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Life Cycle Assessment for Improving Sustainability of Aquaculture and AquaponicsApril Janai Arbour (17583837) 09 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is a practice of food production under optimized conditions to intensify production yield, and thus has potential for addressing food security for a growing population. Aquaculture and aquaponics are two types of CEA that can produce aquatic animals along with plants using non-arable lands and lower inputs of water and nutrients. However, their operations have high energy consumption and generate considerable nutrient-rich sludge and wastewater, making their environmental performance an emerging research focus. This thesis quantitively analyzed the environmental sustainability of aquaponics and aquaculture production using life cycle assessment (LCA).</p><p dir="ltr">The LCA on aquaponics evaluated a marine aquaponics production system that grew shrimp, red orache, minutina and okahajiki, and analyzed the effect of salinity, C/N ratio, and shrimp-to-plant stocking density. The grow-out stage accounted for over 90% of total environmental impacts with electricity use as the predominant contributor. The marine aquaponic production exhibited best environmental performance when operated at low salinity (10 ppt), and high C/N ratio (15) and stocking density (5:1), which can be further improved by 95–99% via the use of wind power as electricity source. Additionally, variation in the prices of aquaponic products was found to improve the system’s environmental impacts by up to 8%.</p><p dir="ltr">The aquaculture LCA focused on shrimp recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and evaluated the environmental feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment. Microalgae treatment effectively removed 74% of phosphate in RAS wastewater and thus reduced the freshwater eutrophication potential by 55%. However, its remediation performance was inferior to activated sludge treatment due to different operation scales. Electricity was the principal hotspot of microalgae treatment and made up over 99% of all the environmental impacts, which can be considerably decreased by reducing coal use in the electricity supply. Three utilization pathways for algal biomass (feed ingredient, biodiesel and biogas) were investigated; however, only biogas production was found to show environmental benefits to marine eutrophication remediation owing to the low biomass quantity produced.</p><p dir="ltr">While <a href="" target="_blank">aquaculture and aquaponics</a> play important roles in meeting the globally growing demand for seafood, this thesis provides valuable life cycle inventory data for these fields. Moreover, the LCA models developed in this thesis are useful decision-making tools for aquaculture and aquaponic producers to adapt farming practices with lower environmental footprint.</p>
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Modélisation des écoulement en milieux poreux fracturés : estimation des paramètres par approche inverse multi-échelle / Flow parameter estimation in fractured porous media : inversion and adaptive multi-scale parameterizationTrottier, Nicolas 16 May 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif de développer et d’appliquer une méthode originale permettant de simuler l’écoulement dans un milieu poreux fracturé. Cette méthode repose sur une approche multicouches double continuum permettant de séparer le comportement des différents aquifères présents sur un site. La résolution des écoulements, basée sur la méthode des Eléments Finis de Crouzeix-Raviart, est associée à une méthode inverse (minimisation de type Quasi-Newton combinée à la méthode de l’état adjoint) et à une paramétrisation multi-échelle.La méthode est appliquée dans un premier temps sur l’aquifère fracturé du site expérimental de Poitiers. Les résultats montrent une bonne restitution du comportement de l’aquifère et aboutissent à des champs de transmissivité plus réguliers par rapport à ceux de l’approche simple continuum. L’application finale est réalisée sur le site de Cadarache (taille plus importante et données d’entrée moins denses). Le calage des deux aquifères présents sur le site est satisfaisant et montre que ceux-ci se comportent globalement de façon indépendante. Ce calage pourra être amélioré localement grâce à données de recharge plus fines. / The aim of this study is to develop and validate a new method for the simulation of flow in fractured porous media. This method is based on a multi-layered and dual continuum approach allowing to discriminate the behavior of different aquifers present on a site. The flow equations are solved using a Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Element method, in association with an inverse method (Quasi-Newton minimization combined with the adjoint state method) and a multi-scale parameterization.The method is first applied and validated on the fractured aquifer of the Hydrogeological Experimental Site of Poitiers. The results closely reproduce the flow behavior of the aquifer and lead to a transmissivity field much more homogeneous than the one obtained with a simple continuum approach. The final application is performed on the site of Cadarache (large scale problem with heterogeneously distributed input data). The model calibration of both aquifers is rather satisfactory and shows that their behavior is globally independent. It could locally be improved if more accurate groundwater recharge data is made available.
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Caractérisation de l'effet cytoprotecteur des cellules souches mésenchymateuses sur l'apoptose et sur les altérations phénotypiques des cellules épithèliales alvéolaires soumises à l'hypoxie / Mesenchymal stem cells reduce hypoxia-induced apoptosis in alveolar epithelial cells by modulating HIF and ROS hypoxic signalingsBernard, Olivier 22 February 2016 (has links)
La fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique (FPI) et le syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA) de l’adulte constituent des affections sévères du poumon distal, avec un pronostic sombre pour les patients. A ce jour, aucun traitement n’est réellement efficace. De manière intéressante, une hypoxie alvéolaire est retrouvée dans ces pathologies.La thérapie cellulaire utilisant des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines (CSMh) pourrait représenter un intérêt thérapeutique chez l’Homme. Cependant, leurs mécanismes d’action sont multiples et encore mal définis. Aussi, nous avons testé in vitro l’hypothèse selon laquelle les CSMh pourraient exercer un effet cytoprotecteur paracrine sur les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires (CEA) soumises à l’hypoxie.Dans une première étude, nous avons montré qu’une exposition prolongée à l’hypoxie telle que celle rencontrée au cours de la FPI induisait des modifications phénotypiques des CEA primaires de rat, évocatrices d’une transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (TEM). On observe une perte progressive d’expression des marqueurs épithéliaux (TTF1, AQP5, ZO-1 et E-Cadhérine), couplée à l’apparition tardive de marqueurs mésenchymateux (α-SMA et Vimentine). Ces modifications phénotypiques s’accompagnent de l’expression dès les premières heures d’hypoxie de facteurs de transcription impliqués dans la TEM (SNAI1, TWIST1 et ZEB1) ou induits par l’hypoxie (HIF-1α et HIF-2α), et de protéines induisant la TEM (TGF-β1 et CTGF). La co-culture des CEA avec des CSMh en fond de puits prévient les modifications phénotypiques induites par l’hypoxie ainsi que l’expression des facteurs pro-TEM TWIST1, ZEB1, TGF-β1 et CTGF. Cet effet bénéfique des CSM est en partie expliqué par la sécrétion d’un facteur de croissance épithélial, le KGF.Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons confirmé que les CEA entraient en apoptose en condition hypoxique, via l’induction de deux voies de signalisations hypoxiques pro-apoptotiques. D’une part, les facteurs de transcription induits par l’hypoxie HIF sont stabilisés, et une cible pro-apoptotique, Bnip3, est induite. D’autre part, l’hypoxie induit une accumulation d’espèces réactives à l’oxygène délétère pour la cellule, perturbant l’équilibre redox de la cellule, endommageant l’ADN, et conduisant à l’apoptose. Cette accumulation pourrait résulter notamment d’une diminution de l’activité des enzymes anti-oxydantes SOD, en hypoxie. Le manque d’oxygène entraine également l’expression de CHOP, facteur de transcription pro-apoptotique impliqué dans le stress du réticulum endoplasmique, qui va13inhiber l’expression de la protéine anti-apoptotique Bcl-2. Nous avons montré que la culture des CEA en présence de milieu conditionné de CSMh (mc-CSMh) permet de prévenir partiellement l’apoptose des CEA en hypoxie, en modulant la voie de signalisation HIF, et en prévenant l’accumulation et les effets délétères des ROS. L’effet protecteur des CSM impliquerait le KGF comme observé lors de la première étude, mais également le HGF.Ces deux études indiquent que les CSMh sont susceptibles d’exercer des effets cytoprotecteurs paracrines vis-à-vis des CEA soumises à l’hypoxie aiguë ou prolongée, en limitant d’une part les modifications phénotypiques évocatrices de TEM, et d’autre part l’apoptose des CEA via la modulation des voies de signalisations hypoxiques. La sécrétion par les CSMh de KGF et de HGF, facteurs de croissance épithéliaux connus pour leurs effets bénéfiques sur les CEA, explique en partie les effets protecteurs paracrines des CSMh. Nos résultats suggèrent que les effets cytoprotecteurs des CSMh vis-à-vis des CEA pourraient contribuer aux effets bénéfiques des CSMh observés in vivo dans différents modèles animaux de fibrose induite, ou lors d’agressions alvéolaires aiguës. / Acute or chronic alveolar injuries provoke massive apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) that compromises an efficient repair of the alveolar epithelium and leads to lung diseases such as ARDS or IPF. These disorders are commonly associated with local alveolar hypoxia aggravating their progression through the stimulation of AEC apoptosis. Administration of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been shown to limit lung inflammation and fibrosis in murine models of alveolar injury, through a still poorly understood paracrine mechanism. In a first study, we showed that long term exposure of AEC in hypoxia leads to phenotypic alterations which looks like epithelio-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Co-culture with MSCs prevent hypoxia-induced EMT.In a second work, we studied whether MSC could protect AEC from hypoxia-induced apoptosis and the mechanisms involved. hMSC-conditioned media (hMSC-CM) significantly reduced hypoxia-induced apoptosis of AEC. Such a anti-apoptotic effect was also obtained with ROS scavenger N-acetylcystein or HIF1a inhibitor YC-1. hMSC-CM decreased the protein expression of HIF1α and HIF2α and of their pro-apoptotic target Bnip3 in hypoxic AEC. hMSC-CM also reduced ROS accumulation in hypoxic AEC by enhancing the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes and prevented the induction of CHOP, a pro-apoptotic factor induced by ROS signaling. The paracrine effect of hMSC was partly dependent on KGF and HGF secretion. hMSC prevent via a paracrine effect hypoxia-induced apoptosis of AEC by modulating hypoxic and ROS signaling.These two studies show that MSCs exert cytoprotective effects in vitro against hypoxia-induced apoptosis and EMT in AEC
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Health economic evaluation methods for decision-making in preventive dentistryOscarson, Nils January 2006 (has links)
The aims of this thesis were to evaluate caries-preventive measures from a societal perspective, to demonstrate the use of resources in preventive dentistry, to develop and discuss techniques suitable for evaluating dental care costs and outcomes, and to test costs and consequences within a health economic decision model adapted to preventive dental care. The thesis is based on three separate studies with three separate cohorts. In the first study, performed at a single dental clinic, analysis was made of data on dental caries progression over four years in 92 adolescents, along with the use of resources for preventive treatment. In the second study, data from the intervention study “Evaluation of caries-preventive measures” (performed between 1995 and 1999 at 26 dental health clinics throughout Sweden) were used for economic evaluation. Three different approaches to calculating unit cost were discussed, each of which reflect the differences in treatment costs as influenced by the practitioner’s level of skill and competence (salary) and by methods of handling overhead cost allocation. These methods seem useful for evaluating costs in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The CEA showed an incremental cost-effectiveness over four years of SEK 2 043* per averted decayed (D) enamel (e) and dentine caries, missing (M) and filled (F) surface (S) (DeMFS). In the third study, 82 19-year-old individuals agreed to participate in a pilot exploratory case-control study. Individuals with high caries experience formed the test group while the control group consisted of individuals with no caries experience. To explore whether any differences existed between these two groups in perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL), two OHRQOL measures were used. Additionally, the willingness of these individuals to pay (WTP) for a preventive strategy was elicited using the contingent valuation method (CVM) within a cost-benefit approach. Using these WTP values, the cost-benefit analyses showed positive net social benefit (NSB) values for both study groups, meaning that the benefits of prevention exceeded the costs. A new outcome measure, Value of Statistical Oral Health (VOSOH), was also presented. Consideration was also made, within the economic framework fundamental to this thesis, of the trend away from a strictly bio-medical paradigm towards a biopsychosocial perspective. The health economic decision model encompasses a number of different techniques for comparing costs with consequences, each with its own advantages and disadvantages and each with its own field of application. These techniques should be seen as complementary rather than competing. Preventive dentistry plays a central role in Swedish dental health care, and it is important that resources are used properly. Accurate evaluation methods are necessary in order to improve the basis for public decision-making; the methods proposed in this thesis seem to be of potential use in this endeavour. *SEK8.54 = US$1 (December 1999).
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Modélisation des écoulement en milieux poreux fracturés : estimation des paramètres par approche inverse multi-échelleTrottier, Nicolas 16 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a pour objectif de développer et d'appliquer une méthode originale permettant de simuler l'écoulement dans un milieu poreux fracturé. Cette méthode repose sur une approche multicouches double continuum permettant de séparer le comportement des différents aquifères présents sur un site. La résolution des écoulements, basée sur la méthode des Eléments Finis de Crouzeix-Raviart, est associée à une méthode inverse (minimisation de type Quasi-Newton combinée à la méthode de l'état adjoint) et à une paramétrisation multi-échelle.La méthode est appliquée dans un premier temps sur l'aquifère fracturé du site expérimental de Poitiers. Les résultats montrent une bonne restitution du comportement de l'aquifère et aboutissent à des champs de transmissivité plus réguliers par rapport à ceux de l'approche simple continuum. L'application finale est réalisée sur le site de Cadarache (taille plus importante et données d'entrée moins denses). Le calage des deux aquifères présents sur le site est satisfaisant et montre que ceux-ci se comportent globalement de façon indépendante. Ce calage pourra être amélioré localement grâce à données de recharge plus fines.
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Apical Ectodermal Ridge (AER) activity and limb outgrowth during vertebrate development11Viegas Tomás, Ana Raquel 11 January 2011 (has links)
Limb outgrowth is controlled by a specialized group of cells called the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), a
thickening of the limb epithelium, at its distal tip. This specialized thickening of ectodermal cells is
responsible for maintaining the underlying mesenchymal cells in an undifferentiated and proliferative state,
and its structure is preserved through a fine-tuned balance between proliferation and apoptosis. This
equilibrium is genetically controlled but little is known about the molecules involved in this process. Several
authors have been shown that both fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Erk pathway activation are crucial for
AER function. Recently, FLRT3, a transmembrane protein able to interact with FGF receptors, has been
implicated in the triggering of ERK activity by FGFs. In this thesis, we show that flrt3 expression is
restricted to the AER, co-localizing its expression with fgf8 and pERK activity. Loss-of-function studies
demonstrate that silencing of flrt3 affects the integrity of the AER and, subsequently, its proper function
during limb bud outgrowth. Our data also indicate that flrt3 expression is not regulated by FGF activity in
the AER, whereas ectopic WNT3A is able to induce flrt3 expression. Overall, our findings confirm flrt3 as a
key player during chicken limb development, being necessary but not sufficient for proper AER formation
and maintenance under the control of BMP and WNT signalling.
During limb bud development, AER structure is maintained through a fine-tuned balance between
proliferation and programmed cell death and this equilibrium is genetically controlled, although little is
known about the molecules involved in that process.
In this thesis we present evidences involving oct4, required to establish and maintain the pluripotent cell
population necessary for embryogenesis in mouse and human, in the control of the proliferative balance
within the AER cells. Overexpression of otc4 in the limb ectoderm disrupts the ratio apoptosis/proliferation
and, moreover, oct4 expression is under the control of wnt-canonical pathway. We also describe a special
localization and behaviour of proliferating cells in the AER in response to oct4 activity. We, therefore,
describe a role for oct4 as a factor able to maintain a niche of cells that is responsible for the renewal of the
AER. / El crecimiento del esbozo de la extremidad está controlado por un grupo especializado de células
denominado Cresta Ectodérmica Apical (CEA), un engrosamiento del epitelio del miembro en su borde más
distal. Este engrosamiento es responsable del mantenimiento de las células del mesodermo distal en un
estado indiferenciado y proliferativo. Diferentes estudios muestran que la actividad de los factores de
crecimiento fibroblástico (FCF) y de la vía Erk son cruciales para la correcta funcionalidad de la CEA.
Recientemente se ha implicado a FLRT3, una proteína transmembranal capaz de interaccionar con los
receptores de los FCF, en la activación de la vía Erk por los mismos. En esta tesis describimos cómo la
expresión de flrt3 se restringe a la CEA, colocalizándose su expresión con fgf8 y la actividad de la vía Erk.
Los experimentos de pérdida de función demuestran que la inhibición de flrt3 afecta la integridad de la CEA
y, consecuentemente, a su función durante el desarrollo del esbozo del miembro. Nuestros datos también
indican que la expresión de flrt3 no está regulada a través de los FCF en la CEA, sin embargo, la activación
ectópica de WNT3A es capaz de inducir la expresión de flrt3. En conjunto, nuestros resultados demuestran
que flrt3 es una molécula clave durante el desarrollo de las extremidades de pollo, siendo necesaria, pero no
suficiente, para la correcta formación y mantenimiento de la CEA bajo el control de la señalización a través
de BMP y WNT.
Durante el desarrollo de las extremidades, la estructura de la CEA se mantiene a través de un fino control del
balance entre la proliferación y apoptosis. Este equilibrio se encuentra genéticamente controlado aunque se
sabe muy poco acerca de las moléculas involucradas en este proceso.
En esta tesis presentamos evidencias en las que oct4, molécula necesaria para establecer y mantener la
población de células pluripotentes necesarias durante la embriogénesis en ratón y humanos, controla la tasa
de proliferación en las células de la CEA. La expresión ectópica de oct4 en el ectodermo del esbozo de la
extremidad perturba la razón entre la apoptosis y la proliferación y, además, su expresión está controlada por
la actividad de la vía canónica de los Wnt. También describimos en este trabajo la localización y
comportamiento especiales de las células de la CEA en proliferación como respuesta a la actividad de oct4.
Por consiguiente, podemos inferir que el rol de oct4 será el de un factor necesario para mantener un nicho
celular responsable por la renovación de la CEA.
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Evolu??o morfotect?nica do maci?o estrutural pereiro, Prov?ncia BorboremaGurgel, Silvana Praxedes de Paiva 06 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T19:48:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
SilvanaPPG_TESE_pag119_final.pdf: 4384081 bytes, checksum: f4e3889e03bd2b77ef4e8f1b271723a8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-08-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The Northeast relief was described by the Pediplanation Model. This action discards the
theoretical basis of post-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the landscape. Through this
model the Massif Pereiro - MP, Borborema Province, was established as part of the
Tablelands Area Residual Sertanejos. The present work aims to establish the post-
Cretaceous morphotectonic evolution of the MP by geomorphological and geological
mapping using Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing and dating of
sediments by Single Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR). The MP is contained in the core
semi-arid, annual precipitation of 600-800 mm / year. The MP is NE-SW, is limited by
Shear Zone Jaguaribe (ZCJ) and Portalegre Shear Zone (ZCPa), the same attitude, and
crossed by several other shear zones. These shear zones show evidence of brittle
Cenozoic reactivation, mostly as normal faults and shallow crustal level. The
Quaternary sedimentation around the MP focuses on fault escarpments in a general
pattern cascade, where ages decrease from the summits of the steep foothills. The ages
of 51 sediment samples indicate a correlation with global climate following pulses: Last
Interestadial-UI, the Last Glacial Maximum - LGM and the transition Pleistocene /
Holocene, while the latter focus on 18 of 51 samples dated. This study also finds
evidence of a new quaternary basin, here called Merejo Basin. Through these results it
is concluded that no evidence of post-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of morphological
MP, as their retreat along the fault scarps, invariably following the trend of the shear
zones. The erosion of cliffs in large time scale is controlled by weakness zones
generated by faults on the other hand the erosion of cliffs in short time, with the
formation of deposits and colluvial horizons pedogenizados, has climate control. It was
also found that in the study area there is a preponderance of past and current tectonic
erosion processes on the morphological evolution / O relevo do Nordeste foi descrito por meio do modelo de pediplana??o. Esta base
te?rica descarta a atua??o da tect?nica p?s-cret?cea na evolu??o da paisagem. Atrav?s
deste modelo o Maci?o do Pereiro MP, Prov?ncia Borborema, foi definido como parte
do Dom?nio dos Planaltos Residuais Sertanejos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo
estabelecer a evolu??o morfotect?nica p?s-cret?cea do MP, atrav?s da cartografia
geol?gica e geomorfol?gica com uso de Sistema de Informa??o Geogr?fica,
Sensoriamento Remoto e data??o de sedimentos por Single Aliquot Regenerative-dose
(SAR). O MP est? contido no n?cleo semi?rido, de precipita??o anual entre 600 a 800
mm/ano. O MP tem dire??o NE-SW, ? limitado pela Zona de Cisalhamento de
Jaguaribe (ZCJ) e Zona de Cisalhamento Portalegre (ZCPa), de mesma atitude, e
atravessado por v?rias outras zonas de cisalhamento. Estas zonas de cisalhamento
apresentam evid?ncias de reativa??o fr?gil cenozoica, na sua maioria como falhas
normais e de n?vel crustal raso. A sedimenta??o quatern?ria em torno do MP se
concentra em escarpas de falhas, em um padr?o geral em cascata, onde as idades
diminuem das cimeiras aos sop?s das escarpas. As idades de 51 amostras de sedimentos
indicam correla??o com seguintes pulsos clim?ticos globais: ?ltimo Interestadial- UI, o
?ltimo M?ximo Glacial - UMG e a transi??o Pleistoceno/Holoceno, sendo que nesta
?ltima concentram-se 18 das 51 amostras datadas. O presente trabalho tamb?m encontra
evid?ncias de uma nova bacia quatern?ria, aqui denominada de Bacia Merejo. Atrav?s
destes resultados conclui-se que h? evidencia de tect?nica p?s-cret?cea na evolu??o
morfol?gica do MP, pois as suas escarpas recuam paralelamente ?s falhas, seguindo
invariavelmente o trend das zonas de cisalhamento. A eros?o das escarpas em grande
escala de tempo ? controlada pelas zonas de fraqueza geradas pelos falhamentos, por
outro lado ? eros?o das escarpas em curtos espa?os de tempos, com a forma??o dos
dep?sitos coluvionares e horizontes pedogenizados, possui controle clim?tico. Concluise
ainda que na ?rea de estudo haja a preponder?ncia da tect?nica pret?rita e atual sobre
os processos erosivos na evolu??o morfol?gica
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The Interaction Between Corticosterone and Circadian Timing in Regulating Emotional Behaviors in the RatIonadi, Amy 23 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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ClarkJessica_MSThesis_Final.pdfJessica A Clark (15333844) 21 April 2023 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>With the discovery and treatment of any disease comes the important question of its genetic prevalence. This is especially important for animals under strict breeding control, such as dogs, because this can provide essential information regarding breeding pair decisions. Thus, the focus of this thesis is to investigate the genetic prevalence of three different diseases: 1) Factor VII Deficiency (FVIID), 2) Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA), and 3) Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration-Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA). Factor VII Deficiency (FVIID) is a clotting disorder observed in both humans and dogs, characterized by impeded function of the Factor VII protein. In dogs, FVIID is caused by a single nucleotide substitution (c.407G>A) in the <em>F7 </em>gene. This mutation, identified in a colony of research Beagles, is also present in dogs with a wide variety of distantly-related breed backgrounds and in mixed-breed dogs, suggesting an ancient, ancestral origin. Given the relatively common presence of this variant, it was hypothesized that this genetic mutation could be contributing to excessive bleeding in canine autopsy cases that could not be attributed to typical causes. DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues (n = 67 cases) were Sanger sequenced for the FVIID c.407G>A mutation, and all were determined to be homozygous wild-type. Therefore, the tested variant is not associated with the unexplained bleeding in these cases, and it is not a logical diagnostic test to apply to similar cases in the future.</p>
<p>CEA and prcd-PRA are ophthalmic genetic diseases of concern often included in commercial genetic testing panels. A large dataset spanning 15+ years provided by a commercial partner company (OptiGen/Wisdom Panel, Kinship) encompassed dogs tested for the CEA-associated <em>NHEJ1</em> deletion (n = 33,834 dogs) and the prcd-PRA causal mutation in <em>PRCD</em> (n = 86,667 dogs). Disease trends were observed graphically and analyzed with Chi-square goodness-of-fit testing and regression modeling for disease status and genotype classification. Both diseases had a statistically significant change in genotype frequencies from the first year of data to the last; both diseases also had a negative association between progression of time and overall probability of a dog being disease-positive or a carrier/heterozygous. This suggests that genetic testing results are being incorporated into breeding decisions, although affected dogs were still being identified by the end of this study. Different breeds, AKC groups, FCI groups, genetic clades, and geography were also investigated to determine impact on overall disease trend. </p>
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Analýza nákladové efektivnosti opatření vedoucích k snížení eutrofizace vodní nádrže Orlík / Cost effectiveness analysis of measures leading to the reduction of eutrophication in the catchment of the Orlik ReservoirMacháč, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The growing demand for clean water has led to the adoption of the EU Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60 EC). New legislation has a major impact on the water management and the national economy and provides numerous requirements, including "good status" of all water bodies. The Framework Directive also implies the need for an economic analysis of the optimal process to achieve good status by using the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). The application of this method in water management is struggling with a number of methodological complications. One of the affected areas in the Czech Republic is the catchment of the Orlik Reservoir that faces excessive eutrophication. Eutrophication is caused by excessive introduction of phosphorus. The main sources of phosphorus are municipal wastewater, aquaculture and agriculture. As illustrated by professional research mentioned in this work and the actual processing of CEA of the catchment of the Orlik Reservoir, a wide range of methodological problems can be avoided by using appropriate tools. This thesis also presents that achieving of good status of the catchment would require annual cost of CZK 602 million. The most significant cost bearers are according to the CEA fisheries and municipalities.
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