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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika tréninkového procesu v ledním hokeji u družstev dorosteneckých kategorií / Specifics of training process in ice hockey teams in junior categories

Jobek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Specifics of training process in ice hockey teams in junior categories AUTHOR: Bc. Tomáš Jobek DEPARTMENT: Physical Education Department SUPERVISOR: PaedDr. Ladislav Pokorný ABSTRAKT: This thesis maps the training process junior categories in ice hockey. Reproach characteristic specifics which are within the training sessions and matches in this age group occur. Using questionnaires, which I sent to schools attended junior category players, the players themselves junior category and also coaches the junior age category I investigated the influence of load on their academic performance. Access to school junior category players. Organization of training units in a racing cycle. KEYWORDS: ice hockey, strength, speed, agility, endurance, technique, tactics, training unit, a competitive match, the younger adolescents, older adolescents, adolescents.

Specializovaný trénink volejbalu v žákovských kategoriích a minivolejbalu / Specialized training volleyball in school categories and in minivolleyball

Mecová, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
Title: Specialized training in volleyball school categories and minivolleyball Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the specialized volleyball training for selected categories in childhood on the basis of a brief proposal to develop training content for each category. Methods: A target selection of volleyball coaches were selected to complete a questionnaire for quantitative research. Results: The results of the poll relating coaches working with children and youth categories were displayed in graphs for clarity. According to the evaluation, and comparison with the literature the final literature, was a concise, well designed training content for category minivolleybal, younger and older students. Keywords: minivolleyball, children sports training, specialization, division of categories

Northview Elementary School: an iterative participatory process in schoolyard planning & design

Addo-Atuah, Kweku January 1900 (has links)
Master of Regional and Community Planning / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional & Community Planning / Mary Catherine (Katie) Kingery-Page / There is currently a dearth of planning literature concerning participatory processes relative to children, particularly in the planning and design of schoolyard or playground spaces. Through a local, place-based, participatory approach emphasizing local knowledge and active listening, this master's report seeks to confirm the value of children in the planning and design of a schoolyard space. The study took place at the Northview Elementary School in Manhattan, KS comprising students as primary stakeholders, teachers/administrative staff as secondary stakeholders and parents as tertiary stakeholders. Additionally, the study employed Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s childhood cognitive development theories and five operational play categories in guiding the development of a learning landscape design aimed at supporting and maximizing cognitive development, physical activity and recreation. The report concludes with a set of five (5) recommendations designed to equip prospective researchers in undertaking participatory processes within school settings. The implication of this study is that sustained stakeholder engagement during planning and design processes of schoolyards will result in spaces reflective of the target audience.

The Dialectics of Engaging the BOP through Microfranchising: Evidence from a Mexican Agribusiness

Hernandez Cazares, Rafael 08 July 2016 (has links)
Microfranchising is emerging as a potentially powerful strategy for reaching the enormous markets at the base of the pyramid (BOP). Microfranchising also represents an effective and sustainable way to contribute to poverty alleviation and economic growth. However, we know little about how organizations maneuver contradictory forces as they use this innovative business model to engage the BOP. To address this gap, I offer a longitudinal case study of an emerging microfranchise effort by a successful Mexican agribusiness—one whose ambitions to continue growing were challenged by multinational agrochemicals suppliers. As this project shows, companies and BOP markets can realize mutual benefits from a value co-creation strategy. Specifically, I adopted a dialectical approach to analyze the tensions and competing forces that arose as business managers and local BOP distributors and producers collaborated in this emerging microfranchising venture. As a result, the research offers three contributions. First, it provides a detailed empirical account of how contradictory forces shaped the Mexican agricultural firm’s implementation of microfranchising to engage with BOP farmers. Second, it presents a conceptual synthesis that describes the major contradictory forces a company faces as it implements microfranchising as part of its BOP strategy. Finally, it offers lessons for how business managers can maneuver contradictory forces to co-create value with the BOP through microfranchising.

Finanční a strategická analýza společnosti Avaya Czech Republic, s.r.o. / Financial and strategic analysis of Avaya Czech Republic, s.r.o.

Zachová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is get information about financial and strategic potiancial of Avaya Czech Republic, s.r.o. Results from this thsis should be used for valuation of this company. The thesis is structured into three parts. First part gives us the teoritic base about value categories, financial analysis and strategic analysis. In financial analysis you can find ratio indicators and comparison with competition. Strategic analysis looks at this company through analysis of external and internal potential.

ABX-discriminability measures and applications / Mesures de discriminabilité ABX et applications

Schatz, Thomas 29 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est, au départ, une contribution indirecte au problème de la modélisation de l'acquisition des catégories phonétiques chez l'enfant. Les modèles computationnels déjà proposés n'ont encore jamais été testés de manière systématique pour déterminer s'ils sont réellement à même de rendre compte d'une partie conséquente des observations empiriques disponibles. Nous développons une approche permettant une évaluation systématique des modèles sur la base de Mesures de Discriminabilité ABX. Nous montrons l'intérêt de notre approche en l'appliquant à deux problèmes reliés: la traitement des catégories phonétiques à la naissance et à l'âge adulte. La prochaine étape sera bien sûr d'appliquer notre approche aux modèles d'acquisition des catégories phonétiques.L'intérêt des Mesures de Discriminabilité ABX ne se restreint pas au cas particulier de l'évaluation des modèles de traitement des catégories phonétiques. Elle sont utiles dans l'étude de signaux autre que la parole et de catégories autres que les catégories phonétiques, ainsi que dans le cadre de champs disciplinaires autres que les sciences cognitives, comme l'ingénierie, l'exploration des données ou l'intelligence artificielle par exemple. Nous le justifions en étudiant les propriétés de ces mesures dans un cadre abstrait général et en présentant trois grandes familles d'applications: l'évaluation de la capacité de systèmes opérant en l'absence de supervision explicite à représenter une structure catégorielle; la formulation de modèles computationnels simples du comportement dans des tâches de discrimination; la définition de mesures descriptives pour des représentations associées à des données catégorielles. / This thesis constitutes an indirect contribution to the problem of modeling phonetic category acquisition in infancy. Some specific computational models of phonetic category acquisition have been proposed, but they were never tested extensively nor compared quantitatively to see whether they were really able to account for a sizable portion of the available empirical observations. In this thesis, we introduce ABX-Discriminability Measures and we develop a methodology based on these measures that allows to perform such a systematic evaluation. We demonstrate the interest of our framework by applying it to the evaluation of models for two related problems: phonetic category processing at birth and in adulthood. The next step, applying our framework to models of phonetic category acquisition, is left for future work.The interest of ABX-Discriminability Measures is not restricted to the particular problem of evaluating models of phonetic category processing in humans. We argue that their interest generalizes to the study of other signals than speech and other category structures than phonetic categories, as well as to other research fields than cognitive science, like low-resource engineering, data mining and artificial intelligence for example. To make this point, we study the properties of these measures in a general abstract framework and we detail the rationale for three broad family of potential applications: evaluating systems operating without explicit supervision in their ability to represent a category structure; providing simple computational models of behavior in discrimination tasks; providing descriptive measurements for representations of categorical data.

Territorialidades ciganas na Região Metropolitana de Vitória / Gypsy territorialities in the metropolitan region of Vitória

Arruda, Flavia Marcarine 19 November 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação é um estudo das territorialidades de uma rede de parentes de ciganos distribuídos na Região Metropolitana de Vitória do estado do Espírito Santo, no qual pretende-se compreender o modo como se organizam e se deslocam territorialmente. Guia-se pelas teorias contemporâneas da antropologia na qual entende-se que o conhecimento etnográfico produzido é uma construção resultante da relação entre pesquisador e pesquisados. As categorias ciganas relacionadas às conceituações de espaço, como pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, são consideradas e costuradas em uma cosmologia cigana onde se vive apoiado. Posteriormente, analisa-se, em que medida, tais categorias se aproximam ou se distanciam, e podem tensionar as categorias analíticas empregadas por teóricos sobre o tema, como o conceito de nomadismo e sedentarismo. / This dissertation is a study of territorialities of a network of gypsy relatives distributed in the metropolitan region of Vitória of Espírito Santo State. The study aims at understanding the way in which gypsies organize themselves and how they move territorially. The study will be guided by anthropological studies in which contemporary literature shows that produced ethnographic knowledge is a structure resulted from the relationship between researcher and subject. The gypsy categories related to the conceptions of space, such as pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, are perceived and sewn in a gypsy cosmology in which people live apoiado. Thereafter, it will be analyzed to which extent such categories can reevaluate analytical categories employed by theorists on the topic, such as the concept of nomadism and sedentarism.

Durkheim, Kant e as categorias do pensamento / Durkheim, Kant and the categories of thoght

Gomes Neto, Jayme 08 April 2016 (has links)
O objetivo geral desse trabalho é analisar alguns aspectos da teoria do conhecimento e, principalmente, a questão das categorias do pensamento, tal como formulada por duas grandes tradições intelectuais: a filosofia kantiana e a sociologia durkheimiana. Na primeira parte de nosso texto tentamos reconstruir alguns dos argumentos apresentados por Kant na Crítica da Razão Pura. Nos debruçamos sobre as duas deduções kantianas das categorias e tentamos mostrar a existência de uma tensão interna em seu argumento. Na segunda parte de nosso texto, tentamos reconstruir a abordagem durkheimiana das categorias dividindo-a em três passos fundamentais: o argumento das representações coletivas, o argumento das classificações e, por fim, o argumento das categorias. Nesse caso, tentamos mostrar como aquela tensão no interior do argumento kantiano era desenvolvida por Durkheim de modo bastante original. Ao focar seu argumento no caráter extralógico das categorias kantianas, Durkheim parecia abrir o caminho uma abordagem original do conhecimento humano: a sociologia do conhecimento. / The aim of this text is to analyze some aspects of the theory of knowledge and the issue of categories of thought as formulated by two great intellectual traditions: the kantian philosophy and durkheimian sociology. In the first part of our text, we try to reconstruct some of the arguments presented by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason. We look back on the two kantian \"deductions\" of categories and try to show the existence of an internal tension in this argument. In the second part of our text, we try to reconstruct Durkheim\'s account of categories by dividing it into three main steps: the argument of collective representations, the argument of classifications and, finally, the argument of the categories. In this case, we try to show how that tension inside the kantian argument was developed by Durkheim\'s in a quite original form. By focusing its argument in the extra-logic character of the kantian categories, Durkheim seemed to open the way to an original approach to human knowledge: the sociology of knowledge.

Teoria de Categorias: uma semântica categorial para linguagens proposicionais / Theory of categories: a categorical semantic for propositional languages

Maillard, Christian Marcel de Amorim Perret Gentil Dit 24 May 2018 (has links)
O ponto central dessa dissertação é expor categorialmente as funções de verdade do cálculo proposicional clássico, assim como provar, também categorialmente, que a definição dada se comporta tal como as tabelas de verdade dos operadores. Para tanto é feita uma exposição axiomática de teoria de categorias, salientando as construções e conceitos que servirão para o propósito principal da dissertação. É dada uma maior atenção ao conceito de Topos, estrutura onde as funções de verdade são em princípio construídas. Tal exposição é precedida de uma breve exposição da história de teoria de categorias. Por fim é apresentada uma possível nova estrutra, mais simples que Topos, onde também se constrói as funções de verdade. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to give a categorial account of the truth functions from the classic propositional calculus, as well as to prove, also categorially, that the definition given behave as the truth tables of the operators. For this end, an axiomatic exposition of category theory is made, focusing on constructions and concepts which will be used for the main purpose of the dissertation. More attention is given to the concept of Topos, structure where the truth functions are primarily constructed. Preceded by a brief exposition of Category Theory history. At the end, a new possible structure in which truth functions may be constructed, simpler than a Topos, is presented.

Rings of integer-valued polynomials and derivatives

Unknown Date (has links)
For D an integral domain with field of fractions K and E a subset of K, the ring Int (E,D) = {f e K[X]lf (E) C D} of integer-valued polynomials on E has been well studies. In particulare, when E is a finite subset of D, Chapman, Loper, and Smith, as well as Boynton and Klingler, obtained a bound on the number of elements needed to generate a finitely generated ideal of Ing (E, D) in terms of the corresponding bound for D. We obtain analogous results for Int (r) (E, D) - {f e K [X]lf(k) (E) c D for all 0 < k < r} , for finite E and fixed integer r > 1. These results rely on the work of Skolem [23] and Brizolis [7], who found ways to characterize ideals of Int (E, D) from the values of their polynomials at points in D. We obtain similar results for E = D in case D is local, Noetherian, one-dimensional, analytically irreducible, with finite residue field. / by Yuri Villanueva. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

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