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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pull-Out Strength of Fiberglass/Epoxy Composite RebarFabricated on a Three-Dimensional Braiding Machine

Machanzi, Tarisai 01 November 2017 (has links)
The objective of this research was to explore and demonstrate the production andperformance of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) rebar manufactured on a continuous threedimensionalbraiding machine for use as reinforcement in concrete structures. Differentconfigurations of fiberglass/epoxy composite cylindrical rebar rods were manufactured,embedded in concrete, and tested in axial tension to identify the relationships betweenmanufacturing parameters and tensile pull-out strength of the rebar. The strength of the bondbetween concrete and FRP rebar was investigated using the pull-out test detailed by ACI 440.3R-12. The rebar was a No. 4 size and produced by combining multiple tows of fiberglass/epoxyprepreg to form the core of cylindrical rods which were consolidated using spirally-woundaramid consolidation fibers. The manufactured rebar was cured at 121°C (250°F) as specified bythe material manufacturer, TCR Composites. Preliminary research performed on carbon/epoxyrebar guided the process of developing a test matrix based on multiple variables. Primaryvariables investigated included the nature of the consolidation fiber material (dry vs prepreg),and the use of sand coating as a secondary process. The rebar samples were cast in 200 mm x200 mm x 200 mm (8.0 in x 8.0 in x 8.0 in) concrete cubes to investigate bond strength. A testfixture was designed and fabricated for use on a universal tensile testing machine. Standard 12.7mm (0.5 in) diameter steel rebar and a commercially comparable fiberglass rebar were alsotested to provide baseline values. Measurements were collected at both the free and loaded endsof the rebar with free-end results being a more accurate presentation of rebar bond stress.Results showed that the bond strength was 6-13% higher for the free-end for rebarconsolidated with a dry tow compared to prepreg tow consolidated rebar. When sand was added,dry tow consolidated sand-coated samples showed higher bond stress in the range of 15-26% forthe free-end than samples consolidated with a dry tow but excluded sand coating. Samplesconsolidated with prepreg tow and coated with sand showed higher bond stress in the range of43-58% for the free-end compared to prepreg tow no-sand coating samples. Overall, for therebar manufactured on the 3-D braiding machine, the prepreg tow consolidated rebar samplesrecorded the highest bond strength values with a maximum average bond stress value of 15.2MPa (2.26 ksi). The dry tow sand consolidated rebar recorded a maximum average bond stressvalue of 11.4 MPa (1.65 ksi). The rebar purchased from American Fiberglass Rebar recorded amaximum average bond stress of 12.0 MPa (1.74 ksi) while the maximum average bond stress ofsteel rebar was 13.1 MPa (1.90 ksi). Results demonstrated that quality composite rebar can bemanufactured using the 3-D braiding machine and that consolidating the rebar with a prepregtow and coating the surface with sand resulted in a rebar which bonded well with concretecompared to commercialized FRP and steel rebar.

Pull-Out Strength of Fiberglass/Epoxy Composite RebarFabricated on a Three-Dimensional Braiding Machine

Machanzi, Tarisai 01 November 2017 (has links)
The objective of this research was to explore and demonstrate the production andperformance of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) rebar manufactured on a continuous threedimensionalbraiding machine for use as reinforcement in concrete structures. Differentconfigurations of fiberglass/epoxy composite cylindrical rebar rods were manufactured,embedded in concrete, and tested in axial tension to identify the relationships betweenmanufacturing parameters and tensile pull-out strength of the rebar. The strength of the bondbetween concrete and FRP rebar was investigated using the pull-out test detailed by ACI 440.3R-12. The rebar was a No. 4 size and produced by combining multiple tows of fiberglass/epoxyprepreg to form the core of cylindrical rods which were consolidated using spirally-woundaramid consolidation fibers. The manufactured rebar was cured at 121C (250F) as specified bythe material manufacturer, TCR Composites. Preliminary research performed on carbon/epoxyrebar guided the process of developing a test matrix based on multiple variables. Primaryvariables investigated included the nature of the consolidation fiber material (dry vs prepreg),and the use of sand coating as a secondary process. The rebar samples were cast in 200 mm x200 mm x 200 mm (8.0 in x 8.0 in x 8.0 in) concrete cubes to investigate bond strength. A testfixture was designed and fabricated for use on a universal tensile testing machine. Standard 12.7mm (0.5 in) diameter steel rebar and a commercially comparable fiberglass rebar were alsotested to provide baseline values. Measurements were collected at both the free and loaded endsof the rebar with free-end results being a more accurate presentation of rebar bond stress.Results showed that the bond strength was 6-13% higher for the free-end for rebarconsolidated with a dry tow compared to prepreg tow consolidated rebar. When sand was added,dry tow consolidated sand-coated samples showed higher bond stress in the range of 15-26% forthe free-end than samples consolidated with a dry tow but excluded sand coating. Samplesconsolidated with prepreg tow and coated with sand showed higher bond stress in the range of43-58% for the free-end compared to prepreg tow no-sand coating samples. Overall, for therebar manufactured on the 3-D braiding machine, the prepreg tow consolidated rebar samplesrecorded the highest bond strength values with a maximum average bond stress value of 15.2MPa (2.26 ksi). The dry tow sand consolidated rebar recorded a maximum average bond stressvalue of 11.4 MPa (1.65 ksi). The rebar purchased from American Fiberglass Rebar recorded amaximum average bond stress of 12.0 MPa (1.74 ksi) while the maximum average bond stress ofsteel rebar was 13.1 MPa (1.90 ksi). Results demonstrated that quality composite rebar can bemanufactured using the 3-D braiding machine and that consolidating the rebar with a prepregtow and coating the surface with sand resulted in a rebar which bonded well with concretecompared to commercialized FRP and steel rebar.

Apports de l'analyse comparée des processus de fragmentation et de création de débris dans la compréhension du comportement à l'écrasement de structures composites aéronautiques / Contributions of the comparative analysis of fragmentation and debris generation processes to the understanding of the behaviour of aeronautical composite structures under crushing

Tostain, Floran 02 December 2016 (has links)
La certification des aéronefs au crash ou à l’atterrissage dur nécessite de concevoir et dimensionner des structureslégères vérifiant les exigences d’absorption d’énergie. Le critère de performance est l’énergie d’absorptionspécifique (Specific Energy Absorption, SEA). Nos travaux expérimentaux et numériques visent une meilleurecompréhension de la contribution favorable ou défavorable des modes de ruine à la stabilité et à l’amplitude del’énergie consommée. Le travail expérimental, réalisé sur des échantillons plaques stratifiées en T700/M21 faible grammage et interlock 55% ou 100%, compare les niveaux et les évolutions des forces d’écrasement avec l’apparition et le maintien desmodes de ruine majeurs que sont l’évasement, les fragmentations en coeur de plis et localisée en bout de pli.L’observation et la mesure des processus dynamiques de fragmentation représentent un verrou contourné ici parune analyse point à point de la synchronisation entre les films des essais et les courbes force-déplacement, et parl’observation post-mortem des échantillons, des débris et des fragments. Les plaques ont une performance àl’écrasement sensible à l’épaisseur des plis et aux vitesses de déformation. Pour les interlocks, c’est le sens detissage qui a le plus d’effet sur l’amplitude et la stabilité de la SEA, et génère un évasement global plus instable.La simulation numérique dynamique transitoire non-linéaire est utilisée comme outil complémentaire de mesureet d’analyse des essais sur plaques T700/M21 [0°/90°]. La morphologie d’écrasement est bien reproduite.L’analyse des processus de ruine à l’échelle du pli fait apparaître l’interaction entre la résistance mécanique encompression transverse du matériau (Yc) et la résistance à la déchirure en cisaillement de la structure (GIIc), etl’articulation et/ou la compétition entre évasement et fragmentation en cœur de pli qui en découlent. La mesurede la contribution des trois modes de ruine dans l’énergie consommée effectuée au travers de l’évolution desseuils de ruine permet de suivre l’évolution correspondante de l’effort d’écrasement. Une étude a été menée surla robustesse du modèle, et permet d’évaluer plus généralement la sensibilité en amplitude et en stabilité de laSEA aux propriétés de résistance mécanique identifiées comme influentes. / The certification of aircrafts to hard landing or crash situations needs to design lightweight structures meetingrequirements in term of energy absorption. The Specific Energy Absorption (SEA) is used to compare theperformance of different structures. Experimental and numerical studies led in our work aim to improve theunderstanding of the influence of ruin modes on the crushing stability and the energy absorption capacity.Crushing experimental tests are carried on low-weight T700/M21 CFRP laminated plates and on 55% or 100%Interlock configurations. The crushing force value and its variations are compared to the proportion of inside plyfragmentation, localized fragmentation and splaying mode observed during the crushing process. The observationand the measure of the dynamic process of fragmentation are lock problems circumvented by two means. First, astep by step observation of synchronized tests’ pictures and force-displacement points is conducted. Second, apost-mortem observation of the specimen and a collect of debris and fragments is carried out. It is shown thatcomposite laminates behaviour is influenced by the ply thickness and the strain-rate parameters. For the Interlock,the woven directions have the most important effect on the SEA value and stability and can produce a globalfragmented splaying with some instability. Nonlinear transient dynamic numerical simulations are used as an additional tool to measure and analyse the experimental tests on T700/M21 [0°/90°] plates. The crushing morphology is correctly reproduced. The analysis of damage at the mesoscale shows the interaction between the mechanical transverse compressive strength of thematerial (Yc) and the shear strength of interfaces between plies (GIIc), and the link and/or the competition betweensplaying and inside ply fragmentation. The measure of the contribution of the three ruin modes in the dissipatedenergy is performed and linked to the variations of the crushing force. A study is carried out on the robustness ofthe model and allows linking the SEA value and stability to the mechanical strength properties identified asinfluential parameters.

Durability of carbon/epoxy composites for tidal turbine blade applications / Durabilité des composites carbone/époxy pour applications pales d'hydroliennes

Tual, Nicolas 09 November 2015 (has links)
Les matériaux composites sont utilisés dans de nombreuses structures marines et de nouvelles applications sont en cours de développement telles que les pales d’hydroliennes. La fiabilité de ces composants dans un environnement très sévère est cruciale pour la rentabilité de ces systèmes récupérateurs d’énergie des courants marins. Ces structures sont sujettes à de nombreuses forces, telles que les courants marins, les vagues, tempêtes mais également diverses agressions marines telles que l’eau de mer et la corrosion. Une compréhension approfondie du comportement au long terme de ces parties mobiles est donc essentielle. La majorité des développeurs d’hydroliennes ont préféré des pales en carbone. Ainsi il est nécessaire de comprendre comment une longue immersion dans l’océan affecte ces composites. Dans cette étude, le comportement au long terme de différents composites carbone/époxy a été étudié en utilisant des essais de vieillissement accéléré. Une diminution significative des résistances des composites a été observée après saturation en eau de mer. Pour des temps d’immersion plus longs, seulement peu de changements des propriétés apparaissent. Peu d’effets significatifs ont été observés tant sur les modules que sur la ténacité. Ces changements de propriétés sont initialement dus à la plastification de la matrice, suivis par un affaiblissement de l’interface fibre/matrice. L’endommagement peut affecter le comportement au long terme des structures composites et créer de nouveaux chemins préférentiels pour la diffusion de l’eau. En conséquence un modèle basé sur un critère couplé résistance/ténacité a été proposé pour décrire le seuil d’endommagement et basé sur un critère en ténacité pour décrire la cinétique d’endommagement. Il permet de reproduire d’une manière correcte le seuil et la cinétique d’endommagement pour des matériaux vieillis et non vieillis. L’évolution de l’entrée d’eau dans les composites a été suivie dans le but de développer un modèle de diffusion prenant en compte le nature anisotrope des composites. Ainsi le modèle de diffusion a été utilisé sur pale d’hydrolienne. Finalement des premières investigations sur le couplage entre le modèle de diffusion et l’endommagement ont été réalisées. Cette étude a contribué au développement d’outils pour quantifier la durabilité au long terme des pales d’hydroliennes en composites. / Composite materials are used in many marine structures and new applications are being developed such as tidal turbine blades. The reliability of these components, in a very severe environment, is crucial to the profitability of tidal current energy systems. These structures are subject to many forces such as ocean tides, waves, storms but also to various marine aggressions, such as sea water and corrosion. A thorough understanding of the long term behavior of the moving parts is therefore essential. The majority of tidal turbine developers have preferred carbon blades, so there is a need to understand how long immersion in the ocean affects these composites. In this study the long term behavior of different carbon/epoxy composites has been studied using accelerated ageing tests. A significant reduction of composite strengths has been observed after saturation of the material in seawater. For longer immersions only small further changes in these properties occur. No significant changes have been observed for moduli nor for composite toughness. Changes in properties are initially due to matrix plasticization, followed by reductions due to fibre/matrix interface changes. Damage can affect the long term behavior of composites structures and create new pathways for water diffusion. As a consequence a damage model has been proposed based on a coupled strength/toughness criterion to describe the threshold of damage and on a toughness criterion to describe the crack development kinetics. It describes in a correct manner the damage threshold and kinetics for the as-received material and for material after sea water ageing. The evolution of the rate of water ingress into composite materials has been followed, in order to develop a diffusion model taking into account the anisotropic nature of composites. Then the diffusion model has been applied on a tidal turbine blade. Finally a first investigation of the coupling between the diffusion model and damage has been performed. This study has contributed to the development of tools to quantify long term durability of composite tidal turbine blades.

Tolérance aux dommages générés par impact de structures composites épaisses. Application aux réservoirs composites hyperbares. / Damage tolerance generated by impact on thick composite structures. Application to hydrogen composite tanks.

Guillaud, Nicolas 26 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'est déroulée dans le cadre du projet TOLEDO (Tolérance aux dommages par impact des réservoirs hyperbares) piloté par Air Liquide en partenariat avec le CEA Le Ripault et l'institut PPRIME.L'hydrogène est stocké au sein de réservoirs de type IV à une pression de service de 700 bar.Ces structures composites présentent comme particularités d'être épaisses (> 30 mm), d'avoir une forte courbure et d'être préchargées en pression lors d'un éventuel impact.Notre travail a montré que ces particularités modifient le type, la quantité et la localisation des différents endommagements couramment observés (rupture de fibres, délaminage et fissuration matricielle).Les endommagements ont pu être quantifiés par le biais de méthodes simples et originales.L'influence des particularités sur le comportement à l'impact a pu être déterminée par l'utilisation de deux dispositifs expérimentaux conçus et réalisés au cours de cette thèse.Le premier permet de précontraindre en tension uniaxiale des plaques composites épaisses.Le second permet de précharger en état de membrane un tube composite ce qui a permis de montrer que le cas d'impact le plus critique vis-à-vis des réservoirs est lorsque ces derniers sont vides.Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence la criticité des ruptures de fibres sur les pertes de performance au sein des réservoirs hyperbares.Un modèle numérique prenant en compte la dispersion des contraintes à rupture et des différents types d'endommagements a été développé.Il permet d'introduire un endommagement initial et a confirmé certains résultats expérimentaux. / This thesis took place within the framework of the project TOLEDO (Tolerance in the damage by impact of the hyperbaric reservoirs) managed by Air Liquide in partnership with the CEA Le Ripault and PPRIME institute.The hydrogen is stored within the type IV vessel at a servive pressure of 700 bar.These composite structures present as peculiarities to be thick (> 30 mm), to have a strong curvature and to be precharged in pressure during a possible impact.Our work showed that these peculiarities modify the type, the quantity and the localization of the various usually observed damages (fiber breakage, délamination and matrix cracking).The damages were able to be quantified by means of simple and original methods.The influence of the peculiarities on the behavior in the impact was able to be determined by the use of two experimental devices designed and realized during this thesis.The first one allows to preload a thick composite plates in uniaxial tension thick composite plates.The second allows to preload in state of membrane a composite pipe and allowed to show that the most critical impact towards reservoirs is when they are empty.This study allowed to highlight the criticality of the fiber breakage on the loss of performance within the hyperbaric reservoirs.A digital model taking into account the dispersal of the failure stress and various types of damages was developed.It also allows to introduce an initial damage and confirm some experimental results.

Flexural Behavior of Carbon/Epoxy IsoTruss Reinforced-Concrete Beam-Columns

Ferrell, Monica Joy 02 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis quantifies the flexural behavior (strength, stiffness and failure) of IsoTruss®-reinforced concrete beam-columns for use in deep foundation pile applications. Four-point bending tests were performed in the laboratory on two instrumented carbon/epoxy IsoTruss® reinforced concrete piles (IRC piles) and two instrumented steel reinforced concrete piles (SRC piles). The piles were approximately 14 ft (4.3 m) in length and 14 in (36 cm) in diameter and were loaded to failure while monitoring load, deflection, and strain data. The steel and IsoTruss®® reinforcement cages were designed to have equal flexural stiffness to permit a relative strength comparison. Moment curvature diagrams reveal that the stiffness values were indeed close, verifying the design objective. At failure, the IsoTruss®-reinforced concrete beams held nearly twice the bending moment as the steel-reinforced concrete beams [1,719 kip-in vs. 895 kip-in (194 kN-m vs.101 kN-m)], although the failure modes were quite different. The SRC piles exhibited the traditional ductile failure behavior, as expected, while the IRC piles lacked ductility. The IRC pile deflections remained linear to failure, while the SRC piles yielded significantly. At 35 kips (165 kN), the maximum load on the SRC piles, the ductility of the SRC piles was twice that of the IRC piles (0.0084 and 0.0042, respectively). Toughness measurements reveal that due to the lack of ductility in the IRC piles, the SRC piles absorbed approximately twice as much energy as the IRC piles. Further investigations are required to explain the absence of ductility in the IRC piles, since ductility has been observed in other IsoTruss®-reinforced concrete structures in flexure. Even with this low level of ductility, the IRC piles are substantially stronger than the SRC piles and provide an alternative for use in deep foundation environments. Not only is the IRC pile strong enough for the job, but the IsoTruss® reinforcement is approximately 62% lighter, more rigid, and more corrosion resistant than the steel reinforcement.

Contrôle non destructif d'un matériau excité par une onde acoustique ou thermique, observation par thermographie / Non destructive testing of a material excited by an acoustic wave or a heat wave, observation with thermography

Kuhn, Eric 06 December 2013 (has links)
Afin de pouvoir détecter un défaut dans un composite, plusieurs méthodes de contrôle non destructif ont été développées. Le but de ce travail est de localiser un délaminage dans un stratifié carbone / époxyde en utilisant deux méthodes : la thermosonique et la thermographie. La première méthode consiste en une excitation par ultrasons et une détection par caméra IR. Pour la seconde technique, le matériau est irradié par une onde thermique et la détection est aussi réalisée par une caméra IR. Afin de comparer les résultats obtenus, des tests par immersion ultrasons C-scan ont été réalisés sur les échantillons. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir une cartographie du délaminage présent dans le stratifié. Un algorithme de comparaison entre la détection du délaminage faite par les ultrasons C-scan et les deux méthodes a permis de révéler les différences de forme du défaut détecté. Différents traitements d'images ont été appliqués aux images IR obtenues : des analyses temporelles et des analyses spatiales/temporelles. L'étude de l'évolution instantanée ainsi que l'évolution globale de la température se sont révélées prometteuses pour la thermosonique. L'image la plus décorrélée obtenus par l'analyse en composante principales donne un résultat tout aussi satisfaisant pour cette méthode. Pour la méthode sans contact, la thermographie, l'étude de la phase a permis de révéler la forme du délaminage avec la même précision que la thermosonique.Une comparaison de ces deux méthodes a été réalisée afin de mettre en évidence leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. / To detect a defect in a composite, several methods of non destructive testing have been developped. The aim of this work is to find a delamination in polymer matrix laminates thanks to two methods : thermosonics and thermography. The first method consists of an ultrasonic excitation and a detection by an IR camera. For the second technique, the plate is irradiated with a thermal wave and the detection is also performed by an IR camera. To compare the results, ultrasonic immersion tests were performed on the samples. This method provides a map of the delamination in the laminate. An algorithm for comparing the detection of delamination made by the ultrasonic C-scan and both methods revealed differences in the shape of the detected defect. Several image processing have been applied to the IR images recorded : temporal analysis and spatial / temporal analysis. The study of the instant evolution and the global evolution of the temperature are promissing for thermosonics. The most uncorrelated image obtained by principal component analysis gives is satisfactory for this method. For thermography, the non contact method, the phase study revealed the shape of delamination with the same precision as thermosonics.A comparison between the two methods was realised to highlight their advantages and their drawbacks.

Étude et simulation numérique d’un procédé de cuisson rapide pour l’élaboration de matériaux composites à matrice thermodurcissable

Xu, Chan 19 December 2013 (has links)
L’élaboration de composites en cuisson autoclave est un procédé bien maîtrisé maisles cycles de cuisson peuvent être très longs, en particulier dans le cas de préimprégnésaéronautiques. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’étudier la possibilité de diminuer letemps des cycles de polymérisation pour la fabrication de composites stratifiés minces àl’aide d’un procédé de cuisson rapide. Des essais de caractérisation ont permis de définirles grandeurs thermodynamiques du préimprégné carbone/époxy qui a servi de base ànotre étude ainsi que les paramètres du modèle cinétique de la résine. Une simulationnumérique du procédé de cuisson, basée sur une modélisation des couplages desphénomènes chimiques (polymérisation de la résine), thermiques (transferts de chaleuravec prise en compte de l’exothermie de la réaction) et mécaniques (formation decontraintes et déformations résiduelles) induits par le procédé, a été développée dans lebut d’optimiser les cycles de polymérisation. La caractérisation mécanique des matériauxélaborés à partir d’un dispositif de cuisson rapide mis au point au Laboratoire a permis dedémontrer que nous n’avions pas de pertes de caractéristiques par rapport aux piècesélaborées en autoclave. / The autoclave polymerization is the bottleneck of the production flux for largepublic parts, hence the speedy polymerization process emerges to improve the productionratio. The objective is to study the possibility of reducing the cycle time of polymerizationfor the production of thin composite laminates using a fast cure process out-of-autoclave.Specific or standard chemical and mechanical characterization tests had been designed inorder to capture the expected characteristics for the model simulation and validate thesimulation results. According to the values obtained, an analysis based on the finiteelement technique is developed to simulate the speedy curing process of epoxy resincomposite. The analysis relates the cure temperature to the thermal, chemical and physicalprocesses occurring in the thin composite part during cure. Included in the analysis are theeffects such as the heat generation due to exothermic chemical reactions. For a specifiedcure cycle, the model could be used to calculate the temperature distribution, the degree ofcure of the resin inside the composite part as well as predict the residual curing stressesand the strains of the cured composite parts.Keywords :

Vieillissement par cyclage thermique de composites interlocks 3D à matrice polymère / Thermal Cycling Ageing of 3D Interlock Polymer Matrix Composites

Guigon, Camille 23 March 2015 (has links)
L’introduction des composites dans des pièces structurelles critiques pour les aéronefs représente une réelle rupture technologique et nécessite des études spécifiques afin de maîtriser leur comportement et leur durabilité. Ce travail a pour objectifs de caractériser et de comprendre les mécanismes de vieillissement de composites interlock 3D à fibres de carbone et à matrice polymère lorsqu’ils sont soumis à des cycles thermiques.Dans ce but, un essai de cyclage thermique (-55°C/120°C), dont l’environnement thermique et gazeux est totalement maitrisé, a été mis en place pour le vieillissement d’échantillons composites représentatifs du motif interlock élémentaire. L’analyse des mécanismes de dégradation induits a été réalisée grâce i/ à la mise au point d’une méthode de caractérisation quantitative 3D de l’évolution des microfissures au cours du cyclage, basée sur des observations par microtomographie RX et sur le développement d’une procédure de traitement d’images spécifique, ii/ au développement d’un essai de cyclage thermique in situ synchrotron couplé à une technique de corrélation d’images volumiques 3D, et iii/ à des simulations par éléments finis prenant en compte l’architecture réelle des échantillons à l’échelle mésoscopique et le comportement thermo-viscoélastique de la matrice.Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence des couplages thermo-chimio-mécaniques complexes,qui s’expriment à travers quatre paramètres influents : le temps (et le nombre de cycles),l’architecture de l’interlock, la ténacité de la matrice et sa sensibilité à la thermo-oxydation. / The introduction of composite materials in critical structural parts for aircrafts represents a real technological breakthrough and requires specific studies to understand their behavior and durability. This work aims to characterize and understand the ageing mechanisms incarbon/epoxy 3D interlock composites when they are submitted to thermal cycling.For this purpose, a thermal cycle test (-55°C/120°C), whose heat and gaseous environment istotally mastered, was set up for the ageing of composite samples of elemental interlock pattern dimensions. Analysis of induced degradation mechanisms was achieved by i/ the development ofa 3D quantitative characterization method of the evolution of microcracks during cycling, basedon observations by microtomography RX and the development of a specific image processing procedure, ii/ the development of an in situ thermal cycle test under synchrotron light, coupled to a digital volume correlation technique, and iii/finite elements simulations taking into account the actual mesoscopic architecture of the samples and the thermo-viscoelastic behavior of thematrix.The results reveal complex thermo-chemo-mechanical couplings that are linked to four important parameters: time (and the number of cycles), the interlock architecture, the matrix toughness andits sensitivity to thermo-oxidation.

Fatigue Damage Characterization Of Carbon/Epoxy Laminates Under Spectrum Loading

Sudha, J 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites are extensively used in aircraft structures because of its high specific stiffness, high specific strength and tailorability. Though Fibre Reinforced Polymers offer many advantages, they are not free from problems. The damage of different nature, e.g., service mechanical damages, fatigue damage or environmental damage can be observed during operating conditions. Among all the damages, manufacturing or service induced, delamination related damage is the most important failure mechanisms of aircraft-composite structures and can be detrimental for safety. Delamination growth under fatigue loading may take place due to local buckling, growth from free edges and notches such as holes, growth from ply-drops and impact damaged composites containing considerable delamination. Delamination growth can also occur due to interlaminar stresses, which can arise in complex structures due to unanticipated loading. The complex nature of composite failure, involving different failure modes and their interactions, makes it necessary to characterize/identify the relevant parameters for fatigue damage resistance, accumulation and life prediction. An effort has been made in this thesis to understand the fatigue behavior of carbon fibre reinforced epoxy laminates under aircraft wing service loading conditions. The study was made on laminates with different lay-up sequences (quasi-isotropic and fibre dominated) and different geometries (plain specimen, specimen with a hole and ply-drop specimen). The fatigue behaviour of the composite was analyzed by following methods: . Ultrasonic C-Scan was used to characterize the delamination growth. . Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was done to study the interfacial degradation due to fatigue loading. In this analysis, the interfacial strength indicator and interfacial damping were calculated. The DMA also provides the storage modulus degradation under fatigue loading. . Scanning electron microscope examination was carried out to understand the fatigue damage mechanisms. . A semi-empirical phenomenological model was also used to estimate the residual fatigue life. This research work reveals that the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer laminates are in the safe limit under service loading conditions, except the specimen with a hole. The specimen with a hole showed delaminations around the hole due to stress concentration and higher interlaminar stresses at the hole edges and this delamination is found to be associated with fibre breakage and fibre pullout. The quasi-isotropic laminate is found to show poorer fatigue behaviour when compared to fibre dominated laminate and ply-drop also shows poor performance due to high stress concentration in the ply-drop region.

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