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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enterprise Business Alignment Using Quality Function Deployment, Multivariate Data Analysis And Business Modeling Tools

Gammoh, Diala 01 January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation proposes two novel ideas to enhance the business strategy alignment to customer needs. The proposed business alignment clock is a new illustration to the relationships between customer requirements, business strategies, capabilities and processes. To line up the clock and reach the needed alignment for the enterprise, a proposed clock mechanism is introduced. The mechanism integrates the Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) with the House of Quality (HoQ). The relationship matrix inside the body of the house is defined using multivariate data analysis techniques to accurately measure the strength of the relationships rather than defining them subjectively. A statistical tool, multivariate data analysis, can be used to overcome the ambiguity in quantifying the relationships in the house of quality matrix. The framework is proposed in the basic conceptual model context of the EBA showing different levels of the enterprise architecture; the goals, the capabilities and the value stream architecture components. In the proposed framework, the goals and the capabilities are inputs to two houses of quality, in which the alignment between customer needs and business goals, and the alignment between business goals and capabilities are checked in the first house and the second house, respectively. The alignment between the business capabilities and the architecture components (workflows, events and environment) is checked in a third HoQ using the performance indicators of the value stream architecture components, which may result in infrastructure expansion, software development or process improvement to reach the needed alignment by the enterprise. The value of the model was demonstrated using the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) process at the Industrial Engineering and Management Systems department at the University of Central Florida. The assessment of ABET criteria involves an evaluation of the extent to which the program outcomes are being achieved and results in decisions and actions to improve the Industrial Engineering program at the University of Central Florida. The proposed framework increases the accuracy of measuring the extent to which the program learning outcomes have been achieved at the department. The process of continuous alignment between the educational objectives and customer needs becomes more vital by the rapid change of customer requirements that are obtained from both internal and external constituents (students, faculty, alumni, and employers in the first place).

Open source nástroje na podporu byznys architektury / Open source tools for business architecture

Krejčí, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Business architecture is compared to the enterprise architecture discipline still unexplored. While a number of papers and literature on enterprise architecture has been written, business architecture remains behind in this respect. This thesis mainly deals with the creation of a conceptual model of business architecture artifacts and comparing them with open source tools. The primary objective of this study is to compare open source tools to support the business architecture artifacts. To fulfill this primary objective is important secondary objective. The secondary objective is to analyze the most highly cited expert articles and scientific literature and analyzing the most common architectural frameworks in organizations. Based on the analysis of these sources of information create conceptual artifacts BA model with the largest number of their occurrence. These artifacts will be assigned to specific models, which fulfill them. After reaching the secondary target, comes the fulfillment of the primary objectives. Then selected open source tools will be compared with that created a conceptual model and evaluated as a measure of its fulfillment.

Návrh a implementace business architektury v doméně poskytování realitních služeb / Design and implementation of the Business Architecture in the segment of providing the real-estate services

Vlach, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
In the 21st century is still more and more emphasis laid on the phenomenon of Business Process Management. In a great number of corporations it plays the key role, because it makes the overall performance of the organization more effective and it is able to react flexibly in the rapidly changing environment. The main purpose of this graduation thesis is to get the reader to know the meaning of the notion "business architecture -- its structure and roles in the process management. The main task is to design business architecture of the specific field of business and try to implement it in the real and existent or emerging company subjects, offering the real-estate services. As a result of this, we prove the usefulness of the process management and business architecture as a key factor of reaching the effectivity in dynamic, rapidly changing and competitive environment. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part provides us with methodical data and the practical part with the design of business architecture of a subject, actively operating in the real-estate market. Graphical figures are also the part of the thesis using CABE tool ProVision by Metastorm Corporation.

Propuesta de automatización del proceso de ventas para un grupo de ópticas / Proposal to improve the logistics and customer service process

Navarro Prado, Edwin, Roca Ticona, Heribert Kerry 05 December 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad el mercado es muy competitivo y, cada vez son más las empresas que deciden automatizar sus procesos buscando reducir el tiempo y costo en la ejecución de los mismos, así como también los errores que se puedan presentar al trabajar de forma manual, todo esto con el objetivo de ser mucho más rentables y eficaces. El presente proyecto de tesis contempla una propuesta de automatización del proceso de venta para un grupo de ópticas mediante una aplicación web la cual será desplegada en una plataforma Cloud tipo SaaS. Proponiendo también dar un nuevo enfoque a la empresa alineado siempre al logro de sus objetos estratégicos. En el capítulo 1 del documento se elabora la definición del proyecto, donde se menciona información de la empresa objeto de estudio. También se describe la problemática y el impacto que repercute en la organización. En el capítulo 2, se describe el cumplimiento de los Student Outcomes. En el capítulo 3, se definen los fundamentos del marco teórico que respaldan el desarrollo del proyecto. En el capítulo 4, se realiza el desarrollo del proyecto donde se utiliza el marco de trabajo Zachman con la metodología TOGAF, además se definen los conceptos, estilos arquitectónicos y tácticas empleadas en la arquitectura de software. En el capítulo 5, se realiza el desarrollo de la gestión del proyecto con un enfoque tradicional predictivo, donde se especifican las fases y las áreas de conocimiento que nos sugiere la guía PMBOK. / Currently the market is very competitive and more and more companies decide to automate their processes seeking to reduce the time and cost in their execution, as well as the errors that may occur when working manually, all this with the aim of being much more profitable and effective. This thesis project contemplates a proposal to automate the sales process for a group of opticians through a web application which will be deployed on a SaaS-type Cloud platform. Also proposing to give a new approach to the company always aligned to the achievement of its strategic objectives. In chapter 1 of the document the definition of the project is elaborated, where information of the company under study is mentioned. The problem and the impact it has on the organization is also described. In Chapter 2, compliance with the Student Outcomes is described. In Chapter 3, the foundations of the theoretical framework that support the development of the project are defined. In chapter 4, the development of the project is carried out where the Zachman framework is used with the TOGAF methodology, in addition the concepts, architectural styles and tactics used in software architecture are defined. In Chapter 5, the project management development is carried out with a traditional predictive approach, where the phases and areas of knowledge suggested by the PMBOK guide are specified. / Tesis

Propuesta de desarrollo de un módulo web para gestionar recursos de los proyectos de la unidad de ingeniería de una compañía consultora de proyectos de seguridad

Sedamano Cornejo, Orlando Alexis, Cabrejos Silva, Walter Alberto 01 December 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo proponer a la compañía ESSAC una herramienta que le permita solucionar aspectos relacionados con la inexacta estimación de horas hombre para el desarrollo de sus proyectos, ineficiencia en el desarrollo de las actividades asignadas e inadecuado seguimiento de los recursos de los proyectos. En la actualidad la compañía incurre, debido a esta problemática, en gastos operativos no contemplados, entregables de los proyectos con calidad deficiente y principalmente en la reducción del margen de utilidad esperada por cada proyecto. Ante tal problemática, la tesis estará enfocada en analizar el negocio y sus principales procesos aplicando el Framework Zachman y la metodología TOGAF, con la finalidad de identificar el proceso núcleo que deberá ser mejorado. Posteriormente a la identificación del proceso, la tesis estará enfocada en elaborar el diseño de la arquitectura de software aplicando conceptos de ingeniería de requerimientos para identificar los requisitos del sistema, casos de uso y drivers arquitectónicos más relevantes. A partir de ello, se definirán los escenarios de calidad, estilos y tácticas que serán consideradas en el diseño de la arquitectura. Finalmente, se utilizará el Modelo C4 para representar mediante diagramas los diferentes niveles de abstracción que tendrá la arquitectura de software y a través de prototipos una visión general del software planteado. La propuesta planteada permitirá a la compañía ESSAC reducir el gasto operativo mensual no presupuestado, alcanzar niveles aceptables de eficiencia de los recursos del proyecto y obtener indicadores de gestión de proyectos que apoyen la toma de decisión. / The objective of this thesis is to propose to the ESSAC company a tool that allows it to solve aspects related to the inaccurate estimation of man-hours for the development of its projects, inefficiency in the development of assigned activities and inadequate monitoring of project resources. Currently, the company incurs, due to this problem, in non-contemplated operating expenses, deliverables of projects with poor quality and mainly in the reduction of the profit margin expected for each project. Faced with such problems, the thesis will focus on analyzing the business and its main processes applying the Zachman Framework and the TOGAF methodology, in order to identify the core process that should be improved. After identifying the process, the thesis will be focused on developing the software architecture design applying requirements engineering concepts to identify the most relevant system requirements, use cases and architectural drivers. From this, the quality scenarios, styles, and tactics that will be considered in the architecture design will be defined. Finally, the C4 Model will be used to represent by means of diagrams the different levels of abstraction that the software architecture will have and through prototypes an overview of the proposed software. The proposed proposal will allow the ESSAC company to reduce the unbudgeted monthly operating expense, reach acceptable levels of efficiency of project resources and obtain project management indicators that support decision-making. / Tesis

Propuesta de un modelo de Arquitectura Empresarial para una Corte Superior de Justicia

Benavides Bermúdez, José Justiniano, Cuba Peña, Rosario del Pilar, Huamán Aguilar, Rosario Vanesa, Mori Paiva, Hugo Allan 15 December 2020 (has links)
En nuestro país, el sistema de justicia se encuentra conformado por el Ministerio Público, el Tribunal Constitucional, la Junta Nacional de Justicia, la Academia de la Magistratura, y finalmente, pero no menos importante, el Poder Judicial. Esta última entidad mencionada, es un poder del estado que se encarga de administrar justicia a través de sus órganos jurisdiccionales, en base a la Constitución política del Perú y a sus leyes. El Perú debe realizar cambios en sus procesos para mejorar los diferentes servicios de justicia brindados. Para mejorar los servicios del Poder Judicial se propone implementar arquitectura empresarial, la cual permite alinear los objetivos estratégicos con las tecnologías de información. En la tesis “Propuesta de un modelo de Arquitectura Empresarial para una Corte Superior de Justicia” se desarrollará una propuesta de mejora de servicios a través de arquitectura empresarial a través de la metodología TOGAF. La propuesta comienza con el marco teórico que abarca conceptos de justicia, así como de arquitectura empresarial; luego se explica la situación actual del Poder Judicial, el planteamiento del problema y la justificación de este. A la mitad de la tesis se presenta el objetivo de la propuesta, seguida de la propuesta de solución al problema encontrado, para finalmente brindar las conclusiones y recomendaciones. Mediante el marco de trabajo Zachman se ha realizado el análisis de la situación actual por el cual se determinado que el macro proceso más importante es la “Gestión de procesos judiciales”; se ha usado el diagrama de causa – efecto para encontrar las causas del problema. La propuesta se ha desarrollado en base modelos de mejoras internacionales y una selección de buenas prácticas a través de un modelo propuesto de arquitectura empresarial. La presente tesis es una propuesta que debe servir como modelo para la implementación de una arquitectura empresarial en todo el Poder Judicial. / In our country, the justice system is formed by the Public Ministry, the Constitutional Court, the National Board of Justice, the Academy of the Magistracy, and last but not least, the Power of attorney. This last entity mentioned is a power of the state that is responsible for administer justice through its jurisdictional bodies, based on the Political Constitution of Peru and its laws. Peru must make changes in its processes to improve the different justice services provided. To improve the services of the Judiciary, it is proposed to implement business architecture, which allows aligning strategic objectives with information technologies. In the thesis "Proposal of a Business Architecture model for a Superior Court of Justice" a proposal for improving services through business architecture through the TOGAF methodology will be developed. The proposal begins with the theoretical framework that includes concepts of justice, as well as business architecture; then the current situation of the Judiciary, the approach to the problem and its justification are explained. In the middle of the thesis, the objective of the proposal is presented, followed by the proposed solution to the problem encountered, to finally provide the conclusions and recommendations. Through the Zachman framework, the analysis of the current situation has been carried out, whereby it was determined that the most important macro process is the "Management of judicial processes"; The cause - effect diagram has been used to find the causes of the problem. The proposal has been developed based on international improvement models and a selection of good practices through a proposed business architecture model. This thesis is a proposal that should serve as a model for the implementation of a business architecture throughout the Judiciary. / Tesis

Towards an Ontology and Canvas for Strongly Sustainable Business Models: A Systemic Design Science Exploration

13 September 2013 (has links)
An ontology describing the constructs and their inter-relationships for business models has recently been built and evaluated: the Business Model Ontology (BMO). This ontology has been used to conceptually power a popular practitioner visual design tool: the Business Model Canvas (BMC). However, implicitly these works assume that designers of business models all have a singular normative goal: the creation of businesses that are financially profitable. These works perpetuate beliefs and businesses that do not create outcomes aligned with current natural and social science knowledge about long term individual human, societal and ecological flourishing, i.e. outcomes are not strongly sustainable. This limits the applicability and utility of these works. This exploratory research starts to overcome these limitations: creating knowledge of what is required of businesses for strongly sustainable outcomes to emerge and helping business model designers efficiently create high quality (reliable, consistent, effective) strongly sustainable business models. Based on criticism and review, this research project extends the BMO artefact to enable the description all the constructs and their inter-relationships related to a strongly sustainable business model. This results in the Strongly Sustainable Business Model Ontology (SSBMO). To help evaluate the SSBMO a practitioner visual design tool is also developed: the Strongly Sustainable Business Model Canvas (SSBMC). Ontological engineering (from Artificial Intelligence), Design Science and Systems Thinking methodological approaches were combined in a novel manner to create the Systemic Design Science approach used to build and evaluate the SSBMO. Comparative analysis, interviews and case study techniques were used to evaluate the utility of the designed artefacts. Formal 3rd party evaluation with 7 experts and 2 case study companies resulted in validation of the overall approaches used and the utility of the SSBMO. A number of opportunities for improvement, as well as areas for future work, are identified. This thesis includes a number of supplementary graphics included in separate (electronic) files. See “List of Supplementary Materials” for details.

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