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Clean technology transition potential in South Africa's gold mining sector : case of Harmony's Kusasalethu MineChavalala, Bongani 03 July 2014 (has links)
Countries and governments around the world have accepted the scientific argument on the prevalence and the possible effect of global warming and climate change on the environment, world economy and ultimately human life (Nhamo, 2011). Amongst all industrial corporations, the mining industry is the biggest environmental polluter due to its extractive nature and energy intensive operations. However because of its economic importance, it cannot be abandoned, instead it needs to find a win-win situation, where it continues to succeed but minimizes environmental damage.
This thesis aims to examine the possible impact of clean technology on the sustainability of South African gold mining sector. Specifically, the study aims to determine the drivers behind the move towards clean technologies and methods, identify challenges and opportunities associated with this transition at Harmony Gold’s Kusasalethu mine. This was achieved through using Kusasalethu as a case study to which investigations of the effectiveness of clean technology and methods were carried out. The case study was multidimensional; exploring the effect of clean technology on energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission (GHG), water consumption, cyanide management and Kusasalethu’s financial performance.
While the case study was largely qualitative it involved quantitative data analysis that had to be triangulated with other data sources and data gathering instruments to achieve legitimacy. This meant that the study had to adopt the mixed research methods. The instruments used included; key informant interviews, and document analysis, structured questionnaire and a set of open ended questions that served as interview guide. The qualitative data were analyzed by means of coding, descriptions, typologies, taxonomies and visual representations, whilst quantitative data were processed through Microsoft Excel to generate various forms of descriptive statistics.
The findings indicate that resource consumption (energy, water, cyanide) depends on the mine design and gold output rate. Clean technology implementation at Kusasalethu helped the mine reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. However scope 2 (indirect GHG emissions associated with energy consumption) is also determined by coal production technologies and methods used by coal mines. Although data on Kusasalethu water and cyanide management and related technologies was not available, the aggregate data for all Harmony Gold mines indicated higher annual water and cyanide consumption during 2010 and 2012. In terms of Kusasalethu’s financial performance and clean technology adaptation, acquisition of clean technologies increased capital expenditure temporarily. However, the positive effects of the clean technology transition and implementation minimized operational cost and increased operational profit greatly. Although adopting clean technologies calls for increased capital expenditure, this study reveals that this expenditure pays off in lower operation costs for the mine and the environment benefits through lower GHG emission. However, clean technologies are yet to impact significantly in lowering water and cyanide consumption levels as they do with energy consumption. The study concluded that clean technology and methods played a positive role on Kusasalethu’s environmental impact and financial performance by reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions. Though, more need to be done in terms of water and cyanide management. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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Essays on environmental and development economics / Essais en économie de l'environnement et du développementHamit-Haggar, Mahamat 25 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte quatre essais et porte sur les questions fondamentales sur la relation entre l’environnement et le développement économique. Le premier chapitre cherche à identifier les déterminants individuels et contextuels qui affectent la volonté de contribuer des gens à la lutte contre la pollution environnementale. Nos résultats révèlent que les individus riches, les personnes éduquées ainsi que les personnes possédant des valeurs post-matérialistes sont plus susceptibles d’être préoccupées par la pollution environnementale. On remarque que la caractéristique du pays de ces individus affecte leur volonté à contribuer. Ainsi, dans les pays à forte démocratie avec une forte stabilité gouvernementale, les individus sont réticents à faire des dons pour prévenir les dommages environnementaux. Le deuxième chapitre examine la relation entre la croissance économique et la dégradation de l’environnement en s’interrogeant sur la relation U inversée de Kuznets. Nos résultats empiriques ne révèlent aucune preuve de ladite relation. Cependant, nous notons l’existence d’une relation non linéaire entre la croissance économique et la dégradation de l’environnement. Les émissions ont tendance à augmenter un rythme plus rapide dans les premiers stades de la croissance économique puis dans les dernière étapes, cette hausse persiste mais à un rythme plus lent. Le troisième chapitre étudie la relation de causalité de long terme entre la consommation d'énergie propre et la croissance économique dans un groupe de pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Le résultat révèle l'existence d'une relation d'équilibre à long terme entre la consommation d'énergie propre et la croissance économique. En outre, la dynamique de court terme et de long terme indiquent une relation de causalité à la Granger unidirectionnelle de la consommation d'énergie propre vers la croissance économique sans aucun effet rétroactif. Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse cherche à investiguer sur la convergence des émissions de gaz entre les provinces canadiennes. L'étude montre que les émissions de gaz des provinces canadiennes sont caractérisées des convergences de clubs. En d'autres termes, on détecte l'existence d'une segmentation des émissions entre les provinces canadiennes. / This thesis comprises four empirical essays on environmental and development economics. In the first chapter, we examine to what extent individual and contextual level factors influence individuals to contribute financially to prevent environmental pollution. We find that rich people, individuals with higher education, as well as those who possess post-materialist values are more likely to be concerned about environmental pollution. We also observe the country in which individuals live matter in their willingness to contribute. More precisely, we find democracy and government stability reduce individuals’ intention to donate to prevent environmental damage mainly in developed countries. The second chapter deals with the relation between economic growth and environmental degradation by focusing on the issue of whether the inverted U-shaped relation exist. The study discloses no evidence for the U-shaped relation. However, the empirical result points toward a non-linear relationship between environmental degradation and economic growth, that is, emissions tend to rise rapidly in the early stages with economic growth, and then emissions continue to increase but a lower rate in the later stages. The third chapter investigates the long-run as well as the causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in a group of Sub-Saharan Africa. The result discovers the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between clean energy consumption and economic growth. Furthermore, the short-run and the long-run dynamics indicate unidirectional Granger causality running from clean energy consumption to economic growth without any feedback effects. The last chapter of this thesis concerns with convergence of emissions across Canadian provinces. The study determines convergence clubs better characterizes Canadian’s emissions. In other words, we detect the existence of segmentation in emissions across Canadian provinces.
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Sustainability of Clean Energy Technologies via Industrial Ecology Computational MethodsNehika Mathur (10858791) 24 May 2021 (has links)
<p>As society works to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, the demand for renewable energy and clean energy technologies continues to grow rapidly. Lessons learned from the ongoing electronics waste crisis necessitate closing material loops to secure supply chains and redirect valuable resources away from the landfills.</p><p> </p><p>Inspired by the principles of industrial ecology, the circularization of renewables is demonstrated by applying the notion of Life Cycle Symbiosis (LCS), an extension of Industrial Symbiosis (IS). This is achieved by identifying waste streams that may have value as potential raw material/feedstock and the subsequent development of industrial synergies in the context of end of life (EoL) photovoltaics (PVs). Per metric ton of EoL PVs, the avoided global warming potential (GWP) and ecotoxicity impacts were calculated to be as high as 2750 kg CO<sub>2</sub> eq and 32,000 CTUe respectively, while the water savings and electricity savings were over 37,000 m<sup>3</sup> and 3600 MJ. Building upon this work, a hybrid multi objective optimization (MOO) method was proposed to support the creation of industrial synergistic networks or eco industrial parks (EIPs). The hybrid method addresses the challenges associated with the early design and development stages of EIPs (supply, demand, potential synergies, etc.), and also those in relation to considering multiple conflicting sustainability objectives.</p><p> </p><p>Apart from addressing material scarcity, rising pollution levels and exposure to toxins, recovery and circularization may also contribute towards stabilizing feedstock prices. Supply chains for renewables and clean energy technologies are brittle because of risks associated with possible supply deficits stemming from complex geo-political situations and oligopolies. This can translate to price fluctuations among high-value, critical materials on which clean energy technologies rely. In order to ensure a smooth transition to a clean energy technologies, and one that is also sustainable, it is vital to assess the impact of these very complexities on the market dynamics for the critical material feedstocks. To this end, a system dynamics model has been developed to capture price trends of rare earth elements (REEs) used in EVs under varying market scenarios. The proposed model aims to aid automobile manufacturers in developing effective business strategies as they work towards electrifying their vehicle fleets.</p><p>This thesis reports on the development of some strategies rooted in industrial ecology to prevent renewables and clean energy technologies from themselves becoming environmental liabilities in the future.</p>
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Kirkpatrick-Baez Microscope for Hard X-Ray Imaging of Fast Ignition ExperimentsFriesen, Hal Unknown Date
No description available.
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Design pouliční svítilny s nezávislým napájením. / Off-grid street lamp design.Hampl, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Oblast problémů, ze kterých konkrétní téma projektu vychází, zahrnuje současnou globální transformaci zdrojů energie a jejich dodávek se zvláštní pozorností na obnovitelné zdroje energie. Důraz je kladen zejména na hodnoty jež přináší produkt určený k užívání ve veřejných prostorách. Autorovým zadáním bylo navrhnout osvětlovací jednotku nezávislou na vnějším zdroji napájení. Cílem návrhu je přehodnotit způsob, jakým jsou dnes technologie využívání sluneční a větrné energie běžně používány, a navrhnout řešení přinášející nové vlastnosti a užitné hodnoty pro přímého uživatele i celou společnost. Autor přináší návrh produktu jenž je reakcí na současné globální hrozby a příležitosti. Výsledkem projektu je návrh pouliční lampy kombinující fotovoltaický článek a větrnou turbínu s cílem získat elektrickou energii jež je dočasně akumulována a následně dodávána svítidlu. V návrhu je kladen důraz na požadavky ergonomie a estetickou hodnotu produktu. Navržené řešení znamená finanční přínos z hlediska šetření neobnovitelnými zdroji energie a případnými finančními výhodami pro investora plynoucími z provozování veřejného osvětlení. Pouliční lampa nezávislá na vnějším zdroji napájení má navíc menší negativní dopad na životní prostředí a představuje technologie využívání větrné a solární energie v přívětivé a nerušivé podobě.
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