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The Development of Competency to Stand Trial-Related Abilities in a Sample of Juvenile OffendersCostanza, Morgan Brittany January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effect of Cations on Volatile Solids Destruction, Odors, and Dewatering in anaerobic digestionPark, Chang Min 22 July 2008 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to understand the effects of wastewater sludge feed cations on volatile solids destruction, odor control, and dewaterability. The role of influent feed cations and addition of chemical coagulants to sludge were evaluated for those characteristics following anaerobic digestion. Wastewater sludge samples were obtained from seven municipal wastewater treatment plants. Subsequently, batch digestion of the sludges was performed anaerobically in the laboratory with 30 days of SRT. Conditioning with cationic polymer and dewatering simulating a high solids centrifuge were performed after digestion. It was found that volatile solids destruction and volatile organic sulfur compounds generation increased proportionally as iron content in influent increased. However, they decreased as aluminum content in influent increased. It was also found that as iron content in influent increased, higher optimum polymer dose was required for dewatering. On the contrary, increase in aluminum content in influent resulted in decrease in the amount of optimum polymer dose. Direct addition of iron to the digesting sludge can be the most efficient point of addition with respect to volatile solids destruction, odor control, and conditioning of digested sludge. / Master of Science
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Theoretical analysis and simulation of microwave-generation from a coaxial vircatorHägg, Martin January 2017 (has links)
High-power microwave, HPM, systems can be used as non-lethal weapons with the ability to destroy or disturb electronics, by damaging internal circuits and inducing high currents. Today microwave sources are being developed with peak powers exceeding 1 GW, one of these devices is the vircator, a narrowband source which is unique to the HPM community. In order to understand and develop microwave sources like the vircator it is necessary to have computer models, as simulations gives an invaluable understanding of the mechanisms involved during operation, saving time and development costs. This thesis presents the results from a theoretical analysis and a simulation study using a well known electromagnetic particle-in-cell code, Computer Simulation Technology Particle Studio. The results are then compared to measured data from a HPM system, the Bofors HPM Blackout. The results show that CST PS can be used to design and study the coaxial vircator with good results.
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Optimering av driftstemperatur vid mesofil rötning av slam : - funktionskontroll vid Uppsalas reningsverk / Optimizing operational temperature in mesophilic digestion of sewage sludge : – a study at Uppsala wastewater treatment plantAndersson, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
För att minska klimatpåverkan är energisnåla processer och användning av fossilfria bränslen viktigt. Vid stabilisering av avloppsslam vid reningsverk är en vanlig metod rötning som förutom att ta hand om slammet även producerar biogas, ett fossilfritt bränsle med låga växthusgasutsläpp. Processer som drivs inom det mesofila temperaturområdet har visat sig vara stabila och ger en jämn gasproduktion. Det mesofila området sträcker sig mellan 25–40°C men de flesta processer drivs mellan 35–40°C. Den här studien undersöker möjligheten att sänka temperaturen inom det mesofila området för att få en lägre energiförbrukning och en energisnålare process. Då det är viktigt att biogasproduktionen inte försämras av en sänkt temperatur har skillnad i utrötningsgrad, metanpotential och utrötningstid undersökts vid tre olika temperaturer (32, 34,5 samt 37,5°C) via satsvisa utrötningsförsök. Utöver påverkan på biogasproduktionen har en energibalansberäkning utförts för rötkamrarna vid Uppsala reningsverk. Detta ger ett mått på hur stora vinster i värmeenergi en sänkt temperatur kan leda till. En betydande kostnad vid reningsverk är avvattningen av slam och det är därför viktigt att den inte riskerar att försämras om temperaturen sänks. Ett filtreringsförsök som mäter CST (Capillary Suction Time) ger ett mått på slammets avvattningsegenskaper och har därför utförts vid tre olika temperaturer. Resultaten visade ingen försämring i biogasproduktion vid en sänkning till 34,5°C och en minskning i metanpotential med 11 % vid en sänkning till 32°C. Nedbrytningshastigheten försämrades inte vid en sänkt temperatur. Vinster i form av lägre värmeförbrukning uppgick till 14 % vid sänkning till 34,5°C och 27 % vid sänkning till 32°C. Avvattningsförsöket visade ingen försämrad avvattning vid lägre temperaturer. Den här studien visar att det finns en möjlighet att sänka temperaturen i rötkammaren vid reningsverket i Uppsala och på så sätt sänka energiförbrukningen. För att bekräfta resultaten bör även kontinuerliga försök utföras men denna studie visar att det är möjligt att få en lyckad nedbrytning även i lägre mesofila temperaturer. Resultatet öppnar upp för fortsatta undersökningar om temperaturförändringar inom det mesofila området och kan leda till en optimering av rötningsprocessen och möjlighet att få en effektiv och energisnål produktion av biogas. / Energy efficient processes and the use of fossil free fuels play an important role in order to reduce the impact of climate change. Anaerobic digestion is a common way for stabilizing sewage sludge at wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). One of the benefits with anaerobic digestion is that it also produces biogas, a fossil free fuel with low greenhouse gas emissions. An operational temperature within the mesophilic range has proven to give a stable process with an unfluctuating production of gas. The mesophilic temperature range between 25-40°C but most processes are operated between 35-40°C. This study investigates the opportunity to lower the temperature within the mesophilic range in order to reduce energy consumption. It is important to maintain the production of biogas with a lower temperature. Therefore, the reduction in VS-content (VS-volatile solids), methane yield and time for degradation was determined by a BMP-experiment (BMP-Biochemical Methane Potential) in three different temperatures (32, 34.5 and 37.5°C). In order to quantify the reduction in heat consumption with lower operational temperatures the change in heat balance for a full-scale WWTP in Uppsala was calculated. A major part of the operational cost is dewatering of sludge and it is therefore important that it does not deteriorate with a lower temperature. The effect on the dewaterability at different temperatures was examined by a filterability test measuring CST (capillary suction time). The results from the study showed no significant difference in methane yield between 37.5°C and 34.5°C. The methane yield at 32°C was 11 % lower compared to 37.5°C but the degradation kinetic was not affected by a temperature change. The reduction in heat consumption was 14 % when the temperature was reduced to 34.5°C and 27 % when it was reduced to 32°C. The filterability test did not show a deterioration with lower temperatures. The study showed that it is possible to reduce the operational temperature for anaerobic digestion at the WWTP in Uppsala in order to reduce the energy consumption. To confirm these results a continuously experiment should be done, but this study shows that it is possible to get a successful degradation in a lower mesophilic temperature. This leads the way for further investigations within the mesophilic range and could lead to optimizing anaerobic digestion and the opportunity to get an energy efficient production of biogas.
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Modelování dielektrických směrových odbočnic / Dielectric directional coupler modelingŠikl, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Dielectric High-frequency transmission lines are natural alternative to the lines made of metal in term of low loss. These lines are mainly used in microwave techniques of measuring. The main object is to describe basic parameters of metal and dielectric transmission lines and their comparison. Next point is a basic overview of the excitation the lines from metal and it's application on dielectric transmission lines. Then make the simulation of microstrip directional couplers and coupler made by dielectric waveguides. The last point of work is construction these directional couplers and measuring their most important parameters.
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Investigation of Near-Field Contribution in SBR for Installed Antenna PerformanceHultin, Harald January 2019 (has links)
To investigate near-eld contributions for installed antennas, an in-house code iswritten to incorporate near-eld terms in Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR). SBRis a method where rays are launched toward an object and scatter using GeometricalOptics (GO). These rays induce currents on the object, from which the totalscattered eld can be found.To gauge the eect of near-eld terms, the in-house code can be set to excludenear-eld terms. Due to this characteristic, the method is named SBR Includingor Excluding Near-eld Terms (SIENT). The SIENT implementation is thoroughlydescribed. To make SIENT more exible, the code works with triangulated meshesof objects. Antennas are represented as near-eld sources, allowing complex antennasto be represented by simple surface currents. Further, some implementedoptimizations of SIENT are shown.To test the implemented method, SIENT is compared to a reference solution andcomparable commercial SBR solvers. It is shown that SIENT compares well to thecommercial options. Further, it is shown that the inclusion of near-eld terms actsas a small correction to the far-eld of the installed antenna. / För att undersöka närfältsbidrag för installerade antenner, har en kod skrivits föratt ta med närfältstermer i Shooting Bouncing Rays (SBR). SBR är en metod där strålar (”rays”) skjuts mot ett object och sprids via Geometrisk Optik (GO). Dessa strålar inducerar strömmar på objectet, från vilka det totala sprida fältet kan hittas. För att undersöka bidraget från närfältstermer, så kan koden exkludera dessa. På grund av denna karaktär, kallas koden SBR Including or Excluding Near-field Terms (SIENT). Implementationen av SIENT beskrivs utförligt. För att göra SIENT mer flexibel, arbetar SIENT med triangulerade nät av objekt. Antenner representeras av närfältskällor, vilket låter komplexa antenner representeras med enkla yt-strömmar.Implementerade optimeringar av SIENT visas också.För att testa den implementerade metoden, jämförs SIENT med en referenslösning och jämförbara kommerciella SBR-lösare. Det visas att SIENT överensstämmer bra med kommerciella alternativ. Det visas också att närfältstermer agerar som enmindre korrektion till fjärrfältet av den installerade antennen.
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Introducing a central receiver system for industrial high-temperature process heat applications : A techno-economic case study of a large-scale CST plant system in a South African manganese sinter plantHallberg, Maria, Hallme, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to investigate the potential for introducing a concentrating solar thermal (CST) central receiver plant system based on flexible heliostats - HelioPods - to provide high-temperature process heat in industrial applications. A CST plant system was designed in MATLAB, optically simulated for three design days in the ray-tracing software Tonatiuh and further analyzed in MATLAB by interpolating the results for each hour of the year. A case study was made on introducing a CST plant system based on HelioPods in a South African manganese sinter plant. The study included an investigation of the profitability of up- and downsizing the heliostat field annually with fluctuating heat demand. A circular heliostat field was modelled for the chosen location. The final field had a radius of 53 meters with the receiver located 60% from the field centre. The storage size was 16 demand hours and 17 plants were required. The results showed that 88% of the annual heat demand could be covered by solar heat in the design year. The marketing approach used for the following years was that the heat demand covered by solar heat should never be below the share at the first year, despite the predicted fluctuations in demand. Thus, a minimum solar share of 88% was used as a strategy for annual up- and downsizing of the fields throughout the investigated period of 25 years. That resulted in a field radius differing between 52 and 55 meters. The payback period of the final system was 4.35 years, the NPV was 54.33 MUSD over a period of 25 years and the LCOH was 35.39 USD/MWht. However, it was found that the profitability of the system was sensitive to the different scenarios for predicted future diesel prices, this since the pricing of the solar heat was set to 90% of the diesel price. The results in this thesis show that a CST plant system based on HelioPods is a suitable solution to supply high-temperature process heat to industrial applications. It also shows that the HelioPods can unlock potential for flexibility with changing production patterns in the industry of implementation. The results from the study can be used also for other industries with similar temperature range and heat demand. Thus, it could be argued that the implementation of a HelioPod based CST plant system also can be suitable for other industries located in high-DNI areas with dependency on conventional fuels and steady production throughout the whole day. / Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka potentialen för implementering av koncentrerad termisk solvärme (CST) från ett soltorn med ett heliostatfält baserat på flexibla heliostater - HelioPods – för att generera högtempererad processvärme för industriell tillämpning. Ett CST-system designades i MATLAB, simulerades för tre designdagar i det optiska ray-tracingprogrammet Tonatiuh och analyserades sedan åter i MATLAB genom att interpolera de genererade resultaten för årets alla timmar. En fallstudie av ett CST-system baserat på HelioPods i ett sydafrikanskt sinterverk för mangan genomfördes därefter. Studien innehöll en undersökning av lönsamheten av årlig ökning och minskning av heliostatfältet vid fluktuerande värmebehov. Ett cirkulärt heliostatfält modellerades för den valda platsen. Det slutgiltiga fältet hade en radie om 53 meter med mottagaren placerad 60% från fältets mittpunkt. Storleken på lagringsfaciliteten var 16 timmar av full tillförsel och antalet verk uppgick till 17. Resultaten visade att 88% av det årliga värmebehovet kunde förses med solvärme under designåret. Marknadsstrategin för de resterande åren var att den procentuella andelen solvärme aldrig skulle vara lägre än under designåret, oberoende av fluktuationer i värmebehovet på grund av ändrad produktion. Således sattes 88% solvärme som ett minimikrav och utgjorde strategin för den årliga ökningen och minskningen av fältet för den undersökta perioden av 25 år. Det resulterade i en fältradie mellan 52 och 55 meter. Återbetalningstiden för det slutgiltiga fältet var 4.35 år, nuvärdesberäkningen av det framtida kassaflödet var 54.22 miljoner USD över en 25-årsperiod och produktionskostnaden för värme (LCOH) var 35.39 USD/MWht. Dock var systemets lönsamhet känslig för de olika prognoser av framtida dieselpriser som undersöktes, detta eftersom priset för solvärme sattes till 90% av dieselpriset. Resultaten i denna uppsats visar att ett CST-system baserat på HelioPods är en lämplig lösning för att generera högtempererad processvärme för industriell tillämpning. De visar även att HelioPods kan öka potentialen för flexibilitet vid förändringar i produktionsmönstret i vederbörande industri. Resultaten kan även användas i andra industrier med likartade temperaturer och värmebehov. Hävdas kan således att implementation av ett CST-system kan vara lämpligt även för andra industrier belägna i områden med högt DNI som är beroende på konventionella energikällor och har jämn produktion dygnet runt.
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Conception d'antenne intelligente reconfigurable pour la radio cognitiveNguyen, Trong duc 24 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les antennes reconfigurables offrent de multiples fonctions en changeant dynamiquement leurs propriétés telles que la fréquence de fonctionnement, la polarisation, le diagramme de rayonnement ou toute combinaison de ces trois paramètres. Leur agilité et leur diversité créent de nouvelles possibilités d'applications pour les systèmes radio tels que les réseaux locaux, les liaisons par satellite et notamment la radio cognitive. Dans cette thèse, deux antennes reconfigurables en fréquence fonctionnant dans les bandes des standards sans fil actuels ont été proposées. Elles sont basées sur la modification de la géométrie du patch rayonnant. Leurs dimensions ont été optimisées par algorithmes génétiques embarqués et combinés à un logiciel de simulation électromagnétique. La commande de la reconfiguration de ces antennes est réalisée à l'aide d'un microcontrôleur qui pilote l'état des commutateurs (des diodes PIN). De ce fait, un système d'antenne reconfigurable intelligent dédié à la radio cognitive a été développé.
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CONTRIBUIÇÃO DOS CURSOS SUPERIORES DE TECNOLOGIA NA EDUCAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL DO TRABALHADOR BRASILEIRO / Contribution of the higher programs of tecnology courses in vocational education of the brazilian workerLucato, Alfredo Heitor 11 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-11 / The Higher Programs of Technology, known in Brazil as CST, are a specific type of higher education (Technologist), with its own characteristics, including the focus on specialization of their curricula and shorter duration aiming at a faster training. This kind of graduation has been widespread in the country since the mid-1990s, after the enactment of the law nº 9.394/96 - LDB, and by a series of decrees, orders and advices of the MEC / CNE. Among the outstanding main goals and objectives of the PNE for higher education, it may highlighted: diversified higher education system to meet the specific demands of clienteles training; linkage between curriculum and the labor market; financing and management; creating policies for access to higher education to facilitate the admission of students from vulnerable educational groups; increasing the of offer for higher education for the aged group 18-24 years. This study aims to reflect and discuss the importance of the CSTs in professional education of Brazilian workers through the expectation of PNE. The study is based on qualitative method, an exploratory and descriptive research, characterized as a single case study, through field research conducted with students and graduates of the course of Industrial Electronics, Faculty of Technology Senai Anchieta, in the city of Sao Paulo. To achieve its objectives, the study was divided into two stages: the first analyzes the variables that characterize the profile of the student in training in order to identify their perceptions regarding the choice by CST, knowledge about this type of education and future expectations of the profession. In the second part, the study analyzes the perception of graduate about the skills and competencies acquired during training, their degree of satisfaction with salary and career path, and the Technologist professional acceptance by the labor market. In a study conducted with students in training it was found that the dropout rates of the first classes were high, being identified as the main causes difficulties in reconciling study schedule with work and family economic hardship. The profile of the student training in IES under study is mostly the age group between 18 and 24 years; males; egress of secondary education done in public schools; resident in peripheral and natural neighborhood of the city RMSP; the student himself is responsible for payment of tuition; no third party interference in their choice of CST; have favorable perceptions regarding future employability as technologist. A survey of graduates showed that they have a favorable perception of the training received, except the fact that they had not attended courses that develop managerial skills and business; regarding the employability and career prospects were concerned in professional development technologist by the labor market; reported being dissatisfied about salary received; regarding continuing education be recognized that the process that will keep updated professionally. As a conclusion of this study, it is recommended to probing other possible causes of truancy, through a research with students from other courses with different thematic axes and public IES. It is pointed-out also the need to offer in the curriculum proposal of the IES under study, apart from technical disciplines, others in order to develop skills in people management and business management. / Os Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia são um tipo específico de graduação (tecnólogo), com características próprias, entre as quais, a focalização na especialização dos seus currículos e duração mais curta objetivando uma formação mais rápida. A graduação tecnológica vem sendo amplamente difundida no país desde a segunda metade da década de 1990, após a promulgação da lei no 9.394/96 LDB, e por uma série de decretos, portarias e pareceres do MEC/CNE. Entre as principais metas e objetivos do PNE para a educação superior, se destacam: diversificação do sistema superior de ensino para atender clientelas com demandas específicas de formação; articulação entre currículo e mercado de trabalho; financiamento e gestão; criação de políticas de acesso à educação superior que facilitem o ingresso de alunos provenientes de grupos de maior vulnerabilidade educacional; crescimento da oferta de educação superior para a faixa etária de 18 a 24 anos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo refletir e debater a contribuição dos CSTs na educação profissional do trabalhador brasileiro dentro das perspectivas do PNE. O estudo se fundamenta no método qualitativo, com base numa pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, caracterizada como estudo de caso único, através da pesquisa de campo realizada com alunos em formação e com egressos do Curso de Eletrônica Industrial da Faculdade de Tecnologia Senai Anchieta, na cidade de São Paulo. Para alcançar seus objetivos, o estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: a primeira faz uma análise das variáveis que caracterizam o perfil do aluno em formação buscando identificar sua percepção quanto à escolha pelo CST, conhecimento sobre essa modalidade de ensino e as expectativas futuras da profissão. Na segunda parte, o estudo faz uma análise da percepção do egresso acerca das habilidades e competências adquiridas durante a formação, o grau de satisfação com salário e plano de carreira, e a aceitação profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho. No estudo realizado com alunos em formação constatou-se que os índices de evasão escolar das primeiras turmas do curso foram elevados, sendo apontadas como principais causas as dificuldades de conciliação entre o horário de estudo com a do trabalho e as dificuldades econômicas familiares. O perfil do aluno em formação na IES em estudo é majoritariamente da faixa etária entre 18 e 24 anos; do gênero masculino; egresso do ensino médio feito em escola pública; morador em bairro periférico e natural de cidade da RMSP; o próprio aluno é responsável pelo pagamento das mensalidades; não houve interferência de terceiros na sua escolha pelo CST; tem percepção favorável quanto à empregabilidade futura como tecnólogo. A pesquisa com egressos apontou que os mesmos tem percepção favorável quanto à formação profissional recebida, exceto o fato de não terem atendido disciplinas que desenvolvessem competências gerenciais e de negócios; quanto à empregabilidade e perspectivas de carreira mostraram preocupação na valorização profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho; declararam estar insatisfeitos quanto ao salário recebido; quanto à educação continuada reconheceram ser esse o processo que os manterão atualizados profissionalmente. Como conclusão da pesquisa, há recomendação para estudos futuros na sondagem de outras possíveis causas da evasão escolar com alunos dos cursos com outros eixos temáticos e de IES públicas. Igualmente, aponta-se para a necessidade da proposta curricular da IES em estudo oferecer, além das disciplinas técnicas, outras que desenvolvam competências e habilidade em gestão de pessoas e negócios.
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Návrh meandrovité antény pro RFID aplikaci / Design of meander RFID antennaHorák, David January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with RFID tags. In the first part of the thesis, the general overviews of the present-day RFID systems are presented. This part of the thesis is focused on the passive back-scatter UHF tags and the advantages of their application in supply chain usage. Subsequently, the electromagnetic simulators CST Microwave Studio and IE3D Zeland are described. These simulators were used to design loaded meander antennas. The antennas were designed for different materials and frequency bands of 867 MHz and 2.4 GHz. The designed antennas were made without as well as with the reflector which allows using the antennas in the vicinity of metals. Produced antennas were experimentally tested in the company METRA Blansko Inc, where one of the most significant characteristics of passive RFID tags – the read range was observed.
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