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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av DNA-metylering i genen CREBBP och dess koppling till autism / Analysis of DNA-methylation in the Gene CREBBP and its Connection to Autism

Söderberg, Karolina, Fröjdman, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Autism är en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning som i olika utsträckning påverkar individens sätt att tänka, vara och kommunicera. Arv har visat sig vara en betydande faktor till varför vissa får autism, och forskning tyder på att det finns ett samband mellan autism och en obalans i metyleringsmönstret i vissa gener. Målet med arbetet var därav att för tre olika promotorer i genen CREBBP undersöka huruvida ett gemensamt metyleringsmönster för personer med autism kunde urskiljas. Därefter jämföra detta med metyleringsmönster i samma promotorregioner hos individer utan autism för att kunna dra slutsatser om ett tydligt samband mellan metyleringsmönster och autism finns. Avdelningen för sällsynta diagnoser på SciLifeLab försedde arbetet med helgenomsekvenseringsdata där flertalet individer hade avvikelser i gener som tros kan kopplas till autism. För att kartlägga metyleringsmönster utvecklades två Matlab-program. Det ena för att visualisera metyleringen i en gens promotorregion och den andra för att numeriskt jämföra två individers metyleringsmönster med varandra. Resultatet påvisade inget tydligt samband mellan autism och metyleringsmönster i de tre aktuella promotorerna i CREBBP och om ett liknande projekt skulle genomföras i framtiden finns det möjlighet för vidare utveckling. / Autism is a neuropsychiatric disability which in various extent affects the individual's way of thinking, being and communicate. It has been shown that heritage contributes to the development of autism, and science suggests there is a connection between autism and an imbalance in the methylation-pattern in specific genes in the DNA. The purpose of this study was to examine if a methylation pattern could be distinguished for individuals who had abnormalities in genes that are believed to be correlated with autism. This was examined in three promoter regions in the gene CREBBP. The result was then compared with the methylation pattern in the same region for individuals without autism to assess whether there is a difference between the two groups.  The department of rare diseases on SciLifeLab provided this project with sequencing data from the individuals. To find a methylation pattern, two Matlab programs were developed. One to visualize the methylation in a gene’s promotor region and the other to numerically compare two individuals' methylation patterns. The result did not show any clear connection between autism and the methylation in the different promotor regions. If a similar project would be carried out in the future, there is a possibility of further development.

Caracterización biológica de la leucemia mieloide aguda con translocación t(8;16)(p11;p13) y reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP

Camós Guijosa, Mireia 13 April 2007 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓN. La leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA) es una enfermedad heterogénea desde el punto de vista clínico y biológico. En los últimos años se vienen reconociendo diversas alteraciones moleculares que definen entidades específicas. En este contexto, la LMA con translocación t(8;16)(p11;p13) y reordenamiento MYST3 (MOZ)/CREBBP (CBP) es una variedad infrecuente mal caracterizada desde el punto de vista biológico. HIPÓTESIS Y OBJETIVOS. La proteína quimérica MYST3-CREBBP, resultante de la translocación t(8;16)(p11;p13), podría conferir a este subtipo de LMA una individualidad biológica propia, con rasgos diferenciados respecto al resto de leucemias. Para confirmar esta hipótesis general los objetivos de la presente tesis doctoral fueron: 1) diseñar una técnica de PCR para el diagnóstico rápido y específico del reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP; 2) caracterizar el punto de ruptura de los genes implicados en la translocación en una serie de pacientes y 3) estudiar el perfil de expresión génica de las LMA con reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP y compararlo con el de otros subtipos bien definidos de LMA.PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS. Se estudió una serie de pacientes con LMA y reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP (n=7) y se compararon sus características biológicas con otros casos de LMA. Para ello se diseñó una técnica de PCR nueva para la detección del reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP, mientras que los puntos de ruptura de los genes implicados en la translocación se estudiaron mediante secuenciación directa. El estudio del perfil de expresión génica de la LMA con reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP se abordó utilizando microarrays de oligonucleótidos (Affymetrix HU133A). La diferencia entre la expresión génica entre diferentes subtipos de leucemia se analizó con diversas técnicas estadísticas (ANOVA, t-test), utilizando diferentes programas informáticos. Los resultados de este análisis se validaron en una serie independiente de pacientes estudiados mediante RT-PCR cuantitativa utilizando arrays de baja densidad. RESULTADOS. Los pacientes afectos de LMA con reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP presentaron un inmunofenotipo característico (CD34-, HLA-DR-, CD117-, CD56+, expresión de marcadores mielomonocíticos). Por otro lado, el análisis molecular reveló que el tránscrito tipo I del gen quimérico MYST3-CREBBP es el más común en estos pacientes. Por otra parte, el análisis sobre el perfil de expresión génica mostró una firma característica para las LMA con reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP, consistente en la sobreexpresión de determinados genes HOX (HOXA9, HOXA10), de los oncogenes RET y PRL y la infraexpresión de genes como CCND2, STAT5 y WT1. Por otro lado, se observó una similitud en la expresión de algunos genes entre las leucemias MYST3-CREBBP y las LMA con reordenamiento de MLL, lo que sugiere un mecanismo de leucemogénesis parcialmente compartido por los dos tipos de leucemia.CONCLUSIONES. La técnica de RT-PCR implementada es útil para la detección rápida del reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP. El denominado tránscrito tipo I del gen quimérico MYST3-CREBBP es el más común en la LMA con t(8;16). La LMA con reordenamiento MYST3-CREBBP posee un perfil de expresión característico, con sobreexpresión de diversos oncogenes como RET y PRL y la presencia de un patrón específico de expresión de los genes homeobox.

Avaliação da imunocompetência de portadores da síndrome de Rubinstein-taybi. / Evaluation of the imunocompetence of carriers of the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.

Torres, Leuridan Cavalcante 04 April 2008 (has links)
A síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (RTS, OMIM 180849) é uma doença autossômica dominante caracterizada por dismorfismos craniofaciais típicos, polegares e háluces alargados, infecções respiratórias recidivantes, retardo mental e de crescimento. RTS está associada com mutação no gene CREBBP. Na avaliação da imunocompetência de 17 portadores de RTS, observaram-se algumas alterações na resposta imune inata e adaptativa: leucocitose persistente, neutrófilos com desgranulopoiese, elevada concentração sérica de IgM e IgG1, produção normal de anticorpos contra antígenos protéicos e anti-polissacarídeos, elevados valores absolutos de células B totais, B \"naive\", B de memória, subpopulação B1 e de linfócitos B com IgM de membrana, e elevado percentual de apoptose de linfócitos B. DTH negativo para três antígenos e baixa resposta linfoproliferativa para antígenos protéicos. Diante do exposto, concluímos que os pacientes RTS apresentam alterações em vários mecanismos da resposta imune e principalmente, na imunidade humoral. Portanto, com este trabalho foi possível identificar as principais alterações imunológicas destes pacientes, e com isso, caracterizar quais os defeitos da resposta imune que pode estar associada com gene CREBBP. / Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS, OMIM 180849) is a dominant Mendelian disorder characterized by craniofacial dysmorphisms, broad thumbs and toes, mental retardation and growth and recurrent respiratory infections. RTS is classically associated with CREBBP gene mutations, but recently, p300 gene mutations were reported in three individuals. In imunonocompetence investigation of a group of 17 patient of the RTS, we found that the patients really show alterations in more than one arm of the immune response. The main alterations were found in: a) innate immunity, patients have defects in the distribution of the granules citoplasmatic and partial absence of F-actin filament part of its polymorphonuclear cells. In addition, some patients had decreased phagocytic activity, b) humoral immunity: elevated serum IgM antibodies and IgG1 subclass, normal production of antibodies for protein antigens and antipolysaccharide, high absolute values of B cell total, B \"naive\", B memory, subpopulation B1 and B lymphocytes with the membrane IgM, and high percentage of apoptosis of B lymphocytes; c) cellular immunity: delayed hypersensitivity skin tests negative for three antigens and low lymphoproliferative response to protein antigens. Values reduced percentage of CD45RA+ , CD45RO+ T cells and high doublepositive CD45RA+/CD45RO +) T cell. Ahead of the severe recurrent respiratory infections that affect the patients with RTS, and of the evaluation of immunocompetence of these patients, we find that they have several alterations in mechanisms of immune response and mainly in humoral immunity. Therefore, with this study was to identify the major immunological alterations of these patients, and with this, which characterize the main defects of the immune response of the patients RTS that can is associated with gene CREBBP.

Avaliação da imunocompetência de portadores da síndrome de Rubinstein-taybi. / Evaluation of the imunocompetence of carriers of the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.

Leuridan Cavalcante Torres 04 April 2008 (has links)
A síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (RTS, OMIM 180849) é uma doença autossômica dominante caracterizada por dismorfismos craniofaciais típicos, polegares e háluces alargados, infecções respiratórias recidivantes, retardo mental e de crescimento. RTS está associada com mutação no gene CREBBP. Na avaliação da imunocompetência de 17 portadores de RTS, observaram-se algumas alterações na resposta imune inata e adaptativa: leucocitose persistente, neutrófilos com desgranulopoiese, elevada concentração sérica de IgM e IgG1, produção normal de anticorpos contra antígenos protéicos e anti-polissacarídeos, elevados valores absolutos de células B totais, B \"naive\", B de memória, subpopulação B1 e de linfócitos B com IgM de membrana, e elevado percentual de apoptose de linfócitos B. DTH negativo para três antígenos e baixa resposta linfoproliferativa para antígenos protéicos. Diante do exposto, concluímos que os pacientes RTS apresentam alterações em vários mecanismos da resposta imune e principalmente, na imunidade humoral. Portanto, com este trabalho foi possível identificar as principais alterações imunológicas destes pacientes, e com isso, caracterizar quais os defeitos da resposta imune que pode estar associada com gene CREBBP. / Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS, OMIM 180849) is a dominant Mendelian disorder characterized by craniofacial dysmorphisms, broad thumbs and toes, mental retardation and growth and recurrent respiratory infections. RTS is classically associated with CREBBP gene mutations, but recently, p300 gene mutations were reported in three individuals. In imunonocompetence investigation of a group of 17 patient of the RTS, we found that the patients really show alterations in more than one arm of the immune response. The main alterations were found in: a) innate immunity, patients have defects in the distribution of the granules citoplasmatic and partial absence of F-actin filament part of its polymorphonuclear cells. In addition, some patients had decreased phagocytic activity, b) humoral immunity: elevated serum IgM antibodies and IgG1 subclass, normal production of antibodies for protein antigens and antipolysaccharide, high absolute values of B cell total, B \"naive\", B memory, subpopulation B1 and B lymphocytes with the membrane IgM, and high percentage of apoptosis of B lymphocytes; c) cellular immunity: delayed hypersensitivity skin tests negative for three antigens and low lymphoproliferative response to protein antigens. Values reduced percentage of CD45RA+ , CD45RO+ T cells and high doublepositive CD45RA+/CD45RO +) T cell. Ahead of the severe recurrent respiratory infections that affect the patients with RTS, and of the evaluation of immunocompetence of these patients, we find that they have several alterations in mechanisms of immune response and mainly in humoral immunity. Therefore, with this study was to identify the major immunological alterations of these patients, and with this, which characterize the main defects of the immune response of the patients RTS that can is associated with gene CREBBP.

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