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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensitization of CD8 T Cells During Acute Viral Infections Impacts Bystander and Latecomer CD8 T Cell Responses : A Dissertation

Marshall, Heather D. 19 October 2009 (has links)
Many virus infections induce a transient state of immune suppression in the infected host. Virus-induced T cell suppression can be caused by T cell activation-induced cell death (AICD), dendritic cell (DC) apoptosis, DC dysfunction, and/or the enhanced expression of immune-suppressive cytokines. It has been previously demonstrated that naïve bystander CD8 T cells derived from hosts experiencing an acute virus-specific T cell response underwent AICD when polyclonally activated by anti-CD3 in vitro (Zarozinski et al., 2000). Susceptibility of naïve bystander T cells to AICD could prevent the development of a new T cell response during an ongoing immune response, and thus render infected hosts immune suppressed. Although immune suppression could result in an enhanced susceptibility to superinfections, virus-infected individuals are more commonly resistant to superinfecting pathogens. Because of these seemingly contradictory conditions, we sought to investigate how acute viral infections impact naïve bystander CD8 T cells in vivo. More specifically, we asked whether bystander CD8 T cells are susceptible to immune suppression or whether they can contribute to the resistance to superinfections. In order to address this, we examined the responses of bystander CD8 T cells activated with cognate antigen during acute viral infections in vivo. We generated several in vivomodels using P14 (LCMV glycoprotein-specific), HY (male antigen-specific), and OT-I (ovalbumin-specific) transgenic CD8 T cells, which we defined as bystander during acute infections with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), Pichinde virus (PV), vaccinia virus (VV), and murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV). Consistent with the enhanced susceptibility to cell death noted in vitro, we found that bystander CD8 T cells activated with cognate antigen in vivo during acute viral infections underwent markedly reduced proliferation. Virus-induced transient T cell suppression in vivo was not exclusively mediated by Fas-FasL- or TNF-induced AICD or due to an enhanced susceptibility to apoptosis. Instead, immune suppression in vivowas associated with a delayed onset of division, which we found not to be due to a defect in antigen presentation, but rather due to a T cell intrinsic defect. Despite the suppressed proliferation of TCR-stimulated bystander CD8 T cells in vivo, we found an enhancement of the effector functions exerted by bystander CD8 T cells activated during acute viral infections. During acute viral infections or after stimulation with type 1 IFN (IFN-αβ) inducers, some bystander CD8 T cells were sensitized to immediately exert effector functions such as IFN-γ production and degranulation upon stimulation with high affinity cognate antigen. Sensitization of naïve CD8 T cells required self-MHC I and indirect effects of IFN-αβ, while IL-12, IL-18, and IFN-γ were not individually required. IL-15 was not required for the rapid expression of IFN-γ, but was required for up-regulation of granzyme B (GrzB). P14 and OT-I CD8 T cells, which are capable of homeostatic proliferation, could be sensitized by poly(I:C), but HY CD8 T cells, which are poor at homeostatic proliferation, could not, suggesting that the requirement for MHC I may be to present low affinity cryptically cross-reactive self antigens. Sensitized naive CD8 T cells up-regulated the t-box transcription factor Eomesodermin (Eomes), which can regulate these rapid effector functions. In conclusion, we demonstrate in this thesis that acute viral infections impact naïve bystander CD8 T cells such that their response to cognate antigen is altered. Prior to cognate antigen engagement, bystander CD8 T cells up-regulated Eomes, CD122, and GrzB. Following cognate antigen engagement, bystander CD8 T cells rapidly degranulated and expressed the effector cytokine IFN-γ. The ability of bystander CD8 T cells to rapidly exert effector functions may contribute to the resistance of virus-infected individuals to superinfections. Despite these rapid effector functions, the proliferation of TCR-stimulated bystander CD8 T cells was markedly inhibited. This reduced proliferation was found not to be a defect in antigen presentation, but was a T cell intrinsic defect in initiating division. Thus, bystander CD8 T cells were also susceptible to virus-induced immune suppression. It is also likely that virus-specific CD8 T cells that are not activated until later in the response, so-called latecomer CD8 T cells, may also be susceptible to immune enhancement and suppression. Thus, latecomer CD8 T cells would be able to rapidly exert effector functions at the expense of proliferation. Taken together, we propose that during an immune response, due to spatial and temporal gradients of antigen and inflammation, it is likely that a combination of heterogeneous T cells with different signal strengths and sequences of exposure from cytokines and peptide-MHC constitute the total T cell response to pathogens.

Impact of Nicotine on Non-targeted Radiation Effects

Katalmohseni, Hedieh 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Ionizing radiation is without a doubt an invaluable tool in diagnostic imaging as well as radiation therapy. With the growing number of medical and occupational exposures, together with challenges against the LNT model, low dose exposures and non-targeted effects have been subject to intensive research. Additionally, with the advances in the field of radiation therapy and longer life expectancy after the treatment, the risks associated with second malignancies following radiation therapy for various cancers has received a tremendous amount of attention. On the other hand, nicotine, as the addictive component of tobacco has been known for its adverse health effects and its relation to various types of cancers, accounting for one in 10 adult deaths worldwide. Both nicotine and low doses of radiation are amongst the stressors that widely affect the public. Surprisingly, the interactions between low-dose effects and nicotine exposure have not received the proper scientific attention. Our group has been involved in investigation of the non-targeted effects of radiation with a variety of endpoints. Different natural compounds and signalling molecules have also been studied in our lab for their possible role or contribution to bystander signalling. This research involves the study of the impact of nicotine on radiation-induced bystander effects and also radioadaptive responses. Different concentrations of nicotine were used to study the kinetics of the drug as well as any detrimental or modifying effects when used together with radiation. It was shown that nicotine has a protective effect on survival of the cells in certain concentrations that follows a biphasic model. Similar bimodal behaviour was observed with bystander effect. No adaptation to a challenge dose of radiation occurred as a result of incubation with varying concentrations of nicotine, nor was such an effect shown with a priming dose of radiation. The results of the present study suggest that nicotine has a complicated effect on the cells which can vary significantly depending on the concentrations used and also the duration of exposure. nAChRs may have an important role in the response of the bystander cells when nicotine is involved as the results showed a shift in the response of the receptors to nicotine. This thesis is aimed to shed light on the impact of nicotine and initiate more detailed investigations on pathways through which these effects are mediated.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Modulació de la comunicació intercel·lular com a estratègia per incrementar l'eficàcia de teràpies antitumorals en models de càncer de pàncrees

Garcia Rodríguez, Laura 26 June 2008 (has links)
L'adenocarcinoma ductal de pàncrees és un càncer molt agressiu que actualment representa la quarta causa de mort per càncer als països occidentals. Les teràpies clàssiques, basades en la resecció quirúrgica, la radioteràpia i el tractament amb quimioteràpics com la gemcitabina, no són efectives en la gran majoria del pacients. En aquests darrers anys s'està estudiant l'aplicació de la teràpia gènica com a teràpia alternativa o adjuvant per al tractament d'aquesta neoplàsia. Una aproximació important és la que es basa en la transferència del gen de la timidina quinasa del virus Herpes simplex tipus 1 (TK) i l'administració de la pro-droga ganciclovir (GCV). Un dels atractius que presenta aquest sistema TK/GCV és que disposa d'un mecanisme amplificador de la mort cel·lular, que va més enllà d'eliminar la cèl·lula tumoral modificada genèticament amb el gen TK i que es coneix com l'efecte adjacent. S'ha proposat, que aquest efecte podria ser degut al trànsit dels metabòlits tòxics del GCV a través dels canals intercel·lulars que formen les unions gap.En aquesta tesi hem realitzat una caracterització de l'expressió de les molécules constitutives de les unions gap, les connexines, en l'adenocarcinoma de pàncrees; i hem estudiat el seu paper en l'eficàcia de dues estratègies terapèutiques basades en l'administració de compostos anàlegs de nucleòsids: el sistema suïcida TK/GCV i el quimioteràpic gemcitabina. S'ha estudiat també la possible contribució de l'E-cadherina, element clau de les unions adherents epitelials, en l'efecte citotòxic d'aquestes teràpies i amb especial èmfasi en el sistema TK/GCV.

Effet sur le microenvironnement tumoral d’une modulation pharmacologique du stress oxydant / Effect of oxidative stress modulators on tumor microenvironment

Thomas, Audrey 20 June 2012 (has links)
Les Formes réactives de l’oxygène (FRO) ont un rôle bien établi dans l’oncogénèse en augmentant les capacités de prolifération et d’invasion des cellules tumorales. Mais les FRO exercent aussi un effet important sur le microenvironnement tumoral, en particulier en participant à l’échappement des tumeurs au système immunitaire. Une modulation pharmacologique de l’équilibre oxydo-réductif tumoral est donc susceptible d’influencer la progression tumorale. Il a été montré que l’induction pharmacologique d’un stress oxydant dans les cellules tumorales peut induire un effet cytotoxique mais ses effets sur le microenvironnement sont moins bien connus. L’objectif de nos travaux était d’étudier l’effet d’une modulation du stress oxydant sur les cellules immunitaires du microenvironnement tumoral et in fine de préciser les conséquences potentielles sur la progression tumorale. L’arsenic trioxyde (As2O3), inducteur de FRO, présentait à faible dose, dénuée d’effet cytotoxique direct sur les cellules malignes, un effet antitumoral dans un modèle de cancer colique murin. Cet effet était lié à une déplétion sélective en lymphocytes T régulateurs (Tregs) et était médié par la génération d’anions superoxyde (O2°-) et de monoxyde d’azote (NO), eux même responsables de la formation de peroxynitrite. Les Tregs présentaient un niveau basal de FRO plus élevé que les autres populations lymphocytaires, qui pourrait expliquer leur plus grande sensibilité à un surcroît de stress oxydant induit par l’As2O3. Un cytotoxique antitumoral, la vinorelbine, s’est également montré capable d’exercer un effet sur le microenvironnement tumoral. Par co-cultures, nous avons montré que la vinorelbine induisait un effet bystander toxique sur les cellules immunitaires effectrices voisines des cellules tumorales. In vivo, le prétraitement par vinorelbine de cellules malignes implantées à la souris était responsable d’une perte de la réactivité anti-tumorale des cellules mono-nuclées. Cet effet était dépendant de la production d’O2°- et de NO par les cellules malignes. Un modulateur du stress oxydant, le mangafodipir, inhibait cet effet, permettant ainsi de restaurer la réponse immunitaire antitumorale locale. Notre travail a donc permis de mettre en évidence que des modulateurs du stress oxydant peuvent agir sur le microenvironnement, et spécialement sur les cellules immunitaires. Ils pourraient être utilisés en clinique pour restaurer la réponse immunitaire antitumorale. Une meilleure compréhension du rôle du stress oxydant dans la défaillance de l’immunité antitumorale est nécessaire. / Several reports have demonstrated the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in carcinogenesis, through promotion of cancer cell proliferation and invasion. But ROS could also have consequences on non cancerous cells which are part of the tumor microenvironment, such as immune cells. Therefore, a pharmacological modulation of oxidative stress can induce a cytotoxic effect on tumor cells but its consequences on microenvironment are unknown. The aim of our studies was to evaluate the effects of a pharmacological modulation of oxidative stress on immune cells from the tumor microenvironment. At low dose, Arsenic trioxide (As203), an oxidative stress modulator, was shown to exert antitumor effects in colon tumor-bearing mice. We observed that this effect was related to As203-induced regulatory T cells (Tregs) -selective depletion in vitro and in vivo and was mediated by oxidative and nitrosative bursts. The differential effect of As203 on Tregs versus other CD4 cells was related to difference in the cells’redox status. We also observed that vinorelbine, an anticancer agent, could interfere with the antitumor immune response. We showed that vinorelbine could alter the function of immune cells surrounding tumor cells by a bystander toxic effect against tumor effector cells. In vivo experiment in A549 tumor bearing nude mice showed that adoptive transfer of A549 immune splenocytes was not able to delay tumor growth when vinorelbine-pretreated A549 cells were used for immunization. This effect was mediated by ROS and was inhibited by an oxidative stress modulator, mangafodipir, which restored antitumor immune function. Therefore, our work showed that oxidative stress modulators can influence tumor microenvironment and more specifically, immune cells. They could be used to restore antitumor immune response.

Männen vi inte ser och kvinnorna vi inte hör : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hotellpersonalens upplevelser av prostitution och människohandel i hotellmiljöer

Degerlund, Ina, Holmgren, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Title: The men we don’t see, and the women we can’t hear: A qualitative interview study about prostitution and human trafficking in hotel environment. This qualitative interview study aims to put a light on hotel staff’s experiences of how prostitution and human trafficking exist within their workplaces. We examine this on the basis of the Swedish policy ‘Hotellkurage’ as a crime prevention method in the hotel environment in Northern Sweden. The policy is built on the idea of civil courage and aims to include both hotel staff and hotel guests. Thematic analysis was used to collect data and code it to themes describing similarities, differences and patterns in the data. The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on the routine activity theory, the bystander effect, the emotional labor theory, and the halo effect within stereotypes. By interviewing six informants with different work positions we discovered that it seems to be hard for the hotel staff to intervene based on their gut feeling in situations involving violence. We also found that there is an underlying expectation on hotel staff to have knowledge about handling situations of prostitution and/or human trafficking, and cope with their personal emotions through out emotional labor. The role conflict of being service-minded and intervene in situations involving prostitution or human trafficking are severe. The organizational conditions, response from the management and the cooperation with local police seem to be crucial in order to use methods based on civil courage in hotel staff’s working environment. Hotel staff should be more educated and encouraged to act upon their gut feeling in situations involving prostitution and human trafficking. Finally, the study finds that stereotypes of perpetrators in prostitution and human trafficking usually don’t add up to the stereotypical view of a perpetrator due to their often common apperance. Also, the victims of prostitution and human trafficking are viewed in a stereotypical way, which leads to a higher risk of other vulnerable social groups not to be discovered in the hotel environment.

Colon cancer-specific cytochrome P450 2W1 converts duocarmycin analogues into potent tumor cytotoxins

Travica, S., Pors, Klaus, Loadman, Paul, Shnyder, Steven, Johansson, I., Alandas, Mohammed N., Sheldrake, Helen M., Mkrtchian, S., Patterson, Laurence H., Ingelman-Sundberg, M. January 2013 (has links)
No / PURPOSE: Cytochrome P450 2W1 (CYP2W1) is a monooxygenase detected in 30% of colon cancers, whereas its expression in nontransformed adult tissues is absent, rendering it a tumor-specific drug target for development of novel colon cancer chemotherapy. Previously, we have identified duocarmycin synthetic derivatives as CYP2W1 substrates. In this study, we investigated whether two of these compounds, ICT2705 and ICT2706, could be activated by CYP2W1 into potent antitumor agents. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The cytotoxic activity of ICT2705 and ICT2706 in vitro was tested in colon cancer cell lines expressing CYP2W1, and in vivo studies with ICT2706 were conducted on severe combined immunodeficient mice bearing CYP2W1-positive colon cancer xenografts. RESULTS: Cells expressing CYP2W1 suffer rapid loss of viability following treatment with ICT2705 and ICT2706, whereas the CYP2W1-positive human colon cancer xenografts display arrested growth in the mice treated with ICT2706. The specific cytotoxic metabolite generated by CYP2W1 metabolism of ICT2706 was identified in vitro. The cytotoxic events were accompanied by an accumulation of phosphorylated H2A.X histone, indicating DNA damage as a mechanism for cancer cell toxicity. This cytotoxic effect is most likely propagated by a bystander killing mechanism shown in colon cancer cells. Pharmacokinetic analysis of ICT2706 in mice identified higher concentration of the compound in tumor than in plasma, indicating preferential accumulation of drug in the target tissue. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest a novel approach for treatment of colon cancer that uses a locoregional activation of systemically inactive prodrug by the tumor-specific activator enzyme CYP2W1.

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