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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informační management podle Cobit 5 / Information Management According to Cobit 5

Smažil, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the concept of information management, its history and definition by various authors and also according to Cobit 5 methodology particularly its part Cobit 5: Enabling Information. The aim of the thesis is the application of Cobit 5 information model on a specific problem with information in the selected company and assessing the suitability of this application.

Propuesta de transformación digital alineada al plan estratégico de una entidad de control gubernamental del Estado Peruano luego de ser evaluados los procesos de TI utilizando COBIT 5 PAM / Digital transformation proposal aligned to the strategic plan of a government control entity of the peruvian state after evaluated IT processes using COBIT 5 PAM

Ormeño Salazar, Carlos Alberto, Valdez Cordova, Hjalmar Neryght Yoght 06 November 2019 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de tesis presenta una propuesta de transformación digital alineada al plan estratégico institucional de una entidad de control gubernamental del Estado peruano luego de realizar la evaluación de los procesos con el uso de COBIT 5 PAM. En este documento, se encontrará como primer capítulo, la definición del proyecto, donde se detalla la entidad de objeto de estudio, la visión, misión, objetivos estratégicos y una explicación breve de los mismos. El segundo capítulo, nos muestra el cumplimiento de los Outcomes – ABET. En el tercer capítulo, se presenta el marco teórico utilizado para la tesis. En el cuarto capítulo encontraremos el desarrollo del proyecto, que está dividido en dos secciones, la primera relacionada al Gobierno Corporativo de TI donde hemos utilizado como instrumento de evaluación COBIT 5 PAM, aquí se detallan los procesos de TI, se realiza un contraste con los procesos de TI de COBIT 5 PAM, se evalúan los niveles actuales de cada proceso, la brecha encontrada y finalmente se plantea un plan de mejora. Como segunda sección, encontramos el tema de Transformación Digital, en el cual se detallan las tecnologías a utilizar, el proceso que se desea transformar y cómo las herramientas tecnológicas planteadas brindan soporte al mismo, así también, se determina una factibilidad técnica y económica de la propuesta. Como quinto capítulo, se detallan los resultados del proyecto de tesis, y finalmente, se presenta las herramientas para la gestión del proyecto y anexos. / The following thesis work presents a proposal for digital transformation aligned with the institutional strategic plan and after a self-evaluation has been carried out in relation to the use of COBIT 5 PAM on a government control entity of the Peruvian State. In this document, you will find as the first chapter, the definition of the project, which details the entity under study, the vision, mission, strategic objectives, process diagram and a brief explanation of them. In the third chapter, the theoretical framework used for the realization of this thesis is presented. In the fourth chapter we will find the development of the project, which is divided into two large sections, the first related to the Corporate Governance of IT where we have used as an evaluation instrument COBIT 5 PAM, here the IT processes are detailed, a contrast is made With the IT processes proposed by COBIT 5 PAM, the current levels of each process, the expected levels, the gap found are evaluated and finally an improvement plan is proposed. As a second section, we find the topic of Digital Transformation, in which the technologies to be used are detailed, the process that you want to transform and how the technological tools proposed support it, as well, a technical and economic feasibility of the proposal. As the fifth chapter, the results of the thesis project are detailed, and finally, the support tools for project management are presented. / Tesis

Propuesta de mejora de gobierno de TI para facilitar transformación digital para una empresa del sector pesquero

Suncion Araujo, Victor Raul, Oncebay López , Julio Jesús 09 November 2019 (has links)
Durante los últimos 10 años la necesidad de contar con un efectivo gobierno de TI se hace indispensable para las empresas que quieren lograr una ventaja competitiva en el mercado. El plan estratégico de las empresas debe contener su plan a futuro y las acciones que debe realizar para lograrlo. Asimismo, sus objetivos estratégicos deben estar alineados con los procesos de TI. Bajo este escenario, en el que se presenta un constante cambio, muchas empresas se enfrentan a problemas de bajo nivel de control y uso inadecuado de recursos, causados por la baja concientización de un Gobierno de TI, que posteriormente desencadenan en una insuficiente definición de procesos, en la carencia de la evaluación de capacidades de procesos y en la falta de iniciativa para la mejora continua. Asimismo, a través de la tecnología se busca transformar el proceso de negocio de operación de pesca porque está asociado a los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa. Por ende, cualquier impacto negativo se ve reflejado en la rentabilidad y costos Ante esta situación, se desarrolla la propuesta para el caso de estudio de una empresa del sector pesquero, en el que se propone mejorar los procesos de TI mediante un marco de trabajo basado en COBIT PAM y transformar el proceso de operación de pesca utilizando la tecnología basada en internet de las cosas para consolidar este proceso obteniendo rentabilidad y reduciendo costos. / During the past 10 years the need for effective IT governance has become indispensable for companies that want to gain a competitive advantage in the market. The strategic business plan must contain its future plan and the actions it must take to achieve it. At the same time, its strategic objectives should be aligned with the IT processes. Under this scenario, in which there is constant change, many companies face problems of low level of control and inaddecuate use of resources, caused by the lack of awareness of an IT Government, which subsequently trigger an insufficient process definition, in the carence of evaluation of process capacities and in the lack of initiative for continuous improvement. Likewise, technology seeks to transform the fishing operation business process because it is associated with the company's strategic objectives. Therefore, any negative impact is reflected in profitability and costs. Given this situation, the proposal is developed for the case study of a company in the fishery sector, in which it is proposed to improve IT processes through a framework based on COBIT PAM and transform the fishing operation process using technology based on the internet of things to consolidate this process obtaining profitability and reducing costs. / Tesis

Melhores práticas para implantar política de segurança da informação e comunicação em instituições federais de ensino superior

RIOS, Orlivaldo Kléber Lima 30 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Santana (rafael.silvasantana@ufpe.br) on 2017-08-31T19:26:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertação_Orlivaldo_Kléber_Ciência da Computação_UFPE_.pdf: 2557373 bytes, checksum: ce725c091789d262ff35ae1f87b18a37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T19:26:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertação_Orlivaldo_Kléber_Ciência da Computação_UFPE_.pdf: 2557373 bytes, checksum: ce725c091789d262ff35ae1f87b18a37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-30 / O Tribunal de Contas da União, por meio da Secretaria de Fiscalização de TI, publicou, em 2015, por meio do Acórdão 3117/2014-TCU-Plenário, o quadro crítico em que se encontravam os órgãos da Administração Pública Federal, direta e indireta, concernente aos processos de segurança da informação, onde apenas 51% daqueles órgãos utilizavam integralmente a Política de Segurança da Informação. Considerando que há recomendações e orientações do Governo Federal para a institucionalização da Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação em todos seus órgãos, essa pesquisa buscou identificar o cenário em que se encontram as Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior, quanto à existência e às práticas utilizadas para implantação de Política de Segurança da Informação, considerando que tais instituições estão inseridas nesse panorama de fiscalização do Tribunal de Contas da União. Como objetivo de pesquisa, buscou-se a elaboração de um guia de melhores práticas para implantação e revisão de Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação nas Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior. Como metodologia foram utilizadas as abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa, empregando procedimentos bibliográficos, com o uso da revisão sistemática, e o levantamento de campo com aplicação de questionário Survey. Ao final da pesquisa, percebeu-se que o fator humano é a maior criticidade para o sucesso da implantação da Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação, principalmente a participação da Alta Gestão, entretanto, a elaboração do guia promoverá ações estratégicas nos processos de segurança da informação das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior, quanto à implantação e revisão de Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação. / The Court of Auditors of Unity, IT Supervisory Office, published in 2015, through Decision 3117/2014 - TCU-Plenary, the critical situation in which they found the agencies of the Federal Public Administration Office, both direct as indirectly, concerning the information security processes, where only 51% of those agencies fully used the Security Policy information. Whereas there are recommendations and guidelines of the Federal Government for the institutionalization of the Information and Communication Security Policy in all its agencies, this research sought to identify the scenario where the Federal Institutions of Higher Education are, regarding the existence and the practices adopted in the implementation of information security policy, considering that such institutions are inserted in this prospect of the Brazilian Federal Accountability Office surveillance. In this research we aimed to formulate the a Guide for the best practices to the implementation and revision of Information Security Policy in Federal Institutions of Higher Education. It were used both quantitative and qualitative approaches, employing, employing bibliographic procedures, with the use of a systematic review and also a field survey. At the end of this research it was realized that the human factor is the most critical aspect for the successful implementation of Security Policy information, especially the participation of the High Management. However, the formulation of a guidance will promote strategic actions in the information security processes of Federal Institutions of Higher Education, towards the implementation and revision of Information and Communication Security Policy.

Análise da governança de tecnologia da informação para reduzir problemas de agência: estudo em assimetria da informação

Coser, Tiago 17 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-02-18T14:53:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Coser_.pdf: 1143518 bytes, checksum: 1ab49a0e3a1cd5b419cae7912e0ad87c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-18T14:53:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Coser_.pdf: 1143518 bytes, checksum: 1ab49a0e3a1cd5b419cae7912e0ad87c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / A problemática resultante da separação entre propriedade e controle do capital é direcionada, nesta pesquisa, para o nível operacional e considera o fundamento assimetria da informação. Este estudo analisou como a Governança de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI) pode contribuir para reduzir problemas de agência. A relação de agência foi delimitada entre diretores (principal) e gerentes (agente) das áreas Administrativa e Comercial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvida por meio de um estudo de caso único em uma indústria sediada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os principais resultados indicam que os problemas de agência não se limitam a informações e ações ocultas no ambiente pesquisado, mas, também, se devem a fragilidades nos recursos e fluxos de informações que suportam os processos de delegação e monitoramento de atividades entre diretores e gerentes. As principais contribuições da GTI para reduzir o problema de agência associam-se, prioritariamente, ao alinhamento entre a TI e os objetivos do negócio, nos processos de planejamento, construção, entrega e monitoramento de serviços de TI. Estas visando a padronizar processos de negócio e a reduzir a dependência humana nas etapas dos mesmos. / The resulting separation issues of ownership and control of capital is directed in this research to the operational level and considers the foundation asymmetry of information. This study examined how the Information Technology (IT) Governance can help reduce agency problems. The agency relationship was established between directors (principal) and managers (agent) of the Administrative and Commercial areas. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach, developed through a unique case study in an industry based in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The main results indicate that agency problems are not limited to information and hidden actions the researched environment, but also are due to weaknesses in resources and information flows supporting the delegation process and monitoring activities among directors and managers. The main contributions of the IT governance to reduce the agency problem are associated primarily to the alignment between IT and business objectives in the planning, construction, delivery and monitoring of IT services. It seeks to standardize business processes and reduce human dependence on the steps of the same.

Avalia????o da capacidade dos processos de governan??a corporativa de TI baseda no COBIT 5 / Avalia????o da percep????o da conformidade de processos de contrata????o de solu????es de tecnologia da informa????o com a instru????o normativa 04/2010 da SLTI

Santos, Diana Leite Nunes dos 05 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Kelson (kelson@ucb.br) on 2016-07-18T12:07:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DianaLeiteNunesdosSantosDissertacao2013.pdf: 2232490 bytes, checksum: d0f04d5a5aa136b8228c17afb63807e4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T12:07:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DianaLeiteNunesdosSantosDissertacao2013.pdf: 2232490 bytes, checksum: d0f04d5a5aa136b8228c17afb63807e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-05 / COBIT 5 provides a separation of governance and management processes along with a new assessment approach that focus on process capability. This paper describes such assessment performed at a Brazilian government institution that resulted in 40% of the governance processes at level 0 ??? incomplete process and 60% at level 1 ??? performed process. Given the role of governance, fragilities in its processes may reflect negatively in management and additional research should include a closer look at this relationship. For this particular institution, it is expected that all governance processes are performed (level 1) by the next two years, which is a goal towards an efficient and effective governance system. The following barriers to the application of this self-assessment were found: lack of knowledge on COBIT 5 processes from the assessed institution and the extension of the questionnaire which had 33 questions in its final version. When compared to COBIT 4.1 assessment model, the results were lower, as the same organization was classified in level 2 - repeatable but intuitive. The previous model is also easier and faster to apply. This comparison should be done carefully for the models are very different in its design and use. Finally, the proposed objectives were met: the mechanism is repeatable and can be used in the future to create a historic base; it can be performed as a selfassessment and is expected to be completed, in a medium size IT department, in a four hour time limit. / O COBIT 5 traz a separa????o dos processos de governan??a e gerenciamento e uma nova abordagem de avalia????o com foco na capacidade dos processos. Esse artigo descreve a aplica????o deste tipo de avalia????o em uma institui????o governamental brasileira, que resultou em 40% dos processos de governan??a no n??vel 0 ??? processo incompleto, e 60% no n??vel 1 - processo executado. Dado o papel da governan??a, fragilidades em seus processos podem refletir negativamente no gerenciamento da TI da institui????o e pesquisas adicionais devem incluir um aprofundamento neste relacionamento. Para esta institui????o, em particular, ?? esperado que todos os processos de governan??a passem a ser executados (n??vel 1) nos pr??ximos dois anos, que ?? um objetivo no rumo de um sistema de governan??a eficiente e eficaz. As seguintes barreiras na aplica????o desta autoavalia????o foram encontradas: falta de conhecimento dos processos do COBIT 5 por parte da institui????o avaliada e extens??o do question??rio, que chegou a 33 perguntas em sua vers??o final. Quando comparado com o modelo de avalia????o do COBIT 4.1, os resultados foram inferiores, com a mesma organiza????o sendo classificada no n??vel 2 ??? repet??vel mas intuitivo. O modelo anterior ?? tamb??m mais r??pido e f??cil de aplicar. Essa compara????o deve ser feita com cuidado j?? que os modelos s??o muito diferentes em seu desenho e uso. Finalmente, os objetivos propostos foram alcan??ados: o mecanismo ?? repet??vel e pode ser usado futuramente para criar uma base hist??rica; ele pode ser aplicado como uma autoavalia????o e ?? esperado que seja completado, numa institui????o com uma ??rea de TI de m??dio porte, em at?? quatro horas.

Análise de processos de tecnologia da informação para o disclosure da informação contábil

Lazzari, Robson Luis Meneguzzi 15 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-06-14T15:26:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Robson Luis Meneguzzi Lazzari_.pdf: 2737794 bytes, checksum: 9dadff38c69edaabec05da0277f10c14 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-14T15:26:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Robson Luis Meneguzzi Lazzari_.pdf: 2737794 bytes, checksum: 9dadff38c69edaabec05da0277f10c14 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar como os processos de TI contribuem para o disclosure da informação contábil. Esta investigação foi realizada com relação ao disclosure das informações contábeis para a gestão da empresa, envolvendo os principais agentes internos nesse processo. A metodologia de pesquisa baseia-se em um estudo de caso realizado no segundo semestre de 2015, em uma empresa atuante no setor moveleiro do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados encontrados indicam como os processos de TI contribuem para o disclosure da informação contábil, identificando e analisando os principais aspectos de disclosure que devem ser priorizados pelos processos de TI para disponibilizar informações mais assertivas e de qualidade para a gestão da organização. Neste contexto, no caso investigado, os aspectos prioritários são os de acessibilidade – acesso às informações por qualquer recurso de TI e em qualquer lugar –, garantia da segurança – dos dados e informações –, assegurar a integridade, agilidade (tempestividade) na disponibilização, alinhamento com a estratégia do negócio, disponibilização de controles e recursos de monitoramento de despesas e receitas, transparência dos processos de negócio de TI, criação de confiança – nos recursos de TI e no disclosure de suas informações – e alinhamento com fatores externos (como leis). / The objective of this study was to analyze how IT processes contribute to the disclosure of accounting information. This research was conducted with a relation of the disclosure of accounting information for management of the company, involving the main internal actors in this process. The research methodology is based on a case study realized in the second half of 2015 in a furniture industry of Rio Grande do Sul. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis. The results indicate how IT processes contribute to the disclosure of accounting information, identifying and analyzing the main aspects of disclosure that should be prioritized by IT processes to deliver information more assertiveness and quality to management of the organization. In this context, in the investigated case, the priority aspects are accessibility - access to information by any IT resource in anywhere - ensuring security – of Data and information - to ensure the integrity, agility (timing) in disclosure, alignment with the business strategy, providing control and monitoring capabilities of revenue and expenditure, transparency of IT business processes, creating confidence - the IT resources and disclosure of your information - and alignment with external factors (such as laws).

Zlepšování procesního řízení bankovního oddělení IT / Bank's IT department process management improvement

Holub, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of process management as a part of IT Governance. Cobit is the standard for the IT Governance. For the purpose of the thesis we use Cobit 5, the latest Cobit version published in 2012. Next part of the thesis is focused on describing the principles of process management and analyzing differences between line and process management. To be able to choose the appropriate modeling notation, the work uses the most common notation of process modeling -- BPMN, EPC and UML. The second part of the thesis analyses the current status of process management in an international bank using methods of questionnaire, document analysis and observation. Following the analysis, new concept of process management is created and applied to two specific processes.

Možnosti hodnocení kvality informačního systému / The Possibilities of the Information System Quality Assessment

Nedomová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the possibilities of the quality information system assessment. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the information systems, explains the term quality in information systems and describes the methods of the IT processes maturity assessment. The implementation of selected methods of the IT process maturity assessment is the content of the practical part of the thesis. A questionnaire survey based on the selected methods was conducted in the SAINT-GOBAIN ADFORS CZ s.r.o. company. The survey was analyzed, the level of the Problem Management process maturity was defined and possible improvements of this process were suggested.

Hodnocení vyspělosti procesů IT / Evaluation of IT processes maturity

Horká, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the evaluation of IT processes maturity. In the theoretical part, management of information technologies and methods of assessment in the organization are described. Four methods are selected and used for the maturity assessment of the Release Management process in Česká pojišťovna a.s. In the practical section, a questionnaire is evaluated and the Release Management process maturity level is set. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate maturity of Release Management process and suggest possible improvements. The objective was achieved through the completed questionnaires of Česká pojišťovna a.s. employees and subsequent consultations with the process owner. The thesis consists of six parts. The first chapter deals with the management of information technology in an organization. The second chapter is devoted to the evaluation of process maturity and description of the selected methods of maturity evaluation. The third chapter maps processes according to ITIL, Cobit 4.1 Cobit 5 and provide their introduction. The fourth chapter introduce the organization of Česká pojišťovna a.s.. The fifth chapter describes the specific process Migrating applications in the Česká pojišťovna a.s.. The sixth chapter focuses on the actual comparison of individual methods of evaluating and interpretation of the results.

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