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Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriate Managers: A Comparative Study of Australian Managers Working in Korea and Korean Managers Working in AustraliaH.Chang@curtin.edu.au, Hyun Chang January 2008 (has links)
International assignments are increasingly important in the global business world but many assignments end up in failure causing heavy losses on many expatriates and their organizations. This study employees a multi-dimensional approach, as suggested by much of the literature on international assignments of Australian expatriates in Korea and Korean expatriates in Australia.
Hierarchical regression indicated that their expatriate success in performance can be accurately predicted by Family Adaptation how well the family adapted to the overseas location, Nationality where Korean respondents reported a much higher level of family adaptation with the move compared to Australian managers, and Age that older managers were more likely to report success with an overseas posting. Family adaptation with overseas work assignments, was determined by the level of Spouse Agreement and Nationality.
Overall, Korean expatriates rated their own performance and level of adaptation much higher than those of Australians in all measurement categories. The Korean group may have outperformed the Australian expatriate group in adjustment and performance, possibly due to their strength in language skills, educational level, religious and socialization commitments, situation-orientation, but most importantly, due to the stability in family and spouse relationships. The outcome suggests that organizations should address the issues related to spouse adjustment in order to ensure successful expatriate operations, from the stage of accepting assignments to the repatriation stage. There is some evidence at least in this research to suggest that these findings need to be replicated with larger samples and considered in future management policy.
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Islamisation of Bosnia: Early Islamic influence on Bosnian society.Haveric, Dzavid, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 2004 (has links)
This Masters thesis examines the process of the Islamisation of Bosnia from the eighth century to the end of the fifteenth century. This era of early Islamic influence has not previously been systematically studied, and remains an area little understood by many medievalists. The major foci of the analysis are the pre-Ottoman era and early Ottoman periods. This thesis raises the following research questions: When and how did the first Islamisation of the Balkan Slavs (including Bosnians) occur? How did Islam influence Bosnian society and culture, and where were the Bosnian Muslim settlements established?
This thesis includes a detailed historical investigation that makes use of a range of bibliographic materials. These consist of fragmentary works, archival and administrative documents and other relevant factography collected from a research field trip to Bosnia between June 27 and July 24, 2003.
The main findings reveal the complexity of this culturo-religious process in terms of both the early Islamic influence and contemporary cultural diversity. While different theoretical approaches to cultural representation and social space assist in exploring the hybrid nature of Bosniak identity, the primary and secondary data analyses highlight the significance of the phenomenon of the early Islamisation of Bosnia
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Supranational governance of tourism : aid, trade and power relations between the European Union and the South Pacific island statesSchilcher, Daniela, n/a January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examined the role of supranational organisations (SOs) in the governance of tourism in a North-South context. Focusing on the issue area of development cooperation, this thesis investigated the question of how and why SOs got involved in tourism in developing countries, and more specifically, in small island developing states. Such involvement may occur either directly through aid funded projects or indirectly through international trade regimes that impact on tourism in the aid recipient countries. The thesis adopted a case study approach focussing on the European Union�s (EU�s) involvement in the governance of tourism in South Pacific island states. Grounded in a history of colonialism, the EU has been involved in the �development� of the South Pacific for more than three decades, which allowed to track changes in development philosophy over time. Focusing on the concept of power, the case was assessed in a multi-scalar manner, analysing the EU�s involvement from the global down to the local level. Never before has an entire multilevel polity been assessed in one coherent case study, incorporating actors situated at all levels and ranging from supranational organisations to national governments, businesses, communities, and individuals.
The methods employed in this thesis included interviews, participant observation, document analysis (policy documents and newspapers), and subsequently critical discourse analysis. The latter served to highlight the so-called �third face of power� (Lukes 1974), which is closely related to the concept of ideological hegemony. Interviews were conducted in Fiji and Samoa with officials of the South Pacific Delegations of the EU, officials of tourism authorities, NGOs, tourism operators and community members. Elite interviews in Brussels were conducted with officials of the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Under all scales and �faces� of power the EU was found to be the dominant actor, while the issue of self-interest appeared to play a key role. At a macro-level, the EU clearly dominated in most overt decision-making situations during negotiations on aid and trade agreements. As concerned the inclusion of tourism in the agreements, the relative importance of the sector was clearly dependent on the European Commission�s prevailing attitude on �tourism and development� at any point in time. At a meso- and micro-level, the EU�s influence was less obvious yet nonetheless existent, for example through funding rules and the use of European consultants. Indirect influence also occurred at the national level. In particular the substitution of a preferential trade regime with a free trade agreement (the Economic Partnership Agreements), which is currently being negotiated between the EU and the Pacific Islands, is likely to have a significant impact on the economic importance of tourism, as well as public policy in the South Pacific. In a mini case study of Samoa, it was found that the resulting changes in tourism policy would have a significant impact �on the ground�, in particular with regard to rates of local ownership and control.
Overall, power relations were found to be highly unequal and self-determination and empowerment have largely not been achieved. However, more research is needed to examine the ability to generalise the findings to other geographic regions or other types of SOs. The key contribution of this thesis in the theoretical realm constitutes its bridging of agency and structure within multi-level governance, which may be conceived as a �third way� to either dependency theory-influenced studies (global/structure) or community approaches (local/agency).
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Anémie chez les jeunes enfants: situation et stratégies de prévention en milieu rural du Burkina FasoOuédraogo, Hermann Z 24 November 2008 (has links)
L’anémie est un problème de santé publique très répandu, avec des conséquences majeures sur la santé humaine et le développement économique et social. Elle affecte avec prédilection les jeunes enfants et les femmes enceintes. Ce travail avait pour objectifs d’analyser la situation de l’anémie chez les enfants âgés de 6-23 mois du district rural de Kongoussi (Burkina Faso), et de tester l’efficacité de stratégies intégrées de lutte. Il a consisté en deux enquêtes transversales et deux études d’intervention en population, menées entre janvier 2004 et juin 2006.
La prévalence (IC à 95%) de l’anémie était de 98,8% (97,6 ; 99,9) parmi ces enfants, et la prévalence (IC à 95%) de l’anémie sévère de 29,5% (23,9 ; 35,0). Parmi les enfants présentant une anémie, 65,1% avaient une anémie hypochrome.
Les enfants ne présentant pas de retard de croissance avaient un taux moyen (ES) d’hémoglobine plus élevé que les enfants présentant un retard de croissance : 81,1 (2,6) contre 77,2 (2,8) g/L, (p=0,026). La prévalence (IC à 95%) du retard de croissance était de 35,8% (29,4 ; 41,1). Le retard de croissance était associé aux pratiques d’alimentation de complément chez les enfants âgés de 12-23 mois. L’indice z-score de la taille pour l’âge était en moyenne (DS) de -1,33 (0,63), -1,61 (0,30), et -2,11 (0,32) chez les enfants pour lesquels étaient utilisées des céréales fortifiées, chez les enfants pour lesquels étaient utilisées des céréales non fortifiées, et chez les enfants qui ne recevaient pas d’aliments de complément, respectivement (p=0,018).
L’infection à Plasmodium falciparum était présente chez 52,6% des enfants, 25,6% étant non fébrile et 27,0% fébrile. En comparaison aux enfants non infectés, les enfants ayant une infection fébrile, mais aussi ceux ayant une infection non fébrile avaient un taux d’hémoglobine plus faible, les différences (ES) étant de 7,86 (1,75) g/L avec p<0,001 et de 3,52 (1,74) g/L avec p=0,044, respectivement.
Dans un contexte de prise en charge préventive et curative du paludisme et des géohelminthases, la supplémentation en fer pendant 6 mois a conduit à une augmentation moyenne (DS) du taux d’hémoglobine de 16,3 (13,6) g/L (p<0,001), alors que cette augmentation a été de 22,8 (14,6) g/L (p<0,001) pour la supplémentation en micronutriments multiples, soit une différence (IC à 95%) de 6,5 (2,0 ; 11,1) avec p=0,003. La supplémentation en fer conduisait à une réduction de la prévalence de l’anémie de 40,6%, alors que cette réduction était de 62,0% avec la supplémentation en micronutriments multiples, soit un ratio ajusté de prévalences de guérison [PRR (IC à 95%)] de 1,62 (1,22 ; 2,15), p<0,001.
Une farine améliorée à été produite à partir d’ingrédients disponibles localement ; elle se composait de petit mil (51,7%), haricots (8,8%), arachide (7,8%), malt de sorgho rouge (9,0%), soumbala (9,3%), sucre (12,7%), et de sel iodé (0,8%). La bouillie améliorée préparée avec cette farine avec une consistance de 120 mm/30 s (distance d’écoulement dans un consistomètre de Bostwick) avait une densité énergétique de 103 kcal/100 g, une teneur en fer de 2,6 mg/100 kcal, et une teneur en zinc de 1,2 mg/100 kcal. La production de la farine et la préparation de la bouillie étaient reproductibles par les ménagères.
La consommation de bouillie à chaque session était en moyenne de 29 ou 28 g/kg de poids corporel/repas, correspondant à 108 ou 105% de la consommation souhaitée, alors que la présence au centre de nutrition ouvert dans le village n’était que de 68 ou 58%, dans le groupe consommant la bouillie sans supplément de micronutriments et le groupe consommant la bouillie avec un supplément de micronutriment multiples, respectivement.
Dans un contexte de prise en charge préventive et curative du paludisme et des geohelminthases la consommation de la bouillie améliorée sans supplément de micronutriments conduisait à une augmentation du taux d’hémoglobine de 14,8 (11,8) g/L (p<0,001), et la consommation de la bouillie améliorée avec des suppléments de micronutriments multiples entraînait une augmentation de 17,3 (15,8) g/L (p<0,001), soit une différence (IC à 95%) de 3,5 (-1,0 ; 8,1) g/L (p=0,13). La prévalence de l’anémie en fin d’intervention était de 67,9% et de 55,6% dans les groupes BA et BAM, respectivement (p=0,13)
Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité de mesures permettant de réduire rapidement la prévalence de l’anémie chez les enfants âgés de 6-23 mois de ce district. La stratégie de supplémentation en micronutriments multiples combinée à la prise en charge préventive et curative du paludisme et des géohelminthiases est la stratégie à préférer.
La supplémentation en micronutriments multiples pourrait être relayée progressivement par la stratégie basée sur une alimentation de complément améliorée au niveau des ménages, toujours dans un contexte de prise en charge préventive et curative du paludisme et des géohelminthases. Intégrés dans la routine des ménages et soutenus par une formation et une éducation nutritionnelles, les procédés de production de farine puis de bouillie améliorée devraient avoir une plus grande portée sur la prévention de l’anémie à moyen et long termes.
Anaemia is a widespread public health problem with major consequences for human health as well as social and economic development. Pregnant women and young children are the most affected. This work aimed at 1) analysing the anaemia situation among children aged 6-23 months of the rural district of Kongoussi (Burkina Faso), and 2) assessing the efficacy of integrated strategies. Two cross-sectional and two randomised, population-based studies were conducted over the January 2004-June 2006 period.
The prevalence (95% CI) of anaemia was 98.8% (97.6 ; 99.9); that of severe anaemia was 29.5 (23.9 ; 35.0). Hypochromia was retrieved in 65.1% of anaemic children.
Mean (SE) haemoglobin concentration was higher in non-stunted children [81.1 (2.6) g/L] than in their stunted counterparts [77.2 (2.8) g/L], p=0.026. The prevalence (95% CI) of stunting was 35.8% (29.4 ; 41.1). After adjustment for children, mothers and household characteristics, and for current and past breastfeeding patterns, the height-for-age z-score (HAZ) remained associated with the mode of complementary feeding among children aged 12-23 months. The adjusted mean HAZ (SE) was –1.33 (0.63), -1.61 (0.30), and –2.11 (0.32) among children consuming fortified cereals, unfortified cereals, or no complementary food, respectively (p=0.018)
Plasmodium falciparum infection was noted in 52.6% of children with 25.6% being afebrile and 27.0% being febrile. Compared to uninfected children, children with febrile infection and those with afebrile infection had lower haemoglobin concentration, the differences (ES) being 7.86 (1.75) g/L (p<0.001) and 3.52 (1.74) g/L (p=0.044), respectively.
Combined with malaria and geohelminths preventive and curative care, daily iron supplementation for 6 months led to a mean increase (SD) of haemoglobin concentration of 16.3 (13.6) g/L (p<0.001), whereas the increase was 22.8 (14.6) g/L (p<0.001) with daily multiple micronutrients supplementation. The difference (95% CI) of haemoglobin concentration at the end of intervention was of 6.5 (2.0 ; 11.1), p=0.003. Iron supplementation reduced the prevalence of anaemia by 40.6%, while the reduction was of 62.0% with the multiple micronutrients supplementation. The prevalence rate ratio [PRR (95% CI)] of children who were cured from anaemia at the end of intervention was 1.62 (1.22 ; 2.15), p<0.001.
A new, local-ingredient-based flour was developed to prepare an improved mush for children. It was composed of pearl millet (51.7%), beans (8.8%), peanuts (7.8%), malted red sorghum (9.0%), soumbala (9.3%), sugar (12.7%) and iodized salt (0.8%). When this improved mush was prepared with a consistency of 120 mm/30 s (Bostwick flow distance), its volumetric mass, energy density, iron content and zinc content are 103 g/100 ml, 103 kcal/100 g, 2.6 mg/100 kcal, and 1.2 mg/100 kcal respectively. The flour production and mush preparation were reproducible by rural housewives.
The average mush consumption was 29 and 28 g/kg body weight/meal, corresponding to 108 and 105% of the desired consumption, whereas the child’s presence at the nutrition centre that was opened in his village was 68 and 58%, in the group consuming the mush without micronutrient supplement (MG) and that consuming the mush with a multiple micronutrients supplement (MMG). Mean (SD) haemoglobin concentration increased of [14.8 (11.8) g/L, p<0.001] in the MG and [17.3 (15.8) g/L, p<0.001] in the MMG. The between group difference (95% CI) of 3.5 (-1.0 ; 8.1) g/L in mean (SD) endpoint haemoglobin concentration was not significant (p=0.13). The prevalence of anemia at the end of intervention was 67.9% and 55.6% in the MG and MMG, respectively (p=0.13)
These results underline the need of urgent actions to rapidly reduce the prevalence of anemia. The multiple micronutrients supplementation combined with malaria and geohelminths preventive and curative care is the strategy to prefer. However, this strategy could be progressively replaced by that including complementary feeding improvement. To increase the mush consumption and better meet the needs of young children, flour and mush production must enter the routines of individual households. If this integration is to succeed, it should be supported by a large-scale program of training and nutrition education.
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REMITTANCES AND FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT.A study of the South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries.MALE, STELA January 2009 (has links)
Remittances were calculated to be approximately $318 billion in 2007, which is an increase of three times the amount of $102 billion in 1995, having these funds to become the second largest type of flows after foreign direct investment. The South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries welcomed 12% of the world’s remittances inflows in 2007, totalling $37 billion. The impact of remittances on financial development of the South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries for the period 1994 – 2007 is studied and it is examined whether these funds contribute to increasing the aggregate level of deposits and credits intermediated by the local banking sector. Financial development is measured in two ways, either as bank deposits or as bank credits to private investors. In order to analyze this effect panel data analysis is performed. Fixed effect regressions are performed to test for the effect of remittances on bank deposits and bank credits to private investors. The findings indicate that remittances have a robust positive effect on promoting financial development in South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries. It is observed that the effect on bank deposits is less robust than the effect on bank credits to private investors.
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The Nature of the Relationship between American Multinational Corporations and Chinese Businesses and Its Effect on the Problem of Intellectual Property LawRadonjic, Katarina 29 November 2012 (has links)
Intellectual property rights (IPR) have become a major problem in the relationship between the industrialized West and the developing South, primarily because the West demands that developing countries adopt and enforce Western IPR. Since the relationship between US corporations and Chinese businesses is among the most successful and at the center of the current process of globalization, IPR have been a major cause of conflict and controversy between them and serve as an exemplar for this thesis. I argue, first, that the reason that a large number of Chinese businesses, especially
privately-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, infringe foreign IPR lies in the
nature of the difference between what have been mostly low-tech traditional Chinese
businesses and high-tech industrial economies, to which intellectual property laws belong. Second, I demonstrate that the steady improvement of intellectual property protection in the more successful areas of development in the Chinese economy suggests
that the solution for improved IPR protection in China and perhaps other emerging nations will follow, not precede, the development and transformation of a low-tech pre-industrial economy into an industrial high-tech economy.
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Do the employment policies of the Lisbon Strategy promote EU economic growth?Kuok, Lai Ieng January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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The EU-China trade relations in the context of economic globalizationPeng, Dan Ni January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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EU energy policy after the Treaty of Lisbon : breakthroughs, interfaces and opportunityZhu, Feng January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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REMITTANCES AND FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT.A study of the South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries.MALE, STELA January 2009 (has links)
<p>Remittances were calculated to be approximately $318 billion in 2007, which is an increase of three times the amount of $102 billion in 1995, having these funds to become the second largest type of flows after foreign direct investment. The South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries welcomed 12% of the world’s remittances inflows in 2007, totalling $37 billion.</p><p>The impact of remittances on financial development of the South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries for the period 1994 – 2007 is studied and it is examined whether these funds contribute to increasing the aggregate level of deposits and credits intermediated by the local banking sector. Financial development is measured in two ways, either as bank deposits or as bank credits to private investors.</p><p>In order to analyze this effect panel data analysis is performed. Fixed effect regressions are performed to test for the effect of remittances on bank deposits and bank credits to private investors. The findings indicate that remittances have a robust positive effect on promoting financial development in South-Eastern and Eastern-European countries. It is observed that the effect on bank deposits is less robust than the effect on bank credits to private investors.</p>
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