Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ananalysis"" "subject:"3danalysis""
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Modifikace krevního čerpadla, jako srdeční náhrady / Modification of a blood pump as a heart replacementSimandl, Mirek January 2019 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals optimization of regenerative pump and axial pump with ring motors that are designed as a heart replacement. Analysis of the koncepts is performed which were made in previous master’s thesis. There is created a new design of construction and hydraulition with using flat motors based on the analysis. The compact assembly of two impeller was formulated that replaced left and right heart and it served as a function of heart replacement. A functional model of the pump is created, there is measured characteristics of impeller and results are compared with CFD analysis. The design requirements some parts of the axial pump are added and it’s deviced feasibility analysis.
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Hydraulický návrh induceru palivového čerpadla pro raketový motor / Hydraulic design of inducer fuel pump for rocket engineKadlec, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this masters thesis is hydraulic design of inducer for given pump geometry and operating parameters. The first part of this thesis deals with cavitation problematic in hydrodynamic pumps. Next section describes two-dimensional design of the inducer and according to that, the 3D CAD model of inducer is made. The later part deals with thorough CFD analysis and determination of the main hydraulic parameters of inducer itself and also with whole pump completed with this inducer. The last section is devoted to inducer design improvement.
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Optimalizace sací trouby násoskové vírové turbíny / Optimization of the siphon swirl turbine draft tubeMach, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to design a new shape of the draft tube, which will be easier to manufacture while maintaining good strength and hydraulic properties. First part of this thesis is devoted to the formulation of the problem, description of the swirl turbine, principle of operation, the basic variants of arrangement, also the function of the draft tube, its efficiency and other formulas. In the second part of this thesis is a CFD and strength analysis of the original design, also a new design is proposed and the possibility of optimization using ANSYS Fluent Adjoint solver.
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Venturi Undertray : KTH Bachelor Thesis ReportBoudali, Selma, Olausson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
This bachelor thesis aims to describe the work performed for the design of the undertray for the Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Formula Student(KTHFS) race car. The goal was to achieve an aerodynamically optimized undertray design that follows the regulations of the competition and the targets set by KTHFS concerning the weight, the size, the materials needed for its manufacture and costs. After some research on previous work, the concept, on which we decided that the undertray would rely on, is Venturi tunnels inspired by the Aston Martin Valkyrie, chosen for its ability to provide a large amount of downforce with a negligible amount of drag using ”ground effect”. Numerous CAD design models were created in Solid Edge and a finalized design was then ported over to Siemens NX to be analyzed using Star-CCM+ and its Design Manager feature. The CFD analyses and optimization was performed in Star-CCM+ with regards to pressure gradient, streamline velocity and downforce. These were done with variable parameters in areas such as expansion height, inlet area and ride height. Contained within this report is a more detailed description of how the CFD analysis was performed as well as suggestions for manufacturing said undertray. Given the time constraints and the societal impacts of COVID-19, manufacturing had to be removed from the scope of the project, however, a step-by-step manufacture guide is provided within. Analysis of uur final design showed 428 N of downforce, a weight of 2.55 kg and a production cost of approximately 2320 SEK. It therefore passes the requirements for weight, cost and ride-height rule regulations set by Formula Student and internal KTHFS targets. / Detta kandidatexamesarbete syftar till att beskriva arbetet som utförts för konstruktionsdesignen av Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Formula Student (KTHFS) racerbils underrede. Målet var att uppnå en aerodynamisk optimerad underredes design som följer de regler och krav fastställda av KTHFS gällande vikt, storlek, material som behövs till tillverkningen och kostnader. Efter en litteraturstudie på tidigare arbete, blev Venturi tunnlar, inspirerade av Aston Martin Valkyrie, konceptet som vi beslutade att uderreden skulle bygga på och valda på grund av deras förmåga att förbättra bilens prestanda genom sitt nedkraftsbildande och försumbar mängd drag med hjälp av ”ground effect”. Många CAD-designmodeller skapades i Solid Edge och en slutgiltig design överfördes sedan till Siemens NX för att analyseras med Star CCM+ och dess Design Managerfunktion. CFD-analyserna och optimeringen utfördes i Star CCM+ med avseende på tryckgradient, strömlinjehastighet och nedkrafter. Dessa gjordes med variabla parametrar i områden som utvidgningshöjd, inloppsarea och frigångshöjd. I denna rapport finns en mer detaljerad beskrivning av hur CFD-analysen utfördes samt förslag för tillverkning. Med tanke på tidsbegränsningarna och samhällseffekterna av COVID-19 fick vi ta bort tillverknink från projektets omfattning, men en steg-för-steg tillverkningsguide tillhandahålls i rapporten. Analyser av vår slutgiltiga design visade på 428N downforce, en vikt på 2,55 kg och en produktionskostnad på cirka 2320 SEK. Den överenstämmer därför kraven för vikt, kostnad och frigångshöjd som fastställdes av Formula Student.
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Computational Modeling of A Williams Cross Flow TurbinePokhrel, Sajjan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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CFD Investigation of Heat Exchangers with Circular and Elliptic Cross-Sectional ChannelsAliev, Ruslan January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Vířivé čerpadlo jako možná srdeční náhrada / Vortex pump as a possible heart replacementCoufalík, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of artificial hearts and ventricular assist devices. The theoretical part describes the heart and its function. Blood is characterized in terms of rheological behavior and the possible criteria for hemolysis are discussed. The following section describes the most commonly used ventricular assist devices, with emphasis on the use of the regenerative pump, including its components. In the practical part, an experimental analysis of two pumps (COV 43 and COV 23) is performed. Furthermore, non-dimensional characteristics of the pumps are constructed using the laws of similarity. In the computational part, the CFD analysis of the regenerative pump is performed by means of stationary and transient calculation. The results are compared with the experimental findings and based on the results, the impeller of regenerative pump was modified.
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Časování ventilů kompresoru na CO2 chladivo / Valves timing of compressor for CO2 refrigerantKamenický, Robin January 2015 (has links)
V posledních několika desetiletích se objevuje snaha o snížení firemních nákladů, stejně tak jako nákladů, které je nucen vynaložit zákazník, čímž se společnosti snaží získat výhodu vůči svým konkurentům na trhu. Spolu s tímto trendem jde i neustálá snaha snížit dopady na životní prostředí. Vývoj stávajících produktů se proto zdá být klíčovým prvkem. Tento dokument se zabývá vývojem pístového kompresoru na CO2 chladivo, který vyrábí společnost Emerson Climate Technologies. Cíl práce je zvýšit COP kompresoru při zachování stávající životnosti kompresoru. Diplomová práce je rozčleněna do několika kapitol, které se zabývají analýzou originálního designu kompresoru, návrhem a vyhodnocením designů nových. Nezbytné teoretické základy mohou být také shlédnuty v počátečních kapitolách. V poslední části dokumentu jsou sdělena možná další vylepšení a případné jiné konstrukce. Vývoj byl zaměřen na sestavu ventilové desky. Na základě několika předpokladů a výsledků analýzy původního designu kompresoru byly navrženy nové konstrukce, které byly dále testovány statickou strukturální analýzou. Pomoci modální analýzy byly také vypočteny vlastní frekvence a vlastní tvary sacího jazýčku. Mimo modální a statické strukturální analýzy byla provedena také CFD analýza. V posledním kroku byly testovány navržené prototypy a jejich výsledky byly porovnány s původním kompresorem. K správnému návrhu bylo zapotřebí programové podpory a to především v podobě MATLABu, ANSYSu WB a Microsoft Excelu. V práci jsou velmi často prezentovány obzvláště výsledky získané v programu ANSYS WB.
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Proces dekomprese v hydraulických systémech tvářecích strojů / The process of decompression in hydraulic systems of forming machinesHavelka, Milan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis consists of two main parts. The first part is a theoretical analysis, or a literary research, it is focused on the physical properties of the fluid, which have direct impact on the decompression. The aim of the second part is to evaluate the measurement of the forging valve and subsequently simulate the issue by means of CFD. The first simulations were performed for the maximal valve stroke and used for the CFD solver setup calibration. The subsequent analyses dealt with possible openings of the valve. In the final chapter the theoretical impact of the liquid compressibility and of the undissolved air is discussed. The results of the thesis can prove useful for the new valve setting in hydraulic circuit or for possible geometry modification.
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Optimalizovaný návrh sacího kanálu turbínového motoru / Optimized design of turbine engine intakeKubo, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with design of a subsonic intake which is used to supply small jet engine integrate into the fuselage of agile small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Some kinds of these intakes are listed in order to inspire and introduce future designers into this part of jet plane design. This thesis contains a small amount of theory about compressible flow, and necessary knowledge which are important to know before the very first attempt to design an intake. Two models were designed in order to prove that the theory listed in this thesis is useful and can be used as a guide in design process of subsonic intakes. Both designs have the same layout. S-duct design with one intake placed on the belly of fuselage was chosen. After CFD analysis of first model it was found that there are huge area with separated flow and vortex. Separated flow leads to big total pressure loss and pressure distortion. While designing the second model the emphasis was to avoid this vortex and improve flow conditions. This optimization was success and the second design have smaller pressure loss in compare to the first design. The difference is more than 50% at fly speed M=0,8.
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