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Avaliação ecoDopplercardiográfica da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica / EchoDopplercardiographic analysis of left ventricular diastolic function in severe and morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgeryRogerio Toshiro Passos Okawa 10 March 2006 (has links)
A obesidade tem sido associada com a insuficiência cardíaca, e indivíduos obesos apresentam uma forma de cardiomiopatia caracterizada por dilatação ventricular esquerda, e hipertrofia ecêntrica, atribuída à sobrecarga volêmica. A disfunção ventricular tem sido descrita, sendo que a maioria dos estudos descrevem anormalidades da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo. O presente estudo foi desenhado para se determinar o efeito da obesidade sobre a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo e o impacto da perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica sobre esta função.104 pacientes agendados para cirurgia bariátrica foram incluídos, 74 mulheres e 30 homens. Idade média de 38,8 ± 11,44 anos. Oitenta e um pacientes eram obesos mórbidos ( IMC maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) e 23 pacientes eram obesos graves ( IMC entre 35 e 39,99 kg/m²) com pelo menos duas co- morbidades associadas. A análise ecoDopplercardiográfica estrutural e funcional foi realizada previamente e após 6 meses do procedimento cirúrgico. Encontramos que indivíduos obesos tinham aumento da espessura septal do ventrículo esquerdo, do diâmetro atrial esquerdo e da massa ventricular esquerda. Além disso, apresentavam uma incidência maior de disfunção diastólica no pré-operatório. Observamos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica causou impacto nas velocidades do fluxo mitral, nas velocidades do fluxo de veia pulmonar e no Doppler tissular, mas não causou impacto nos outros parâmetros ecoDopplercardiográficos de análise da função diastólica. Como conclusões, obtemos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica melhora a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos. O fato do paciente ser hipertenso, diabético ou ser portador de outras co- morbidades, não esteve relacionado a uma maior incidência de disfunção diastólica. Os parâmetros ecoDopplercardiograficos de análise da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo devem ser utilizados em associação para uma melhor avaliação desta função. / Obesity has been associated with heart failure, and individuals with severe obesity have been recognized to have a form of cardiomiopathy attributed to chronic volume overload, characterized by left ventricular dilation, and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy. Impairment of cardiac function has been reported, with most studies reporting abnormal diastolic function.The present study was designed to determinate the effect of obesity on left ventricular diastolic function and the impact of weight loss after bariatric surgery on this function. One hundred and four patients scheduled for bariatric surgery were enrolled, 74 women and 30 men. Baseline mean age was 38.8 ± 11.44 years. Eighty- one patients were morbid obese (B.M.I. maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) and 23 were severe obese (B.M.I from 35 to 39.99 kg/m²), with at least two associated co-morbidities. Structural and functional echoDopplercardiographic analysis were performed before and 6 months after the bariatric surgery. We found that obese individuals had higher septal wall thickness, left atrial diameter, left ventricular mass and a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction before the surgery than after. It was observed that weight loss had an impact on mitral flow velocities, on pulmonary vein flow velocities, and on tissue Doppler imaging, but had no impact on the other diastolic echocardiographic parameters. Weight loss after bariatric surgery had improved cardiac diastolic function. Being hypertensive, diabetic or having another associated co-morbidity was not related to a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction. The diastolic echoDopplercardiographic parameters should be used in combination for a better diastolic evaluation.
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Conception et validation d'un substitut vasculaire naturel, fonctionnalisé par un film multicouche de polyélectrolytes et cellularisé par un endothelium autologue orienté / Conception of a natural vascular substitute, fonctionnalized by a polyelectrolyte multilayer film and cellularized by an autologous endotheliumPaternotte, Estelle 27 September 2010 (has links)
Les taux élevés de mortalité et de morbidité associés aux maladies vasculaires en font des pathologies dont les conséquences physiopathologiques, chirurgicales et socio-économiques sont d’une importance majeure pour le système de santé. Malgré leurs avantages, la disponibilité limitée des vaisseaux autologues a conduit au développement de prothèses synthétiques. Cependant, leur surface hautement thrombogène limite leur utilisation dans la substitution des vaisseaux de petit calibre (< 6 mm). De ce fait, à cause de leur obstruction précoce, la reconstitution d’une surface luminale proche de l’endothélium natif est incontournable. Pourtant, les revêtements de surface actuellement disponibles possèdent de médiocres qualités de rétention des néo-endothélium lorsqu’ils sont soumis à des contraintes de cisaillement physiologiques. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un substitut vasculaire de petit calibre endothélialisé réalisé à partir de trois éléments : 1) une matrice préparée à partir d’une artère ombilicale désendothélialisée, 2) un recouvrement de surface innovant constitué du film multicouche de polyélectrolytes (MPE) (PAH-PSS)3-PAH, et 3) un néo-endothélium constitué de cellules endothéliales matures ou progénitrices. Les études in vitro menées sur ces substituts ont montré que la formation, la rétention sous contraintes de cisaillement et la fonctionnalité du néoendothélium élaboré sur la surface luminale étaient améliorées par le film MPE. L’implantation du substitut par pontage termino-latéral sur le lapin a montré que le cahier des charges imputé aux substituts de petit calibre était rempli, principalement en termes de perméabilité et de diamètre, mais aussi de résistance à la suture et aux infections. En conclusion, le film MPE favorise le développement d’un substitut vasculaire de petit diamètre perméable à « long » terme et qui pourrait répondre aux exigences des chirurgiens / Vascular diseases with their high rate of mortality and morbidity belong to the pathologies involving important socio-economic factors for health system. Despite the advantages of autografts, the limited availability of autologous vessels has led to the development of synthetic prostheses. However, their high thrombogenic surface limits their use as small calibre vascular substitutes (< 6 mm). To prevent narrowing of small diameter vascular grafts, the reconstruction of a luminal surface close to the native endothelium is essential. However, the retention of the neo-endothelium subjected to shear stress is poor on the coatings currently available. In this work, we developed a small calibre endothelialized vascular substitute thanks to three elements: 1) a natural matrix prepared from umbilical artery, 2) an innovative coating based on the polyelectrolytes multilayer film (PEM) (PAH-PSS)3-PAH, and 3) used for cell culture of mature or progenitor endothelial cells. In vitro studies have shown that the formation, the retention under shear stress and the endothelial function of the neoendothelium on the luminal surface were improved by PEM film. The anastomosis of this substitute on rabbits has shown that the specifications essential to small calibre vascular grafts were reached, mainly in terms of permeability and diameter but also of resistance to suture and infections. In conclusion, PEM films helped us to develop a small diameter vascular substitute with long term patency
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Druhá etapa přeložky I/9 Dubice – Dolní Libchava / The second phase shifting I/9 Dubice - Dolni LibchavaBelda, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
Master's thesis will deal with the second phase of shifting I/9 Dubice - Dolni Libchava passing west of the Ceska Lipa with an approximate length of 3 km stretch. Estimated start-up of this section is in 2014. This project should build on in the future by-pass Ceska Lipa and Novy Bor, which is currently without funds for implementation by 2025. Traffic load after completion of the by-pass should be approximately 16500 vehicles / 24 hours in 2030. The section is designed in the category S 9.5 with optional solving two major intersections. This thesis will focus on reducing the cost of construction of the section.
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Vyhledávací studie obchvatu města Hustopeče / Researching study of by-pass road of city HustopečeTomešek, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals about researching study of by-pass road of city Hustopeče, district of Břeclav, Southmoravian region. This city passes main road number 425, which should be connected with the by-pass road. The by-pass road will be designed as road of category S9,5/70 and will be situated west of the city. Terrain is undulated and composed of agricultural parcels. The main purpose of this by-pass road is significant burden of region traffic.
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Alkalicky aktivované systémy / Alkali Activated SystemsBílek, Vlastimil January 2017 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is focused on the possibilities of alkali-activated slag (AAS) shrinkage reduction, which would together with the use of waste sludge from waterglass production contribute to wider practical utilization of this interesting material. Besides the influence on AAS dimensional changes also effect of various factors on workability, setting time and mechanical properties was investigated. Obtained results were supported by the application of instrumental techniques like izotermal calorimetry, mercury intrusion porosimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results show the possibilities of reduction of AAS drying shrinkage related to its cracking tendency through the combination of increased dose of waterglass and reduced water to slag ratio (w/b), partial replacement of slag by pulverized fly ash or cement by-pass dust and application of organic admixtures, where significant effect on AAS hydration was observed. On the basis of the obtained results concrete mixtures, where the whole activator was replaced by the waste sludge form waterglass production, were designed and optimized in terms of shrinkage, mechanical properties and price. Selected concretes were also tested in semi-operating conditions.
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Napojení JV obchvatu města Jihlavy-křižovatka silnic I/38 a II/523 / The link-up of the Jihlava city Southeastern by-pass - transport junction of main road I/38 and major road II/523Kozák, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This diploma work deals with researching study of transport junction of main road I/38 and major road II/523 and than link-up of the proposed Outer ring road (VMO) and Southeastern by-pass (JVO) routes of region capital Jihlava, district of Jihlava, Vysočina region. Road structure will solve designed staged link-up of aboved mentioned roads according to their construction schedule. The design takes into account current roads and completed stages, with respect to minimum costs. Road structure is situated on Czech-Moravian Highlands. Its terrain is hilly, pondy and composed of agricultural parcels. The main purpose of this design is steady link-up of all considered traffic flows in the given locality.
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