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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterisation of fatty acid amide hydrolase as a potential therapeutic target in Multiple Sclerosis

Graves, Ryan Stanley January 2013 (has links)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating neurodegenerative disease that typically has a relapsing-remitting pattern of progression superimposed on a gradual worsening of disease symptoms. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a model of MS where animals develop relapses, demyelination and accumulate neurological deficits. Studies using the EAE model have provided evidence that cannabinoids are beneficial in reducing disease symptoms and may impact long term neurodegeneration, but side-effects of exogenous cannabinoid receptor agonists may limit their potential as therapeutic agents for MS. Targeting enzymes involved in degradation of endocannabinoids such as the anandamide-degrading enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) may be an attractive alternative strategy. Using experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) as a mouse model of MS, two complementary approaches were used to assess FAAH as a potential therapeutic target. The FAAH deficient (ABH.FAAH-/-) developed similar paralytic relapsing disease of similar severity of disease compared to the wild-type, but showed a poorer recovery following the acute phase. However, following a relapsing-remitting disease course, the FAAH deficient mice showed a substantial improvement in clinical score, improved motor control, and lost less neurofilament compared to wild-type mice. These findings indicate that fatty acid amides may be neuroprotective in EAE. Secondly, a selective FAAH inhibitor (PF-3845; 10 mg/kg) was used to treat mice during the relapse phase of the disease course. Treatment with PF-3845 caused an elevation of anandamide in the CNS. This treatment resulted in a small reduction in neurofilament loss, but no reduction in clinical score or improvement in motor control was observed compared to the vehicle treated group. To investigate at a cellular level how FAAH might affect disease progression in the EAE model, immunohistochemistry was used to analyse FAAH expression in the CNS. Employing novel antibodies to FAAH in combination with neuronal and glial cell markers, it was found that, in addition to previously reported neuronal expression of FAAH, FAAH is highly expressed 3 in oligodendrocytes, but not in other glial cell types. Thus, genetic deletion or pharmacological inhibition of FAAH may affect both neuronal activity and oligodendroglial function (e.g. myelination). The role of FAAH in oligodendrocytes was investigated in vitro. An oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) monoculture was used to monitor differentiation, and a co-culture comprising neurons and OPCs was used to monitor myelination. During the differentiation of OPCs, FAAH expression was detected in the entire oligodendroglia lineage, but with high expression only in mature myelin basic protein (MBP) expressing cells. Treatment with the FAAH inhibitor PF-3845 (0.1 μM to 1 μM) increased differentiation of OPCs into mature oligodendrocytes. However, the same treatment of co-cultures had no effect on the myelination of neurites. In conclusion, this study has: i) obtained evidence that genetic deletion of FAAH is neuroprotective in a mouse model of MS and ii) provided new insights on FAAH expression in the CNS. Further investigation of FAAH, in particular its role(s) in oligodendrocytes, will be required to fully unlock the therapeutic potential of FAAH inhibition in the treatment of MS.

GPR55 as a novel target in disease control of multiple sclerosis

Sisay, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease associated with immune attack of the central nervous system (CNS) leading to neuronal and axonal loss. This affects neurotransmission accumulating residual disability and the development of neurological signs such as spasticity. Numerous studies have reported a beneficial role of cannabinoids in alleviating symptoms associated with neurological damage. The endocannabinoid system has been shown to control experimental spasticity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). The orphan G-protein coupled receptor 55 (GPR55) has been identified as a functionally -related cannabinoid receptor known to be stimulated by lysophosphatidylinositol. In the current study a novel GPR55 gene knockoutmouse and GPR55-transfected cell line was obtained and characterised andthe function and distribution of GPR55 was analyzed. Due to the lack of GPR55 specific antibodies, we attempted to generate GPR55-specific monoclonal antibodies in GPR55 knockout mice, however none of these reacted only specifically to the native protein. As alternatives to antibodies, GPR55 mRNA levels were quantified using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and in situ hybridization. The GPR55 knockout mice on the C57BL/6 mouse background failed to generate an autoimmune response during EAE in an initial experiment suggesting that GPR55 controls immune function. Disease was variable in the C57BL/6 mice and EAE was induced in the GPR55 knockout mice on the ABH background and animals developed spasticity. VSN16R is a drug that has shown to inhibit experimental spasticity and binds specifically to GPR55, without the typical side effects associated with cannabis. This compound was found to be an allosteric modulator of GPR55. Animals were treated with VSN16R however the anti-spastic effect remained in the GPR55 knockout mice. Hence, the effect of VSN16R is not mediated by GPR55 in EAE and a novel target needs to be identified.

Caracterização química da planta Cannabis sativa L. a partir de sementes apreendidas pela Polícia Federal no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Borille, Bruna Tassi January 2016 (has links)
A Cannabis sativa L. (canábis) contém centenas de substâncias químicas em diferentes classes, contudo, a classe dos canabinoides é encontrada unicamente nesta espécie. Popularmente conhecida como maconha, a canábis é a droga ilícita mais consumida no mundo, sendo o Δ9-tetrahidrocanabinol (Δ9-THC), o principal canabinoide de interesse toxicológico, por ser o responsável pela maioria dos efeitos psicotomiméticos ocasionados e estar associado ao uso abusivo da planta. De outro modo, há alguns anos, vem crescendo significativamente o interesse em pesquisas científicas com a canábis, devido aos importantes efeitos terapêuticos que alguns canabinoides têm apresentado. O canabidiol (CBD), por exemplo, é um canabinoide que além de modular os efeitos eufóricos do Δ9-THC, tem apresentado importantes atividades farmacológicas. Embora haja um crescente aumento nas toneladas de apreensões de canábis realizadas no Brasil, não existem dados que caracterizem o perfil químico e a potência da droga que é utilizada ilegalmente no país. Outro aspecto singular com relação às apreensões de canábis refere-se à nova forma de tráfico internacional de drogas, que vem crescendo significativamente no país. Trata-se da remessa de sementes de canábis em pequenas quantidades através de empresas de transporte. Desta forma, este estudo foi realizado a partir de sementes de canábis apreendidas pela Superintendência de Polícia Federal no Rio Grande do Sul. As sementes foram germinadas e as plântulas foram cultivadas, secas e analizadas, sendo todos os passos em condições controladas. As metodologias analíticas utilizadas foram: espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS), espectrometria de massas por ressonância ciclotrônica de íons com transformada de Fourier (FT-ICR MS) e cromatografia à gás com detector de massas (CG/EM). O elevado número de compostos presente nas plantas torna os dados obtidos muito complexos, onde pequenas diferenças entre amostras podem ser negligenciadas. Por isso, foram utilizadas as seguintes ferramentas quimiométricas: HCA, PCA, PLS-DA e SVM-DA. As diferentes metodologias de análise utilizadas neste trabalho, permitiram a análise de um total de 73 amostras de canábis que forneceram dados sob químicos, bem como aspectos distintos e relevantes em toxicologia. As informações obtidas por NIRS associadas às ferramentas quimiométricas HCA e PCA possibilitaram agrupar 29 amostras de canábis em diferentes períodos de crescimento; e as ferramentas quimiométricas PLS-DA e SVM-DA permitiram classificar 29 amostras de canábis em diferentes períodos de crescimento com 100% de acerto. O altíssimo poder de resolução da FT-ICR MS possibilitou a identificação 123 compostos canabinoides e metabólitos a partir das análises realizadas em 73 amostras de canábis, o que resultou na compilação de um abrangente perfil químico de canabinoides, até então não obtido. A eficiência de separação da CG acoplada à identificação dos compostos utilizando EM tornou possível a diferenciação de 73 amostras de canábis em tipo fibra ou tipo droga, além da caracterização do perfil químico de canabinoides e terpenoides presentes nas amostras, obtido pela análise em CG/EM. Desta forma, os dados gerados com o desenvolvimento desta tese possibilitaram a identificação e o conhecimento do perfil químico de amostras de canábis apreendidas no Brasil, apresentando informações até então desconhecidas pela polícia brasileira, bem como pelos profissionais da saúde, comunidade científica, órgãos governamentais e políticos do país e também para a população em geral. / Cannabis sativa L. (cannabis) contains hundreds of different classes of chemicals, however, the class of cannabinoids is found only in this plant. Popularly known marijuana, cannabis is the most used illicit drug worldwide, and the Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the main cannabinoid regarding toxicological interest, being responsible by the majority of psychotomimetic effects and it is associated with the abuse of the plant. Otherwise, for a few years has grown significantly the interest and scientific research with cannabis due to significant therapeutic effects that certain cannabinoids have shown. The cannabidiol (CBD), for example, is a cannabinoid which in addition to modulate the euphoric effects of Δ9-THC, it has shown significant pharmacological activity. Although there is a growing increase in tons of cannabis seizures conducted in Brazil, there are no data which characterize the chemical profile and potency of the drug that is illegally used in the country. Another unique aspect regarding cannabis seizures refers to the new form of international drug trafficking that has grown significantly in the country. This is the shipment of cannabis seeds in small quantities by transportation companies. Thus, this study was based on samples from cannabis seeds seized by the Superintendence of the Federal Police in Rio Grande do Sul. The seeds were germinated and the seedlings were grown, dried and analyzed, all of the steps under controlled conditions. The analytical methods used were: near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The high number of compounds presente in plants renders them very complex data set, where small differences between samples may be wasted. Therefore, the following chemometric tools were used: HCA, PCA, PLS-DA and DA-SVM. The different methods of analysis used in this study allowed the analysis of a total of 73 samples of cannabis that provided data on chemical and distinct and relevant aspects in toxicology. Information obtained by NIRS chemometric tools associated with HCA and PCA group allowed 29 samples of cannabis in different periods of growth; and chemometric tools PLS-DA and SVM-DA can be classified 29 samples of cannabis in different periods of growth with 100% accuracy. The very high resolution power of FT-ICR MS possible to identify 123 compounds cannabinoids and metabolites from the analyzes carried out on 73 samples of cannabis, which resulted in the compilation of a comprehensive chemical profile of cannabinoids, has not been surpassed. The GC separation efficiency coupled with the identification of compounds using MS made it possible to differentiate 73 cannabis samples in type or fiber type drug, besides the characterization of the chemical profile of cannabinoids and terpenoids present in the samples obtained through the analysis on GC/MS. Thus, the data generated with the development of this thesis allowed the identification and knowledge of the chemical profile of cannabis samples seized in Brazil, presenting information previously unknown to Brazilian police as well as by health professionals, the scientific community, government agencies and politicians of the country and also to the general population.

Comparação dos efeitos farmacológicos do canabidiol e seu análogo sintético HU-474 / Comparative study of pharmacological effects of cannabidiol and its synthetic analog HU-474

Nicole Rodrigues da Silva 27 January 2016 (has links)
Vários estudos indicam que o canabidiol (CBD) apresenta grande potencial terapêutico por possuir propriedades anti-inflamatória, analgésica, anticonvulsivante, anticompulsiva, entre outras. No entanto, o CBD apresenta baixa biodisponibilidade, o que pode comprometer seu uso clínico. Além disso, os múltiplos efeitos farmacológicos do CBD ocorrem por diferentes mecanismos. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de compostos com efeitos semelhantes ao CBD, porém mais potentes e/ou com melhor perfil farmacocinético, seria importante. Assim, no presente estudo, nós avaliamos os efeitos induzidos por um derivado fluorado do CBD, o HU-474, comparando-os com aqueles induzidos pelo CBD. Para isso, camundongos suíços machos foram submetidos a modelos animais sensíveis a drogas anticompulsivas (teste de enterrar esferas) e antinociceptivas (teste da placa quente, contorção abdominal e hiperalgesia inflamatória). Para o estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos nos efeitos destes compostos, foram utilizados os antagonistas dos receptores canabinóides CB1, AM251, e CB2, AM630. Adicionalmente, nós avaliamos se o HU-474 induziria os efeitos clássicos (tétrade canabinóide) observados após a administração de agonistas dos receptores CB1 como hipolocomoção, hipotermia, catalepsia e antinocicepção. Os possíveis efeitos antinociceptivos e da tétrade canabinóide induzidos pelo CBD e HU-474 foram comparados com os efeitos induzidos pelo WIN55,212-2, uma agonista dos receptores CB1/2. Foi observado que o CBD (30 e 60mg/kg) e o HU-474 (10mg/kg) induziram uma diminuição no número de esferas enterradas, efeito comparado ao da fluoxetina e atenuado pelos antagonistas AM251 e AM630. Como esperado, o WIN55,212-2 induziu a tétrade canabinóide, um efeito não observado com o CBD e HU-474. No teste da placa quente o HU-474 (30 mg/kg) e WIN55,212-2 (5mg/kg) induziram efeito antinociceptivo. O pré- tratamento com AM251 e AM630 atenuaram os efeitos do HU-474 e WIN55,212-2. No teste de contorção abdominal induzida pelo ácido acético, o CBD (30 e 90 mg/kg), HU-474 (30mg/kg) e WIN55,212-2 (3 e 5mg/kg) induziram efeito antinociceptivo caracterizado pela redução no número de contorções abdominais. O pré-tratamento com AM251 atenuou o efeito apenas do WIN55,212-2, mas não dos outros compostos. Já o antagonista AM630 não foi capaz de atenuar o efeito de nenhum dos compostos testados. No modelo de hiperalgesia inflamatória induzida por carragenina, o CBD (30 e 90mg/kg), HU-474 (3, 10 e 30mg/kg) e WIN55,212-2 (1mg/kg) foram capazes de diminuir a intensidade de hiperalgesia mecânica, avaliada pelo método de von Frey. Sendo que os efeitos do WIN55,212-2, CBD e HU-474 foram atenuados pelo pré-tratamento com AM251 e AM630. Estes resultados indicam que o HU-474 induz efeitos anticompulsivos semelhantes ao CBD, mas em doses mais baixas, através de mecanismo dependente da ativação dos receptores CB1 e CB2. Além disso, o HU-474 apresentou propriedades antinociceptivas em todos os testes utilizados, em doses semelhantes ou menores que o CBD. Os efeitos antinociceptivos dos três compostos testados foram dependentes da ativação de receptores CB1 e CB2, com exceção do teste de contorção abdominal, onde os efeitos do CBD e HU-474 não foram bloqueados por nenhum dos dois antagonistas testados. Diferente do WIN55,212-2, o CBD e HU-474 não induziram tétrade canabinóide. Esses resultados evidenciaram efeitos mais significativos do HU-474, indicando que a adição de um átomo de flúor a molécula de CBD foi capaz de melhorar o seu perfil farmacológico. Além disso, os resultados com o pré-tratamento com os antagonistas AM251 e AM630 nos permitem sugerir um mecanismo misto, visto que há o envolvimento dos receptores CB1 e CB2. Desse modo, esse novo composto poderia ser uma alternativa terapêutica para o tratamento do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, bem como dores agudas em doses menores que o CBD / Cannabidiol (CBD) has several therapeutic properties such as antiinflammatory, analgesic, anticonvulsivant and anticompulsive. These multiple pharmacological effects occur by different mechanisms. However, CBD exhibits low bioavailability, which may compromise its clinical use. Thus, the development of CBD analogues, more powerful and/or better pharmacokinetic profile would be interest. Here, we evaluated the effects of a fluorinated derivative of CBD, HU-474, comparing its effects with those induced by CBD. Male Swiss mice were submitted to animal models predictive to anti-compulsive (marble burying test) and antinociceptive drugs (hot plate, abdominal writhing and inflammatory hyperalgesia test). To study the mechanisms involved in their effects were used antagonist of the cannabinoid receptor CB1(AM251) and CB2 (AM630). We also evaluated whether HU-474 would induce the classic effects (cannabinoid tetrad) observed after the administration of CB1 receptors agonists. The cannabinoid tetrad is characterized by hypolocomotion, hypothermia, catalepsy, and antinociception. The possible antinociceptive effects and cannabinoid tetrad induced by CBD and HU-474 were compared with those induced by WIN55,212-2, a CB1/2 receptor agonist. CBD (30 and 60mg/kg), and HU-474 (10mg/kg) decreased the number of buried marble, an effect compared with fluoxetine an attenuated by AM251 and AM630. As expected, WIN55,212-2 induced the cannabinoid tetrad, an effect that was not observed after CBD or HU-474 administration. In the hot plate test, HU-474 (30mg/kg) and WIN55,212-2 (5mg/kg) induced antinociceptive effect. Pretreatment with AM251 and AM640 attenuated the effects induced by HU-474 and WIN55,212-2. In the abdominal writhing test induced by acetic acid, CBD (30 and 90mg/kg), HU-474 (30mg/kg) and WIN55,212-2 (3 and 5mg/kg) induced antinociceptive effects characterized by a reduction in the number of writhing. Pretreatment with AM251 only attenuated the effect of WIN55,212-2, but not of the other compounds, while AM630 didn\"t attenuated the effect of any of the tested compounds. In an inflammatory hyperalgesia model induced by carrageenan, CBD (30 and 90mg/kg), HU-474 (3, 10 and 30mg/kg) and WIN55,212-2 (1mg/kg) decreased the intensity of mechanical hyperalgesia measured by electronic von Frey method. The effects of all compounds were attenuated by the pretreatment with AM251 and AM630. These results indicate that HU-474 exhibits anti-compulsive effects similar to CBD, but at lower doses, through a mechanism dependent of the activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors. Furthermore, HU-474 showed antinociceptive properties in all tests at similar or lower doses than CBD. The antinociceptive effects of the three compounds tested were dependent on the activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors, excepted to the writhing test, where the effects of CBD and HU-474 were not attenuated by any of the two antagonists tested. Moreover, unlike WIN55,212-2, CBD and HU- 474 didn\'t induce cannabinoid tetrad. These results showed more significant effects of HU-474, indicating that the addition of fluoride improved the pharmacological profile of CBD. Furthermore, the results with pretreatment with the antagonist AM251 and AM630 allow us to suggest that these effects involve the activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors. Thus, this new compound could be a therapeutical alternative for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and acute pain in lower doses than CBD

Comparação dos efeitos farmacológicos do canabidiol e seu análogo sintético HU-474 / Comparative study of pharmacological effects of cannabidiol and its synthetic analog HU-474

Silva, Nicole Rodrigues da 27 January 2016 (has links)
Vários estudos indicam que o canabidiol (CBD) apresenta grande potencial terapêutico por possuir propriedades anti-inflamatória, analgésica, anticonvulsivante, anticompulsiva, entre outras. No entanto, o CBD apresenta baixa biodisponibilidade, o que pode comprometer seu uso clínico. Além disso, os múltiplos efeitos farmacológicos do CBD ocorrem por diferentes mecanismos. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de compostos com efeitos semelhantes ao CBD, porém mais potentes e/ou com melhor perfil farmacocinético, seria importante. Assim, no presente estudo, nós avaliamos os efeitos induzidos por um derivado fluorado do CBD, o HU-474, comparando-os com aqueles induzidos pelo CBD. Para isso, camundongos suíços machos foram submetidos a modelos animais sensíveis a drogas anticompulsivas (teste de enterrar esferas) e antinociceptivas (teste da placa quente, contorção abdominal e hiperalgesia inflamatória). Para o estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos nos efeitos destes compostos, foram utilizados os antagonistas dos receptores canabinóides CB1, AM251, e CB2, AM630. Adicionalmente, nós avaliamos se o HU-474 induziria os efeitos clássicos (tétrade canabinóide) observados após a administração de agonistas dos receptores CB1 como hipolocomoção, hipotermia, catalepsia e antinocicepção. Os possíveis efeitos antinociceptivos e da tétrade canabinóide induzidos pelo CBD e HU-474 foram comparados com os efeitos induzidos pelo WIN55,212-2, uma agonista dos receptores CB1/2. Foi observado que o CBD (30 e 60mg/kg) e o HU-474 (10mg/kg) induziram uma diminuição no número de esferas enterradas, efeito comparado ao da fluoxetina e atenuado pelos antagonistas AM251 e AM630. Como esperado, o WIN55,212-2 induziu a tétrade canabinóide, um efeito não observado com o CBD e HU-474. No teste da placa quente o HU-474 (30 mg/kg) e WIN55,212-2 (5mg/kg) induziram efeito antinociceptivo. O pré- tratamento com AM251 e AM630 atenuaram os efeitos do HU-474 e WIN55,212-2. No teste de contorção abdominal induzida pelo ácido acético, o CBD (30 e 90 mg/kg), HU-474 (30mg/kg) e WIN55,212-2 (3 e 5mg/kg) induziram efeito antinociceptivo caracterizado pela redução no número de contorções abdominais. O pré-tratamento com AM251 atenuou o efeito apenas do WIN55,212-2, mas não dos outros compostos. Já o antagonista AM630 não foi capaz de atenuar o efeito de nenhum dos compostos testados. No modelo de hiperalgesia inflamatória induzida por carragenina, o CBD (30 e 90mg/kg), HU-474 (3, 10 e 30mg/kg) e WIN55,212-2 (1mg/kg) foram capazes de diminuir a intensidade de hiperalgesia mecânica, avaliada pelo método de von Frey. Sendo que os efeitos do WIN55,212-2, CBD e HU-474 foram atenuados pelo pré-tratamento com AM251 e AM630. Estes resultados indicam que o HU-474 induz efeitos anticompulsivos semelhantes ao CBD, mas em doses mais baixas, através de mecanismo dependente da ativação dos receptores CB1 e CB2. Além disso, o HU-474 apresentou propriedades antinociceptivas em todos os testes utilizados, em doses semelhantes ou menores que o CBD. Os efeitos antinociceptivos dos três compostos testados foram dependentes da ativação de receptores CB1 e CB2, com exceção do teste de contorção abdominal, onde os efeitos do CBD e HU-474 não foram bloqueados por nenhum dos dois antagonistas testados. Diferente do WIN55,212-2, o CBD e HU-474 não induziram tétrade canabinóide. Esses resultados evidenciaram efeitos mais significativos do HU-474, indicando que a adição de um átomo de flúor a molécula de CBD foi capaz de melhorar o seu perfil farmacológico. Além disso, os resultados com o pré-tratamento com os antagonistas AM251 e AM630 nos permitem sugerir um mecanismo misto, visto que há o envolvimento dos receptores CB1 e CB2. Desse modo, esse novo composto poderia ser uma alternativa terapêutica para o tratamento do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, bem como dores agudas em doses menores que o CBD / Cannabidiol (CBD) has several therapeutic properties such as antiinflammatory, analgesic, anticonvulsivant and anticompulsive. These multiple pharmacological effects occur by different mechanisms. However, CBD exhibits low bioavailability, which may compromise its clinical use. Thus, the development of CBD analogues, more powerful and/or better pharmacokinetic profile would be interest. Here, we evaluated the effects of a fluorinated derivative of CBD, HU-474, comparing its effects with those induced by CBD. Male Swiss mice were submitted to animal models predictive to anti-compulsive (marble burying test) and antinociceptive drugs (hot plate, abdominal writhing and inflammatory hyperalgesia test). To study the mechanisms involved in their effects were used antagonist of the cannabinoid receptor CB1(AM251) and CB2 (AM630). We also evaluated whether HU-474 would induce the classic effects (cannabinoid tetrad) observed after the administration of CB1 receptors agonists. The cannabinoid tetrad is characterized by hypolocomotion, hypothermia, catalepsy, and antinociception. The possible antinociceptive effects and cannabinoid tetrad induced by CBD and HU-474 were compared with those induced by WIN55,212-2, a CB1/2 receptor agonist. CBD (30 and 60mg/kg), and HU-474 (10mg/kg) decreased the number of buried marble, an effect compared with fluoxetine an attenuated by AM251 and AM630. As expected, WIN55,212-2 induced the cannabinoid tetrad, an effect that was not observed after CBD or HU-474 administration. In the hot plate test, HU-474 (30mg/kg) and WIN55,212-2 (5mg/kg) induced antinociceptive effect. Pretreatment with AM251 and AM640 attenuated the effects induced by HU-474 and WIN55,212-2. In the abdominal writhing test induced by acetic acid, CBD (30 and 90mg/kg), HU-474 (30mg/kg) and WIN55,212-2 (3 and 5mg/kg) induced antinociceptive effects characterized by a reduction in the number of writhing. Pretreatment with AM251 only attenuated the effect of WIN55,212-2, but not of the other compounds, while AM630 didn\"t attenuated the effect of any of the tested compounds. In an inflammatory hyperalgesia model induced by carrageenan, CBD (30 and 90mg/kg), HU-474 (3, 10 and 30mg/kg) and WIN55,212-2 (1mg/kg) decreased the intensity of mechanical hyperalgesia measured by electronic von Frey method. The effects of all compounds were attenuated by the pretreatment with AM251 and AM630. These results indicate that HU-474 exhibits anti-compulsive effects similar to CBD, but at lower doses, through a mechanism dependent of the activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors. Furthermore, HU-474 showed antinociceptive properties in all tests at similar or lower doses than CBD. The antinociceptive effects of the three compounds tested were dependent on the activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors, excepted to the writhing test, where the effects of CBD and HU-474 were not attenuated by any of the two antagonists tested. Moreover, unlike WIN55,212-2, CBD and HU- 474 didn\'t induce cannabinoid tetrad. These results showed more significant effects of HU-474, indicating that the addition of fluoride improved the pharmacological profile of CBD. Furthermore, the results with pretreatment with the antagonist AM251 and AM630 allow us to suggest that these effects involve the activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors. Thus, this new compound could be a therapeutical alternative for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and acute pain in lower doses than CBD

Cannabinoid-induced Behavioral Sensitization in Adolescent Sprague-Dawley Rats

Stone, Michelle 01 October 2018 (has links)
Adolescent cannabis use has grown because of increased availability and higher societal acceptance. This increase in cannabis use is problematic as adolescents who experiment with cannabis are more likely to abuse cannabis and experiment with other illicit drugs such as cocaine. The reason for the greater susceptibility to drugs use is unclear and may be the result of altered drug sensitivity after cannabis exposure. Thus, the present investigation used the behavioral sensitization paradigm to examine the behavioral response of early adolescent rats to the cannabinoid agonist CP 55,940 (CP) or cocaine after repeated cannabinoid administration. It was hypothesized that: (1) CP would cause a sensitized response in both male and female adolescent rats, (2) female rats would have a greater behavioral response than male rats, (3) pretreatment with CP would induce cross-sensitization to cocaine, (4) pretreatment with cocaine would cause behavioral sensitization and conditioned activity in male and female adolescent rats. In the first experiment, 137 male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were given CP (4, 13.2, or 40 µg/kg, IP) or vehicle (50% DMSO/H2O) once daily for 5 consecutive days on postnatal day (PD) 30- PD 34. Distance traveled and stereotyped movement was assessed for 1 h after each drug injection. After a 48 h abstinence period (i.e., on PD 36), rats were given CP (4 or 13.2 µg/kg, IP) and distance traveled and stereotyped movement was monitored for 2 h. In the second experiment, 146 male and female rats were tested with the same protocol as in Experiment 1 except that rats were given CP (13.2 or 4 µg/kg), cocaine (20 mg/kg), or vehicle (saline or 50% DMSO/H2O) for five days and then tested with saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg) after 48 h. In the first experiment, no dose of CP altered distance traveled scores or stereotyped movement over the five pre-exposure days nor did CP cause behavioral sensitization on the test day. In the second experiment, pretreatment with cocaine led to enhanced distance traveled scores and stereotyped movement when challenged with cocaine (behavioral sensitization) or saline (conditioned activity) on test day. In contrast, CP-pretreated rats did not show greater activity when injected with cocaine or saline on test day. These data show that cannabinoids do not act like psychostimulant drugs, since CP did not cause the same changes in drug sensitivity as cocaine. The cocaine sensitization observed in adolescent rats indicates that this age group is particularly vulnerable to the rewarding effects of cocaine, and suggests that early cocaine exposure can augment drug seeking behavior. The failure to detect cannabinoid-induced sensitization, conditioned activity, or cocaine cross-sensitization during adolescence suggests that CP, when given at a consistent dose, does not increase the addictive properties of cannabinoids or cocaine. The results also indicate that cannabinoid use does not alter drug responsivity or lead to greater drug seeking and abuse in the adolescent population.

The Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Endocannabinoids and Endogenous Fatty Acid Amides in <em>Apis Mellifera</em> and <em>Tribolium Castaneum</em>

Mitchell, Perry Robert, Jr. 16 March 2015 (has links)
Endocannabinoids, and the fatty acid amides from which they are a member, have garnered greater scientific interest in the last two decades due to the cannabimimetic properties of these endogenous molecules. The most well-known of these is Anandamide, which has thus far been discovered in several species of animal ranging from C. elegans, fruit flies, to bovine and humans. Because of the importance and increasing impact of these compounds a brief overview is first presented herein, with a major focus on the N-acyldopamines due to the direct impact they potentially pose to human physiology. Secondly, the detection and quantitative analysis of these molecules was conducted in the recently fully genome sequenced honeybee and red flour beetle, due in part to recent research showing the existence of these molecules in D. melanogaster, to which no known cannabinoid receptors had been found to date. Interest in these potentially new model organisms may provide additional insight not only into the endocannabinoids but also as potential targets for protection of honeybees and pest control of red flour beetles. Utilizing established HPLC-MS methods for the detection and quantification of these compounds provided a series of endogenous results for these molecules within both farmed and feral honeybees and the red flour beetle. Additionally, a protein sequence and motif homology study with a newly discovered acyltransferase from Fruit flies shows strong evidence that a similar enzyme is expressed in both honeybees and red flour beetles. Therefore providing future steps for the continuation of this research to better elucidate and quantify the endocannabinoids as well as determine the biosynthetic metabolism within these organisms.

Cannabis inom hälso- och sjukvård : en studie om hur cannabis kan påverka långvarig smärta och livskvalitet / Cannabis and the Healthcare : A study about how cannabis can affect chronic pain och quality of life

Medin, Emma, Carlsson, Josephine January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Smärta och smärtbehandling är en viktig del i sjuksköterskans yrkesutövning. Det är därför viktigt att ha kunskap om olika behandlingsmetoder för att på ett individanpassat sätt främja en god omvårdnad. Cannabis har länge använts i medicinskt syfte bland annat för att hantera smärta. En adekvat smärtlindring är av betydelse för patientens livskvalitet. Syfte: Att beskriva hur patienters livskvalitet påverkas av att använda cannabispreparat som analgetika vid långvariga smärttillstånd. Metod: Litteraturstudie med systematiska sökningar valdes som metod. Sökningarna utfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycInfo, även manuella sökningar genomfördes. Resultat: Resultatet är baserat på 21 vetenskapliga artiklar med olika ansatser. Patienter med olika smärttillstånd kan få en analgetisk effekt av cannabispreparat. Livskvalitet mätt inom områden som sömn, aptit, illamående och kräkning förbättrades hos patienter som använder cannabisbaserad medicin i syfte att lindra smärta. Ingen förbättring sågs inom området generell livskvalitet. Konklusion: Cannabisbaserad medicin kan användas som en behandlingsmetod hos patienter med långvariga smärttillstånd. Mer forskning är nödvändig för att avgöra om och i så fall hur cannabisbaserad medicin påverkar livskvaliteten. Som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att ha evidensbaserad kunskap inom ämnet för att kunna möta patienter med komplexa smärttillstånd. / Background: Pain and pain management is an important part of nursing. Therefore it is important to have knowledge about different treatment therapies to be able to perform an individualized health care. Cannabis has been used in medical purpose for a long time in intention to handle pain. An adequate pain treatment is vital for the patient’s quality of life. Purpose: To describe how quality of life is affected by using medical cannabis as analgesics by patients with chronic pain. Method: A literature study with systematic searches was chosen as a method. The search was made in the databases PubMed, CINHAL and PsycInfo and also a manual search was made. Result: The result is based on 21 scientific articles with different approaches. Patients who are suffering from different pain disorders can get an analgesic effect by using cannabis-based medicine. Quality of life measured in the domains sleep, appetite, nausea and vomiting improved when using cannabis-based medicine in purpose to relief pain. There were no improvements in the domain general quality of life. Conclusion: Cannabis-based medicine can be used as a treatment option by patients who are suffering from different pain disorders. There is a need for more research in this area to determine if cannabis-based medicine affects quality of life. As a nurse it is important to receive evidensbased knowledge within the area to be able to meet patients with complex pain disorders.

Food intake behaviour in advanced cancer implications of taste and smell alterations, orosensory reward, and cannabinoid therapy /

Clarkson, Tristin Dawne Brisbois. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Alberta, 2009. / A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Food Science and Technology, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science. Title from pdf file main screen (viewed on January 10, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.

Expression et localisation du système endocannabinoïde dans la rétine du singe

Bouskila, Joseph M. 09 1900 (has links)
Les effets de la marijuana, un médicament utilisé par l’homme depuis des millénaires, sur le système visuel sont peu connus. Une meilleure connaissance de la distribution du système endocannabinoïde (eCB) de la rétine pourrait expliquer comment cette drogue affecte la vision. Cette étude vise à caractériser la distribution du récepteur cannabinoïde CB1 (CB1R) et de l’enzyme de dégradation FAAH (“fatty acid amide hydrolase”) des ligands du CB1R dans la rétine du singe Vert (Chlorocebus sabaeus). De plus, elle vise à déterminer quelles sous-populations cellulaires de la rétine expriment ces composantes. La plupart des études à ce jour ont été conduites surtout sur les rongeurs et peu de travaux ont été réalisés chez le singe. Notre étude vient donc combler cette carence. Par le biais de méthodes immunohistochimiques, nous avons investigué la localisation du CB1R et de l’enzyme FAAH à différentes excentricités rétiniennes, de la fovéa centralis vers la périphérie. Nos résultats, en accord avec notre hypothèse de travail, démontrent que CB1R et FAAH sont exprimés à travers toute la rétine mais avec, cependant, des différences notoires. Au niveau de la couche des photorécepteurs, CB1R est exprimé préférentiellement dans les cônes et ce patron d’expression suit la distribution des photorécepteurs centre-périphérie. De plus, CB1R se retrouve surtout dans les pédicules des cônes de la couche plexiforme externe. CB1R et FAAH sont abondants dans les cellules bipolaires tant au centre qu’en périphérie. Le soma et l’axone des cellules ganglionnaires expriment aussi CB1R et FAAH. Ces données suggèrent que le système eCB est présent à travers toute la rétine du primate et pourrait expliquer les perturbations visuelles entrainées par la marijuana, telles la photosensibilité et la vision des couleurs. / The effects of marijuana, a drug that has been used by men for millennia, on the visual system are poorly understood. A better understanding of the distribution of the endocannabinoid system in the retina will help us explain how this drug affects vision. This study aims at characterizing the distribution of the endocannabinoid receptor CB1 (CB1R) and the enzyme degrading CB1R ligands, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) throughout the Green monkey retina (Chlorocebus sabaeus). In addition, it seeks to determine which sub-population of neurons expresses CB1R and the degrading enzyme FAAH. Most data on the endocannabinoid system have been acquired in rodents and studies on monkeys are rather scarce. We attempted to fill this void by using immunohistochemical methods to locate CB1R and FAAH at various eccentricities of the monkey retina, from the center to the far periphery. Our results, in agreement with our hypothesis, demonstrate that CB1R and FAAH are expressed throughout the retina. At the level of the photoreceptors, CB1R is expressed preferentially in cones rather than in rods, and this expression pattern follows the photoreceptors distribution. In the outer plexiform layer, CB1R immunoreactivity is predominantly concentrated in the cone pedicles. Although foveal cones are the main expressers of both CB1R and FAAH, these are also found in rod bipolar cells. The ganglion cell axons strongly express the CB1 receptor and the enzyme FAAH. These data suggest that the presence of CB1R throughout the retina may be responsible for the visual effects commonly reported by cannabis users, such as the increase in photosensitivity and alterations in color discrimination.

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