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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ESPIM: um modelo para guiar o desenvolvimento de sistemas de intervenção a distância / ESPIM: a model for guiding the development of remote intervention systems

Cunha, Bruna Carolina Rodrigues da 26 June 2019 (has links)
Smartphones são dispositivos móveis ricos em recursos de interação que permitem a usuários realizar inúmeras tarefas. À medida que são adotados por grande parte da população, eles se tornam ferramentas para que profissionais ou pesquisadores realizem intervenções junto a seus usuários-alvo, inclusive remotamente, por exemplo por meio de coleta de dados em ambiente natural. No entanto, para conduzir pesquisas com aplicativos móveis, profissionais de áreas como Saúde e Educação usualmente dependem de ferramentas que demandam adaptação severa de seus planejamentos, ou dependem de desenvolvedores de software para criar aplicativos de acordo com suas necessidades. Trabalhos relacionados contribuem com soluções fundamentadas em métodos como o Método de Amostragem de Experiências (Experience Sampling Method, ESM), o qual foi proposto para coleta de dados no ambiente natural dos usuários-alvo. Entretanto, intervenções demandam, além da coleta de dados, a programação individualizada de tarefas a serem realizadas pelos usuários e acompanhadas pelos especialistas. Uma solução para esse problema demanda mecanismos explícitos para o planejamento e a aplicação de intervenções individualizadas, como proposto na literatura, por exemplo, por meio da Instrução Programada (Programmed Instruction, PI). Considerando a ausência de modelos que integrem métodos para coleta de dados e para programação de intervenções, este trabalho tem por objetivo definir um método que permita a programação de intervenções aplicadas em ambiente natural, método esse denominado Experience Sampling and Programmed Intervention Method (ESPIM). O ESPIM é formalizado por um modelo computacional descrito por meio de diagramas recomendados para a sua representação. O modelo propõe um padrão para o desenvolvimento de sistemas e para o intercâmbio de informações de programas de intervenção. A partir do modelo, foram desenvolvidas provas de conceito para autoria e reprodução de intervenções e para visualização de seus resultados, as quais compõem o sistema ESPIM. O sistema foi utilizado empiricamente por oito especialistas que acompanharam cerca de 340 usuários-alvo em nove estudos de caso reais nas áreas da Saúde e da Educação. Essas experiências foram analisadas a fim de avaliar qualitativamente o modelo em sua capacidade de representação dos estudos de caso. Foi possível concluir que, para os especialistas entrevistados, o modelo e o sistema correspondente capacitaram o planejamento dos estudos sem limitar seus delineamentos originais. / Smartphones are mobile devices with rich interaction features that allow users to accomplish myriad tasks. As these devices are adopted by a large part of population, they become tools for professionals or researchers to carry out interventions with their target users, including remotely, through data collection in natural settings for instance. This being said, to conduct research making use of mobile apps, professionals in areas such as Health and Education usually rely on available apps that require severe adaptations of their design or depend on software developers to build apps according to their needs. Related works provide solutions based on methods such as the Experience Sampling Method (ESM), which was proposed for data collection in the natural settings of the subjects. However, in addition to data collection, interventions require the individualized programming of tasks to be carried out by the users and tracked by the specialists. A solution to this problem demands employing explicit mechanisms for planning and applying individualized interventions, as proposed in the literature, for example, through Programmed Instruction (PI). Given the absence of models that integrate methods for data collection and for programming interventions, this work aims to define a method that allows the programming of interventions implemented in natural settings, entitled Experience Sampling and Programmed Intervention Method (ESPIM). The ESPIM method is formalized by a computational model described by means of diagrams recommended for its representation. The model proposes a standard for the development of systems and for the exchange of data of intervention programs. From the model, we developed tools as a proof of concept for authoring and reproducing intervention programs and for visualizing its results, which compose the ESPIM system. The system was empirically used by eight specialists who accompanied about 340 target users in nine case studies in the areas of Health and Education. These experiments were analyzed in order to qualitatively evaluate the model in its capacity to represent the case studies. It was possible to conclude that, for these interviewed specialists, the model and its corresponding system enabled the planning of the studies without limiting their original designs.

Modèles et outils de capitalisation des connaissances en conception : contribution au management et à l'ingénierie des connaissances chez Renault - DCT / Models and tools for knowledge capitalisation in design : contribution to knowledge management and engineering at Renault – DCT

Louis-sidney, Ludovic 08 December 2011 (has links)
Le changement de paradigme portant la ressource immatérielle qu’est la connaissance au devant des ressources matérielles est à l’oeuvre dans de nombreuses entreprises industrielles. Nos travaux de recherche mettent en lumière les disciplines du management des connaissances et de l’ingénierie des connaissances, apportant des réponses méthodologiques et techniques pour aborder cette ressource. Nous nous intéressons de façon particulière au mode d’exploitation des connaissances par le biais d’objets tangibles (documents, systèmes d’information). Dans ce cadre nous proposons un modèle conceptuel permettant de structurer les outils supports de connaissances d’un organisme. Ce modèle s’adresse principalement aux entreprises ayant une vision processus de leur fonctionnement, conformément à l’ISO 9000. Il a été évalué suivant deux axes. Le premier axe concerne sa capacité descriptive. Nous montrons que le principe de classification à facettes utilisé est apte à être suffisamment précis et complet pour s’adapter à de nombreuses applications. A cet effet, nous exploitons ce principe dans le domaine de l’ingénierie des connaissances et développons un premier démonstrateur permettant de réaliser des échanges automatisés entre fichiers paramétrés. Le second axe concerne l’aptitude du modèle conceptuel proposé à supporter la construction d’un système d’information contribuant à une démarche de management des connaissances. Un démonstrateur implémentant le modèle a été développé et apporte une vision concrète des possibilités offertes par ce dernier. / Most of the industrial companies are currently performing a change of paradigm that places knowledge, immaterial resource by excellence, before material resources. The presented research works enlighten the scientific fields of knowledge management and knowledge engineering, which give methodological and technical answers to tackle this resource. We focus on the exploitation mode of knowledge through concrete objects (documents, information system). In this context, a conceptual model is proposed in order to structure the tools that support knowledge in an organisation. This model is mainly adapted to companies having a process view of their business, as prescribed by the ISO9000. The model is evaluated according two axes. The first axe evaluates the descriptive capacity of the model. We demonstrate that the concept of facet classification used fits the needs of being enough precise and complete to be adapted to many applications. To this end, we test this concept in the field of knowledge engineering and we propose a first demonstrator performing automatic exchanges between parameterised knowledge objects. The second axe evaluates the aptitude of the proposed conceptual model to support the creation of an information system that contributes to a knowledge management approach. A demonstrator that implements this model is proposed and gives a concrete set of capabilities.

Modelo conceitual para comissionamento de sistemas prediais. / Conceptual model for building systems commissioning.

Ishida, Christianne dos Santos Figueiredo 19 November 2015 (has links)
Atualmente, os edifícios, em função dos avanços tecnológicos dos sistemas prediais, necessitam de maior planejamento, detalhamento de projetos, controles de execução e treinamento dos profissionais de operação e manutenção para atender os requisitos de projeto do proprietário, que têm como premissa os conceitos de sustentabilidade, qualidade e desempenho. A presença dos sofisticados sistemas de controle contribui para facilitar o gerenciamento de insumos como água e energia, porém pequenas falhas podem levar a grandes falhas de desempenho. As falhas na concepção dos edifícios têm início com a má interpretação, por parte da equipe técnica, dos requisitos dos proprietários. Assim, é necessário que na concepção do edifício sejam verificados todos os requisitos solicitados pelos proprietários para o edifício durante o seu ciclo de vida. A falha da comunicação percorre toda a cadeia produtiva do edifício gerando falhas de planejamento, projeto, execução e manutenção. O comissionamento é um processo para atender aos requisitos de projeto do proprietário, documentar as fases do ciclo de vida dos edifícios, capacitar os profissionais de operação e manutenção, com o objetivo de evitar as falhas, diminuir desperdícios e retrabalhos, melhorar a qualidade, o desempenho e a sustentabilidade dos edifícios. O comissionamento é mais difundido em sistemas prediais de ar condicionado e de iluminação tendo como meta a alta eficiência energética e a economia de água, sendo pouco utilizado no Brasil. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor um modelo conceitual de comissionamento para sistemas prediais. A metodologia adotada para o desenvolvimento do modelo, utiliza a pesquisa bibliográfica como procedimento técnico. Para elucidar em que fase o comissionamento é aplicado, este foi relacionado com os outros conceitos utilizados no ciclo de vida do edifício como a coordenação de projeto, o gerenciamento de execução, o gerenciamento de facilidades, a qualidade, o desempenho, a sustentabilidade. Para o desenvolvimento do modelo conceitual é apresentado um fluxo das fases do ciclo de vida e respectivas etapas do comissionamento e outro fluxo com a relação de documentos gerados em cada fase. O resultado, ou seja, o modelo conceitual dá as diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de um comissionamento por meio da descrição das atividades, das competências e dos produtos gerados em cada etapa do comissionamento, conforme as fases do ciclo do edifício. Este trabalho contribui para difundir o comissionamento e embasar a sua aplicação em edifícios. / The buildings of high technology, arising from technological advances in building systems, require more planning, project details, playback controls and training of operating professionals and maintenance to meet the owner\'s project requirements, which is premised on the concept of sustainability, quality and performance. The presence of sophisticated control systems helps to facilitate the management of inputs such as water and energy, however small faults can lead to major performance failures. The flaws in the design of the buildings begin to misinterpretation, by the technical staff, the requirements of the owners. Thus, it is necessary that the design of the building are checked all requirements requested by the building owners to during its life cycle. The failure of the communication runs through the entire production chain of the building generating design flaws, design, execution and maintenance. Commissioning is a process to meet the owner\'s project requirements, document the stages of the life cycle of buildings, train operating professionals and maintenance, in order to avoid failures, reduce waste and rework, improve quality, performance and sustainability of buildings. The commissioning is more widespread in building air conditioning and lighting systems with the goal of high energy efficiency and water savings, being little used in Brazil. In this context, the objective of this research is to propose a conceptual model of commissioning for building systems. The methodology used to develop the model, uses literature as a technical procedure. To elucidate what stage the commissioning is applied, this was related to the other concepts used in the building\'s life cycle, such as: project coordination, execution management, management of facilities, quality, performance, sustainability. To develop the conceptual model presented is a flow of phases of the life cycle and respective process steps and another stream with the list of documents generated at each stage. The result, i.e. the conceptual model gives guidelines for the development of a commissioning through the description of activities, skills and products generated at each stage of the commissioning, according to the phases of building cycle. This work contributes to spread the commissioning and to support its application in buildings.

Geologia estrutural de detalhe para elaboração de modelo conceitual de circulação de água subterrânea: estudo de caso em Jurubatuba, SP / Detailed structural geology aiming at the elaboration of a conceptual model of ground water flow circulation: a case study in Jurubatuba, SP.

Fiume, Bruna 21 March 2014 (has links)
Ao redor do canal de Jurubatuba, no município de São Paulo, a água subterrânea do Aquífero Cristalino apresentou elevadas concentrações de Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (VOC), levando à proibição do seu uso nessa região. No Brasil, são raros os estudos sobre áreas intensamente contaminadas, principalmente, em meios heterogêneos como os aquíferos fraturados. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de elaborar um modelo conceitual da rede de fraturas, indicando os caminhos preferênciaisda água subterrânea.Uma detalhada investigação da geologia estrutural foi realizada, a partir dos seguintes métodos: 1) análise de lineamentos traçados em escala local e regional; 2) levantamento de fraturas, segundo scanlinese pontos, em afloramentos; 3) aplicação conjunta de diferentes perfilagens geofísicas (cáliper, radiação gama, temperatura, condutividade elétrica, imageamento óptico e acústico - OTV e ATV - e flowmeter) em quatro poços profundos;. Os resultados estruturais obtidos, levaram à caracterização dos principais grupos de fraturas, quanto às suas direções, mergulhos, comprimentos e espaçamentos. Foi verificado que os principais grupos de fraturas identificados nos poços, podem ser correlacionados com os grupos identificados nos afloramentos. Foram eles: (1) NW a NNW, subvertical;(2) E-W a ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W a WNW, com mergulho entre 30° e 60°; (5) NNE e NE, com mergulho entre 10° e 40°. As fraturas NW, bastante frequentes nos afloramentos, foram subamostradas nos poços, onde, por sua vez, predominam as fraturas NNW. Outra diferença foi observada com relação ao grupo NNE e NE de baixo ângulo de mergulho, que enquanto nos poços as fraturas estão muitas vezes associado à foliação, nos afloramentos esta associação não ocorre. Os espaçamentos obtidos nos afloramentos para os grupos subverticais e de médio ângulo são mais representativos do que aqueles obtidos através das perfilagens. No entanto, o oposto ocorre para o grupo de baixo ângulo.Os grupos foram ordenados em ordem decrescente de espaçamento daseguinte forma: NNE a NE/ baixo ângulo, E-W a ENE/vertical, NW a NNW/vertical, E-W a WNW/médio e NE/vertical. Os grupos também foram classificados de acordo com a sua importância para o fluxo, sendo que: o grupo E-W a WNW e mergulho médio, apresentou menor importância; os três grupos subverticais (E-W a ENE, NE e NW a NNW) apresentaram importância intermediária, não sendo possível identificar a hierarquia entre eles; e o grupo de direção NNE a NE e baixo ou médio ângulo, com a maior importância. As de baixo ângulo são compatíveis com um dos camposde esforços atuais proposto pela literatura, tendo \'sigma\'1 de direção NE em regime compressivo, ou seja, com \'sigma\'3 vertical. / In the surroundings of the Jurubatuba channel, São Paulo, the ground water of the Crystalline Aquifer has elevated concentrations of VolatileOrganic Compounds (VOC), which led to its prohibition to usage. In Brazil, the studies about highly contaminated areas are scarce, and especially in heterogeneous environments like the fractured aquifers. Therefore, in this context, this work\'s main purpose is to elaborate a conceptual model of the fracture net in the Crystalline Aquifer, indicating the preferential ways of ground water flow and, consequently, of its contaminants. A detailed investigation of the structural geologyof the area was conducted, using the following methods: 1)analysis of lineaments in local and regional scale; 2) measurements of fractures in outcrops utilizing scanlinesand observation points; 3) integrated geophysical logging (calipers, gamma radiation, temperature, electrical conductivity, optical and acoustic imaging - OTV and ATV - and flowmeter) in four deep wells. The results obtained led to the characterization of strike, dip, length and spacing of all fractures and its subsequent division in groups. The main fracture groups identified in the wells can be correlated to the ones observed in the outcrops. The groups are: (1) NW to NNW, subvertical; (2) E-W to ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W to WNW, with dips between 30º and 60º; (5) NNE and NE, with dips between 10ºand 40º. The fractures with direction NW, which are very common in outcrops, were subsampled in the wells - dominated by fractures NNW. Another difference observed was related to the low dip NNE and NE fractures; in the wells it is clear thatthey are associated with the rock foliation, but they don\'t occur in outcrops. The spacing obtained for the subvertical and medium angle groups in outcrops are more representative than the ones obtained through logging. However, the opposite is observed for the low angle group. The groups were then ordered following the spacing criteria. They are, in a decrescent order: NNE to NE/low angle, E-W to ENE/vertical, NW to NNW/vertical,E-W to WNW/medium angle and NE/vertical. The groups were also classified according to its importance of flow path, being: group E-W to WNW/medium dip was the least importance; the three subvertical groups had intermediate importance - not being possible to hierarchize between them; the most important group is NNE to NE and low to medium dip angle. This result is in agreement with one of the stress fields proposedin the literature, \'sigma\'1 with NE direction and in a compressive regimen, where the fractures that favor the flow are of low angle.

The potential for water freight in the South West UK

Chacko, Sapna January 2018 (has links)
The role of water freight as a sustainable mode of transportation often receives special attention in logistics and transportation. Due to rising environmental concerns UK national policy supports an increase in the amount of freight movements on commercial waterways. Within this context this research investigates the potential for water freight in the South West (SW) UK especially in Cornwall and Devon (CAD). This study is exploratory and following literature searches Delphi methods were selected with which to gather primary data. The research required three rounds of Delphi surveys. Following this, a focus group with the members of the 'Maritime and Waterborne Innovation Group' in the SW UK was conducted to measure the trustworthiness of the Delphi findings. The Delphi study achieved consensus on eight statements. Results indicated that the presence of an extensive coast line with accessibility to several coastal ports is conducive to the effective management of water freight movements in the region. The focus group discussion provided fuller explanations, suggestions and statements of issues which require further exploration for the development of water freight. This study reveals the latest information and possibilities and helped to articulate the importance of using water freight in SW UK. The results of this research also have many implications for the rest of the world where water freight is either in its infancy or aiming to increase its usage. The suggestions, observations and information collected during the Delphi study and from the focus group participants will assist in formulating strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water transportation within a region or a country.

Adapting Service Interfaces when Business Processes Evolve / Adapting Service Interfaces when Business Processes Evolve

Kudelas, Vladimír January 2012 (has links)
In the presented work, we study a derivation of an optimal communication XML schemas for a given conceptual model of a business process, complemented with a conceptual model of exchanged data and influence of a change in user requirements on derived XML schema. The work contains a review of important problems related to the topic. It also describes existing approaches of these problems. The work analyses a derivation of an optimal XML schema in detail. The approach presented in this thesis shows an ability to model exchanged data with a conceptual model of a business process. The thesis describes a solution, how to derive a concrete XML schema automaticly from a given conceptual model of exchanged data. Finally, the work contains a prototype implementation of the presented solution.

Modelo conceitual para comissionamento de sistemas prediais. / Conceptual model for building systems commissioning.

Christianne dos Santos Figueiredo Ishida 19 November 2015 (has links)
Atualmente, os edifícios, em função dos avanços tecnológicos dos sistemas prediais, necessitam de maior planejamento, detalhamento de projetos, controles de execução e treinamento dos profissionais de operação e manutenção para atender os requisitos de projeto do proprietário, que têm como premissa os conceitos de sustentabilidade, qualidade e desempenho. A presença dos sofisticados sistemas de controle contribui para facilitar o gerenciamento de insumos como água e energia, porém pequenas falhas podem levar a grandes falhas de desempenho. As falhas na concepção dos edifícios têm início com a má interpretação, por parte da equipe técnica, dos requisitos dos proprietários. Assim, é necessário que na concepção do edifício sejam verificados todos os requisitos solicitados pelos proprietários para o edifício durante o seu ciclo de vida. A falha da comunicação percorre toda a cadeia produtiva do edifício gerando falhas de planejamento, projeto, execução e manutenção. O comissionamento é um processo para atender aos requisitos de projeto do proprietário, documentar as fases do ciclo de vida dos edifícios, capacitar os profissionais de operação e manutenção, com o objetivo de evitar as falhas, diminuir desperdícios e retrabalhos, melhorar a qualidade, o desempenho e a sustentabilidade dos edifícios. O comissionamento é mais difundido em sistemas prediais de ar condicionado e de iluminação tendo como meta a alta eficiência energética e a economia de água, sendo pouco utilizado no Brasil. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor um modelo conceitual de comissionamento para sistemas prediais. A metodologia adotada para o desenvolvimento do modelo, utiliza a pesquisa bibliográfica como procedimento técnico. Para elucidar em que fase o comissionamento é aplicado, este foi relacionado com os outros conceitos utilizados no ciclo de vida do edifício como a coordenação de projeto, o gerenciamento de execução, o gerenciamento de facilidades, a qualidade, o desempenho, a sustentabilidade. Para o desenvolvimento do modelo conceitual é apresentado um fluxo das fases do ciclo de vida e respectivas etapas do comissionamento e outro fluxo com a relação de documentos gerados em cada fase. O resultado, ou seja, o modelo conceitual dá as diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de um comissionamento por meio da descrição das atividades, das competências e dos produtos gerados em cada etapa do comissionamento, conforme as fases do ciclo do edifício. Este trabalho contribui para difundir o comissionamento e embasar a sua aplicação em edifícios. / The buildings of high technology, arising from technological advances in building systems, require more planning, project details, playback controls and training of operating professionals and maintenance to meet the owner\'s project requirements, which is premised on the concept of sustainability, quality and performance. The presence of sophisticated control systems helps to facilitate the management of inputs such as water and energy, however small faults can lead to major performance failures. The flaws in the design of the buildings begin to misinterpretation, by the technical staff, the requirements of the owners. Thus, it is necessary that the design of the building are checked all requirements requested by the building owners to during its life cycle. The failure of the communication runs through the entire production chain of the building generating design flaws, design, execution and maintenance. Commissioning is a process to meet the owner\'s project requirements, document the stages of the life cycle of buildings, train operating professionals and maintenance, in order to avoid failures, reduce waste and rework, improve quality, performance and sustainability of buildings. The commissioning is more widespread in building air conditioning and lighting systems with the goal of high energy efficiency and water savings, being little used in Brazil. In this context, the objective of this research is to propose a conceptual model of commissioning for building systems. The methodology used to develop the model, uses literature as a technical procedure. To elucidate what stage the commissioning is applied, this was related to the other concepts used in the building\'s life cycle, such as: project coordination, execution management, management of facilities, quality, performance, sustainability. To develop the conceptual model presented is a flow of phases of the life cycle and respective process steps and another stream with the list of documents generated at each stage. The result, i.e. the conceptual model gives guidelines for the development of a commissioning through the description of activities, skills and products generated at each stage of the commissioning, according to the phases of building cycle. This work contributes to spread the commissioning and to support its application in buildings.

Assessing hydrogeological characteristics to establish influence of aquifer-river interaction in non-perennial river systems, Heuningnes catchment

Banda, Vincent Santos Dzulani January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Over half of total flows in the global river network are composed of non-perennial rivers. This indicates the importance of non-perennial river systems in supporting the biodiversity. It has been established that groundwater is one of the elements that control the flow regimes and classification (whether perennial or not) of a river system. However, the use of hydrogeological characteristics to establish the influence of groundwater on non-perennial river systems remain to be widely unpublished. This study, therefore, intends to conceptualize and explain the role of hydrogeological characteristics in non-perennial rivers, using the Heuningnes catchment in the Western Cape Province of South Africa as a case study. The study has argued that thorough characterization of aquifers is essential in order to adequately establish the extent of aquifer-river connectivity and how groundwater influences flows and chemical loading in non-perennial river systems. The study has three objectives namely: (i) to determine the aquifer characteristics (ii) to characterise the aquifer-river interaction and (iii) to conceptualize the groundwater flow system. Records review, field, analytical and laboratory-based methods were used to collect and interpret geological, groundwater level, pumping test, hydro-chemical and environmental stable isotopic data in order to characterise groundwater occurrence, flow system and its interaction with the rivers of the study area. Water samples were taken from groundwater, surface water and rainfall during both dry and wet periods. Results show that the study area has a topography-controlled water table with shallow depth to groundwater levels ranging on average from 3 - 10 m, which result into largely a local groundwater flow system. Transmissivity values determined from constant rate pumping test range between 0.17 and 1.74 m2/day. Results exhibit that the low transmissivity values are associated with the weathered nature of the Table Mountain sandstone and the unfractured Bokkeveld shale formations. Hydrochemical data results indicate that both groundwater and river samples in the upstream part of the study area are characterised as fresh water with TDS values of less than 1000 mg/l while the downstream part has saline waters with TDS ranging from 2000 – 35000 mg/l. Results also show that Na-Cl is the dominant water composition for both groundwater and river water. The order of major ion dominance is similar for the two water sources, with concentration ranges from high to low in the order of Na+>Mg2+>Ca2+>K+ and Cl->SO42->HCO3- for cations and anions respectively. The similar patterns and trends in salinity and major ion data suggest the connectivity between the aquifer and the river. Environmental stable isotope data indicate river samples in upstream areas having depleted δ18O (-4.3 to -5.12‰) and δ2H (-22.9 to -19.3‰) signatures similar to groundwater indicating a stable and continuous groundwater contribution to the river flows. Meanwhile, high evaporative enrichment of δ18O (1.13 to 7.08‰) and δ2H (38.8 to 7.5‰) is conceived in river samples from downstream areas. Ionic ratios and isotope-salinity relationships suggest that groundwater chemistry is derived from sea sprays, evaporation and dissolution of Bokkeveld shale host rock. Geological, hydrogeological, hydrochemical and environmental stable isotope data were used to develop a conceptual hydrogeological model which explains the role of groundwater in non-perennial river systems. Results indicate that the North East – South West fault on the north-eastern part of the study area seem to act as a conduit to groundwater flow thereby supplying water to the upstream rivers while the East -West fault in the northern part seem to act as a barrier to groundwater flow resulting into a hydraulic discontinuity between upstream and downstream areas. Meanwhile, the relatively low conductive formation in the downstream areas coupled with a relatively low hydraulic gradient (0.000843) suggests there is slow Darcian groundwater flows resulting in less flushing and high salinization of groundwater. Eventually, in the downstream part of the study area there is slow and minimal groundwater discharge to the rivers resulting into groundwater failing to maintain the river flows and pools. In general, rivers of the study area largely gain water from groundwater although the amount of groundwater discharge varies from one river segment to another in both upstream and downstream parts. The conceptual model has led to the development of a proposed optimum management of non-perennial rivers including the effects of groundwater abstraction on the river flows. / 2022-09-01

Coping with colorectal cancer and the creation of a colostomy in the Thai context

Rattanajarana, Sahattaya, n/a January 2005 (has links)
The number of patients who suffer from colorectal cancer in Thailand has increased during the last three decades as a result of the change to a Westem-style diet. Due to many patients presenting at a late stage and the location of tumours in the rectum, patients have a higher probability of needing a colostomy. This study explores the experiences, coping strategies and the factors that influence coping strategies over a sixmonth period in a group of Thai colorectal cancer patients who have a colostomy. The conceptual framework used in this study was based on the Moos and Schaefer conceptual model of the stress and coping process. A case study methodology was employed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from eleven participants at three points in time: within one month after the operation to create a colostomy, three months and six months after the operation. Data were collected from structured interviews, which followed the Coping Responses Inventory (CRI), the Ostomy Adjustment Scale (OAS), the Personal Resources Questionnaire 2000 (PRQ 2000), the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), and the Functional Assessment Cancer Therapy- Colon (FACT-C). These data provided information on the participants' levels of coping strategies, adjustment to a colostomy, social support, optimism and quality of life. Indepth interviews with open-ended questions provided a deeper understanding of the participants' experiences in relation to their colostomy. Findings from quantitative data showed statistically significant changes in the participants' quality of life over time, particularly in their physical and functional wellbeing. An examination of the coping focus used (approach and avoidance) indicated that participants utilised both approach and avoidance coping at the same time, although approach coping was more common. Changes in the most frequently and the least frequently used coping subtypes at six months after the operation were observed. Correlation tests showed various relationships between the levels of quality of life domains and coping subtypes as time passed. Multidimensional scaling procedures uncovered a consistent pattern of coping which involved 'problem solving' and 'seeking guidance and support'. Six major qualitative themes emerged through content analysis of the in-depth interview data. The themes described how participants' psychological and emotional concerns changed over time; the steady improvements in physical health after the operation; the difficulties of adjusting to life with a stoma; facing up to the reality of the new circumstances; the spiritual aspects of their lives; and the level of social support experienced. Religious beliefs such as the 'Law of Kanna', as well as a variety of religious rituals and other practices such as Buddhist chanting and "making merit" played important roles in coping. The findings from the quantitative and qualitative data were used in a complementary and confirmatory manner to provide a richer understanding of the participants' experiences as they coped with this life changing event. The findings of the study are significant as they provide important indicators for improvements in nursing service, particularly the development of nursing procedures to enhance the psychological aspects of care. In addition, they offer important indicators for improvement of the nursing curriculum and directions for further research in Thai culture and the health care system.

Analytical tools and information-sharing methods supporting road safety organizations

Abugessaisa, Imad January 2008 (has links)
A prerequisite for improving road safety are reliable and consistent sources of information about traffic and accidents, which will help assess the prevailing situation and give a good indication of their severity. In many countries there is under-reporting of road accidents, deaths and injuries, no collection of data at all, or low quality of information. Potential knowledge is hidden, due to the large accumulation of traffic and accident data. This limits the investigative tasks of road safety experts and thus decreases the utilization of databases. All these factors can have serious effects on the analysis of the road safety situation, as well as on the results of the analyses. This dissertation presents a three-tiered conceptual model to support the sharing of road safety–related information and a set of applications and analysis tools. The overall aim of the research is to build and maintain an information-sharing platform, and to construct mechanisms that can support road safety professionals and researchers in their efforts to prevent road accidents. GLOBESAFE is a platform for information sharing among road safety organizations in different countries developed during this research. Several approaches were used, First, requirement elicitation methods were used to identify the exact requirements of the platform. This helped in developing a conceptual model, a common vocabulary, a set of applications, and various access modes to the system. The implementation of the requirements was based on iterative prototyping. Usability methods were introduced to evaluate the users’ interaction satisfaction with the system and the various tools. Second, a system-thinking approach and a technology acceptance model were used in the study of the Swedish traffic data acquisition system. Finally, visual data mining methods were introduced as a novel approach to discovering hidden knowledge and relationships in road traffic and accident databases. The results from these studies have been reported in several scientific articles.

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