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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vinst med grönt samvete : En fallstudie av hur Vattenfall har utvecklat sitt CSR-arbete under det senaste decenniet

Boberg, Henrik, Reyes Campodonico, Mariella January 2011 (has links)
Företag har idag en stor press från olika intressenter i samhället på att vara både vinstdrivande och ta socialt och miljömässigt ansvar. Elbolag är speciellt påverkade då de opererar i en bransch där miljöfrågor har ett stort utrymme. Det är således intressant att undersöka huruvida ett av de ledande elbolagen på den europeiska marknaden, Vattenfall, har reagerat på de ökade påtryckningarna från intressenter över tid. På vilket sätt kan vi se en förändring i hur Vattenfall presenterar sitt CSR-arbete från och med det att de började hållbarhetsredovisa år 2001 fram till idag? För att besvara vår frågeställning har vi utfört en fallstudie där vi analyserat Vattenfalls samtliga hållbarhetsredovisningar samt utfört intervjuer med deras Senior Advisor på Sustainability Performance Monitoring och CSR-manager. Vi kunde se en förändring i Vattenfalls strategi samt hur de presenterar sitt CSR-arbete i deras hållbarhetsredovisningar under den tidsperiod vi undersökt. Koncernen har idag alltmer fokus på att utveckla sin kärnverksamhet till att bli mer miljövänlig och har satt tydliga mål. De har också utvecklat en kontinuerlig intressentdialog för att kunna följa upp kraven som intressenter ställer på dem. Deras nya strategi som presenterades år 2010 tyder på att Vattenfall i all större utsträckning försöker att kombinera sitt CSR-arbete med att vara vinstdrivande.

The redox speciation and biogeochemistry of iron in aquatic systems

Aldrich, Annette Patrizia January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Rapporteringsfunktion i Moodle

Strömbergsson, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Maincon AB är ett företag som sysslar med att skapa kurser tillsammans medandra företag och sedan lära ut dessa via Moodle som är en plattform för elärande.Företaget ville ha hjälp med att förbättra en rapportfunktion för eninsticksmodul i Moodle så att en bättre överblick över situationen i en kurskunde fås. Detta projekt är ett fortsättningsarbete på ett tidigare projekt där ettdiagram introducerades för att visuellt ge en bättre överblicksbild. Metodensom valdes var att skapa en egen version av denna rapportfunktion då dendåvarande PHP lösningen var bristfällig. En ny och förbättrad version skapadesi JavaScript där mer information kunde visas och filtreras i HTML och sammainformation kan exporteras till CSV som sen kan importeras till Excel. / Maincon AB is a company that among other things develops courses togetherwith other companies and then teach these courses via Moodle which is aplatform for e-learning. The company wanted help to improve a report-functionfor a plugin in Moodle so they could get a better overview of the situation in acourse. This project is a continuation of a previous project that implemented achart that visually improved the overview. In this project, the method toimprove the overview was to create a new version of the previous PHP solutionthat lacked the functionality. A new and improved version was created withJavaScript where more information could be shown and filtered in HTML, andthe same information could be exported to CSV and then imported to Excel.

Zjednodušení přístupu k propojeným datům pomocí tabulkových pohledů / Simplifying access to linked data using tabular views

Jareš, Antonín January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a front-end application allowing users to create and manage custom views for arbitrary linked data endpoints. Such views will be executable against a predefined SPARQL endpoint and the users will be able to retrieve and download their requested data in the CSV format. The users will also be able to share these views and store them utilizing Solid Pods. Experienced SPARQL users will be able to manually customize the query. To achieve these goals, the system uses freely available technologies - HTML, JavaScript (namely the React framework) and CSS.

Automatizovaná práce s webovými formuláři / Automatic Web Form Processing

Zdráhal, Petr Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with the web form automatization. It contains a short introduction to the HTML and XHTML markup languages and their facilities for the definition of forms. Next, there is a short overview of the HTTP protocol and XML markup language and a method of the form description using XML is proposed. The thesis contains a description of tool for creating XML file from HTML document and a description of a data sender tool using a CSV data file and an XML form description. Next, there is a description of the algorithms used in the implementation. The conclusion includes the achieved results and the improvements for the future.

CSV i den textila värdekedjan

Reinholdsson, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Rådande världsförhållanden riktar ökat fokus på frågor om hållbarhet. Den textila värdekedjans globala utspridning anstränger världens sociala som miljömässiga förhållanden. Därmed blir det allt viktigare för organisationer att engagera sig i ett arbete för att minimera effekterna av dess verksamhet. Företagens ansvarstagande- hållbarhetsaktiviteter benämns vanligen under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), begreppet är väletablerat och kritik av detta har givit upphov till nya benämningar. Creating Shared Value (CSV) är ett begrepp som fokuserar på att identifiera, utveckla och expandera kopplingen mellan ekonomisk och samhällelig tillväxt för att skapa simultant värde för likväl samhället som företagen. Syftet med denna studie var att, genom en fallstudie av ett svenskt modeföretag med utvecklat hållbarhetsarbete, undersöka de hållbarhetsaktiviteter som genomförs inom en textil värdekedjan ur ett CSV-perspektiv. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsdesign med deduktiv ansats studerades företaget och dess värdekedja i avsikt att besvara studiens frågeställning och uppnå dess syfte. Studiens empiriska material samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer som representerade fallföretagets olika funktioner i värdekedjan. Materialet förklarades och tolkades utifrån det teoretiska ramverk som presenterats. Empirin och analysen visade att de genomförda aktiviteterna även kunde tolkas ur ett CSV-perspektiv under förutsättning att företagets tilläts tillämpa ett långsiktigt förhållningssätt och en identifiering av det delade värdet. Slutsatsen som drogs är att de undersökta hållbarhetsaktiviteterna genererar simultant värde för företag och samhället de verkar i. Aktiviteternas utfall och grad av värde varierade då vissa aktiviteter genererade ett direkt värde med påtagligt resultat för endera miljön eller samarbetspartners som på lång sikt skulle generera värde i konkurrensfördelar för fallföretaget medan andra hade en mer direkt effekt för båda inblandade parter. Generaliserbarheten av studiens resultat är begränsat på grund av den valda fallstudiemetoden men resultaten av denna studie anses likväl vara en intressant kontribution till forskningsdiskussionen om hållbarhetsaktiviteter.

Creating Shared Value in Sweden : A study about factors influencing implementation of the concept

Bergengren, Katinka, Präauer, Georg January 2016 (has links)
While capitalism can be held responsible for many of the numerous social and environmental issues that haunt us today, corporations hold great power and possibilities to compensate for the damage they cause. A solution can be the implementation of Creating Shared Value (CSV), which builds on identifying societal needs and approaching these as business opportunities. By doing so, value can be created for society whilst driving business results. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what factors influence the implementation of CSV in companies operating in Sweden. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with experts who have worked with CSV. Factors that influence the implementation of CSV policies and practices, as well as factors that influence whether these lead to the desired goal of shared value creation have been extracted. The findings suggest that the public’s prevailing distrust towards companies’ engagement in solving social issues is the most noteworthy barrier for implementation of CSV, while managerial buy-in and understanding of the concept represent the strongest enabler. Getting lost in rhetoric and belief in the concept as well as focusing too strongly on measuring procedures illustrate the two greatest risks for implemented CSV policies and practice to become decoupled from the end goal of shared value creation.

Mot en mer hållbar framtid : En kvalitativ studie av framväxten av CSV-tjänster inom kommunikationsbranschen och kundens roll i innovationsprocessen

Palmér, Lovisa, Rahmqvist, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Sverige står liksom många andra länder inför stora samhällsutmaningar. I Sverige utgör tjänster mer än 70 procent av BNP och behovet av tjänsteinnovationer som möter dessa utmaningar ökar. Creating Shared Value (CSV) är ett relativt nytt koncept som handlar om att skapa en gemensam värdegrund där ägarnas och samhällets intressen möts och ses som ett sätt att driva innovation och tillväxt på ett hållbart sätt. Ett fåtal tjänsteföretag har under de senaste åren börjat erbjuda CSV-tjänster och det är intressant att undersöka framväxten av dessa tjänster samt vilka faktorer som bidragit till utvecklingen. Studien undersöker därför tjänsteinnovationen hos två av Sveriges ledande kommunikationsbyråer som erbjuder CSV-tjänster och fokuserar främst på kundens roll i innovationsprocessen. Undersökningsmaterialet samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med anställda från byråernas hållbarhetsteam. Resultatet visar att vissa kunder, så kallade ledanvändare, har haft stor betydelse för tjänsteutvecklingen. Slutsatsen är att innovationen kring dessa tjänster skett i samskapande med kund.

A study of innate antiviral mechanisms using fish cell lines

DeWitte-Orr, Stephanie January 2006 (has links)
Understanding basic antiviral mechanisms in vertebrates is essential for developing methods to enhance antiviral responses and promote human and animal health. In fish these antiviral mechanisms are poorly understood, but are important to understand because of the devastating impact of viral diseases on aquaculture. Therefore, the antiviral responses of a rainbow trout macrophage-like cell line, RTS11, and two non-immune cell lines, the rainbow trout fibroblast RTG-2 and Chinook salmon embryo CHSE-214 were studied. Three antiviral responses were first characterized using the viral mimic, synthetic double-stranded RNA (poly IC), and then their induction was investigated using Chum salmon reovirus (CSV). The responses were: 1) apoptosis, which is programmed cell death and a primitive antiviral defense; 2) homotypic aggregation (HA), which is clustering of like immune cells; and 3) expression of Mxs, which are antiviral proteins belonging to GTPase super-family. Some of these antiviral mechanisms were investigated using a novel continuous cell line, PBLE, developed from a peripheral blood leukocyte preparation of the American eel, <em>Anguilla rostrata</em>. <br> <br> RTS11 was exceptionally susceptible to apoptosis. The cells died at lower concentrations of poly IC and other agents, including the translation inhibitor, cycloheximide (CHX), and fungal metabolite, gliotoxin. Death was predominantly by apoptosis, as judged by DNA ladders, nuclear fragmentation, and protection by caspase inhibitors. By contrast, the other two cell lines died most commonly by necrosis, when death did occur. Co-treating RTS11 with CHX greatly sensitized the cells to poly IC. Based on the protection afforded by inhibitors of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), RTS11 apoptosis induced by poly IC with CHX co-treatment but not gliotoxin was mediated by PKR. As macrophages are likely among the first cells to contact viruses during an infection in vivo and are mobile, the sensitivity of RTS11 to dsRNA killing could reflect a protective mechanism by which virus spread is limited by the early death of these first responders. <br><br> HA of RTS11 was induced by poly IC. HA required divalent cations and was blocked by CHX and by PKR inhibitors. This suggested that HA induction was PKR-mediated and involved the synthesis of new cell surface molecule(s), possibly galectins. As an antiviral mechanism, HA induction by dsRNA could be interpreted as an initial protective response, allowing cell localization at the site of infection, but once translation becomes inhibited, apoptosis ensues. <br><br> Mx was induced by poly IC in RTS11 and RTG-2 as judged by RT-PCR. Western blotting revealed constitutive Mx expression more consistantly in RTS11, but induction by poly IC in both cell lines. Medium conditioned by cells previously exposed to poly IC and assumed to contain interferon also induced Mx transcripts in RTS11 but not RTG-2. In RTS11, poly IC activated PKR activity, and PKR inhibitors blocked <em>Mx</em> induction, which is the first demonstration of PKR mediating Mx expression. <br><br> The dsRNA virus, CSV, also induced apoptosis, HA, and Mx expression, but in some cases contrasting with poly IC experiments. CSV induced apoptosis in RTG-2 and CHSE-214 but not in RTS11, and HA induction by CSV in RTS11 was not dependent on PKR. Mx induction was sustained in RTG-2 and transitory in RTS11; however, both cell lines supported CSV replication. <br><br> The novel cell line, PBLE, was also characterized in this study. PBLE was derived from an adherent culture of peripheral blood leukocytes from the American eel, <em>Anguilla rostrata</em>. PBLE were found to grow over a wide range of temperatures and fetal bovine serum (FBS) concentrations. This cell line was able to undergo apoptosis in response to gliotoxin. PBLE was also susceptible to a number of viruses, including CSV; however, CSV infection did not lead to apoptosis. <br><br> This study suggests that antiviral responses are likely numerous and overlapping and depend on cell type and virus. Understanding them should lead to novel methods for protecting fish from viral diseases. More specifically, using cell lines such as PBLE may aid in the understanding of species specific and perhaps even cell type specific antiviral mechanisms.

A study of innate antiviral mechanisms using fish cell lines

DeWitte-Orr, Stephanie January 2006 (has links)
Understanding basic antiviral mechanisms in vertebrates is essential for developing methods to enhance antiviral responses and promote human and animal health. In fish these antiviral mechanisms are poorly understood, but are important to understand because of the devastating impact of viral diseases on aquaculture. Therefore, the antiviral responses of a rainbow trout macrophage-like cell line, RTS11, and two non-immune cell lines, the rainbow trout fibroblast RTG-2 and Chinook salmon embryo CHSE-214 were studied. Three antiviral responses were first characterized using the viral mimic, synthetic double-stranded RNA (poly IC), and then their induction was investigated using Chum salmon reovirus (CSV). The responses were: 1) apoptosis, which is programmed cell death and a primitive antiviral defense; 2) homotypic aggregation (HA), which is clustering of like immune cells; and 3) expression of Mxs, which are antiviral proteins belonging to GTPase super-family. Some of these antiviral mechanisms were investigated using a novel continuous cell line, PBLE, developed from a peripheral blood leukocyte preparation of the American eel, <em>Anguilla rostrata</em>. <br> <br> RTS11 was exceptionally susceptible to apoptosis. The cells died at lower concentrations of poly IC and other agents, including the translation inhibitor, cycloheximide (CHX), and fungal metabolite, gliotoxin. Death was predominantly by apoptosis, as judged by DNA ladders, nuclear fragmentation, and protection by caspase inhibitors. By contrast, the other two cell lines died most commonly by necrosis, when death did occur. Co-treating RTS11 with CHX greatly sensitized the cells to poly IC. Based on the protection afforded by inhibitors of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), RTS11 apoptosis induced by poly IC with CHX co-treatment but not gliotoxin was mediated by PKR. As macrophages are likely among the first cells to contact viruses during an infection in vivo and are mobile, the sensitivity of RTS11 to dsRNA killing could reflect a protective mechanism by which virus spread is limited by the early death of these first responders. <br><br> HA of RTS11 was induced by poly IC. HA required divalent cations and was blocked by CHX and by PKR inhibitors. This suggested that HA induction was PKR-mediated and involved the synthesis of new cell surface molecule(s), possibly galectins. As an antiviral mechanism, HA induction by dsRNA could be interpreted as an initial protective response, allowing cell localization at the site of infection, but once translation becomes inhibited, apoptosis ensues. <br><br> Mx was induced by poly IC in RTS11 and RTG-2 as judged by RT-PCR. Western blotting revealed constitutive Mx expression more consistantly in RTS11, but induction by poly IC in both cell lines. Medium conditioned by cells previously exposed to poly IC and assumed to contain interferon also induced Mx transcripts in RTS11 but not RTG-2. In RTS11, poly IC activated PKR activity, and PKR inhibitors blocked <em>Mx</em> induction, which is the first demonstration of PKR mediating Mx expression. <br><br> The dsRNA virus, CSV, also induced apoptosis, HA, and Mx expression, but in some cases contrasting with poly IC experiments. CSV induced apoptosis in RTG-2 and CHSE-214 but not in RTS11, and HA induction by CSV in RTS11 was not dependent on PKR. Mx induction was sustained in RTG-2 and transitory in RTS11; however, both cell lines supported CSV replication. <br><br> The novel cell line, PBLE, was also characterized in this study. PBLE was derived from an adherent culture of peripheral blood leukocytes from the American eel, <em>Anguilla rostrata</em>. PBLE were found to grow over a wide range of temperatures and fetal bovine serum (FBS) concentrations. This cell line was able to undergo apoptosis in response to gliotoxin. PBLE was also susceptible to a number of viruses, including CSV; however, CSV infection did not lead to apoptosis. <br><br> This study suggests that antiviral responses are likely numerous and overlapping and depend on cell type and virus. Understanding them should lead to novel methods for protecting fish from viral diseases. More specifically, using cell lines such as PBLE may aid in the understanding of species specific and perhaps even cell type specific antiviral mechanisms.

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