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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Crisis Management : The Example of Nantou Area School Teachers in 921 Earthquake Catastrophe

HSUEH, HSU-I 07 June 2001 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and crisis management, and to examine the important effect of emotion implementation on daily life. The study investigates the predictive effect of different background variables of emotional intelligence on crisis management. Further, emotional intelligence can influence the policies or actions taken for any crises. The subjects were 162 teachers from Nantou Area in 921 Earthquake Catastrophe in Taiwan. The instruments used in the study included ¡uemotional intelligence questionnaire¡vand ¡ucrisis management questionnaire¡v. The data was analyzed by the statistics methods of frequency distribution, person's correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA, canonical correlation and stepwise multiple regression. The major findings were as follows: 1.The level of emotional intelligence and crisis management of Earthquake Catastrophe Area School Teachers are medium. 2.For emotional intelligence, emotion management, there were significant differences among variables of faith¡Bteaching experience¡Bthe top academic degrees on emotional intelligence, but gender¡Bage¡Bposition and school scope were not. 3.As to crisis management, there were significant differences among variables of gender¡Bteaching experience¡Bthe top academic degrees on crisis management, but age¡Bfaith¡Bposition and school scope were not . 4.There were significant differences of crisis management due to different emotional intelligence measures. 5.The result of canonical correlation analysis revealed that perceived emotional intelligence was significantly associated with crisis management by a canonical variable. The one canonical relation coefficient is .294. 6.The variables of emotional intelligence could significantly predict crisis management.

A study on option pricing and option-based valuations of catastrophe insurance products under Lévy Dynamics

Wu, Yang-che 28 October 2008 (has links)
This dissertation includes three topics. We first introduce the statistical properties of option pricing and literature related to the following topics. The first topic focuses on GARCH processes with Lévy innovation and their empirical analysis on TAIEX index options. Comparing to other popular option pricing models, the results show that the GARCH-Lévy processes fit well in-sample data. However, according to out-of- sample performances from three loss functions, there is no best model across all moneynesses. Although the VG option pricing model performs well at the money, the NGARCH option pricing model for in-the-money or out-of-the-money contracts is better than others. The second topic studies two baskets options under a multivariate normal inverse Gaussian model. The value of a geometric basket option can be expressed as an analytic-form formula and then its hedge ratios can be obtained from the partial derivatives of its pricing formula. Similarly, the value of an arithmetic basket option can be expressed as an analytic-form formula and then its hedge ratios can be obtained from the partial derivatives of its pricing formula. These options can be further applied to price related products, for example, multifund unit-linked insurance contracts. The numerical result supports the internal consistency of our closed-form analytical expressions for two basket options on two assets. The third topic studies the valuation of catastrophe insurance products. We survey the data about catastrophe events. Catastrophe occurrences can be forecasted, yet appear to have some rules, for example, the energy released by an earthquake can delay the next occurrence. Moreover, the 2-7 year cycle or pattern referred to as ENSO is a frequent natural reminder about the complex influences of the global ocean, atmosphere, and continental heat budget cycling and seasonality. The regime-switching compound Poisson process can be adopted to describe the jump-diffusion process under different states and thus be incorporated into the catastrophe loss or claim dynamics under different natural environments. Most catastrophe insurance contracts have provisions on some triggers to make loss claims or debt-forgiveness. Thus, we derive the pricing formulas of trigger options and then pricing catastrophe insurance products using an option-based method. The empirical evidences show that the regime-switching Poisson process in the RJSD model fits better than the pure Poisson process in a jump diffusion model in describing the arrival rates of great natural disasters over 1950-2006. We can further extend it to enough states to fit CAT arrival better, and then price other catastrophe insurance products more exactly.

Det kommer aldrig att bli som förr, men det går att leva : En religionspykologisk och kulturell analys av copingstrategier hos drabbade av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004.

Boman, Lars January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine the experience of two Swedish women who survived the tsunami catastrophe in Thailand 2004. Through their biographies, Sävstam and Ernsth-Ohlsson have revealed their experiences, before, during and after the tsunami catastrophe. Coping theory is used to explain how they cope with the consequences of the tsunami catastrophe, and how culture affects the coping process. Pargament´s (1997) theories in coping are used to examine this paper. Pargament argues that the coping process is influenced by the culture context of the individual. I used a qualitative approach with a theory ruled analysis of the biographies. The analysis shows that several coping strategies are used. The results showed that the culture context has both positive and negative influences in the coping process for Sävstam and Ernsth-Ohlsson. The social support, that is included in the orientation systems, emerges as an important contribution to Sävstam and Ernsth-Ohlsson coping processes. Analysis of the result indicates that coping strategies and the influence of the cultural context are individually based. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att ur religionspsykologiskt copingperspektiv studera den kulturella kontexten i copingprocessen hos överlevare av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten har varit Pargaments (1997) religionspsykologiska copingteori. Pargament menar att religion kan användas som resurs i krissituationer. När människor möter kriser visar det sig, enligt Pargament, att de har en reservoar av religiösa tillgångar som de inte alltid är medvetna om. Pargament menar vidare att copingprocessen äger rum i och påverkas av den kulturella kontexten. Den kulturella kontexten menar Pargament är institutioner, lagar, kunskap, tradition, sed, moral, och livsstil. Uppsatsens material är hämtad från två svenska kvinnors upplevelser av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004. Sävstam och Ernsth-Ohlsson berättelse handlar om katastrofen och tiden efter den. Materialet har undersökts med en teoretiskt styrd analys. I undersökning har berättelserna presenterats var för sig. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av begrepp utifrån copingteorin; stressorer, signifikansen, orienteringssystem och den kulturella kontexten. Frågeställningarna som besvarades i uppsatsen handlade om vilka copingstrategier som identifierades hos överlevare av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004 och hur den kulturella kontexten påverkar copingprocessen. Analysen visar att flera olika copingstrategier har använts. Den kulturella kontexten har påverkat copingprocessen både på ett positiv och negativt sätt. Analysen visar på det sätt som, copingstrategier och den kulturella kontexten påverkar copingprocessen är individuellt. Det sociala stödet som ingår i orienteringssystemet, framkommer som ett viktigt bidrag till en effektiv coping. Kyrkan som traditionsbärande och därmed bidragande till den kulturella kontexten används oberoende av trosuppfattningar.

Οι επτά στοιχειώδεις καταστροφές και η θεωρία της καθολικής εκδίπλωσης

Αναστασίου, Σταύρος 11 September 2008 (has links)
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Motivation of Adult, Auditioned Community Choirs: Implications toward Lifelong Learning

Redman, David James 16 March 2016 (has links)
Knowledge of motivation factors can assist conductors and music educators at all levels in planning and implementation of musical goals. The purpose of this study was to identify motivational factors to join the choir and maintain membership in the choir as well as the role of stress/anxiety in maintaining choral membership. In addition, the role of musicianship was evaluated in terms of music aptitude and vocal ability. Participants (N=135) from four adult, auditioned community choirs participated in this study. Data was collected using Advanced Measures of Music Audiation, Singing Coach, measure of vocal ability and a questionnaire relating to topics of motivation, retention and stress and anxiety contained within the sub-constructs of Cusp Catastrophe Theory. The results of this study identified aesthetic motivation as the primary construct as to why members elect to join the choir. In direct relationship to this motivation, lack of aesthetic beauty and truth was identified as why members would not retain their membership in the choir. Members did not experience stress and anxiety while learning or performing choral music. However, they did agree that some level of stress is beneficial to singing. In this study, no participant suggested that stress and anxiety related to vocal ability would prevent them from achieving their performance goal. Implications from this research may include determining program literature to be presented that is perceived as having aesthetic qualities which will be beneficial for membership and retention of choir members.

Hurricane Loss Modeling and Extreme Quantile Estimation

Yang, Fan 26 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis reviewed various heavy tailed distributions and Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to estimate the catastrophic losses simulated from Florida Public Hurricane Loss Projection Model (FPHLPM). We have compared risk measures such as Probable Maximum Loss (PML) and Tail Value at Risk (TVaR) of the selected distributions with empirical estimation to capture the characteristics of the loss data as well as its tail distribution. Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) is the main focus for modeling the tail losses in this application. We found that the hurricane loss data generated from FPHLPM were consistent with historical losses and were not as heavy as expected. The tail of the stochastic annual maximum losses can be explained by an exponential distribution. This thesis also touched on the philosophical implication of small probability, high impact events such as Black Swan and discussed the limitations of quantifying catastrophic losses for future inference using statistical methods.

Figures et figuration de l'Intelligence dans le roman français des années trente / Characters and representations of Intelligence in the 1930s french novel

Galea, Manuel 18 December 2009 (has links)
A partir d’un corpus exemplaire, ce travail vise à saisir l’élément poétique fondamental du roman français des années Trente, défini comme le genre dominant de l’époque : la volonté de « révolution spirituelle », fondée sur une poétique de la catastrophe. Une telle poétique doit être conçue comme la traduction littéraire d’un mouvement intellectuel général visant à dépasser le discrédit jeté contre la démocratie libérale, système organisationnel hérité des Lumières. A la suite des jeunes intellectuels non-conformistes, les auteurs étudiés attaquent l’Intelligence Bourgeoise – système dominant de normes et valeurs hyper-rationalistes – qui isole, divise et mutile les individus, à force d’abstraction stérile. Pervertie par les élites, l’Intelligence devient une force de dissociation menaçant la cohésion sociale. En réaction à l’excès de rationalisme délétère, un mouvement anti-intellectualiste se développe dont l’enjeu est la définition d’une nouvelle architecture conceptuelle – Intelligence Simple – capable de régénérer l’individu et de restaurer le lien social. Ce projet de nature éthique s’impose comme la norme littéraire dominante et commande le retour à l’engagement des écrivains. Que les romanciers marqués à gauche ou à droite envisagent la crise de l’Intelligence française comme une faillite de la démocratie libérale ou comme une décadence de la nation, au-delà des sensibilités idéologiques et politiques respectives, la poétique de la catastrophe réunit sur son programme l’ensemble des romanciers de la période / Based on an exemplary selection of works, this study’s goal is to capture the fundamental poetic element in the 1930s French novel, defined as the dominant genre of the time : the desire for a “spiritual revolution”, based on the poetic dimension of disaster. This poetic dimension should be considered the literary translation of a general intellectual movement, aimed at overcoming the discredit cast upon liberal democracy, an organizational system inherited from Enlightenment. In the wake of young non-conformist intellectuals, the authors studied attack Rational Intelligence – a dominant system of ultranationalist norms and values – which isolates, divides, and disfigures individuals through sterile abstraction. Perverted by the elites, Intelligence becomes a divisive force threatening social coherence. As a reaction to this excess of harmful rationalism, an anti-intellectual movement developed, devoted to defining a new conceptual architecture – Intuitive Intelligence – capable of reviving the individual and restoring social bonds. This ethical project stands out as the dominant literary norm, compelling writers to once more become involved. The novelists, whether leaning to the right or the left, may consider the French Intelligence crisis to be a failure of liberal democracy or as the result of national decadence, but above and beyond those respective ideological and political sensibilities, the poetics of disaster encompass all novelists of the time

Live cell imaging technology development for cancer research

Kosmacek, Elizabeth Anne 01 December 2009 (has links)
Live cell imaging is a unique tool for cellular research with a wide variety of applications. By streaming digital microscopic images an investigator can observe the dynamic morphology of a cell, track cell movement on a surface, and measure quantities or localization patterns of fluorescently labeled proteins or molecules. Digital image sequences contain a vast amount of information in the form of visually detectable morphological changes in the cell. We designed computer programs that allow the manual identification of visible events in live cell digital image sequences [Davis et al. 2007]. Once identified, the data are analyzed using algorithms to calculate the yield of individual events per cell over the time course of image acquisition. The sequence of event data is also constructed into directed acyclic graphs and through the use of a subgraph isomorphism algorithm we are able to detect specified patterns of events originating from a single cell. Two projects in the field of cancer research are here discussed that describe and validate the application of the event analysis programs. In the first project, mitotic catastrophe (MC) research [Ianzini and Mackey, 1997; Ianzini and Mackey, 1998; reviewed by Ianzini and Mackey, 2007] is enhanced with the addition of live cell imaging to traditional laboratory experiments. The event analysis program is used to describe the yield of normal or abnormal divisions, fusions, and cell death, and to detect patterns of reductive division and depolyploidization in cells undergoing radiation-induced MC. Additionally, the biochemical and molecular data used in conjunction with live cell imaging data are presented to illustrate the usefulness of combining biology and engineering techniques to elucidate pathways involved in cell survival under different detrimental cell conditions. The results show that the timing of depolyploidization in MC cells correlates with increased multipolar divisions, up-regulation of meiosis-specific genes, and the production of mononucleated cell progeny. It was confirmed that mononucleated cells are produced from multipolar divisions and these cells are capable of resuming normal divisions [Ianzini et al., 2009]. The implications for the induction of meiosis as a mechanism of survival after radiation treatment are discussed. In the second project, the effects of long-term fluorescence excitation light exposure are examined through measurements of cell division and cell death. In the field of live cell imaging, probably the most modern and most widely utilized technique is fluorescence detection for intracellular organelles, proteins, and molecules. While the technologies required to label and detect fluorescent molecules in a cell are well developed, they are not idealized for long term measurements as both the probes and excitation light are toxic to the cells [Wang and Nixon, 1978; Bradley and Sharkey, 1977]. From the event analysis data it was determined that fluorescence excitation light is toxic to multiple cell lines observed as the reduction of normal cell division, induction of cell death, and apparent morphological aberrations.

Impacts psychosociaux des affaissements miniers du bassin Nord-Lorrains : santé et rapport à l'espace privé / Psycholosocial impacts of minig subsidence in Lorraine : individual health and relations to the living environment

Dodeler, Virginie 04 December 2007 (has links)
Autrefois région fortement industrialisée, la Lorraine connaît actuellement des problèmes d'affaissements miniers. Imprévisibles et violents dans le bassin ferrifère, ils provoquent des dégâts importants aux structures implantées en surface, nécessitant parfois le relogement des habitants. Lents et progressifs dans le bassin houiller, les structures touchées penchent, contraignant les gens à s'adapter à un nouvel environnement de vie "en pente". Classiquement étudiés dans le cas de catastrophes naturelles ou industrielles, ces dégradations de l'environnement de vie peuvent avoir des répercussions néfastes sur la santé physique et mentale des individus. Il a également été montré que l'environnement de vie, physique et social, avait un impact sur l'état de santé tant physique que psychologique des individus. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les impacts psychosociaux des dégradations de l'espace de vie sur la santé des individus, dans le cas des affaissements miniers qui touchent notre région. Nous avons ainsi réalisé quatre études avec des sujets adultes afin de prendre en compte la diversité des situations rencontrées. Nos résultats indiquent que les problèmes miniers ont des répercussions négatives sur la santé physique et mentale des individus. Nous avons également mis en évidence que la relation à l'espace ainsi que l'investissement affectif dans son logement ont un effet sur les troubles développés / The Lorraine region of France was formerly a highly industrialized area, with extensive mining operations. Today, these operations are gradually disappearing, but one of the physical repercussions of this massive exploitation is soil subsidence. The phenomenon is unpredictable and violent in the iron-mining basin, where it is causing substantial physical damage to above-ground structures, and in some cases, the inhabitants have had to relocate. It is slow and progressive in the coal-mining basin, where houses are not collapsing but are sagging, and people are forced to adapt to "tilted living" and to change their life modes. Traditionally studied in cases of natural or industrial disasters, degradations of the life space have been shown to have negative effects on both physical and psychological health. Studies have shown that physical and social characteristics of life space is thought to have an impact on the mental and physical health of individuals. This work is aimed at assessing psychosocial consequences of living in degraded space on individual health. Four studies have been conducted on adult population. Our results show that mining subsidence have negative consequences on both physical and mental health. Relations to the living environment and affective investment in someone’s home play a role in the course of psychological symptoms

Wēijī : When Wounds Become Opportunities

Sforzi, Federico January 2018 (has links)
Amatrice is the subject of the project. The small Italian village located in the Apennines, 150 km north from Rome, lived the 24th August 2016 one of the most terrible moment in its entire history: a dreadful earthquake of magnitude 6.0 M hit the town destroying the entire historical centre and leaving 300 of its 2600 inhabitants under the rubble of the collapsed buildings. The following months have seen an attempt to face the emergency by providing the first aid and services to the wounded population, but major questions are still unanswered: what is the future of Amatrice and its inhabitants? What will remain of the city after the tremendous catastrophe? What will be changed? The project tries to give an answer to these questions reflecting upon the role of architecture in situation of catastrophic events. What can architecture do after a catastrophe?Which is its role in the process of reconstruction?How to rebuild a city completely wiped out by the catastrophe? What to keep? What to give back? What to add? What to erase?

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