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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovativeness: One School's Experience of Sustaining Educational Change

Lieux, Maria L. 18 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract This single, embedded case study focused on educators’ experiences of educational change as they adopted, implemented, and sustained a one-to-one computing innovation over 20 years. The purpose of the study was to explore the innovativeness, the capacity of a school community to take on change for continuous educational improvement over time. Through interviews and focus groups with administrators, teachers, students, and graduates, observations of current classroom practices, and archival data, the study provides an understanding of how individuals experienced change and how a school sustained change over an exceptionally long period of time. Data analysis revealed multiple rationales for the implementation of one-to-one computing, including the development of a constructivist environment, the empowerment of women, preparation of students for college and the 21st century work force, and the need to keep the school’s educational program on the “cutting-edge.” The study of this individual school community suggests the importance of a strong educational philosophy, flexibility of implementation, an environment that encourages risk-taking, and collegiality. The study also demonstrates that change occurred on a continuum and continued to progress as hardware, software, and the Internet evolved, and as faculty became more knowledgeable of the application of the program to teaching and learning.

Durabilité des exploitations en agriculture biologique : une analyse de la diversité des situations et des trajectoires d'évolution en Midi-Pyrénées / Sustainability in organic farms : analysis of diversity of situations and trajectories in the French Midi Pyrenees

Favreau, Jean-Luc 13 December 2013 (has links)
L'agriculture biologique connaît un essor important en France, comme dans la plupart des pays européens. De profondes mutations traversent ce secteur, et de nouveaux modèles de production et de développement apparaissent. Cette thèse se propose d'analyser ces transformations au niveau de l'exploitation agricole, dans le cadre des sciences de gestion, par le biais de la notion de durabilité (en référence à celle de développement durable). L'étude porte sur un échantillon de 74 exploitations de la région Midi-Pyrénées représentant différentes productions. Une première approche apprécie la durabilité de façon synchronique à l'aide d'indicateurs quantitatifs, pour les dimensions agro-écologique, économique et socio-territoriale. Elle fait état de la diversité des formes de durabilité, en lien principalement avec les logiques de fonctionnement des exploitations. Une deuxième approche aborde la durabilité en tant que processus de changement, d'adaptation et d'innovation, par une étude qualitative des trajectoires d'exploitations et des modes de pilotage. Ces études de cas montrent la diversité des trajectoires d'évolution de la durabilité. En dernier lieu, l'analyse met l'accent sur la dimension émergente et incrémentale des dynamiques collectives d'amélioration de la durabilité. / Organic farming is developing strongly in France as in most European countries. The sector is facing fundamental changes, and new production and development models are appearing. This thesis proposes to analyse these transformations at the farm level, from a management perspective, via the concept of sustainability. The study concerns a sample of 74 farms in the French Midi-Pyrénées representing different types of agricultural activity. Sustainability is initially assessed synchronically using quantitative indicators, recording the different forms relating especially to the rationale behind the way farms operate. A second approach looks at sustainability as a capacity for change, adaptation and innovation, via a qualitative study of farm trajectories and management practices. These case studies demonstrate the diversity of pathways leading to the development of sustainability. Finally, the analysis stresses the group dynamics behind improving sustainability, and on the emergent and incremental nature of these developments.

Estilo gerencial e capacidade organizacional para mudança: um estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor de implementos rodoviários / Management style and organizational capacity for change: a case study on a company of road implement sector

Vargas, Katiuscia de Fátima Schiemer 24 June 2013 (has links)
This study aims to identify the relationship between management styles and the factors that facilitate or hinder organizational changes. Therefore, has been carried out a descriptive and quantitative character survey, through a case study on a company of road implement sector. As a theoretical and data collection basis had been used two instruments with already validated scales: (i) Assessment Scale of Managerial Style (EAEG) - (Melo, 2004), and (ii) Instrument of Organizational Capacity for Change (Neiva, 2004). It was obtained the participation of 307 (three hundred and seven) employees of the company under study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlations. Regarding the management style of managers, has been analyzed the styles oriented to the task, the relationship and the situational style, and it was found that, as perceived by the employees, most exercise a task oriented management. When investigating the organizational capacity to change, it was found that, in general, the company has low capacity to change. In turn, the analysis of the standardized mean of the factors that facilitate or hinder transactional change revealed that the organization under study presents levels classified as low for all constructs that comprise these factors, highlighting Bureaucracy and Organizational Continuity and Autonomy of Units and People as factors of high and low level, respectively. Analyzing the average of the factors that facilitate or hinder transformational change, stands out the most significant average, of Turbulence in External Environment, and the very low average of Supportive Coalitions of Change. The investigation of the relationships between management styles and factors that facilitate or hinder organizational change showed that all correlations were significant, positive and moderate, where: among all the management styles investigated and the factors that facilitate change transactional, the associations were of greater intensity with the construct Direction, Flexibility and Reliability in Performance Management; and, among all the management styles and factors that facilitate or hinder transformational change, the associations were of greater intensity with the construct Information Flow. The results allow to infer that the management styles relate to the same constructs of the factors that make up the organizational capacity for change. In other words, regardless of the focus of the manager be oriented to the tasks and results, interpersonal relationships or suitable to the context situation, the influence on the capacity to change is the same. / Este estudo busca identificar a relação entre o estilo gerencial e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam as mudanças organizacionais. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo e quantitativo, valendo-se de um estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor de implementos rodoviários. Como base teórica e de coleta de dados utilizou-se dois instrumentos com escalas já validadas: (i) Escala de Avaliação do Estilo Gerencial (EAEG) (Melo, 2004); e (ii) Instrumento de Capacidade Organizacional para Mudança (Neiva, 2004). Obteve-se a participação de 307 (trezentos e sete) colaboradores da empresa em estudo. Os dados foram tratados por meio de estatísticas descritivas e correlações. Com relação ao estilo de gerenciar dos gerentes, analisaram-se os estilos orientados à tarefa, ao relacionamento e o estilo situacional e verificou-se que, segundo a percepção dos colaboradores, a maioria exerce uma gestão orientada para a tarefa. Ao investigar a capacidade organizacional para mudança verificou-se que, de modo geral, a empresa possui baixa capacidade para mudar. Por sua vez, a análise das médias padronizadas dos fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança transacional revelou que a organização em estudo apresenta níveis classificados como baixos para todos os construtos que compõem estes fatores, destacando-se a Burocracia e Continuísmo Organizacional e Autonomia de Unidades e Pessoas como os fatores de maior e menor nível, respectivamente. Analisando a média dos fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança transformacional, destacam-se a média mais expressiva, de Turbulência no Ambiente Externo e a menos expressiva de Coalizões Apoiadoras da Mudança. A investigação das relações entre os estilos gerenciais e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança organizacional demonstrou que todas as correlações foram significativas, positivas e moderadas, sendo que: entre todos os estilos gerenciais investigados e os fatores que facilitam a mudança transacional, as associações de maior intensidade foram com o construto Direção, Flexibilidade e Confiança na Atuação Gerencial e, entre todos os estilos gerenciais e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança transformacional, as associações de maior intensidade foram com o construto Fluxo de Informação. Os resultados permitem inferir que os estilos gerenciais relacionam-se com os mesmos construtos dos fatores que compõem a capacidade organizacional para mudança. Ou seja, independentemente do foco de atuação do gerente ser orientado às tarefas e resultados, voltado para as relações interpessoais ou se adequar conforme o contexto da situação, a influência sobre a capacidade para mudar é a mesma.

從智慧資本觀點探討組織變革過程中人力資源發展實務之角色 / The roles of human resource development practice from an intellectual capital perspective in organizational change

陳怡靜, Chen,Yi-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探究組織面對外在壓力下所形塑的組織變革能耐內涵,以及智慧資本觀點HRD實務在組織變革過程中所扮演的角色與實質內涵。研究個案來自於1994-2005年天下雜誌所選出的標竿企業,包括9家個案公司與21項變革事件,透過深度訪談與次級資料進行資料蒐集,並採用紮根理論進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,有二種路徑影響個案公司形塑或強化組織變革能耐,不同路徑的走向來自於在組織變革過程中遭遇變革阻力的類型。當個案公司未遭遇變革困境或員工心態衝擊程度小時,採行第一種路徑,即企業平時透過智慧資本觀點之HRD實務扮演的策略性角色所累積的智慧資本,有助於在變革當下轉化為組織變革能耐,並順利推展變革活動。另一方面,若遭遇內外部衝擊的交互作用,產生變革困境,原有的組織能力無法因應時,個案公司會採行第二種路徑自主性的調整與學習,透過促進性角色的智慧資本觀點之HRD實務,持續強化與形塑組織變革能耐,以克服組織困境,並有助於成功推行變革。 二種路徑所形成組織變革能耐內涵包括:穩固人心的企業文化價值、領導者的信任式領導能力、領導者持續性的執行力、專業導向的員工賦權、參與式的變革承諾、管理制度系統化、跨越邊界的系統化溝通、以及開放式的組織學習能力。外在環境壓力僅是引起組織改變的導火線,因為影響組織變革能耐內涵的差異化,同時包括了幾項連結性因素:變革驅動因子、變革行動類型、變革阻力的類型、與組織變革能耐的發展路徑,而外部環境壓力僅是變革驅動因子中的起始點。 在以上二種組織變革能耐發展路徑中,智慧資本觀點的HRD實務扮演了策略性或促進性的角色,有助於培植組織變革能耐,或強化組織變革能耐促使變革成功。除了策略性與促進性角色,智慧資本觀點之HRD實務在變革過程中也扮演維持性的角色,產生作業性能耐協助組織維持每天正常運作的績效。這些作業性能耐包括:員工的工作職能、員工的工作績效、組織成員平時的互動等等。 無論是扮演維持性、策略性、或促進性角色,智慧資本觀點HRD實務的組成內涵包括發展型、建構型與合作型的HRD構形,但是不同角色的HRD實務具有差異化的組成要素。透過發展型、建構型與合作型HRD構形,得以發展人力資本,建構組織資本,培養社會資本,而經由長時間所蓄積的智慧資本,有助於形成組織變革能耐或作業性能耐。本研究依據研究結果推展出10項研究命題,建構形塑組織變革能耐的變革模式,並提出相關的管理意涵。 / This study aims to explore the organizational capacity for change (OCC) under external pressures facing firms and the roles of intellectual-capital HRD practice in the organizational change process. Cases were obtained from benchmarking enterprises selected by Commonwealth Magazine from 1994 to 2005, including nine cases and twenty-one change events. In-depth interviews and secondary data were collected and analyzed by grounded theory procedures. The research findings show that the target companies adopted two paths to develop and shape OCC. Change resistance is obvious to be the influential factor. First, under low-degree of employee resistance, the intellectual-capital HRD practice plays the strategic role to accumulate intellectual capital, which is transformed into OCC during the organizational change. Second, change difficulties are generated from both external and internal shocks during transformation, then the target cases develop or strengthen new OCC to solve problems. And intellectual-capital HRD practice plays the facilitating role in the second path. Eight dimensions forming OCC are derived from the above two paths, including company culture value, trustworthy leadership, continuous execution, employee empowerment based on expertise, participative change commitment, systems management, systems communication across boundaries, and open organizational learning. External environmental pressure only is the fuse in change drivers, and the sequential process of change drivers, change types, change resistance, and the OCC path determine the differential OCC. Intellectual-capital HRD practice plays the strategic or facilitating role in different OCC development path to make change implementation successful. Besides, it is a maintaining role to generate operational capability, including employee competence, employee job performance, and employee interaction, to sustain operational performance. The components of intellectual-capital HRD practice are developmental, constructive, and collaborative HRD configuration, which yield human capital, organizational capital, and social capital, respectively. The long-term intellectual capital accumulation facilitates to shape OCC or operational capacity. Finally, the research proposes ten propositions to construct the change model shaping OCC and derived managerial implications.

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