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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Single bicycle accident originating from unsuccessful interactions

Laureshyn, Aliaksei, Eriksson, Jenny, Singh, Amritpal 03 January 2023 (has links)
In Sweden, single accidents are the biggest traffic safety problem for cyclists contributing alone with 80 % of their serious injuries. In this respect, the issue of bicycle infrastructure maintenance received significant attention. Slippery, uneven or in other way problematic road surface is reported as a main contributing factor in about half of the single bicycle accidents [l]. This work explores other causal mechanisms for single accidents, primarily those originating from unsuccessful interactions between cyclists and inftastructure elements as well as other objects and road users on the bicycle path. Interactions with the infrastructure take place at locations of rapid change (often reduction) of the effective space available für cyclists. Such examples could be the narrowing of the bicycle paths at the entrance into a tunnel, speed-reducing gates, parking areas für bicycles and e-scooters, poles, manholes, tree branches and other objects banging over the bicycle paths end forcing cyclists to adjust their travel. In such situations, the cyclist can either collide with the objects directly or lose balance as a result of the rapid speed/direction changes necessary to avoid the collision. Another risk factor is the sharp (and unexpected) tums or lateral displacements of the bicycle path itself that can be observed at the entrances to tunnels (often combined with a steep road descent) or intersections. Collisions between cyclists and pedestrians resulting in severe injuries are relatively few, about 10% of all severe injuries [l]. lt is reasonable, however, to expect that many of such unsuccessful interactions result in single falls rather than direct collisions. lt was shown that about 10% of single accidents bad an interaction with other road users (incl. motor vehicles) as a contributing factor 11]. [from Background]

Review and analysis of road safety on European highway 4 / Kartläggning och analys av trafiksäkerheten på Europaväg 4

Lindhult, Sara, Sälg, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Trafikverket Region Mitt hade i början av år 2013 en misstanke om att antalet olyckor på Europaväg 4 i Gävleborgs län hade ökat i jämförelse med tidigare vintrar. De utförde därför en miniutredning där de undersökte olyckor med personskador som inträffat mellan vintern 2005-2013. Resultatet av denna visade att det var önskvärt att en mer omfattande utredning skulle genomföras för att slutsatser skall kunna dras om olyckorna har ökat och vad de olyckor som uppkommer längs vägen beror på. Därför fattades ett beslut om att detta examensarbete skulle genomföras för att utreda hur denna typ av undersökning kan utföras, hur störningarna i trafiken kan minskas och antalet olyckor reduceras. Målet med examensarbetet är att hitta de sträckor och de dagar på Europaväg 4 som har varit extra olycksbenägna, analysera anledningar till att olyckorna uppkommit och utifrån denna information föreslå lämpliga generella och platsspecifika åtgärder som kan vidtas för att öka trafiksäkerheten på sträckan, både på kort sikt och över tid. För att undersöka vad olyckorna kan bero på har faktorerna vägutformning, drift och underhåll och andra aspekter som är påtagliga vintertid såsom väder och mörker studerats. De undersökningar som utfördes för att studera dessa faktorer visade att det är möjligt att sortera ut olycksdrabbade platser och ta fram statistik som är användbar för att se tendenser och olika faktorers möjliga påverkan på trafiksäkerheten. Det finns dock svårigheter med att peka ut kopplingar mellan specifika olyckor och anledningen till deras uppkomst. En kartläggning av olyckor inrapporterade till polisen, sjukvården och Trafikverket visar att fler olyckor har rapporterats in vintern 2012/2013 än tidigare vintrar och att olyckorna tenderar att inträffa där förändringar i vägnätet sker och där fordon med olika hastigheter möts såsom i anknytning till trafikplatser och korsningar. De förslag på åtgärder som har tagits fram inriktas främst mot att göra vägnätet mer trafiksäkert genom att framförallt minska antalet upphinnandeolyckor och singelolyckor, som är de vanligaste olyckstyperna vintertid. De valda åtgärderna fokuserar på att göra vägnätet tydligare genom förändrad vägvisning, belysning och informationstavlor som kan anpassas efter förhållandena som råder längs vägen. För att minska variansen mellan olika fordons hastigheter i anknytning till korsningar och på- och avfarter bör vägutformningen ses över på vissa speciellt olycksdrabbade platser.

Application of Road Infrastructure Safety Assessment Methods at Intersections

Adedokun, Adeyemi January 2016 (has links)
Traffic safety at intersections is a particularly difficult phenomenon to study, given the fact that accidents occur randomly in time and space thereby making short-term measurement, assessment and comparison difficult. The EU directive 2008/96/EC introduced road infrastructure safety management, which offers a five layer structure for developing safer road infrastructure has been used to develop tools for accident prediction and black spot management analysis which has been applied in this work to assess the safety level of intersections in Norrköping city in Sweden. Accident data history from STRADA (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) and the network demand model for Norrköping city were used to model black spots and predict the expected number of accidents at intersections using PTV Visum Safety tool, after STRADA accident classification was restructured and the Swedish accident prediction model (APM) was configured and tested to work within the tool using the model from the Swedish road administration (SRA). The performance of the default (Swiss) and the Swedish APM was compared and identified locations with the high accident records, predicted accident counts and traffic volumes were audited using qualitative assessment checklist from Street-Audit tool. The results from these methods were analysed, validated and compared. This work provides recommendations on the used quantitative and qualitative methods to prevent accident occurrence at the identified locations.

Analytical tools and information-sharing methods supporting road safety organizations

Abugessaisa, Imad January 2008 (has links)
A prerequisite for improving road safety are reliable and consistent sources of information about traffic and accidents, which will help assess the prevailing situation and give a good indication of their severity. In many countries there is under-reporting of road accidents, deaths and injuries, no collection of data at all, or low quality of information. Potential knowledge is hidden, due to the large accumulation of traffic and accident data. This limits the investigative tasks of road safety experts and thus decreases the utilization of databases. All these factors can have serious effects on the analysis of the road safety situation, as well as on the results of the analyses. This dissertation presents a three-tiered conceptual model to support the sharing of road safety–related information and a set of applications and analysis tools. The overall aim of the research is to build and maintain an information-sharing platform, and to construct mechanisms that can support road safety professionals and researchers in their efforts to prevent road accidents. GLOBESAFE is a platform for information sharing among road safety organizations in different countries developed during this research. Several approaches were used, First, requirement elicitation methods were used to identify the exact requirements of the platform. This helped in developing a conceptual model, a common vocabulary, a set of applications, and various access modes to the system. The implementation of the requirements was based on iterative prototyping. Usability methods were introduced to evaluate the users’ interaction satisfaction with the system and the various tools. Second, a system-thinking approach and a technology acceptance model were used in the study of the Swedish traffic data acquisition system. Finally, visual data mining methods were introduced as a novel approach to discovering hidden knowledge and relationships in road traffic and accident databases. The results from these studies have been reported in several scientific articles.

Bicycle accidents: An analysis of the causes of single bicycle accidents in Stockholm

Nseya, Cecile January 2018 (has links)
Bicycling has many advantages. For example, it emits less noise compared to motor vehicles, it is environmentally friendly, and bicycling, as a means of transport, gives people exercise. To encourage bicycling in Sweden, the Swedish government has promoted policies and proposals on national and local levels. At the same time, several pieces of research on bicycle use in Sweden show that more people are bicycling now than 60 years ago. STRADA’s (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) reports also show that most people who are severely injured in traffic are bicyclists, and that most bicycle accidents occur in urban and metropolitan areas.   Stockholm is a European city with a growing population. At the end of 2013 the population were 897 700    and it is predicted to grow by 25 % by 2030. The municipality of Stockholm is working on investment projects for bicyclists with the aim to increase accessibility and road safety such as special road safety measures at intersections that often aim at improving road conditions for both pedestrians and bicyclists, and better maintenance of bicycle paths, both in summers and winters. Critics and different debate articles about bicyclists` safety and accessibility point out that the investments that Stockholm municipality is making are not enough for meeting the growing population, especially for bicyclists.   The aim of this study is to analyse the causes of bicycle accidents in the city of Stockholm. To help answer the research questions stated below, statistics on bicycle accidents were extracted in Excel from Strada and compiled in Excel using the Excel tool PivotTable and Analysis Tool Pak. The questions investigated in the thesis are as follows: when and where are bicyclists most likely to suffer an accident, why does the accident occur, and what causes are behind bicycle accidents at the chosen place of investigation? Five categorisations on the causes of single bicycle accidents were used and these were: operations and maintenance, road design, bicycle interactions, cyclists’ behaviour and conditions, and interaction with other road users.    In addition to the above, a semi-structural qualitative interview was conducted with bicyclists who bicycle in or along the report's area of investigation. The results of this report show that single bicycle accidents in the investigated area have increased between 2010 and 2016, and that many bicyclists are not satisfied with the bicycle infrastructure in Stockholm.

Trafiksäkerhet och trygghet på övergångsställen i Luleå centrum : Äldre fotgängares perspektiv

Vestman, Catrin January 2016 (has links)
Luleå kommun (2008) har en vision om att år 2050 ska det dagliga livet gå att klara utan egen bil och det ska vara möjligt för alla att säkert ta sig fram kollektivt eller till fots. Samtidigt visar många studier på att fotgängare står för ca en tredjedel av alla som skadas i trafiken och är därmed den mest utsatta gruppen i trafiken (bland annat Öberg 2011 och Nilsson 1986). Den officiella statistiken i Sverige, som rapporterats från polisen, exkluderar singelolyckor för fotgängare då det inte anses vara en vägtrafikolycka då inget fordon varit inblandad (Trafikverket 2016). Det finns även ett stort mörkertal i registreringen och troligen redovisas endast 35-50 % av det faktiska antalet trafikskadade personer i landet (Vägverket 2007). Åtgärder och utredningar sker konstant i landet och antalet olyckor minskar för varje år, men inte i utsträckning för att nå nollvisionen inom en snar framtid (Larsson 2009). Många studier visar på att personer över 65 år löper stor risk att omkomma i trafiken på grund av att de är skörare och mindre toleranta mot krockvåldet (Vägverket konsult 2007). Av dödsfallen för fotgängare har 66 skett på eller i närheten av övergångsställen (Larsson 2009). Två av tre som omkommer på övergångställen är 65 år eller äldre (Vägverket konsult 2007). Åldersgruppen 65 år och äldre utgör 19-20 % av befolkningen, vilket motsvarar närmare 1,9 miljoner personer (Brundell 2014). Det är sedan länge känt att den bebyggda miljön påverkar vårt sätt att röra oss, men hur påverkar den vår säkerhet och upplevda trygghet? Detta utreds genom att studera olycksstatistiken för fotgängare från Strada med dels avgränsning Luleå centrum och dels med avgränsning kring 6 övergångsställen i Luleå centrum – som även utreds via en gåtur och via platsinventering. Olycksstatistiken från Strada ger en inblick i säkerheten för fotgängare medan gåturen ger en inblick i äldre fotgängares säkerhet och upplevda trygghet. Platsinventeringen beskriver den bebyggda miljön och dessa fyra olika metoder ger slutligen en indikator på faktorer i den bebyggda miljön som påverkar säkerheten och tryggheten på övergångsställen i Luleå centrum. De flesta fotgängarolyckor som rapporterats i Luleå centrum under perioden 2003-2014 berodde på ojämn terräng och dålig sikt för fordonsförarna i fordonet som de blev påkörda av. De faktorer som främst påverkar säkerheten och tryggheten för fotgängare på de 6 övergångsställen som undersökts i detta arbete är hastigheten på övriga trafikslag, belysningen, sikten, uppmärksamheten av fordon och vägunderlaget/terrängen. Resultatet från gåturen visar på att människors närvaro inte har så stor påverkan på den upplevda tryggheten. Belysningen från busshållplatser och affärer har desto större påverkan på tryggheten. Däremot upplevde många att andra människor bidrar till en ökad uppmärksamhet från fordon, vilket minskar risken att bli påkörd, dvs. ökar säkerheten. Deltagarna ansåg att separeringen av cyklister och gående bidrog till en tryggare känsla, men där framkomligheten för cyklister var prioriterade hade cyklisterna för höga hastigheter vilket gav motsatt effekt för säkerheten och tryggheten för fotgängarna.

Tunnelsäkerhet : En inventering av olyckor i fyra vägtunnlar i Stockholm

Bergman, Klara January 2014 (has links)
Tunnel safety – an inventory of accidents in four road tunnels in Stockholm This report investigates traffic accidents in four road tunnels in Stockholm. The tunnels investigated are Klaratunneln, Söderledstunneln, Törnskogstunneln and Häggvikstunneln. The main purpose of this project was to work with a delimited part of the project TUFS (Tunnel Framkomlighet och Säkerhet, Tunnel practicability and safety, my translation) that is going to build a knowledge bank for Swedish road tunnel accidents. The goal of this project was to investigate if the forecasts for accident rates in the tunnels calculated from empirical data differ from the forecasts of the road network made by the forecast program used by Trafikverket, Lill-EVA, for the observed tunnels. Another goal was to determine where accidents occur in the tunnels. In addition, two different tunnel types were compared in terms of accident rates. The tunnel types are located in: countryside (high speed, low traffic flows, no on- and off ramps) or urban center (low speed, high traffic flows, on- and off ramps). Accident data has been collected from the data bases STRADA and NTS and compiled in histograms displaying accident type, light conditions, the seriousness of the accident and number of accidents/year. The results showed that there are no differences in accident rates calculated by Lill-EVA and empirical data for accident rate, serious accident rate and death rate. However, there was a difference in the results concerning light injuries. No difference was found regarding the two tunnel types. Rear-end collision was the most common accident type in Söderledstunneln and serial vehicle crashes in Törnskogstunneln and Häggvikstunneln. Vehicles that got stuck in the tunnel entrance dominated the accident type in Klaratunneln. The majority of the accidents occurred in daylight. The coordinate positions for the accidents showed that there was a concentration of accidents near the tunnel entrance in Klaratunneln, Söderledstunneln and Häggvikstunneln. This is not the case for Törnskogstunneln where accidents have occurred in the tunnel center.

Handel and Three Prima Donnas: Reciprocal Influences, a Lecture Recital, Together with Two Recitals of Selected Works of W. A. Mozart, F. Schubert, H. Wolf, R. Strauss, G. Fauré, C. Debussy, D. Moore, and Others, and Opera Roles by Pleyel and Rossini

Armes, Mary Beth 05 1900 (has links)
The lecture recital was given April 1, 1974. Eighteenth-century accounts of the voices and performing styles of Francesca Cuzzoni, Faustina Bordoni, and Anna Strada del Pò were related to six opera arias written for them by George Frideric Handel. The arias, accompanied by harpsichord, violin, and violoncello, were performed with added original ornamentation. In addition to the lecture recital two other public recitals and two opera roles were performed. The first solo recital was on February 11, 1972, and included works by Mozart, Fauré, Rimsky-Korsakov, R. Strauss, Walton, Moore, and others. The second solo recital, on October 15, 1973, included works by Porpora, Rameau, Handel, Wolf, Donizetti, Debussy, and Schubert. The role of "Urgele" in the marionette opera Die Fee Urgele by Pleyel was performed in English on October 30 and 31, 1972, with the Collegium Musicum of North Texas State University. The role of "Clorinda" in Rossini's La Cenerentola was performed in English on November 26 and 28, 1972, with the Shreveport Symphony.

L'educativa di strada come strategia di intervento PEDAGOGICO con minori stranieri non accompagnati

PANICHELLI, LAURA 16 March 2011 (has links)
I minori stranieri non accompagnati sono considerati i nuovi protagonisti dei processi migratori e costituiscono a partire da questo secolo un vero e proprio soggetto migratorio. Il seguente lavoro presenta un quadro generale di riferimento giuridico-normativo per mettere a fuoco la questione dei minori stranieri non accompagnati sia in Italia che in Europa e nello specifico in Spagna, Francia, Inghilterra. Inoltre, vengono prese in considerazione le tematiche educative di questi minori presenti in Italia. La letteratura presa in esame insegna che i minori stranieri non accompagnati presentano molti bisogni educativi associati all’esperienza della migrazione, all’età adolescenziale e al fatto di trovarsi in Italia, da soli, senza adulti legalmente responsabili per loro. Si sottolinea, dunque, il necessario intervento educativo che l’educatore è chiamato a svolgere attraverso un’azione di sostegno e accompagnamento competente. In questo lavoro si presenta infine, attraverso una ricerca esplorativa, le rappresentazioni che gli educatori intervistati dell’associazione Gruppo Abele, della cooperativa Esserci e dell’Oratorio S. Luigi di Torino e della cooperativa CSAPSA di Bologna, hanno rispetto all’educativa di strada, come intervento pedagogico volto ad aiutare i minori stranieri non accompagnati in processi di integrazione e socializzazione. / The unaccompanied children are the new protagonists of migratory processes and since this century, they are a new and real migratory subject. This work presents a normative and juridical reference frame in order to show the question of unaccompanied children both in Italy and in Europe, and especially in Spain, France and UK. In addition it considers educational topics of these minors in Italy. The considered literature underlines many educational needs of unaccompanied children, which are related to migration experience, to adolescence, to be in Italy alone without legally responsible adults. The thesis wants to underline the necessary pedagogical intervention that is educator is called to develop through an action of qualified accompaniment and support.. The last part of present work is an explorative research which describes the educators’ representations about informal education in street, that is a pedagogical intervention due to help unaccompanied children towards integration and socialization processes. The interviewees are from Gruppo Abele Association, social cooperative Esserci, parish recreation Centre S.Luigi in Turin and from cooperative CSAPSA in Bologna.

CHOKORA O STREET CHILDREN?: RAPPRESENTAZIONI SOCIALI E PARADOSSI IDENTITARI DEI BAMBINI CHE VIVONO SULLE STRADE DI NAIROBI / Chokora o street children? Social representations and identity paradoxes of the children living on the streets of Nairobi

MEDA, STEFANIA GIADA 19 February 2010 (has links)
La ricerca rappresenta un'indagine qualitativa di carattere esplorativo in merito al tema dell’identità e delle rappresentazioni sociali dei bambini che vivono sulle strade di Nairobi (Kenya). Sono state messe in luce e analizzate le numerose rappresentazioni degli street children, tra cui quella spregiativa – chokora – elaborata dalla comunità locale, che li assimila a rifiuti) per far emergere quanto l’identità del bambino di strada possa essere compresa facendo riferimento al soggetto come a un prodotto di condizionamenti sociali e culturali o anche come entità potenzialmente capace, all’interno di una continuità narrativa, di elaborare riflessivamente la propria esperienza e di produrre attivamente nuovi significati e nuove forme sociali. Sotto il profilo metodologico sono state realizzate quarantanove interviste strutturate, dodici semistrutturate e sessantacinque in profondità a street dwellers, ex street boys, famigliari di street children, operatori di ONG e CBO, testimoni privilegiati e soggetti della comunità locale. Si è fatto inoltre uso della tecnica visuale del diario fotografico e dell’osservazione partecipante. La ricerca empirica ha messo in luce che l’identità degli street children si struttura su relazioni di appartenenza e di differenziazione. Le rappresentazioni sociali sono determinanti per il processo identitario degli street children, ma è possibile un margine di negoziazione della propria identità, alla luce della conversazione interiore, che consente una ristrutturazione attorno a un perno positivo del sé relazionale. Questo avviene quando la negoziazione dell’identità viene vissuta come un processo relazionale, guidato dalle premure fondamentali del soggetto e all’interno di relazioni fiduciarie che consentono una rappresentazione positiva del sé. / The research is a qualitative exploratory study on the identity and social representations of the children living on the streets of Nairobi (Kenya). A number of representations of street children are shown and analysed(including the one – chokora – elaborated by the local community that assimilates the children to garbage) to demonstrate how the identity of the street children may be understood making reference to the subject as the product of social and cultural conditioning or as an entity possibly able – within a narrative continuity – to elaborate reflexively his own experience and to actively produce new meanings and social forms. Methodologically, forty-nine structured, twelve semi-structure and sixty-five in depth interviews were carried out with street dwellers, ex street boys, family members of street children, NGOs and CBOs’ social workers, privileged witnesses and individuals from the local community. Moreover, a visual technique (photo diary) and participatory observation were used. The empirical research has shown that the identity of the street children is formed on the relations of belonging and differentiation. Furthermore, social representations are determinant for the identity process of the street children, but there is also room for one’s own identity negotiation, in the light of the internal conversation, that allows a restructuring of the relational self around a positive mainstay. This happens when the negotiation of the identity is experienced as a relational process, oriented by the ultimate concerns, within trustworthy relations, that allow a positive representation of the self.

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