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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recueil des pancartes de l'abbaye de la Ferté-sur-Grosne, 1113-1178

Duby, Georges. January 1953 (has links)
Thesis (Thèse complémentaire)--Paris. / Issued also as Publication des Annales de la Faculté des lettres, Aix-en-Provence ; Nouv. sér., no. 3. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

El Monasterio de Santa María de Bonaval: estudio, diagosis y vestigio de la arquitectura cisterciense

Valiente Ochoa, Esther 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] It is a sad fact that the monastery of Santa Maria Bonaval, a jewel of Cistercian architecture and the monumental architecture of Spain, is in a state of impending doom and active degradation. It's almost been 67 years since José TORIJA ALONSO expressed in his work about Bonaval the alarming under condition it had when then used as stockyards for whom and expressed the progressive lack of architectural, construction and decorative elements, without any neighbor, user, or visitor he should report, denounce or communicate to the authority, in order to initiate a cry for help. It is then that Francisco JURADO SERRANO who in 1990, after 12 years of tireless research, translation and interpretation of historical texts, published his brillliant doctoral thesis about the Monastery of Santa Maria de Bonaval, where a detailed study was conducted through its life span and its preservation by its different stages of life. Later it will be the thesis of Juan TEJELA JUEZ, a monastery forgotten: Santa María de Valdeiglesias, who summarizes the detailed information document for Bonaval its alarming state of ruin and abandonment, as well as the "dispersion" of its objects and file. We should add other publications of Antonio Herrera Casado and Thomas NIETO Taberné, in detail about the deterioration and conservation status of the monastic complex, which can be read about and illustrated with clear images of the same. And to this tangible and documented situation arises this research project in order to document, digitalize analyze and protect this architectural forgotten marvel. A project that began in 2004 with the first workshop insitu of the monastery and eight years since the publication of the first book of the author, in order to capture every detail of Santa Maria de Bonaval, in a written document that reaches society, public institutions and heritage bodies, with the ultimate aim to preserve it. Now, eleven years after the initation of this work that presents a detailed historical, architectural, constructive and pathological analysis of the monastery. A job that begins its journey in Santa Maria de Bonaval, based on a study of the monastery and an empirical study of more than a hundred Cistercian monasteries of Spain, which has served to make a comparative sample and understand this Cistercian architecture in context. By using traditional techniques like making manual data, and the use of instruments of high accuracy with the use of modern technology such as ground penetrating radar or 3D scanner, it has obtained documentary material of extraordinary value, which has allowed to compare results and understand the original project, its construction and its progressive degradation over time. Now, it is time get to work on the monastery: its sad reality must become a new fact summarizing this documentary work into something tangible, whose value could be passed down to future generations, and preserve in our historical memory. It is my greatest wish that this thesis serves to push consolidation, and that it be shared without profit, to save Bonaval. / [ES] Resumen Es un triste hecho que el monasterio de Santa María Bonaval, una joya de la arquitectura cisterciense y de la arquitectura monumental de España, se encuentre en un estado de ruina inminente y de degradación activa. Son casi 67 años los que han transcurrido desde que D. José TORIJA ALONSO expresara en su trabajo de estudio de Bonaval el alarmante bajo estado de conservación que tenía cuando entonces se utilizaba como corral de ganado y manifestaba la progresiva falta de elementos arquitectónicos, constructivos y decorativos, sin que ningún vecino, usuario, ni visitante lo manifestase, denunciase o comunicase a la autoridad, con el fin de iniciar una protección que ya clamaba auxilio. Será después, D. Francisco JURADO SERRANO quien en 1990, tras 12 años de incansable trabajo de investigación, traducción e interpretación de textos históricos, publicara su brillante tesis doctoral El monasterio de Santa María de Bonaval, en la que se realizaba un exhaustivo estudio histórico del monasterio y de su estado de conservación por las diferentes etapas de su vida. Posteriormente, será la tesis doctoral de D. Juan TEJELA JUEZ, Un monasterio olvidado: Santa María de Valdeiglesias, quien resuma en la ficha detallada de Bonaval su alarmante estado de ruina y abandono, así como la "dispersión" de sus objetos y archivo. Hay que añadir otras publicaciones de Antonio HERRERA CASADO, y de Tomás NIETO TABERNÉ, en las que se pueden leer detalladamente el proceso de deterioro y estado de conservación del conjunto monástico, ilustrados con claras imágenes del mismo. Y ante esta situación tangible y documentada, nace este proyecto de investigación, con el objeto de documentar, digitalizar, analizar y proteger esta maravilla arquitectónica relegada al olvido. Un proyecto que nació en el año 2004 con el primer taller in situ al monasterio y ocho años desde que se publicara el primer libro del autor, con el fin de plasmar todos los detalles de Santa María de Bonaval, mediante documento escrito que llegara a la sociedad, a las instituciones públicas y a los administradores del patrimonio, con el fin último de conservarlo. Son hoy once los años que han pasado desde que iniciáramos este trabajo que presenta un detallado análisis histórico, arquitectónico, constructivo y patológico del monasterio. Un trabajo que inicia su recorrido en Santa María de Bonaval, basado en un estudio del cenobio y un estudio empírico de más de unos ciento cincuenta monasterios cistercienses de España, cuya comparativa ha servido para entender esta muestra y entender la arquitectura cisterciense en su conjunto. Gracias a la utilización de técnicas tradicionales como la toma de datos manual, y la utilización de instrumental de alta precisión con el uso de la tecnología actual como el georradar o el escáner 3D, se ha obtenido un material documental de extraordinario valor, que ha permitido comparar resultados y entender el proyecto original, su construcción y su degradación progresiva en el tiempo. Es hora pues de trabajar en el monasterio: su triste realidad debe convertirse en un nuevo hecho que resuma este trabajo documental en algo tangible, cuyo valor pueda ser transmitido a las futuras generaciones, y a nuestra memoria histórica. Es mi mayor deseo que esta tesis sirva para empujar su consolidación, y poder compartirla sin ningún lucro, para salvar a Bonaval. / [CAT] És un trist fet que el monestir de Santa María Bonaval, una joia de l'arquitectura cistercenca i de l'arquitectura monumental d'Espanya, es troba en un estat de ruïna imminent i de degradació activa. Són quasi 67 anys els que han trasncorregut des que D. José TORIJA ALONSO expressara en el seu treball d'estudi de Bonaval l'alarmant sota estat de conservació que tenia quan llavors s'utilitzava com a corral de bestiar per els qui i manifestava la progressiva falta d'elements arquitectònics, constructius i decoratius, sense que cap veí, usuari, ni visitant ho manifestara, denunciara o comunicara a l'autoritat, amb la finalitat de inciar una protecció que ja clamava auxili. Serà després, D. Francisco JURADO SERRANO qui en 1990, després de 12 anys d'incansable treball de recerca, traducció i interpretació de textos històrics, publicara la seua brillant tesi doctoral El monestir de Santa María de Bonaval, en la qual es realitzava un exahustiu estudi històric del monestir i del seu estat de conservació per les diferents etapes de la seua vida. Posteriorment, serà la tesi doctoral de D Juan TEJELA JUEZ Un monestir oblidat: Santa María de Valdeiglesias, qui resumisca en la fitxa detallada de Bonaval el seu alarmant estat de ruïna i abandó, així com la "dispersió" dels seus objectes i arxiu. Cal afegir altres publicacions d'Antonio HERRERA CASADO, i de Tomás NIETO TABERNÉ, en les quals es poden llegir detalladament el procés de deterioració i estat de conservació del conjunt monàstic, il·lustrats amb clares imatges del mateix. I davant aquesta situació tangible i documentada, naix aquest projecte de recerca, amb l'objecte de documentar, digitalitzar, analitzar i protegir aquesta meravella arquitectònica relegada a l'oblit. Un projecte que va nàixer l'any 2004 amb el primer taller in situ al monestir i vuit anys des que es publicara el primer llibre de l'autor, amb la finalitat de plasmar tots els detalls de Santa María de Bonaval, mitjançant document escrit que arribara a la societat, a les institucions públiques i als administradors del patrimoni, amb la fi última de conservar-ho. Fa ja onze anys des que iniciàrem aquest treball que avui presenta una detallada anàlisi històrica, arquitectònic, constructiu i patològic del monestir. Un treball que inicia el seu recorregut en Santa María de Bonaval, basat en un estudi del cenobi i un estudi empíric de més d'uns cent cinquanta monestirs cistercencs d'Espanya, que la seua comparativa ha servit per a entendre aquesta mostra i entendre l'arquitectura cistercenca en el seu conjunt. Gràcies a la utilització de tècniques tradicionals com la presa de dades manual, i la utilització d'instrumental d'alta precisió amb l'ús de la tecnologia actual com el georradar o l'escàner 3D, s'ha obtingut un material documental d'extraordinari valor, que ha permès comparar resultats i entendre el projecte original, la seua construcció i la seua degradació progressiva en el temps. És hora doncs de treballar en el monestir: la seua trista realitat ha de convertirse en un nou fet que resumisca aquest treball documental en alguna cosa tangible, el valor del qual puga ser transmès a les futures generacions, i a la nostra memòria històrica. És el meu major desig que aquesta tesi servisca per a espentar la seua consolidació, i poder compartir-la sense cap lucre, per a salvar a Bonaval. / Valiente Ochoa, E. (2016). El Monasterio de Santa María de Bonaval: estudio, diagosis y vestigio de la arquitectura cisterciense [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63268 / TESIS


TRASER, FERENC 28 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Dějiny cisterciáckého kláštera Vyšší Brod v první polovině 20. století / History of Cistercian Monastery in Vyšší Brod in the first half of the 20th century

PRAJER, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
The work deals with the history of the Cistercian Order in Vyšší Brod in the first half of the 20th century. It gives an account of political and religious events of those times and also reminds important milestones from the turn of the 18th and 19th century which influenced the 20th century {--} in particular the religious reforms carried out by Josef II and his closing down some monasteries. Founding the Diocese of České Budějovice counts among the positive acts of this emperor. The work also describes the impact of the two World Wars. Compulsory transfer of Germans after the World War Two and following fourty years lasting religious infringement strongly affected the life of the Cistercian Monastery in Vyšší Brod. Thanks to the newly gained liberty in November 1989 the life in the monastery could be renewed. Two monks came back to the monastery, both survived the time when the communists were in power, the older one also lived through the Nazi totalitarian system. New monastic life candidates came to the monastery, at present there are seven monks living there.

Trapistas no Brasil / Trappist in Brazil

Silva, José Pereira da 03 October 2014 (has links)
Os Trapistas no Brasil é o objeto do nosso trabalho. A primeira experiência trapista no Brasil ocorreu no início do século XX no Vale do Paraíba Paulista. Monges Trapistas franceses deram início ao Mosteiro Nossa Senhora de Maristela, na cidade de Tremembé, estado de São Paulo. Passou a ser também a primeira Trapa da América do Sul. Com esse mosteiro, houve o início da vida e da tradição monástica cisterciense no Brasil. No Vale do Paraíba, revolucionaram a agricultura com modernas técnicas agrícolas, principalmente na rizicultura, e prestaram também relevantes serviços no campo socioeclesial. Posteriormente, com o regresso destes para Europa, houve, em 1977, a fundação do Mosteiro Trapista Nossa Senhora do Mundo, no estado do Paraná. A relação entre o primeiro Mosteiro Trapista no Brasil, fundado no início do século XX, e o segundo Mosteiro, Nossa Senhora do Novo Mundo, iniciado em 1977, mostra que o passado e presente caminham nessa relação: a ponte entre história e memória. O passado e a sua relação com ele são elementos centrais da identidade da Ordem Cisterciense da Estrita Observância / The Trappists in Brazil is the aim o four assignment. The first Trappist experience in Brazil happened in the beginning of the XX century in the region of Paraíba Valley. French Trappist monks started the Monastery of Our Lady Maristela, in Tremembé city state of São Paulo. It also became the first Trapa of South America. With this monastery, we had the beginning of Cistercian monastic life and tradition in Brazil. In the region of Paraíba Valley, modern agricultural techniques were revolutionized, especially in rice growing; they also provided relevant relevant services in the church social field . Later, with the return of these to Europe in 1977, we had the foundation of the Trappist Monastery of Our Lady of the New World, in the state of Paraná. The relationship between the first Trappist Monastery in Brazil, founded in the early twentieth century, and the second Trappist Monastery of Our Lady of the New World, which started in 1977, shows that the past and present walk together, the bridge between history and memory. The past and its relationship with it are core elements to the identity of the Cistercian Order of Strict Observance

Herrschaft und Frömmigkeit Zisterzienserinnen im Hochmittelalter /

Warnatsch-Gleich, Friederike. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral) - Technische Universität, Berlin, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 244-268).

Trapistas no Brasil / Trappist in Brazil

José Pereira da Silva 03 October 2014 (has links)
Os Trapistas no Brasil é o objeto do nosso trabalho. A primeira experiência trapista no Brasil ocorreu no início do século XX no Vale do Paraíba Paulista. Monges Trapistas franceses deram início ao Mosteiro Nossa Senhora de Maristela, na cidade de Tremembé, estado de São Paulo. Passou a ser também a primeira Trapa da América do Sul. Com esse mosteiro, houve o início da vida e da tradição monástica cisterciense no Brasil. No Vale do Paraíba, revolucionaram a agricultura com modernas técnicas agrícolas, principalmente na rizicultura, e prestaram também relevantes serviços no campo socioeclesial. Posteriormente, com o regresso destes para Europa, houve, em 1977, a fundação do Mosteiro Trapista Nossa Senhora do Mundo, no estado do Paraná. A relação entre o primeiro Mosteiro Trapista no Brasil, fundado no início do século XX, e o segundo Mosteiro, Nossa Senhora do Novo Mundo, iniciado em 1977, mostra que o passado e presente caminham nessa relação: a ponte entre história e memória. O passado e a sua relação com ele são elementos centrais da identidade da Ordem Cisterciense da Estrita Observância / The Trappists in Brazil is the aim o four assignment. The first Trappist experience in Brazil happened in the beginning of the XX century in the region of Paraíba Valley. French Trappist monks started the Monastery of Our Lady Maristela, in Tremembé city state of São Paulo. It also became the first Trapa of South America. With this monastery, we had the beginning of Cistercian monastic life and tradition in Brazil. In the region of Paraíba Valley, modern agricultural techniques were revolutionized, especially in rice growing; they also provided relevant relevant services in the church social field . Later, with the return of these to Europe in 1977, we had the foundation of the Trappist Monastery of Our Lady of the New World, in the state of Paraná. The relationship between the first Trappist Monastery in Brazil, founded in the early twentieth century, and the second Trappist Monastery of Our Lady of the New World, which started in 1977, shows that the past and present walk together, the bridge between history and memory. The past and its relationship with it are core elements to the identity of the Cistercian Order of Strict Observance

Die Zisterzienserabtei Leubus in Schlesien von ihrer Gründung bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts

Könighaus, Waldemar P. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Düsseldorf, 2001/2002. / Includes bibliographical references and index.

Die Zisterzienserabtei Leubus in Schlesien von ihrer Gründung bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts

Könighaus, Waldemar P. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Düsseldorf, 2001/2002. / Includes bibliographical references and index.

Correcting Faults and Preserving Love: The Defense of Monastic Memory in Bernard of Clairvaux's Apologia and Peter the Venerable's Letter 28

Mihalik, Whitney Mae 20 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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