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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza síťové komunikace Ransomware / Ransomware Traffic Analysis

Šrubař, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this work is crypto-ransomware; a variant of malware, an analysis of this malware’s network communication, and the identification of means by which it may be detected in the network. The thesis describes the methodology and environment in which the malware’s network communications were studied. The first part of the thesis provides a network traffic analysis of this type of malware with a focus on HTTP and DNS communication, including anomalies that can be observed in the network during this malware’s activity. The thesis also includes a discussion of the user behavior of devices infected by this type of malware. The resulting data was used to identify and describe four detection methods that are able to recognize the malware from its network communication using the HTTP protocol. Finally, a description of several signatures that can be used as indicators of a possible infection by this malware are provided.

Kontrolní pevnostní výpočet napojení potrubí / Strength calculation of pipe junction

Dohnal, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on the strength calculation of piping with extra consideration given to the local effects of thermal loads. To be recognized as properly functioning, the piping is required to withstand the expected operating conditions in order to enable the continuous transport of the working fluid within the interconnected devices. It is imperative to take into consideration the variable thermal load in the area where the individual pipe branches connect into the main transmission piping. A major part of the thesis is concerned with the assessment of the expected workload influence on the most stressed parts of the system. The data are gathered by employing temperature and stress-strain analyses carried out in the ANSYS Mechanical program using the finite element method. The values based on the analyses are cross-checked with both the permitted values according to the ASME standard B31.3 Process piping and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code stress categorization method. Since all the evaluated stresses are below their respective permissible values, the piping strength is concluded as satisfactory according to the standards.

Aplikace pro generování a ověřování konfigurací síťových zařízení / Application generating and verifying configurations of network devices

Korček, Juraj January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is a design and implementation of a program for finding security and operational deficiencies of network devices and afterwards, resolving them by generating corrective configuration. Due to a lack of security and misconfiguration, there are a lot of devices exposed to the risk of a security incident. Therefore, the program compares settings with various standards, recommendations, and best practices and generates a report with findings. Afterwards, deficiencies can be eliminated by automatic resolution or manually if automatic resolving is not possible. The program uses regular expressions to find problem settings in previously exported configurations. Implementation is written in Python, and YAML markup language is used too. Another output of this thesis is a checklist, which can be used for the creation of future modules for support of other network device vendors and thus extend the program.

Vyhodnocení provozu tlakové kanalizace obce Hrádek u Sušice / Assessment of operation of the pressure sewerage system of the Hradek u Sušice village

Macsek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the assessment of a low pressure sewer system (LPS) in the village of Hrádek u Sušice during its test operation. It assesses the functionality of the LPS, parameters of operation and lists types of failures, which were found during the test operation, as well as the causes for the failings. For the purpose of determination of the LPS functionality and causes of failures, continual measurements of pressure have been made on selected sites followed by a thorough analysis of the data.

Aplikace KAIZEN / KAIZEN Application

Brhlík, David January 2010 (has links)
The goal of thesis is to implement Kaizen method into manufacturing process and so mineralize the scrap of production and at the same time get an numerical overview of the guarantee for the quality of product. Implementation this method will lead to elimination of existing random check of the process. Place: ABB s.r.o. Brno (company is specialized to production switchgears)

Implementation of a distributed sediment model in different data availability scenarios.

Bussi, Gianbattista 20 March 2014 (has links)
Soil erosion by water can cause agricultural soil losses, desertification, water pollution, reservoir sedimentation, local excess of erosion (such as bridge scour) or deposition, etc. For this reason, the assessment of soil erosion and sediment transport is a key component of integrated catchment management. One of the most useful and up-to-date tools available to catchment managers for soil erosion and sediment transport assessment is distributed modelling. During the last few decades, many sedimentological distributed models were developed and applied for a wide range of climates and basins. Their main advantage is that they allow spatial interpolation or extrapolation of their results. Nevertheless, their use is still limited by some constraints. One of the most relevant limitations to the use of such models is the lack of recorded sediment transport data to be used for model calibration and validation. It is widely recognised that both sediment discharge series and soil erosion measurements are only available in a few and small- to medium-size experimental catchments. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the possibility of using reservoir sedimentation data as a source of proxy information for sedimentological model calibration and validation. In order to carry out this task, a distributed sedimentological model called TETIS was tested in set of catchments with different sediment data availability. First of all, the TETIS model, developed over the last years by the research group of hydrological and environmental modelling of the Technical University of Valencia, is described, especially focusing on the new features developed within this dissertation (sedimentological sub-model automatic calibration algorithm, small pond sediment retention module, etc.). Then, the model is applied to three catchments with different sediment data availability. The first case-study is the Goodwin Creek catchment (Mississippi, US), an experimental catchment with high sediment transport data availability. The model performance is evaluated, and some considerations are made on the estimation of the sediment volume deposited into the drainage network at the beginning of a rainstorm. The second case-study is the Rambla del Poyo catchment (Valencia, Spain), a medium size semi-arid catchment draining to a coastal lagoon with severe sedimentation problems. The TETIS sedimentological sub-model is calibrated and validated using check-dam sedimentation volumes as an estimator of the total sediment transport. A detailed description of the alluvial stratigraphy infilling a check dam that drains a 12.9 km2 sub-catchment was used as indirect information of sediment yield data. A further application was also developed in this catchment in order to investigate the possibility of calibrating and validating both the hydrological and the sediment sub-models by using reservoir sedimentation volumes and employing neither water nor sediment discharge direct records. The third case-study is the Ésera River catchment (Huesca, Spain), a 1,500 km2 Pyrenean catchment drained by a large reservoir. The depositional history of the reservoir was reconstructed and used for sediment sub-model implementation. The model results were compared with gauged suspended sediment data in order to verify model robustness. The results of this dissertation indicate that TETIS model is a robust tool which provides a reliable reconstruction of the catchment sediment cycle. Its implementation is subject to data availability, both for parameter estimation and for model calibration and validation. Nevertheless, this dissertation proved that sediment records can be replaced by reservoir sedimentation volumes with satisfactory results, taking into account reservoir trap efficiency and sediment dry bulk density. Two modelling approaches were proposed for sediment model implementation, depending on the data availability. These methodologies proved to be consistent and provided a correct estimation of the sediment transport. Nevertheless, further research is needed to address model limitations and to reduce model results uncertainty / Bussi, G. (2014). Implementation of a distributed sediment model in different data availability scenarios [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36534 / Alfresco

CRC-kódy / CRC-codes

Lorenc, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with description of CRC codes, which is a type of polynomial error correction codes, and description of CAN and CAN FD protocols used in automobiles for data transmission between sensors. One of the security elements is usage of the CRC codes with the Hamming distance 6. Unfortunately, both protocols contain a design vulnerability which causes that some received messages with one wrong bit do not have to be detected by the protocol. The aim of the thesis was to describe this vulnerability and found out, if it was possible to eliminate it by using different CRC code. It managed to characterize all messages, which are not during this vulnerability detected by CRC code and based on that it was possible to prove, that the probability of error does not depend on a CRC code choice of a fixed length. 1

An analysis of construction logistics setups for Berga Äng / En analys av logistiklösningar för etablering i Berga Äng

Andersson, Lucas, Sjöblom, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Byggindustrin är en komplex bransch där varje byggprojekt är unikt, vilket medför svårigheter i att finna logistiklösningar som är anpassade till byggarbetsplatsen. Beroende på omgivning och plats där bygget skall utföras, storlek på bygget, vilka material som ska användas under byggets olika skeden för konstruktion och hur flödet påverkas av transporter till byggarbetsplatsen. Examensarbetet är utfört i samarbete med Aurum Fastighetsutveckling och forskningsprojektet Fossilfri Bygglogistik, finansierat av Triple F. Aurum Fastighetsutveckling är intresserade av att se hur ett tänkbart transportflöde för byggarbetsplatsen Berg Äng som är planerad mellan 2024–2028 kan se ut under olika faser för byggnadsprojektet. Syftet med denna studie är därför att genomföra en simulering för ett undersöka transportflödet och effekterna för olika logistiklösningar under byggnadsprocessen. Syftet har utformats baserat på tre frågeställningar, vilka har besvarats med hjälp av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. De kvalitativa metoderna består främst av intervjuer och observationer vid insamling av data och för att generera ett resultat har kvantitativ metod i form av simulering använts. Data för beräknandet av antalet förväntade transporter och när dessa ankommer har givits av forskningsprojektet Störningsfri stad vid Linköpings universitet. Totalt har tre kvartal för byggprojektet Berga Äng simulerats. Efter analys av simuleringsresultaten konstaterades att det kommer uppstå logistikutmaningar som måste tas i åtanke vid planeringsfasen. Kvartal Q2 2026 har två potentiella zoner med lägenhetshus på byggarbetsplatsen som eventuellt inte kommer hinna klart inom den utsatta projekttiden. Detta på grund av det höga antalet transporter som förväntas ankomma till zonerna under den planerade tiden för byggnation på dessa. Analysen visar även att eventuella köer och väntetid för lastbilar under byggprocessen kan reduceras vid användning av logistiklösningar, så som en terminal eller check-point. Slutsatsen av denna studie belyser vikten av att ha antalet transporter som förväntas ankomma till byggarbetsplatsen i beaktning under planeringsfasen. För att bidra till en skarpare planering med bättre precision bör mer data för transporthantering samlas in inom byggbranschen, vilket kan bidra till att förutse eventuella perioder under byggnationen där schemaläggning och planering av transporter är extra viktigt. Genom att förutse detta kan även slutsatser kring hur vida användandet av logistiklösningar är nödvändigt eller inte under byggnationen genomföras, och beslut kan tas kring när dessa bör användas. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Assessing the Knowledge and Practices regarding eye care and complications of Diabetes among Diabetic Patients 18 years and older, attending a tertiary Diabetic Clinic in Kampala, Uganda

Hope, Mackline 06 May 2020 (has links)
Purpose The aim of this study was to audit the knowledge and practices regarding eye care and eye complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) among diabetic patients 18 years and above in Kampala, Uganda. Methods. A cross-sectional study was done to collect data on the demographics, level of awareness and practices of the 409 diabetic patients regarding eye care and eye complications of DM. Data collected was captured in EPIDATA version 3.1, exported to STATA version 15.0 for further management and analysis. Participants characteristics were summarized using summary statistics and graphs. Using a standard questionnaire, scores for knowledge and practice for diabetes; knowledge and practice on diabetic retinopathy were generated and in all the four scores aforesaid, participants were classified as having good or poor knowledge and practice1. Proportions of participants demonstrating good awareness and good practice were reported. Fishers and Pearson chi- square tests were used to test for associations between patient’s characteristics and knowledge and practice on DM. Bivariable and logistic regression analysis was performed and variables with a p-value of < 0.2 of the unadjusted odds ratio were further analyzed at multivariate logistic regression analysis to find out factors that significantly predict patient’s knowledge and practice on diabetes mellitus. Results. A total of 409 participants were interviewed in the study, majority were females 293 (71.6%) and mean age (SD) was 50 (12) years. A high proportion of participants 314 (76.9%) was aware that DM could affect the eyes but only 24 (5.9%) stated diabetic retinopathy as an eye complication in diabetic patients. Good knowledge about diabetes mellitus was demonstrated by 178 (43.5%) of the study participants. However, only 33.3% had good knowledge on eye care and diabetic retinopathy. It was determined that female diabetic patients and those who stayed with DM for 10 years and beyond were less likely to have good practice on DM compared to male patients and those who had been with DM for less than five years (OR, 95% CI: 0.58, 0.36-0.95, P=0.029: OR, 95% CI: 0.53, 0.32-0.87, P=0.011). It was also found that diabetic patients with good knowledge of DM were at least three times more likely to have good practice compared to those with the poor knowledge (OR, 95% CI: 3.2, 2.1 -4.8, P <0.001). Conclusion Lack of knowledge regarding the importance and need for periodic eye check-up for diabetic retinopathy was a significant finding in his study. Good knowledge on diabetes, gender and duration of DM had significant association with the patients practice patterns.

Contribution aux tests de vacuité pour le model checking explicite / Contribution to emptiness checks for explicit model checking

Renault, Etienne 05 December 2014 (has links)
L'approche automate pour le model checking de propriétés temporelles à temps linéaire est une technique classique de vérification formelle de systèmes concurrents. Un système, ainsi qu'une propriété qu'on souhaite y vérifier, sont modélisés sous forme d’omega-automates reconnaissant des mots infinis. Des manipulations de ces automates (produit synchronisé et test de vacuité) permettent d'établir si le système vérifie la propriété ou non. Dans cette thèse nous nous focalisons sur un type particulier d'omega-automates qui permettent une représentation concise des propriétés d'équité faible: les automates de Büchi généralisés basés sur les transitions (TGBA ou Transition-based Generalized Büchi Automata). Dans un premier temps, nous brossons un aperçu des algorithmes de vérification existant et nous en proposons de nouveaux traitant efficacement les automates généralisés forts. Dans un second temps, l'analyse des composantes fortement connexes de l'automate de la propriété nous a conduit à élaborer une décomposition de cet automate. Cette décomposition se focalise sur les automates multi-forces et permet une parallélisation naturelle des model-checkers. Enfin, nous avons proposé les premiers tests de vacuité parallèles pour les automates généralisés. De plus, tous ces tests sont lock-free à la différence de ceux de l’état de l’art. Toutes ces techniques ont ensuite été implémentées et évaluées sur un jeu de test conséquent. / The automata-theoretic approach to linear time model-checking is a standard technique for formal verification of concurrent systems. The system and the property to check are modeled with omega-automata that recognizes infinite words. Operations overs these automata (synchronized product and emptiness checks) allows to determine whether the system satisfies the property or not. In this thesis we focus on a particular type of omega-automata that enable a concise representation of weak fairness properties: transitions-based generalized Büchi automata (TGBA). First we outline existing verification algorithms, and we propose new efficient algorithms for strong automata. In a second step, the analysis of the strongly connected components of the property automaton led us to develop a decomposition of this automata. This decomposition focuses on multi-strength property automata and allows a natural parallelization for already existing model-checkers. Finally, we proposed, for the first time, new parallel emptiness checks for generalized Büchi automata. Moreover, all these emptiness checks are lock-free, unlike those of the state-of-the-art. All these techniques have been implemented and then evaluated on a large benchmark.

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