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Low Correlation Sequences Over AM-PSK And QAM ConstellationsAnand, M 04 1900 (has links)
Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA), over the last few years, has become a popular technique and finds a place in many modern communication systems. The performance of this technique is closely linked to the signature (or spreading) sequences employed in the system. In the past, there have been many successful attempts by research groups to construct families of signature sequences that offer the potential gains promised by theoretical bounds. In this thesis, we present constructions of families of signature sequences over the AM-PSK and QAM alphabet with low correlation.
In this thesis, we construct a family of sequences over the 8-ary AM-PSK constella-
tion, Family AOpt(16) that is asymptotically optimal with respect to the Welch bound on maximum magnitude of correlation for complex sequences. The maximum magnitude of correlation for this family, θmax, is upper bounded by √N , where N is the period of the sequences. The 8-ary AM-PSK constellation is a subset of the 16-QAM constellation. We also construct two families of sequences over 16-QAM, Family A16A, and Family A16,B , with the maximum magnitude of correlation upper bounded by √2√N .
We construct a family, A(M 2), of sequences over the 2m+1-ary AM-PSK constellation of period N = 2r- 1 and family size (N + 1)/2m-1 . The 2m+1-ary AM-PSK constellation is a subset of the M 2-QAM constellation with M =2m . The maximum nontrivial normalized correlation parameter is bounded above by θmax < a √N where a ranges from
1.34 in the case of M 2 = 16 to √5 for large m. Apart from low correlation values, the family possesses several interesting and useful features. In Family A(M 2), users have the ability to transmit 2m bits of data per period of the spreading sequence. The sequences in Family A(M 2) are balanced; all points from the 2m+1-ary AM-PSK constellation occur approximately equally often in sequences of long period. The Euclidean distance between the signals assigned to a particular user in A(M 2), corresponding to different data symbols, is larger than the corresponding value for the case when 2m+1-PSK modulation and spreading is used. Perhaps most interestingly, Family A(M 2) permits users on the reverse link of a CDMA system to communicate asynchronously at varying data rates by switching between different QAM constellations.
Family A(M 2) is compatible with QPSK sequence families S(p) in the sense that the maximum correlation magnitude is increased only slightly if one adds sequences from (p) S(p)\ S(0) to Family A(M 2).
We also construct families of sequences over AM-PSK that tradeoff data rate per sequence period and θmax for a given family size.
We have extended the construction of sequences over AM-PSK constellation to construct sequences over the M 2-QAM constellation for M =2m . The QAM sequence families, Families (AM 2), have size, data rate and minimum squared Euclidean distance same as the corresponding AM-PSK construction but have higher values of θmax. Also included in the thesis are constructions for large families of sequences over the M 2-QAM alphabet.
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Multiuser Transmission in Code Division Multiple Access Mobile Communications SystemsIrmer, Ralf 28 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is the technology used in all third generation cellular communications networks, and it is a promising candidate for the definition of fourth generation standards. The wireless mobile channel is usually frequency-selective causing interference among the users in one CDMA cell. Multiuser Transmission (MUT) algorithms for the downlink can increase the number of supportable users per cell, or decrease the necessary transmit power to guarantee a certain quality-of-service. Transmitter-based algorithms exploiting the channel knowledge in the transmitter are also motivated by information theoretic results like the Writing-on-Dirty-Paper theorem. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a reasonable performance criterion for noise-dominated scenarios. Using linear filters in the transmitter and the receiver, the SNR can be maximized with the proposed Eigenprecoder. Using multiple transmit and receive antennas, the performance can be significantly improved. The Generalized Selection Combining (GSC) MIMO Eigenprecoder concept enables reduced complexity transceivers. Methods eliminating the interference completely or minimizing the mean squared error exist for both the transmitter and the receiver. The maximum likelihood sequence detector in the receiver minimizes the bit error rate (BER), but it has no direct transmitter counterpart. The proposed Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission (TxMinBer) minimizes the BER at the detectors by transmit signal processing. This nonlinear approach uses the knowledge of the transmit data symbols and the wireless channel to calculate a transmit signal optimizing the BER with a transmit power constraint by nonlinear optimization methods like sequential quadratic programming (SQP). The performance of linear and nonlinear MUT algorithms with linear receivers is compared at the example of the TD-SCDMA standard. The interference problem can be solved with all MUT algorithms, but the TxMinBer approach requires less transmit power to support a certain number of users. The high computational complexity of MUT algorithms is also an important issue for their practical real-time application. The exploitation of structural properties of the system matrix reduces the complexity of the linear MUT mthods significantly. Several efficient methods to invert the ystem matrix are shown and compared. Proposals to reduce the omplexity of the Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission mehod are made, including a method avoiding the constraint by pase-only optimization. The complexity of the nonlinear methods i still some magnitudes higher than that of the linear MUT lgorithms, but further research on this topic and the increasing processing power of integrated circuits will eventually allow to exploit their better performance. / Der codegeteilte Mehrfachzugriff (CDMA) wird bei allen zellularen Mobilfunksystemen der dritten Generation verwendet und ist ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat für zukünftige Technologien. Die Netzkapazität, also die Anzahl der Nutzer je Funkzelle, ist durch auftretende Interferenzen zwischen den Nutzern begrenzt. Für die Aufwärtsstrecke von den mobilen Endgeräten zur Basisstation können die Interferenzen durch Verfahren der Mehrnutzerdetektion im Empfänger verringert werden. Für die Abwärtsstrecke, die höhere Datenraten bei Multimedia-Anwendungen transportiert, kann das Sendesignal im Sender so vorverzerrt werden, dass der Einfluß der Interferenzen minimiert wird. Die informationstheoretische Motivation liefert dazu das Writing-on-Dirty-Paper Theorem. Das Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnis ist ein geeignetes Kriterium für die Performanz in rauschdominierten Szenarien. Mit Sende- und Empfangsfiltern kann das SNR durch den vorgeschlagenen Eigenprecoder maximiert werden. Durch den Einsatz von Mehrfachantennen im Sender und Empfänger kann die Performanz signifikant erhöht werden. Mit dem Generalized Selection MIMO Eigenprecoder können Transceiver mit reduzierter Komplexität ermöglicht werden. Sowohl für den Empfänger als auch für den Sender existieren Methoden, die Interferenzen vollständig zu eliminieren, oder den mittleren quadratischen Fehler zu minimieren. Der Maximum-Likelihood-Empfänger minimiert die Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit (BER), hat jedoch kein entsprechendes Gegenstück im Sender. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission (TxMinBer) minimiert die BER am Detektor durch Sendesignalverarbeitung. Dieses nichtlineare Verfahren nutzt die Kenntnis der Datensymbole und des Mobilfunkkanals, um ein Sendesignal zu generieren, dass die BER unter Berücksichtigung einer Sendeleistungsnebenbedingung minimiert. Dabei werden nichtlineare Optimierungsverfahren wie Sequentielle Quadratische Programmierung (SQP) verwendet. Die Performanz linearer und nichtlinearer MUT-Verfahren MUT-Algorithmen mit linearen Empfängern wird am Beispiel des TD-SCDMA-Standards verglichen. Das Problem der Interferenzen kann mit allen untersuchten Verfahren gelöst werden, die TxMinBer-Methode benötigt jedoch die geringste Sendeleistung, um eine bestimmt Anzahl von Nutzern zu unterstützen. Die hohe Rechenkomplexität der MUT-Algorithmen ist ein wichtiges Problem bei der Implementierung in Real-Zeit-Systemen. Durch die Ausnutzung von Struktureigenschaften der Systemmatrizen kann die Komplexität der linearen MUT-Verfahren signifikant reduziert werden. Verschiedene Verfahren zur Invertierung der Systemmatrizen werden aufgezeigt und verglichen. Es werden Vorschläge gemacht, die Komplexität der Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission zu reduzieren, u.a. durch Vermeidung der Sendeleistungsnebenbedingung durch eine Beschränkung der Optimierung auf die Phasen des Sendesignalvektors. Die Komplexität der nichtlinearen Methoden ist um einige Größenordungen höher als die der linearen Verfahren. Weitere Forschungsanstrengungen an diesem Thema sowie die wachsende Rechenleistung von integrierten Halbleitern werden künftig die Ausnutzung der besseren Leistungsfähigkeit der nichtlinearen MUT-Verfahren erlauben.
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Étude d'un système de localisation 3-D haute précision basé sur les techniques de transmission Ultra Large Bande à basse consommation d'énergie pour les objets mobiles communicants.Kossonou, Kobenan Ignace 27 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Les systèmes de localisations existants présentent des insuffisances au niveau desapplications en environnement indoor. Ces insuffisances se traduisent soit par la non-disponibilité des signaux (le GPS) dans ce type d'environnement, soit par leur manque de précision quand ils sont prévus à cet effet. Ces limites ont motivé la recherche de nouvelles techniques. Les transmissions Ultra-Large Bande (ULB) de par leur singularité en matière de précision et de faible puissance d'émission, s'avèrent être la meilleure réponse à la problématique ci-dessus. Nous avons donc choisi cette technique pour mettre au point un procédé de localisation endogène permettant d'assurer, avec précision, la continuité des services de localisation dans les environnements indoor. Ce procédé s'appuie sur la localisation en trois dimensions (3-D). Il utilise la technique temporelle de différenciation du temps d'arrivée (TDOA). Cette technique permet de mieux tirer profit de la bonne résolution temporelle de l'ULB et de pallier au problème de synchronisation entre l'émetteur et le récepteur. Deux techniques de transmission ULB ont été étudiées : la technique d'accès multiples par séquence directe (DS-CDMA) et la technique d'accès multiples par sauts temporels (TH-CDMA). Une autre étape importante de notre étude a été de développer un algorithme non-itératif de localisation en 3-D pour réduire le temps de calcul. En effet, l'utilisation d'un algorithme non-itératif permet d'optimiser les performances du système en termes de temps de calcul voire de coûts de consommation énergétique. Après l'étude théorique des différents blocs du système, le système a été tout d'abord simulé dans le canal Gaussien (AWGN) et les canaux IEEE.802.15.4a indoor. Il a été ensuite testé dans différents environnements réels de types laboratoires. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que l'utilisation des techniques de transmission basées sur la technologie radio impulsionnelle ULB permet d'obtenir un système de localisation en 3-D avec une précision centimétrique pour les applications indoor.
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Simulador das interferências de campos elétrico e magnético em função da potência para estação rádio base de "Acesso Múltiplo por Divisão de Código - CDMA" na faixa de frequência de 800 MHzKiszka Júnior, Pedro 02 April 2011 (has links)
We have developed and created a simulator for calculations and indicatios of maximum permissible values for the electric and magnetic fields as well as the power density in Rádio Base Station, with the use of CDMA technology, in the range of 800 MHz, being the values allowable were referenced and based on the International Commission on Non-ionizing radiation protection. The simulator developed allows to calculate the interference field radiated by rádio base station, with input data such as channel power rádio; Gain Antenna; Number of Rádio Channels, Frequency Operation; Losses in Cable, Attenuation of Direction; Minimum distance; Reflections. To get quickly without the need for the implementation of instruments for measurements, calculations only in that simulator, we calculated values such as: Effective Radiated Power; Density Power Sector; electric field in the Sector; Magnetic Field in the sector; Flux Density Magnetic; point of maximum permissible exposure to electric field and the power density. As results presented in graphs for clarity of visualization of power density in the industry, as well as defining the coverage area. Is also present in the simulator, folders with specifications of antennas, towers and cables used in mobile phones, whose manufacturers are: World RFS, Andrew, and Karthein Brasilsat. They are presented several "links" network access "internet" to complement the specifications of cables, antennas, etc. .. Moreover also part of the simulator to perform calculations quickly and safely assisting in obtaining results of loss of rádio signal generated by rádio base station. Where the simulator has paintings depicting the spreads, where we define propagation "A" and "B".By spreading the "A" we can get the calculations of rádio signal attenuation models in areas of urban, dense urban, suburban, and rural open. Are added in the calculations of reflection coefficients of reflection, the standing wave ratio, return loss, the ratio of reflected power, as well as losses of the signal by impedance mismatch. As for the spread "B" as we can get results in the loss calculations in the rádio signal line in sight and no sight, the effective area, the power density, the power received, the range, the level conversion and the conversion gain in radiant systems. / Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos e criados dois simuladores para cálculos e indicações de valores Máximos Permissíveis para os campos elétricos e magnéticos, bem como as Densidades de Potência em Estações Rádio Base, com a utilização de Tecnologia CDMA, na faixa de 800 MHz. Esses valores permissíveis foram referênciados e fundamentados pela Comissão Internacional de Proteção à Radiação não Ionizante.
O simulador 1 permite calcular as interferências de campo irradiado por estação rádio base, com entrada de dados tais como: Potência do Canal de Rádio; Ganho da Antena; Número de Canais de Rádio; Frequência de Operação; Perdas no Cabo; Atenuação da Direção; Distância Mínima; Reflexões. O referido simulador permite, de maneira rápida e sem a necessidade da execução de instrumentos para medições, alcançar os seguintes valores calculados: Potência Radiada Efetiva; Densidade de Potência do Setor; Campo elétrico no Setor; Campo Magnético no Setor; Densidade de fluxo Magnético; ponto de exposição máxima permitida de campo elétrico, bem como a densidade de potência. Os resultados são apresentados em gráficos, para clareza da visualização da densidade de potência no setor, assim como para a definição da área de cobertura.
O simulador abrange também pastas com especificações de antenas, cabos e torres utilizadas na telefonia celular, dos seguintes fabricantes: RFS World, Andrew, Karthein e Brasilsat. São apresentados diversos ―links‖ de acesso à rede ―internet‖ para complemento das especificações de cabos, antenas, etc. O simulador 2 apresenta mais variáveis, procurando executar cálculos de forma rápida e segura auxiliando na obtenção de resuldados das perdas do sinal de rádio produzidas por estação rádio base. Nesse caso, o simulador apresenta telas representando as propagações denominadas ―A‖ e ―B‖.
Através da propagação ―A‖ podemos obter os cálculos de atenuação do sinal de rádio em áreas de modelos urbana, urbana densa, suburbana, aberta e rural. Nos cálculos de reflexão, adicionamos os coeficientes de reflexão, a relação de onda estacionária, a perda de retorno, a relação de potência refletida, assim como as perdas do sinal por descasamento de impedância.
Com a propagação ―B‖ podemos obter como resultados as perdas do sinal de rádio na linha visada e não visada, a área efetiva, a densidade de potência, a potência recebida, o raio de cobertura, a conversão de níveis e a conversão de ganho em sistemas irradiantes. / Mestre em Ciências
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Estudo do desempenho do Multiplexador/Demultiplexador add/dropbaseado na configuraÃÃo do InterferÃmetro de Michelson de fibras Ãpticas para aplicaÃÃes em sistemas OTDMA e OCDMA / Study the performance of the multiplexer/demultiplexer add/drop based on the Michelson interferometer configuration for fiber for applications in optical systems OTDMA and OCDMAAntonio Francisco Gomes Furtado Filho 02 March 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Neste trabalho, alÃm dos capÃtulos que envolvem a teoria e definiÃÃes, foi basicamente divido em trÃs estudos: Primeiro (capÃtulo 4), apresentamos uma investigaÃÃo numÃrica do desempenho de um filtro passa-banda totalmente Ãptico composto por um acoplador direcional duplo seguido de duas grades de Bragg simetricamente iguais gravadas nos seus
braÃos de saÃda. Esta configuraÃÃo caracteriza um InterferÃmetro de Michelson com caracterÃsticas de um filtro add/drop. As caracterÃsticas de transmissÃo (T), taxa de extinÃÃo
(XR) e âcrosstalkâ (XT) foram estudadas a partir da aplicaÃÃo de um sinal CW (onda contÃnua) na entrada do dispositivo. A teoria de modos acoplados e o mÃtodo de Runge Kutta de 4a ordem foram aplicados, respectivamente para resolver as equaÃÃes diferenciais acopladas. Este à o primeiro estudo feito considerando a nÃo linearidade do acoplador e a linearidade das grades de Bragg. O dispositivo apresenta um comportamento altamente nÃo-linear em funÃÃo do defasamento entre as amplitudes dos feixes refletidos e em funÃÃo da potÃncia de entrada. Num segundo momento (capÃtulo 5) apresentamos a propagaÃÃo e chaveamento de pulsos ultracurto (~2ps) usando um interferÃmetro de Michelson de Fibras Ãpticas. Neste estudo o desempenho do interferÃmetro à estudado como uma funÃÃo das caracterÃsticas nÃo lineares do acoplador e das grades de Bragg. Os estudos numÃricos foram feitos a partir das equaÃÃes de modos acoplados resolvidas usando o mÃtodo de
Runge-Kutta de 4Â ordem. As caracterÃsticas de chaveamento do pulso foram analisadas em funÃÃo da potÃncia de entrada e do defasamento aplicado em uma das grades de Bragg. As
caracterÃsticas de transmissÃo (T), coeficiente de ExtinÃÃo (XR), âcrosstalkâ (XT), fator de compressÃo (FC). Utilizamos trÃs valores de potÃncia de entrada: abaixo da potÃncia critica
(P0=1W), igual a potÃncia crÃtica (P0=1,73W) e acima da potÃncia crÃtica (P0=1,95W). AtravÃs deste estudo, pode-se verificar que a transmissÃo, taxa de extinÃÃo, âcrosstalkâ e
fator de compressÃo dependem da potÃncia da bombeio inserida no dispositivo e da defasagem aplicada. O interferÃmetro de Michelson em fibras implementa componente de grande importÃncia para aplicaÃÃes em redes Ãpticas, como os demultiplexadores add/drop. Este dispositivo tem atraÃdo bastante interesse no campo das telecomunicaÃÃes devido a
sua alta capacidade de taxas de transmissÃo. Num terceiro momento foi apresentado um estudo de simulaÃÃo numÃrica do desempenho da codificaÃÃo e decodificaÃÃo de pulsos
Ãpticos curtos (ps) em sistemas OCDMA (Optical Code Division Multiple Access â acesso VIII mÃltiplo por divisÃo de cÃdigo no domÃnio Ãptico) baseado em FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating â
grade de Bragg em fibra Ãptica) onde os cÃdigos sÃo inseridos atravÃs de saltos discretos na fase Ãptica (Âπ). Para geraÃÃo de pulsos codificados foram utilizados cÃdigos de Gold
obtidos analiticamente. Analisamos como a inserÃÃo de cÃdigos adicionais afetam a autocorrelaÃÃo e correlaÃÃo cruzada. O interferÃmetro de Michelson inicialmente estudado no capÃtulo 4 foi utilizado para propagaÃÃo e chaveamento de sinais codificados. Baseados nas caracterÃsticas de TransmissÃo (T) e Taxa de extinÃÃo (XR) fizemos um estudo do dispositivo como multiplexador /demultiplexador add/drop na recuperaÃÃo de pulsos
codificados. / This work, in addition the chapters which involves both theory and definitions, was basically divided three studies: First (chapter 4),we present a numerical investigation of the performance of a bandpass filter composed of an all-optical directional coupler, followed by
two double bars Bragg recorded symmetrically equal outputs in their arms. This configuration features a Michelson interferometer with characteristics of an add/ drop filter. The transmission characteristics (T), extinction rate (XR) and "crosstalk" (XT) were studied based on the application of a CW signal (continuous wave) into the device. Theory of coupled modes and the Runge Kutta fourth order were applied respectively to solve the coupled differential equations. This is the first study considering the nonlinearity of the coupler and the linearity of Bragg gratings. The device features a highly nonlinear behavior as a function
of dephasing between the amplitudes of the reflected beams and depending on the input power. In a second step (section 5), the propagation and switching of ultrashort pulse (~
2PS) Michelson interferometer using an optical fiber. In this study the performance of the interferometer is studied as a function of the nonlinear characteristics of the coupler and Bragg gratings. The numerical studies were made from the coupled mode equations solved using the Runge-Kutta 4th order. The pulse switching characteristics were analyzed as a function of input power and applied to one dephasing Bragg gratings. The transmission characteristics (T), extinction coefficient (XR), "crosstalk" (XT), the compression factor (CF)and shape of the pulses were analyzed for different values of phase and different input powers. We use three values of input power: below the critical power (1W = P0), equal to the
critical power (P0 = 1.73W) and above the critical power (P0 = 1.95W). Through this study, it is found that the transmission rate of extinction, "crosstalk" and compression factor depends on the power of the pump device inserted into the gap and applied The Michelson interferometer fiber implement major component with applications in optical networks, such as demultiplexers add/drop. This device has attracted considerable interest in the field of telecommunications due to its ability of high transmission rates. In the third place was presented a numerical simulation study of the performance of encoding and decoding of short optical pulses (ps) systems OCDMA (Optical Code Division Multiple Access based on FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating ) where codes are inserted through discrete jumps in the optical phase (Â π). For generation of coded pulses were used Gold codes obtained analytically. We
look at how the inclusion of additional codes affect the autocorrelation and cross correlation.The Michelson interferometer initially studied Chapters 4 was used for propagation and switching of encrypted signals. Based on the characteristics of transmission (T) and extinction rate (XR) did a study of the device as multiplexer/demultiplexer add / drop in the recovery of coded pulses.
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[pt] Esta tese apresenta novas estruturas e algoritmos para
detecção multiusuário e supressão de interferência em
sistemas DS-CDMA. São investigadas estruturas baseadas em
redes neurais recorrentes para projeto de receptores com
decisão realimentada e desenvolvidos algoritmos adaptativos
para combater a interferência de múltiplo acesso e a
interferência entre símbolos. Novos algoritmos baseados na
minimização da taxa de erro de bits são examinados e
generalizados para esquemas de detecção com cancelamento de
interferência. Para situações onde uma seqüência de
treinamento não é disponibilizada, é considerado um novo
critério de projeto às cegas de receptores com restrições
lineares baseado na função custo módulo constante.
Algoritmos adaptativos às cegas baseados neste novo
critério são usados para estimar os parâmetros de um
receptor linear e do canal de
comunicações. São também desenvolvidos novos mecanismos às
cegas de ajuste do passo para algoritmos do tipo gradiente
estocástico em receptores lineares com base no critério de
mínima variância com restrições. Com base nos critérios de
mínima variância e módulo constante com restrições, são
desenvolvidos critérios de projeto às cegas para receptores
com decisão realimentada e propostos algoritmos adaptativos
para essas estruturas. Um novo esquema de cancelamento
sucessivo de interferência baseado no conceito de
arbitragem é proposto e incorporado a uma estrutura de
recepção com decisão realimentada para o enlace reverso. Em
seguida, o novo esquema de
cancelamento de interferência é combinado com uma estrutura
iterativa que
emprega múltiplos estágios, resultando em melhores
estimativas do receptor
e um desempenho uniforme para os usuários. Finalmente, são
novas estruturas de recepção com posto reduzido, baseadas
em filtros FIR
interpolados e interpoladores variantes no tempo, e
desenvolvidos algoritmos
adaptativos às cegas e supervisionados para o novo esquema. / [en] This thesis presents new structures and algorithms for
multiuser detection
and interference suppression in DS-CDMA systems. Structures
based on
recurrent neural networks are investigated for decision
feedback receivers
and adaptive algorithms are developed for combatting
multiple access
interference and intersymbol interference. New algorithms
based on the
minimization of the bit error rate are examined and
generalized for detection
schemes with interference cancellation. For situations
where a training
sequence is not available, a new blind criterion, based on
the constant
modulus cost function with linear constraints is
considered. Based on
this novel criterion, blind adaptive algorithms are used
for estimating
the parameters of linear receivers and the channel. New
blind adaptive
mechanisms for adjusting the step size of stochastic
gradient algorithms,
using the constrained minimum variance criterion, are also
presented for
estimating the parameters of linear receivers and the
channel. Based on
constrained minimum variance and constrained constant
modulus criteria,
the blind design of decision feedback structures is
considered and blind
adaptive algorithms are derived. A new successive
interference cancellation
scheme using the concept of arbitration is proposed and
within a decision feedback structure for uplink scenarios.
Then, the new
interference cancellation scheme is combined with an
iterative structure
that employs multiple stages, resulting in improved
receiver estimates and
providing uniform performance over the users. Finally,
novel reduced-rank
receiver structures, based on interpolated FIR filters with
interpolators, are presented and blind and supervised
adaptive algorithms
are developed for this new scheme.
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Performances de l'optique sans fil pour les réseaux de capteurs corporels / Optical wireless communication performance for body area networksChevalier, Ludovic 03 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde les performances d’un réseau corporel utilisant la technologie optique sans fil, comme alternative aux radiofréquences. L’application visée concerne la télésurveillance de patients mobiles, en milieu hospitalier. Après avoir défini les principales caractéristiques des réseaux corporels radiofréquences, notamment dans le cas de l’ultra large bande, nous présentons les avantages à utiliser la technologie optique sans fil. Nous considérons ensuite cette technologie en infrarouge, avec une méthode de propagation dite diffuse, exploitant les réflexions des rayons optiques dans l’environnement du réseau corporel. Les différentes méthodes de modélisation d’un canal optique diffus sont introduites, et nous utilisons deux types de méthodes pour modéliser le canal entre deux noeuds portés : un modèle classique dit « à une réflexion », permettant d’évaluer rapidement des variations de performances, et une méthode de lancer de rayon pour considérer un grand nombre de réflexions. En utilisant différents scénarios, ainsi que la notion de probabilité de rupture, nous montrons que l’optique diffuse permet de réaliser un lien corporel, pour les débits et la qualité de service requise par une application de télésurveillance médicale, et pour une puissance de transmission très inférieure à la limite imposée par la sécurité oculaire. Finalement, nous étudions les performances théoriques d’un réseau corporel en optique diffuse en termes de probabilité d’erreur, avec une gestion de l’accès multiple réalisé par répartition de codes optiques. Nous concluons qu’un réseau de capteurs corporels en optique diffuse est théoriquement réalisable, pour une application médicale de surveillance de patients mobiles dans l’environnement. / This thesis deals with the performance of optical girelles communications for body area networks (BAN) as an alternative solution to the radiofrequency one, in the context of mobile healthcare monitoring. After presenting the main characteristics of a BAN using the radiofrequency technology, specifically in the UWB band, we explain the advantages of the optical wireless technology. Diffuse propagation based on infrared technology is then considered for BAN, exploiting optical reflections from environment surfaces. Several optical wireless channel modeling methods are introduced, and we consider two solutions for the link between two on-body nodes: a classical method named “one reflection model”, used to estimate performance variations, and a ray-launching method, used to take into account a great amount of optical reflections. Considering several scenarios, we determine the outage probability, and show that the diffuse optical wireless technology is able to achieve an on-body link, with the data rates and the quality of service required by health monitoring applications, for a transmitted power far lower than the limit defined in standards. Then, we evaluate the theoretical performance, in terms of error probability, of an optical wireless BAN, considering the optical code division multiple access technique. Finally, we show that a BAN using optical wireless technology is theoretically feasible, regarding a health monitoring application, and considering the mobility of the patient in indoor environment.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar alguns aspectos da
utilização de antenas adaptativas em um sistema celular
digital CDMA. Uma das razões para isto é que as antenas
adaptativas reduzem a interferência que no sistema CDMA
influencia direta e fortemente a capacidade do sistema.
Inicialmente foi feito um resumo dos princípios gerais dos
arranjos de antenas de sistemas celulares digitais e de
algoritmos de adaptação. Com base nestes princípios, é
analisada a aplicação específica a sistemas CDMA,
estabelecendo-se uma modelagem do receptor incluindo o
receptor Rake. É avaliado então através de simulação o
comportamento de dois importantes métodos de filtragem
espacial adaptativa para sistemas CDMA. / [en] This work aims to evaluate some aspects of the use of
adaptive arrays in digital celular CDMA systems. One reason
for that is that adaptive arrays reduce the interference
which strongly affects the performance of the system. First
the general principles of adaptive antennas, digital
cellular systems and adaptation algorithm are sumarized.
Based on that principles, the application to CDMA systems
is addressed, and a receiver model is developed, including
the Rake receiver. Then the behavior of two filtering
techniques is evaluated through computer simulation. / [es] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar algunos aspectos
de la utilización de antenas adaptativas en un sistema
celular digital CDMA. Una de las razones para esto es que
las antenas adaptativas reducen la interferencia, que en el
sistema CDMA influeye directa y fuertemente em la capacidad
del sistema. Inicialmente se realizó un resumen de los
principios generales de los arranjos de antenas de sistemas
celulares digitales y de algoritmos de adaptación. Con base
en estos princípios, se analiza la aplicación específica a
sistemas CDMA, estableciendo una modelaje del receptor
incluindo el receptor Rake. Se evalúa a través de
simulación el comportamiento de dos importantes métodos de
filtraje espacial adaptativa para sistemas CDMA.
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Codage spatio-temporel tensoriel pour les systèmes de communication sans fil MIMO / Tensor space-time coding for MIMO wireless communication systemsCosta, Michele Nazareth da 20 March 2014 (has links)
Depuis le succès croissant des systèmes mobiles au cours des années 1990, les nouvelles technologies sans fil ont été développées afin de répondre à la demande croissante de services multimédias de haute qualité avec des taux d'erreur les plus faibles possibles. Un moyen intéressant pour améliorer les performances et obtenir de meilleurs taux de transmission consiste à combiner l'utilisation de plusieurs diversités avec un accès de multiplexage dans le cadre des systèmes MIMO. L'utilisation de techniques de sur-échantillonnage, d'étalement et de multiplexage, et de diversités supplémentaires conduit à des signaux multidimensionnels, au niveau de la réception, qui satisfont des modèles tensoriels. Cette thèse propose une nouvelle approche tensorielle basée sur un codage spatio-temporel tensoriel (TST) pour les systèmes de communication sans fil MIMO. Les signaux reçus par plusieurs antennes forment un tenseur d'ordre quatre qui satisfait un nouveau modèle tensoriel, modèle PARATUCK-(2,4) (PT-(2,4)). Une analyse de performance est réalisée pour le système TST ainsi que pour un système spatio-temporel-fréquentiel (STF) récemment proposé dans la littérature, avec l'obtention du gain maximum de diversité dans le cas d'un canal à évanouissement plat. Un système de transmission basé sur le codage TST est proposé pour les systèmes MIMO avec plusieurs utilisateurs. Une nouvelle décomposition tensorielle est introduite, appelée PT-(N1,N). Cette thèse établit les conditions d'unicité du modèle PT-(N1,N). À partir de ces résultats, différents récepteurs semi-aveugles sont proposés pour une estimation conjointe des symboles transmis et du canal, pour les systèmes TST et STF. / Since the growing success of mobile systems in the 1990s, new wireless technologies have been developed in order to support a growing demand for high-quality multimedia services with low error rates. An interesting way to improve the error performance and to achieve better transmission rates is to combine the use of various diversities and multiplexing access techniques in the MIMO system context. The incorporation of oversampling, spreading and multiplexing operations and additional diversities on wireless systems lead to multidimensional received signals which naturally satisfy tensor models. This thesis proposes a new tensorial approach based on a tensor space-time (TST) coding for MIMO wireless communication systems. The signals received by multiple antennas form a fourth-order tensor that satisfies a new tensor model, referred to as PARATUCK-(2,4) (PT-(2,4)) model. A performance analysis is carried out for the proposed TST system and a recent space-time-frequency (STF) system, which allows to derive expressions for the maximum diversity gain over a at fading channel. An uplink processing based on the TST coding with allocation resources is proposed. A new tensor decomposition is introduced, the so-called PT-(N1,N), which generalizes the standard PT-2 and our PT-(2,4) model. This thesis establishes uniqueness conditions for the PARATUCK-(N1,N) model. From these results, joint symbol and channel estimation is ensured for the TST and STF systems. Semi-blind receivers are proposed based on the well-known Alternating Least Squares algorithm and the Levenberg-Marquardt method, and also a new receiver based on the Kronecker Least Squares (KLS) for both systems.
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Multiuser Transmission in Code Division Multiple Access Mobile Communications SystemsIrmer, Ralf 28 April 2005 (has links)
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is the technology used in all third generation cellular communications networks, and it is a promising candidate for the definition of fourth generation standards. The wireless mobile channel is usually frequency-selective causing interference among the users in one CDMA cell. Multiuser Transmission (MUT) algorithms for the downlink can increase the number of supportable users per cell, or decrease the necessary transmit power to guarantee a certain quality-of-service. Transmitter-based algorithms exploiting the channel knowledge in the transmitter are also motivated by information theoretic results like the Writing-on-Dirty-Paper theorem. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a reasonable performance criterion for noise-dominated scenarios. Using linear filters in the transmitter and the receiver, the SNR can be maximized with the proposed Eigenprecoder. Using multiple transmit and receive antennas, the performance can be significantly improved. The Generalized Selection Combining (GSC) MIMO Eigenprecoder concept enables reduced complexity transceivers. Methods eliminating the interference completely or minimizing the mean squared error exist for both the transmitter and the receiver. The maximum likelihood sequence detector in the receiver minimizes the bit error rate (BER), but it has no direct transmitter counterpart. The proposed Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission (TxMinBer) minimizes the BER at the detectors by transmit signal processing. This nonlinear approach uses the knowledge of the transmit data symbols and the wireless channel to calculate a transmit signal optimizing the BER with a transmit power constraint by nonlinear optimization methods like sequential quadratic programming (SQP). The performance of linear and nonlinear MUT algorithms with linear receivers is compared at the example of the TD-SCDMA standard. The interference problem can be solved with all MUT algorithms, but the TxMinBer approach requires less transmit power to support a certain number of users. The high computational complexity of MUT algorithms is also an important issue for their practical real-time application. The exploitation of structural properties of the system matrix reduces the complexity of the linear MUT mthods significantly. Several efficient methods to invert the ystem matrix are shown and compared. Proposals to reduce the omplexity of the Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission mehod are made, including a method avoiding the constraint by pase-only optimization. The complexity of the nonlinear methods i still some magnitudes higher than that of the linear MUT lgorithms, but further research on this topic and the increasing processing power of integrated circuits will eventually allow to exploit their better performance. / Der codegeteilte Mehrfachzugriff (CDMA) wird bei allen zellularen Mobilfunksystemen der dritten Generation verwendet und ist ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat für zukünftige Technologien. Die Netzkapazität, also die Anzahl der Nutzer je Funkzelle, ist durch auftretende Interferenzen zwischen den Nutzern begrenzt. Für die Aufwärtsstrecke von den mobilen Endgeräten zur Basisstation können die Interferenzen durch Verfahren der Mehrnutzerdetektion im Empfänger verringert werden. Für die Abwärtsstrecke, die höhere Datenraten bei Multimedia-Anwendungen transportiert, kann das Sendesignal im Sender so vorverzerrt werden, dass der Einfluß der Interferenzen minimiert wird. Die informationstheoretische Motivation liefert dazu das Writing-on-Dirty-Paper Theorem. Das Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnis ist ein geeignetes Kriterium für die Performanz in rauschdominierten Szenarien. Mit Sende- und Empfangsfiltern kann das SNR durch den vorgeschlagenen Eigenprecoder maximiert werden. Durch den Einsatz von Mehrfachantennen im Sender und Empfänger kann die Performanz signifikant erhöht werden. Mit dem Generalized Selection MIMO Eigenprecoder können Transceiver mit reduzierter Komplexität ermöglicht werden. Sowohl für den Empfänger als auch für den Sender existieren Methoden, die Interferenzen vollständig zu eliminieren, oder den mittleren quadratischen Fehler zu minimieren. Der Maximum-Likelihood-Empfänger minimiert die Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit (BER), hat jedoch kein entsprechendes Gegenstück im Sender. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission (TxMinBer) minimiert die BER am Detektor durch Sendesignalverarbeitung. Dieses nichtlineare Verfahren nutzt die Kenntnis der Datensymbole und des Mobilfunkkanals, um ein Sendesignal zu generieren, dass die BER unter Berücksichtigung einer Sendeleistungsnebenbedingung minimiert. Dabei werden nichtlineare Optimierungsverfahren wie Sequentielle Quadratische Programmierung (SQP) verwendet. Die Performanz linearer und nichtlinearer MUT-Verfahren MUT-Algorithmen mit linearen Empfängern wird am Beispiel des TD-SCDMA-Standards verglichen. Das Problem der Interferenzen kann mit allen untersuchten Verfahren gelöst werden, die TxMinBer-Methode benötigt jedoch die geringste Sendeleistung, um eine bestimmt Anzahl von Nutzern zu unterstützen. Die hohe Rechenkomplexität der MUT-Algorithmen ist ein wichtiges Problem bei der Implementierung in Real-Zeit-Systemen. Durch die Ausnutzung von Struktureigenschaften der Systemmatrizen kann die Komplexität der linearen MUT-Verfahren signifikant reduziert werden. Verschiedene Verfahren zur Invertierung der Systemmatrizen werden aufgezeigt und verglichen. Es werden Vorschläge gemacht, die Komplexität der Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission zu reduzieren, u.a. durch Vermeidung der Sendeleistungsnebenbedingung durch eine Beschränkung der Optimierung auf die Phasen des Sendesignalvektors. Die Komplexität der nichtlinearen Methoden ist um einige Größenordungen höher als die der linearen Verfahren. Weitere Forschungsanstrengungen an diesem Thema sowie die wachsende Rechenleistung von integrierten Halbleitern werden künftig die Ausnutzung der besseren Leistungsfähigkeit der nichtlinearen MUT-Verfahren erlauben.
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