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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude physico-chimique d'intermétalliques d'uranium pour des cibles médicales innovantes de production de ⁹⁹Mo / Study of the physical and chemical properties of uranium intermetallics for novel medical irradiation targets for ⁹⁹Mo production

Moussa, Chantal 16 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du développement de cibles d’irradiation faiblement enrichi en ²³⁵U pour la production du ⁹⁹Mo, radionucléide père du ⁹⁹mTc employé en imagerie médicale. La cible d’irradiation est une plaque fine en aluminium, dont l’âme fissile est constituée d’une dispersion de particules uranifères dans une matrice d’aluminium. Nos travaux plus spécifiquement ont mené à proposer une âme fissile alternative à celle actuellement employée. Pour évaluer les effets de l’affinité chimique, une approche thermodynamique par détermination des relations de phases a été considérée pour cinq systèmes ternaires de références. Les travaux expérimentaux ont conduit à la détermination de sections isothermes pour les systèmes U-Al-X avec X= Ti, Zr, Nb, Ga et Ge, pour deux températures, une basse et une haute températures représentatives des interactions avec l’uranium dans sa forme allotropique orthorhombique (αU) et cubique (gU) respectivement. Les systèmes ternaires U‑Nb-Al et U-Al-Ga, ont fait l’objet d’une optimisation thermodynamique par méthode CALPHAD. Des caractérisations supplémentaires ont été menées sur les phases intermédiaires afin de déterminer leurs propriétés physico-chimiques. Ces examens ont concerné leurs propriétés thermodynamiques (réaction de formation et température et pour certaines enthalpie de formation), structurales et également l’investigation de leurs propriétés électroniques. Cette thèse s’est également intéressée à l’étude des germaniures d’uranium ternaires, U₃TGe₅, en particulier à la recherche de nouvelles phases isotypes et à la caractérisation de leurs propriétés électroniques. Neuf nouveaux composés ont été identifiés pour les métaux T = V, Cr, Zr, Mn, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta et W avec un arrangement structural similaire à l’antitype Hf₅CuSn₃ et des comportements variés et complexes, tels des fluctuations de spin, de l’ordre antiferromagnétique et ferromagnétique, illustrant le rôle prépondérant du métal de transition dans ces effets électroniques. / This thesis is in the framework of the development of low ²³⁵U enriched irradiation targets for the ⁹⁹Mo production, the mother isotope of ⁹⁹mTc, which is the main radioactive tracers used in nuclear medical imaging. The aim of this work is to identify a new material with a higher uranium density. To fulfil this objective, the determination of the phase relations has been considered for five ternary systems. The experimental work was the determination of the isothermal sections of the U-Al-X with X = Ti, Zr, Nb, Ga and Ge for two temperatures, for representative interactions with U in its orthorhombic form (αU) and cubic form (gU) respectively. The U-Nb-Al and U-Al-Ga ternary system were thermodynamically assessed by CALPHAD assessment. Subsequent characterizations have been carried out on the intermediate phases to determine their physical properties. These studies comprise their thermodynamic features (reaction of formation, including the reaction temperature and for some their enthalpy of formation), structural properties (by means of X-ray and electron diffractions) and their electronic properties, magnetic, and transport (electrical and thermal). This Ph-D thesis was extended to the study of ternary uranium germanides with the general formula U₃TGe₅ by seeking for new isostructural compounds and to investigate their electronic properties. Nine new compounds have been identified with the transition metal, T = V, Cr, Mn, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta and W with an anti-Hf₅CuSn₃ structural type and various and complex behaviors, such as spin fluctuators, antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic orders, emphasizing the predominant influence of the transition metal in these electronic phenomena.

Caractérisation et identification du comportement d'un matériau composite complexe sous sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques à l'aide de la stéréo-corrélation d'images : Application à l'embrayage / Characterization and identification of the behavior of a composite material under thermal and mechanical loading with digital image stereo correlation : Application to car clutch facings

Flament, Camille 03 September 2015 (has links)
Les contraintes environnementales ont amené les constructeurs et équipementiers automobiles à développer de nouveaux types de transmission aux contraintes d'encombrement axial importantes. Pour la première fois, ce travail se concentre sur la caractérisation et l'identification du comportement sous sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques de la garniture d'embrayage, un matériau composite complexe. Les sollicitations de traction ont été réalisées à différentes températures et fréquences sur des échantillons prélevés dans le disque ou le disque complet. Nous avons ainsi identifié les caractéristiques élastiques et viscoélastiques en fonction de la température ainsi que les mécanismes d'endommagement. La dilatation thermique de la garniture a été observée sur les disques complets. Ainsi, grâce à l'utilisation de la stéréo-corrélation couplée avec des méthodes d'identification inverse nous avons pu décrire le couplage entre l'hétérogénéité du matériau et l'effet de la structure annulaire. Enfin au travers de cycles thermiques lents et homogènes, l'étude présente l'évolution du coefficient d'expansion thermique et de la tenue mécanique du matériau. / The clutch facing is an annular shaped continuous fiber composite which transmits the rotary motion from the engine to the wheels. In use it is submitted to thermal and mechanical loadings which can cause changes in the dimensions. New clutch technologies call for a better control of these changes. For the first time, this thesis was dedicated to the understanding of the dimensional stability of the clutch facing. Tensile tests were carried out under different temperature and for different frequencies on small cut specimens or on the entire annular disc. We were then able to identify the elastic and viscoelastic properties as well as the damage mechanisms until failure. The thermal expansion was measured on the entire disc as well. Thanks to digital image stereo correlation and reverse identification methods we were able to describe the coupling between the material's heterogeneities and its annular shape. Finally, this thesis presents the evolution of the material properties after homogeneous thermal cycling.

Speciální problémy lomové mechaniky singulárních koncentrátorů napětí v kompozitních materiálech / Special problems of fracture mechanics of singular stress concentrators in composite materials

Krepl, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
Předkládaná disertace se zabývá obecnými singulárními koncentrátory napětí a to zejména ostrým vrubem neboli V-vrubem, ostrým bi-materiálovým vrubem a ostrou materiálovou inkluzí. V první části práce je stručně nastíněna Kolosovova-Muschelišviliho teorie komplexních potenciálů rovinné pružnosti aplikovaná na problémy lomové mechaniky. Dále je diskutována lineární elastická lomová mechanika trhlin, V-vrubů, bi-materiálových vrubů a bi-materiálových spojů. V rešerši jsou dále zahrnuta kritéria směru iniciace trhliny i její stability a to kritérium maximálního tečného napětí, faktor hustoty deformační energie a sdružené napěťově-energetické kritérium. Následují text uvádí omezení jednoparametrové lomové mechaniky a výhody její multiparametrové formy. Další část představuje metody pro určení nezbytných parametrů pro popsání pole napětí a posuvů v blízkosti obecného singulárního koncentrátoru napětí. Tyto parametry zahrnují vlastní číslo a zobecněný faktor intenzity napětí. Vlastní číslo je určeno jako řešení problému vlastních hodnot zatímco metody pro určení zobecněného faktoru intenzity napětí tvoří Psi-integrál a metoda přeurčitosti. Obě zmiňované metody jsou aplikovány na zde studované obecné singulární koncentrátory napětí a vzájemně porovnány. Kritéria pro vznik trhliny v obecném singulárním koncentrátoru napětí jsou navržena. V rámci numerických příkladů jsou předpovězeny směry iniciace trhliny a podmínky stability pro konkrétní problémy. Kritické síly pro V-vrub jsou předpovězeny pomocí výše zmíněných kritérií a srovnány s experimentálními daty v literatuře. V následující části jsou ukázány metody analýzy multi-materiálového problému. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty způsoby iniciace a šíření trhliny v blízkosti ostré materiálové inkluze.

Technologie výroby uhlíkových kompozitů lisováním za tepla / Technology of manufacturing of carbon fibre composites by hot forming

Přikryl, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the composite materials and especially aims on the carbon and glass fiber composites. It points out different composition types and manufacturing methods which reflect in the different mechanical properties, final quality of the manufactured part and also in the manufacturing time. The practical part includes two particular manufacturing methods using prepregs, one cured in an autoclave and one by hot compression moulding.

Výpočtové modelování porušení keramických částicových kompozitních materiálů / Numerical modeling of failure of a particle composite with ceramic matrix

Kosorín, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Subcritical crack growth in composite materials plays quite an important role in determination of the service life and leads to the defects growth below the fracture toughness. The thesis presents search of the several scientific works dealing with the determination of the crack growth direction in composite materials. The aim of this diploma thesis was to create 2D and 3D finite element models to analyse crack growth in Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC). These models were compared based on the time calculation of the crack propagation under the subcritical growth conditions.

Návrh a analýza rámu silničního kola z kompozitního materiálu / Design and analysis of the road bike made from composite material

Dvořáková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design and analysis of road bike frame made of composite material. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, there is a research focused on the usage of composite materials in relation to making bike frames. The main emphasis is placed on fiber composites, which are most common in cycling. Manufacturing process and production technology are discussed. The aim of the second part is design and the numerical simulation of frame in relation to stand-ard, which is used for the testing of frames. Rigidity and strength are evaluated. The final frame is obtained from the initial design due to several iterations. In conclusion, results are evaluated and recommendations for future work are given.

Vliv plnění na dielektrické vlastnosti elektroizolačních laků / Influence of Filling on Dielctric Properties of Electroinsulation Varnish

Kisiala, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with issues of elecroinsulating varnish and composite materials. The general aim is to observe impact of fulfilment and size of particle against measured values.

Vliv plnění nanočásticemi na dielektrické vlastnosti elektroizolačních laků / Influence of nanoparticles on the properties of electroinsulation varnish

Michlíček, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with issues of dielectric composite materials. The general aim is to observe how the amout of nanofilling influence dielectric spectrum in dependence on relative humidity and temperature which is measured on prepared samples. For this purpose had been created variety of a samples of electroinsulating varnish with different percentage of filling with nanoparticles. Experimental material is epoxy resin NH91 LV filled by Al2O3 nanoparticles.

Studium elektrických vlastností kompozitních materiálů / Study of electric properties of composite

Macháček, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with issues of composite materials. The general aim is to observe how the amout of filling infuence dielectric spectrum which is measured on prepared samples. For this purpose had been created variety of a samples with different percentage of filling with mica. Measured values had been compared with theoretically values, determinated using mixture formulas.

Návrh uzlu křídlo-trup kompozitního letounu / Design of composite aeroplane wing-fuselage joint

Sadovský, Hynek January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design, strength calculation and technological solution of wing-fuselage joint for composite four-seater aeroplane certificated by CS-23. Design is focused on optimal space utilization, low weight and simple manufacturing and assembly. Main output is technical documentation consisting of drawings and technological lay-ups. Conceptual design was chosen after analysis and weight estimation. With strenght calculation for composite materials it was possible to design composition of primary parts and also specify manufacture processes. Assigment was solved by unusuall conceptual design, which claims higher precision manufacturing, but it saves weight.

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