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Towards the predictive FE analysis of a metal/composite booster casing’s thermomechanical integrityCapron, Adélie 30 November 2020 (has links) (PDF)
In response to serious environmental and economic concerns, the design and production of aircrafts have been changing profoundly over the past decades with the nose-to-tail switch from metallic materials to lightweight composite materials such as carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP). In this context, the present doctoral research work aimed to contribute to the development of a CFRP booster casing, a real innovation in the field initiated and conducted by Safran Aero Boosters. More specifically, this thesis addresses the matter of joining metal/CFRP hybrid structures, which are prone to possibly detrimental residual stresses.The issue is treated with an approach combining experimental characterisation and finite element (FE) simulations. The multi-layered system’s state of damage was systematically examined on hundreds of micrographs, and the outcome of this study is presented under the form of a statistical analysis. Further, the defects’ 3D morphology is investigated by incremental polishing. A number of thermal and mechanical properties are measured by diverse physical tests on part of the constituent materials, i.e. the aerospace grade RTM6 epoxy resin, the structural Redux 322 epoxy film adhesive, and AISI 316L stainless steel. They are used as input data in a FE model of the multilayer that is developed and progressively refined to obtain detailed residual stress fields after thermal loading. These results are compared to experimental data acquired by X-ray diffraction stress analysis and with the curvature-based Stoney formula. Cohesive elements are placed at specific locations within the FE model to allow simulating progressive damage. Peel tests, mode I, mode II and mixed mode I/II fracture tests are thus performed in view of measuring the joint toughness. The results of these tests are discussed and the presence of residual stress in the fracture specimens is highlighted. Key information for the calibration of the cohesive law is finally identified via inverse FE analysis of the mode I test, this being a significant step in the process of building a damage predictive FE model of the multi-layered system. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Comportement mécanique sous sollicitations alternées de voiles béton armé renforcés par matériaux composites / Mechanical behavior of RC walls under seismic activity strenghtened with CFRPQazi, Samiullah 17 January 2013 (has links)
Les enquêtes récentes sur les séismes ont fait ressortir l'importance des murs en béton armé en tant que partie intégrante des structures. L’évolution des règlements prend en compte ces considérations, par contre le bâti existant doit subir des renforcements dans l’objectif de leur mise en conformité. Dans cette thèse une étude expérimentale faite sur douze murs (six élancés et six courts) renforcés par un collage externe en composite a été conduite. Les murs ont été conçus en étant sous-renforcés à la flexion et cisaillement. Quatre de ces six échantillons ont été renforcés par des bandes de PRFC collées. Deux spécimens, un témoin et un renforcé, ont été soumis à un test de chargement statique et quatre échantillons, l'un témoin et trois rénovés, ont été soumis à des essais de charge cyclique. La discussion et l’analyse des tests incluent la description de la fissuration, l’analyse de la rigidité, de la capacité de charge ultime, de la ductilité. / Recent earthquake surveys have revealed the significance of RC walls as an integral part of structures. It reduces the structure damage to some extent. However, like other structural member they too are vulnerable. Researchers on basis of their post eartthquake survey and laboratary experiments have concluded that the RC wall buildings sustained damage, mainly due to design and construction work flaws. In this thesis experimental result of shear walls is discussed. They were designed under-reinforced to fail in shear in ase of short wall and in flexure for slender walls. Three out of these six specimens, in each case, were strengthened externally with CFRP strips bonded to wall panel and mesh anchors installed at wall foundation joint. Two specimens, one RC and one CFRP retrofitted (short and slender wall each), were subjected to static load test and three specimens, one RC and two to three CFRP retrofitted, were subjected to quasi static cyclic load tests. The test result analysis discussion includes failure mode, stiffness, ultimate load capacity, ductility, and energy dissipation.
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Formoptimierte filigrane Stäbe aus UHPC und korrosionsfreier CFK-Bewehrung für variable räumliche StabtragwerkeHenke, Michael, Fischer, Oliver 21 July 2022 (has links)
Die Vision bei diesem Projekt bestand darin, zukünftig anstelle massiver Betontragsysteme mit meist ungleichmäßiger Materialausnutzung am Kraftfluss orientierte, filigrane, stabartige Tragwerke zu entwerfen, die sich neben der Gewichtsreduktion und einer höheren Transparenz auch durch eine bessere Ressourcennutzung auszeichnen. Dabei wurde eine modulare Bauweise angestrebt, bei der die Einzelkomponenten Druckstab und vorgespannter Zugstab sowie Teile des Verbindungsknotenelements vorgefertigt und am Einsatzort zusammengefügt werden. Sowohl im Hinblick auf die Tragfähigkeits- und Verbundeigenschaften als auch auf die Dauerhaftigkeit sollten die Stäbe aus faserverstärktem Ultrahochleistungsbeton (UHPFRC) hergestellt sowie ausschließlich mit nichtmetallischen Elementen aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen (FVK) bewehrt bzw. vorgespannt werden. Im geförderten Zeitraum lag das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Entwicklung filigraner, formoptimierter Druck- und vorgespannter Zugstäbe. Zum Knotenelement wurden theoretische Überlegungen sowie erste Tastversuche angestellt. [Aus: Projektidee und Zielsetzung] / The vision of this project was to replace massive concrete structures with mostly inhomogeneous material utilization in the future by designing filigree concrete truss supporting structures in accordance with the principle form follows force instead. Thus, besides weight reduction and a higher transparency also a higher resource efficiency can be achieved. A modular construction method, in which the components compression strut, prestressed tie and connection joint elements are prefabricated and joined together at the construction site, was aspired. With regard to load-bearing capacity and bonding behaviour as well as durability, the struts and ties are made of Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) and are reinforced or prestressed exclusively with non-metallic elements made of f bre-reinforced polymers (FRP). Within the funding period, the focus was on the development of f ligree, shape-optimized struts and prestressed ties. Regarding the connection joint element, theoretical considerations were made and first basic tests were carried out. [Off: Vision and objective]
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