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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterizacao e otimizacao analitica na determinacao de trialometanos em aguas potaveis por purga e armadilha acoplada a cromatografia a gas / Analytical characterization and optimization in the determination of trihalomethanes on drinking water by purge and trap coupled to a gas chromatography

COSTA JUNIOR, NELSON V. da 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se uma metodologia analítica para determinação do teor de trialometanos THMs em amostras de águas potáveis, utilizando a técnica de purga e armadilha acoplada à cromatografia a gás (GCPT). Os THMs são subprodutos da cloração da água que devem possuir um limite máximo de 100 μg.L-1 segundo a legislação brasileira, estes compostos são suspeitos carcinogênicos humanos com base em estudos em animais de laboratório. A técnica de purga e armadilha extrai eficientemente estes compostos da água e a separação no cromatógrafo a gás ocorre utilizando coluna de leve polaridade e detector por captura de elétrons. Este detector é seletivo e o mais sensível para estes compostos halogenados. A metodologia desenvolvida foi validada nos itens de: linearidade, seletividade, exatidão, precisão, limite de quantificação, limite de detecção e robustez. O limite de detecção para os THMs foi menor do que 0,5 μg.L-1. A exatidão e precisão foram adequadas para ensaios de compostos traços. As amostras de água potável foram coletadas na cidade de Suzano-SP, que pertence à região do Alto do Tietê, nesta região nas margens do rio a vegetação é predominante. Entre todos os THMs, o composto encontrado na água potável em maiores concentrações foi o clorofórmio onde os resultados quantitativos, utilizando esta metodologia apresentaram teores entre 15,9 à 111,0 μg.L-1 em águas potáveis. / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Medidas das secções de choque de fotonêutrons do sup(9)Be, sup(13)Ce sup(17)O com radiação gama de captura de neutrons térmicos

SEMMLER, RENATO 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Medidas das secções de choque de fotonêutrons do 9Be, 13C e 17O foram obtidas no intervalo de energia entre 1,6 e 10,8 MeV, utilizando radiação gama de alta resolução em energia (3 a 21 eV) produzida na captura de nêutrons térmicos por 21 materiais alvo, quando posicionados no interior de um canal tangencial, junto ao núcleo do reator de pesquisa IEAR1 (5 MW) do IPEN/CNEN-SP. As amostras foram irradiadas no interior de um sistema detector de nêutrons “Long Counter”, de geometria 4π, a 520,5 cm de distância do alvo de captura. O fluxo de raios gama foi determinado por meio da análise do espectro gama obtido fazendo uso de um detector de estado sólido do tipo Ge(Li) (EG&G ORTEC, 25 cm3, 5%), previamente calibrado com raios gama de captura produzidos por uma amostra padrão de nitrogênio (Melamina). A secção de choque de fotonêutron foi medida para o espectro de raios gama de captura de cada alvo (secção de choque composta). Uma metodologia de inversão de matrizes para a resolução de problemas inverso discretos foi utilizada para a deconvolução do conjunto de valores experimentais da secção de choque composta, com a finalidade de obter a secção de choque em valores específicos de energia de excitação (energia das linhas gama principais dos alvos de captura). As secções de choque obtidas, nas energias das linhas gama principais de todos os alvos, foram comparadas com as medidas realizadas por outros autores utilizando diferentes fontes de radiação gama. Uma boa concordância foi observada entre os resultados experimentais deste trabalho com as relatados na literatura. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Efeitos de jejum no forrageio e a importância dos tricobótrios na captura de presa no escorpião amarelo Tityus serrulatus (Arachnida: Buthidae) / The effects of starvation on forage behavior and the importance of trichobothria in prey capture of the yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus (Arachnida: Buthidae)

Gabriel Pimenta Murayama 03 February 2017 (has links)
Sob o efeito do jejum os animais podem se comportar de várias maneiras e mudar a estratégia de forrageio, se arriscar mais ao se alimentar e responder mais rapidamente à presença da presa. Animais ectotérmicos e de metabolismo baixo são bastante afetados pelo jejum, construindo menos abrigos, se alimentando mais e se tornando mais ativos. Escorpiões são predadores predominantemente senta-e-espera mas que podem também deslocar-se em busca de suas presas, especialmente artrópodes. No forrageio, eles dependem de vibrações do substrato e de correntes de ar para localizar e capturar a presa. Esses estímulos são detectados por estruturas como os órgãos em fenda (fina região da cutícula onde ocorrem fendas que detectam vibrações do substrato) e os tricobótrios, que são longas cerdas sensíveis ao deslocamento de ar. Escorpiões são equipados com tricobótrios, mas a função comportamental destas cerdas nesse táxon nunca foi testada experimentalmente. No primeiro capítulo, testamos as hipóteses de que escorpiões em jejum se locomoveriam mais, detectariam mais rapidamente a presa e que a taxa de captura seria maior. Para medir a locomoção, nós dividimos a arena em quadrantes de 11 x 11cm e quantificamos o número de quadrantes utilizados, o número de mudanças de quadrantes e se o animal estava andando ou parado em cada observação. Para quantificar mudanças no limiar de detecção, nós medimos a distância em centímetros e a latência em segundos para detectar a presa. Para medir se houve diferenças na taxa de captura, nós contamos em ambos os grupos o número total de sujeitos experimentais que capturaram o grilo. Nós não encontramos diferenças entre os tratamentos em nenhuma das variáveis medidas. No segundo capítulo, testamos a hipótese de que os tricobótrios são importantes para captura de presas para escorpiões. Previmos que os sujeitos experimentais sem tricobótrios experimentalmente removidos teriam menor sucesso de captura do que os grupos controles (cerda controle removida/controle do procedimento experimental/controle sem manuseio). Previmos ainda que escorpiões sem tricobótrios teriam um maior número de tentativas de captura, que a latência para detecção e para a primeira tentativa de captura seriam maiores e que se orientariam menos vezes para a presa do que animais controle. Colocamos um sujeito experimental e um grilo sem o par de pernas III em uma arena circular com papel sulfite como substrato e filmamos os sujeitos experimentais. Nós não encontramos diferenças nas variáveis medidas entre os grupos comparados. Concluindo, os resultados do primeiro capítulo indicam que talvez o tempo de jejum não tenha sido longo o suficiente para influenciar mudanças no comportamento de forrageio e/ou as diferenças podem aparecer em outros comportamentos não medidos, como o tempo de ingestão. No segundo capítulo, os resultados indicam que os tricobótrios não são essenciais para captura de presas. Dessa forma, outras presas e substratos que atenuam vibrações do substrato devem ser considerados em estudos futuros / Under starvation, animals might behave in different ways and change their foraging strategy, become risk-prone while feeding and respond more quickly to the presence of prey. Ectothermic and with low metabolism animals are greatly affected by starvation, building less burrows, feeding more and becoming more active. Scorpions are predominantly sit-and-wait predators but they may also move in search for prey, especially arthropods. While foraging, they rely on substrate borne vibrations and air displacement to detect and capture prey. These stimuli are detect by sensory structures such as slit sense organs, (a thin region on the cuticle that bears slit that detect substrate borne vibration) and trichobothria, which are long setae sensitive to air displacement. Scorpions are equipped with trichobothria, however, the specific behavioral function of these sensilla on this taxa has never been experimentally tested. In the first chapter, we hypothesized that starved scorpions would become more roving, that the threshold to detection would decrease and that the capture rate would increase. To measure locomotion, we divided the arena into squares of 11 x 11 cm and quantified the number of squares used, the number of square changes and if the animal was walking or staying still in each observation. To quantify changes in the detection threshold, we measured the distance in centimeters and latency in seconds to detect the crickets. To measure if there was a difference in capture rate, we counted in both groups the total number of experimental subjects that captured the cricket. We found no differences between treatments in any of the measured variables. In the second chapter, we tested the hypothesis that trichobothria on pedipalps are important for scorpions to capture prey. We predicted that experimental subjects without trichobothria experimentally removed would be less successful in capturing prey than the control groups (control seta removed/control of experimental procedure/no handling control). We also predicted that scorpions without trichobothria would have a higher number of capture attempts, that the latency to detect prey and to the first capture attempt would be higher and the number of times that each scorpion oriented its body towards the prey would be lower. We used an experimental subject and a cricket without the pair of legs III in a circular arena with a printer paper as substrate and then record the experimental subjects. We did not find differences in the measured variables between the two groups. In conclusion, the results of the first chapter indicate that perhaps the starvation period has not been long enough to influence changes on foraging behavior and/or the differences may appear in other behaviors, such as ingestion time. In the second chapter, the results indicate that trichobothria are not essential for capture prey. Thus, other prey and substrates that attenuate substrate borne vibrations should be considered in future studies

Robust Machine Learning QSPR Models for Recognizing High Performing MOFs for Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture and Using Molecular Simulation to Study Adsorption of Water and Gases in Novel MOFs

Dureckova, Hana January 2018 (has links)
Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of nanoporous materials composed through self-assembly of inorganic and organic structural building units (SBUs). MOFs show great promise for many applications due to their record-breaking internal surface areas and tunable pore chemistry. This thesis work focuses on gas separation applications of MOFs in the context of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. CCS technologies are expected to play a key role in the mitigation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the near future. In the first part of the thesis, robust machine learning quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) models are developed to predict CO2 working capacity and CO2/H2 selectivity for pre-combustion carbon capture using the most topologically diverse database of hypothetical MOF structures constructed to date (358,400 MOFs, 1166 network topologies). The support vector regression (SVR) models are developed on a training set of 35,840 MOFs (10% of the database) and validated on the remaining 322,560 MOFs. The most accurate models for CO2 working capacities (R2 = 0.944) and CO2/H2 selectivities (R2 = 0.876) are built from a combination of six geometric descriptors and three novel y-range normalized atomic-property-weighted radial distribution function (AP-RDF) descriptors. 309 common MOFs are identified between the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) calculated and SVR-predicted top-1000 high-performing MOFs ranked according to a normalized adsorbent performance score. This work shows that SVR models can indeed account for the topological diversity exhibited by MOFs. In the second project of this thesis, computational simulations are performed on a MOF, CALF-20, to examine its chemical and physical properties which are linked to its exceptional water-resisting ability. We predict the atomic positions in the crystal structure of the bulk phase of CALF-20, for which only a powder X-ray diffraction pattern is available, from a single crystal X-ray diffraction pattern of a metastable phase of CALF-20. Using the predicted CALF-20 structure, we simulate adsorption isotherms of CO2 and N2 under dry and humid conditions which are in excellent agreement with experiment. Snapshots of the CALF-20 undergoing water sorption simulations reveal that water molecules in a given pore adsorb and desorb together due to hydrogen bonding. Binding sites and binding energies of CO2 and water in CALF-20 show that the preferential CO2 uptake at low relative humidities is driven by the stronger binding energy of CO2 in the MOF, and the sharp increase in water uptake at higher relative humidities is driven by the strong intermolecular interactions between water. In the third project of this thesis, we use computational simulations to investigate the effects of residual solvent on Ni-BPM’s CH4 and N2 adsorption properties. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data shows that there are two sets of positions (Set 1 and 2) that can be occupied by the 10 residual DMSO molecules in the Ni-BPM framework. GCMC simulations of CH4 and N2 uptake in Ni-BPM reveal that CH4 uptake is in closest agreement with experiment when the 10 DMSO’s are placed among the two sets of positions in equal ratio (Mixed Set). Severe under-prediction and over-prediction of CH4 uptake are observed when the DMSO’s are placed in Set1 and Set 2 positions, respectively. Through binding site analysis, the CH4 binding sites within the Ni-BPM framework are found to overlap with the Set 1 DMSO positions but not with the Set 2 DMSO positions which explains the deviations in CH4 uptake observed for these cases. Binding energy calculations reveal that CH4 molecules are most stabilized when the DMSO’s are in the Mixed Set of positions.

Att animera mänskliga Karaktärer : En studie kring animation med hjälp av icke verbal kommunikation

Åkesson, Moa January 2012 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks det vilken av två animationsmetoder, handanimation eller motion capture som främst skapar animation som upplevs av åskådaren som naturlig i sitt rörelsemönster. För att besvara denna fråga har en litteraturstudie genomförts som främst fokuserar på området kroppsspråk. Tre typer av animationer har skapats dels med hjälp av motion capture-teknik och dels med handanimation. Sedan utvärderas de olika animationsklippen genom en kvalitativ undersökning där det visade sig att de animationer som skapats med hjälp av motion capture-teknik upplevdes som naturligast i sitt rörelsemönster.

Mobile Virtual Reality Environment in Unity 3D

Sjöö, Patrick January 2014 (has links)
This report is a contribution to an existing research project, which works on supporting motion capture actors by improving their immersion and experiences through an augmented reality setup. The problem definition is that a motion capture studio, up to now, does not provide a large scenery for an actor. A motion capture scene is made almost entirely out of props and actors wearing motion capture (mocap) suits. To set the stage and environment there is usually a director explaining what the props are and what the situation is. The rest lies in the hands of the actors to imagine the scene. This project provided the controls for viewing a virtual environment using a smartphone with an Android operating system. The result was an application containing a virtual world that the user could look and walk around in using the smartphone's gyroscope and accelerometer respectively. This shall help the actor to get a better view of the surrounding world in which he or she is supposed to act in. The phone was connected to a pico projector and both devices were mounted on the user's head to get all needed input such as turning, tilting and physical movements. The phone can also be mounted in several positions which can be changed in real time. Some user testing was made to see how users handled the devices and what they thought of the application.

Lagring av Motion Capture Data i NoSQL-databser : Undersökning av CouchDB / Storage Of Motion Capture Data in NoSQL-databases : Examination of CouchDB

Aslan, David January 2015 (has links)
Motion capture data behöver lagra på ett eller annat sätt lagra detta med databas skulle innebära väldigt många fördelar. Den används på många olika sätt och i olika branscher därmed skulle innebära en stor förändring. Det finns två olika kategorier av databaser SQL databaser och NoSQL databaser, dem databaser som kommer testas är relationsbaserade MySQL och dokumentbaserade CouchDB med en prototyp som utvecklas för att utföra dessa tester. Testerna påvisar att CouchDB är bättre databaslösningen vid lagringen av motion capture data. Men ytterligare arbete skulle kunna utföra flera tester som påvisar att läsning av motion capture data från databaserna kan ske i realtid. Mätningar från experimentet bevisar att CouchDB är den snabbare på att lagra Motion Capture data. I framtida arbete skulle arbetet kunna införas i filmbranschen och bli effektivt genom att använda mindre hårddiskutrymme och minska kostnaderna.

Essays in Organizational Economics

Livio, Luca 30 August 2016 (has links)
This thesis consists of three independent essays which contribute to the literatures on organizational and regulatory economics.In the first part of the dissertation, I address questions related to the optimal incentive provision in hierarchies. In particular, I investigate how the choice of the optimal compensation policy of an organization is affected by the workers' psychological preferences for reciprocity. This essay relates to a recent strand of theoretical and empirical research that studies how the presence of reciprocity concerns impacts on the optimal organizational design (See e.g. Dohmen et al. 2009, Englmaier and Leider, 2012, Englmaier et al. 2015).The second part of the dissertation concerns the optimal design and regulation of a hierarchical organization in the presence of capture concerns. In many organizations the task of evaluating an agent's performance is delegated to a third party, a supervisor, who can opportunistically misreport information. The question of how the provision of incentives in hierarchies is affected by the supervisor's opportunism has long been studied in economics. Addressing this research question is of great importance since it can improve our understanding of the internal organization of firms and can have broad applications to regulatory design. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Gamma spectroscopy of the doubly– ODD 194Tl Nucleus

Ramashidzha, Tshifhiwa Marius January 2006 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The odd – odd Tl nuclei with A ≥ 190 have moderate oblate nuclear deformation and show rotational bands built on different quasiparticle excitations. Several phenomena, not yet fully understood, were observed in these nuclei, such as large signature splitting in the yrast band (built on a πh9/2⊗νi13/2 configuration), possible non – axiality of the nuclear shape, etc. In this work the high – spin states in 194Tl were studied. The 194Tl nuclei were produced in the 181Ta (18O, 5n) 194Tl reaction at a beam energy of 93 MeV and the γ - rays were detected using the AFRODITE array. The obtained extended level scheme of 194Tl is presented and discussed in this work. CSM (Cranking shell model) and TRS (Total Routhians Surface) models were both applied to interpret the results for band 1. The results were compared with the neighboring isotone 193Hg. / South Africa

Advanced ultrasonic digital imaging and signal processing for applications in the field of non-destructive testing

Weston, Miles January 2012 (has links)
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the process of non-invasive material examination. Within this field, ultrasonic inspection is one method of examination used to detect flaws in structural and functional industrial components, to assess their structural integrity and fitness for service. Conventional NDT ultrasonic array techniques transmit on multiple elements in parallel, according to a focal law, which facilitates beam steering, focussing and scanning within the test component. Received signals are then 'stacked' to generate images of the test component. With the advent of affordable high speed computing, novel data acquisition techniques based on sequential transmission are now able to be developed, which allow images to be generated using advanced signal processing and image reconstruction algorithms. One such data acquisition technique known as Full Matrix Capture (FMC), has received considerable research attention in recent years, largely because it allows fully focused images of test components to be generated. This project provides an improved understanding of the FMC technique and associated signal processing algorithms. It achieves this through the development of novel inspection techniques and signal processing algorithms. Collectively algorithms developed within this work were termed Sequential Phased Array (SPA). Initially comparisons were made between conventional ultrasonic techniques and the SPA algorithms in terms of image quality and speed of inspection. A novel approach was then suggested to facilitate inspection through dual-layered media, separated by a refractive interface using the SPA algorithms. The use of sparse arrays to enhance the speed of inspection using the SPA algorithms was also investigated, and the trade-off between speed of inspection against image degradation was addressed. Finally a novel approach to calibration of a FMC based system was developed, in order to provide uniform image sensitivity during inspection.

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