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Resting-state Graph Theory Metrics Predict Processing Speed and Correlate with Disease Burden in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple SclerosisShankar, Anita 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Surfacing Splicing: A Method of Quadrilateral Mesh Generation and Modification for Surfaces by Dual Creation and ManipulationGrover, Benjamin Todd 01 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
The effective generation high quality quadrilateral surface meshes is an area of important research and development for the finite element community. Quadrilateral elements generally lead to more efficient and accurate finite results. In addition, some all hexahedral volume meshing algorithms are based on an initial quadrilateral mesh surface mesh that has specific connectivity requirements. This thesis presents a new and unique procedure named "Surfaced Splicing". Surface Splicing allows for the generation of all quadrilateral surface meshes as well as the ability to edit these meshes via the dual. The dual contains the same data as the mesh but, unlike the mesh, the dual directly allows the visualization of how surface and volume elements interrelate and connect with one another. The dual also provides mesh connectivity information that is crucial in forming an all-quadrilateral surface mesh that can form the basis of an all-hexahedral volume mesh.
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Development of an Apache Spark-Based Framework for Processing and Analyzing Neuroscience Big Data: Application in Epilepsy Using EEG Signal DataZhang, Jianzhe 07 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Healing the wandering mind : Treatment of the default mode network in major depressive disorderWielsma, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Rumination, or extensive mind wandering defines one of the key cognitive symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD). Several symptoms included in the psychiatric disorder have been associated with altered connectivity within the large-scaled system default mode network (DMN). Although it’s well-known that antidepressant treatment, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) tend to positively affect symptoms and alterations of MDD, results are inconsistent regarding DMN connectivity pre-and-post treatment. This systematic review aims to compile findings from studies investigating DMN connectivity in MDD patients’ pre-and post SSRI and SNRItreatment, and to find possible correlations with symptomatic improvements. Five articles were included for further analysis after the literature search in MEDLINE ESBSCO and Scopus. Main findings are in alignment with previous research and suggest both hypo-and hyper DMN connectivity at baseline in MDD patients, and connectivity patterns significantly similar to healthy controls following antidepressant treatment. Future research might consider placebo controlled trials for more diverse, and quantified results, and also consider further investigation on both first-line treatments and other promising antidepressants.
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Integrating remotely sensed hydrologic parameters into an index of sediment connectivityAlmer, Anna-Klara January 2017 (has links)
The expected increase in precipitation and temperature in Scandinavia, and especially short-time heavy precipitation, will increase the frequency of flooding. Urban areas are the most vulnerable, and specifically, the road infrastructure. The accumulation of large volumes of water and sediments on road-stream intersections gets severe consequences for the road drainage structures. The need for a tool to identify characteristics that impacts the occurrence of flooding, and to predict future event is thus essential. This study integrates the spatial and temporal soil moisture properties into the research about flood prediction methods. Soil moisture data is derived from remote sensing techniques, with focus on the soil moisture specific satellites ASCAT and SMOS. Furthermore, several physical catchments descriptors (PCDs) are used to identify catchment characteristics that are prone to flooding and an inventory of current road drainage facilities are conducted. Finally, the index of sediment connectivity (IC) by Cavalli, Trevisani, Comiti, and Marchi (2013) is implemented to assess the flow of water and sediment within the catchment. A case study of two areas in Sweden, Västra Götaland and Värmland, that was affected by severe flooding in August 2014 are included. The results show that the method with using soil moisture satellite data is promising for the inclusion of soil moisture data into estimations of flooding and the index of sediment connectivity. / De förväntade ökningarna i nederbörd och temperatur i Skandinavien, och speciellt extrem korttidsnederbörd, kommer att öka frekvensen av översvämningar. Urbana områden är de mest sårbara, och speciellt väginfrastrukturen. Ackumuleringen av stora volymer av vatten och sediment där väg och vattendrag möts leder till allvarliga konsekvenser för dräneringskonstruktionerna. Behovet av ett verktyg för att identifiera egenskaper som påverkar förekomsten av översvämningar, och för att förutsäga framtida händelser är väsentligt. Studien integrerar markfuktighet både rumsligt och tidsmässigt i forskningen om metoder för översvämningsrisker. Markfuktighetsdata är inkluderat från fjärranalysteknik, med fokus på de specifika satelliterna för markfuktighet, ASCAT och SMOS. Vidare är flertalet faktorer (PCDs) inkluderade för att identifiera egenskaper i avrinningsområden som är benägna till översvämning samt en inventering av nuvarande vägdräneringskonstruktioner. Slutligen är ett index med sediment connectivity (Cavalli et al., 2013) implementerat för att se flödet av vatten och sediment inom avrinningsområdet. En fallstudie med två områden i Sverige, Västra Götaland och Värmland, som drabbades av allvarliga översvämningar i augusti 2014 är inkluderat. Resultaten visar att metoden att använda markfuktighet från satellitdata är lovande för inkludering i uppskattningar av översvämningsrisk och i indexet med sediment connectivity.
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Migratory connectivity and carry-over effects in Northwest Atlantic loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta, L.)Ceriani, Simona 01 January 2014 (has links)
Migration is a widespread and complex phenomenon in nature that has fascinated humans for centuries. Connectivity among populations influences their demographics, genetic structure and response to environmental change. Here, I used the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta, L.) as a study organism to address questions related to migratory connectivity and carry-over effects using satellite telemetry, stable isotope analysis and GIS interpolation methods. Telemetry identified foraging areas previously overlooked for loggerheads nesting in Florida. Next, I validated and evaluated the efficacy of intrinsic markers as a complementary and low cost tool to assign loggerhead foraging regions in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (NWA), using both a spatially implicit and spatially explicit (isoscapes) approach. I then focused on the nesting beaches and developed a common currency for isotopic studies based on unhatched eggs, which provide a non-invasive and non-destructive method for more extensive sampling to elucidate isotopic patterns across broader spatiotemporal scales. Lastly, I found that intra-population variations in foraging strategies affect annual and long-term reproductive output of loggerheads nesting in Florida. Understanding geospatial linkages is critical to the fostering of appropriate management and conservation strategies for migratory species. My multi-faceted approach contributes to the growing body of literature exploring migratory connectivity and carry-over effects.
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The Relationship Between Internet Connectivity and Labor Productivity : A study on the correlation between Internet connectivity and labor productivity in the European UnionAgbakwuru, Blaise, Jiang, Ruiyang January 2022 (has links)
The level of labor productivity differs among the European Union countries, especially when you compare a developing country to a more developed country in the EU. This is an issue because the achievement of high labor productivity is a necessary stipulation for a developing economy to realize economic growth and more economic development. On the other hand, the more individuals in an economy with access to the internet (internet connectivity) depicts how developed the economy is in terms of information and communication technology (ICT). Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to ascertain whether there is a positive relationship between countries having high internet connectivity and labor productivity in the EU. In doing so, Political and entrepreneurial decision-makers can use these findings to decide how much attention or budget to put on the ICT sector to improve labor productivity. To understand the factors that affect labor productivity, Adam Smith and Karl Marx’s theory on labor productivity is used to gain a better understanding. A panel data analysis using a fixed-effect model and pooled OLS regression model is applied in the study to predict the relationship. The result of the study indicates that internet connectivity does not have a significant impact on Labour productivity, or there was not enough evidence showing that they are positively correlated with each other.
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Road Networks, Social Disorganization And Lethality, An Exploration Of Theory And An Examination Of CovariatesPoole, Aaron 01 January 2013 (has links)
Utilizing a Criminal Event Perspective, the analyses of this dissertation test a variety of relationships to the dependent variable: the Criminal Lethality Index. Data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System, the Census and American Community Survey, the American Trauma Society, and data derived from the Census’s mapping TIGER files are combined to create a database of 190 cities. This database is used to test road network connectivity (Gama Index), medical resources, criminal covariates and Social Disorganization variables in relation to a city’s Criminal Lethality Index. OLS regression demonstrates a significant and negative relationship between a city’s Gama Index and its Criminal Lethality Index. In addition, percent male, percent black, median income and percent of the population employed in diagnosing and treating medical professions were all consistently positively related to Criminal Lethality. The percent of males 16 to 24, percent of single parent households, and Concentrated Disadvantage Index were all consistently and negatively related to Criminal Lethality. Given these surprising results, additional diagnostic regressions are run using more traditional dependent variables such as the number of murders in a city and the proportion of aggravated assaults with major injuries per 100,000 population. These reveal the idiosyncratic nature of utilizing the Criminal Lethality Index. This dependent variable has proven useful in some circumstances and counterintuitive in others. The source of the seemingly unintuitive results is the fact that certain factors only reduce murders but many factors impact both murder and aggravated assaults, thereby creating difficultly when trying to predict patterns in Criminal Lethality
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Spatiotemporal Variation Of Avian Populations Within Geographically Isolated Freshwater MarshesRodenbeck, Brian 01 January 2007 (has links)
Metacommunity connectivity, i.e., multi-species dispersal events, is vital to metapopulation persistence in patchy landscapes. Assessments of metacommunity connectivity are not trivial. However, a relationship between trophic rank and the species-area relationship has been found in previous studies, allowing for the use of the predator species-area relationship to act as a surrogate measure of actual metacommunity connectivity of prey species in some systems. For this study, avian species were selected as they are generalist top predators within the study system. Predator species richness within geographically isolated freshwater marshes is influenced by a number of factors. I explore the relative roles of patch area, seasonality, hydroperiod, isolation, and vegetation structure on habitat use in the isolated freshwater marshes embedded within the dry prairie ecosystem of Central Florida. Predator species richness was surveyed in 50 sites for three seasons: fall 2005, winter 2005/06, and spring 2006 and the observed avian assemblage measures were subdivided into foraging guilds for analysis. Wading guild (e.g., egrets, herons, bitterns) species richness was correlated with hydroperiod and vegetation structural variables while perching guild (e.g., blackbirds, sparrows, meadowlarks) species richness was correlated with isolation, hydroperiod, and area annually. Overall predator and all guild species richness measures were also correlated with patch area for all seasons. These results suggest that while a complex mixture of patch area, hydroperiod and isolation influence habitat utilization that varies by season and at the community, guild and individual species level, the underlying predictors that define habitat use in wetlands annually includes hydroperiod, and is not exclusively patch area. Additionally, seasonal differences in predator species richness were found to be significant in some cases indicating that future avian population studies may benefit by sampling outside of the normally studied spring breeding season. Results of this study support the use of predator species richness as a suitable assay of metacommunity connectivity of prey species. Applications and implications of this approach toward future conservation efforts are discussed.
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Seamless and personalized connectivity for carsharing services : A Concept Framework and Proposed SolutionsMa, Jingjun January 2020 (has links)
With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), car sharing becomes more and more popular. It is a short-term car rental service and Volvo entered this market in 2019. The purpose of this thesis is to design for a seamless and personalized experience for car sharing users with the smartphone. A literature overview and user interviews were performed to get a general understanding of the user groups, usage patterns of the car sharing service and their experience of connecting the smartphones to the car. Two user tests were made to iterate the design and get to know users’ opinions about the design concepts. Personas and scenarios were built up and that made the basis for the design of user interfaces on the car-sharing apps and the \ac{IVI}. As a result, a concept solution was brought up. The general process of the car sharing service was: booking a car, finding a car, getting onboard, picking up friends, and getting offboard. For drivers, they can find and unlock the car seamlessly with the phone, get onboard with all preferred settings applied, safely log into the IVI system, easily pick up friends by seeing their position, and clear personal data when they return the car. For passengers, they can see the position of the car and estimated arrival time, scan a QR code to turn their phones to a remoter of the IVI system, directly send a destination to the IVI system, and share their favorite music. Nearly all the users liked the designed functions in the tests but the adoption of the service was mainly affected by two factors. One was privacy concerns and the other was function value. Users made a choice of how important more functions were compared with sequences regarding loss of privacy. More future research needs to be done to further validate the findings of this thesis and achieve the designed experience.
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