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Jak spotřebitelé vnímají značku vybrané firmy / How consumers perceive the brand of selected companyMAŘÍKOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes a description of the concept and brand image. Part of the application includes the preparation and subsequent application of an electronic questionnaire from the perspective of the selected target group.
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Předpoklady zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti spotřebních družstev v regionech / Premises increase the competitiveness of consumer cooperatives in regionsHOFFMANN, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Main purpose of this thesis was based on the analysis of the current situation and retail trends suggest the possibility of increasing competitiveness of consumer cooperatives, improve their market position and reach expected level of customer services in Czech retail market. Responses of consumer cooperatives customers correspond with other retail market customers. The introduction on the modern technologies is not required by customers and they would rather welcome the enlargement of existing retail services, especially the readable information on the packaging. Consumer cooperatives customers would like to use the loyalty program. The best option in that case would be the loyalty program on the central level to be available to all customers from consumer cooperatives. The implementation of detected solutions would help expand the existing base of consumer cooperatives customers and improve their position in the Czech retail market.
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Ocenění podniku spol Jednota, spotřební družstvo v Nymburce / Business valuation Ltd. Unity, consumer cooperative in NymburkNepimach, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The above thesis topic I chose for two reasons. The first reason was that I had as a secondary specialization in Business Valuation chosen course of study in this specialization. I met with the subject in Practical Business Valuation. In this course, I participated in valuation process Consumer Unity in Jindrichuv Hradec. Because at my residence located Consumer Unity in Nymburk, whose stores I visit from time to time, I wonder if it is appropriate to evaluate the company using the income approach (or under what conditions) and what is the value of the company. Therefore, the objective of this thesis I have provided to determine the market value of unity, consumer cooperative in Nymburk. The second reason why I chose the topic of "valuation" as a whole is the fact that my favorite literary genres include detective novels. With a little imagination it can be said that the search for business value is similar or even identical to the above literary genre. When first we see business, we know about him very little, but we suspect that it certainly has some value. In the case of murder, we see the body, but do not know the offender. Over time composing pieces together and connect us with each connection, and finally ideally we will see a clear picture and find out who is the perpetrator, even if the culprit was the victim. If we are looking for enterprise value, this is a similar case. Gradually, as we proceed through financial, strategic analysis, the value of generators, the financial plan to the final valuation, we find that the company is healthy, if it is a competitive, what is the prognosis for the future, when we are at the end of the quest unable to determine its value. Proper "thriller" should consist of five components. From the introduction plot, climax, and denouement of the conclusion. Therefore, the thesis is divided into five parts. The first part consists of basic information about the company, where he briefly introduce the valuated company. Followed by a financial analysis that tells us what threats or vice versa opportunities deriving from the financial statements of the company and answer the question of whether the company is financially able to continue to operate. Another part of the work is strategic analysis to assess the position on a particular market and answers the question of how they will develop sales and market share of the business in the future. Subsequently generators predict values and use them to create a financial plan that will serve as an important basis for the final valuation Unity, consumer cooperative in Nymburk. In my work I used the experience and information on the issue of consumer cooperatives and food retail Practical lessons in the subject of business valuation studies in developing team.
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Zlepšení konkurenční pozice prodejny Coop v Plané u Mariánských Lázní / The improvement of competitive position Coop store in Planá u Mariánských LázníRICHTARIKOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with retail which goes through the continually changes. I focus on improvement of competitive postition store COOP in Planá u Mariánských Lázní. Several recommendation which arise during this thesis could improve the market position.
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Preference zákazníků vůči jednotlivým maloobchodním jednotkám ve vybrané lokalitě / Customers' preferences for particular retail stores in a locationPILNÁ, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the causes of division of customer preferences towards individual retail units in the town of Blatná in order to recommend proposals for improvement for the consumer cooperative COOP. The theoretical overview provides basic information about food retailers in the Czech Republic, presents the formats of stores, attitudes of shoppers to food stores, individual elements of the retail mix or other factors influencing customer attitudes towards the store which can be influenced by retailers. The practical part relates to the food chains in Blatná and it is focused on identifying the respondents' favourite and main shopping place, the reasons for dividing customer preferences towards retail units, researching attitudes toward retail units and evaluating the retail mix of these stores. The practical part consists of two parts, a questionnaire survey focused on customers of food stores in Blatná, and research from these stores. Subsequently, it is possible to define respondents' attitudes towards food retailers in Blatná and their buying behavior. The survey in retail formats is used to identify and evaluate the core elements of the retail mix of individual stores. Thanks to these procedures it is possible to define improvement suggestions for COOP Tip in Blatná.
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Mål och verksamhetsstyrning inom ett konsumentkooperativt företag : En studie om målstruktur och dess användning inom Coop Syd samt hantering av medlemmarnas dubbla roller. / Objectives and operational management within a consumer cooperative company : A study on goal structure and its use within Coop Syd and management of the members' dual rolesOmer, Belmin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett kooperativ är inte en företagsform vars syfte är likt de vanligast förekommande företagsformerna. Poängen med att starta ett kooperativ är däremot att sammansluta en grupp människor eller företag vars intressen i något hänseende går att förena. Kooperativ ägs således av individer i olika kombinationer som strävar efter en och samma sak. Ordet ”kooperation” härstammar ifrån det latinska uttrycket ”arbeta tillsammans” vilket är precis det man gör inom en kooperation. Det första konsumentkooperativt i Sverige uppkom redan under 1850 talet i Uppsala. Birchall (2014) tar upp nyckelfråga vars både praktiker och teoretiker är fundersamma kring: Kan ett kooperativ ömsesidigt ta hänsyn till medlemmarnas åsikter och därmed förbli trogna de principer som kooperativet och den ekonomiska föreningen i sig grundades på? När ett kooperativ växer sig tillräckligt stort, är det genomförbart, och ens rimligt att kooperativet tar hänsyn till medlemmarna, om inte, på vilket sätt hanterar företrädarna denna problematik? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera hur målstrukturen ser ut inom Coop Syd. Vidare syftar studien till att kartlägga hur ledningen hanterar problematiken samt tar hänsyn till att medlemmarna både är ägare och konsumenter till föreningen vid utformningen av organisationens målstruktur.iiMetod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie på Coop Syd. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med respondenter på ledningspositioner ifrån kooperativet och ekonomiska föreningen Coop Syd. Det empiriska materialet har även kompletterats med skriftliga svar via mailkontakt. Det insamlade materialet har sedan analyserats samt ställts i jämförelse mot den valda teoretiska referensramen för att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställning och uppfylla syftet. Slutsats: Coop Syds utformning av målstrukturen är följaktligen en aning komplicerad process. Den består av två delar, en icke-finansiell och en finansiell del. Målstrukturen är påverkad ifrån flertalet olika håll där ledningen måste handskas med att integrera medlemmarnas dubbla roller, CSAB och den operativa verksamheten inom målstrukturen. Styrningen präglas av en långsiktighet med medlemsnytta i fokus inom målstrukturen. Coop Syd hanterar problematiken med att medlemmarna är både konsumenter och ägare främst genom ägarombuden. Ägarombuden spelar en viktig roll tillsammans med andra faktorer för att hantera medlemmarnas dubbla roller vid utformning av organisationens målstruktur. Nyckelord: Målstruktur, ekonomistyrning, konsumentkooperativ, kooperation, ekonomisk förening, målkongruens, medlemmar, långsiktighet, finansiell styrning, icke-finansiell styrning, ägarombud. / Background: A cooperative is not a form of business whose purpose is similar to the forms of business we most often come into contact with. The point of starting a cooperative, on the other hand, is to bring together a group of people or companies whose interests in some respect can be reconciled. Cooperatives are thus owned by individuals in various combinations who strive for one and the same thing. The word "cooperation" comes from the Latin expression "work together", which is exactly what you do within a cooperation. The first consumer cooperative in Sweden arose already in the 1850s in Uppsala. Birchall (2014) addresses a key question that both practitioners and theorists are pondering: Can a cooperative mutually consider the views of its members and thereby remain true to the principles on which the cooperative and the economic association itself were founded? When a cooperative grows large enough, is it feasible, and even reasonable, for the cooperative to consider the members, if not, how do the representatives deal with this problem? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze what the target structure looks like within Coop Syd. Furthermore, the study aims to map how the management handles the problem and considers that the members are both owners and consumers of the association when designing the organization's target structure. Methodology: The essay is a qualitative case study at Coop Syd. The experience consists of interviews with respondents in management positions from the cooperative and economic association Coop Syd. The empirical material has also been supplemented with written responses via email contact. The collected material has then been analyzed and compared to the chosen theoretical frame of reference to be able to answer the essay's question and fulfill the purpose. Conclusion: Coop Syd's design of the target structure is therefore a somewhat complicated process. It consists of two parts, a non-financial part, and a financial part. The target structure is influenced from several different directions where the management must deal with integrating the dual roles of the members, CSAB and the operational activities within the target structure. Governance is characterized by a longterm approach with member benefits in focus within the target structure. Coop Syd deals with the problem of the members being both consumers and owners, primarily through owner representatives. The ownership representatives play an important role along with other factors in managing the members' dual roles in shaping the organization's goal structure.
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Развитие потребительской кооперации как фактор устойчивого развития сельских территорий : магистерская диссертация / Development of consumer cooperation as a factor of sustainable rural developmentГалышев, А. В., Galyshev, A. V. January 2020 (has links)
В процессе выполнения работы были исследованы теоретические и, нормативно-правовые аспекты развития сельских территорий и потребительской кооперации. Выполнен анализ развития сельских территорий Невьянского городского округа, на основе чего разработаны рекомендации по созданию потребительского кооператива как стартовой меры развития потребительской кооперации и создания ТОС как фактора повышения устойчивости развития сельских территорий. В результате осуществления рекомендуемых мер ожидается повышение уровня занятости экономически активного населения НГО, рост реальных доходов сельского населения, решение вопросов продовольственного обеспечения городского округа и обеспечение устойчивости развития сельских территорий. / In the course of the work, the theoretical and regulatory aspects of rural development and consumer cooperation were studied. The analysis of the development of rural areas Nevyansky urban district, on the basis of which recommendations for the establishment of consumer cooperatives as the starting steps of development of consumer cooperation and the creation of TOS as factor of increase of stability of development of rural territories. The implementation of the recommended measures is expected to increase the level of employment of economically active population NGOs, the growth of real incomes of the rural population, issues of food security in the city and ensure the sustainable development of rural areas.
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