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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení vodního díla Těšetice za povodní / Safety Assesment of the Těšetice Dam during Floods

Vaněk, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis focuses on the assessment of the current state of VD Tesetice to convert KPV parameters Q1000. Based on this evaluation, the thesis proposes corrective actions on waterwork constructions for the purpose of protection of their functioning during floods. Proposed corrective actions consist of designing new or additional safety features, mainly security spillway in abutment terrain.

Rizika související s novelou insolvenčního zákona a jejich řešení / Risks Related to the Amendment to the Insolvency Law and Their Solution

Pajdlhauserová, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
Risk assessment, analysis, insolvency law, insolvency codex, methods, novelisation.

On-line marketingová komunikace / On-line marketing communication

Ostrovská, Nina January 2021 (has links)
Marketing, online marketing communication, advertising, marketing research, questionnaire survey

Postoje rodičů intaktních dětí a dětí se znevýhodněním k inkluzivnímu vzdělávání / Attitude parents of healthy children and handicap children to inclusion education

Lukáč, Štefan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis "Attitudes of Parents of Intact Children and Children with Disabilities to Inclusive Education" deals with the new paradigm in education, which is a model of inclusive education. The theoretical background focuses on factors influencing the formation of attitudes, including the socialization process, the influence of the environment, families and social stratification, the consequences of social exclusion, racism and xenophobia, ethnocentrism, stereotypes and prejudices. The factual basis of this diploma thesis is focused on the definition of key concepts that are closely related to inclusive education. In this section I looked at the differences between the concepts of integration, inclusion and inclusive education, the legislative framework of inclusive education, the definition of attitudes, health and social disadvantage, and the possibilities of educating disadvantaged pupils. In the empirical part of this diploma thesis were used qualitative methods of research. The key issue was to find out what attitudes are for parents of healthy and disadvantaged pupils, what is the difference between the attitudes of parents of healthy and disadvantaged pupils, what factors affect parents' attitudes and what is their awareness. Half-structured interviews were used to collect these data,...

Artificial Intelligence in the Pulp and Paper Industry : Current State and Future Trends / Artificiell Intelligens i Massa- och Pappersindustrin : Nuläge och Framtida Trender

Nystad, Marcus, Lindblom, Lukas January 2020 (has links)
The advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have received large attention in recent years and increased awareness has led to massive societal benefits and new opportunities for industries able to capitalize on these emerging technologies. The pulp and paper industry is going through one of the most considerable transformations into Industry 4.0. Integrating AI technology in the manufacturing process of the pulp and paper industry has shown great potential, but there are uncertainties which direction companies are heading. This study is an investigation of the pulp and paper industry in collaboration with IBM that aims to fill a gap between academia and the progress companies are making. More specifically, this thesis is a multiple case study of the current state and barriers of AI technology in the Swedish pulp and paper industry, the future trends and expectations of AI and the way organizations are managing AI initiatives Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 participants from three perspectives and the data was thematically coded. Our analysis shows that the use of AI varies, and companies are primarily experimenting with a still immature technology. Several trends and areas with future potential were identified and it was shown that digital innovation management is highly regarded. We conclude that there are several barriers hindering further use of AI. However, continued progress with AI will provide large benefit long term in areas such as predictive maintenance and process optimization. Several measures taken to support initiatives with AI were identified and discussed. We encourage managers to take appropriate actions in the continued work toward AI integration and encourage further research in the area of potential reworks in R&D. / Framgångarna inom Artificiell Intelligens (AI) har fått stor uppmärksamhet de senaste åren och ökad medvetenhet har lett till stora fördelar för samhället liksom nya möjligheter för industrier som tar vara på dessa nya teknologier. Pappers- och massa industrin genomgår en av de mest omfattande transformationerna mot Industri 4.0. Integreringen av AI-teknologi i industrins tillverkningsprocesser has visat stor potential, men också osäkerhet kring vilken riktning företag är på väg mot. Denna studie är en undersökning av den svenska pappers- och massaindustrin, i samarbete med IBM, som syftar till att minska gapet mellan akademin och framstegen företag inom industrin tar. Mer specifikt är denna uppsats en kombinerad fallstudie av det nuvarande läget, barriärerna till AI-teknik i den svenska pappers- och massa industrin, de framtida trenderna och förväntningarna på AI och metoderna företag använder för att stötta AI-initiativ. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 11 deltagare från tre olika perspektiv och datan var tematiskt kodad. Vår analys visar att användning av AI varierar och företag experimenterar huvudsakligen med omogen teknik. Flera trender och områden med potential för framtiden identifierades och det visades att digital innovationshantering är högt ansedd. Vi sammanfattar med att det finns flera barriärer som hindrar fortsatt användning av AI. Fortsatt arbete med AI-tekniken kommer leda till stora fördelar på lång sikt inom områden som prediktivt underhåll och fortsatt processoptimering. Flera åtgärder för att stötta AI-initiativ var identifierade och diskuterades. Vi uppmuntrar industrin att genomföra lämpliga åtgärder i det fortsatta arbetet mot AI-integration och uppmuntrar fortsatt forskning inom potentiella omstruktureringar inom FoU.

Rizika v oblasti řízení marketingových nástrojů / Risks Related to Marketing Communication Management

Tupý, Maroš January 2018 (has links)
Marketing, franchising, franchisor, franchisee, marketing tools, risk

Vliv provedení zateplení panelového domu v Ostravě na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Influence of Thermal Insulation of a Concrete Panel Block of Flats in Ostrava on the Expenses Related to its Operation

Pospíšil, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Residential building, thermal insulation, thermal insulation system energy saving, economic return on investment

Výběr informačního systému pro firmu / Selection of Information System for the Company

Bubláková, Petra January 2020 (has links)
Information system, ERP, IS selection, analysis, risk.

Návrh vytvoření a ověření produktu oceňovacího nástroje pro IS SAP v oblasti finančního řízení / Proposal and Verification of the Valuation Tool Product for IS SAP in the Area of Financial Management

Novotný, Ladislav January 2019 (has links)
SAP S/4HANA, project management, ERP implementation, project, time management, cost management, SAP Activate, valuation tool.

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