not just aim to please, but exceed expectations in an innovative way to gain attention. A clear differentiation from competitors stated in an unconventional and memorable way is a potent combination to make an impact and be remembered. Although the black middle class presents itself as an ever-growing goldmine, this buoyant part of the South African market is still underplayed and sometimes ignored by marketers. They are indeed different from the white middle class due to their frame of reference and the context of their background and should be approached differently in a marketing sense when truly gaining insight into their attitudes, values and belief systems. Coming from a tripartheid background, black middle class women are gaining economic and influential ground by the day. Word-of-mouth is an integral part of their life and network culture, especially standing with one foot in a Western world and another in their traditional African roots and culture, thus trusted advice from relevant sources is now more needed than ever. Understanding her dreams, being able to catch the fleeting moments which provide her motivation and collaborating with her is imperative for marketers to understand if their product or brand wants to be taken with her on her success journey. As she embraces technology more and gains access to the virtual world, creating and upholding digital interaction with her becomes increasingly important. In trying economic times, conspicuous consumption by the black middle class consumer is being put on the backburner, yet it would still remain a priority for this segment of the market for years to come as the quest towards self-actualisation is ongoing. Brands must be educated to follow up on their word-of-mouth campaigns, and provide support and appreciation to their pool of network influencers. Although measuring word-of-mouth is difficult it could be measured by objectives like sales-targets, with online activity being much easier to measure. In trying economic times an insightful and impactful word-of-mouth campaign could have a much greater return on investment than utilising the same old traditional media approaches. Media planning should commence from the customer‘s point of view and not from the company‘s point of view. By doing this the customer is treated like a true stakeholder of the company. When doing media planning, historic ways of making target market contact should be ignored and planning should be done on a completely clean slate thus to enable media planners and marketers to think innovatively. By incorporating these healthy media planning practices the door is opened for a possible word-of-mouth initiative to commence and thus a competitive advantage could be gained. The purpose of this literature study, which includes expert interviews, is to explore current word-of-mouth literature and tools available in light of globalisation enabling virtual communities and overlaying this with psychographical models available in South Africa, particularly focusing on the black middle class woman‘s evolvement sustaining cultural roots and traditional networks yet opening up to a changing media environment. The research question for this study thus is: How can brands and organisations utilise word-of-mouth marketing to reach and resonate with the modern emerging black middle class woman in South Africa today? / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Word-of-mouth is vloeiend en vind orals om ons plaas. Netwerke van mense is onsigbaar en sensitief vir die gedrag van enige onderneming. Die postmoderne verbruiker staan skepties teenoor advertensieboodskappe. Vriende se advies is meer betroubaar. Mense hou daarvan om vermaak te word en vir ʼn storie om te versprei is ʼn tipe volhoubaarheid nodig, dus die storie moet eenvoudig wees en kredietwaardigheid hê. Die produk of boodskap moet op hul lewens van toepassing wees en aldus relevansie hê. Die kategorie waarin elke produk geplaas word, huisves invloedryke verbruikers en sodoende kan bemarkers op 'n natuurlike wyse bestaande netwerke binnedring. ʼn Onderneming met ʼn eerbare reputasie wat geliefd en betroubaar is moet ʼn opwindende of opspraakwekkende produk kan lewer alvorens enige gonsing of reaksie in die mark kan geskied. Kommunikasie tussen die onderneming en die invloedryke persoon in eersgenoemde se teikenmarknetwerk moet deurgaans op persoonlike vlak geskied. Ondernemings moet poog om nie net aan hul verbruikers se verwagtinge te voldoen nie, maar om dit te oortref op 'n innoverende manier wat die aandag trek. ʼn Duidelike onderskeid tussen mededingers moet op ʼn onkonvensionele en indrukwekkende wyse plaasvind om sodoende ʼn volhoubare indruk te maak. Alhoewel die swart middelklas ʼn vinnig-groeiende goudmyn is, word hierdie uiters winsgewende sektor van die Suid-Afrikaanse mark steeds onderskat en somtyds deur bemarkers geïgnoreer. Die swart middelklas is immers verskillend van die wit middelklas as gevolg van hulle verwysingsraamwerk en agtergrond en moet dus anders in ʼn bemarkingskonteks benader word. Te meer gesien in die lig van hul opvattinge, waardes en geloofsoortuigings. Swart middelklas vroue, komende van ʼn drie-dubbele apartheids-agtergrond, styg in rasse skrede op ekonomiese vlak uit en raak veral invloedryk op vele gebiede. Hoorsê of oorvertellings is ʼn integrale deel van hulle lewens- en netwerkkultuur, veral as in ag geneem word dat sy met een voet in die Westerste kultuur en die ander gewortel in haar tradisionele Afrika kultuur staan. Daarom is vertrouenswaardige advies van relevante bronne nou meer nodig as ooit. Indien bemarkers daarin wil slaag dat sy hul produk of handelsmerk steeds bly gebruik soos sy meer suksesvol raak, moet hulle haar drome en die vlietende oomblikke wat haar motiveer verstaan en ook met haar bande smee. Soos sy meer vertroud raak met tegnologie en toegang verkry tot die virtuele wêreld, sal die skepping en behoud van digitale interaksie met haar al hoe belangriker word. Alhoewel duidelik waarneembare handelsmerkverbruik deur die swart middelklas tydens moeilike ekonomiese tye verflou of afplat, sal dit tog vir diesulkes nog jare 'n prioriteit bly soos wat hul konstante strewe na selfaktualisering daagliks aanhou groei. Handelsmerke moet daarna streef om gedurende word-of-mouth bemarkingsveldtogte sake konstant te bly opvolg. Hulle moet ook hul waardering toon aan diegene wat die grootste invloed het op ander in hul geïdentifiseerde netwerke van verbruikers en hulle aldus ondersteuning bied. Alhoewel die meting van word-of-mouth bemarking moeilik is, kan meting wel plaasvind deur doelwitte soos beoogde verkoopsyfers daar te stel. Aanlyn aktiwiteite is aansienlik makliker om te meet. Ondernemings kan heel moontlik ʼn groter verdienste-teenoor-investeringsmarge verkry, die resessie in ag genome, deur eerder indrukwekkende word-of-mouth veldtogte, geskoei op goeie markinsig te gebruik, as om terug te val op dieselfde ou tradisionele mediabenaderings. Die doel van hierdie literatuurstudie, wat ook onderhoude met kenners insluit, is om huidige word-of-mouth tegnieke en beskikbare literatuur te ontplooi teen ʼn agtergrond van globalisering wat skepping van virtuele gemeenskappe tot gevolg het. Hierdie inligting word dan gekorreleer met verskeie psigografiese modelle van die Suid-Afrikaanse swart middelklas mark. Hierdie studie fokus ook noukeurig op die vooruitgang van die swart middelklas vrou. Alhoewel sy nog haar tradisionele sosiale netwerke en kultuurgrondslag behou, stel sy haarself tog oop vir ʼn vinnig veranderende media-omgewing. Die navorsingsvraag van hierdie studie is dus: Hoe kan handelsmerke en ondernemings “word-of-mouth” bemarking gebruik om die ontluikende, moderne swart middelklasvrou in Suid-Afrika effektief te bereik en by haar aanklank te vind?

Cost-effective cardiology in the new national health system in South Africa : a proposal

Cilliers, Willie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is on the verge of major changes in the private medical sector. The government’s planned National Health Insurance has far reaching implications for all role players in the industry, as well as for the general public. This paper looks at the changes that have been made since the ANC government came to power in 1994 and then continues to look at possible models for the new National Health Insurance plan. A proposal on practicing cost-effective cardiology within this new system is made. The data of a pilot project between a private service provider and a managed healthcare company is analysed as a basis of this discussion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se mediese bedryf staan op die vooraand van groot veranderinge. Die regering se beplande Nasionale Gesondheidsplan het verreikende implikasies vir alle rolspelers in die bedryf, sowel as die algemene man op straat. Die dokument kyk oorsigtelik na die veranderinge wat ondergaan is sedert die ANC regering aan bewind gekom het in 1994 en gaan daarna voort om na moontlike opsies te kyk hoe die nuwe gesondheidsmodel daarna gaan uitsien. Voorstelle word gemaak oor hoe privaat kardiologie in die nuwe sisteem koste-effektief beoefen kan word. ‘n Lootsprojek van ‘n privaat diensverskaffer en ‘n bestuurde gesongheidsorg maatskappy se data word ontleed as basis vir die bespreking.

The role of emotional intelligence in the investment management industry : a case study of a South African investment manager

Mulder, Sunette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The investment management industry is a challenging, exciting and rewarding environment to be employed in. The financial markets and global economies that form the playground for this industry are continually changing and evolving. Firms place a high premium on the intellectual capabilities of their staff and the continued development of those capabilities. However, the perceived soft skills are very often overlooked within the recruitment and development process. The question arises, whether these soft skills have a place within such a highly performance driven environment and does the existence of above average cognitive ability imply the existence of above average emotional ability as measured by emotional intelligence? Adam Smith, who is widely regarded as the father of modern economic theory stated, “If you don’t know who you are, the market is an expensive place to find out”. The rationale of the study is to determine the individual and group emotional intelligence profile for the investment team of an investment manager and the role emotional intelligence plays within their daily operations. The resulting profile will enable the investment management firm to train and develop individual staff members and the group accordingly to improve performance. The result can also be used to build a profile of an ideal candidate that can be used in future recruitment. Data for the case study was collected from an investment management firm where 11 individuals out of the investment team volunteered to take part in the testing. The instrument used was the online BarOn EQ-i. The service of an accredited firm of consulting psychologists was used to conduct the testing. With the help of a trained EQ specialist, the writer compiled and interpreted the results. All results showed an average group composite EQ score below the target score put forward by the writer and EQ specialist and also below the South African standard score, with only a few individuals scoring on or above target for some of the subsections and components of EQ. This study concluded with recommendations to the firm for EQ development on the individual and group level. At an individual level the development should be constructed around the specific needs identified in the EQ results. At an organisational level the recommendations focused on creating organisational acceptance for the development initiative. The study also made proposals regarding future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beleggingsindustrie is ‘n uitdagende, opwindende en lonende omgewing om in te werk. Die finansiële markte en wêreld ekonomieë wat op ‘n deurlopende basis verander vorm die arena waarbinne die industrie moet bestaan. Firmas heg groot waarde aan die intellektuele vaardighede van werknemers en die voortgaande ontwikkeling van daardie vaardighede. Die sogenaamde sagte vaardighede word egter gereeld oor die hoof gesien as nuwe werknemers aangestel word en bestaande werknemers ontwikkel word. Die vraag ontstaan of die sagte vaardighede ‘n bestaansreg het binne so ‘n hoogs kompeterende omgewing en of die bestaan van bogemiddelde intelligensie noodwendig ‘n aanduiding is van bogemiddelde emosionele intelligensie? Die sogenaamde vader van die moderne ekonomiese teorie, Adam Smith, het gesê: “Indien jy nie jouself ken nie, is die markte ‘n duur plek om jouself te vind”. Die beweegrede vir die studie is om die profiel te bepaal vir emosionele intelligensie vir beide die individu en die groep binne die beleggingspan van ‘n batebestuurder en te bepaal wat die rol is wat emosionele intelligensie speel binne die daaglikse aktiwiteite van die firma. Die profiel wat volg uit die resultaat sal die batebestuurder in staat stel om individue en die groep op te lei en ontwikkel om sodoende hul prestasie te verbeter. Die resultaat kan ook gebruik word om ‘n profiel te vorm van ‘n ideale kandidaat wat gebruik kan word in toekomstige werwing. Data vir die gevallestudie is vanaf ‘n batebestuurder verkry nadat 11 individue uit dit beleggingspan aangebied het om deel te neem aan die studie. Die aanlyn BarOn EQ-i is gebruik vir die toetsing. ‘n Geakkrediteerde fima konsulterende sielkundiges is gebruik om die toetse af te neem. Met die hulp van ‘n opgeleide spesialis in die veld van emosionele intelligensie en die BarOn EQ-i, het die skrywer die resultate saamgestel en vertolk. Alle resultate het getoon dat die gemiddelde group saamgestelde EQ telling laer is as die teiken telling wat deur die skrywer en spesialis voorgestel is en ook laer as die Suid-Afrikaanse Standaard telling met slegs enkele individue wat die teiken of hoër as die teiken telling behaal het vir sekere van die onderafdelings en komponente van EQ. Die studie is afgesluit met aanbevelings aan die firma om EQ te ontwikkel op beide die groep en individuele vlak. Aan die individuele kant moet die ontwikkeling bepaal word met inagneming van die spesifieke resultate van die EQ toetsing. Uit die oogpunt van die firma fokus die aanbevelings op inisiatiewe om aanvaarding vir die ontwikkeling in die firma te bewerkstellig. Die studie maak ook voorstelle aangaande verdere navorsing wat onderneem kan word.

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