Spelling suggestions: "subject:"are centers"" "subject:"care centers""
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Avaliação da influência da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida de pré-escolares no município de Porto Velho/RO / The evaluation of the influence of pre-school childrens oral health on their quality of life in the city of Porto Velho, ROSilva, Ricardo Pianta Rodrigues da 25 August 2011 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, observou-se um grande avanço no estudo das relações organizacionais com relação a saúde. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o impacto das condições bucais na qualidade de vida de pré-escolares matriculados em creches comunitárias no Município de Porto Velho-RO e verificar o perfil socioeconômico das famílias e seu estado nutricional. A amostra foi constituída por 210 pré-escolares entre 3 e 5 anos de idade onde foi adotado o Índice ceod para avaliação de cárie dentária e o Índice de Massa Corpórea para avaliação do estado nutricional. Foram aplicados questionários de avaliação de influência da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida (ECOHIS) e perfil socioeconômico aos pais ou responsáveis dos respectivos pré-escolares. A estatística descritiva foi realizada por meio de frequências relativas e absolutas e a sua análise por meio do teste de Correlação de Spearman (p<0,05). Foi encontrado um ceod de 2,11 (3,04) e um Sic Índice de 5,84 (2,59), observando-se 49,52% de crianças livres de cárie dentária. A classificação socioeconômica mostrou que 80,95% encontram-se na classe média inferior e que 40,29% tem renda familiar inferior a 2 salários mínimos. Quanto ao estado nutricional, 60,48% encontravam-se eutróficas e 25,71% magreza, não apresentando influencia significativa quanto a saúde bucal (p<0,05). Foi verificada relação estatisticamente significativa entre o ceod e seus componentes na qualidade de vida (p<0,05). Concluiu-se que o impacto das condições socioeconômicas e influência da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida de crianças na idade pré-escolar podem nortear novas práticas em saúde objetivando reduzir as desigualdades na distribuição da cárie dentária na população. / In recent decades, there was a major breakthrough in the study of organizational relationships for health. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of oral conditions on quality of life of preschool children enrolled in community day care centers in the city of Porto Velho-RO and assessed the socioeconomic profile of their families and their nutritional status. The sample consisted of 210 preschool children between 3 and 5 years of age where we adopted the dmft index for assessment of dental caries and body mass index to assess nutritional status. Questionnaires were applied to evaluate the influence of oral health on quality of life (ECOHIS) and socioeconomic profile of parents or guardians of their preschoolers. Descriptive statistics were performed descriptively by means of relative and absolute frequencies and their analysis using the Spearman correlation test (p<0.05). It was found a dmft of 2.11 (3.04) and a Sic Index 5.84 (2.59), with polarization of dental caries in the population studied (49.52%). The socioeconomic classification showed that 80.95% are lower middle class and 40.29% have incomes below two minimum wages. The nutritional status, 60.48% were normal weight and thinness 25.71%, showing no significant influence in the oral health (p<0.05). Statistically significant relationship was found between the dmft and its components in the quality of life (p<0.05). It was concluded that the analysis of the socioeconomic status and influence of oral health on quality of life for children in preschool can guide new practices aimed at reducing health inequalities in the distribution of dental caries in the population.
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As oportunidades para o desenvolvimento infantil e as relações entre qualidade de ambientes coletivos e cuidados não parentaisMüller, Alessandra Bombarda January 2016 (has links)
O contexto sociocultural atual impõe o retorno precoce da mãe ao trabalho após o nascimento de seu filho, e o ingresso de bebês em creches nos dois primeiros anos de vida é bastante controverso. Um ambiente favorável que desenvolva as capacidades da criança e potencialize seu crescimento de forma adequada necessita investimentos, a fim de que se possa promover a saúde dessas crianças por meio de ambientes ricos em estímulos adequados e até mesmo compensatórios. Objetivos: (1) avaliar o desempenho motor, cognitivo e da linguagem de bebês entre 06 e 18 meses que frequentam creches; (2) verificar a concordância entre dois instrumentos concorrentes para a avaliação do desempenho motor amplo de bebês; (3) investigar a validade de critério, conteúdo e constructo e fidedignidade da escala AHEMD-IS versão 3-18 meses para uso no contexto da creche; (4) associar o conhecimento de professores e assistentes sobre o desenvolvimento infantil às práticas de cuidado adotadas e às habilidades avaliadas na faixa etária acompanhada. Método: Estudo observacional, transversal. O desenvolvimento infantil foi avaliado utilizando-se a Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development 3rd ed (BSITD-III) e a Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). A qualidade do ambiente foi verificada utilizando-se a Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development Infant Scale (AHEMD-IS) adaptada para uso no contexto da creche e a Daily Activities of Infant Scale (DAIS). Os cuidados não-parentais foram mensurados por meio do Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory (KIDI). Estatísticas descritivas foram realizadas para a categorização da amostra. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e a análise entre métodos de Bland-Altman foram utilizados para verificar a concordância entre os instrumentos de avaliação do desempenho motor amplo. Análises das características diagnósticas do instrumento AIMS também foram realizadas. Foi conduzido um modelo de regressão linear múltipla multivariada utilizando-se equações estruturais para avaliar possíveis associações entre as variáveis dependentes desempenho motor, cognitivo e de linguagem e as variáveis independentes relacionadas à qualidade do ambiente e às práticas de cuidado. Resultados: Foram avaliadas 67 crianças (53,7% da amostra, n = 36 meninos), média de idade corrigida de 11,15 ± 2,9 meses, média de idade gestacional de 38,58±1,5 semanas e predomínio da classe socioeconômica B2 (46,5% da amostra, n = 31). A média das variáveis peso ao nascimento (p = 0,040) e escolaridade materna (p = 0,008) foi maior na rede privada de ensino. A média dos escores de desempenho motor (79,66 ± 12,9), cognitivo (88,66 ± 10,6) e de linguagem (78,15 ± 9,3) apresentou valores inferiores aos esperados nos domínios motor e de linguagem. Na rede privada, foi encontrada associação positiva e significativa entre desempenho motor e variedade de estimulação (β = 0,506, p = 0,002) e associações negativas e significativas entre desempenho motor e conhecimento do desenvolvimento infantil por professoras (β = - 0,586, p = ≤ 0,001) e assistentes (β = - 0,325, p = 0,011). Na rede pública, foi encontrada associação positiva e significativa entre motricidade e qualidade do ambiente (β = 0,405, p = 0,008). Foi encontrada associação muito forte entre as escalas utilizadas para a avaliação do desempenho motor amplo (r = 0,96, p ≤ 0,000). O método de Bland-Altman aponta concordância adequada entre os instrumentos na amostra. Assumindo o atraso a partir do ponto de corte inferior ao percentil 10, foram encontrados resultados excelentes de sensibilidade (S = 92%), especificidade (E = 100%), valor preditivo positivo (VPP = 100%), valor preditivo negativo (VPN = 98%) e acurácia geral do instrumento AIMS (Ac = 11,82). Os resultados da validação do instrumento AHEMD-IS indicam sua adequabilidade para uso no contexto da creche. Conclusão: Ambientes com adequada estrutura física, diversidade de materiais e profissionais capacitados são necessários, entretanto, é essencial a interação do cuidador com a criança. De forma indireta, ao avaliar o desempenho infantil e as relações que se estabelecem no contexto da creche, observou-se que o desenvolvimento da criança na creche parece estar mais dependente da qualidade das interações, das atividades e das experiências com a linguagem e com o corpo do que com os espaços e as condições estruturais. A presença de profissionais da área da saúde junto às crianças nos contextos educacionais pode contribuir para a promoção da saúde e do desenvolvimento pleno da população infantil. / The current socio-cultural context imposes the early return of the mother to work after her son´s birth, and the ingress of babies in daycare centers in the first two years of life is quite controversial. A favorable environment to develop the child's competences and increment their growth properly needs investments, so that we can promote the children´s health through appropriate and compensatory environments. Objectives: (1) assess motor, cognitive and language performance of babies from 06 to 18 months who attend daycare centers; (2) verify the agreement between two instruments for the assessment of gross motor performance; (3) investigate the criterion validity, content and construct and reliability of AHEMD-IS version 3-18 months to use scale in the context of daycare centers; (4) associate the knowledge of teachers and assistants about child development to care practices and skills assessed. Method: A cross-sectional study, observational. The infant development was evaluated by Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development 3rd edition (BSITD-III) and Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). The quality of the environment was checked using the Affordances in the Home Environment for Infant Motor Scale Development (AHEMD-IS) adapted for use in daycare setting and the Daily Activities of Infant Scale (DAIS). Non-parental care was measured through Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory (KIDI). Descriptive statistics were performed for the categorization of the sample. Pearson´s correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman analysis between methods was used to verify the agreement between the evaluation of gross motor performance. Analysis of the diagnostic features of the AIMS were also performed. A multivariate linear regression model using structural equation to evaluate possible associations between the dependent and independent variables was done. Results: 67 children were evaluated (53.7%, n = 36 boys), corrected age mean 11.15 ± 2.9 months and gestational age mean 38.48 ± 1.5 weeks, with predominance of socioeconomic class B2 (46.5%, n = 31). The average of the variables birth weight (p = 0.040) and maternal education (p = 0.008) was higher in private schools. The mean of motor performance scores (79.66 ± 12.9), cognitive scores (88.66 ± 10.6) and language scores (78.15 ± 9.3) showed lower values than expected in the motor and language domain. In the private school system, it was found positive and significant association between motor performance and variety of stimulation (β = 0.506, p = 0.002) and negative and significant associations between motor performance and teachers´ knowledge of child development (β = - 0.586, p = ≤ 0.001) and assistants (β = - 0.325, p = 0.011). In public, it found a positive and significant association between motor skills and environmental quality (β = 0.405, p = 0.008). Very strong association between the scales used for the assessment of gross motor performance was found (r = 0.96, p ≤ 0,000). The Bland-Altman method points satisfactory agreement between the instruments in the sample. Assuming the delay from the cut-off point below the 10th percentile, excellent results of sensitivity (S = 92%), specificity (E = 100%), positive predictive value (PPV = 100%), negative predictive value (NPV = 98%) and overall accuracy of the AIMS (Ac = 11,82) was found. The results of the validation of AHEMD-IS indicate their suitability for use in the daycare center context. Conclusion: Environments with adequate physical structure, diversity of materials and trained professionals are needed, however, the caregiver - child´s interaction is essential. Indirectly, when evaluating children's performance and the relations established in the daycare setting, it was observed that the development of children in day care seems to be more dependent on the quality of interactions, activities and experiences with the language and the body than with the spaces and the structural conditions. The presence of health professionals with the children in educational contexts can contribute to health promotion and the full development of the child population.
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"Prevalência de anemia ferropriva em crianças matriculadas em duas creches municipais de Guarapuava - PR.2005" / "Prevalency of iron deficiency anemia in children registered two municipal day-care centers of Guarapuava - PR. 2005"Silvana Franco Kmetiuk 17 October 2005 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a prevalência de anemia ferropriva em crianças matriculadas em duas creches municipais de Guarapuava PR, no ano de 2005. Caracteriza-se como seccional ou corte transversal, de prevalência e de base populacional, envolvendo 156 crianças com idade inferior a seis anos, matriculadas nas creches municipais da zona urbana da cidade. Para caracterizar a população estudada foram obtidas informações junto às fichas cadastrais nas creches sobre variáveis relativas à criança: data de nascimento e sexo. Para mensuração da dosagem de hemoglobina sangüínea, foram coletadas amostras de sangue na ponta do dedo médio, para leitura em hemoglobinômetro portátil (Hemocue). A prevalência da anemia nas creches estudadas foi de 42,9%, ou seja 67 das 156 crianças em que se determinou a concentração de hemoglobina com valores inferiores a 11 g/dl. A prevalência para o sexo feminino foi de 42,3%, ou seja, entre as 71 meninas, 30 delas apresentaram concentração de hemoglobina com valores inferiores a 11g/dl e, para o sexo masculino igual a 43,5%, ou seja, entre os 85 meninos, 37 deles apresentaram concentração de hemoglobina com valores inferiores a 11g/dl. Dentre as 67 crianças com anemia, 25 (37,3%) crianças apresentaram anemia grave, sendo que no grupo das 30 meninas com anemia, 10 ( 33,3%) apresentaram anemia grave e, no grupo dos 37 meninos com anemia, 15 (40,5%) apresentaram anemia grave. Ainda nas 67 crianças com anemia 45 (67,2%) apresentavam idade inferior a 24 meses, sendo que no grupo das 30 meninas com anemia, 21 (70%) apresentavam idade inferior a 24 meses e para o grupo das 37 meninos com anemia, 24 (64,9) apresentavam idade inferior a 24 meses. Dentre as 25 crianças com anemia grave, 17 (68,0%) apresentavam idade inferior a 24 meses, sendo que para o grupo de 10 meninas com anemia grave, 9 (90%) apresentavam idade inferior a 24 meses e, para o grupo de 15 meninos com anemia grave, 8 (53,3%) apresentavam idade inferior a 24 meses. Alguns fatores podem ter contribuído para esse resultado. Um deles é o estado nutricional das crianças antes de ingressarem nas escolas infantis, o qual poderia já estar comprometido. Outro importante fator a ser considerado é a baixa inserção sócio-econômica das crianças que freqüentam as creches municipais, a qual impõe condições de vida que as tornam mais vulneráveis à diarréia, às infecções respiratórias e às parasitoses intestinais, podendo comprometer, de forma marcante, o consumo de alimentos por redução do apetite e por diminuição da absorção de nutrientes entre eles o ferro. Espera-se que os resultados forneçam subsídios para um melhor conhecimento e acompanhamento da situação nutricional destas crianças, já que constituem instrumento essencial para a aferição das condições de saúde da população infantil, além de oferecer medidas objetivas das condições de vida da população em geral. / The present study it had as objective to describe the prevalence of iron deprive anemia in children registered two municipal day-care centers of Guarapuava - PR, in the year of 2005. Transversal cut is characterized as seccional or, of prevalence and population base, involving 156 children with lower age the six years registered the municipal day-care centers of the urban zone of the city. To characterize the studied population information together to the fiches had been gotten register in cadastre in the day-care centers on relative variable the child: date of birth and sex. For measuring of the dosage of sanguine hemoglobin, samples of blood in the tip of the average finger had been collected, for portable reading in hemoglobinometer (Hemocue). The prevalence of the anemia in the studied daycare centers was of 42.9%, or either 67 of the 156 children where if determined the concentration of hemoglobin with the lower values 11 g/dl. The prevalence for the feminine sex was of 42.3%, or either, between the 71 girls, 30 of them had presented concentration of hemoglobin with lower values 11g/dl and for equal the masculine sex 43.5%, or either, between the 85 boys, 37 of them had presented concentration of hemoglobin with lower values 11g/dl. Amongst the 67 children with anemia, 25 (37.3%) children had presented serious anemia, being that in the group of the 30 girls with anemia, 10 (33.3%) had presented serious anemia and in the group of the 37 boys with anemia, 15 (40.5%) had presented serious anemia. Still in the 67 children with anemia 45 (67.2%) they presented lower age the 24 months, being that in the group of the 30 girls with anemia, 21 (70%) presented lower age the 24 months and for the group of the 37 boys with anemia, 24 (64.9%) presented lower age the 24 months. Amongst the 25 children with serious anemia, 17 (68.0%) presented lower age the 24 months, being that for the group of 10 girls with serious anemia, 9 (90%) presented lower age the 24 months and, for the group of 15 boys with serious anemia, 8 (53.3%) presented lower age the 24 months. Some factors can have contributed for this result. One of them is the nutricional state of the children before entering the infantile schools, which could already be engaged. Another important factor to be considered is low the partnereconomic insertion of the children who frequent municipal day-care centers, which imposes life conditions that become them more vulnerable the diarrhea, to the respiratory infections and the intestinais parasatisms, being able to compromise, of marcante form, the food consumption for reduction of the appetite and reduction of the absorption of nutrients between them the iron. One expects that the results supply to subsidies one better knowledge and accompaniment of the nutricional situation of these children, since they constitute essential instrument for the gauging of the conditions of health of the infantile population, besides offering in general measured objective of the conditions of life of the population.
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Adult day service across Indiana results of a statewide survey /Garnet, Beverly N. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.G.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Sociology and Gerontology, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-51).
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A very special service day care, welfare and child development, Jost Mission Day Nursery, Halifax, 1920-1955 /Lafferty, Renée Nicole, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Dalhousie University, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Children health center鄧如慧, Teng, Yu-wai, Alice. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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Caregivers in nonprofit and private child care centers: a qualitative analysis of perceptions of auspice and job satisfactionClark, Kathryn Anne Mack 11 1900 (has links)
This study focused on two factors, auspice and job
satisfaction, which have been shown to impact on the quality of
child care programs. However, while research has indicated that
auspice, job satisfaction, and program quality are intertwined,
there is a lack of research which explores these factors
qualitatively. There is also a dearth of research which has
considered auspice from the caregivers' perspectives. Hence, the
purpose of this study was to explore the meaning that caregivers
give to auspice in their work in nonprofit and for-profit child
care centers. As well, this study sought to examine the
relationship between auspice and job satisfaction from the
caregiver's point of view, paying close attention to differences
in job satisfaction that existed between staff employed in
nonprofit centers and staff who worked in private or for-profit
A series of qualitative, in-depth interviews were conducted
with eight child care workers from the Vancouver Metropolitan
area. Four of the participants were employed in or owned private
centers and four of the participants worked in nonprofit centers.
Positive and negative perceptions of both nonprofit and private
auspice emerged. In particular, the nonprofit participants
believed that child care should be operated as a service and not
a business. They perceived that the motive to make a profit in
child care lead for-profit centers to sacrifice quality in order
to cut costs and maximize profits. On the other hand, the for-
profit participants perceived that their centers provided high quality care and were dedicated to putting the needs of children
and staff first.
In general, the participants'' perceptions of factors that
influenced their job satisfaction were similar across auspices.
The nature of child care work and supportive relationships with
co-workers were factors which positively influenced job
satisfaction while the perceived lack of status in the eyes of
society negatively affected satisfaction. Differences in job
satisfaction according to auspice were found on several factors,
such as government policies and a perceived lack of enough time
to accomplish job duties.
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Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų lankančių dienos centrą saviraiškos poreikių tenkinimas kaip teisė į kokybišką ugdymą(si) / Satisfying the self-expression needs, as the right to a quality education, of the younger school age children attending day care centersRakickaitė, Erika 19 August 2013 (has links)
Lietuva, kaip ir kitos Europos Sąjungos šalys narės siekia kuo veiksmingiau tobulinti savo švietimo sistemą, kad ji padėtų asmenims, dalyvaujantiems švietime įgyti šiandieniniam gyvenimui reikalingų žinių, gebėjimų, įgūdžių. Tačiau dėl kultūrinių, istorinių, socialinių priežasčių iki šiol didžiausias dėmesys buvo skiriamas formaliojo švietimo sričiai. Formalusis ugdymas, vaiko saviraiškos poreikių aspektu, turi tam tikrų ribotumų – jis negali jų atliepti pilnai, nes yra reglamentuotas jo turinys. Todėl turi būti skiriamas dėmesys ir neformaliajam ugdymui(si), kad užtikrinti vaiko teisę į kokybišką ugdymą(si). Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausybė, ratifikuodama Jungtinių Tautų vaiko teisių konvenciją (1995), įsipareigojo gerbti ir užtikrinti visas Vaiko teisių Konvencijoje numatytas vaiko teises (vaiko teisę į vaiko orumą, saviraišką, teisę į informaciją, į kokybiškas ugdymo paslaugas, socialinę teisinę pagalbą). Neformalusis ugdymas Lietuvoje atlieka tik formaliojo ugdymo papildymo funkciją. Iki 2003 m. jis netgi buvo vadinamas papildomu ugdymu. Lietuvai kurti neformaliojo ugdymo sistemą trukdo tai, kad ji neturi tokių neformaliojo ugdymo tradicijų kaip Vakarų Europos šalys. (Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo koncepcija, 1992). / Lithuania, like other European Union countries, tries to improve their own education system to help people to gain the knowledge, abilities and skills for today's life. However, due to cultural, historical and social reasons, until now focused on the area of formal education. Formal education, the child's needs in terms of self-expression, has some limitations - it may not respond fully, because it is regulated by its content. Therefore, it should be paid attention to non-formal education (learning) to ensure a child's right to quality education (learning). Government of the Republic of Lithuania, ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1995), undertook to respect and ensure all the Rights of the Child Convention, the rights of the child (the child's right to the child's dignity, self-expression, right to information, the quality of education services, social and legal assistance). Non-formal education in Lithuania does only formal education function. By 2003 year, it was even known as additional education. Lithuania is hampered, because it does not have a formal education, so it was important to study younger school-age children attending day care centers, the needs of self-expression as the right to a quality education (learning).
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Policy transfer and policy translation : day care for people with dementia in Kerala, IndiaMcCabe, Louise Frances Mary January 2003 (has links)
This thesis explores and explains the development of day care for people with dementia in Kerala, India. The development process is framed within the context of social globalisation. The central aim of the thesis is to further build theory on how and why social policy from one context is transferred and utilised in the development of social policy in another. The theoretical constructs of policy transfer and policy translation are used to explore the development process. Policy transfer is an existing concept within policy and politics literature. Theory on the concept of policy translation is built up within the thesis using theories of literary translation. Exploration of these processes provides an explanation of the development of day care. Policy transfer and policy translation are found to take place between the UK and Kerala. Policy ideas and information from the UK are transferred and then used within the implementation of day care in Kerala. A two-part research design explores firstly policy transfer and then policy translation. Policy transfer is examined within an analytical framework developed from existing models of policy transfer. Policy translation is investigated through a comparative analysis of day care for people with dementia between the UK and Kerala. The differences between day care in the two contexts represent the changes caused by the processes of policy transfer and policy translation. The main findings of the thesis are that policy transfer and policy translation have taken place within the development of day care in Kerala. The two concepts are found to complement each other. The theoretical construct of policy translation provides additional detail and clarity on the process of policy development to that provided by policy transfer. Policy transfer and policy translation can be described as mechanisms by which social globalisation is taking place and in turn globalisation promotes these processes. The thesis concludes that the theoretical constructs of policy transfer and policy translation as developed here could be used within other research to explore the processes of globalisation.
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Soziale Netzwerke für die Kinderbetreuung eine vergleichende Untersuchung am Beispiel von Akademikerinnen in Heidelberg und LeipzigForster, Ute January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 2006
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