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Valéry Giscard d'Estaing et la Grande-Bretagne : le couple franco-britannique sur la scène internationale de 1974 à1981 / Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Great Britain : the Franco-British couple on the world stage from 1974 to 1981Baratier-Negri, Laurence 28 May 2015 (has links)
Les années 70 voient l’émergence d’un monde multipolaire qui exige de nouvelles échelles de négociations. Quelle place le bilatéral peut-il jouer dans la réorganisation des relations internationales ? La question interpelle tout particulièrement deux puissances européennes « moyennes » aux ambitions mondiales : la France et la Grande-Bretagne. Les chocs monétaire, économique et énergétique dans un contexte de mondialisation accélérée, rendent indispensable la coordination entre les Etats et justifient des solutions régionales : Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, qui voit dans l’intégration européenne le moyen de préserver le poids de l’Europe et de la France dans le monde, doit composer avec les Britanniques qui adhèrent à la CEE en 1973. Aux défis économiques s’ajoutent des déséquilibres politiques : inconnues de la détente, divergences transatlantiques, recul du leadership américain, apparition de nouveaux acteurs sur l’échiquier mondial. Pour sauvegarder l’équilibre européen, le consensus est plus que jamais nécessaire. L’arrivée au pouvoir au milieu des années 70 en France, en Grande-Bretagne, en Allemagne et aux États-Unis, d’une nouvelle génération de dirigeants, favorise la restructuration des modes de concertation. La création par Valéry Giscard d’Estaing du Conseil européen et du G7 cristallise cette évolution et offre de nouvelles perspectives aux relations bilatérales. Celles-ci s’inscrivent de plus en plus dans le système des relations internationales par un jeu d’échelles qui permet de coordonner les stratégies. Le sommet franco-britannique créé en 1976 prend toute sa dimension en tant que relais entre gouvernance européenne et gouvernance mondiale. / The 70’s see the emergence of a multipolar world that requires new scales of negotiations. What role can bilateralism play in the reorganization of global relations? The question especially calls out two medium-sized European powers with worldwide ambitions: France and Great Britain.The monetary, economical, and energy crises in a context of accelerated globalization make the coordination between states vital and justify regional solutions. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, who sees in the European integration the mean to preserve the weight of Europe and France in the world, has to compose with the British who join the EEC in 1973. To the economic challenges are added political imbalances: the unknowns of Détente, transatlantic divergences, the decline of the American leadership, and the emergence of new key players on the world stage. In order to protect the European balance, the consensus is more necessary than ever. The coming to power, in the mid 70’s, of a new generation of political leaders in France, Great Britain, Germany, and the US promotes the restructuring of dialogue. The creation of the European Council and the G7 by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing crystallizes this evolution and offers new perspectives to bilateral relations. These fit more and more into the international relation system by an interplay of scales that allows the coordination of the strategies. The Franco-British summit introduced in 1976 comes into full view as a relay between the European governance and the worldwide governance. Read more
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La guerre des Malouines dans les relations internationales / The Falkland Islands War in International RelationsMasson, Bérengère 20 June 2009 (has links)
Le 2 avril 1982, l’Argentine envahit les îles Malouines et réaffirme sa souveraineté sur ces îles perdues en 1833. Pourquoi l’Argentine décide-t-elle reprendre ces îles ? Par lassitude ? Sans doute, les négociations s’enlisent et ne laissaient entrevoir aucune solution. Par intérêt ? Sans nul doute, le rapport Shackleton évoque les richesses naturelles inexploitées de l’archipel (du pétrole et des eaux poissonneuses). Par opportunisme ? Indéniablement, l’Argentine est alors en crise financière et est gouvernée par une dictature militaire fragilisée par les oppositions. La reconquête des Malouines pourrait être une planche de salut pour la Junte. La force de réaction de Margaret Thatcher à cette invasion semble surprendre : pourquoi vouloir conserver des îles lointaines, qui comptent 1800 habitants, et 700 000 ovins ? Le monde est encore en pleine guerre froide, les Etats-Unis et l’URSS s’opposent toujours, le conflit des Malouines vient leur offrir un terrain d’affrontement supplémentaire. / On the 2nd April 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands and reclaimed sovereignty over the islands that she had lost in 1833. Why did Argentina decide to retake these islands ? Was it weariness? Without doubt, negotiation had not given hope of a solution. Was it out of interest? Without a doubt the Shackleton connection suggested unexploited natural resources on the islands (petrol and fishable waters). Was it opportunism? Undeniably Argentina was at that time in a financial crisis and governed by a military dictatorship weakened by conflict. The re-conquest of the Falklands could have been the last hope for the Junta. The strength of Margaret Thatcher's reaction to this invasion seemed surprising: why would one want to keep hold of these far flung islands with 1800 inhabitants and 700 000 ovines? The world was still in the middle of a cold war, the United Stated of America and the USSR continued to clash; the conflict in the Falklands offered them an additional battle ground. Read more
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Zwischen Europäisierung und innenpolitischer Auseinandersetzung : der Umbau der Ministerialverwaltung in Estland und Polen / Between Europeanisation and domestic politics : the transformation of ministerial administration in Estonia and PolandTragl, Stefanie January 2006 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit den Reformprozessen, die sich vom Zeitpunkt des System-umbruchs 1989/90 bis zum EU-Beitritt 2004 in den Ministerialverwaltungen Estlands und Polens vollzogen haben. Die Veränderungen, die während dieser Zeit stattfanden, standen im Spannungsfeld zweier Prozesse: des von innenpolitischen Erfordernissen geprägten Transformationsprozesses und des Europäisierungsprozesses, in dem die EU als einflussreicher externer Akteur hinzutrat. Konzeptionell greift die Untersuchung auf die Diskussionen aus der institutionellen Transformationsforschung und die Debatten um die Europäisierung von Regierungs- und Verwaltungssystemen zurück.
Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Veränderungen auf der zentralstaatlichen Ebene und betrachtet diese Veränderungen in ihrer horizontalen und sektoralen Dimension. Die horizontale Dimension umfasst Rahmenbedingungen des Verwaltungssystems insgesamt, dies sind zentrale Strukturen des Regierungsapparates, die regierungsinternen Koordinationsmechanismen und die Etablierung des öffentlichen Dienstes. In der sektoralen Dimension wird die Verwaltung im Politikfeld Landwirtschaft betrachtet.
In beiden Ländern gab es einen gemeinsamen Ausgangspunkt der Entwicklungen, das sozialistische Verwaltungssystem, und einen ähnlichen Zielpunkt der Verwaltungsreformen in den 1990er Jahren: eine wie auch immer definierte „moderne Verwaltung“. Auch die Rahmenbedingungen des EU-Integrationsprozesses in Mittelosteuropa lassen eher Konvergenzen erwarten. Doch spielen nationale politische Konstellationen eine entscheidende Rolle für die Entwicklungen, so dass man bilanzierend sagen kann: Estland und Polen haben mit Beginn der Transformation unterschiedliche nationale Entwicklungspfade eingeschlagen und ihre Verwaltungssysteme unterscheiden sich mittlerweile stärker voneinander als zur Zeit des Sozialismus. / The dissertation is concerned with transformation of ministerial administrations in Estonia and Poland between 1989/90 and EU accession in 2004. Two processes, the transformation process largely determined by domestic politics and the Europeanisation process with the EU entering the arena as a powerful external actor, influenced changes during this period. The theoretical background of the study refers to institutionalist approaches in transformation research and debates on Europeanisation of governmental and administrative systems.
The study focuses on developments on central state level, which are analysed in a horizontal and a sectoral dimension. The horizontal dimension covers the framework of the administra-tive system, as there are structures of central state government, coordination mechanisms within government and the establishment of a civil service. In the sectoral dimension administrative structures in agricultural administration are examined.
Both countries share a common point of origin, the socialist administrative system and a simi-lar point of arrival, a “modern” administration, however the latter may be defined. The conditions of the EU integration process also lead to the assumption of convergent developments. But in national political constellations have a decisive impact on developments. As a résumé it can be stated that Estonia and Poland entered different national paths of development from the outset of transformation and administrative systems by now differ in a larger degree than in socialist times. Read more
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Options for developing bond markets. Lessons from Asia for Central and Eastern Europe.Haiss, Peter, Marin, Stefan January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Asian efforts towards bond market development are driven by the 1997-98 financial crises; Central and Eastern European efforts by the transition towards EMU. The small size of most of the economies underlying these still "emerging" bond markets poses the question of minimum efficient scale and which options to pursue. We argue that the joint bond funds and regional bond market linkups that follow existing trade, FDI and bank ties will broaden the sources of finance, can improve market discipline, provide signals to the market, and thus increase financial stability. Based upon bond market data and analysis of regional efforts like the Asian Bond Funds, we argue that bond market development should be given more attention to foster growth and stability. (author's abstract) / Series: EI Working Papers / Europainstitut
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El capital social: presente y futuroSánchez Rus, Heliodoro 20 October 2011 (has links)
El presente trabajo analiza los diversos aspectos de la disciplina del capital desde la perspectiva del Derecho comunitario europeo y el Derecho español. El régimen del capital social incorporado en la Directiva 77/91/CEE desempeñó un papel relevante en la armonización del derecho de sociedades europeo en el último cuarto del siglo pasado. No obstante, a día de hoy es un concepto cuestionado y hay voces que reclaman su supresión. Debe tenerse en cuenta, sin embargo, que el capital no es un concepto unitario sino que engloba diversas figuras que han ido surgiendo en momentos históricos diferentes y que responden a distintas finalidades. Por otra parte, la configuración del capital no es exactamente idéntica en las sociedades anónimas y en las sociedades de responsabilidad limitada. El presente trabajo propugna una línea evolutiva que permita la adaptación de las viejas disposiciones legales al nuevo entorno en el que deben operar las sociedades de capital. / This work analyses the different features of the discipline of the legal capital from the view of the European Community Law and the Spanish Law. The regime of the registered capital incorporated in the Directive 77/91/CEE played a significant part in harmonizing the European Companies Law during this last quarter of the last century. However, on today’s date it is a concept subject to question and there are people claiming its suppression. It must be borne in mind, however, that the capital is not an unitary concept but that it encompasses different characters which have been appearing in different moments of the history and which respond to different aims. On the other hand, the configuration of the legal capital is not exactly identical in the public companies (or open corporations) as in the private companies (or closed corporations). This work suggests an evolutionary line allowing bringing in line the old legal provisions to the new environment in which the companies have to operate. Read more
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Diretrizes reestruturadoras das licenciaturas no Brasil: reflexões sobre um currículo de transição do curso de Licenciatura em Física / Restructuring guidelines for undergraduate degrees in Brazil: reflections on a transition curriculum of undergraduate physics courseSantos, Tais Andrade dos 19 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Taís Andrade dos Santos (taisandradedossantos@gmail.com) on 2018-08-07T14:32:53Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa de mestrado tem o objetivo de investigar o processo de reestruturação curricular de um curso de licenciatura em Física para o atendimento a Deliberação CEE nº 111/2012 e a preparação para a Resolução CNE/CP nº 02/2015. A pesquisa se mostra relevante não apenas para mapear as alterações na grade curricular do curso, de acordo com a legislação, mas principalmente por conhecer as concepções dos gestores, professores formadores e discentes. Esse estudo de caso foi delineado a partir da seguinte questão de pesquisa: “Quais as concepções de Docentes, Gestores e Discentes do curso de Licenciatura em Física sobre as contribuições das modificações curriculares para a formação dos futuros professores?” e com os seguintes objetivos específicos: Conhecer e analisar os documentos oficiais que propõem as modificações no currículo; construir um instrumento de análise argumentativa, por meio das categorias de Toulmin, para que possamos ter uma visão global dos prós e contras do novo currículo pela visão dos sujeitos; analisar/inferir as contribuições do novo currículo para a formação de professores (em relação ao currículo anterior), ou seja, refletir sobre o perfil dos alunos egressos do curso considerando também as mudanças que ocorreram com a nova reestruturação implantada para os alunos ingressos no ano de 2018. Os métodos técnico-instrumentais utilizados foram: análise estrutural de conteúdo material; revisão bibliográfica, análise de documentos, entrevista e questionários analisados através do referencial teórico metodológico de análise da argumentação dos sujeitos. Os referenciais teóricos metodológicos que fundamentaram a pesquisa foram o Padrão de Argumentação de Toumin (TAP) para as concepções dos sujeitos e para as relações de currículo propostos por Apple. Como principais resultados obtidos nesse trabalho temos que apesar do perfil formativo da legislação apontar para uma racionalidade prática com uma estreita relação entre a teoria e a prática, a concepção dos docentes sobre a formação inicial prioriza “saber o conteúdo da Física”, relacionando a prática docente na formação inicial apenas às disciplinas pedagógicas. O processo de reestruturação neste estudo de caso foi realizado de modo verticalizado, apesar de parecer um discurso repetitivo de verticalização na adequação do currículo, os gestores e docentes neste estudo de caso demonstraram que o processo foi realizado apenas para o cumprimento burocrático das deliberações, de modo que os docentes evitaram ao máximo passar pelo processo. Além da implantação da diretriz causar mudanças no estilo de ensino do professor formador, em relação às concepções dos discentes, docentes e dos gestores sobre a reestruturação do currículo; um dos traços mais marcantes é a dicotomia entre o saber dos conteúdos de Física e didática, essa dicotomia aparece na imposição da deliberação CEE nº 111/2012, que ao assegurar uma carga horária para as disciplinas pedagógica nas licenciaturas, causa na postura dos sujeitos o discurso de que a alteração é interessante à formação dos futuros professores, desde que não altere a carga horária das disciplinas de Física. Por fim como contribuições deste trabalho compreende-se que é imprescindível que os currículos devem ser reformulados não apenas por documentos legais, mas que o processo de reflexão da formação inicial docente deve ser contínuo e repensado pelos próprios professores formadores e gestores. / This master's research aims to investigate the process of curricular restructuring of a degree in Physics for compliance with CEE resolution 111/2012 and the preparation for CNE / CP Resolution 02/2015. The research is relevant not only to map the changes in the course curriculum of the course, according to the legislation, but mainly to know the conceptions of managers, teachers and students. This case study was delineated from the following research question: "What are the conceptions of Teachers, Managers and Students of the Licentiate in Physics course on the contributions of curricular modifications to the training of future teachers?" And with the following specific objectives : To know and to analyze the official documents that propose the modifications in the curriculum; to construct an instrument of argumentative analysis, through Toulmin's categories, so that we can have a global view of the pros and cons of the new curriculum by the subjects' view; to analyze / infer the contributions of the new curriculum for teacher training (in relation to the previous curriculum), that is, to reflect on the profile of the students who graduated from the course, also considering the changes that occurred with the new restructuring implemented for students in the year of 2018. The technical-instrumental methods used were: structural analysis of material content; bibliographic review, document analysis, interview and questionnaires analyzed through the theoretical methodological reference of the analysis of the subjects' arguments. The theoretical methodological references that supported the research were the Toulmin Argumentation Standard (TAP) for the subjects' conceptions and for the curriculum relations proposed by Apple. As the main results obtained in this work we have that although the training profile of the legislation points to a practical rationality with a close relationship between theory and practice, the teachers' conception about initial training prioritizes “to know the content of Physics”, relating the teaching practice in the initial training only to the pedagogical disciplines. The restructuring process in this case study was carried out vertically, although it seems to be a repetitive discourse of verticalisation in the adequacy of the curriculum, the managers and teachers in this case study demonstrated that the process was carried out only for the bureaucratic fulfillment of the deliberations, of so that teachers avoided the process as much as possible. In addition to the implementation of the directive cause changes in the teaching style of the teacher trainer, in relation to the conceptions of the students, teachers and managers on the restructuring of the curriculum; one of the most striking features is the dichotomy between the knowledge of the contents of Physics and didactics, this dichotomy appears in the imposition of the CEE resolution No. 111/2012, which, by securing an hourly load for the pedagogical disciplines in the degrees, discourse that the change is interesting to the training of future teachers, as long as it does not change the workload of the Physics disciplines. Finally, as contributions of this work it is understood that it is imperative that curricula must be reformulated not only by legal documents, but that the process of reflection of initial teacher education must be continuous and rethought by the teacher trainers themselves and managers. Read more
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Makroprudenční politika a bankovní přeshraniční kapitálové toky / Macro-prudential policy and banks' cross-border capital flowsRabinovich, Ilia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyzes spillover effects of prudential policies on cross-border capital flows in the period from 2000 until 2014 for 64 countries. It estimates the size of the effect, which 9 most common prudential policy tools had on capital flows based on BIS LBS. The findings show spillover effect of general capital requirements and consumer credit capital requirements on the cross-border capital flows. This work provides analysis of spillover effects in several groups of countries with special accent on CEE countries. JEL Classification F32, F34, G21 Keywords Macroprudential policies; Prudential and supervisory measures; Cross-border banking flows; Leakages; Regulatory arbitrage; CEE Author's e-mail ilyshar@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail adam.gersl@gmail.com
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Did the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Strengthen European Identity? : Utilizing Unexpected Event During Surveys Design: A Quasi-Experimental ApproachPortolani, Lyon January 2024 (has links)
In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a compelling question arises, could this event have brought Europeans closer? Armed conflicts often strengthen in-group identity as individuals seek safety from external threats. This study speculates that the perceived threat of the invasion might have intensified emotional attachments to Europe across the continent. Additionally, it explores how the response differed between Western Europe and Central and Eastern European countries. This study bases its conceptualization, hypotheses, and interpretations on social identity theory, alongside a comprehensive review of the literature on armed conflict and identity. Utilizing a quasi-experimental method to investigate the probable causal link and using 12 countries from the 10th round of the European Social Survey to generalize the findings across a diverse European population. The findings reveal that Europeans did not develop a stronger sense of European identity in response to the invasion, suggesting that Europeans do not perceive Europe as a meaningful identity to unite under or seek safety in when military conflicts intensify on the continent. This study contributes to the understanding that the European project, along with its socio-political efforts, has been relatively unsuccessful in establishing itself as a significant unifying point when conflicts intensify. Read more
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La planification française comme instrument de politique industrielle de la Libération au milieu de la présidence du Général De Gaulle (1945-1965) / French postwar planning as an instrument of industrial policy from the Liberation to the middle of the presidency of General De Gaulle (1945-1965)Chu, Chunhua 27 September 2018 (has links)
Immédiatement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, sous l’impulsion du Général de Gaulle et de Jean Monnet, le Gouvernement provisoire de la République française décida d’engager dans le système capitaliste français une politique économique à moyen terme désignée par le terme de « planification ». Le Plan, en tant qu’outil d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre de politiques industrielles, dirigea l’industrie française pour qu’elle puisse se développer et s’adapter aux différentes circonstances. Quatre plans furent successivement mis en œuvre dès la Libération jusqu’en 1965 par le Commissariat Général du Plan (CGP) sous la direction successive de trois commissaires généraux du Plan, à savoir Jean Monnet, Etienne Hirsch, Pierre Massé. Dans ce laps de temps furent lancés les plans suivants : Plan Pinay-Rueff, Plan intérimaire, Plan d’adaptation des charbonnages, Plan de stabilisation. Imbriquée de multiples manières à une « expansion industrielle », la planification française réussit à transformer la France rurale en une société industrielle et à faire passer l’industrie française de la situation fermée et protégée à la confrontation de la concurrence internationale. Elle joua aussi un rôle important dans le mode de rapport entre le secteur public et privé et en particulier, le fonctionnement des entreprises nationales. À plus long terme, c’était encore au Plan que revenait le mérite de tracer les lignes d’un harmonieux développement des régions françaises, surtout de l’aménagement du territoire. / Immediately after the Second World War, the Provisional Government of the French Republic, under the leadership of General de Gaulle and Jean Monnet, decided to engage in the French capitalist system a medium-term economic policy designated by the term "planning". The Plan, as a tool for the elaboration and implementation of industrial policies, directed French industry so that it could develop and adapt to different circumstances. Four Plans were successively implemented from the Liberation until 1965 by the General Planning Agency under the successive direction of three commissioners, namely Jean Monnet, Etienne Hirsch, Pierre Massé. Meanwhile, the Rueff-Pinay Stabilization Plan, Interim Plan, Plan d’adaptation des charbonnages, Giscard d’Estaing’s Stabilization Plan were launched. Interwoven in many ways with an "industrial expansion", French planning succeeded in transforming rural France into an industrial society and to shift French industry from the closed and protected situation to the confrontation of international competition. It also played an important role in the relationship between the public and private sectors and, in particular, the functioning of national enterprises. In the longer term, it was again in the Plan that the merit of drawing the lines of a harmonious development of the French regions, especially of the Spatial planning. Read more
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Queer geografie sexualit: sociokulturní organizace sexualit v prostoru a (de)konstrukce heteronormativity. / Queer geografie sexualit: sociokulturní organizace sexualit v prostoru a (de)konstrukce heteronormativity.Pitoňák, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Geographies of sexualities started to develop within the Anglo-American academic context during the late 1980s. In the 1990s, propelled by the cultural turn, the swelling of post-structuralist and postmodern critiques, and a growing recognition of the limitations to scientific knowledge production and representation, geographers of sexualities introduced queer theory into human geography. Queer theory provided human geography with powerful tools for approaching not only straightforward spatialities of sexualities, but this new lens contributed to the development of human geographies as such. Currently, at least in the Anglo-Saxon geographical context, the field of geographies of sexualities is considered part of mainstream human geography. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is to provide a few lines of reasoning for the development of geographies of sexualities in Czechia and Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and introduction of post-structuralist understandings, specifically queer theory. In contrast to other phenomena that may be locally exclusive or particular, human sexualities are everyplace, albeit quite variable and dependent on the context in which they "enter into language," become institutionalized, and are regulated. Geographers have been specifically insightful about the ways in which... Read more
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