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Hispanic women's views on affirmative action: Self-interest, fairness, socio-political orientation, past discrimination, and acculturationVargas-Machuca, Isabel 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Can Cross-Race Mentoring Help Minority Students and Break Down Prejudice? Mentoring Experiences in Higher EducationRainer, Jennifer Brooke 04 January 2013 (has links)
Cross-race mentoring relationships are of interest to the theory and practice of mentoring and they also speak to a longstanding problem in the sociological study of prejudice. The mentoring literature reveals some disagreement regarding the advisability of cross-race matching for young protégés. Some researchers stress same-race matching, while others emphasize the problem this creates for minority's facing a dearth of mentors. Sociologists and psychologists, on the other hand, have amassed evidence showing support for a contact hypothesis, which states frequent intergroup contact between equal-status members can lead to improved perceptions of the Other. However, to date, the contact hypothesis has not been explored in the context of mentoring relationships between white adults and minority youth. This Thesis hopes to fill these gaps in the literature. The purpose of this Thesis is to better understand the perceptions and understandings mentors and protégés attach to their cross-race mentoring relationship. It is primarily concerned with identifying the conditions that lead to successful outcomes of interracial mentoring experiences. Specifically, this study explores the perceptions of white adult mentors and black and Latino protégés of their activities, interactions, and their views on the advantages and drawbacks of their cross-race mentoring relationship. This study explores mentors and protégés in cross-race mentoring relationships to grasp a better idea of the meanings each mentoring partner attaches to their mentoring experience. Respondents are sampled from one formal mentoring program at a four-year university. Nine mentors and eleven protégés are interviewed following a semi-structured format. From this sample of twenty participants, six complete pairs participated. The remaining seven respondents make up the supplemental data group, as their mentoring partner did not participate in this study. This study suggests that the intergroup contact theory is useful in explaining the outcomes of these cross-race mentoring relationships. Not only does this Thesis support the intergroup contact theory, it also broadens our understanding by painting a more complete picture of how the optimal conditions emerge and work to strengthen and reinforce one another. Additionally, this research highlights how important understanding both the in-group and out-group member's perceptions are when exploring cross-race mentoring relationships and the intergroup contact theory. Finally, this study supports the notion that a mentoring program's structure is an important feature that can greatly enhance or inhibit mentoring bonds between mentors and protégés.
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Facilitating Positive Relationships between Patients and Foreign Born Providers in South Central PennsylvaniaLong, Janel Elaine Lehman 05 1900 (has links)
Foreign-born providers make up over a quarter of the physician workforce nationally. Patients in south central Pennsylvania are primarily white with limited interaction with foreigners which can produce barriers to communication and trust. This study proposes practical steps for building positive relationships between patients and their foreign-born providers. Ethnographic methods were used to interview and survey patients and providers about the relationships between foreign-born providers and patients, primarily in the Summit Health system. The results of the study provide a framework of how trust is built between patients and providers in general, suggest additional actions for foreign-born providers, and propose ways patients can do their part to achieve a positive relationship with their provider. While much of the literature on cultural competence is in the context of patients who are from minority ethnicities, this study adds to the body of research by also considering the providers as part of minority groups.
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Questions de plaisirs et d'identité : étude de joueuses passionnées de jeux vidéo multijoueursMénard, Anne-Marie January 2015 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’attache à saisir les plaisirs du jeu et la perception des femmes passionnées de jeux vidéo multijoueurs. L’univers vidéoludique, selon plusieurs études, constituerait un espace particulièrement «masculin» où les femmes seraient peu visibles. Divers événements récents ont aussi mis en lumière le harcèlement dont sont victimes non seulement les joueuses, mais également les chercheurs et chercheuses s’intéressant à la question du genre dans la culture vidéoludique. Dans un tel contexte, comment expliquer l’intérêt des femmes pour les jeux vidéo, décrits comme une «culture patriarcale cherchant à (ré)affirmer sa position dominante»? Les propos de neuf joueuses, âgées de 18 à 34 ans, ont été recueillis au moyen d’entrevues individuelles puis analysés selon une méthodologie qualitative. Les études féministes ainsi que les cultural studies ont servi d’espace théorique pour cette recherche qualitative. Constituant une communauté interprétative, les femmes rencontrées révèlent un positionnement complexe par rapport à la norme et à différents aspects de la culture vidéoludique. Chez les répondantes, le plaisir naît d’une variété d’aspects, tels que la trame narrative, la possibilité d’incarner un personnage, l’évasion dans un autre monde, l’appartenance à une communauté ou encore le défoulement. Cependant, la dimension coopérative des jeux multijoueurs, où joueurs et joueuses travaillent en équipe, forme un cadre normatif qui influencerait la disposition des femmes. L’identité de genre et l’identité subculturelle du joueur orienteraient également leur façon de se présenter et d’interagir. Par ailleurs, le mémoire établit trois «stratégies» que les participantes mettent en place afin d’intégrer la communauté vidéoludique.
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A critical analysis of multicultural education with special reference to the values issue in the South African contextGretta, Khetsekile Nomawethu 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned with the values issue in the South African context, a
multicultural education situation. South Africa is a pluralistic society. Being pluralistic,
means that the country is rich in different cultures, belief- and value systems.
Different cultures have different value systems. If an institution is practising
multicultural education, the question is, which values are to be used? If we say the
institution should use the values of the majority culture, will that not disadvantage
minority cultures? If minority cultures are undermined by neglecting their cultures
won't that cause conflict between minority cultures and the majority culture?
Each society that is implementing multicultural education should consider that there
are common human values and particular values. In multicultural education particular
values are important because they show how a particular group behaves and what its
beliefs and culture are. Common values develop from particular values and teachers
must emphasise common values without neglecting particular values, to encourage
tolerance and acceptance between different groups. / Psychology of Education / M.A. (Philosophy of Education)
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Cynic sensibility in British popular literature and culture, 1950 to 1987Curran, Kieran January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis, I focus on delineating 'The Cynic Sensibility' in British Popular Literature and Culture (1950-1987). Focusing primarily on literature and music (and, to a lesser extent, cinema/television), this works seeks to write a cultural history through analysing cultural texts. The sensibility has three key characteristics: I) it is a Bohemian sensibility; ii) it is apolitical, in that it does not endorse any political alternative to the status quo at any given time, and iii) it is popular, and exists across traditional high/low cultural lines. Connected to this last point is a tendency to oppose stylistic Modernism and its attendant obscurities. Underpinning my thesis are the work of the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk on cynicism as a philosophical phenomenon, and the cultural theory of Raymond Williams. Using this approach, I seek to not only connect spheres of culture which hitherto have been kept separate, but to provide a different insight into 20th century British cultural history.
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Female apparel shopping behaviour within a multi-cultural consumer society : variables, market segments, profiles and implicationsDu Preez, R. Ronel) 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society is a complex
phenomenon. This study set out to identify the variables that influence female apparel
shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society and to determine whether
distinct clusters of female apparel shoppers could be identified.
Three theoretical models from the two study disciplines, Consumer Behaviour and
Clothing and Textiles, were investigated, i.e. the Sproles Model of Fashion Adoption,
the Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model of Consumer Decision-Process Behaviour and De
Klerk's Clothing Consumer Decision-making Model. These models were synthesised
and developed further into a new conceptual theoretical model of variables influencing
female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society. The Macro
conceptual theoretical model presented the variables under market dominated
variables, market and consumer interaction variables and consumer dominated
variables. The scope of the study was delimited by the choice of two primary variables
under each classification, for further investigation. The variables investigated were:
the place of distribution, the apparel product, shopping orientation, patronage
behaviour, socio-cultural influences (family, lifestyle and culture) and demographics.
An overview of the South African apparel industry was provided and future trends in
retailing were highlighted. Literature on shopping orientation as a variable was
extensively studied, resulting in a proposed new classification system. Lifestyle and
cultural consciousness, i.e. the individualist and collectivist orientation, and the impact
thereof on female apparel shopping behaviour were investigated.
Data for this exploratory study were generated by means of a store-intercept research
method. A questionnaire was developed and trained fieldworkers undertook in-store
interviews with approximately eight hundred female apparel shoppers representative of
three population groups, African/black, coloured and white. The data analysis yielded
acceptable questionnaire reliability and multivariate statistics showed shopping
orientation and lifestyle to be multi-dimensional constructs with three components
each. The three shopping orientation components were labelled shopping selfconfidence
and enjoyment; credit-prone, brand-conscious and fashion innovator and local store patronage. A Yuppie lifestyle, apparel-orientated lifestyle and a traditional
lifestyle were the three labels ascribed to the lifestyle components.
Three clusters of female apparel shoppers were formed by means of cluster analysis,
according to the three components of lifestyle and shopping orientation respectively,
the two cultural consciousness scales and eleven patronage behaviour items. A
demographic profile of each cluster completed the typology of the three female apparel
shopper groups. Group one was the largest (49%) and was labelled Actualisers.
Group two (28%) was labelled Strugglers and group three (22%) Aspirationals. The
female apparel shopper could therefore be successfully segmented into distinct market
segments with statistically significant differences in profiles. The profiles showed
similarities to international and South African typology research. The results are
presented in a conceptual model.
The following main implications for manufacturers, marketers, retailers, researchers,
educators and students can be stated:
.:. Knowledge regarding consumers will be of paramount importance for survival in the
competitive and more globally orientated 21st century .
•:. The female apparel market is not homogeneous. Different groups of consumers
require different types of products and will evaluate them differently. Modern
technology such as CAD, EDI, QR and CIM should be implemented to assist
stakeholders in this regard. Fashion changes rapidly and if the window of
opportunity is not seized, it is lost .
•:. Different advertising and marketing strategies are necessary to reach the various
female apparel shopper groups. Special attention should be given to advertising
approaches and media vehicles that will gain the attention of the various groups .
•:. Electronic retailing and marketing will form a large part of future retailing and
marketing activities. Stakeholders should be geared towards seizing these
opportunities for growth.
.:. Researchers, educators and students will benefit from the application of the
Conceptual Theoretical Model - a Macro perspective. It could provide a conceptual
framework for curriculum development, be used as an evaluation tool and assist in
the understanding of the complexities of variables impacting on female apparel
shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society.
Recommendations for future research were made in order to encourage researchers to
research the complex nature of female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural
consumer society scientifically. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vroueklere aankoopgedrag in 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap is 'n
komplekse fenomeen. Hierdie studie poog om die veranderlikes wat vroueklere
aankoopgedrag in 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap beïnvloed, te identifiseer
en om te bepaal of onderskeibare groepe vroulike verbruikers geïdentifiseer kan word.
Drie teoretiese modelle vanuit die twee dissiplines, naamlik Verbruikersgedrag en
Kleding en Tekstiele, is ondersoek, naamlik: die Sproles Model van Modeaanvaarding
(Sproles Model of Fashion Adoption), die Engel-Blackwell-Miniard model van
Verbruikersbesluitnemingsproses-gedrag (Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model of Consumer
Decision-Process Behaviour) asook De Klerk se Kledingverbruikerbesluitnemingsmodel.
(De Klerk's Clothing Consumer Decision-making Model). Hierdie modelle is
gesintetiseer en verder ontwikkel tot 'n nuwe konseptueie teoretiese model van
veranderlikes wat vroueklere-aankoopgedrag in 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap
beïnvloed. Die Makro konseptueie teoretiese model orden veranderlikes
onder mark-gedomineerde veranderlikes, mark- en verbruiker-interaksie-veranderlikes
en verbruiker-gedomineerde veranderlikes. Die omvang van die studie is begrens deur
die keuse van twee primêre veranderlikes onder elke groepering vir verdere studie.
Die bestudeerde veranderlikes sluit die volgende in: plek van distribusie, die klereproduk,
aankooporiëntasie, winkelvoorkeurgedrag, sosio-kulturele invloede (familie,
lewenstyl en kultuur) asook demografie. 'n Oorsig van die Suid-Afrikaanse kledingindustrie
word gegee en toekomstige tendense in die kleinhandel word uitgelig.
Literatuur rakende aankooporiëntasie as veranderlike is breedvoerig bestudeer en
resulteer in 'n nuwe klassifikasie stelsel. Lewenstyl en kulturele bewustheid, nl. die
individualistiese versus kollektivistiese oriëntasie, en die impak daarvan op vroue se
klere-aankoopgedrag is ondersoek.
Data vir hierdie verkennende navorsing is verkry deur respondente in winkels te nader
(store-intercept research method). Vir hierdie eksploratiewe studie is 'n vraelys
ontwikkel en opgeleide veldwerkers het onderhoude (binne winkels) met ongeveer
aghonderd vroue klereverbruikers, verteenwoordigend van drie populasie groepe, nl.
Swart, Kleurling en Blank gevoer. Die data ontleding dui op aanvaarbare vraelys
betroubaarheid. Die meervoudige veranderlike statistiek resultate toon aan dat aankooporiëntasie en lewenstyl multi-dimensionele konstrukte is, met onderskeidelik
drie komponente elk. Die drie aankooporiëntasie komponente is benoem as aankoop
selfvertroue en genot (shopping self-confidence and enjoyment); krediet geneigdheid,
handelsmerk bewustheid sowel as mode innoveerder (credit prone, brand conscious
and fashion innovator) en plaaslike winkelvoorkeur (local store patronage). Die Yuppie
lewenstyl (Yuppie lifestyle); klere georienteerde lewenstyl (apparel orientated lifestyle)
en tradisionele lewenstyl (traditional lifestyle) was die drie name wat aan die
lewenstyle komponente toegeskryf is.
Drie groepe vroulike klere aankopers is gevorm met behulp van trosanalise. Die
trosanalise is gedoen op grond van die drie komponente van lewenstyl en
aankooporiëntasie onderskeidelik, die twee kulturele bewustheid skale en die elf
winkelvoorkeur gedrag items. Die tipering van die drie groepe is aangevul deur 'n
demografiese profiel. Groep een was die grootste (49%) en is genoem Aktualiseerders
(Actualisers). Groep twee (28%) is genoem Sukkelaars (StruggIers) en groep drie
(22%) Aspireerders (Aspirationals). Die vroulike klere aankoper kon derhalwe
suksesvol gesegmenteer word in duidelik onderskeibare segmente met statisties
beduidende verskille in die profiele. Die profiele toon ooreenkomste met internasionale
en Suid-Afrikaanse tipologie navorsing.
konseptueie model.
Die resultate word aangetoon in 'n
Die volgende hoof implikasies vir vervaardigers, bemarkers, kleinhandelaars,
navorsers, opvoedkundiges en studente kan gestel word:
.:. Kennis rakende verbruikers sal krities wees vir oorlewing in die kompeterende en
globaal georiënteerde 21ste eeu.
•:. Die vroue klere mark is nie homogeen nie. Verskillende groepe verbruikers vereis
verskillende tipes produkte en sal dit derhalwe verskillende evalueer. Moderne
tegnologie soos rekenaar gesteunde ontwerp, elektroniese data interaksie, vinnige
respons en rekenaar geintegreerde vervaardiging moet geïmplimenteer word ten
einde alle belanghebbendes te ondersteun in hierdie verband. Mode verander
vinnig en indien geleenthede nie aangegryp word nie, is dit verlore .
•:. Verskillende bemarking en reklame strategieë is nodig ten einde die verskillende
groepe vroue klere verbruikers te bereik. Spesifieke aandag moet geskenk word aan die advertensie aanslag en media voertuie wat die aandag van die onderskeie
groepe sal trek .
•:. Elektroniese kleinhandel en bemarking sal 'n groot komponent van die toekomstige
kleinhandel en bemarkingsaktiwiteite beslaan. Belanghebbendes moet ingestel
wees om hierdie geleenthede vir groei aan te gryp .
•:. Navorsers, opvoeders en studente sal voordeel trek uit die toepassing van die
Konseptueie Teoretiese Model - 'n Makro Perspektief. Hierdie model kan dien as 'n
konseptueie raamwerk waarbinne kurrikulering kan plaasvind, asook aangewend
word as evaluasie instrument. Die model kan ook hulp verleen ten einde die
komplekse aard van die veranderlikes wat vroue klere aankoopgedrag beïnvloed in
'n multi-kulturele verbruikergemeenskap, te verstaan.
Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak ten einde toekomstige navorsers aan
te moedig om op 'n wetenskaplik verantwoordbare wyse die komplekse aard van
vroueklere-aankoopgedrag binne 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap, na te
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Pictures and interpretations : towards an applied semioticsBoot, Katie January 1994 (has links)
This is a study about the ways in which pictures can be interpreted and the ways in which they are interpreted; the latter, specifically, in a relatively remote part of Peru. Chapter II reviews an assortment of picture tests which bring to light differences in the ways pictures are perceived. Chapter III examines the specific cultural context in which a fairly informal picture test was administered. Chapter IV presents some results and asks what cultural and situational factors may have contributed to the variety in interpretations evident. The drawing of firm conclusions is precluded by the absence of any systematic approach to the interpretations or to the pictures themselves, and it is this which the second half of the study attempts to remedy; by providing a theoretical framework for the assessment of verbalized responses to pictures. Chapter V offers a definition of "picture" and locates it within a typology of indices. It also examines the notion of "visual resemblance", eventually adopting the view that any picture is infinitely ambiguous. Chapter VI introduces two methodological necessities consequent on this ambiguity: a stipulation as to the identity and the taxonomic specificity of any signified object; and a stipulation as to the spatial extension of its signifier. No other methodological content is presented. Chapter VII classifies types of verbalized responses in terms of their visual motivation, and the degree to which they interrelate the stipulated pictorial units. Chapter VIII acknowledges that signification may continue beyond the representational level. Further, postrepresentational, types of responses are classified in terms of the nature of the link maintained with the representational signified.
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The influence of Chinese cultural values on management behaviour in the People's Republic of China and Hong KongCheng, Tsz-kit., 鄭子傑. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Cross-cultural differences in human information processing: an empirical study of Westerners andAsiansFan, Zhongwei., 范忠偉. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business / Master / Master of Philosophy
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