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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adsorption de composés organiques volatils et régénération de charbons actifs - Developpement d'outils de simulation / Adsorption of volatile organic compounds and regeneration of activated carbons – Development of a simulation tool

Ramalingam, Shivaji Ganesan 11 July 2012 (has links)
Les vapeurs organiques émises des solvants utilisés dans le produit chimique / la nourriture / les processus pharmaceutiques, ou des stations d'entreposage de combustible d'hydrocarbure aux terminus de pétrole, peuvent être efficacement capturées par l'adsorption sur les lits de charbon actif. L'objectif général du programme de recherche est les études expérimentales et les études de simulation de l'adsorption et des pas de régénération en cas de l'enlèvement COV qui estime dans les émissions industrielles par l'Adsorption (TSA – Température Swing Adsorption et VTSA -Vacuum Température Swing Adsorption). C'est accompli par les points suivants : établir les données d'équilibre d'isotherme pour 5 COV et 8 carbones activés à 293, 313, 333 et 353 K (complètement 120 expériences d'isotherme) et les utiliser ensuite dans le modèle de simulation; développer une simulation pose pour le processus de régénération et l'adsorption; concevoir et optimiser l' expérimentale de TSA qui a été établi dans Ecole des les Mines de Nantes; concevoir et optimiser l'expérimentale de VTSA qui a été établi dans GRL ARKEMA; la validation de simulation de résultats expérimentaux de le processus TSA et VTSA. Une fois après l'achèvement de tous les objectifs, le but est de se développer et le lancement un utile de simulation complet pour l'adsorption et les pas de régénération de COV avec la coopération de la Société PROSIM. / Organic vapors emitted from solvents used in chemical / food / pharmaceutical processes, or from hydrocarbon fuel storage stations at oil terminals, can be efficiently captured by adsorption onto activated carbon beds. The overall objective of the research program is the experimental and simulation studies of the adsorption and regeneration steps in the case of VOC removal which accounts into industrial emissions by Temperature Swing Adsorption (TSA) and Vacuum Temperature Swing Adsorption (VTSA) processes. This is achieved by the following steps : to establish the isotherm equilibrium data for 5 VOCs and 8 activated carbons at 293, 313, 333, and 353 K (totally 120 isotherm experiments) and then use them in the simulation model; to develop a simulation model for adsorption and regeneration process; to design and optimize the experimental setup of Thermal Swing Adsorption (TSA) which has been established in Ecole des Mines de Nantes; to design and optimize the experimental setup of Vacuum Temperature Swing Adsorption processes (VTSA) which has been established in GRL ARKEMA unit ; simulation validation of experimental results of TSA and VTSA process. Once after the completion of all the objectives, the goal is to develop and launch a complete simulation package for adsorption and regeneration steps of VOCs with the co-operation from PROSIM Corporation.

Développement et évaluation d’un modèle explicite de formation d’aérosols organiques secondaires : sensibilité aux paramètres physico-chimiques / Development of an explicit modelling tool of secondary organic aerosols formation : sensitivity to physico-chemical parameters

Valorso, Richard 19 December 2011 (has links)
Les aérosols fins ont un impact environnemental primordial. Ils influencent notamment la santé, ont un impact sur la visibilité et le climat. Les Aérosols Organiques Secondaires (AOS) représentent une fraction importante des aérosols fins. Les AOS résultent de la conversion d'espèces gazeuses, formées au cours de l'oxydation des composés organiques volatils (COV), en particules par des processus de nucléation et/ou condensation sur des aérosols préexistants. L'oxydation gazeuse des COV implique une myriade de composés secondaires intermédiaires pouvant participer à la formation d'AOS. Les AOS regroupent ainsi une très grande variété d'espèces. Afin d'étudier la formation d'AOS, il est nécessaire de développer des schémas chimiques décrivant explicitement la formation des composés secondaires. Le LISA a développé en collaboration avec le NCAR (National Center of Atmospheric Research) un générateur de schémas chimiques d'oxydation des composés organiques volatils : le GECKO-A (Generator for Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere). Ce travail vise à tester (i) la fiabilité de GECKO-A à reproduire les concentrations d'AOS observées lors d'expériences en chambre de simulation atmosphérique (CSA) et (ii) la sensibilité de la formation d'AOS aux paramètres physico-chimiques tels que les pressions de vapeur saturante, effets de parois des CSA ou encore aux constantes cinétiques de réaction. Afin d'évaluer la pertinence des schémas chimiques générés avec GECKO-A, le modèle a été confronté à des expériences effectuées en CSA visant à évaluer la formation d'AOS. Le paramètre clé du partitionnement des composés organiques semi-volatils est la pression de vapeur saturante (Pvap) des espèces. Les trois méthodes considérées comme les plus fiables disponibles dans la littérature ont été implémentées dans GECKO-A afin de tester la sensibilité de la formation d'AOS à l'estimation des Pvap. Les pressions de vapeur saturantes estimées par les différentes méthodes présentent des valeurs très différentes s'étalant sur plusieurs ordres de grandeur. Malgré ces divergences marquées, la concentration et la spéciation simulées pour l'AOS s'avèrent en définitive peu sensibles à la méthode utilisée pour estimer les pressions de vapeur. Aucune méthode d'estimation de Pvap n'a par ailleurs permis de réconcilier les concentrations modélisées et observées. La concentration d'AOS demeure systématiquement surestimée de l'ordre d'un facteur 2. L'absorption des composés organiques gazeux semi-volatils sur les murs d'une chambre de simulation atmosphérique a ensuite été étudiée. L'intégration de ce processus dans le modèle conduit à diminuer de façon importante les concentrations simulées en AOS, jusqu'à un facteur 2. En outre, les rendements simulés après implémentation de ce processus apparaissent en bon accord avec les rendements mesurés en CSA. L'hypothèse d'une mauvaise représentation de certains processus en phase gazeuse a également été testée via des tests de sensibilité. En particulier, la sensibilité de la formation d'AOS aux constantes de réactions entre les COV et le radical OH a été explorée. Le système a montré une grande sensibilité à la variabilité des constantes cinétiques de réaction des COV avec le radical OH, que ce soit au niveau de l'estimation de la constante cinétique ou au niveau de la détermination du site d'attaque du radical OH. La sensibilité à l'estimation des constantes de décomposition des radicaux alkoxyles a également été testée. Cette étude n'a en revanche montré que peu d'effets sur le rendement en AOS formé / Fine aerosols have an important impact on health, visibility and climate. Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) represent an important fraction of fine aerosol composition. SOA are formed by nucleation or condensation onto pre-existing particles of gaseous species formed during the oxidation of emitted volatile organic compounds (VOC). VOC oxidation implies a huge number of secondary intermediates which are potentially involved in SOA formation. In order to study SOA formation, it is necessary to develop chemical schemes describing explicitly the formation and condensation of the gaseous secondary intermediates. The LISA has thus developed in collaboration with NCAR (National Center of Atmospheric Research) a generator of explicit chemical schemes : GECKO-A (Generator for Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere). This work aims at testing (i) the reliability of GECKO-A to simulate observed SOA concentrations in Atmospheric Simulation Chamber (ASC) and (ii) exploring the SOA sensitivity to physico-chemical parameters such as saturation vapour pressures, chamber walls effects or kinetics rate constants. In order to assess GECKO-A's chemical schemes, the model has been confronted to chamber experiments performed to study SOA. Saturation vapour pressure (Pvap) is the key parameter controlling the gas/particles partitioning of organic compounds The three Pvap estimation methods considered as the more reliable in the literature have been implemented in GECKO-A. Pvap estimated by the three methods differs highly, up to several orders of magnitude. Despite of these discrepancies, simulated SOA concentration and speciation show a low sensitivity to the method used to estimate the Pvap. Moreover, none of the methods were able to make the model fit the observations. SOA concentration is systematically overestimated of a factor 2. Semi volatile organic compounds deposition on a chamber walls has been investigated. The implementation of this process in the model leads to a significant decrease of the simulated SOA concentrations, up to factor of 2. Simulated SOA yields are in good agreement with measured SOA yields. The hypothesis of a misrepresentation of some gaseous processes has then been investigated through sensitivity tests. SOA formation sensitivity to COV+ OH reactions rate constants has been explored. Results exhibited a high sensitivity to the rate constants estimations (regarding the rate constants values estimation, as well as the determination of the OH attack sites). The estimated alkoxy radicals decomposition rate constants have also been tested. This test showed however no significant impact on the simulated SOA yields

Contribuições da atividade canavieira para as concentrações de ozônio troposférico em Araraquara, SP / Contributions of the Sugarcane Industry to Tropospheric Ozone Concentrations in Araraquara, SP

Francisco, Ana Paula 20 September 2012 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a influência da atividade canavieira nas concentrações de ozônio troposférico em área urbana de Araraquara, SP. Método: Foram realizadas coletas passiva de ozônio e COV (Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis), na safra e entressafra de cana-de-açúcar 2011 2012, em 6 locais na área urbana, com exposição de 5 dias. Coleta ativa de COV foi realizada na área central durante 6 dias, não consecutivos, utilizando 24 coletores por dia com exposição de 1 hora cada um, totalizando 144 amostras. Coletas passivas de COV também foram realizadas em 3 situações: durante e após a queima de canavial e em área urbana, durante 1 hora cada, totalizando 9 amostras. A quali e quantificação dos COV foram realizadas por cromatografia gasosa, utilizando como pré-tratamento da amostra dessorvedor térmico e criogenia. A determinação de ozônio foi feita por cromatografia iônica com a quantificação de íons nitrato, produto da reação do ozônio com o absorvente químico. Além disso, foi realizada estimativa de emissões atmosféricas da atividade canavieira e urbanas para avaliar a participação dessas fontes de poluição na emissão de precursores de ozônio. Resultados: Concentrações médias de ozônio estiveram na faixa de 42,50±7,48 a 66,62±10,07 µg m-3, com média de 52,93±12,39 µg m-3, durante a safra de cana, e de 26,51±2,53 a 77,78±11,04 µg m-3, com média de 52,61±25,65 µg m-3, na entressafra. Os 11 COV identificados na atmosfera urbana de Araraquara estão associados à combustão de veículos automotores, com exceção do d-limoneno. Tolueno e d-limoneno foram os COV mais abundantes atingindo concentrações de 0,40 e 0,50 ppb, respectivamente. Detectaram-se diversos COV nas amostras coletadas nos canaviais durante a queima, destacando-se: eteno (51,59 por cento ), etano (11,14 por cento ), propeno (10,64 por cento ), butano (4,97 por cento ), tolueno (3,39 por cento ) e propano (2,21 por cento ). O eteno foi utilizado para caracterizar a emissão da queima de cana, sendo encontrado na atmosfera urbana na proporção de 13,31 por cento . Estimativa de emissão da agroindústria canavieira mostrou que a queima da palha contribuiu com cerca de 44 por cento de HCNM (Hidrocarbonetos Não-Metânicos) e os veículos pesados, a queima do bagaço e da palha corresponderam a 27 por cento da emissão de NOx (óxidos de nitrogênio). As emissões da frota veicular de Araraquara em 2011 contribuíram com 52,85 por cento e 65,55 por cento , respectivamente, para emissões de HCNM e NOx. Conclusões: A variação temporal das concentrações de ozônio foi mais significativa que a variação espacial, sendo setembro o mês com maiores médias de ozônio no inverno e fevereiro no verão. A estimativa de emissão indicou que as fontes urbanas e da agroindústria sucroalcooleira são significativas para emissão de precursores de ozônio. A identificação dos COV na atmosfera urbana de Araraquara revelou influência de fontes veiculares, de indústria de citrossuco e da queima de canaviais. Este estudo mostrou que a atividade canavieira é fonte emissora importante de precursores de ozônio, e portanto contribui para a formação de ozônio na área urbana de Araraquara, SP / Objective: To assess the influence of the sugarcane industry on the concentrations of tropospheric ozone in an urban area of Araraquara, SP. Method: Passive collections of ozone and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) were undertaken, both during the sugarcane harvest as also in the period between harvests in 2011 2012, at 6 sites in the urban area, with 5-day exposure. The active collections of VOCs were undertaken in a central area during 6 non-consecutive days, using 24 collectors each day with 1 hours exposure each, thus yielding a total of 144 samples. Passive collections of VOCs were also made in 3 situations: during and after the burning of the cane plantations and in an urban area, each lasting one hour, and yielding a total of 9 samples. The assessment of the quality and quantity of the VOCs was made by gas chromatography, using as pre-treatment of the sample a thermal desorption and cryogenic concentration. The determination of the ozone was made by means of ion chromatography with the quantification of nitrate ions, a product of the reaction between the ozone and the chemical absorbent. Further, an estimate of the atmospheric emissions of the sugarcane industrys and urban activity was made to assess the participation of these sources of pollution in the emission of the precursors of ozone. Results: Average concentrations of ozone lay between 42.50±7.48 and 66.62±10.07 µg m-3, with an average of 52.93±12.39 µg m-3, during the cane harvest, and between 26.51±2.53 and 77.78±11.04 µg m-3, with an average of 52.61±25.65 µg m-3, in the period between harvests. The 11 VOCs identified in the urban atmosphere of Araraquara are all associated with the combustion of automotive vehicles, with the exception of d-limonene. Toluene and d-limonene were the most abundant VOCs, attaining maximum concentrations of 0.40 and 0.50 ppb, respectively. Various VOCs were detected in the samples collected in the cane plantations during the burning: ethene (51.59 per cent ), ethane (11.14 per cent ), propene (10.64 per cent ), butane (4.97 per cent ), toluene (3.39 per cent ) and propane (2.21 per cent ) being noteworthy. The ethene was used to characterize the emissions during the burning of the cane plantations, being found in the urban atmosphere in the proportion of 13.31 per cent . An estimate of the emission from the sugarcane agro-industry showed that the burning of the straw contributed with about 44 per cent of NMHC (Non-Methane HydroCarbons) and heavy vehicles, the burning of the bagasse and straw accounted for 27 per cent of the emission of NOx (nitrogen oxides). The emissions of the fleet of vehicles in Araraquara in 2011 contributed with 52.85 per cent and 65.55 per cent , respectively, to those of NMHC and NOx. Conclusions: The temporal variation of the ozone concentrations was of greater significance than the spatial variation, September being the month with the highest ozone average in the winter and February in the summer. The estimate of the emissions showed that both the urban sources and the sugar/alcohol agro-industrial segment are significant for the emission of precursors of ozone. The identification of the VOCs in the urban atmosphere of Araraquara demonstrated the influence of automotive sources, of the citric juice industry and of the burning of the sugarcane plantations. This study showed that the sugarcane industry is an important source of the emission of the precursors of ozone, and that it therefore contributes to the production of ozone in the urban area of Araraquara, SP

Réactivité atmosphérique des composés organiques volatils oxygénés biogéniques (aldéhydes et alcools insaturés). Etudes cinétiques de la réaction entre les radicaux peroxyles et le radical nitrate. / Atmospheric reactivity of oxygenated biogenic volatil organic compounds (unsaturated aldehydes and alcohols).Kinetic studies of the reaction between peroxy radicals and the nitrate radical.

Kalalian, Carmen 17 October 2018 (has links)
Les composés organiques volatils d’origine biogénique (COVB) contribuent à plus de 90% des émissions des COV dans l'atmosphère. Ces composés sont éliminés de l’atmosphère par réaction avec les photo-oxydants (OH, NO3, Cl et O3) et par photolyse. Ces processus sont gouvernés par un mécanisme en chaîne dont les porteurs sont des radicaux libres tels que les radicaux peroxyles RO2 qui jouent un rôle clé dans la dégradation atmosphérique des COV. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se concentre d’une part sur l’étude cinétique en température et mécanistique de la réaction d’ozonolyse, la détermination des spectres UV et la photolyse de six COV oxygénés insaturés (trans-2-pentènal, trans-2-hexènal, 2-méthyl-2-pentènal, 1-pentèn-3-ol, cis- 2-pentèn-1-ol et trans-3-hexèn-1-ol), et d’autre part l’étude de la réactivité de trois radicaux peroxyles (CH3OCH2O2, CH3C(O)CH2O2 et (CH3)2C(OH)CH2O2) vis-à-vis des radicaux nitrates à différentes températures. Trois dispositifs expérimentaux sont utilisés : une chambre de simulation atmosphérique couplée à une spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR) et à une chromatographie en phase gazeuse associée à une spectrométrie de masse (GC/MS), un dispositif de mesure des spectres UV-Visible et la photolyse laser couplée à une spectrométrie UV-visible et diode laser. Ces dispositifs associés à des méthodes de traitement permettent d'extraire des données cinétiques en température, mécanistiques et spectroscopiques. Les paramètres cinétiques obtenus sont utilisés pour estimer les durées de vie atmosphériques des espèces étudiées. Les résultats mécanistiques sont utilisés pour élaborer les mécanismes d’ozonolyse de ces composés. Toutes ces données permettent d’enrichir les bases de données cinétiques, mécanistiques et spectroscopiques qui alimentent les modèles atmosphériques. / Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) account for 90% of VOC emissions in the atmosphere. These VOCs can be removed from the atmosphere by reaction with photo-oxidants (OH, NO3, Cl and O3) as well as by photolysis. All these processes are governed by a chain mechanism whose carriers are mainly free radicals such as peroxy radicals RO2. Hence the importance of characterizing the reactivity of these species that play a key role in the atmospheric degradation of VOCs. In this context, this thesis focuses on the determination of the temperature dependent kinetic data as well as the mechanism of the ozonolysis reaction and the UV absorption spectra along the photolysis of six unsaturated oxygenated VOCs (trans- 2-pentenal, trans-2-hexenal, 2-methyl-2-pentenal, 1-penten-3-ol, cis-2-penten-1-ol and trans-3-hexen-1-ol). Likewise, the temperature dependent kinetic parameters of the reaction of three peroxy radicals (CH3OCH2O2, CH3C(O)CH2O2 et (CH3)2C(OH)CH2O2) with nitrate radicals were also determined. Three experimental setups coupled to treatment methods were used to extract these data: an atmospheric simulation chamber coupled to both a Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and a gas chromatography connected to a mass spectrometry (GC/MS), a device for measuring UV-Visible spectra and a laser photolysis coupled with UV-visible spectrometry and laser diode spectroscopy. The kinetic parameters were used to estimate the atmospheric lifetimes of the studied species. While the mechanistic data were used to establish their ozonolysis mechanisms. All the collected data enrich kinetic, mechanistic and spectroscopic databases, improving atmospheric models specially those involving VOCs.

Contribuições da atividade canavieira para as concentrações de ozônio troposférico em Araraquara, SP / Contributions of the Sugarcane Industry to Tropospheric Ozone Concentrations in Araraquara, SP

Ana Paula Francisco 20 September 2012 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a influência da atividade canavieira nas concentrações de ozônio troposférico em área urbana de Araraquara, SP. Método: Foram realizadas coletas passiva de ozônio e COV (Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis), na safra e entressafra de cana-de-açúcar 2011 2012, em 6 locais na área urbana, com exposição de 5 dias. Coleta ativa de COV foi realizada na área central durante 6 dias, não consecutivos, utilizando 24 coletores por dia com exposição de 1 hora cada um, totalizando 144 amostras. Coletas passivas de COV também foram realizadas em 3 situações: durante e após a queima de canavial e em área urbana, durante 1 hora cada, totalizando 9 amostras. A quali e quantificação dos COV foram realizadas por cromatografia gasosa, utilizando como pré-tratamento da amostra dessorvedor térmico e criogenia. A determinação de ozônio foi feita por cromatografia iônica com a quantificação de íons nitrato, produto da reação do ozônio com o absorvente químico. Além disso, foi realizada estimativa de emissões atmosféricas da atividade canavieira e urbanas para avaliar a participação dessas fontes de poluição na emissão de precursores de ozônio. Resultados: Concentrações médias de ozônio estiveram na faixa de 42,50±7,48 a 66,62±10,07 µg m-3, com média de 52,93±12,39 µg m-3, durante a safra de cana, e de 26,51±2,53 a 77,78±11,04 µg m-3, com média de 52,61±25,65 µg m-3, na entressafra. Os 11 COV identificados na atmosfera urbana de Araraquara estão associados à combustão de veículos automotores, com exceção do d-limoneno. Tolueno e d-limoneno foram os COV mais abundantes atingindo concentrações de 0,40 e 0,50 ppb, respectivamente. Detectaram-se diversos COV nas amostras coletadas nos canaviais durante a queima, destacando-se: eteno (51,59 por cento ), etano (11,14 por cento ), propeno (10,64 por cento ), butano (4,97 por cento ), tolueno (3,39 por cento ) e propano (2,21 por cento ). O eteno foi utilizado para caracterizar a emissão da queima de cana, sendo encontrado na atmosfera urbana na proporção de 13,31 por cento . Estimativa de emissão da agroindústria canavieira mostrou que a queima da palha contribuiu com cerca de 44 por cento de HCNM (Hidrocarbonetos Não-Metânicos) e os veículos pesados, a queima do bagaço e da palha corresponderam a 27 por cento da emissão de NOx (óxidos de nitrogênio). As emissões da frota veicular de Araraquara em 2011 contribuíram com 52,85 por cento e 65,55 por cento , respectivamente, para emissões de HCNM e NOx. Conclusões: A variação temporal das concentrações de ozônio foi mais significativa que a variação espacial, sendo setembro o mês com maiores médias de ozônio no inverno e fevereiro no verão. A estimativa de emissão indicou que as fontes urbanas e da agroindústria sucroalcooleira são significativas para emissão de precursores de ozônio. A identificação dos COV na atmosfera urbana de Araraquara revelou influência de fontes veiculares, de indústria de citrossuco e da queima de canaviais. Este estudo mostrou que a atividade canavieira é fonte emissora importante de precursores de ozônio, e portanto contribui para a formação de ozônio na área urbana de Araraquara, SP / Objective: To assess the influence of the sugarcane industry on the concentrations of tropospheric ozone in an urban area of Araraquara, SP. Method: Passive collections of ozone and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) were undertaken, both during the sugarcane harvest as also in the period between harvests in 2011 2012, at 6 sites in the urban area, with 5-day exposure. The active collections of VOCs were undertaken in a central area during 6 non-consecutive days, using 24 collectors each day with 1 hours exposure each, thus yielding a total of 144 samples. Passive collections of VOCs were also made in 3 situations: during and after the burning of the cane plantations and in an urban area, each lasting one hour, and yielding a total of 9 samples. The assessment of the quality and quantity of the VOCs was made by gas chromatography, using as pre-treatment of the sample a thermal desorption and cryogenic concentration. The determination of the ozone was made by means of ion chromatography with the quantification of nitrate ions, a product of the reaction between the ozone and the chemical absorbent. Further, an estimate of the atmospheric emissions of the sugarcane industrys and urban activity was made to assess the participation of these sources of pollution in the emission of the precursors of ozone. Results: Average concentrations of ozone lay between 42.50±7.48 and 66.62±10.07 µg m-3, with an average of 52.93±12.39 µg m-3, during the cane harvest, and between 26.51±2.53 and 77.78±11.04 µg m-3, with an average of 52.61±25.65 µg m-3, in the period between harvests. The 11 VOCs identified in the urban atmosphere of Araraquara are all associated with the combustion of automotive vehicles, with the exception of d-limonene. Toluene and d-limonene were the most abundant VOCs, attaining maximum concentrations of 0.40 and 0.50 ppb, respectively. Various VOCs were detected in the samples collected in the cane plantations during the burning: ethene (51.59 per cent ), ethane (11.14 per cent ), propene (10.64 per cent ), butane (4.97 per cent ), toluene (3.39 per cent ) and propane (2.21 per cent ) being noteworthy. The ethene was used to characterize the emissions during the burning of the cane plantations, being found in the urban atmosphere in the proportion of 13.31 per cent . An estimate of the emission from the sugarcane agro-industry showed that the burning of the straw contributed with about 44 per cent of NMHC (Non-Methane HydroCarbons) and heavy vehicles, the burning of the bagasse and straw accounted for 27 per cent of the emission of NOx (nitrogen oxides). The emissions of the fleet of vehicles in Araraquara in 2011 contributed with 52.85 per cent and 65.55 per cent , respectively, to those of NMHC and NOx. Conclusions: The temporal variation of the ozone concentrations was of greater significance than the spatial variation, September being the month with the highest ozone average in the winter and February in the summer. The estimate of the emissions showed that both the urban sources and the sugar/alcohol agro-industrial segment are significant for the emission of precursors of ozone. The identification of the VOCs in the urban atmosphere of Araraquara demonstrated the influence of automotive sources, of the citric juice industry and of the burning of the sugarcane plantations. This study showed that the sugarcane industry is an important source of the emission of the precursors of ozone, and that it therefore contributes to the production of ozone in the urban area of Araraquara, SP

Composés organiques volatils émis par les matériaux de construction : impact sur la qualité de l’air intérieur / Volatile organic compounds emitted by building materials : impact on indoor air quality

Bourdin, Delphine,Marcelle,Jeanne 16 December 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, les bâtiments sont de plus en plus confinés afin de limiter au maximum les déperditions énergétiques et parallèlement les matériaux de construction, d’ameublement et de décoration sont une source de composés organiques volatils (COV) et de formaldéhyde. La combinaison de ces deux éléments conduit à un air intérieur davantage pollué que l’air extérieur. Au cours de cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode d’analyse simultanée par SPME/GC/MS des COV et du formaldéhyde dans l’air intérieur a été développée. Une nouvelle cellule d’émission a également été mise au point pour évaluer les émissions des matériaux par couplage avec la SPME. L’ensemble de ces méthodes a été appliqué au suivi de la QAI et des émissions de matériaux de deux bâtiments neufs (un collège et un logement) durant les 6 mois suivant leur construction. Enfin, les données collectées au cours de ce suivi ont permis le développement d’un modèle prédictif de la QAI. / Nowadays, buildings are more and more airtight in order to limit heat loss as much as possible. At the same time, building, decorative and furnishing materials are known to be a volatile organic compound (VOC) and formaldehyde source. The result of these two facts is that indoor air is finally more polluted than outdoor air. During this PhD, a new analytical method based on SPME/GC/MS to analyse simultaneously VOCs and formaldehyde in indoor air was developed. A new emission cell was also designed to evaluate materials emission by coupling it with SPME. All these new methods were then applied in two new buildings (a high school and a dwelling) in order to follow indoor air quality and building materials emissions during the six month following their construction. Finally, the data collected during this study were used to develop an indoor air quality modeling.

Reatividade fotoquímica da atmosfera de Cubatão e a influência de fontes exógenas / Silva, M. F. Photochemical reactivity of the atmosphere of Cubatão and the influence of exogenous pollutants: 2012

Silva, Moacir Ferreira da 11 March 2013 (has links)
Objetivo. Demonstrar que a ocorrência de episódios críticos de poluição por ozônio na região de Cubatão-Centro é influenciada pelo aporte externo de poluentes, que participam dos processos físico-químicos de formação e remoção de reagentes fotoquímicos na atmosfera. Métodos. O estudo envolveu a obtenção e o tratamento de dados meteorológicos e de concentrações de poluentes fornecidos pela rede de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, bem como a realização de campanhas de amostragem passiva de ozônio (O ) e ativa de COVs, aldeídos e etanol na atmosfera da região. A amostragem de O VI 3 foi realizada com amostradores tipo Ogawa® e as concentrações foram determinadas por cromatografia iônica, com detecção por condutividade elétrica. Na amostragem de COVs foram utilizados tubos de aço contendo o adsorvente Tenax-GR, e a quantificação das amostras foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massas. A amostragem de aldeídos foi realizada com cartuchos de sílica gel revestido com 2,4 DNPH, e a quantificação realizada por cromatografia liquida de alta performance, com detector ultravioleta (UV/VIS). A amostragem de etanol foi realizada com cartuchos revestidos de florisil, e a quantificação realizada por flame ionization detector. O transporte de massas de ar foi analisado com base em backward trajectories, calculadas pelo modelo STILT. A interpretação dos dados foi realizada por estatística descritiva, boxplot, análise de correlação e análise multivariada (clusters). Resultados. A maioria dos episódios de ultrapassagem do PQAr de ozônio ocorreu no verão, entre 15h e 16h, com ventos predominantes de S/SE e velocidades superiores a 2,5m/s, típicos de períodos diurnos (brisa marítima). As espécies orgânicas precursoras de ozônio mais importantes foram: formaldeído, acetaldeído, tolueno, 1,2,3-trimetilbenzeno, m-xileno, etanol, oxileno, etilbenzeno, 1,3,5-trimetilbenzeno e benzeno. A retrotrajetória das massas de ar que chegam à Cubatão-Centro comprovou a influência de emissões exógenas. Os resultados obtidos na circulação de mesoescala, simulada pelo modelo BRAMS, concordam com os resultados obtidos por JAESCHKE (1997), onde apenas uma parcela da concentração média de poluentes de Cubatão-Centro era oriunda de fontes locais, sendo o restante decorrente do transporte de massas, com ocorrência de elevadas concentrações de poluentes com fluxo de direção norte-noedeste (brisa terrestre) e sul-sudeste (brisa marítima) / Objective. Demonstrate that critical episode occurrences of air pollution are influenced by external input of pollutants that participate in the processes of atmospheric photochemical reagent formation and removal. Methods. The study involved meteorological data collection and processing of pollutant concentration data gathered by the air quality monitoring network. Campaigns of passive sampling of O and active sampling of VOCs, aldehydes and ethanol in the atmosphere of the region were also performed. The O 3 sampling was conducted with the Ogawa ® type samplers and the concentrations were determined by ion chromatography with electrical conductivity detector. VOCs sampling was performed using steel tubes containing Tenax GR adsorbent, and quantification was done by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Aldehyde sampling was performed with silica gel cartridges coated with 2,4 DNPH and quantification done by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detector (UV / VIS). Ethanol sampling was performed with florisil coated cartridges and quantification by flame ionization detector. The transport of air masses was analyzed based on Backward trajectories calculated by the model STILT. Interpretation of the data was performed using descriptive statistics, boxplots, correlation analysis and multivariate analysis (clusters). Results. Most episodes of Ozone exceeding Air Quality Standards occurred in the summer, between 15h and 16h, with prevailing winds from S / SE and with velocities greater than 2.5 ms -1 , typical of day periods (sea breeze). Major ozone precursor organic species are: formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, toluene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, m-xylene, ethanol, xylene, ethylbenzene, 1,3,5trimethylbenzene and benzene. The retro trajectory of air masses arriving at Cubatão-Center proved the influence of exogenous emissions. Results in the mesoscale circulation given by model simulation by BRAMS, agree with the results obtained by JAESCHKE (1997), showing that only a portion of the average concentration of pollutants Cubatão-Centro was due to local sources, with the rest resulting from the transport of masses, with the occurrence of high concentrations of pollutants resulting when flow directions are from NW (land breeze) and SE (sea breeze).

Úprava účetních výkazů na ekonomický model pro účely využití metody EVA k ocenění podniku / Accounting adjustments in EVA enterprise valuation

Schichman, Roman January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines especially the area of accounting adjustments for the purpose of use of EVA value concept. Adjustments are examined for financial statements prepared under IFRS and CAS. The thesis concentrates particularly on fair value revaluation of assets and liabilities, capitalization of expenses with investment character, leasing and goodwill. Objective of this thesis is to analyze the EVA value concept, update this topic with the foreign literature and to provide recommendations for performing these adjustments. This thesis concerns also about the general examination of the enterprise value, impact of expectations or division of the enterprise value on current operations value and future growth value.

Reatividade fotoquímica da atmosfera de Cubatão e a influência de fontes exógenas / Silva, M. F. Photochemical reactivity of the atmosphere of Cubatão and the influence of exogenous pollutants: 2012

Moacir Ferreira da Silva 11 March 2013 (has links)
Objetivo. Demonstrar que a ocorrência de episódios críticos de poluição por ozônio na região de Cubatão-Centro é influenciada pelo aporte externo de poluentes, que participam dos processos físico-químicos de formação e remoção de reagentes fotoquímicos na atmosfera. Métodos. O estudo envolveu a obtenção e o tratamento de dados meteorológicos e de concentrações de poluentes fornecidos pela rede de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, bem como a realização de campanhas de amostragem passiva de ozônio (O ) e ativa de COVs, aldeídos e etanol na atmosfera da região. A amostragem de O VI 3 foi realizada com amostradores tipo Ogawa® e as concentrações foram determinadas por cromatografia iônica, com detecção por condutividade elétrica. Na amostragem de COVs foram utilizados tubos de aço contendo o adsorvente Tenax-GR, e a quantificação das amostras foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massas. A amostragem de aldeídos foi realizada com cartuchos de sílica gel revestido com 2,4 DNPH, e a quantificação realizada por cromatografia liquida de alta performance, com detector ultravioleta (UV/VIS). A amostragem de etanol foi realizada com cartuchos revestidos de florisil, e a quantificação realizada por flame ionization detector. O transporte de massas de ar foi analisado com base em backward trajectories, calculadas pelo modelo STILT. A interpretação dos dados foi realizada por estatística descritiva, boxplot, análise de correlação e análise multivariada (clusters). Resultados. A maioria dos episódios de ultrapassagem do PQAr de ozônio ocorreu no verão, entre 15h e 16h, com ventos predominantes de S/SE e velocidades superiores a 2,5m/s, típicos de períodos diurnos (brisa marítima). As espécies orgânicas precursoras de ozônio mais importantes foram: formaldeído, acetaldeído, tolueno, 1,2,3-trimetilbenzeno, m-xileno, etanol, oxileno, etilbenzeno, 1,3,5-trimetilbenzeno e benzeno. A retrotrajetória das massas de ar que chegam à Cubatão-Centro comprovou a influência de emissões exógenas. Os resultados obtidos na circulação de mesoescala, simulada pelo modelo BRAMS, concordam com os resultados obtidos por JAESCHKE (1997), onde apenas uma parcela da concentração média de poluentes de Cubatão-Centro era oriunda de fontes locais, sendo o restante decorrente do transporte de massas, com ocorrência de elevadas concentrações de poluentes com fluxo de direção norte-noedeste (brisa terrestre) e sul-sudeste (brisa marítima) / Objective. Demonstrate that critical episode occurrences of air pollution are influenced by external input of pollutants that participate in the processes of atmospheric photochemical reagent formation and removal. Methods. The study involved meteorological data collection and processing of pollutant concentration data gathered by the air quality monitoring network. Campaigns of passive sampling of O and active sampling of VOCs, aldehydes and ethanol in the atmosphere of the region were also performed. The O 3 sampling was conducted with the Ogawa ® type samplers and the concentrations were determined by ion chromatography with electrical conductivity detector. VOCs sampling was performed using steel tubes containing Tenax GR adsorbent, and quantification was done by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Aldehyde sampling was performed with silica gel cartridges coated with 2,4 DNPH and quantification done by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detector (UV / VIS). Ethanol sampling was performed with florisil coated cartridges and quantification by flame ionization detector. The transport of air masses was analyzed based on Backward trajectories calculated by the model STILT. Interpretation of the data was performed using descriptive statistics, boxplots, correlation analysis and multivariate analysis (clusters). Results. Most episodes of Ozone exceeding Air Quality Standards occurred in the summer, between 15h and 16h, with prevailing winds from S / SE and with velocities greater than 2.5 ms -1 , typical of day periods (sea breeze). Major ozone precursor organic species are: formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, toluene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, m-xylene, ethanol, xylene, ethylbenzene, 1,3,5trimethylbenzene and benzene. The retro trajectory of air masses arriving at Cubatão-Center proved the influence of exogenous emissions. Results in the mesoscale circulation given by model simulation by BRAMS, agree with the results obtained by JAESCHKE (1997), showing that only a portion of the average concentration of pollutants Cubatão-Centro was due to local sources, with the rest resulting from the transport of masses, with the occurrence of high concentrations of pollutants resulting when flow directions are from NW (land breeze) and SE (sea breeze).

Prostaglandin regulation of immune responses against coronavirus infections

Vijay, Rahul 01 May 2016 (has links)
Prostaglandins (PG) are ubiquitous lipid mediators that play key roles in pathophysiological responses to infections. They are considered to have both pro and anti-inflammatory roles depending upon the time of inflammation, the receptors that they bind to and the tissues that they act upon. Hence given their pleiotropic effects, a perfect balance between the pro and anti-inflammatory functions of PGs are required to ensure that a controlled timely immune response is elicited to mediate protection and to avoid immunopathology. PGD2 is one such PG that was reported to increase with age in the lungs of mice and to mediate an anti-inflammatory effect thereby blunting the immune response following Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Increase in PGD2 with age incapacitates respiratory dendritic cells (rDC) to migrate from lungs to the draining lymph node following SARS-CoV infection due to down regulation of CCR7 (a receptor for chemokines CCL19/21). Migration of rDCs to draining lymph nodes requires high expression of CCR7 and it's binding to CCL19/21, a chemokine that mediates migration of dendritic cells along its gradient. Although increase in levels of PGD2 might prove beneficial in high inflammatory conditions, it should be noted that high levels of such a potent anti-inflammatory mediator during the initiation of an immune response could prove detrimental. In chapter II of this thesis I show that age-related increases in oxidative stress result in the upregulation of a single phospholipase (PLA2) group II D (G2D) (PLA2G2D) with anti-inflammatory roles. PLA2G2D functions by releasing Arachidonic acid (AA) from the lipid membrane, which will be further metabolized to other pro-resolving/ anti-inflammatory lipid mediators including PGD2. I show that inducing oxidative stress in young mice as well as in human peripheral blood macrophages, results in the upregulation of PLA2G2D (probably as a counter mechanism against oxidative stress). Also increase in the expression levels of this gene during the course of SARS-CoV infection results in the upregulation of PGD2, which is completely abrogated in Pla2g2d-/- mice. I also show Pla2g2d/- middle-aged mice have low levels of PGD2 and that they are capable of mounting a strong immune response and survive the otherwise lethal SARS-CoV infection. PGD2 is also a major PG in the brain and its role has been investigated in many non-infectious setting such as stroke and Alzheimer' disease. The PGD2 binding to one of its receptors DP1 has been shown to have primarily a neuro-protective role. In chapter III, I show that PGD2/DP1 signaling has beneficial effects in the brain of mice infected with a neurotropic strain of murine hepatitis virus (MHV) (rj2.2). In agreement with the neuro-protective role of PGD2, at least 60% of DP1-/- mice succumb to a sublethal dose of rj2.2. rj2.2 infection in these mice is characterized by a delay in the induction of IFN I response and lower activation status of microglia and macrophages in the brain. I also show that abrogation of DP1 signaling results in global defects in the immune system response to infection. Notably, a genome wide expression analysis using microarray, shows that a gene, Pydc3 with putative inflammasome inhibiting function is upregulated in WT mice compared to DP1-/- mice in the CD11b population of cells which primarily comprises microglia and macrophages. In line with the predicted function of Pydc3, DP1-/- mice have higher frequency and number of IL-1β+ producing microglia in the brain. Studies are underway to determine the exact role of DP1 signaling in Pydc3 expression as well as the role of this gene in inflammasome function. Overall these studies emphasize the immuno-modulatory roles of PGs in the context of a viral infection. Thus, altering the levels of these lipid mediators at appropriate times during the course of infection might prove useful as an effective therapeutic strategy to decide the fate of an infection.

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