Spelling suggestions: "subject:"catastrophe"" "subject:"katastrophe""
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A Nonlinear Approach to Gender bias in Leadership Emergence PerceptionsBackert, Rachel G. 15 July 2004 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the perceptual processes associated with gender differences in leadership emergence recognition. Prior research has indicated that females are less likely to be identified as an emerging leader, even when they display identical leadership behaviors as that of their male counterparts. Unlike most of the previous research performed in this area which has obtained only static snapshots of leadership recognition, the present study used a nonlinear dynamic modeling technique, called cusp catastrophe theory. It was predicted that a nonlinear model would account for more variance than a linear model. Furthermore, it was also predicted that participants would be more resistant to recognizing a female as an emerging leader, as compared to a male. This effect was expected to be greater for male participants than female participants. Participants included 19 organizational members, who watched videos of either a male or female emerging as the leader of a four-person group. Participants recorded their perceptions of leadership through a dynamic measure. In accordance with cusp catastrophe theory, results were analyzed using the program GEMCAT II (General Multivariate Methodology for Estimating Catastrophe Models). Contrary to expectations, none of the predictions were supported. It is suggested that this was primarily due to methodological issues, rather than the relevance of cusp catastrophe modeling for leadership perceptions. Recommendations for future work in this area are provided. / Master of Science
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JARDINS DE TERRE, JARDINS DE MER À TONGOA (VANUATU) Une anthropologie de la nature domestique dans un milieu affecté par la catastrophe / GARDENS OF EARTH, SEA GARDENS IN TONGOA (VANUATU) An anthropology of the domestic nature in an environment affected by the disasterCalandra, Maëlle 11 December 2017 (has links)
Fondée sur dix-sept mois d’enquête ethnographique à Tongoa (entre 2013 et 2015), une île du Vanuatu, cette thèse et la réflexion qui la sous-tend portent sur les espaces travaillés, en mer comme sur terre. Elle prend comme fil conducteur les jardins de subsistance et met en évidence les relations qu’entretiennent les habitants de l’île, tant entre eux et avec ces deux types d’espaces, qu’avec les collectifs de non-humains qui peuplent leur monde. L’étude de la nature domestique révèle que la terre et la mer sont pensées dans un cadre commun et montre en quoi elles sont constitutives du mode de vie et des représentations de ceux qui les créent et les exploitent. L’environnement dans lequel évoluent les Man-Tongoa est marqué du sceau de catastrophes, dont la contingence constitue, pour eux, un inéluctable donné de l’existence. Les espaces appropriés sont régulièrement bouleversés, voire temporairement anéantis, par un événement sismique ou climatique de grande ampleur – comme le cyclone Pam, intervenu en mars 2015. L’ethnographie de cet événement et l’étude des différents phénomènes relevant de la catégorie locale de disasta démontrent comment est localement construite la notion de catastrophe lorsque la « tradition », les dénominations chrétiennes et les ONG en proposent des explications parfois incompatibles. / Based on seventeen months of fieldwork carried out between 2013 and 2015 on Tongoa, an island in the archipelago of Vanuatu, the present PhD dissertation and its underlying reflection aim to study domesticated spaces, both on the ground and in the sea. This research explores and follows the logics of subsistence gardens, underlying the relationships cultivated both between islanders and these spaces, and between them and the non-human entities inhabiting their world. Such an approach helps underline how the land and the sea are conceptualised in a common frame of understanding, and shows how both spaces equally build up the way of living and thinking of those who create them and tap into their resources. The environment of the Man-Tongoa bears the weight of potential disasters, whose very contingency is an inescapable given of daily reality. The appropriated spaces are regularly shattered, sometimes even temporarily wrecked, by large-scale seismic or climatic events – as demonstrated by the cyclone Pam, which took place in March 2015. The ethnography of this event and the analysis of the various phenomena pertaining to the local category of disasta demonstrate how the notion of disaster is locally constructed, when “tradition”, Christian denominations, and NGOs offer non mutually intelligible or compatible explanations.
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Un logiciel d'aide à la gestion de crise testé lors d'un exercice de plan blanc élargi en MeuseCerati, Frédéric Delaveuve, Eric. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse d'exercice : Médecine : Nancy 1 : 2008. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre.
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Les petites catastrophes de la vie domestique : ethnographie des mutations de la relation assureur-assurés chez Axa-France : dilater l’espace, fragmenter le temps, intensifier la voix / Les petites catastrophes de la vie domestique : ethnography of the mutations in the relationship between insurer and the insured in Axa-France : spatial expansion, time fragmentation, voice intensificationCuisance, Marie-Laure 13 October 2016 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, la filiale française du groupe Axa, un des leaders mondiaux du secteur de l’assurance, s’est engagée dans un long processus de “rationalisation” de son activité. L’informatisation du travail, la création de centres d’appels, dont certains déterritorialisés à Rabat au Maroc, participent d’une mutation de la relation entre l’assureur et ses assurés. Un contrat CIFRE avec la Direction du Service aux Clients de l’entreprise a permis une immersion, durant près de trois années, dans les différents lieux de la procédure d’indemnisation des incidents survenus dans l’habitat, que nous appelons petites catastrophes de la vie domestique. L’insertion de l’ethnographe au sein d’une « équipe opérationnelle » a permis l’observation du travail quotidien puis une campagne d’entretiens semi-directifs en France et à Rabat, dans les agences Axa et au domicile d’assurés sinistrés. La thèse cherche à éclairer la confrontation entre la singularité de la petite catastrophe et le modèle assurantiel (Zelizer, 1983). La dilatation de l’espace, la fragmentation du temps et l’anonymisation des interactions, orchestrées par des pratiques de gestion outillée, tendent à faire disparaître le contact physique et à accroître la distance entre le lieu de la petite catastrophe et celui de son évaluation. Elles modifient ainsi l’équilibre des interactions autour du calcul de la compensation financière en exacerbant le rapport à la voix. / Since the beginning of the century, the French subsidiary of the AXA Group, one of the world’s leading insurance companies, has been engaged in a long process of rationalising its business activities. The reorganisation and computerisation of work and the creation of call centres, with some located in Rabat (Morocco), are factors which lead to a change in the relationship between the insurer and the insured. In the frame of a CIFRE PhD Program with Axa Customer Services Management, I was totally immersed for almost three years in the administration of the company’s indemnity procedures for home insurance. I also conducted interviews with employees in France and Rabat (Morocco), in AXA branches and with customers at their home. This thesis examines the tension between the singular nature of the “petites catastrophes de la vie domestique” and the insurance model (Zelizer, 1983). The results revealed that spatial expansion, time fragmentation and partial anonymisation of interactions tend to eliminate physical contact and increase the distance between where the incident occurred and where it is assessed. These three factors modifie interactions around the calculation of financial payouts. They ‘re-personalize’ the relationship, lead to largely imaginary representations of the Other and intensify the connection with the voice.
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Vivre avec les aléas naturels : ruptures et crises socio-environnementales dans le Japon contemporain / Living along with natural hazards : socio-environmental disruptions and crisis in contemporary JapanBeaussart, Grégory 07 November 2017 (has links)
L’archipel japonais jouit d’un environnement riche en ressources naturelles : ressources halieutiques, climat diversifié et relativement doux, abondance des ressources forestières, diversité de la faune et de la flore. Ces bienfaits,rendus possibles par des conditions géo-climatiques particulières, s’accompagnent d’un prix élevé. Séismes, typhons et pluies torrentielles sont le quotidien des habitants de l’archipel. Ce dernier est occasionnellement le théâtre dephénomènes plus spectaculaires comme les tsunamis et les éruptions volcaniques. Au fil des siècles, la société japonaise s’est très bien adaptée à la récurrence de ces phénomènes et aux cycles de catastrophes qu’ils induisentdans leur sillon, et elle a construit ses propres stratégies pour les surmonter, constituant un véritable paradigme cindynique. Néanmoins, au détour du XXe siècle, de nouvelles formes de danger ont émergé au sein des sociétés industrielles. Ce sont les risques technologiques, auxquels le Japon n’a pas échappé. Dans ce nouveau contexte social, politique et économique, le 11 mars 2011 un séisme et un tsunami ont frappé la centrale de Fukushima, au nord-est du Japon, et déclenché une catastrophe nucléaire d’une gravité encore difficilement sondable. Au fil des années, l’ampleur de la crise sociale, environnementale, politique et sanitaire se révélant progressivement a fait émerger de nouveaux problèmes, qui de plus en plus remettent en cause le paradigme cindynique japonais contemporain. La crise met ainsi la société japonaise à l’épreuve d’un type de catastrophe dont les enjeux collatéraux, les plus dommageables, sont également les plus difficilement appréhensibles. Cette thèse cherche à prendre de la distance par rapport à l’événement de mars 2011 tout en faisant un parallèle avec celui-ci, afin de mieux comprendre les logiques de fond qui sous-tendent le fonctionnement du paradigme cindynique « traditionnel », et ses insuffisances au regard de la situation cindynique du Japon contemporain. J’ai pour cette raison axé le centre du terrain sur la péninsule de Kii, un petit morceau de terre situé au sud de Kyōto et constitué de montagnes boisées, abritant un grand nombre de petits villages côtiers et forestiers mais aussi quelques grandes villes, exposés à des aléas très violents. À travers différents domaines du fait social et culturel, la thèse analyse les stratégies de gestion développées par les communautés de la péninsule pour vivre avec les aléas, les catastrophes et surtout les ruptures qu’ils induisent. Les angles d’approches sont multiples : l’expérience directe et la mémoire, les structures sociales, le fait religieux, les savoirs et les dimensions spatiales et temporelles du rapport aux aléas et aux événements catastrophiques. Ces différents aspects, transversaux au vécu et à la gestion des cycles catastrophiques, sont explorés conjointement pour montrer les logiques adaptatives grâce auxquelles la société japonaise a composé, dans son développement, avec les instabilités de son contexte socio-politique interne et de son milieu naturel. / Japanese archipelago has the advantage of a rich environment, full of natural resources : halieutic resources, a diversified climate, large forests blessed with a rich wildlife and flora. In the other hand, Japanese populations suffer from violent and geophysical hazards, from common earthquakes, hurricanes and huge floods to more dangerous tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Thus, population of Japanese archipelago early developed advanced strategies to overcome the influence of natural disasters cycles over centuries, building their very own cindynic paradigm. However, in the edge of the 20th century, new danger like technologic risks rose from industrial societies like Japan’s, America’s and so on. In such changing social, economical and political context, a mega-quake, followed by a huge tsunami, stroke the northern coast of Japan, in 2011, march the 11th. The day after the tsunami hit the Fukushima nuclear power plant, a nuclear disaster alert were released by Japanese government and foreign governments around the world. The years passing by, the social, environmental, political, and health crisis that expanded from this event revealed new environmental issues, encompassing this type of disaster that redefines and question the traditional Japanese cindynic paradigm. In order to grab the dynamic underlying traditional cindynic paradigm and the reason why it revealed itself to be unable to successfully overcome the crisis that Japan faces today,I chose to move the focus to a field away from Fukushima’s nuclear issues, while keeping an eye on it. The fieldwork of this Ph.D thesis is located in Kii peninsula, a small piece of land standing south of Kyōto. Kii is the landing place of powerful tsunamis, unleashed by mega-quakes produced by the Nankai trough, every 90 to 150 year period. It is also on the usual route of violent hurricanes and torrential rains, that strike from summer to autumn, causing heavy flooding damage. This thesis approaches the problem from multiple angles, crossing exploration of direct experience, memory of disasters, knowledge, religious and political issues. Through this method, I try to enlighten underlying dynamics that made Japanese population able to live in their dangerous environment.
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A forma sonata em descontinuidades e bifurcações / Sonata Form in Discontinuities and Bifurcations.Maciel, Ruy Homem de Mello 20 May 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe um novo modelo de análise musical, em complementação à análise harmônica tradicional, com o estabelecimento de dois atratores - a partir da dilatação da estabilidade harmônica a partir do séc. XVIII e da resolução da dicotomia temática, condições fundamentais para a existência do modelo Sonata - definidos como catástrofe elementar com um fator de controle e dois atratores a partir da Teoria das Catástrofes de René Thom e da simultânea identificação de conflitos formais na análise estrutural, estética e harmônica da Forma Sonata, determinando seu ponto de catástrofe e definindo a mudança total em seu formato, que passa a comunicar uma nova estrutura formal diante da ultrapassagem da curva da descontinuidade. / This project proposes a new model of musical analysis, complementary to the traditional harmonic analysis. The establishment of two attractors issued from the expansion of the 18th centurys harmonic stability and from the thematic resolution of the thematic dichotomy, basic conditions for the Sonata Forms existence is its starting point, which defines an elementary catastrophe with one control factor from the René Thoms Catastrophe Theory. The simultaneous identification of formal conflicts in the structural, aesthetics and harmonic analysis of the Sonata Form is a further condition to determine its degenerate critical point and to define the total change in its format, which is to communicate a new formal structure after passing through its pitchfork bifurcation.
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A forma sonata em descontinuidades e bifurcações / Sonata Form in Discontinuities and Bifurcations.Ruy Homem de Mello Maciel 20 May 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe um novo modelo de análise musical, em complementação à análise harmônica tradicional, com o estabelecimento de dois atratores - a partir da dilatação da estabilidade harmônica a partir do séc. XVIII e da resolução da dicotomia temática, condições fundamentais para a existência do modelo Sonata - definidos como catástrofe elementar com um fator de controle e dois atratores a partir da Teoria das Catástrofes de René Thom e da simultânea identificação de conflitos formais na análise estrutural, estética e harmônica da Forma Sonata, determinando seu ponto de catástrofe e definindo a mudança total em seu formato, que passa a comunicar uma nova estrutura formal diante da ultrapassagem da curva da descontinuidade. / This project proposes a new model of musical analysis, complementary to the traditional harmonic analysis. The establishment of two attractors issued from the expansion of the 18th centurys harmonic stability and from the thematic resolution of the thematic dichotomy, basic conditions for the Sonata Forms existence is its starting point, which defines an elementary catastrophe with one control factor from the René Thoms Catastrophe Theory. The simultaneous identification of formal conflicts in the structural, aesthetics and harmonic analysis of the Sonata Form is a further condition to determine its degenerate critical point and to define the total change in its format, which is to communicate a new formal structure after passing through its pitchfork bifurcation.
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ReLife: Transitional Housing for Victims of Natural DisasterSmith, Alexander B 20 November 2009 (has links)
Recent natural disasters around the globe have left individuals without shelter. Governments have shown slow response for these victims with examples seen from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. People are still living in structures that are hazardous to their health, insufficient for normal day activity, and socially unacceptable. With the rising numbers of victims and the slow response of governments to provide solutions, a new typology must be designed.
This thesis proposes a new typology that will create a responsive design that is efficient, aesthetic, environmentally conscious, and ready for implementation. Transitional housing can be defined as housing that is used during the rebuilding phase for the victims. It is not just an emergency shelter, but a structure that provides a return to normalcy for the victim. For the design to be efficient it must be easily constructed, shipped, and assembled on site. Aesthetic design, for the purpose of this project, refers to a typology that will be socially acceptable with the user and the surrounding community. Environmentally conscious design reflects energy independence and minimizing waste production. Design that is ready for implementation will include legislation that defines how what should be used for aid towards victims.
With my interest in the efficiency of the construction of the project I intend to build a full scale model of the typology to exhaust all the requirements of construction. Research into design for manufacturing and fabrication will be conducted in order to obtain knowledge of the aspect of construction. In order to produce efficient shipping and assembly methods, companies that utilize these systems will be researched.
To achieve aesthetic design, a study of contemporary architecture for small scale structures will be used and interaction with victims and communities will be established, as well as reviewing previous works designed for humanitarian aid. By studying technologies for household environmental sustainability, new concepts can be developed for use in this typology. Detailed focus on passing legislation that allows victims to access these properly designed shelters can prevent the use of substandard living facilities found in FEMA trailer communities.
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L'impact de la couverture médiatique sur le financement institutionnel canadien dans le cas des catastrophes naturelles soudaines de 2004 à 2006 : l'autre effet CNN?Robitaille, Patrick January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de recherche a pour objectif de faire le point sur l'impact que peuvent avoir les médias sur le financement canadien pour répondre aux catastrophes naturelles. Pour notre étude de cas, nous nous intéresserons aux 18 catastrophes soudaines (excluant cependant les sécheresses) ayant requis un appel éclair (Flash Appeal) des Nations Unies durant les années 2004 à 2006. Nous avons pris comme cadre d'analyse l'effet CNN, lequel s'intéresse principalement à l'impact de la couverture télévisuelle sur les interventions militaires américaines. Plusieurs chercheurs ont contesté cet effet, trouvant que les médias ont peu d'influence sur la prise de décision excepté dans les cas où les politiciens n'ont pas de politique claire, comme par exemple lors de réponses aux catastrophes naturelles. Cette étude veut vérifier cette hypothèse, aussi appelée "syndrome CNN" .
Nous avons d'abord réalisé des entrevues avec les principaux responsables du financement des crises humanitaires au sein du gouvernement du Canada, afin de bien comprendre le processus de décision, ainsi qu'avec des représentants d'organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) qui reçoivent ces fonds. Nous avons ensuite mis en parallèle le financement demandé par crise humanitaire, l'occurrence médiatique de ces crises et les besoins humanitaires, à l'aide d'un tableau. Celui-ci nous permet d'évaluer si le gouvernement canadien finance les crises humanitaires selon les besoins, comme le prescrivent les principes et bonnes pratiques pour l'action humanitaire. Cette étude nous a permis de mettre en évidence le nombre de variables qui peuvent influencer le financement des crises humanitaires, ainsi que la difficulté d'isoler la variable médiatique. Au point de vue qualitatif, les entrevues nous ont permis de constater la divergence d'opinions entre, d'une part, les représentants des ONG, qui croient à l'influence prépondérante des facteurs médiatiques et, d'autre part, les représentants du gouvernement rencontrés, qui croient que les médias pourraient avoir un effet seulement dans le cas de quelques crises très médiatisées en raison de l'intérêt de la classe politique. Notre étude quantitative démontre que la proportion du financement humanitaire du Canada relativement au montant de l'appel de fonds humanitaires est significativement plus élevée pour les crises les plus médiatisées. Ainsi, il existerait un effet des médias sur le financement de la réponse aux catastrophes naturelles, que nous dénommerons "l'autre effet CNN". ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Humanitaire, Média, Politique, Catastrophes naturelles, Effet CNN.
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Essays on Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Insurance MarketWen, Jian 01 August 2010 (has links)
Essay One examines the asymmetric information problem between primary insurers and reinsurers in the reinsurance industry and contributes uniquely to the separation of adverse selection from moral hazard, if both are present. A two-period principal-agent model is set up to identify the signals of adverse selection and moral hazard generated by the actions of the primary insurer and to provide a basis for corresponding hypotheses for empirical testing. Using data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and A.M. Best Company, the empirical tests show that the problem of adverse selection exists in the reinsurance market between the affiliated insurers and non-affiliated reinsurers, and even between closely related affiliated insurers and reinsurers. There is no evidence indicating the presence of moral hazard in the reinsurance market.
To address the issue of soaring property insurance premiums and coverage availability in states that are subject to hurricane risks, state and federal governments have not only regulated the private insurance market but have also intervened directly into markets by establishing government-funded insurance programs. With coexisting public and private insurance mechanisms and price regulation, the risk of cross subsidization and a subsequent moral hazard problem may arise. By using data from the Florida Citizens Insurance Corporation, the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, the Flood Insurance and the private homeowner insurance market in Florida from 1998 to 2007, the second essay examines the moral hazard problems arising from government regulation and involvement in the private insurance sector. In sum, the provision of national flood insurance is found to be positively related to the population growth in the state of Florida, which shows that state immigrants can take advantage of the lower cost of flood insurance when relocating in higher-risk areas. Further, we find that national flood insurance and the catastrophe fund complement the development of the private insurance sector, while the residual market hinders the development of private property insurance market.
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