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The colour and phenolic content of Robertson Red grape cultivars : distribution, correlation with wines and analysesVan der Merwe, Hanneli 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African red wine is often acknowledged world wide as being full bodied and deep in
colour. This is often the result of high temperatures that is experienced during the important
growth stages of grapes especially post véraison. In the Robertson area in South Africa
however, temperatures often exceeds the range for optimal anthocyanin development during
these growth stages. The distinction between grapes being technologically ripe and being ripe
on a phenolic level is also accepted as an important determining factor for the perfect time to
pick grapes. In co-operative wineries such as Robertson Winery (RW) where grapes are
delivered from a large area and different producers, it is difficult to individualise grape blocks
when it comes to ripeness level in terms of sugar or phenolic ripeness. In most circumstances a
generalised set of parameters for deeming grapes ripe or acceptable for delivery is the best
substitute. The levels of these parameters are based on research literature that is available for
the area as well as data collected through years of maintaining the vineyards of that area. The
grape parameters that are currently being used by RW for ripeness and quality are pH, titratable
acidity (TA) and sugar level. In recent years RW in conjunction with the Department of
Viticulture and Oenology, Stellenbosch University, decided to investigate more parameters to
determine the quality of grapes at the time of harvest. Most importantly for the grape growers
this quality is connected to a price point and therefore compensation. Two important quality
parameters of red wine are the red colour and mouth feel of wine. Anthocyanin and tannins are
respectively connected to these two quality attributes and are both widely accepted as quality
indicators. Wine with high anthocyanin and tannin content often originates from grapes with a
high colour and phenolic profile. The existence of a correlation between grape and wine
anthocyanin and tannin content is therefore the basis of attempting to use these parameters in
the grape to predict end wine’s colour and phenolic quantity. Determination of anthocyanin and tannin content of grapes has already become part of some private owned wineries’ standard set
of determinations. However, sample preparations, extractions and consumables needed are all
factors that need to be reduced to make the measurement and therefore the use of these
parameters more viable in a co-operative cellar laboratory, where large volumes of grapes are
received during harvest.
The first objective of this work was to determine the levels of anthocyanin and tannin in red
grapes from different vineyard blocks from the producers of RW from three successive vintages.
This would give insight as to what can be seen as a low and high anthocyanin and tannin
content for grapes received at the cellar. For this purpose, blocks of the most important red
wine cultivars for RW was selected and analysed for these compounds. The ranges and
average levels of anthocyanin and tannin content were determined using measurement
techniques that could be used by any winery. The average mono flavanol and total colour level
of the grapes were found to be lower than those often reported in literature, with total grape flavanols being higher. However, a wide range of values for these compounds were found that
correlated with those found in other studies. The possible reasons for differences in levels of
occurrence of these compounds were discussed and mostly pertain to differences in cultivar,
micro climatic and season.
The second objective was to determine the correlation between levels of colour and phenolic
compounds in grapes and their corresponding wines. Such correlations will form the foundation
for the use of phenolic content to predict the colour and phenolic potential of the wine and
possibly wine quality as well. When the grape and wine colour and phenolic data were
correlated for all seasons and cultivars inclusive it was found that grape and wine colour
showed better correlations than for instance total phenols and tannins. This was especially true
for total colour pigments in red grapes, measured with HPLC, when correlated with certain
spectrophotometric analysis of wine colour. Cultivar and season as well as the synergism
between the two were further investigated for its role in affecting correlations. When these
relationships were further differentiated by season and by cultivar the resulting correlations
varied. This work contributed a great deal of information to support the use of grape colour and
phenolic compounds for the prediction of end wine colour and phenolic composition.
The third objective was to investigate near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) as a viable option to
rapidly measured anthocyanins, tannins and total phenolics in red grapes. If proven
successfully, this could be employed by a large cellar such as RW. FT-NIR has been used with
success on grape extracts and in this instance the focus was to establish a calibration on the
grape homogenate itself. Preliminary results showed that FT-NIR could be applied for the use
of determination of anthocyanin and tannin levels in red grapes originating from RW. The prediction of total phenols was not found to be as accurate, but this could also be due to the
reference method that was used.
This work brought some interesting, practical information not only of importance for RW, but all
wineries that are concerned with improving the basis on which grape quality is determined. The
use of aerial data mapping for indicating areas regarding important grape colour and phenolic
parameters was used in this study and is a very visual way of showing the distribution of certain
ripeness parameters over a large area. Correlations between the grape and wines of such a
large amount of red grape blocks for a specific area have not also been reported in South Africa
before. The use of FT-NIR to determine anthocyanins and tannin concentrations in grape
homogenates is also novel for its use in South African wineries. This work may assist grape
and wine producers as well as analysts on the phenolic and colour profile of grapes and wines
from RW. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrikaanse rooiwyn word wêreld-wyd geken aan ‘n dieprooi kleur en vol struktuur. Die
grootste rede vir hierdie verskynsel is hoë temperature wat ervaar word tydens rypwording en
veral na véraison. In die Robertson wynstreek is temperature egter tydens rypwording dikwels
vêr bo dit was as optimaal vir antosianien ontwikkeling beskou word. Die gepaste tyd om
druiwe te pluk word nie net gedryf deur die tegnologiese rypheidsvlak nie, maar ook deur
fenoliese rypheid. In ‘n koöperatiewe kelder omgewing soos Robertson Wynkelder (RW) word
‘n hoë lading druiwe elke dag ontvant vanaf verskillende produsente oor ‘n breë streek. Dit
maak dit moeilik om te bepaal watter druiwe werklik beide tegnologies en fenolies ryp is. Die
beste manier om hiervoor te vergoed is om ‘n standaard te stel vir ‘n reeks voorafbepaalde
parameters. Die vlakke van die gekose parameters is, word bepaal deur navorsinguitsette
sowel as die geskiedkunde data wat ingesamel is vanaf elkeen van die bepaalde blokke. Die
parameters wat tans in gebruik is by RW om oesdatum en kwaliteit by inname te bepaal is pH,
titreerbare suur (TA) en suiker vlak. Die tekortkoming hier is dat kwaliteit van druiwe beswaarlik
met slegs hierdie informasie kan bepaal word, maar dat dit die betaling van die produsent by
aflewering wesenlik kan beïnvloed. Dit het RW genoop om in samewerking met die
Departement van Wingerd en Wynkunde, Universiteit van Stellenbosch nog parameters te
ondersoek wat hierdie rypheid- en kwaliteitsbepaling by inname sou kon versterk. Twee
belangrike faktore wat kwaliteit van rooiwyn bepaal is die kleur en struktuur. Antosianiene en
tanniene is onderskeidelik verantwoordelik vir hierdie kwaliteits eienskappe van wyn. Wyn wat
bestempel word as hoog in kleur en tannien inhoud word dikwels verbind met druiwe wat hoog
is in hierdie faktore. Die moontlike korrelasie tussen die antosianien en tannien inhoud van
druiwe en die wyn wat daarvan berei word is dus die basis waarop die potensiële toepassing
van hierdie parameters berus. Die bepaling van antosianien en tannien vlakke word reeds in sommige laboratoriums gedoen. Die monster voorbereidings tyd, ekstraksies, toerusting en
verbruikbare items nodig om hierdie tipe analieses te doen is egter hoog. Die analiese van
hierdie komponente is meer lewensvatbaar in groot laboratoriums (soos in ‘n koöperatiewe
kelder) waar groter volume druiwe ingeneem word gedurende parstyd.
Die eerste doelwit van hierdie studie was om te bepaal teen watter vlakke antosianiene en
tanniene in druiwe voorkom, spesifiek van die Robertson area. Die het behels ‘n wye
verskeidenheid van blokke, verspreid oor die hele streek wat oor 3 seisoene gemonitor is in
terme van veral kleur en tanniene maar ook ander belangrike parameters. Die idee hier is om
insig te kry rakende watter vlakke bestempel kan word as laag en hoog in terme van
antosianien en tanniene vir die Robertson streek. Daarvoor is slegs die mees aangeplantste
rooi kultivars gebruik. Die verspreiding en gemiddelde vlakke waarteen antosianien en tanniene
voorkom was bepaal deur gebruik te maak van metodes wat as relatief algemeen in laboratoria
gebruik word. Die gemiddelde mono-flavonoïed en totale kleur pigment inhoud van die druiwe was laer as van die vlakke wat in die literatuur beskikbaar is, met totale flavanole wat hoër was.
Die wyer verspreiding van die waardes het egter beter gekorreleer met die waardes soos
beskryf in die literatuur. Die moontlike redes vir die verskillende vlakke word in die studie
bespreek en word waarskynlik bepaal deur verskille in kultivar, mikro-klimaat en seisoen.
Die tweede doelwit was om te bepaal of daar ‘n korrelasie te vinde is tussen die kleur en
tannien inhoud van die druiwe en ooreenstemmende wyne. Sulke tipe korrelasies sal die basis
vorm om antosianien en tannien inhoud van wyn reeds in die druiwe fase te kan voorspel.
Nadat die ingesamelde druif en wyn data as ‘n geheel beskou was, was dit sigbaar dat die
wynkleur parameters beter korrelasies bied as meeste tannien en totale fenole. Dit was veral
waar in die geval van totale kleur pigmente soos gemeet met die HPLC teenoor die wynkleur
parameters gemeet met spektrofotometriese metodes. Verdere ondersoeke in terme van die
impak wat die kultivar en seisoenale kan hê het tot variërende korrelasies gelei.. Hierdie werk
het ‘n groot bydrae gelewer om voorspellings van wyn kleur en fenoliese inhoud reeds met
sukses vanaf die druif te bepaal.
Derdens het die werk fourier transformasie naby infrarooi skandering (FT-NIR) ondersoek as ‘n
lewensvatbare metode vir die bepaling van antosianien, tannien en totale fenoliese inhoud van
druiwe en wyn. FT-NIR word reeds oor ‘n wye reeks wyne en druiwe ekstraksiemonsters
toegepas en die doelwit hier was om druiwe homogenaat as matriks te kalibreer. Voorlopige
resultate het bevind dat antosianien en tannien vlakke in druiwe van RW gemeet kan word met
die FT-NIR, maar dat die kalibrasie vir totale fenole nog verbeter kan word. Hierdie werk het ‘n wye reeks interessante en prakties bruikbare informasie na vore gebring wat
van onskatbare belang is vir RW en ander kelders wat besorgd is oor die verbetering van
algemene druifkwaliteit. Geografiese kaarte wat belangrike druifkleur en fenoliese parameters
aandui is in hierdie studie gebruik en wys hoe data visueel voorgestel kan word om die
geheelindruk van gekose parameters oor ‘n groot area te vergelyk. Korrelasies tussen druiwe
en wyn van so ‘n groot hoeveelheid druiwe blokke is nog nooit voorheen in Suid-Afrika getoon
nie. Dieselfde geld vir die gebruik van FT-NIR vir die meet van kleur en fenoliese parameters in
druiwe homogenate. Hierdie werk kan druiwe- en wynproduseerders sowel as analiste
assisteer in terme van die kleur en fenoliese profiel van druiwe en wyn van RW. / Robertson Winery with Mr Bowen Botha as well as THRIP for funding this project
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Studies on Resistance of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) to Verticillium longisporum – Interaction with Drought Stress, Role of Xylem Sap Modulations and Phenotyping Under Controlled and Field ConditionsLopisso, Daniel Teshome 11 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Índice de seleção em cultivares de algodoeiro herbáceo / Selection index in upland cotton cultivarsFarias, Francisco José Correia 07 December 2005 (has links)
Os índices de seleção são combinações lineares de valores fenotípicos, resultando numa medida que concentra em único valor, os atributos positivos e negativos de cada genótipo para vários caracteres. Por necessitarem das estimativas das variâncias e covariâncias genotípicas e fenotípicas dos caracteres, esses índices são mais indicados para programas de seleção recorrente. Contudo, existem também outros tipos de índices não lineares, conhecidos como não paramétricos que, por não precisarem das estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos, podem ser utilizados na seleção de cultivares em fase final dos programas de melhoramento. Para essa situação, uma alternativa bastante promissora é o emprego do índice de seleção de cultivares proposto por Garcia (1998) que é uma medida de distância genética entre cada genótipo a um ideótipo. Esta técnica permite a aplicação de teste de comparação de médias e a identificação de genótipos com desempenhos abaixo dos critérios mínimos definidos pelo melhorista. Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a viabilidade do índice proposto por Garcia (1998) na identificação de genótipos superiores de algodão, estimar os parâmetros de estabilidade do índice e verificar quanto da variação fenotípica do índice é de natureza genotípica. Foram utilizados quinze genótipos de algodoeiro do Ensaio Estadual de Algodoeiro Herbáceo (2000/01) avaliados em 27 locais sob o delineamento de blocos ao caso com quatro repetições. Os caracteres avaliados foram produtividade de algodão em caroço (kg/ha), altura de planta (cm), peso de um capulho (g), porcentagem de fibra (%), resistência da fibra (gf/tex), comprimento da fibra (mm), finura da fibra (IM), ramulose (notas) e bacteriose (notas) Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o índice proposto por Garcia (1998) identificou com eficiência as cultivares superiores com destaque para BRS AROEIRA, CNPA 97- 4565 e DELTA OPAL. As cultivares mais estáveis foram: CNPA CO 99-01, BRS IPÊ e BRS JATOBÁ, para o índice de seleção e BRS AROEIRA, BRS IPÊ e CNPA 99-01, para a produtividade. Os índices de seleção apresentaram médio e alto coeficiente de determinação genotípica, indicando que é possível antever o sucesso com a seleção utilizando as estimativas do índice proposto por Garcia (1998). Neste aspecto, recomenda-se complementar o emprego do índice de seleção com informações sobre a estabilidade e adaptabilidade das cultivares selecionadas sob condições favoráveis e desfavoráveis. / Selection indices are linear combinations of phenotypic values, which combine in one unique value the positive and negative attributes of each genotype for the characters evaluated. Because these indices need estimates of genetic and phenotypic variances and covariances, their use is best suited in recurrent selection programs. However, other types of non-linear indices also exist, and are known as non-parametric indices; these can be used in selection of cultivars at the final stage of breeding programs, since genetic parameter estimates are not a requirement. In this situation, the selection index developed by Garcia (1998) is a promising alternative. This index is an estimate of the genetic distance from each genotype to an "ideotype". This technique allows the comparison of means and the identification of genotypes with performances that meet the minimum requirements chosen by the breeder. The present work had the following objectives: to evaluate the viability of the Garcia index for the identification of superior genotypes, to estimate the stability parameters of the index and verify how much of the phenotypic variation is genotypic. Fifteen genotypes of the Upland cotton Variety Trials (Ensaio Estadual de Algodoeiro Herbáceo) - 2000/01 were evaluated in 27 locations in randomized complete block design with four replications. Characters assessed were: seed cotton yield (kg/ha), plant height (cm), boll mass (g), lint percentage (%), fiber strength (gf/tex), fiber length (mm), lint micronaire (IM), ramulosis (scores) and bacterial blight (scores). The data showed that the Garcia index identified superior cultivars successfully, as BRS AROEIRA, CNPA 97-4565 and DELTA OPAL. The most stable cultivars were: CNPA CO 99-01, BRS IPÊ and BRS JATOBÁ for selection index and BRS AROEIRA, BRS IPÊ e CNPA 99-01 for yield. The selection indices showed medium and high coefficient of genotypic determination indicating that is possible to expect selection success when the Garcia index is used. We suggest to complementing the use of the selection index with informations about stability and adaptability of the selected cultivars at favorable and unfavorable environments.
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Rokovi i gustine setve u funkciji prinosa ozime pšenice u dugotrajnom poljskom ogledu / Sowing dates and densities in a function of winter wheat yield in the long-term field trialAćin Vladimir 08 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Vreme (rok) setve jedan je od najvažnijih faktora u proizvodnji strnih žita i praktično određuje intenzitet delovanja svih ostalih činilaca proizvodnje pšenice. Među brojnim faktorima koji određuju visinu prinosa, najčešći uzrok malih prinosa ozime pšenice vezan je za vreme setve izvan optimalnog roka, upotreba neadekvatnih količina semena i izbor sorti nedovoljno prilagođenih datim agroekološkim uslovima. Osim toga, vreme setve predstavlja ekonomski najjeftiniju agrotehničku meru i najisplativiji način za povećanje prinosa zrna ozime pšenice, međutim eventualno kašnjenje u setvi ne može se na adekvatan način nadoknaditi ni jednom drugom agrotehničkom merom. Ekstremne vremenske prilike već predstavljaju izazov za proizvođače, a mnogobrojni klimatski scenariji predviđaju dalje povećanje njihove učestalosti u budućnosti. Upravo će u ovakvim promenljivim vremenskim uslovima optimalno vreme steve uz adekvatnu gustinu useva i izbor odgovarajućih genotipova biti od velike važnosti u cilju ublažavanja negativnog delovanja vremenskih činioca na visinu i stabilnost prinosa, kao i na tehnološki kvalitet zrna ozime pšenice.<br />Prevashodni cilj istraživanja u disertaciji bio je proučavanje uticaja različitog vremena, gustina setve i njihove interakcije na prinos, komponente prinosa i kvalitet zrna različitih sorti pšenice. Istraživanje interakcije vremena, gustina setve i sorti ozime pšenice izvedeno je na oglednim poljima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim šančevima, u periodu od proizvodne 1981/82. do 2012/13. godine, na ogledu pod nazivom „Rokovi setve“. Ogled se postavlja svake godine, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem, a izvodi se kao trofaktorijalni (Split-split-plot dizajn), u četiri ponavljanja, sa rasporedom varijanti po slučajnom blok sistemu.<br />Tokom 32-godišnjeg ispitivanog perioda, prinos zrna je znatno varirao u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova i kretao se u proseku za sve tretmane od 4,35 t ha-1 u 2003., do 8,70 t ha-1 u 2013. godini. Na osnovu jednačine trenda prinosa, uočeno je da je godišnje povećanje prinosa, u proseku za sve tretmane iznosilo 10,7 kg ha-1. Iz 32 analizirane godine izdvojeno je 5 godina sa najvećim prinosima, 12 godina sa malim prinosima pšenice, dok se preostalih 15 godina moglo označiti kao srednje rodne godine. U pogledu temperaturnih uslova i uslova vlažnosti u rodnim, srednje rodnim i nerodnim godinama postojale su značajne razlike između ovih grupa. U rodnim godinama, variranje prinosa u zavisnosti od rokova setve bilo je najmanje. Najveći prinos zrna, tokom posmatranog perioda, u proseku za sve ispitivane sorte i gustine setve ostvaren je setvom u II roku (11-20. X), i bio je značajno veći u odnosu na sve ostale rokove izuzev I roka. Između I i III roka, nije ostvarena statistički značajna razlika u visini prinosa, ali su prinosi u oba ova roka bili značajno veći u odnosu na novembarske i decembarski rok setve. Drugi rok odlikovao se najmanjim variranjem prinosa tokom istraživanog perioda. Novembarska setva smanjivala je prinos u proseku za 11%, a decembarska za 27%, u odnosu na prinose iz optimalnih agrotehničkih rokova. Prosečno dnevno smanjenje prinosa zrna iznosilo je 38 kg dan-1. Najmanje smanjenje prinosa prilikom kašnjenja u setvi bilo je u rodnim, zatim u srednjerodnim, a najveće u nerodnim godinama. U optimalnim rokovima setve (I i II rok) gustina od 500 kl. zrna m-2 bila je optimalna, dok je u kasnim rokovima (novembarskim i decembarskom), povećanje količine semena (do najviše 700 kl. zrna m-2),<br />imalo opravdanja. Odlaganje setve od I do V roka, uticalo je na povećanje sadržaja proteina, vlažnog glutena, moći upijanja vode, sedimentacionu vrednost, zapreminu i vrednosnog broja sredine hleba, kod obe sorte. Na osnovu prosečnih vrednosti za sve rokove setve, sorta Zvezdana ostvarila je bolje parametre kvaliteta u odnosu na NS 40S.</p> / <p>Sowing date is one of the most important field crop management measures in the production of small grains and it practically determines the intensity of all other factors in wheat production. Among many factors which determine yield, sowing outside the optimum period, use of inappropriate seed rates and selection of cultivars insufficiently adapted to a given agro-ecological conditions, are recognized as the most common causes of low yields of winter wheat. Moreover, sowing date is economically cheapest field crop management measure and a cost-effective way to increase grain yield. However, eventual delay in sowing cannot be adequately compensated by any other field crop management measure. Extreme weather events are already a significant challenge for grain producers and are predicted to increase under numerous future climate scenarios. In these altered weather conditions, optimal sowing date with an adequate sowing density and choice of appropriate genotypes will be of great importance in order to mitigate the negative effects of climate factors on yield stability, as well as on the bread making quality of winter wheat.<br />The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of different sowing dates, sowing densities and their interactions on yield, yield components and grain quality of different wheat cultivars. The study of interaction of sowing dates, sowing densities and cultivars of winter wheat was carried out on experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, in the 1981/82. – 2012/13. period. The experiment was set each year, on the calcareous chernozem soil, as a three factor trial (split-split-plot design), in four replications, with variants in the randomized block design.<br />During the 32-year studied period, grain yield has varied considerably depending on weather conditions and ranged from 4.35 t ha-1 in 2003., to 8.70 t ha-1 in 2013., on average for all treatments. It was observed that the annual increase in yields during the investigated period was 10.7 kg ha-1. From the 32 years analyzed there were 5 years with high yields, 12 years with low grain yields, while the remaining 15 years could be identified as a medium yielding years. There were significant differences in temperature regimes and moisture conditions between these three types of years. Yield variation caused by the different sowing date was much lower in high yielding in comparison to low yielding years. For the entire examined period, on average of all tested cultivars and planting densities, the highest grain yields were obtained in the II sowing date (11-20. X), and were significantly higher in comparison to all other sowing dates, except the earliest (I sowing date). There were no statistically significant differences in yields between I and III sowing date, but they were significantly higher in comparison to sowing in November and December. Second sowing date had the lowest yield variation during the studied period. Sowing in November reduced yield by 11% and December sowing by 27% on average, compared to optimal (October) sowing dates. During the investigated period, average daily reduction of grain yield was 38 kg day-1. The smallest decline in yields caused by the delay in sowing was in high yielding years, followed by medium yielding, and the largest yield decline was found in low yielding years. In the optimal sowing dates (I and II), a density of 500 viable kernels m-2 proved to be optimal, while in the later sowing dates (November and December), increasing the sowing density up to 700 viable kernels m-<br />2, was justified. Delay in sowing from I to V sowing date caused an increase in the bread-making quality parameters such as protein content, wet gluten content, water absorption capacity, Zeleny sedimentation value, bread loaf volume and value number of bread, for both cultivars examined. On average for all sowing dates and densities, cultivar Zvezdana achieved higher values for almost all bread-making quality parameters tested in comparison to NS 40S.</p>
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Fusão de protoplastos de citros e avaliação da resistência do híbrido somático laranja 'Hamlin' + mexerica 'Montenegrina' a Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri e Xylella fastidiosa / Citrus protoplast fusion and evaluation of the somatic hybrid Hamlin sweet orange + Montenegrina mandarin for resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri and Xylella fastidiosaPavan, Alexandra 28 August 2006 (has links)
Buscou-se produzir híbridos somáticos entre laranjas doces (Citrus sinensis) com tangerinas, mexericas (C. reticulata, C. reshni, C. sunki, C. deliciosa), tangores (C reticulata x C. sinensis) ou tangelo Orlando (C. reticulata x C. paradisi), além da avaliação da resistência do híbrido somático laranja Hamlin (C. sinensis) + mexerica Montenegina (C. deliciosa) a Xanthomonas axonopodis cv. citri e Xylella fastidiosa. Foram utilizados como fonte de protoplastos calos embriogênicos e folhas coletadas de plântulas germinadas in vitro e de plantas cultivadas em casa-de-vegetação. Após o isolamento, protoplastos provenientes de calos e/ou suspensões embriogênicas foram fundidos quimicamente por polietilenoglicol (PEG) com protoplastos não embriogênicos oriundos de mesofilo foliar. Os calos provenientes da fusão foram induzidos a formação de embriões somáticos para posterior germinação e regeneração de plantas. As plantas regeneradas foram individualizadas, enraizadas ou microenxertadas e aclimatizadas em casa-de-vegetação. A confirmação da hibridação somática foi feita por análise morfológica, análise do DNA com marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD, determinação da ploidia com a contagem do número de cromossomos e/ou citometria de fluxo. Foram obtidos dois híbridos somáticos do genitor embriogênico laranja Hamlin com os genitores não embriogênicos mexerica Montenegrina e tangerina Dancy. Ambos híbridos somáticos obtidos podem apresentar características complementares dos genitores, podendo ser utilizados diretamente como copa e em programas de melhoramento de copa de citros. O híbrido somático laranja Hamlin com mexerica Montenegrina foi avaliado mostrando resistência a Xanthomonas axonopodis cv. citri e a Xylella fastidiosa. / This research aimed to produce new somatic hybrid combinations between sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) with mandarins (C. reticulata, C. reshni, C. Sunki, C. deliciosa), tangors (C reticulata x C. sinensis) or Orlando tangelo (C. reticulata x C. paradisi), and also evaluate the somatic hybrid Hamlin sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) + Montenegrina mandarin (Citrus deliciosa) for resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri and Xylella fastidiosa. Protoplast sources included embryogenic calli or suspension-culture derived calli, and leaves collected from plants cultivated in vitro or in screenhouses. After protoplast isolation, embryogenic protoplasts were chemically fused by polyethylene glycol (PEG) with mesophyll-derived non-embriogenic protoplasts. Fusion-derived calli were further cultured to embryo induction, germination, and plant regeneration. Regenerated plants were individually rooted or micrografted, and further acclimated in screenhouse. Somatic hybridization was confirmed by analysis of leaf morphology, molecular analysis by RAPD markers, ploidy determination by chromosome counting or flow cytometry. The producion of the somatic hybrids Hamlin sweet orange + Montenegrina mandarin and Hamlin sweet orange + Dancy mandarin was confirmed. These hybrids may have complementary traits from both progenitor and be used directly as scion cultivars or as parental lines in scion improvement programs. Hamlin sweet orange + Montenegrina mandarin somatic hybrid was resistant to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri and Xylella fastidiosa.
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Caracterização morfológica e molecular em genótipos de coentro ( Coriandrum sativum L.) e estudo da variabilidade genética em progênies de meios irmãos na cultivar Verdão.MELO, Roberto de Albuquerque 17 August 2007 (has links)
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Roberto de Albuquerque Melo.pdf: 4133229 bytes, checksum: 12298bb37ac0b402ede66a8d0330cb4b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-21T16:01:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Roberto de Albuquerque Melo.pdf: 4133229 bytes, checksum: 12298bb37ac0b402ede66a8d0330cb4b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-08-17 / A large number of producers are involved in the cultivation of coriander(Coriandrum sativum L.) throughout the year in Brazil, making it a crop of social and economic importance. In order to preserve traditional varieties, it is necessary to harvest and conserve them as well as characterize them both morphologically as well as molecularly so that information may be obtained regarding diversity.Throughout nearly the entire Northeast Region, the Verdão variety is used. Genetic variability studies on coriander are important for the proper planning of genetic improvement programs. The aim of the present study for objectives to characterize morphological and molecular genotypes of coriander, to study the genetic similarity between them and to quantify the genetic variability of variety Verdão,through the evaluation of offspring from half-siblings, for agronomic characters. The following 10 varieties of coriander were used: Americano, Asteca, HTV-9299, Palmeira,Português, Santo, Supéria, Tabocas, Tapacurá and Verdão; as well as 55 offspring from half-siblings of the Verdão variety. Differences between varieties were identified through morphological characteristics. Genetic similarity between varieties was estimated based on both morphological characteristics and ISSR molecular markers. Two dendrograms were generated from the data, with the formation of two distinct clusters in each dendrogram. The ratio between the genetic variation and environmental coefficients (CVg/CVe) regarding the number of bolted plants was 0.27, indicating that selection for bolting presents more favorable conditions in terms of immediate genetic gains. / Um grande número de produtores está envolvido com o cultivo do coentro (Coriandrum sativum L.) durante todo o ano, tornando-a uma cultura de importância social e econômica. Para conservar as cultivares tradicionais é necessário não só efetuar o seu recolhimento e conservação, mas também caracterizá-las morfologicamente e molecularmente para que se obtenha informações sobre a diversidade existente. Praticamente, em toda a região Nordeste utiliza-se a cultivar Verdão. Estudos da variabilidade genética do coentro são importantes, tendo em vista o melhor planejamento de programas de melhoramento genético. Este trabalho tem por objetivos caracterizar morfologicamente e molecularmente genótipos de coentro, estudar a similaridade genética entre eles e quantificar a variabilidade genética da cultivar Verdão, através da avaliação de progênies de meios irmãos, para caracteres agronômicos. Foram utilizados neste estudo, dez cultivares de coentro, dentre eles, Americano,Asteca, HTV-9299, Palmeira, Português, Santo, Supéria, Tabocas,Tapacurá e Verdão e 55 progênies de meios irmãos de coentro cv. Verdão. Baseados nos caracteres morfológicos foram identificados diferenças entre as cultivares. A similaridade genética entre as cultivares foi estimada com base nos caracteres morfológicos e marcadores moleculares de ISSR. Através dos dados moleculares e morfológicos foram gerados dois dendrogramas, onde houve a formação de dois agrupamentos para cada um. Para a razão entre os coeficientes de variação genético e ambiental (CVg/CVe) para número de plantas pendoadas foi de 2,07, indicando que a seleção para pendoamento apresenta as condições mais favoráveis em termos de ganhos genéticos imediatos.
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Aplicação foliar de doses de molibdênio em soja : características agronômicas, teor de molibdênio e qualidade fisiológica das sementes /Ciocchi, Edson Blecha. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Lazarini / Banca: Marco Eustaquio de Sa / Banca: Roberval Daiton Vieira / Resumo: O molibdênio é essencial no processo de fixação simbiótica do nitrogênio por ser constituinte da enzima nitrogenase. O uso de sementes enriquecidas com molibdênio é uma das formas práticas de fornecimento do nutriente às plantas de soja. Neste contexto, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho objetivando determinar em diferentes cultivares de soja, a dose de molibdênio a aplicar nos estádios reprodutivos para elevar o teor do mesmo na semente (sementes enriquecidas), bem como possíveis alterações na produtividade e massa das sementes e qualidade fisiológicas destas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no ano agrícola 2005/06, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão/UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira, localizada no município de Selvíria - MS (51º22'W, 20º22'S e altitude 335 m aproximadamente), em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico argiloso. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o em blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial 6x2x2 com quatro repetições, ou seja, seis doses de molibdênio (0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 g/ha) aplicadas através de pulverização foliar (dose única aplicada no estádio R5.4 ou parcelada, sendo metade em R3 e metade em R5.4), em dois cultivares de soja (MSOY 7901 e MG/BR 46). As avaliações constaram de: características agronômicas, produtividade, massa de 100 sementes, teor de molibdênio nas sementes, germinação e condutividade elétrica. Pelos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a produtividade de grãos não é influenciada pela aplicação foliar de doses de molibdênio, em estádios reprodutivos da soja; a massa de 100 sementes responde de forma linear a aplicação de doses crescentes de Mo quando aplicadas em dose única; a cultivar MSOY 7901 apresenta sementes com maior teor de Mo e sendo recomendado a aplicação em dose única; o teor de molibdênio nas sementes tem comportamento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Molybdenum is essential in the symbiotic fixation process of nitrogen due to its participation on nitrogenase enzyme. The use of seeds enriched with molybdenum is one of the practical forms of supplying the nutrient to the soybean plants. In this context, the present study was developed to determine in different cultivars of soybean, doses of molybdenum applied in the reproductive stage for elevating the Mo seed content (seeds enriched), as well the possible alterations in the productivity, on mass and physiological seed quality. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural year 2005/06, at experimental area belonging to UNESP - Ilha Solteira Campus, located in Selvíria county - MS (51º22'W, 20º22'S and altitude 335 m approximately), in a clayey dystrophic Red Latosol. A randomized block design was used, in a factorial scheme 6x2x2 with four repetitions, or be, six doses of molybdenum (0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 g/ha) applied on the leaves through spraying (unique dose applied in the stadium R5.4 or divided in two applications, being half in R3 and other half in R5.4 stadium), in two cultivars of soybean (MSOY 7901 and MG/BR 46). The evaluations were: agronomic characteristics, productivity, mass of 100 seeds, content of molybdenum in the seeds, germination and electrical conductivity. Through the results obtained, it was verified that the productivity of seeds was not influenced by leaf application of Mo doses, in reproductive stage of the soybean; the mass of 100 seeds fitted to a lineal equation to doses of Mo application when applied in unique dose; the MSOY 7901 cultivar presented seeds with higher Mo content and being recommended the application in unique dose; the Mo content on seeds fitted a quadratic equation as a function... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Produção de porta-enxerto de goiabeira com águas de diferentes salinidades e adubação potássica. / Production of guava rootstock with waters of different salinities and potassic fertilization.BONIFÁCIO, Benedito Ferreira. 28 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Deyse Queiroz (deysequeirozz@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-28T12:36:02Z
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BENEDITO FERREIRA BONIFÁCIO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2017..pdf: 1746823 bytes, checksum: 153584fa740b169801030661903c2cb4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-28T12:36:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
BENEDITO FERREIRA BONIFÁCIO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2017..pdf: 1746823 bytes, checksum: 153584fa740b169801030661903c2cb4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-03 / Tendo em vista a importância socioeconômica da cultura da goiabeira, notadamente para a região nordeste do Brasil onde há limitada disponibilidade de água de boa qualidade, surge a necessidade do uso de águas salinas para produção agrícola implicando na necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratégias que possam viabilizar o seu uso. Nesse sentido, realizou-se a pesquisa com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de potássio combinadas com águas de distintos níveis salinos na produção de mudas para porta-enxerto de goiabeira. O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação do Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia Agroalimentar da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal - PB. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, num esquema fatorial 5 x 4, com os tratamentos referentes à cinco níveis de condutividade elétrica da água de irrigação (CEa = 0,3; 1,1; 1,9; 2,7 e 3,5 dS m-1) em interação com quatro doses de potássio (70, 100, 130 e 160% de K) sendo a dose recomendada de 100% K (726 mg de K dm-3 de substrato) para mudas de goiabeira e quatro repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída por duas plantas úteis. A aplicação dos tratamentos teve início aos 40 dias após a emergência das plântulas (DAE). Os porta-enxertos foram avaliados aos 120 e 225 DAE, através da altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, número de folhas e área foliar; no período de 60 a 225 DAE foram mensuradas as taxas de crescimento absoluto e relativo para altura de planta e, aos 225 DAE a área foliar específica, as variáveis de fitomassa seca de caule, folhas, seca de raiz, parte aérea, total, relação raiz/parte aérea, razão de área foliar e o índice de qualidade de Dickson. A irrigação com água de CEa de até 1,9 dS m-1 possibilitou a formação de porta-enxerto de goiabeira cv. Paluma com redução aceitável em seu crescimento; dose de potássio de 798,6 mg de K dm-3 de substrato promoveu o maior crescimento em altura do porta-enxerto de goiabeira cv. Paluma aos 120 dias após a emergência; doses crescentes de K não atenuaram os efeitos nocivos dos sais sobre os porta-enxertos de goiabeira cv. Paluma; dose de 508,2 mg de K dm-3 de substrato favorece o acúmulo de fitomassa seca de caules de goiabeira cv. Paluma aos 225 DAE; irrigação com água de CEa 1,9 dS m-1 promove redução aceitável de 10% sobre a produção de fitomassa e qualidade dos porta-enxertos de goiabeira cv. Paluma; não houve interação significativa (sal x doses de K) sobre as variáveis estudadas. / Considering the socioeconomic importance of the guava crop, especially for the northeastern region of Brazil where there is limited availability of good quality water, the need arises for the use of saline waters for agricultural production, implying the need to develop strategies that can their use. In this sense, the research was carried out to evaluate the effects of different doses of potassium combined with waters of different salt levels in the production of seedlings for guava rootstock. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Agrifood Science and Technology Center of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal - PB. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, in a 5 x 4 factorial scheme, with the treatments referring to five levels of electrical conductivity of the irrigation water (CEw = 0,3; 1,1; 1,9; 2,7 and 3,5 dS m-1) in interaction with four doses of potassium (70, 100, 130 and 160% K) and the recommended dose of 100% K (726 mg K dm-3 substrate) for guava seedlings and four repetitions, each plot consisting of two useful plants. The treatments were started at 40 days after emergence of the seedlings (DAE). The rootstocks were evaluated at 120 and 225 DAE, through plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and leaf area; in the period from 60 to 225 DAE, absolute and relative growth rates were measured for plant height and, at 225 DAE, the specific leaf area, stem dry matter, leaves, root dry matter, shoot, total ratio root/shoot, leaf area ratio and Dickson quality index. Irrigation with CEw water of up to 1,9 dS m-1 allowed the formation of a guava rootstock cv. Paluma with acceptable reduction in its growth; potassium dose of 798,6 mg of K dm-3 substrate promoted the highest growth in height of the guava rootstock cv. Paluma at 120 days after the emergency; increasing doses of K did not attenuate the harmful effects of the salts on guava rootstocks cv. Paluma; dose of 508,2 mg of K dm-3 of substrate favors the accumulation of dry phytomass of cv. Paluma at 225 DAE; irrigation with CEw water 1,9 dS m-1 promotes a 10% acceptable reduction on the phytomass production and quality of guava rootstocks cv. Paluma; there was no significant interaction (salt x doses of K) on the studied variables.
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Qualidade física, química, compostos bioativos e capacidade antioxidante em cultivares de feijão verde vigna unguiculata (L). Walp. / Physics, Chemistry Quality, bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity in cultivars of green bean Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.VIEIRA, Maria Marlene da Silva. 01 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Deyse Queiroz (deysequeirozz@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-01T14:35:00Z
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MARIA MARLENE DA SILVA VIEIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2015..pdf: 1558102 bytes, checksum: 1f1b8136d91ee8b3a7a7993d296c22d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-01T14:35:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MARIA MARLENE DA SILVA VIEIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2015..pdf: 1558102 bytes, checksum: 1f1b8136d91ee8b3a7a7993d296c22d5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade física, química, compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante em oito cultivares de feijão-caupi verde. As cultivares utilizadas no experimento foram provenientes de oito cultivares de feijão-caupi, nomeadamente, Costela de Vaca, BRS Marataoã, BRS Itaim, BR 17-Gurguéia, BRS Novaera, Paulistinha, Setentão e Patativa. O trabalho foi subdividido em dois experimentos. No primeiro foram realizadas avaliações físicas de comprimento de vagens verdes, comprimento, largura, espessura, peso e número de grãos de 10 vagens verde e químicas que incluiu a composição centesimal, com determinação da umidade, cinzas, lipídios, proteínas, carboidratos e valor energético, pH, acidez, e açúcares, no segundo foram realizados as avaliações de compostos bioativos como os compostos fenólicos, ácido ascórbico, flavonóides e antocianinas, e atividade antioxidante. Para as avaliações químicas os grãos foram submetidos a dois procedimentos: cru e cozido e para as avaliações de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante também avaliando os grãos crus e cozido
incluindo o caldo de cocção, foram avaliados de forma independentemente. Todas as análises foram realizadas em quadruplicata nas cultivares cruas, cozidas e no caldo de cocção e as análises físicas contendo 30 repetições das oito cultivares. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e detectando efeito significativo no teste F, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Verificou-se que todas as cultivares reuniram boas características físicas com exceção da cultivar BRS 17-Gurguéia. Em relação às características químicas, o conteúdo de umidade ficou na faixa de 54,31-63,99% nas cultivares cruas BR 17-Gurguéia e BRS Marataoã e aumentou nas cozidas 68,75-70,79% respectivamente. O conteúdo de cinzas, proteínas, lipídeos e valor energético diminuíram de forma significativa (p<0,05) para todas as cultivares cozidas. O teor de carboidrato diminuiu para todas as cultivares após o cozimento com exceção da cultivar Patativa. Para o conteúdo de açúcares totais as cultivares cruas apresentaram teores de 9,35-10,8 mg /100 g BRS Novaera e Costela de Vaca, após o cozimento, pode-se observar a redução destes, com teores de e de 0,73-1,49 mg/100 g Costela de Vaca e Setentão respectivamente. Para os compostos bioativos, a cultivar Costela de Vaca apresentou o maior teor de clorofila na sua forma crua, no feijão cozido o maior teor de clorofila foi observado para a cultivar BRS Novaera sendo observado também ser a cultivar que obteve a menor perda deste composto. A cultivar Costela de Vaca apresentou o maior teor de carotenoides antes e após o cozimento. Após o cozimento as cultivares apresentaram um aumento no
teor de flavonoides para todas as cultivares com exceção das cultivares Costela de Vaca e Setentão. Foram constatadas pequenas concentrações de antocianinas nas cultivares cruas, cozidas e no caldo de cocção. Após o cozimento houve uma redução no teor de ácido ascórbico para todas as cultivares com exceção das cultivares BRS Itaim (4,23 mg/100g) e a cultivar Patativa (5,56 mg/100g) que apresentou um leve aumento depois de cozido. Antes do cozimento, a cultivar BRS Marataoã apresentou maior atividade antioxidante (97,71 g feijão. g DPPH-1). Os caldos de cocção também apresentaram
relevante teor de compostos bioativos, com destaque para as cultivares Costela de Vaca 43,34 mg/100g e BRS Marataoã 51,88 mg/100g e atividade antioxidante com destaque para a cultivar BRS Marataoã (79,59 g feijão. g DPPH-1). Concluiu-se que as cultivares apresentaram boas características físicas com exceção da cultivar BRS 17-Gurguéia. Mesmo após o processamento térmico, as cultivares manteve características nutritivas e funcionais relevantes, sendo recomendado o seu consumo juntamente com o seu caldo de cocção para uma maior retenção de compostos com propriedade antioxidante. / This study aimed to evaluate the physical, chemical, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in
eight cowpea green cultivars. The cultivars used in the experiment were from eight cowpea cultivars,
namely, Costela de Vaca, Marataoã BRS, BRS Itaim, BR-17 Gurguéia, BRS Novaera, Paulistinha,
Setentão and Patativa. The work was divided into two experiments. In the first it was conducted
physical evaluations long green pods, length, width, thickness, weight and number of 10 green and
chemical pods grains that included the chemical composition, with determination of moisture, ash,
lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and energy value, pH, acidity and sugars in the second were conducted
reviews of bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and
anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity. For chemical evaluations grains underwent two procedures:
raw and cooked and reviews of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity also evaluating the raw
and cooked grains including broth cooking were evaluated so independently. All analyzes were carried
out in quadruplicate in raw, cooked cultivars and cooking broth and physical analysis containing 30
repetitions of the eight cultivars. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and detecting
significant effect on the F test, the averages were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. It was
found that all cultivars gathered good physical characteristics except BRS 17-Gurguéia. With regard to
chemical characteristics, the moisture content was in the range of 54.31 to 63.99% in raw cultivars
BR-17 and BRS Gurguéia Marataoã and increased in cooked from 68.75 to 70.79% respectively. The
content of ash, protein, lipids and energy value decreased significantly (p <0.05) for all cultivars
cooked. The carbohydrate content decreased for all cultivars after cooking with the exception of
Patativa cultivar. For total sugars content of the raw samples had levels of 9.35 to 10.8 mg / 100 g
BRS Novaera and Costela de vaca, after baking, can observe the reduction thereof with contents of
0.73 and -1.49 mg / 100 g Costela de vaca and Setentão respectively. For bioactive compounds, to
cultivate Costela de vaca had the highest chlorophyll content in its raw form, the baked beans the
highest chlorophyll content was observed for BRS Novaera being observed also be cultivating showed
the lowest loss of this compound. Cultivar Costela de vaca had the highest carotenoid content before
and after cooking. After cooking the cultivars showed an increase in flavonoid content for all cultivars
with the exception of Costela de vaca cultivars and Setentão. Small concentrations of anthocyanins
were found in raw varieties, cooked in broth and cooking. After cooking there was a reduction in the
ascorbic acid content in all cultivars except for BRS Itaim (4.23 mg / 100g) and cultivate Patativa
(5.56 mg / 100g) which showed a slight increase after cooked. Before cooking, BRS Marataoã showed
higher antioxidant activity (97.71 g beans. DPPH g-1). cooking broths also presented relevant content
of bioactive compounds, especially the Costela de vaca cultivars 43.34 mg / 100g and BRS Marataoã
51.88 mg / 100g and antioxidant activity especially BRS Marataoã (79.59 g beans. DPPH g1). It was
concluded that the cultivars showed good physical characteristics except BRS 17-Gurguéia. Even after
thermal processing cultivars kept nutritional relevant functional characteristics, their consumption is
recommended along with their cooking broth for greater retention of compounds with antioxidant
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Associação de variedades resistentes de milho e fungos entomopatogênicos para o controle de Sitophilus spp. / Association od resistent varieties of corn and entomopathogenic fungi for control of Sitophilus sppPotrich, Michele 17 March 2006 (has links)
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Michele Potrich.pdf: 1335420 bytes, checksum: 217a9f67e1aa12bbdd6752f37c6601d2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-03-17 / This work s objective was to associate strategies and control methods, aiming to minimize the damage caused by Sitophilus spp., in as much as it is considered the main pest insect in stored corn. Thus, corn cultivars resistant and susceptible to Sitophilus spp. attack were chosen through tests with chance of choice, to verify the feeding preference, and without chance of choice (confinement), where the insect s biology was analyzed, as well as the damage caused to the grains and the weight loss. Isolates of entomopathogenic fungi were selected through pathogenicity evaluations and lethal concentration, vegetative growth, conidia production in petri dishes, rice and in corpses. The susceptible and resistant C were associated to the selected isolates, and these were inoculated in the cultivars before and after the Sitophilus spp. infestation. It was verified that the cultivars CD 3121 presented resistence, increasing the duration of the egg-adult cicle, diminishing the number of emerged insects and diminishing the weight loss of the grains, and showed non-preference to feeding by Sitophilus spp., while cultivar CD 307 presented susceptibility and feeding preference to this insect. It was verified that all tested isolates were pathogenic to Sitophilus spp. Nevertheless, they differed about virulence, when 7 isolates caused at least 80% of confirmed mortality of this insect. Among these, the 3 that presented higher accumulated mortality at the 5th day after inoculation were selected: Unioeste 4, Unioeste 39 and Esalq 643. However, just isolates Unioeste 4 and Esalq 643 were selected to be associated to the cultivars, because they presented the best results on the realized tests. Analising the association between the isolates and the cultivars, higher control of Sitophilus spp. was verified, independent of the grain treatment strategy. The association caused an increase in the duration of the duration of the egg-adult duration, decrease of the number of emerged insects, decrese of damaged grains percentage and decrese of weight loss, for both cultivars CD 3121 and CD 307, and for both isolates. On the other hand, the isolates association with cultivars CD 3121 standed out for the control of Sitophilus spp., and the averages presented by this cultivar were more expressive / Este trabalho teve como objetivo associar estratégias e métodos de controle visando minimizar os danos provocados por Sitophilus spp., visto que este inseto é considerado o principal inseto-praga de milho armazenado. Assim, cultivares de milho resistentes e suscetíveis ao ataque de Sitophilus spp. foram selecionados através de testes com chance de escolha, para verificar a preferência alimentar, e sem chance de escolha (confinamento), onde a biologia do inseto foi analisada, bem como os danos ocasionados nos grãos e a perda de peso. Isolados de fungos entomopatogênicos foram selecionados através de avaliações de patogenicidade e comparação da virulência, determinação da concentração letal, crescimento vegetativo, produção de conídios em placa-de-Petri, produção de conídios em arroz e produção de conídios em cadáver. O cultivar suscetível e o cultivar resistente foram associados aos isolados selecionados, sendo que estes foram inoculados nos cultivares previa e posteriormente à infestação por Sitophilus spp. Verificou-se que o cultivar CD 3121 apresentou resistência, aumentando a duração do ciclo ovo-adulto, diminuindo o número de insetos emergidos e diminuindo a perda de peso dos grãos, e não-preferência para alimentação por Sitophilus spp., enquanto o cultivar CD 307 apresentou suscetibilidade e preferência alimentar para este inseto. Verificou-se que todos os isolados testados foram patogênicos a Sitophilus spp., no entanto, diferiram quanto à virulência, sendo que 7 isolados causaram no mínimo 80% de mortalidade confirmada neste inseto. Dentre estes, os 3 que apresentaram maior mortalidade acumulada, ao 5o dia após a inoculação foram selecionados, sendo Unioeste 4, Unioeste 39 e Esalq 643, no entanto, apenas os isolados Unioeste 4 e Esalq 643 foram selecionados para associação com os cultivares, pois apresentaram os melhores resultados nos testes realizados. Analisando a associação entre os isolados e os cultivares, verificou-se maior controle de Sitophilus spp., independente da estratégia de tratamento dos grãos, sendo que a associação causou um aumento na duração do ciclo ovo-adulto, diminuição no número de insetos emergidos, diminuição na porcentagem de grãos danificados e diminuição na perda de peso, tanto para o cultivar CD 3121, quanto para o cultivar CD 307, e para ambos isolados. Contudo, a associação dos isolados com o cultivar CD 3121 destacou-se para controle de Sitophilus spp., sendo que as médias apresentadas por este cultivar foram mais expressivas
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