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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays in company valuation

Levin, Joakim January 1998 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on models for company (equity) valuation. Company valuation has many interacting components. Essay 1, On the Fundamentals of Company Valuation, discusses the different roles of these components and shows how their interaction can be captured in a valuation framework. Essay 2, Looking Beyond the Horizon, is devoted to problems connected with horizon (terminal) value estimations. Essay 3, Company Valuation with a Periodically Adjusted Cost of Capital, shows how the cost of equity and the weighted average cost of capital can be simultaneously adjusted to reflect varying capital structures. The main contribution of Essay 4, On the General Equivalence of Company Valuation Models, is the specification of a company valuation framework that ensures that the free cash flow, dividend, abnormal earnings, economic value added and adjusted present value models are all equivalent. One characteristic of the framework is that it explicitly links the specification of discount rates to the anticipated future development of the company. Moreover, the results highlight the reasons for why the different models can produce different value estimates in practical applications. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Four Papers on Top Management's Capital Budgeting and Accounting Choices in Practice

Hartwig, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contributes to an understanding of capital budgeting and accounting practice. The factors affecting practice are of special research interest. It is also investigated whether practice diverges from what is prescribed by finance text books and accounting standards/frameworks. The overarching research question posed in this thesis is: “What capital budgeting and accounting choices are made by top management in practice, and how can these choices be explained?”. The thesis consists of four papers that address this issue. The first two papers focused on capital budgeting choices. Findings emphasised that the use of sophisticated capital budgeting and cost of capital estimation methods such as NPV and CAPM was widespread in Swedish listed companies. However, also unsophisticated accounting based methods were employed. Overall, findings suggested that Swedish companies used capital budgeting and cost of capital estimation techniques less often than did U.S./continental European companies. Other interesting findings were changes over time. Over time, the use of sophisticated methods increased and the use of unsophisticated methods decreased. This indicated a closing of the theory-practice gap. Finally, size was generally positively related to more extensive use of methods. The last two papers focused on accounting choices. Findings showed that non-preparers supported amortisation of goodwill to a greater extent than did preparers. Preparers instead supported the goodwill impairment-only approach. It was suggested that economic consequences could explain why preparers supported the goodwill impairment-only approach. When the impairment-only approach subsequently was introduced by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), Swedish and Dutch preparers however only disclosed slightly more than 60% of the assumptions underlying the impairment test, after three years of learning. Moreover, findings showed that the level of compliance with the IASB’s disclosure requirements was associated with industry; financials were less compliant than were non-financials. Findings also showed that Swedish and Dutch companies were more compliant in 2008 than they were in 2005, which suggested learning over time. Finally, in 2005 the disclosure compliance level was higher in Sweden than in the Netherlands. Three years later, 2008, the difference was eliminated, thus indicating convergence.

En fallstudie i företagsvärdering

Kaving, Tomas, Loogna, Mathias January 2007 (has links)
När en värdering av ett företag skall göras finns det flera olika typer av värderingsmetoder som kan användas. Bakgrunden till den här studien är att uppsatsförfattarna blev kontaktade av ägarna till ett företag som undrade vad deras företag skulle vara värt vid en eventuell försäljning. Det specifika med företaget är att det endast arbetar mot en kund, samt att företaget nästan inte har några materiella tillgångar. Syfte: Syftet är att kartlägga de olika värderingsmodeller som används vid värdering av företag, för att därefter klargöra vilken eller vilka metoder som är bäst lämpade för vårt fallföretag. Detta syftar till att resultera i en värdering av vårt fallföretag. Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en grundlig litteraturstudie, samt en genomgång av tidigare forskning. Vidare har ett antal e-postintervjuer genomförts och slutligen presenteras en modell för värdering av vårt fallföretag. Teori: Den teoretiska delen av denna studie består av de värderingsmetoder som beskrivs i den litteratur som finns inom området. Vidare redovisas en del teori i form av tidigare forskning som publicerats i olika vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Empiri: Empirin består av två stycken e-postintervjuer med representanter för Nordeas, samt Swedbanks Corporate Finance avdelningar. Vidare har intervjuer genomförts med representanter för fallföretaget. Vi har även tagit del av information från fallföretagets ekonomisystem i form av balans- och resultatrapporter. Resultat: Denna studie visar att de lämpligaste värderingsmetoderna att använda vid värdering av ett företag i den specifika situation som vårt fallföretag befinner sig i, är kassaflödesmetoden samt residualvinstmetoden. Vidare visar studien att de vanligast använda värderingsmetoderna är multipelvärdering samt kassaflödesvärdering. Studien visar också att det är väldigt svårt att komma fram till ett exakt värde på ett företag då framtiden är oviss. / When valuing a company there exist various possible valuation methods to use. The reason behind this study is that the authors were contacted by the owners of a company, who where interested to know how much their company would be worth in the case of a possible sale. Specific with this company is that it only has one customer and almost no tangible assets. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the different valuation methods that exist and to clarify which one is best suited in this particular case. This will result in a valuation of our case company. Method: We have used a qualitative method in the shape of a thorough literary study and an exposition of earlier research in the area of company valuation. Furthermore we have made two interviews by email with representatives from the Corporate Finance departments of Swedbank and Nordea. Theory:The theorethical framework of this study involves the different valuation methods that are described in the litterature that exists in the area. We have also shown some theory in the shape of earlier research that has been published in various scientific magazines. Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation contains two interviews carried out by email with representatives from the Corporate Finance departments of Swedbank and Nordea. Interviews have also been made with representatives from our case company. The balance sheet and income statement from our case company’s economic system have also been studied. Conclusion: This study shows that the most suitable valuation methods for our case company are the Discounted Cash Flow Model and the Residual Income Model. The study also shows that the most commonly used valuation methods are Multiple Valuation and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation. Finally the study shows that it is very difficult to reach one precise value when valuing a company with an uncertain future.

Mandatory Adoption of IFRS: It´s Effect on Accounting Quality, Information Environment and Cost of Equity Capital – The Case of Swedish Banks

Gautam, Rekha January 2011 (has links)
IFRS standards are getting acceptance day by day rapidly in all over the world. It is because IFRSs are the global and common language, which are more transparent and comparable for the investors and users residing in different nations. IFRSs are mandatory for all companies listed in capital market within EU from the beginning of 2005. As a member state of EU, Swedish banks also adopted mandatory IFRS from 1 January 2005. However, the banks were already implementing IFRS to some extent as most of the standards in SGAAP (Swedish Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) were already directly translated from IAS. After mandatory period, the banks adopted all new, updated and revised standards in accordance with EU recommendations. Nevertheless, there are little or no material effects of adoption of IFRS standards except some particular standards. Such particular standards are: IFRS3, IAS39, IAS27, EU Occupational Pension Directive, IAS32, and Deferred Acquisition Cost. And the main differences between IFRS and SGAAP are IAS1, IFRS3, financial assets, financial instruments, intangible assets, hedge accounting and tax driven. But, the Swedish GAAP no longer exists now for the companies listed in capital market as mandatory IFRS is into force. Furthermore, I examined transparency & accounting quality, information environment, and cost of equity capital of four sample banks after mandatory IFRS adoption. But, I find the level of transparency and financial reporting quality has not been increased over the years. Regarding accounting quality, I also examined earning management, loss recognition, and value relevance. I find little evidence of less earning management, and find unclear evidence regarding loss recognition and value relevance. In other word, I find little evidence of increased accounting quality, although Sweden is a country with strong regulatory enforcements. Moreover, I also find little evidence of improved information environment but find information cost increased; although I find lower information risks after mandatory IFRS adoption. I, however, find lower cost of equity capital after mandatory IFRS adoption because for banks it will be easy to reach wider investors communities residing in different nations. Nevertheless, the evident advantage of IFRS is that the capital market can use information based on common rules.

Doing Good or Doing Well? : A quantitative study about CSR reporting

Frez, Gonzalo, Källström, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
The awareness and interest concerning corporate social responsibility has grownamong both firms and their stakeholders, which has resulted in a continuous upwardtrend regarding CSR reporting. This has led to the emergence of reporting frameworklike Global Reporting Initiative. The issues is that there are limited regulationscontrolling what should be reported and how it should be reported, thus most CSRreporting is voluntary. This creates differences among firms and within industries.The differences make it difficult to compare reporting between firms and to assess thebenefits of CSR reporting.The purposes of this study is to explain what variables affects the CSR reportingquality and what the rationale behind CSR reporting is, which includes investigatingthe effect of reporting quality on cost of capital. The evolution of CSR reporting willalso be examined.The nature of the study is quantitative with a deductive approach. Hypotheses will bedeveloped from prior theory and tested statistically using multiple regression analysis.The theoretical foundation of this study is stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory andinformation asymmetry. The chosen variables are argued by prior literature to effectreporting quality. The variables are board diversity, ownership concentration, separatesustainability reports, external assurance, GRI application levels and industry. Ameasure of reporting quality will be developed using content analysis and theestimation for cost of capital will be calculated based on a model for rPEG. Thesample consists of firms listed on Nasdaq OMXS30 index in 2006, 2008 and 2010.Statistical support for positive association between reporting quality and boarddiversity, ownership concentration, external assurance, GRI A and GRI B and theindustries industrials, consumer goods and basic materials were found. An indirectassociation between reporting quality and cost of capital was found. The findings arein agreement with the rationale behind CSR reporting; a firm can do well by doinggood. It was further concluded that the development during this time period hasfollowed the previous trend and continuously increased.

JCJ-Metoden : En differentiering av Scanias WACC

Peel, Carl-Johan, Rossheim, Jacob January 2012 (has links)
Scania’s discount rate - the return requirement of investments - refers to Scania’s WACC or weighted average cost of capital. The capital markets return requirement on equity and the credit market interest cost of borrowing is weighted to become the single discount rate, the WACC. The purpose of this study is to investigate which asset pricing model of APT and CAPM Scania should use in their WACC calculations. The company now uses a group WACC of 11 percent which is used in all company levels. The problem with this is that investments in low-risk markets will be discounted by the same factor as high-risk markets, which can result in a misleading NPV. The objective is to create a differentiated WACC which gives an opportunity to compare investments with different risk profiles. The study proposes the best fitting model, given by evaluating APT and CAPM in a Scania context. To achieve a differentiated WACC a new method is created, The JCJ-Method. The method uses an industry index as a benchmark of Scania. The results indicate that APT is the better model for Scania in the differentiating context. / Carl-Johan Peel

An Empirical Examination of the Commitment to Increased Disclosure

Evans, Mark 04 June 2008 (has links)
<p>I examine the relation between a corporate commitment to increased disclosure and measures of liquidity, information asymmetry, and cost of equity capital. Relative to prior research on voluntary disclosure, I use a composite, ex ante measure of commitment based in social psychology and measure commitment using characteristics of earnings announcement disclosures. Prior to Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg FD) I find that commitment to increased disclosure is negatively related to bid-ask spreads, probability of informed trade (PIN) scores, and implied cost of capital estimates. Further analysis reveals that the disclosure of balance sheet information in earnings releases is significantly related to spreads and PINs, regardless of firms' conference call behavior, while the combination of consistent open calls and disclosure of balance sheet information in earnings releases yields the most significant results for cost of capital. After the effective date of Reg FD I find that commitment is negatively related to PIN scores and implied cost of capital estimates, but not related to bid-ask spreads. Further analysis reveals that the disclosure of balance sheet information in earnings releases is significantly related to PINs and cost of capital, regardless of firms' conference call behavior.</p> / Dissertation

Inventory management and financing decisions

Wu, Qi, active 2013 19 December 2013 (has links)
Globalization and increased product variety have impacted the uncertainty in demand and supply. The recent financial instability adds another layer of uncertainty regarding financing and investment. The changes, while gradual, have accumulated over time and posed enormous difficulties in planning procurement. This thesis focuses on inventory procurement strategies that help firms tackle challenges due to uncertainties in the demand/supply and financial concerns. The first part is on employing dynamic inventory procurement strategies to achieve cost efficiency and tackle the uncertainties in demand and supply. The second and third parts focus on the interaction between Finance and Operations in both its analytic aspects and empirical aspects. A synopsis of the three parts of the thesis follows. Part 1: “Inventory Management and Stochastic Lead Time” This chapter analyzes a continuous time back-ordered inventory system with stochastic demand and stochastic delivery lags for placed orders. This problem in general has an infinite dimensional state space and is hence intractable. We first obtain the set of minimal conditions for reducing such a system’s state space to one-dimension and show how this reduction is done. Next, by modeling demand as a diffusion process, we reformulate the inventory control problem as an impulse control problem. We simplify the impulse control problem to a Quasi-Variation Inequality (QVI). Based on the QVI formulation, we obtain the optimality of the (s, S) policy and the limiting distribution of the inventory level. We also obtain the long run average cost of such an inventory system. Finally, we provide a method to solve the QVI formulation. Using a set of computational experiments, we show that significant losses are incurred in approximating a stochastic lead time system with a fixed lead time system, thereby highlighting the need for such stochastic lead time models. We also provide insights into the dependence of this value loss on various problem parameters. Part 2: “Inventory Financing and Trade Credit” In this chapter, we study the inventory performance of publicly listed retailers between 1980 and 2010 based on a panel dataset from COMPUSTAT, CRSP, I/B/E/S and a hand-collected dataset on bankruptcy. We quantify the effect of a carefully-defined financial holding cost on inventory decisions, after controlling for operational factors and considering access to trade credit. This finding provides empirical evidence of the failure of the Modigliani-Miller Theorem in the inventory management context. We are also able to infer several unobservable costs based on historical inventory decisions. For example, the average cost of trade credit is estimated to be about 20% per year, which matches the typical trade credit terms in the United States. We find that the cost of trade credit computed has a strong connection to inventory per- formance. Our findings are robust to alternative econometric specifications, alternative measures of variables and model estimates for subsets of data. Part 3: “Joint Inventory and Cash Management Decisions” In this chapter, we address this question by considering a general con- tinuous time model of a dynamic inventory system that incurs costs in both managing the inventory and managing the cash flow. To support its inventory and operational cost, this system has access to both the financial market and trade credit from suppliers. We show how the inventory procurement decision and financing decision are made jointly. Specifically, we show that, with friction of financing, not only does the Modigliani-Miller Theorem not hold but also the two decisions interact in a dynamic and complex manner. We are also able to show how the value of the inventory system can be improved by using trade credit. / text

Index revisions, market quality and the cost of equity capital

Aldaya, Wael Hamdi January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact of FTSE 100 index revisions on the various aspects of stock market quality and the cost of equity capital. Our study spans over the period 1986-2009. Our analyses indicate that the index membership enhances all aspects of liquidity, including trading continuity, trading cost and price impact. We also show that the liquidity premium and the cost of equity capital decrease significantly after additions, but do not exhibit any significant change following deletions. The finding that investment opportunities increases after additions, but do not decline following deletions suggests that the benefits of joining an index are likely to be permanent. This evidence is consistent with the investor awareness hypothesis view of Chen et al. (2004, 2006), which suggests that investors' awareness improve when a stock becomes a member of an index, but do not diminish after it is removal from the index. Finally, we report significant changes in the comovement of stock returns with the FTSE 100 index around the revision events. These changes are driven mainly by noise-related factors and partly by fundamental-related factors.

Determinants and consequences of attribution statements on corporate financial performance outcomes in the annual report : an empirical analysis of UK listed firms

Meier, Florian January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores causal attribution statements on performance outcomes given in annual reports of UK listed rms. The objectives are three-fold. First, it analyses the nature and extent of attribution statements provided. Second, it explores corporate governance factors and rm-speci c characteristics that are related to the provision of attribution statements. Finally, it investigates the economic consequences of providing attribution statements by examining their association with the rm's cost of equity capital. Using data drawn from a sample of 142 UK rms listed on the London Stock Exchange, content analysis was used to measure the extent of attributions in the annual reports for the year 2006. The results show that the volume of attribution statement provision is generally low and variation across rms is low. Firms also show a strong tendency to explain performance with internal rather than with external reasons. The results from regression analysis show that the volume of attribution statements and the space given to internal and external attribution statements is associated with the proportion of non-executive directors, director share ownership, audit committee size, market value, gearing, pro tability and new share issues. With respect to the relationship between the attribution statements and the cost of capital, the PEG model was employed to estimate the cost of equity capital. The ndings indicate an association between attribution statement provision and the cost of equity capital, but only for rms with low analyst following. For these rms, more extensive performance explanations and more extensive internal explanations are associated with a higher cost of equity capital. However, attribution statements are unrelated to the cost of equity capital for rms with high analyst following. The thesis makes two contributions in the area of attribution determinants. First, it measures attribution provision with a measure that has not been previously applied in the literature to measure attribution statements. Second, it provides evidence on how rm-speci c characteristics and the rm's corporate governance mechanisms in uence the extent and the type of performance explanations provided by rms. The thesis makes four contributions regarding the e ect of attribution statements on the cost of capital. First, it uses a quantitative approach to directly estimate the cost of capital e ects of attribution statements. Second, it provides evidence that the association between attribution statements and the cost of equity capital is in uenced by an interaction between attribution statements and analyst following. Third, the thesis provides the rst evidence of the relationship between attribution statements and the cost of equity capital in a UK setting. Fourth, it provides evidence that the relationship between disclosure and the cost of equity capital is complex and is in uenced by interactions between disclosure and information intermediaries.

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