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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognitive Diagnostic Model, a Simulated-Based Study: Understanding Compensatory Reparameterized Unified Model (CRUM)

Galeshi, Roofia 28 November 2012 (has links)
A recent trend in education has been toward formative assessments to enable teachers, parents, and administrators assist students succeed. Cognitive diagnostic modeling (CDM) has the potential to provide valuable information for stakeholders to assist students identify their skill deficiency in specific academic subjects. Cognitive diagnosis models are mainly viewed as a family of latent class confirmatory probabilistic models. These models allow the mapping of students' skill profiles/academic ability. Using a complex simulation studies, the methodological issues in one of the existing cognitive models, referred to as compensatory reparameterized unified model (CRUM) under the log-linear model family of CDM, was investigated. In order for practitioners to implement these models, their item parameter recovery and examinees' classifications need to be studied in detail. A series of complex simulated data were generated for investigation with the following designs: three attributes with seven items, three attributes with thirty five items, four attributes with fifteen items, and five attributes with thirty one items. Each dataset was generated with observations of: 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 examinees. The first manuscript is the report of the investigation of how accurately CRUM could recover item parameters and classify examinees under true QMattrix specification and various research designs. The results suggested that the test length with regards to number of attributes and sample size affects the item parameter recovery and examinees classification accuracy. The second manuscript is the report of the investigation of the sensitivity of relative fit indices in detecting misfit for over- and opposite-Q-Matrix misspecifications. The relative fit indices under investigation were Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and sample size adjusted Bayesian information criterion (ssaBIC). The results suggested that the CRUM can be a robust model given the consideration to the observation number and item/attribute combinations. The findings of this dissertation fill some of the existing gaps in the methodological issues regarding cognitive models' applicability and generalizability. It helps practitioners design tests in CDM framework in order to attain reliable and valid results. / Ph. D.

Diagnostic Modeling of Intra-Organizational Mechanisms for Supporting Policy Implementation

Mutcheson, Brock 28 June 2016 (has links)
The Virginia Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers represented a significant overhaul of conventional teacher evaluation criteria in Virginia. The policy outlined seven performance standards by which all Virginia teachers would be evaluated. This study explored the application of cognitive diagnostic modeling to measure teachers' perceptions of intra-organizational mechanisms available to support educational professionals in implementing this policy. It was found that a coarse-grained, four-attribute compensatory, re-parameterized unified model (C-RUM) fit teacher perception data better and had lower standard errors than the competing finer-grained models. The Q-matrix accounted for the complex loadings of items to the four theoretically and empirically driven mechanisms of implementation support including characteristics of the policy, teachers, leadership, and the organization. The mechanisms were positively, significantly, and moderately correlated which suggested that each mechanism captured a different, yet related, component of policy implementation support. The diagnostic profile estimates indicated that the majority of teachers perceived support on items relating to "characteristics of teachers." Moreover, almost 60% of teachers were estimated to belong to profiles with perceived support on "characteristics of the policy." Finally, multiple group multinomial log-linear models (Xu and Von Davier, 2008) were used to analyze the data across subjects, grade levels, and career status. There was lower perceived support by STEM teachers than non-STEM teachers who have the same profile, suggesting that STEM teachers required differential support than non-STEM teachers. The precise diagnostic feedback on the implementation process provided by this application of diagnostic models will be beneficial to policy makers and educational leaders. Specifically, they will be better prepared to identify strengths and weaknesses and target resources for a more efficient, and potentially more effective, policy implementation process. It is assumed that when equipped with more precise diagnostic feedback, policy makers and school leaders may be able to more confidently engage in empirical decision making, especially in regards to targeting resources for short-term and long-term organizational goals subsumed within the policy implementation initiative. / Ph. D.

Form and Function: Seeing, Knowing, and Reasoning with Diagrams in the Practice of Science

Gross, Ari Bakst 09 January 2014 (has links)
In virtue of what do scientific diagrams acquire their epistemic legitimacy? Which factors serve to validate schematic visual representations, rendering them useful and accepted components of scientific practice? This thesis addresses the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams by investigating a variety of diagrams whose referents are “invisible”, that is, whose targets either cannot be seen, lack physical form, or have no material analogue. In focusing on such images, we shall gain insight into the factors that shape the forms that practicing scientists give to their diagrams and shed light on contemporary issues in the philosophy of scientific models and representations. In this work, common factors underscoring the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams are identified through three in-depth historical case studies. First, we consider several diagrammatic approaches to visualizing chemical structure that emerged around the 1860s, especially the competing approaches of August Kekulé and Alexander Crum Brown, and investigate the factors that led to the enduring success of Crum Brown’s visual representations and the corresponding abandonment of Kekulé’s. Second, we examine a spectrum of stereochemical diagrams and material models produced from the 1870s to the early 20th century, particularly those produced by J. H. van ‘t Hoff, and consider the factors that determined the forms given to representations of three-dimensional structures of chemical compounds. Third, we explore the diagrammatic approaches taken by physicist Richard Feynman in his mid-20th century lectures on quantum electrodynamics, paying close attention to his diagrams’ stylistic commonalities and dissimilarities as well as their ability to mediate between various aspects of the practice of physics. Finally, this thesis concludes by considering several common factors regarding the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams that can be identified in these case studies, including the importance of a bijective relationship between scientists’ understanding of their diagrams and of their diagrams’ referents, the utility of diagrams for productively reasoning about their referents, and ability of certain diagrams to reduce scientists’ cognitive burden, especially through visual similarities. These factors serve to unite divergent approaches to the philosophy of scientific models and representation and reorient contemporary debates concerning representation towards an integrated historical-philosophical methodology.

Form and Function: Seeing, Knowing, and Reasoning with Diagrams in the Practice of Science

Gross, Ari Bakst 09 January 2014 (has links)
In virtue of what do scientific diagrams acquire their epistemic legitimacy? Which factors serve to validate schematic visual representations, rendering them useful and accepted components of scientific practice? This thesis addresses the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams by investigating a variety of diagrams whose referents are “invisible”, that is, whose targets either cannot be seen, lack physical form, or have no material analogue. In focusing on such images, we shall gain insight into the factors that shape the forms that practicing scientists give to their diagrams and shed light on contemporary issues in the philosophy of scientific models and representations. In this work, common factors underscoring the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams are identified through three in-depth historical case studies. First, we consider several diagrammatic approaches to visualizing chemical structure that emerged around the 1860s, especially the competing approaches of August Kekulé and Alexander Crum Brown, and investigate the factors that led to the enduring success of Crum Brown’s visual representations and the corresponding abandonment of Kekulé’s. Second, we examine a spectrum of stereochemical diagrams and material models produced from the 1870s to the early 20th century, particularly those produced by J. H. van ‘t Hoff, and consider the factors that determined the forms given to representations of three-dimensional structures of chemical compounds. Third, we explore the diagrammatic approaches taken by physicist Richard Feynman in his mid-20th century lectures on quantum electrodynamics, paying close attention to his diagrams’ stylistic commonalities and dissimilarities as well as their ability to mediate between various aspects of the practice of physics. Finally, this thesis concludes by considering several common factors regarding the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams that can be identified in these case studies, including the importance of a bijective relationship between scientists’ understanding of their diagrams and of their diagrams’ referents, the utility of diagrams for productively reasoning about their referents, and ability of certain diagrams to reduce scientists’ cognitive burden, especially through visual similarities. These factors serve to unite divergent approaches to the philosophy of scientific models and representation and reorient contemporary debates concerning representation towards an integrated historical-philosophical methodology.


Zamorano Cantó, Manuel 21 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] The behaviour of different types of textile fibres, obtained from extraction and separation methods in the recycling processes of ELT (End of life tyres) (from now on "fluff"), as acoustic absorbent material has been studied in this research work. This work is a starting point for the study of the use of this type of materials in architectural acoustics applications. Experimental design was used to study the relevance of the forming conditions: pressure, time and temperature variables. The adjustment of the manufacturing variables: different temperature range, curing time, fluff mass variation, and compaction factor were studied in order to investigate the relation of these parameters to the acoustic intrinsic properties: porosity, tortuosity and air flow permeability. The objective was to achieve the best conditions in the production of panels with the best sound absorbent qualities within the widest frequencies rank. The production process was carried out by using an octahedral mould, made up of the enclosed body covered by a piston-like lid with downward-upward trajectory. Inside the mould a specific mass of fibres was homogeneously displayed, and then it was placed in a press with heated plates, using the piston to compress the fibres until the established level of pressure. Panels were obtained by applying the precise heating energy in order to reach the required temperature for each particular sample and remaining in these conditions during the fixed time. / [ES] En este trabajo estudiamos el comportamiento como absorbentes acústicos de diferentes clases de fibras textiles, provenientes de métodos de extracción y separación en el reciclado de neumáticos fuera de uso, en adelante (fluff). El trabajo es un punto de partida en el estudio de este tipo de materiales para su uso en aplicaciones de acústica arquitectónica. Mediante diseño de experimentos, se estudia la influencia de las condiciones de conformación: presión, tiempo, temperatura, masa de fluff. Aplicando unas variables en los parámetros de conformado, variación de temperatura, variación de tiempo de exposición, variación de la masa de fluff, y variación del factor de conformación a fin de estudiar la relación de estos parámetros y las propiedades intrínsecas acústicas: porosidad, tortuosidad, permeabilidad al flujo de aire. Consiguiendo las condiciones más optimas, para la posterior conformación de un panel que obtenga las mejores cualidades absorbentes del sonido, en el mayor rango de frecuencias. El proceso de conformado, se ha llevado a cabo mediante un molde ortoédrico, compuesto por el seno, cubierto por una tapadera tipo pistón descendente en el cual, se han dispuesto homogéneamente una determinada masa de fibras, el molde ha sido situado en una prensa con platos calefactores. Comprimiendo las fibras mediante el descenso del pistón hasta el nivel establecido, aplicándoles energía calorífica, hasta obtener la temperatura indicada en cada muestra, permaneciendo en estas condiciones durante un tiempo determinado. / [CA] En aquest treball estudiem el comportament com a absorbents acústics de diferents classes de fibres tèxtils provinents de mètodes d'extracció i separació en el reciclat de pneumàtics fora d'ús, d'ara endavant (fluff). El treball és un punt de partida en l'estudi d'aquest tipus de materials per al seu ús en aplicacions d'acústica arquitectònica. Mitjançant disseny d'experiments s'estudia la influència de les condicions de conformació: pressió, temps, temperatura, aplicant unes variables en els paràmetres de conformat, variació de temperatura, variació de temps d'exposició, variació de la massa de fluff, i variació del factor de conformació a fi d'estudiar la relació d'aquests paràmetres i les propietats intrínseques acústiques porositat, tortuositat, permeabilitat al flux d'aire, aconseguint les condicions més optimes per a la posterior conformació d'un panell que obtinga les millors qualitats absorbents del so, en el major rang de freqüències. El procés de conformat s'ha dut a terme mitjançant un motle ortoedre, compost pel si cobert per una tapadora tipus pistó descendent en el qual s'han disposat homogèniament una determinada massa de fibres, el motle ha sigut situat en una premsa amb plats calefactors, comprimint les fibres mitjançant el descens del pistó fins al nivell establert, aplicant-los energia calorífica fins a obtenir la temperatura indicada en cada mostra romanent en aquestes condicions durant un temps determinat. / Zamorano Cantó, M. (2016). INVESTIGACIÓN CON FIBRA RECICLADA DE NEUMÁTICO (F.R.N.) PARA APLICACIONES ACÚSTICAS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61972

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