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The Analysis of Corporate Tax Evasion under Relational ContractHuang, Ying-hao 30 June 2009 (has links)
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A study on the relationship between school psychological contract and teachers' job satisfaction in secondary schools of Kaohsiung countyChen, Chi-liang 08 July 2009 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the relation between ¡§the school psychological contract¡¨ and the ¡§job satisfaction of the teachers¡¨.This thesis builds the theory,the study structure,and the basis of designing the study instrument by the reviewing and the surveying the literature.Subjects were sampled from twenty-eight secondary schools in Kaohsiung county.Four hundred and seventy-three copies of formal questionnaires were delivered to the subjects and there were four hundred and eighteen valid copies.The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical methods of descriptive,statics,independent-samples T-test,one-way ANOVA,Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression¡]step-wise-regression procedure¡^.
According to the result of the data analysis,the main findings are the following:
1. The whole performance of ¡§the school psychological contract¡¨is middle-high level.Among the sectional scores,the dimension of ¡§being identified oneself with the school¡¨was the highest.
2. The whole performance of ¡§the job satisfaction of the teachers¡¨is middle-high level.Among the sectional scores,the dimension of ¡§ the relationships between colleagues¡¨ was the highest.
3. The male teachers in secondary school have a higher sense of ¡§being considerate and caring about colleagues,and more willing¡¨,¡¨ providing a supportive environment¡¨.
4. The elder teachers and the chiefs of the departments in secondary school have a higher sense of ¡§school psychological contract ¡¨.
5. The elder,the senior teachers and the chiefs of departments in secondary school sense more about the ¡§job satisfaction of the teachers¡¨.
6. The better ¡§school psychological contract¡¨ will be, the more ¡§job satisfaction of the teachers¡¨will be.
7. The ¡§school psychological contract¡¨can predict the ¡§job satisfaction of the teachers¡¨,and the dimension of¡¨ providing a supportive environment¡¨is the primary predictable variable.
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Ontbinding, schadevergoeding en nakoming : de remedies voor wanprestatie in het licht van de beginselen van subsidiariteit en proportionaliteit /Stolp, Myrthe Marije. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Nijmegen, 2007.
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The value of liberty is one of our most fundamental commitments. Given this commitment, judgments concerning coercion are of profound moral significance. The concept of liberty is usually defined as the absence of coercion; so defined, the very important moral and political value of liberty is safeguarded only when coercion is excluded. Presently, the concept of coercion is inadequately defined, and in drastic need of clear analysis. An important area in which individuals express their liberty is through voluntary agreements made under the law of contracts. The moral defense of the law of contracts rests on the belief that contracts facilitate individuals' opportunities for self-determination; liberty being a necessary condition for self-determination necessitates the exclusion of all forms of coercion in contracts. Market interactions have a particular character and occur within a specific institutional framework. Using economic models, I argue that other accounts of coercion have failed to capture the unique character of coercion in market interactions. The "normalcy" criterion, which is the most prevalent approach to distinguishing coercive proposals from noncoercive ones, assumes that a person's status quo is an appropriate point from which to distinguish coercive proposals from noncoercive proposals. I argue that under certain ideal conditions in the market, a perfectly competitive market, this assumption might be legitimate. I utilize game-theoretic models to analyze the nature of coercive proposals in an imperfectly competitive market. The bargaining advantages that agents have, which are a function of certain background conditions, give them bargaining power over others with whom they negotiate. I argue that when the following conditions are present coercion can arise in the market: the status quo of an agent (or his "threat-advantage") is stronger in relation to the agent with whom he is dealing and he takes advantage of his stronger bargaining position, exploiting the deprivation that the weaker agent will face if he does not comply. I apply this analysis of coercion to the law of contracts, specifically, to the doctrines of duress and unconscionability.
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Hegel on Marriage: The Importance of the Wedding CeremonyBisig, Joshua T. 16 December 2015 (has links)
In the Philosophy of Right, Hegel insists that a marriage is only established after a wedding ceremony has taken place but he provides no satisfactory justification for thinking this. In this paper, I attempt to provide some justifications for him. I advocate an interpretation of Hegel that (1) understands the declaration of consent uttered in the wedding ceremony to be a performative act whose force is what transforms a relationship into a marriage and that (2) understands Hegel’s general concept of personality to inform his requirement that the agreement to marry be declared publicly.
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Contractarianism With a Human FaceThrasher, John James January 2013 (has links)
Contractarianism with a Human Face reinterprets the social contract, not as a model to generate a unique set of rules of justice, but as a dynamic process for making comparative institutional evaluations. An institutional reorientation allows contractarians to abandon the untenable assumption of a homogeneous model of agency (be it austere rational choice or Rawlsian reasonableness), replacing it with diverse agents living under institutions all can rationally endorse, and to which they have different reasons to comply. Contractarianism With a Human Face is a contractarian theory that differs from all other contractarian theories because it rejects the search for a unique answer to the question of what is justice. It does not flee from diversity, but instead finds new solutions to old problems through broadening the contractual model and the agents that make it up. This version of contractarianism has a human face in the sense that it starts from the diversity, disorder, and complexity of human life and seeks to find rules that we can all live under. Not by eliminating that diversity, but by embracing it. In so doing, however, it fundamentally changes the shape of contractarian theory. By rejecting the search for a unique "solution" to what rules of justice are justified, Contractarianism With a Human Face becomes a project of evaluating contingent and evolving institutions and constitutional rules. Rationality and justice are reconciled, at least partially, though human history.
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Kontraheringsplikt : juridiska förutsättningar för kontraheringsplikt på fjärrvärmemarknadenGustafsson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Kontraheringsplikt är ett undantag från grundprincipen om avtalsfrihet och innebär att en part kan kräva att få ett avtal till stånd med en annan part utan att den andra parten har uttryckt sin vilja härom. Den innebär också att part kan kräva förnyelse eller fortsättning av ett avtalsförhållande, att det föreligger ett förbud att avbryta avtalsförbindelsen samt en viss standardisering av avtalsvillkoren, vilket oftast innebär att villkor som tillämpas på andra kunder ska gälla. Fjärrvärmemarknaden uppvisar likheter med andra områden där det föreligger kontraheringsplikt, men trots detta finns ingen lagstadgad kontraheringsplikt för fjärrvärme. Uppsatsens syfte är därmed att utreda huruvida det finns juridiska förutsättningar för att införa kontraheringsplikt på fjärrvärmemarknaden. Uppsatsen ger en allmän beskrivning av avtalsfriheten och dess begränsningar för att sedan smalna av i en av dessa begränsningar, kontraheringsplikten. Olika områden där det föreligger kontraheringsplikt har använts för att systematisera de juridiska förutsättningar som krävs för att kontraheringsplikt ska kunna föreligga. Dessa juridiska förutsättningar har sedan jämförts med fjärrvärmemarknaden och på ett objektivt sätt har det kunnat fastställas att det finns juridiska förutsättningar för att införa kontraheringsplikt på fjärrvärmemarknaden både vad gäller kontraheringsplikt för tredje parts tillträde till fjärrvärmeledning och kontraheringsplikt för kundens rätt till avtal om fjärrvärme.
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Understanding and Supporting Rural Saskatchewan Beginning Teachers' Perceptions of Their Psychological Contracts: A Pathway to Flourishing in Schools2014 March 1900 (has links)
As teachers begin their careers they develop a psychological contract with their organization (Rousseau, 1995); beginning teachers have expectations about what supports will be available and what they will give the organization in return. To ensure that the most effective teachers are working in classrooms it is important to identify and provide the necessary induction supports that beginning teachers need to reach their potential and ensure that they are flourishing in our schools.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among rural Saskatchewan beginning teachers’ perceptions of their psychological contract with their organizations, the induction supports received, and beginning teacher flourishing in schools. The main objective of this research was to answer the following research questions: 1) How do rural beginning teachers describe the actual induction supports they are receiving from their organizations? 2) How do rural beginning teachers perceive and understand the reciprocal elements of the psychological contract with their organizations? 3) How do rural beginning teachers perceive their flourishing in schools? 4) What relationship exists among beginning teachers’ perceptions of their psychological contract, induction support provided and beginning teacher flourishing in schools?
A mixed methods approach was used. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 110 beginning teachers in 21 rural Saskatchewan schools divisions using the Supporting the Psychological Contract toward Flourishing (SPCF) survey.
Rural Saskatchewan beginning teachers acknowledged receiving positive induction support in the areas of: administrative support, procedures and protocols, consultation with experienced teachers, support with collegiality and belonging, resources, and professional development. They required more support with mentorship, levels of extra-curricular involvement, classroom management, and first year meetings. Beginning teachers perceived that they were strongly committed to their organization and that their employer was generally fulfilling their obligations to them as employees. Beginning teachers in elementary schools, and in some cases K-12 schools, felt better support than those in middle/ high schools. Beginning teachers perceived a low degree of flourishing as they began their careers; however, after one year, they experienced growth. Finally, relationships were noted among beginning teachers’ psychological contract and induction, their psychological contract and flourishing, and between induction and flourishing.
Implications for theory and practice are presented regarding beginning teacher induction constructs, gender and type of school influences, and the relationship among induction, psychological contract, and flourishing. Future research is required in the areas of beginning teacher induction, psychological contract, flourishing and the relationship among all three concepts.
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Long term contracts and farm inflexibility premium in the production of cellulosic ethanolJalili, Rozita 05 1900 (has links)
Farmers will supply the raw ingredients for the emerging cellulosic ethanol industry. The long-term relationship between a farmer and a processing firm is expected to be contractual. A processing firm has an incentive to sign long-term contracts to ensure a cost-efficient level of raw ingredient supply. However, farmers generally prefer to operate with either no contract or a short-term contract in order to maintain options for adjustments in future acreage allocations due to changes in relative prices. Of interest in this research is to understand the incentives of farmers and calculating the efficient level of the “inflexibility premium”, which a processing firm must provide to a farmer when a long term contract is signed. A stochastic dynamic programming model is solved and with the help of Microsoft Excel numerically evaluated to illustrate the marginal inflexibility premium is increasing with contract length and the level of price variability, and is decreasing with the size of acreage adjustment costs.
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Terminuota darbo sutartis pagal Lietuvos ir Lenkijos teisę (lyginamoji analizė) / Fixed-term Employment Contract under the Lithuanian and Polish Law (Comparative Analysis)Kuskienė, Sonata 04 March 2009 (has links)
Neterminuotos darbo sutartys yra bendriausia ir pagrindinė darbdavių bei darbuotojų darbo santykių forma, tačiau tam tikromis aplinkybėmis – nenuolatinio pobūdžio darbams atlikti - vis dažniau atsiranda poreikis darbuotojus įdarbinti pagal terminuotas darbo sutartis, kurios tam tikromis aplinkybėmis labiau atitinka ir darbuotojų ir darbdavių interesus. Šiame magistro darbe yra nagrinėjamos Lietuvos ir Lenkijos darbo teisėje įtvirtintos nuostatos dėl terminuotos darbo sutarties rūšių išskyrimo, jos sudarymo prielaidos, vykdymo ypatumai bei nutraukimo pagrindai ir apribojimai, analizuojamas šių nuostatų įgyvendinimas teismų praktikoje. Taip pat analizuojamas abiejų valstybių terminuotą darbo sutartį reglamentuojančių nuostatų atitikimas EB Tarybos direktyvoje Nr. 1999/70/EB įtvirtintiems bendriesiems reikalavimams, įpareigojantiems kiekvieną valstybę narę nacionaliniuose teisės aktuose įtvirtinti normas, užtikrinančias vienodų sąlygų taikymą pagal terminuotas darbo sutartis dirbantiems darbuotojams, saugant juos nuo diskriminacijos bei neleisti piktnaudžiauti sudarant terminuotas darbo sutartis. Pažymėtina, jog dauguma terminuotą darbo sutartį reglamentuojančių normų Lietuvos ir Lenkijos darbo kodeksuose yra suderintos su Europos Sąjungos ir tarptautiniais teisės aktais. Terminuotos darbo sutarties analizė, lyginant abiejų valstybių nacionalinės darbo teisės normas, rodo, jog Lenkijos darbo kodeksas labiau orientuotas į liberalius, paremtus šalių lygybe, darbo teisinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Open-ended employment contracts are the most general and the main form of employment relationship between employers and employees; however, in certain circumstances – for the purposes of performing temporary work – there is an increasing need for recruitment of employees under fixed-term employment contracts, which in certain circumstances better respond to the interests of both employees and employers. This master thesis considers the provisions stipulated in the Lithuanian and Polish labour law regarding discernment of the fixed-term employment contract, preconditions for its conclusion, specific features of its execution as well as the basis for and restrictions on its termination; implementation of these provisions in judicial practice is considered. The author also analyses compliance of the provisions of both states regulating the fixed-term employment contract with the general requirements set forth in Council Directive 1999/70/EC and committing every member state to lay down in national legislation the norms ensuring equal treatment for fixed-term workers by protecting them against discrimination and to prevent abuse when concluding fixed-term employment contracts. It should be noted that the majority of the norms regulating the fixed-term employment contract in the Lithuanian Labour Code and the Polish Labour Code have been harmonised with legal acts of the European Union and international legal acts. Analysis of the fixed-term employment contract by comparing both... [to full text]
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