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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


NEI CIPRIANO RIBEIRO 22 October 2008 (has links)
[pt] Em física de neutrinos, quase todos os dados de experimentos importantes podem ser explicados através de oscilação de neutrinos causados por massas e misturas. Porem, existe a possibilidade de que os neutrinos tenham algumas propriedades, além dessas mencionadas, que manifesta alguma física nova ou física além do modelo padrão. Esta nova física pode ser explicada por partículas exóticas ainda desconhecidas que são responsáveis por interações extras ou interação não padrão com os neutrinos e aqui as estudaremos fenomenologicamente, isto é, não nos preocuparemos com um modelo teórico em si. Nesta tese, estudamos os efeitos dessa interação não-padrão de neutrinos com a matéria para os experimentos de oscilação de grandes comprimentos. Nós consideramos dois detetores idênticos, mas com suas distâncias em relação à fonte, diferentes em dois casos: Primeiro, estudamos o potencial para sondar os efeitos de interação não-padrão para experimentos que usam feixes de neutrinos convencionais vindo de decaimentos de píons. Como exemplo, consideramos um feixe de neutrinos a ser criado pelo acelerador de prótons do JPARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) no Japão. Nele, consideramos dois detetores, além do detetor próximo ao JPARC para monitorar o feixe; temos o primeiro que está situado em Kamioka, Japão e o outro em algum lugar na Coréia do Sul, sendo que o primeiro está a 295 km, enquanto o segundo está em torno de 1000 km do JPARC. Segundo, avaliamos também o potencial da fábrica de neutrinos, o qual utiliza feixes de neutrinos vindo do decaimento de múons armazenados num anel para estudar os parâmetros de interação não-padrão e o seu impacto na sensibilidade da fase de violação CP e o ângulo de mistura 013. Neste trabalho, também combinamos os dados simulados com dois detetores com comprimentos diferentes, sendo o primeiro a 3000 km e o outro a 7000 km da fonte. O comprimento deste segundo detetor foi escolhido pelo fato de ter uma característica peculiar, o Magic Baseline (comprimento mágico), onde a probabilidade de oscilação não depende da fase de violação de CP quando os parâmetros não-padrão estão ausentes. / [en] In neutrino physics, most of the experimental data importants can be explained due to neutrino oscilation induced by mass and mixing. However, there is the posibility that the neutrinos have some properties, new physics or beyond Standard Model. This new physics can be explained with some so far unknown exotic particles that are responsables for extra interactions ornon standard interaction with neutrinos and here we studied fenomenologically, without concerning about any theoretical model. In this Thesis, we study the effects of Non Standard Interaction (NSI) with matter in experimentsof oscilation in long baseline. We consider two identical detectors, but wih diferent baselines from source, in two cases: first, we study the probing potencial to analyse the NSI effect for experiments that use conventionalneutrino beams coming from pions decay. For example, we should consider a neutrino beam created at the Proton Accelerator JPARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) in Japan. We consider two detectors, in additionto the front detector at JPARC to monitor the beam; we have the first in Kamioka, Japan and other somewhere in Korea, the first is at 295km, and the second is localizate about 1000 km from JPARC. In sequence, we also evaluate the potencial of Neutrino Factory, where a neutrino beam come from a muon decay storage ring, in order to study the non standard interactions parameter and its impact in CP phase sensibility and the mixingangle 013. In this work we combined theses simulated data from two detectors with differents baselines, with the first localized at 3000 km and the other at 7000 km from the source. The baseline of this second detectorwas chosen because it has a special feature, the Magic Baseline, where theoscilation probability do not depend of CP phase violation when the nonstandard parameters are absent.

"...hela tiden operationer för att göra ens kropp bättre" : Vuxna med cerebral pares och deras erfarenheter av fysisk aktivitet

Nybakken, Astrid January 2015 (has links)
I vårt samhälle är det stort fokus på fysisk aktivitet. Många bedriver någon form av fysisk aktivitet och träning. Ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv är en viss mängd av fysisk aktivitet bra. Likadant kan en stillasittande livsstil öka risken för livsstilssjukdomar. En person som inte har några funktionsnedsättningar, borde ha stora möjligheter för att vara fysisk aktiv. Det finns olika diagnoser eller orsaker som leder till motorisk funktionsnedsättning, varav cerebral pares (CP) är den vanligaste orsaken till funktionsnedsättningar för barn. De flesta av de som har CP är vuxna. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva vilka erfarenheter vuxna med CP har i förhållande till fysisk aktivitet. Erfarenheter av delaktighet i förhållande till fysisk aktivitet beskrivs, samt vilka motivationsfaktorer som finns analyseras. Fyra vuxna med CP, i åldern 20-42, deltog i studien. Kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervju användes. Resultaten visar att det finns stora variationer vad gäller delaktighet i förhållande till fysisk aktivitet, särskilt som barn och i viss utsträckning som vuxen. De som beskrev en liten grad av delaktighet som barn upplevde en ökande delaktighet med åldern, när de förstod vad och varför de skulle göra vissa övningar. Motivationsfaktorer för att vara fysisk aktiv är olika, till exempel kan det vara den upplevde nyttan eller glädjen som kan vara styrande. Slutsatserna tyder på att en stödjande omgivning och att ha möjligheten att prova på olika ickeorganiserade aktiviteter kan ha positiv inverkan på den upplevde delaktigheten och vara motivationsfaktorer, och därmed bidra till att personerna kan hålla en viss nivå av fysisk aktivitet. / In our society it is a strong focus on physical activity. Many people are engaged i some form of physical activity and exercise. From a public health perspective, a certain amount of physical activity is good. Similarly, a sedentary lifestyle increase the risk of lifestyle diseases. A person who has no disabilities should have ample opportunity to be physical active. There are different diagnoses or causes that lead to motor disability. Cerebral Palsy, CP, is the most common cause of motor disability for children. Most of those who have CP are adult. The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of adults with cerebral palsy have in relation to physical activity. What is the experience of participation in relation to physical activity is described, as well as the motivators are. Four adults with CP, aged 20-42, participated in the study. Qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interview was used. Those who described a small degree of participation by children experienced an increase in participation with age, when they understand what and why they would do certain exercises. Motivation Factors to be physical active are different, for example, it may be the experienced utility and satisfaction that can be decisive. The findings suggest that a supportive environment and to have the opportunity to try out various non-organized  ctivities can have positive impact on the experienced participation and motivation factors, and thus help people keep a certain level of physical activity.

Violação de CP em oscilações de neutrinos / CP violation in neutrino oscillations

Costa, Rafael Noberto Almeida da, 1985- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Moraes Guzzo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T07:13:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Costa_RafaelNobertoAlmeidada_M.pdf: 2184656 bytes, checksum: 96104bbac452f3b0ec1bab401b55bf0a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Apresentamos neste trabalho um review descrevendo a oscilações de neutrinos quando é levado em conta a violação da simetria de carga paridade (CP). Por conta disso abordaremos a origem da violação de CP no Modelo Padrão das Partículas Elementares, desde a sua descoberta no sistema dos mésons káons neutros (K°) ,até a sua inclusão dentro do Modelo Padrão, a qual foi desenvolvida por Kobayashi e Maskawa. Depois de entendermos a violação de CP passamos a tratar das oscilações de neutrinos e como esta violação é incluída no modelo. Abordamos o modelo utilizando os dados mais recentes dos parâmetros para as oscilações de neutrinos, incluindo a recente medição do ângulo de mistura ?13. Utilizando estes dados e os resultados obtidos a partir do modelo de oscilações de neutrinos inferimos um limite para a fase de violação de CP, dado por nós como sendo ?CP= 19 ^{+19°}_{-9°} com 1? de C.L. / Abstract: In this work was make a review describing the neutrino oscillations when is taken in account the charge parity symmetry violation (CP). Because of that we will approach the origin of CP violation in Standard Model of Elementary Particles, since its discovery in the neutral kaons meson system (K°), until its inclusion within the Standard Model, made by Kobayashi and Maskawa. After we understand the CP violation we treat the neutrino oscillations and how this violation is included in the model. We approach the model using the most recent data of the parameters from neutrino oscillations, including the recent data measured to the mixing angle ?13. Utilizing this data, and the data obtained from the model of neutrino oscillation, we infer a limit to the CP violation phase, given by us as being ?CP= 19^{+19°}_{-9°} with 1? of C.L. / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física

Étude de la violation CP dans des processus au LHC qui brisent la conservation du nombre leptonique

Najafi, Fatemeh 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude de la violation CP dans les processus ūd→tb̄ e⁻ μ⁻ et W⁻→ l-1 l-2 (q′¯ q)⁺. Il y a des expériences qui cherchent à identifier ces processus au grand collisionneur de hadrons, ou LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Une conséquence de l’observation de ces désintégrations impliquait une brisure de la conservation du nombre leptonique, car ∆L = 2. Si le neutrino est de type Majorana, il est sa propre antiparticule et on peut observer la double désintégration bêta sans émission de neutrino (0νββ). Ce processus est caractérisé par ∆L = 2. Si nous observons des processus similaires à 0νββ, ∆L = 2, au LHC, il y a aussi la possibilité de chercher la violation CP. La mesure de ce type de violation CP nous donnerait des informations sur de la Nouvelle Physique (NP) qui ne pourraient pas être facilement obtenues autrement. Il existe trois types de violation CP : directe, indirecte et cinématique (produit triple). Ce travail relève essentiellement mes études sur deux processus de violation CP, l’un direct et l’autre produit triple. Elles sont présentées dans deux articles qui sont inclus dans cette thèse. Le premier article est consacré au produit triple dans le processus : ūd→tb̄ e⁻ μ⁻ . Le modèle que nous avons considéré n’implique pas de neutrino de Majorana. À l’aide de MadGraph, nous avons étudié la violation CP pour les deux processus mentionnés pour deux versions du LHC, haute luminosité HL-LHC (14 TeV) et haute énergie HE-LHC (27 TeV),et pour un futur collisionneur FCC-hh (100 TeV). Nous trouvons que le produit triple n’est pas mesurable au HL-LHC, peut être mesurable au HE-LHC, et est certainement mesurable au FCC-hh. Dans le deuxième article, nous avons examiné comment générer la violation CP avec des neutrinos droitiers. Le deuxième article porte sur l’étude de la violation CP directe dans la désintégration W⁻→ l-1 l-2 (q′¯ q)⁺ en impliquant deux neutrinos N1 et N 2. Nous avons trouvé que la valeur de l’asymétrie CP peut être mesurée avec une précision de 3σ et que 0.1% ≤ ACP ≤ 10%. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of CP violation in these processes ūd→tb̄ e⁻ μ⁻ et W⁻→ l-1 l-2 (q′¯ q)⁺. There are experiments which search to identify these processes at the "Large Hadron Collider" (LHC). The outcome of the observation of these decays would imply violation of lepton number conservation, ∆L = 2. If the neutrino is a Majorana particle, it is its own antiparticle and we can observe processes that violate the conservation of the lepton number, ∆L = 2. The neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), is a process which is characterized by ∆L = 2, occurs when the neutrinos are Majorana particles. If we observe 0νββ-like processes at the LHC, there is also the possibility of looking for CP violation. Measuring this type of CP violation would give us information about New Physics that could not be easily obtained using other methods. There are three types of CP violation, namely: direct, indirect and kinematic (triple product). This research presents studies concerning direct and triple product CP violation. The first paper is devoted to triple products in the process: ūd→tb̄ e⁻ μ⁻. In addition, the model considered does not involve a Majorana neutrino. Using MadGraph, we have numerically studied and evaluated the CP violation for the two mentioned processes for three types of accelerators: high luminosity HL-LHC (14 TeV), high energy HE-LHC (27 TeV) and for a future FCC-hh collider (100 TeV). We found that the triple product is not measurable at the HL-LHC, may be measurable at HE-LHC, and is certainly measurable at FCC-hh. In the second article, we investigated to see how to generate CP violation with right-handed neutrinos. The second article is on the study of direct CP violation the decay W⁻→ l-1 l-2 (q′¯ q)⁺ by involving two neutrinos N1and N2. It is also observed that the value of CP asymmetry can be measured with an accuracy of 3σ and as 0.1% ≤ ACP ≤ 10%.

Three-body decay as a baryon polarizer / Trekroppssönderfall som en baryonpolarisator

Königsson, Carl Johan January 2023 (has links)
According to the standard model, the size of CP violation in the weak decay Λ → pπ- is predicted to be ∼ 10-5. This means that a very high precision is needed if we want to be able to measure it. It turns out that the precision mainly depends on three factors: if the decay already has a large parity-breaking effect, if we take more measurements, or if the Lambda baryon has a large polarization. The uncertainty is inversely proportional to the root mean square of the polarization, √⟨P2⟩, of Λ. Polarization is a measurement of the fraction of particles with parallel spin. In this project, we simulated the kinematic properties of the three-body decay of the charmed lambda baryon Λc+  → Λπ+ π0 by assuming that Λ+ c decays 100% of the times via the ρ+-resonance, i.e. Λc+ decays like Λc+ → Λρ+ , and ρ+ subsequently decays ρ+ → π+π0. The invariant masses of the daughter particles were then plotted in a so-called Dalitz plot. The fact that the ρ+-meson is a vector meson is exploited to compute the helicity amplitudes HλΛ,λρ, where λ is the helicity of respective particle, meaning the projection of the spin in the direction of the ρ+-mesons momentum. The helicity amplitudes describe the helicities of the particles involved before and after the decay. These are then used to compute the polarization of Λ. After doing the simulation, the invariant masses are plotted in the Dalitz plot and the polarization in each point is computed. The root mean square polarization of Λ was √⟨P2⟩ = 0.81 ± 0.08. This result gives a large polarization and points to this process being a good baryon polarizer. When conducting more research into the three-body decay of Λc+ as a potential source of Λ with large polarization, the contributions of other resonances should be taken into account. In light of these results, it would also be interesting to investigate if three-body decays could work as a baryon polarizer for other baryons. / CP brytning i sönderfallet Λ → pπ-, via den svaga växelverkan, kommer enligt standardmodellen att ha en storlek runt ∼ 10-5. Det betyder att en väldigt hög precision är nödvändig om man ska kunna observera denna effekt. Det visar sig att precisionen av mätningarna främst beror på tre faktorer: om sönderfallet redan har stor paritestbrytande effect, om man tar fler mätningar, eller om Lambdabaryonerna har stor polarisation. Osäkerheten är proportionerlig mot inversen av det kvadratiska medelvärdet, √⟨P2⟩ av Lambdabaryonerna. Polarisationen av en mängd partiklar är ett mått på andelen partiklar med parallellt spinn. I detta projekt kommer vi simulera de kinematiska egenskaperna hos trekroppssönderfallet av den charmade Lambdabaryonen Λc+ → Λπ+π0 genom att anta 100% sönderfall via ρ+-resonansen, dvs att Λc+ först sönderfaller som Λc+ → Λρ+, och att ρ+ sedan sönderfaller som ρ+ → π+π0. De invarianta massorna av dotterpartiklarna plottades sedan i en s.k Dalitz-plot. Vi utnyttjade att ρ+-mesonen är en vektormeson för att beräkna helisitetsamplituderna HλΛ,λρ, där λ är helisiteterna av respektive partikel, dvs projektionen av partiklarnas spinn längst ρ+-mesonens rörelsemängdsriktning. Helisitetsamplituderna beskriver helisiteten hos partiklarna före och efter sönderfallet. Dessa användes sedan för att beräkna polarisationen av Λ. Efter att simuleringen gjorts, plottades de invarianta massorna i en Dalitz-plott och polarisationen beräknades i varje punkt. Det kvadratiska medelvärdet av polarisationen hos Λ var √⟨P2⟩ = 0.81 ± 0.08. Detta är en stor polarisation som indikerar att trekroppsönderfall kan vara en bra baryonpolarisator. För vidare forskning om trekroppssönderfallet av Λc+ som en källa av Λ med stor polarisation, borde bidragen från andra resonanser också medräknas. Vidare skulle det även vara intressant att undersöka om trekroppssönderfall kan fungera som en baryonpolarisator för andra baryoner.


CAROLINA DA SILVA BOLOGNANI 20 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] A melhor teoria atual para descrever partículas elementares e suas interações, o Modelo Padrão, tem como peça fundamental a violação de carga-paridade (CP), a qual implica diferença no comportamento de partículas e anti-partículas. Por conta da violação de CP, o decaimento de um méson em um certo estado final pode então ser distinto do decaimento do anti- méson nesse estado final conjugado. Esse efeito foi extensivamente estudado e medido ao longo dos anos em decaimentos de mésons K e B, que envolvem os quarks strange e beauty respectivamente, mas apenas recentemente observado em decaimentos de mésons D, envolvendo o quark charm. As assimetrias de CP previstas no setor charmoso são bastante pequenas, então para que novas observações sejam feitas, grandes conjuntos de dados são necessários. Esta dissertação reporta a busca por violação de CP nos decaimentos Ds+ -> K-K+K+, suprimido por Cabibbo, e D+ -> K-K+K+, duplamente suprimido por Cabibbo. A busca por assimetrias locais nos espaços de fase dos decaimentos é realizada com uma técnica modelo-independente, usando dados obtidos em colisões pp de energia de centro-de-massa de 13 TeV, coletados pelo detector LHCb durante 2016—2018 (run 2 ). Também incluído está um estudo da sensibilidade do método a efeitos de violação de CP dadas as estatísticas atuais usando simulações. Nesta análise, dois decaimentos favorecidos por Cabibbo, Ds+ -> K-K+pi+ e D+ -> K-pi+pi+, são utilizados para nos assegurar que não somos sensíveis a assimetrias espúrias, de efeitos de produção ou detecção. / [en] The current best theory for describing elementary particles and their interactions, the Standard Model, has charge-parity (CP) violation as a fundamental feature, which implies that particles and antiparticles behave differently. Due to CP violation, the decay of a meson into a certain final state might then be distinct from the decay of the anti-meson to that charge conjugated final state. This effect has been extensively studied and measured over the years in the decays of K and B mesons, which involve the strange and beauty quarks respectively, but only recently observed in D meson decays, involving the charm quark. The predicted CP asymmetries in the charm sector are very small, so, in order to make new observations, large data samples are required. This dissertation reports the search for CP violation in the singly- Cabibbo-suppressed Ds+ -> K-K+K+ and doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed D+ -> K-K+K+ decays. The search for local asymmetries in the phase space of the decays is performed with a model-independent technique, using the data samples obtained in pp collisions with a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected by the LHCb detector during 2016—2018 (run 2). Also included is a study of the method s sensitivity to CP violation effects in the current statistics using simulations. In this analysis, two Cabibbo-favoured decays, Ds+ -> K-K+pi+ and D+ -> K-pi+pi+, are used to ensure we are not sensitive to nuisance asymmetries, from production or detection effects.


VICTORIA RAMOS DE OLIVEIRA 22 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] O Modelo Padrão (SM) da física de partículas é atualmente a melhor teoria para descrever as interações entre partículas elementares e suas propriedades. A observação da violação do CP em diversos processos fracos no setor de quarks - permitindo uma distinção absoluta entre partículas e antipartículas - é bem explicada pelo SM (através do chamado Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa ansatz). A violação do CP é uma das condições necessárias para a bariogênese e pode ser a chave para explicar a assimetria matéria-antimatéria no universo. Esta dissertação apresenta a busca por violação de CP no decaimento D+ → π−π+K+ duplamente suprimido por Cabibbo (DCS), usando dados coletados pelo LHCb de 2016-2018 de colisões pp com uma energia de centro de massa de 13 TeV, correspondendo a uma luminosidade integrada de 5,6 fb1. O objetivo desta análise é a implementação de uma técnica independente de modelo para realizar uma comparação estatística entre o espaço de fase, denominado Dalitz Plot (DP), de partícula e antipartícula no canal de decaimento, buscando diferenças locais na distribuição de eventos entre os dois DPs. Primeiro, foi feito um processo de seleção para remover contribuições de background de outros decaimentos de charme, bem como uma análise multivariada utilizando algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina para reduzir os níveis de background combinatoriais. Após a seleção, foi obtida uma amostra final 6M de candidatos a sinal, que é hoje a maior amostra já obtida para um canal de decaimento D+ DCS, permitindo uma excelente sensibilidade para busca de VCP. Essa é a primeira busca de VCP no canal de decaimento estudado. Esta análise é realizada de forma cega, o que significa que não há resultado para a região do sinal nesta primeira etapa e, para garantir que não haja assimetrias espúrias, como efeitos de produção e detecção, foram realizados testes para a região de background, para o canal de controle D+ → K−π+π+ e para a amostra simulada de Monte Carlo. / [en] The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is currently the best theory to describe the interactions between elementary particles and their properties. The observation of CP violation in a variety of weak processes in the quark sector — allowing an absolute distinction of particles and antiparticles — is well explained by the SM (through so-called Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa ansatz). CP violation is one of the necessary conditions for baryogenesis and might be the key to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. This dissertation presents the search for CP violation in the doubly Cabibbo suppressed (DCS) D+ → π−π+K+ decay, using data collected by LHCb from 2016-2018 of pp collisions with a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.6 fb1. The goal of this analysis is the implementation of a model-independent technique to perform a statistical comparison between the phase space, called Dalitz Plot (DP), of particle and antiparticle decay channel, searching for local differences in the distribution of events between the two DPs. First, a selection process was executed to remove background contributions from other charm decays, as well as a multivariate analysis using machine learning algorithms to reduce combinatorial background levels. After the selection, a final sample of ¨6M signal candidates was obtained, which is nowadays the largest sample ever obtained for a DCS D+ decay channel, allowing an outstanding sensitivity for CPV search. This is the first CPV search in the studied decay channel. This analysis is performed blinded, meaning that there is no actual result for the signal region at this first stage and in order to guarantee that there are no nuisance asymmetries, from production and detection effects, tests were performed using the background region, the control channel D+ → K−π+π+ and the Monte Carlo simulated sample.

Techniques tensorielles pour le traitement du signal : algorithmes pour la décomposition polyadique canonique / Tensor techniques for signal processing : algorithms for Canonical Polyadic decomposition

Silva, Alex Pereira da 29 June 2016 (has links)
L’approximation tensorielle de rang faible joue ces dernières années un rôle importantdans plusieurs applications, telles que la séparation aveugle de source, les télécommunications, letraitement d’antennes, les neurosciences, la chimiométrie, et l’exploration de données. La décompositiontensorielle Canonique Polyadique est très attractive comparativement à des outils matriciels classiques,notamment pour l’identification de systèmes. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons (i) plusieursalgorithmes pour calculer quelques approximations de rang faible spécifique: approximation de rang-1 itérative et en un nombre fini d’opérations, l’approximation par déflation itérative, et la décompositiontensorielle orthogonale; (ii) une nouvelle stratégie pour résoudre des systèmes quadratiquesmultivariés, où ce problème peut être réduit à la meilleure approximation de rang-1 d’un tenseur; (iii)des résultats théoriques pour étudier les performances ou prouver la convergence de quelques algorithmes.Toutes les performances sont illustrées par des simulations informatiques. / Low rank tensor decomposition has been playing for the last years an important rolein many applications such as blind source separation, telecommunications, sensor array processing,neuroscience, chemometrics, and data mining. The Canonical Polyadic tensor decomposition is veryattractive when compared to standard matrix-based tools, manly on system identification. In this thesis,we propose: (i) several algorithms to compute specific low rank-approximations: finite/iterativerank-1 approximations, iterative deflation approximations, and orthogonal tensor decompositions. (ii)A new strategy to solve multivariate quadratic systems, where this problem is reduced to a best rank-1 tensor approximation problem. (iii) Theoretical results to study and proof the performance or theconvergence of some algorithms. All performances are supported by numerical experiments. / A aproximação tensorial de baixo posto desempenha nestes últimos anos um papel importanteem várias aplicações, tais como separação cega de fontes, telecomunicações, processamentode antenas, neurociênca, quimiometria e exploração de dados. A decomposição tensorial canônicaé bastante atrativa se comparada às técnicas matriciais clássicas, principalmente na identificação desistemas. Nesta tese, propõe-se (i) vários algoritmos para calcular alguns tipos de aproximação deposto: aproximação de posto-1 iterativa e em um número finito de operações, a aproximação pordeflação iterativa, e a decomposição tensorial ortogonal; (ii) uma nova estratégia para resolver sistemasquadráticos em várias variáveis, em que tal problema pode ser reduzido à melhor aproximaçãode posto-1 de um tensor; (iii) resultados teóricos visando estudar o desempenho ou demonstrar aconvergência de alguns algoritmos. Todas os desempenhos são ilustrados através de simulações computacionais.

Etude des désintégrations sans charme Bº d,s → h+h′−πº decays dans LHCb / Study of charmless Bº d,s → h+h′−πº decays in LHCb

Roa Romero, Diego Alejandro 24 May 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’identification des désintégrations sans charme de mésons beaux neutres en trois corps dont un π0 (B0 d,s → h+h′−π0) en analysant l’échantillon de données de 1.0 fb−1 collecté en 2011 par l’expérience LHCb au LHC. Ces modes sont sensibles aux paramètres de la matrice CKM et permettent de tester certaines prédictions du Modèle Standard liées à la violation de CP. Plusieurs d’entre eux, tels que B0 s → K−π+π0 et B0 s → K+K−π0, n’ont pas été observés précédemment. Il s’agit de la première analyse avec des π0 énergétiques dans LHCb. Pour évaluer les performances du détecteur relatives au π0, des désintégrations D∗+ → D0(→ K−π+π0)π+ ont été sélectionnées. Un échantillon de pions neutres relativement pur et de grande statistique a ainsi pu être extrait. Il est utilisé pour étudier leur étalonnage en énergie ainsi que l’efficacité de l’outil de séparation π0/γ de l’expérience. Les désintégrations radiatives constituent en effet le bruit de fond le plus dangereux pour l’étude des modes B0 d,s → h+h′−π0. Pour sélectionner les événements B0 d,s → h+h′−π0, un algorithme dédié a été mis en place au niveau du système de déclenchement. Il complète les sélections en ligne standards et permet d’augmenter significativement l’efficacité. Sur les événements enregistrés, les bruits de fond évidents, issus principalement de désintégrations de mésons charmés, sont rejetés en appliquant des critères simples. L’échantillon est alors purifié davantage en utilisant une analyse multivariée. Enfin, les informations des détecteurs Cherenkov permettent de séparer les états finals π+π−π0, K±π∓π0 et K+K−π0. Un ajustement simultané des spectres de masse reconstruite du méson beau dans les trois sous-échantillons est utilisé pour extraire les nombres d’événements de signal. Il tient compte des différents bruits de fond restants ainsi que des migrations du signal d’un sous-échantillon à l’autre. Les contributions des modes B0 → π+π−π0, B0 → K+π−π0 et B0 s → K+K−π0 sont clairement établies. Il s’agit de la première observation du mode de désintégration B0 s → K+K−π0. / This thesis work is about the identification of charmless three-body decays of neutral B mesons with a π0 in the final state (B0d,s → h+h′−π0) through the analysis of a 1.0 fb−1 data sample collected in 2011 by the LHCb experiment at the LHC. Those modes are sensitive to CKM parameters and allow to test Standard Model predictions related to CP violation. Some of them, such as B0 s → K−π+π0 and B0 s → K+K−π0, have not been observed previously. This is the first analysis with energetic π0 in LHCb. To evaluate the detector performance for π0, D∗+ → D0(→ K−π+π0)π+ decays have been selected. This provides a clean and high statistics sample of neutral pions used to study their energy calibration as well as the effectiveness of the π0/γ separation tool of the experiment. Radiative decays are indeed the most dangerous backgrounds for the study of B0 d,s → h+h′−π0 modes. To select B0 d,s → h+h′−π0 events, a dedicated trigger algorithm has been implemented. It complements the standard online selections and significantly improves the efficiency. Offline, obvious backgrounds, mainly from charm decays, are rejected applying simple criteria. The sample is then further purified using a multivariate classifier. At last, information from the ring imaging Cherenkov detectors allows to separate π+π−π0, K±π∓π0 and K+K−π0 final states. A simultaneous fit of the reconstructed B mass spectra in the three subsamples is used to extract the signal yields. It accounts for the different backgrounds remaining as well as for the signal crossfeeds from one subsample to the other. The B0 → π+π−π0, B0 → K+π−π0 and B0 s → K+K−π0 contributions are clearly established. This is the first observation of the B0 s → K+K−π0 decay mode.

Mesure de la violation de CP dans les désintégrations Bs > J/psi phi, auprès du détecteur LHCb

Maurice, Emilie 18 July 2012 (has links)
La mesure de la phase phis violant la symétrie CP dans les désintégrations B_s -> J/psi phi est une des analyses phares de l'expérience LHCb. Le Modèle Standard prédit cette observable avec une faible incertitude théorique. La présence de Nouvelle Physique notamment dans les diagrammes en boucle de l'oscillation B_s - B_sbar peut significativement modifier la mesure de cette phase. Durant cette thèse, nous avons participé à différents aspects de l'analyse des désintégrations B_s -> J/psi phi. Nous avons proposé une sélection multi-variable, basée sur un algorithme d'arbres de décision boostés. Cette nouvelle sélection augmente le nombre de signal B_s -> J/psi phi de 19% mais nécessite une correction temporelle. Une étude portant sur l'origine des distorsions angulaires caractéristiques des désintégrations B_s -> J/psi phi a aussi été menée. Il s'avère que la principale source de distorsion est la géométrie du détecteur LHCb. Nous avons aussi contribué à un autre élément clef de cette analyse : l'étiquetage de la saveur. Afin de connaître la saveur initiale des mésons B, un algorithme d'étiquetage a été développé. Il exploite les traces chargées provenant du hadron B de côté opposé. Nous avons participé à son optimisation ainsi qu'à son étalonnage en étudiant les désintégrations B_d -> J/psi K*. En utilisant l'intégralité des données enregistrées en 2011, soit 1 fb^{-1}, après optimisation et calibration de cet algorithme, la puissance d'étiquetage dans le canal B_s -> J/psi phi est : (2.29 +- 0.07 +- 0.26) %. La valeur de phis mesurée est alors : phis = -0.001 +- 0.101 +- 0.027 rad dans les désintégrations B_s -> J/psi phi. / The measurement of the CP violating phis phase in the B_s -> J/psi phi decays is one of the main goals of the LHCb experiment. The predicted value of this observable by the Standard Model has a small theoretical uncertainty. New Physics could significantly modify this measurement, with the presence of new particles in the B_s-B_sbar oscillation's box diagrams. During this thesis, we participate to many aspects of B_s -> J/psi phi analysis. We proposed a multivariate selection, based on a boosted decision trees algorithm. This new selection adds 19% signal B_s -> J/psi phi but it needs a time correction. We studied the main sources of angular distorsions of B_s -> J/psi phi decays. We found that the detector's geometry has the most important impact on the angular distributions. We participated to another key element of the phis analysis : the flavour tagging. In order to determine the initial B flavour, a tagging algorithm has been developped. It exploits charged tracks originating from the b-hadron opposite to the signal B-meson. We participated to its optimization and calibration, by studing the B_d -> J/psi K* channel. With 1 fb^{-1} corresponding to the whole 2011 data, after the optimization and calibration of this algorithm, the tagging power is measured in the B_s -> J/psi phi channel : (2.29 +- 0.07 +- 0.26) %. The phis measurement in the B_s -> J/psi phi channel is : phis = -0.001 +- 0.101 +- 0.027 rad. The combined analysis of B_s -> J/psi phi and B_s -> J/psi pi^+ pi^- decays gives the most precise measurement of phis = -0.002 +- 0.083 +- 0.027 rad. This measurement is compatible with the Standard Model, but there is still room for New Physics.

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