Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business income"" "subject:"business lancome""
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Business interruption insurance (a survey of the coverage of business interruption losses caused by fire and allied hazards, other than marine).Kahler, Clyde McCarty, January 1930 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1930. / On cover: University of Pennsylvania. Bibliography: p. 215-218.
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An Examination of the Accounting Debate over the Determination of Business Income: 1945-1952Pence, Diana Kay 12 1900 (has links)
George O. May's (1952) prescient statement that "if accounting had not already become, it was well on its way to becoming a political phenomenon" provides the motivation for this study. Changing socioeconomic relationships in the post-World War II period make it an ideal period to examine the politicalization of accounting. Keynesian economic policies justified active government intervention in the economy to manage demand and ensure full employment. No longer could it be assumed that competitive market forces would ensure that corporations produced goods and services at a socially optimal level or that income would be distributed equitably. Claims that accounting profit provides a measure of managerial efficiency are based on these premises. This dissertation examines the political dynamics of one particular accounting measurement debate--the debate over the determination of business income. Policies, such as wage/price controls, the excess profits tax, and the undistributed profits tax, brought the accounting income determination debate to center stage. The perseverance of the historic cost allocation model in the face of significant economic changes presents a fascinating glimpse of the important role accounting played in justifying continued reliance on the private property rights paradigm. I use retrodiction (reasoning from present to past) to examine why the historic cost allocation model has been so enduring. In my examination, I use personal correspondence, transcripts of Congressional hearings, published financial statements, and relevant journal articles. My analysis indicates that, while accountants empathized with managers who claimed that inflation distorted reported earnings and recognized that a serious measurement scale issue existed, they also recognized that abandonment of historic cost would not be politically feasible. If accountants had adopted a strongly partisan position that favored management with respect to bargaining with labor, this could have undermined the profession's claim to neutrality and opened the standard-setting process to closer political scrutiny. Accountants responded to management in a less visible way. Standard setters adopted techniques that gave managers maximum flexibility in managing income while retaining the aura of objectivity that attached to historic cost.
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No description available.
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營利事業所得稅納稅成本之研究-以台灣地區建築業為例 / The Compliance Costs of Business Income Tax: For Examples of Taiwan Area's Builder古秀如, Gu, Syou Ru Unknown Date (has links)
一般研究租稅超額負擔時,多探討租稅課徵造成資源配置扭曲的問題,而忽略租稅徵收成本(Administrative Costs)和納稅成本(Compliance Costs)亦會擴大租稅的超額負擔;事實上,租稅的徵納成本在整個財政制度的運作上是不容忽視的;再者,就公平面而言,租稅制度之設計除了必須考慮稅額負擔的垂直公平與水平公平外,對於納稅義務人間負擔租稅徵納成本是否平均的問題亦不可忽視。
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我國民營企業所得稅收入預測方法之研究李懷彬, Lee, Huai Bin Unknown Date (has links)
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Taxation of foreign business income within the European internal market : an analysis of the conflict between the objective of achievement of the European internal market and...Monsenego, Jérôme January 2011 (has links)
Member States' rules on the taxation of the foreign business income of companies, whether they are based on the fiscal principle of territoriality or on the principle of worldwide taxation, raise complex issues of compatibility with the law of the European Union. Areas of conflict include particularly the taxation of foreign profits, the deduction of foreign losses, the elimination of international double taxation, and the attribution of profits to permanent establishments. The dissertation analyses these conflicts on the basis of a study of the case law of the European Court of Justice. Although this analysis provides some guidance for the taxation of companies when they carry out business activities throughout the European Union, it is concluded that the Court cannot, by itself: solve the conflict between the taxation of business income in a cross-border context and the objective of achievement of the internal market. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, 2011
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<p dir="ltr">This research examined the impact of power dynamics in decision-making on both the gross income and perceived success of businesses. Additionally, it investigated the influence of premarital and postmarital factors on decision-making processes within businesses. The first chapter posited two hypotheses: first, that business income would positively correlate with participation in copreneurial relationships, and second, that perceived success would similarly correlate positively with such relationships. In the second chapter, hypotheses were advanced that premarital endowments would increase the likelihood of shared decision-making in businesses, and that postmarital conditions, viewed as assets, would positively influence joint decision-making.</p><p dir="ltr">Methodologically, the first chapter employed OLS regression for gross income analysis and logit regression for perceived success assessment. The second chapter utilized a two-stage least squares model to reinforce first chapter findings, alongside logit regression to examine the probabilistic effects of premarital endowments and postmarital assets on shared decision-making. The findings indicate no statistically significant relationship between business income and copreneurial management. Similarly, no significant association was found between perceived success and ownership of copreneurial businesses. Regarding determinants of joint decision-making within businesses, premarital endowments were minimally impactful, with greater reliance observed on postmarital assets, particularly the hours invested in business operations.</p>
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XBRL在營利事業所得稅申報之應用張翠珊, Tsui-Shan Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將建立起一套符合中華民國稅法與相關法令規定之營利事業所得稅之XBRL 分類標準,並利用該分類標準之架構,設計出一套能符合現行法令規定且以XBRL為基礎之營利事業所得稅申報之程式軟體。本論文會將虛擬資料輸入已建好之程式,來進行實際展示如何產生以XBRL為格式之營利事業所得稅申報電子檔,以作為未來企業運用時之參考。另外,針對國稅局方面,本論文亦設計一驗證程式,讓國稅局能夠對所收到之營利事業所得稅申報檔進行資料正確性之檢查及驗證。 / XBRL is an XML-based, royalty-free, and open standard, used to stipulate the data exchange standard in the Internet. XBRL can substantially help improve the transparency of financial information, and communicate the information chain more fluently, and expedite the data processing.
The objective of this thesis is to establish the XBRL taxonomy for the returns of Business Income Tax in Taiwan, and to design the XBRL-based application software for filing the Business Income Tax returns. By establishing the XBRL taxonomy, it can help the tax department to retrieve tax return data from corporations more efficiently. Since the data for filing tax returns can also be retrieved directly from the general ledger database, the benefits of promoting the XBRL-based tax return filing system would include saving operation costs, reducing the possibility of errors, avoiding re-keying data, and filing tax returns faster and more efficiently.
For the National Tax Administration, the XBRL-based filing system can simplify the paper work on processing tax returns. Further, National Tax Administration can utilize the program to directly analyze the electronic tax data, diagnosing the abcdrmal financial relationships, and devise more efficient audit program. In the future, if the data of corporations’ general ledger and business tax are all prepared in XBRL, National Tax Administration can directly trace from tax return data to firms’ financial statements and thus increase the efficiency and effectiveness of tax audit.
To facilitate building the XBRL-based tax return filing system, this thesis establishes a set of XBRL taxonomy for Business Income Tax return in Taiwan, and use the taxonomy to design a XBRL-based application software for Business Income Tax returns. This thesis also demonstrates the application of this software using virtual financial data to generate the XBRL-format Business Income Tax return data. Further, this study also designs a software that can be used by National Tax Administration to verify the tax return data received from corporate taxpayers.
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我國上市公司營利事業所得稅負擔之研究 / BUSINESS INCOME TAX BURDEN OF PUBLIC COMPANIES IN TAIWAN楊朝旭, Yang, Chaur Shiuh Unknown Date (has links)
美國的租稅正義公民會社(Citizens for Tax Jusitce)在一九八五年發表一篇震撼美國政府、企業界與學術界的研究報告,文章中指出美國最大約兩百五十家大企業中,有半數以上,在一九八一年到一九八五年當中 ,至少有一年未納一毛錢的聯邦所得稅,或者甚至收到聯邦的退稅款。這篇報告引起美國財經學者與會計學者對公司租稅負擔的熱烈探討,亦對美國國會通過一九八六年租稅改革法案(the Tax Reform Act of 1986)取消投資扣抵、擴大稅基並加強最低稅負(alternative minimum tax)之稽徵有重要的影響。
本文之主要研究目的在於探討我國上市公司之營利事業所得稅負擔,是否受到企業規模、產業別以及稅制變化之影響。本研究使用我國教育部電子計算機中心提供之「台灣股票上市公司財務報表資料庫」,取出自民國七十三年到民國八十一年連續九年間,相同八十家上市公司所構成之縱查資料(longitudinal data或panel data),利用二元固定影響模型(two-way fixed effects model)等方法進行分析,發現上市公司之規模越大有效稅率越低(租稅負擔越低),顯示較大的上市公司可能運用較大的政治力量來減輕其租稅負擔,此結果代表用租稅來反映政治成本的政治成本假說(political cost hypothesis)不適用於我國的上市公司。在財務會計的研究上,經常以政治成本假說為基礎來解釋經理人員為何採用可降低當期盈餘的會計方法,亦即假設政治成本假說為正確,則企業規模愈大,愈容易受到政治上的監督(例如稅捐單位的嚴格審查),其政治成本愈大,為了避免這種政治成本,規模愈大約企業愈可能採用降低當期盈餘的會計方法。但是由本文的研究結果顯示,同租稅來表示政治成本的政治成本假說在我國並不成立,因此,未來有關之研究,在解釋我國公司規模對會計方法之選擇的影響時,不能直接從政治成本假說的觀點來解釋。
本文另外亦使用產業的虛擬變數來分析不同產業是否有不同的租稅負擔,檢定結果顯示產業別對租稅負擔有顯著的影響。最後,本文比較民國七十五年營所稅自30%降為25%與實施加值稅前後,公司租稅負擔的變化情形,發現七十五年稅制變動後,規模愈大之上市公司須繳愈多的營利事業所得稅。 / A 1985 study by Citizens for Tax Justice examined the corpor-ate income tax burden of 250 largest U.S. corporations. They found that almost half of the largest corporations paid absolutely nothing in federal income taxes, or received tax rebates, in at least one of the four years from 1981 to 1984.This thesis intends to examine the income tax burden of public companies in Taiwan. In particular, the thesis investigates whether firm size, specific industry and tax system change will affect the income tax burden of public (listed) corporations. Financial statement data of the public corporations were obtained from the Econometric Programm- ing System (EPS) data base provided by the Ministry of Education. The main sample consists of eighty corporations that appear in all nine years over the 1984-1992 period.
To control for individual company and time heterogeneity and reduce omitted variable bias, fixed effects models are employed in this study. Using a two-way fixed effects model, the result shows that the larger the corporation's size the lower the effective tax rate (the lower the corporation's tax burden). It indicates that larger corporations may have more political power to reduce their tax burden. The finding suggests that political cost hypothesis is not justified in Taiwan's public corporations from the standpoint of effective tax rates.
This thesis also analyzes whether tax burden varies across industries. The analysis shows that a corporation's tax burden is related to the industry in which the corporation operates. Finally, this study examines the changes of corporation's tax burden pre and post 1986 when the highest statutory business income tax rate was reduced from 30 percent to 25 percent and the value-added tax was adopted in the same year. The analysis indicates that after the tax system change in 1986, large corporations paid more business income taxes.
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Účetní výsledek hospodaření / Business incomeZyková, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
Graduation theses desribes business income, revenues, expenses, costs and cost classification. It shows up accounting concepts and princeples. It interpets different access to the business income. It shows this problem in setting of International Financial Reporting Standards, US GAAP, EU and Czech Republic (subject and presenting financial data). Thesis describes relation between income and financial analysis. It represents maintainance of business substance. In conclusion I describe valuation models and their relations to income.
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