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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle du forçage physique sur l'écosystème à l'est du Golfe du Lion : modulation de l'impact des apports anthropiques en sels nutritifs et matière organique étudiée par modélisation 3D couplée physique et biogéochimique. / Role of physical forcing on the ecosystem in the eastern Gulf of Lion : modulation of the impact of anthropogenic inputs (nutrients and organic matter) studied by 3D coupled physical and biogeochemical modeling

Fraysse, Marion 11 July 2014 (has links)
La zone côtière marseillaise présente de forts contrastes. Elle est soumise à de nombreux apports en nutriments et matière organique par le Rhône, les rejets urbains (Marseille) et l'atmosphère. L'objectif de ce travail était de développer, valider et utiliser un modèle tridimensionnel couplé physique-biogéochimique afin d'étudier la réponse de l'écosystème aux différents forçages hydrodynamiques (upwelling, tourbillon anticyclonique marseillais, intrusion du Courant Nord...) et notamment la modulation des apports naturels et anthropiques associés. Le développement du modèle a permis de mettre en évidence la nécessité de bien représenter l'hydrodynamique et les rejets terrestres plutôt que d'augmenter la complexité du modèle biogéochimique dans cette zone côtière. L'étude des simulations réalistes, d'images satellites et de mesures issues de campagnes en mer a fourni des informations sur les caractéristiques spatiales et temporelles de la zone côtière. Cette zone présente des variations saisonnières très marquées, ainsi qu'une forte variabilité journalière due à une succession de forçages hydrodynamiques et terrestres très intenses et de courte durée. Les informations acquises au cours de cette thèse, notamment grâce au calcul de bilans de matière, ont permis de proposer une hiérarchisation de l'impact des évènements étudiés sur la biogéochimie à l'échelle de la baie de Marseille et de la zone côtière. Finalement, les forçages hydrodynamiques ont comme principal effet d'exporter les perturbations anthropiques et terrigènes au large ce qui permet de maintenir l'état oligotrophique dans une majeure partie de la zone côtière, hormis à proximité de l'embouchure du Rhône. / Marseille coastal zone is a contrasted area which is submitted to many inputs of nutrients and organic matter by the Rhone, by discharges from the Marseille city and the atmosphere. The objective of this study was to develop, validate and use a 3D coupled physical/biogeochemical model to study the impact of different hydrodynamic forcings (upwelling, anticyclonic eddy (ME), intrusion of the Northern Current ...) on the ecosystem, in particular the modulation of natural and anthropogenic inputs by these forcings. In this coastal zone, model development highlighted that improving the accuracy of hydrodynamics and terrestrial input was more benefit rather than complicating the biogeochemical model. Comparison with field measurements showed that even if the model have some defaults, it reproduces well enough chlorophyll-a and nutrients. The study of realistic simulations, satellite images and sea campaigns measurements provided information on the spatial and temporal characteristics of this coastal zone. This area is characterized by seasonal variations, but also by a strong daily variability due to very intense and short-lived hydrodynamic and terrestrial forcings. The information acquired during this thesis, including through the use of mass budgets, allowed to propose a hierarchy of the impacts on the biogeochemistry of the studied events occurring across the Bay of Marseilles and the coastal zone. Finally, hydrodynamic forcings appeared to mainly export the anthropogenic and terrigenous inputs offshore which maintained the oligotrophic state in most of the coastal zone, except near the mouth of the Rhone River.

Transformação da paisagem costeira: considerações sobre a conservação do município de São Sebastião-SP / Processing and conservation of the coastal landscape: considerations about the city of São Sebastião-SP

Paiva, Ana Paula Veras de 14 May 2007 (has links)
A desorganização do espaço, ou a perda do potencial paisagístico se reflete nas ocupações da zona costeira, face ao aproveitamento e/ou utilização dos recursos naturais neste território, acarretando na preocupação em relação à qualidade de vida da sociedade que ai se estabeleceu. Dada a constante perda do potencial paisagístico na zona costeira e a magnitude do poder de transformação desta porção territorial, pelos planos e instrumentos de ordenamento, reforça a necessidade de uma nova reestruturação dos mecanismos de gestão e planejamento, pautados nas características intrínsecas da paisagem em que se emprega. A meta da gestão e do planejamento é introduzir e reproduzir melhorias na qualidade de vida das populações, melhorar o ordenamento espacial dos assentamentos humanos, a distribuição espacial dos empreendimentos estatais e reduzir os impactos das atividades sobre o meio. Nesta acepção a problemática se estende na formulação de políticas publicas, plano de gestão e do desenho. Este trabalho investiga o processo de transformação do território municipal de São Sebastião, através de uma cronologia de ocupação, em seguida descreve seus padrões e estruturas de natureza, para enfim avaliar o estado atual de conservação do mesmo. / São Sebastião is a seaside town in Estate of São Paulo, Brazil. This work investigates process which led to territory transformations and development of the impacts we can see nowadays, analyzing issues related to the coastal zone, the landscape and the environmental conservation. Three main development vectors are studied to explain the landscape structure: a port, road constructions and a huge Petrobrás terminal which receives and movements the major production of crude oil and derivates in Brazil. This work intents to show some fragilities and conflicts in the coastal zone as a result of the urbanization process and government policies, usually taken in many natural sensitive areas with fragile ecosystems. Finally, an evaluation is made of the main environment conservation instruments and policies related to the coasts natural resources, including the most recent law in the Estate of São Paulo: the Decreto Estadual n°49.215/04 which obligates coastal management using economic and ecologic attributes to define Zones of Use.

A meiofauna e os Nematoda da enseada Martel (Antártica) e seu uso em monitoramento ambiental / Meiofauna and nematodes from Martel inlet (Antarctica) and their use in environmental monitoring

Gheller, Paula Foltran 31 August 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a estrutura da comunidade da meiofauna, das famílias e dos gêneros de Nematoda apresentam alterações devido à atividade antrópica na área próxima a Estação Antártica Brasileira (CF), em comparação com um controle (BP). A densidade média (ind.10cm-²) da meiofauna total variou entre 7028 (? 1529) e 16245 (? 12282) nos 20-30 m e entre 1569 (? 928) e 7088 (? 10338) nos 50-60 m, corroborando os valores altos já descritos para a zona rasa antártica. Nematoda foi dominante (>90%), seguido de Nauplii e Copepoda. 65 gêneros e 3 subfamílias de Nematoda foram encontrados, pertencentes a 24 famílias. Daptonema, Halailamus, Dichromadora, Sabatieria, Aponema e Sphaerolaimus foram dominantes nas duas profundidades, mas tiveram densidades mais altas nos 20-30 m relacionadas à maior biomassa de clorofila a. Não foram identificadas alterações na estrutura da comunidade da meiofauna, das famílias ou gêneros de Nematoda que pudessem ter sido causados por impacto antrópico. Porém, a riqueza e a diversidade das famílias e dos gêneros de Nematoda foram menores em CF, o que sugere um possível impacto, sendo importante a continuidade do monitoramento e a inclusão de outras áreas de referência. O nível taxonômico de família foi o mais apropriado para um estudo de monitoramento da zona costeira rasa antártica, visando o melhor custo-benefício. / The aim of this study was to verify if meiofauna, Nematoda family and genera community structure show modification caused by human activities at the Brazilian Antarctic Station (CF), in relation to a reference area (BP). Mean meiofauna densities ( ind.10 cm-²) ranged from 7028 (? 1529) to 16245 (? 12282) at 20-30 m and from 1569 (? 928) and 7088 (? 10338) at 50-60 m, being high as already described for the Antarctic coastal zone. Higher densities at 20-30m were correlated to more chlorophyll a and sand. Nematoda were dominant (>90%) followed by Nauplii and Copepoda. 65 genera and 3 subfamilies of Nematoda were found, belonging to 24 families. Daptonema, Halailamus, Dichromadora, Sabatieria, Aponema and Sphaerolaimus were dominant at both depths, but had higher densities at 20-30 m, which were correlated to higher chlorophyll a biomasses. Analysis for all levels of taxonomic resolution, separated the samples between depths, but not between areas, so differences caused by human impact were not detected. Number of genera ranged from 12 to 34 and diversity from 1.57 to 4.22 bits/ind, both being higher at 50-60m at BP, suggesting that an impact might have occurred, so monitoring should continue and be extended to other control areas. Identification of Nematoda to family level would be enough to evaluate environmental impact of the coastal antarctic zone.

Risk of eutrophication in the Saigon River : Impacts of the Ho Chi Minh Megacity (Vietnam) / Risque d'eutrophisation dans la rivière Saigon : Impacts des rejets de la métropole d'Ho Chi Minh Ville (Vietnam)

Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Tuyet 19 December 2018 (has links)
La rivière Saigon, qui constitue un sous bassin du fleuve Nha Be, est située dans le sud du Vietnam. Cette rivière a une longueur d'environ 250 km et le bassin versant total à une surface de 4717 km2. Le réservoir de Dau Tieng, situé en amont de la rivière Saigon, a été construit pour mieux gérer l’irrigation, lutter contre les inondations et contrôler l’intrusion d’eau salée. En traversant HCMC, la rivière Saigon est connectée à plusieurs canaux puis rejoint la rivière Dongnai pour devenir le fleuve Nha Be qui traverse la zone de mangrove de Can Gio et se jette dans la mer de l'Est. La rivière Saigon et son bassin versant sont situés dans la plaine côtière et sont soumis au balancement quotidien des marées.L'objectif général de cette thèse est (i) d’évaluer l'état trophique de la rivière Saigon - Dongnai, (ii) d’étudier les processus à l’origine de la dynamique des nutriments, en particulier le rôle des sédiments en suspension, du mélange turbulent et du gradient de salinité, afin d'estimer la capacité de rétention par rapport aux flux d'éléments nutritifs; (ii) d’utiliser ces mesures de terrain et de laboratoire pour envisager une simulation numérique de ce système estuarien.La première étape de cette thèse a consisté en une étude des concentrations en nutriments (N, P, Si) sur quatre sites d’échantillonnage dans le système de la rivière Saigon – Dongnai. Les mesures ont été réalisées deux fois par mois de juillet 2015 à décembre 2017 pour évaluer les niveaux de concentration en éléments nutritifs et l’état d’eutrophisation. Cette thèse a mis en évidence un excès de nutriments dans HCMC avec des concentrations de NH4+ et de PO43- atteignant en moyenne 0.7 mgN L-1 et 0.07 mgP L-1, respectivement. Nous avons observé que des rejets domestiques non traités entraînaient une dégradation de la qualité de l’eau de la rivière Saigon, avec une valeur extrême de biomasse algale (150 µChl-a L-1) et des périodes d’hypoxie (DO < 2 mg L-1), principalement en saison sèche. L’eutrophisation de la rivière dans la zone urbaine dense n'a pas d'effet clair en aval, car la masse d'eau eutrophie de la rivière Saigon est efficacement mélangée avec les masses d'eau de mer et de la Dongnai pendant chaque cycle de marée. Ce qui met en évidence le rôle tampon (capacité de métabolisation) de l’estuaire entre les apports amont et la mer.Sur la base d'enquêtes de terrain et d’expérience en laboratoire, nous avons évalué les causes de l'eutrophisation de la rivière et étudié la capacité d'adsorption-désorption du phosphore sur les sédiments en suspension dans le gradient de salinité. Les enquêtes sur le terrain ont montré un impact clair de la mégapole, le P total augmentant de trois fois dans le centre de HCMC, par rapport aux valeurs en amont. En aval, dans la zone estuarienne mélangée par des marées, le P total descend à moins de 0.5 gP kg-1. Les expériences en laboratoire ont montré le rôle clé de la concentration en sédiments cohésifs en suspension sur la capacité d’adsorption de P sur les particules dans le gradient de salinité.Dans cette thèse, nous avons également analysé une base de données des nutriments, des sédiments en suspension et des rejets d’eau de 2012 à 2016 (données du service de surveillance de la qualité de l’eau vietnamien de la province d’HCMV). Neuf sites le long de la rivière Saigon et un site dans la rivière Dongnai ont permis de déterminer l’état de référence à l’amont et à l’aval d’Ho Chi Minh Ville. Les flux calculés permettent de dresser un premier bilan sédimentaire et nutritif à l’échelle des fleuves Saigon – Dongnai, de discuter de la contribution de chaque sous bassin aux flux totaux et de dresser des hypothèses sur l’état géomorphologique et environnemental actuel et futur des zones estuariennes et côtières. / The Saigon River, a part of Saigon – Dongnai River basin located in Southern Vietnam, is about 250 km long with a catchment area of 4,717 km2. The Dau Tieng reservoir in the upstream of the Saigon River has been constructed for irrigation, flood protection purposes and the control of the intrusion of saline water. When flowing through HCMC, Saigon River is connected with canals and then joins Dongnai River to become the Nha Be River flowing through Can Gio Mangrove to the East Sea. Draining a low elevation coastal zone (LECZ), Saigon River is affected by the asymmetric semi-diurnal tides.The general goal of this thesis is to (i) assess trophic status in the Saigon – Dongnai River, (ii) assess the processes that lead nutrient behavior in the salinity gradient to estimate retention capacity with respect to the nutrients fluxes and (iii) calculate nutrient budgets to further be used for numerical simulations.The first step of this thesis consisted in a survey of nutrient concentrations (N, P, Si) at four sampling sites within the Saigon – Dongnai River system, which was carried out bi-monthly from July 2015 to December 2017, allowing to quantify the levels of nutrient concentrations and of indicators of eutrophication. This thesis pointed out an excess of nutrients in HCMC with concentrations of NH4+ and PO43- averaging to 0.7 mgN L-1 and 0.07 mgP L-1, respectively. We observed that untreated domestic discharges lead to the degradation of Saigon River’s water quality with extreme value of algal biomass (up 150 µChl-a L-1) and hypoxia conditions occurring episodically (DO < 2 mg L-1) during dry season. The eutrophic issue in the city center has no clear effect downstream because eutrophic water mass from Saigon River is efficiently mixed with Dongnai and sea water masses during the semi-diurnal tidal cycle, leading to efficient metabolism of nutrients within the estuarine partBased on field and laboratory surveys, we assessed the eutrophication of the river, and investigated P adsorption-desorption capacity onto suspended sediment (SS) within the salinity gradient. Field surveys showed a clear impact of the megacity, total P increasing three fold in HCMC center, as compared with upstream values. Downstream, in the tidally mixed estuarine area, the total P lowered to less than 0.5 gP kg-1. Laboratory experiments were carried out to characterize the influence of SS concentrations, salinity and turbulence on sorption/desorption processes. Among these observed variables, SS concentration was shown to be the main driver for adsorption capacity of P onto SS in salinity gradient. This underlines the role of cohesive sediment dynamics, as an important driver of nutrient dynamic in this estuarine river system.In this thesis, we analyzed the nutrients, suspended sediments and water discharges database from the Vietnamese Center of Monitoring of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (period 2012 to 2016). Nine sites along the Saigon River and one site in the Dongnai River were used to identify the reference water status before HCMC and the increasing fluxes from upstream to downstream. The calculated fluxes allow drawing a first sediment and nutrients budget at the scale of the Saigon – Dongnai Rivers and discussing the contribution of each sub basins to the total fluxes to the estuarine and coastal zones. Add one sentence pointing out the main result of this 2005-2016 dataseries analysis.

Gestão da zona costeira: políticas públicas e atores sociais na praia da Cocanha, Caraguatatuba, São Paulo / Coastal zone management: public policy and stakeholders in Cocanhas beach, Caraguatatuba, São Paulo

Freitas, Jussara Shirazawa de 18 September 2012 (has links)
A zona costeira é um amplo espaço de interação onde a dinâmica ambiental afeta as complexas relações entre o homem e o meio. Essa região é formada por um mosaico de importantes ecossistemas, que apresentam alta biodiversidade e complexidade, e cuja diversidade é marcada pela transição de ambientes terrestres e marinhos, com interações que lhe conferem caráter de fragilidade requerendo atenção especial do poder público. Observa-se nessa região quadros problemáticos do ponto de vista da gestão ambiental, demandando ações de caráter corretivo, com a mediação dos múltiplos conflitos de usos dos espaços e recursos comuns e de controle do impacto sobre os ambientes marinhos. Uma ferramenta muito importante para que se atinja o equilíbrio entre as atividades na zona costeira e a conservação ambiental é o Gerenciamento Costeiro Integrado (GCI). Este é definido como um conjunto de atividades e procedimentos que permite a gestão dos recursos naturais de forma participativa, objetivando a melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações locais, a conservação da fauna e da flora e a adequação das atividades humanas à capacidade de suporte dos ecossistemas. Uma das ferramentas, no contexto do GCI, é a Avaliação de Políticas Públicas. Esta tem por objetivo fazer com que os resultados e os conhecimentos produzidos pela avaliação resultem na construção de valores para que governantes e população obtenham referências sobre quais fatores determinaram o sucesso ou insucesso de uma ação e possam, então, interferir nos processos e corrigir e/ou propor novas políticas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender como a implementação de políticas públicas na Praia da Cocanha influenciou a dinâmica das redes sociais e contribuiu para a construção socioespacial. A área de estudo configura-se como excelente exemplo das questões e dos problemas do Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo e da região costeira brasileira. A avaliação da construção socioespacial da região e dos efeitos das ações governamentais implementadas sobre o território foi feita com base no modelo teórico de Avaliação de Políticas Públicas. Para fazer a avaliação, foram feitas entrevistas com pessoas que sofreram a ação direta das políticas (membros da comunidade), bem como pessoas que estão ligadas diretamente com a região de estudo (atores externos, como pesquisadores). O que observamos na Praia da Cocanha é que a população local não participou efetivamente e ativamente das políticas públicas implementadas na região. As políticas, apesar de impactos positivos como a geração de empregos e renda para a comunidade, foram mal planejadas e implementadas, ocasionando problemas para a comunidade e degradação ambiental. A realidade local da Praia da Cocanha é um reflexo do que ocorre no município de Caraguatatuba e em muitos outros do País. A falta de planejamento está prejudicando a população e permitindo que haja comprometimento do meio ambiente. / The coastal zone is a broad area of interactions where the environmental dynamics affect the complex relation between man and the surrounding environment. The landscape is formed by a mosaic of highly biodiverse and complex ecosystems, marked by the terrestrial-marine transition and its interactions, what gives it a character of fragility which requires special attention from policy makers. There is a series of problematic issues concerning environmental management practices. Thus, demanding corrective actions such as mediating multiple conflicts in use of space and resources, and controlling the impact on the marine environment. A very important tool to achieve the balance between human activities in the coastal zone and environmental conservation is the Coastal Zone Management (CZM), that can be defined as a set of activities and procedures that enables the management of natural resources in a participatory way, improving the communitys life quality, the conservation of fauna and flora, and the adequacy of human activities to the ecosystems support capacity. One of the tools, in the context of the CZM, is the Evaluation of Public Policies. The present study aims to understand how the implementation of public policies in Cocanha Beach influenced the dynamics of social networks, and contributed to the socio-spatial setting. The study site is considered an excellent example of common issues and problems along the northern coast of São Paulo State, as well along the Brazilian coast. The evaluation of the socio-spatial setting and the effects of implemented government actions on the territory were based on Evaluation of Public Policies theoretical model. In order to the evaluation to be done, several stakeholders were interviewed, such as those who have suffered direct effects of policies (community members), and others who are directly connected with the study site (external actors such as researchers). By the end of the evaluation, it was possible to observe that the local community did not effectively or actively participate in the public policies implemented in the region. Despite the job and income generation among the community, the implemented policies were poorly planned and executed, causing problematic arrangements for the community, as well as environmental degradation. The reality of Cocanha Beach a glimpse of what occurs in the City of Caraguatatuba, and in many other Brazilian coastal cities. The lack of responsible planning is affecting the population and compromising the environment.

The effect of sea level rise on Juncus Roemerianus in a high nutrient environment

Unknown Date (has links)
As sea levels continue to rise, the projected damage that will ensue presents a great challenge for conservation and management of coastal ecosystems in Florida. Since Juncus roemerianus is a common marsh plant throughout Florida with unique growing characteristics that make it a popular restoration plant, this study implemented a 20 week greenhouse split plot experiment to examine the effects of sea level rise on J. roemerianus and ultimately determine its tolerance ranges to salinity and inundation in a high nutrient environment. Overall, salinity level and the interaction effect of salinity level and water level had the greatest effects on measured growth parameters including average mature height, maximum height, density, basal area, root length, and biomass. An inverse relationship between increasing salinity and the measured growth variables was observed with the greatest growth and survivability in 0 ppt water, survivability and reduced growth in 20 ppt water, survivability and little growth in 30 ppt water, and nearly complete senesce in 40 ppt water. This was the first laboratory study to determine the effect of 40 ppt water on J. roemerianus. Elevated water levels resulted in higher growth variables in the 20 ppt, 30 ppt, and 40 ppt treatments while inundated water levels produced higher growth variables in the 0 ppt treatment despite previous research finding inundation to have completely adverse effects on J. roemerianus. It is likely that the high nutrient environment provided for this study is the cause for this anomaly. The results of this study have major implications for the future of coastal ecosystems that are dominated by stands of J. roemerianus in South Florida and can be used in conjunction with studies on bordering marsh plants to predict shifts in the ecosystems of Florida that are responding to sea level rise scenarios. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis(M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Building legally defensible growth management in a coastal community : the Sanibel experience

Shearer, Richard Martin January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Transformação da paisagem costeira: considerações sobre a conservação do município de São Sebastião-SP / Processing and conservation of the coastal landscape: considerations about the city of São Sebastião-SP

Ana Paula Veras de Paiva 14 May 2007 (has links)
A desorganização do espaço, ou a perda do potencial paisagístico se reflete nas ocupações da zona costeira, face ao aproveitamento e/ou utilização dos recursos naturais neste território, acarretando na preocupação em relação à qualidade de vida da sociedade que ai se estabeleceu. Dada a constante perda do potencial paisagístico na zona costeira e a magnitude do poder de transformação desta porção territorial, pelos planos e instrumentos de ordenamento, reforça a necessidade de uma nova reestruturação dos mecanismos de gestão e planejamento, pautados nas características intrínsecas da paisagem em que se emprega. A meta da gestão e do planejamento é introduzir e reproduzir melhorias na qualidade de vida das populações, melhorar o ordenamento espacial dos assentamentos humanos, a distribuição espacial dos empreendimentos estatais e reduzir os impactos das atividades sobre o meio. Nesta acepção a problemática se estende na formulação de políticas publicas, plano de gestão e do desenho. Este trabalho investiga o processo de transformação do território municipal de São Sebastião, através de uma cronologia de ocupação, em seguida descreve seus padrões e estruturas de natureza, para enfim avaliar o estado atual de conservação do mesmo. / São Sebastião is a seaside town in Estate of São Paulo, Brazil. This work investigates process which led to territory transformations and development of the impacts we can see nowadays, analyzing issues related to the coastal zone, the landscape and the environmental conservation. Three main development vectors are studied to explain the landscape structure: a port, road constructions and a huge Petrobrás terminal which receives and movements the major production of crude oil and derivates in Brazil. This work intents to show some fragilities and conflicts in the coastal zone as a result of the urbanization process and government policies, usually taken in many natural sensitive areas with fragile ecosystems. Finally, an evaluation is made of the main environment conservation instruments and policies related to the coasts natural resources, including the most recent law in the Estate of São Paulo: the Decreto Estadual n°49.215/04 which obligates coastal management using economic and ecologic attributes to define Zones of Use.

Análise da existência de gestão costeira integrada no município de Imbé-RS-Brasil

Caetano, Fabrício da Silva January 2016 (has links)
A Zona Costeira é um espaço ambientalmente sensível pela sua complexidade geográfica, necessitando cuidados especiais. Ao considerar Imbé-RS, integrante da Zona Costeira no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, percebe-se, a partir do Censo 2010 do IBGE, o incremento populacional considerável, potencializando a pressão antrópica sobre este espaço, logo demandando cuidados especiais que se dão a partir de uma gestão ambiental sustentável. Para tanto, a Gestão Integrada se faz necessária para atender as demandas complexas socioambientais desta fração de Zona Costeira, aglutinando as ações para coordenadamente resultarem numa efetiva gestão ambiental sustentável. Tendo, portanto, como objetivo principal a aplicação do Decálogo visando o diagnóstico de gestão integral. E para conseguir isto foi primeiro necessário a averiguação da aplicabilidade do Decálogo com a legislação pátria, passando pelo diagnóstico e conclusão. Nisto o Decálogo, método de planificação de gestão utilizado na Europa, de forma especial na região da Andaluzia (Espanha), pelo Grupo Iberoamericano Red Ibermar-Cyted, consiste, na fase de diagnóstico, em analisar de dez itens, os quais foram aplicados no Município de Imbé, para, a partir dos resultados da pesquisa, apresentar uma série de propostas que visem ser um instrumento de integração da gestão ambiental, para o Administrador Público, resultando a produção de um espaço sócio ambientalmente sustentável. / The coastal zone is an environmentally sensitive area due to its geographic complexity, requiring special care. When considering Imbé-RS, a member of the Coastal Zone in the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, one sees from the 2010 Census of IBGE, the considerable population growth, increasing the anthropic pressure on this space, then demanding special care that they give from a sustainable environmental management. Therefore, the Integrated Management is required to meet the environmental demands of this complex fraction of Coastal Zone, coalescing actions to result in a coordinated effective sustainable environmental management. Having, therefore, the main objective of the implementation of the Decalogue for the diagnosis of integral management. And to achieve this it was necessary first to investigate the applicability of the Decalogue with the Brazilian legislation, to diagnosis and conclusion. Hereby the Decalogue, management planning method used in Europe, particularly so in the region of Andalusia (Spain), the Ibero-American Group Red Ibermar-Cyted, consists in the diagnostic phase, in analyzing ten items, which were applied in city of Imbé, for, from the results of the research, present a series of proposals to be an environmental management integration tool for the Public Administrator, resulting in the production of environmentally sustainable socio space.

Developing Lynn harbor : process, policies, and implementation.

Kubat, Charles Alfred January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. M.C.P.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Bibliography : leaves 186-190. / M.C.P.

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