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Durability of Pulp Fiber-Cement CompositesMohr, Benjamin J. 19 July 2005 (has links)
Wood pulp fibers are a unique reinforcing material as they are non-hazardous, renewable, and readily available at relatively low cost compared to other commercially available fibers. Today, pulp fiber-cement composites can be found in products such as extruded non-pressure pipes and non-structural building materials, mainly thin-sheet products. Although natural fibers have been used historically to reinforce various building materials, little scientific effort has been devoted to the examination of natural fibers to reinforce engineering materials until recently. The need for this type of fundamental research has been emphasized by widespread awareness of moisture-related failures of some engineered materials; these failures have led to the filing of national- and state-level class action lawsuits against several manufacturers.
Thus, if pulp fiber-cement composites are to be used for exterior structural applications, the effects of cyclical wet/dry (rain/heat) exposure on performance must be known. Pulp fiber-cement composites have been tested in flexure to examine the progression of strength and toughness degradation. Based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM), environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), a three-part model describing the mechanisms of progressive degradation has been proposed: (1) initial fiber-cement/fiber interlayer debonding, (2) reprecipitation of crystalline and amorphous ettringite within the void space at the former fiber-cement interface, and (3) fiber embrittlement due to reprecipitation of calcium hydroxide filling the spaces within the fiber cell wall structure.
Finally, as a means to mitigate kraft pulp fiber-cement composite degradation, the effects of partial portland cement replacement with various supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) has been investigated for their effect on mitigating kraft pulp fiber-cement composite mechanical property degradation (i.e., strength and toughness losses) during wet/dry cycling. SCMs have been found to be effective in mitigating composite degradation through several processes, including a reduction in the calcium hydroxide content, stabilization of monosulfate by maintaining pore solution pH, and a decrease in ettringite reprecipitation accomplished by increased binding of aluminum in calcium aluminate phases and calcium in the calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) phase.
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Cement-based Materials' Characterization using Ultrasonic AttenuationPunurai, Wonsiri 05 April 2006 (has links)
The quantitative nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of cement-based materials is a critical area of research that is leading to advances in the health monitoring and condition assessment of the
civil infrastructure. Ultrasonic NDE has been implemented with varying levels of success to characterize cement-based materials with complex microstructure and damage. A major issue with the
application of ultrasonic techniques to characterize cement-based materials is their inherent inhomogeneity at multiple length scales. Ultrasonic waves propagating in these materials exhibit a
high degree of attenuation losses, making quantitative interpretations difficult. Physically, these attenuation losses are a combination of internal friction in a viscoelastic material
(ultrasonic absorption), and the scattering losses due to the material heterogeneity.
The objective of this research is to use ultrasonic attenuation to characterize the microstructure of heterogeneous cement-based materials. The study considers a real, but simplified cement-based material, cement paste - a common bonding matrix of all cement-based composites. Cement paste consists of Portland cement and water but does not include aggregates. First, this research presents the findings of a theoretical study that uses a set of
existing acoustics models to quantify the scattered ultrasonic wavefield from a known distribution of entrained air voids. These attenuation results are then coupled with experimental measurements to develop an inversion procedure that directly predicts the size and volume fraction of entrained air voids in a cement paste specimen. Optical studies verify the accuracy of the proposed inversion scheme. These results demonstrate the
effectiveness of using attenuation to measure the average size, volume fraction of entrained air voids and the existence of additional larger entrapped air voids in hardened cement paste. Finally, coherent and diffuse ultrasonic waves are used to develop
a direct relationship between attenuation and water to cement (w/c) ratio. A phenomenological model based on the existence of fluid-filled capillary voids is used to help explain the experimentally observed behavior.
Overall this research shows the potential of using ultrasonic attenuation to quantitatively characterize cement paste. The absorption and scattering losses can be related to the individual microstructural elements of hardened cement paste. By taking a
fundamental, mechanics-based approach, it should be possible to add additional components such as scattering by aggregates or even microcracks in a systematic fashion and eventually build a
realistic model for ultrasonic wave propagation study for concrete.
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Synthesis Of Alinite Cement Using Soda Solid WasteGunes, Asli 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study is dedicated to give a production route for a kind of low energy cement called alinite cement using the waste material of soda industry as the main raw material.
Soda solid waste, clay and minor amount of iron ore were mixed with certain quantities and burned at six different burning temperatures of 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200, 1350, and 1450 º / C. The resultant clinkers were investigated by mineralogical and chemical analysis. Mineralogical analyses were performed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique. XRD analyses revealed the formation of alinite phase in the clinkers. Chemical analyses were performed by X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy technique and by wet chemical analysis. Especially, free lime content of the clinkers was searched and an optimum burning temperature was determined.
In order to find the compressive strength of the alinite cement, larger amounts of alinite clinker were manufactured in wet rod shape raw mix in a laboratory type of furnace at 1200, 1350 and 1450 º / C.
The results have shown that forming alinite phase requires ~6wt % chlorine. Alinite clinker is obtained using soda waste at the temperature range between 1050 and 1200 º / C. However, the free CaO becomes much lower as 0.12 at 1200 º / C. Moreover, a lime saturation factor of 76, which is lower than ordinary Portland clinker is obtained. Satisfactory compressive strength was achieved by gypsum addition.
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NON-PORTLAND CEMENT ACTIVATION OF BLAST FURNACE SLAGOberlink, Anne Elizabeth 01 January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to produce a “greener” cement from granulated ground blast furnace slag (GGBS) using non-Portland cement activation. By eventually developing “greener” cement, the ultimate goal of this research project would be to reduce the amount of Portland cement used in concrete, therefore reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere during cement production.
This research studies the behavior of mineral binders that do not contain Portland cement but instead comprise GGBS activated by calcium compounds or fluidized bed combustion (FBC) bottom ash. The information described in this paper was collected from experiments including calorimetry, which is a measure of the release of heat from a particular reaction, the determination of activation energy of cement hydration, mechanical strength determination, and pH measurement and identification of crystalline phases using X-ray diffraction (XRD).
The results indicated that it is possible to produce alkali-activated binders with incorporated slag, and bottom ash, which have mechanical properties similar to ordinary Portland cement (OPC). It was determined that the binder systems can incorporate up to 40% bottom ash without any major influence on binder quality. These are positive results in the search for “greener cement”.
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A feasibility study on applying benchmarking in measuring corporate environmental performance of the concreting industry in Hong Kong /Chan, Yau-man, Calvin. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Estudo da variabilidade do cimento Portland que abasteceu o mercado do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 1992 a 2012 / Variability study of Portland cement that fuelled the market of Rio Grande do Sul in the period 1992-2012Girardi, Ricardo January 2014 (has links)
O cimento Portland, em seus diferentes tipos e classes, é o principal constituinte dos concretos e das argamassas, e é aplicado em todas as tipologias de obras de construção civil. Caso as propriedades do mesmo sofram variações, em função de diversos fatores, esta variabilidade influenciará nas propriedades do concreto, pelo fato do cimento Portland ser seu principal constituinte. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho visa analisar a variabilidade de diferentes tipos e marcas de cimentos produzidos no Brasil através do cálculo da média, do coeficiente de variação, da resistência característica à compressão, bem como determinar os coeficientes de crescimento de resistência à compressão entre as idades preconizadas, conforme as especificações normativas de cada cimento. Os dados para o estudo pertencem ao registro de ensaios efetuados pelo Laboratório de Materiais de Construção Civil da Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, compreendidos entre o período de 1992 a 2012. Este banco de dados permitiu a realização das análises considerando duas faixas de tempo relacionadas a dois distintos momentos da economia brasileira, entre 1992 a 2003, referente ao pequeno crescimento do país e da indústria cimenteira, e entre 2004 a 2012, relacionado à retomada do crescimento do Brasil e consequente aumento do consumo de cimento. Da mesma forma, foi possível, separar os fabricantes de cimento que possuem o selo de qualidade segundo os padrões da Associação Brasileira de Cimento Portland (ABCP) – “Com Selo” – dos que não possuem – “Sem Selo”. Dentre as principais conclusões, pode-se ressaltar que quando analisado de forma geral, por tipo de cimento, os índices de consistência médios variam de 165mm para o CP I S a 186 mm para o CP V ARI RS, com coeficientes de variação entre 7,77% para o CP II Z 32 a 13,70% para o CP IV 32 RS; as superfícies específicas Blaine médias variam de 3480 cm²/g para o CP I S a 5170 cm²/g para o CP V ARI RS, com coeficientes de variação entre 6,21% para o CP I S 32 a 12,2% para o CP IV 32 RS; as resistências mínimas especificadas em norma foram respeitadas para todas as idades, tomando as resistências médias à compressão; em contraposição, somente os cimentos CP II Z 32 e CP II Z 32 RS atingiram as resistências características à compressão mínimas em relação à norma para todas as idades. / The Portland cement, in its different types and classes, is the main component of concrete and mortar and is applied in all types of civil construction works. If its properties suffer changes, depending on various factors, this variability will influence the properties of the concrete, because the Portland cement being its main constituent. Accordingly, this study aims to analyze the variability of different types and marks of cement produced in Brazil by calculating the mean, coefficient of variation, characteristic compression strength, and determining the coefficients of the development of compressive strength among the recommended ages, according to the normative specifications of each cement. The database for the study belong to the record of tests conducted by the Laboratory for Civil Construction Materials of Foundation of Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul state , ranging from the period 1992-2012. This database allowed the analyzes considering two time slots related to two distinct moments of the Brazilian economy, between 1992 and 2003, concerning the small development of the country and cement industry, and between 2004 and 2012, related to the resumption of development in Brazil and consequently an increase in cement consumption. Similarly, was possible to separate the cement manufacturers who have the seal of quality standards in the ABCP (Brazilian Association of Cement Portland) – “With Seal” - of those without the seal – “Without Seal”. Among the main conclusions, can be noted that when analyzed in general, by type of cement, the rate of medium consistency ranging from 165mm to 186mm for the CP I S to CP V ARI RS, with coefficients of variation ranging from 7.77% to 13.70% for the CP II Z 32 to CP IV 32 RS; averages Blaine specific areas ranging from 3480cm²/g to 5170cm²/g for the CP I S to CP V ARI RS, with coefficients of variation ranging from 6.21% to 12.2% for the CP I S 32 to CP IV 32 RS; the minimum resistance specified in the standard have been respected for all ages, taking the average compressive strength; in contrast, only CP II Z 32 and CP II Z 32 RS cements reached the resistance characteristics to the minimum compression relative to the standard for all ages.
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Avaliação de cimentos ósseos de fosfato de cálcio com adições de aluminato e silicato de cálcioMorejón Alonso, Loreley January 2011 (has links)
O aumento da longevidade da população mundial e dos acidentes com consequências traumáticas nas últimas décadas provocaram um incremento na demanda de materiais e tecnologias destinados à substituição de alguma função ou porção do organismo humano para assegurar a qualidade de vida do ser humano. Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais para a ortopedia e odontologia baseados nos fosfatos de cálcio é relevante, uma vez que estes apresentam composição química semelhante à fase mineral de ossos e dentes. Os cimentos de fosfatos de cálcio (CPC) possuem composição de fases cristalinas e resposta biológica similares às biocerâmicas de fosfato de cálcio utilizadas como material de implante por excelência devido à sua alta biocompatibilidade e excelente bioatividade; mas com a diferença de que estes podem ser facilmente moldados e adaptados ao local de implantação, injetados através de vias minimamente invasivas, ou misturados com diversos fármacos para obter uma ação terapêutica determinada e localizada no local de implantação. Em geral, tanto as biocerâmicas como os CPC apresentam baixas resistências mecânicas, pelo qual o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi a obtenção de novas formulações de CPC com propriedades mecânicas melhoradas mediante a adição de componentes de cimento Portland tradicional ou de cimento de aluminato de cálcio. Outras propriedades que se pretende melhorar com a adição de compostos portadores de silício são a bioatividade e osteogenicidade dos materiais resultantes, uma vez que os cimentos baseados em silicato de cálcio são altamente osteogênicos. Para isto, foi escolhido o sistema baseado em a-Ca3(PO4)2 e foram desenhadas diferentes formulações através da introdução de Ca3SiO5 (C3S) ou CaAl2O4 (CA), fases majoritárias dos cimentos Portland e cimentos de aluminato de cálcio que apresentam uma excelente resistência mecânica, além de ser biocompatíveis e bioativas. Do estudo realizado verificou-se que a adição de um 5% de C3S ao cimento baseado em a- Ca3(PO4)2 produz um incremento das propriedades mecânicas em longo prazo (14d) e melhora a bioatividade e citotoxicidade dos CPC tradicionais; no entanto, retarda a pega do cimento e a hidrólise do a-Ca3(PO4)2 e aumenta a o grau de degradação dos materiais. A introdução de SiO2 como modificação de esta formulação, embora diminuiu o pH resultante, retardou a pega do cimento provocando uma perda notável da resistência mecânica durante os primeiros estágios da reação. Por outro lado, a introdução de CA provocou uma diminuição da resistência à compressão dos cimentos, independente do teor adicionado, e não se observou a melhoria desta propriedade com o aumento do tempo. Contudo, a presença de CA permitiu a obtenção de materiais menos citotóxicos, e por consiguiente mais biocompatíves, assim como o aumento da bioatividade em relação aos CPC tradicionais. / The increased longevity of the world population and the growth of traumatic accidents in last decades, led to an increase in demand of materials and technologies for replacement of any portion or function of the human body to ensure the quality of human life. In this context, the development of new biomaterials for orthopedics and dentistry based on calcium phosphates is relevant, since they have similar chemical composition to the mineral phase of bones and teeth. The calcium phosphate cements (CPC) have composition of crystalline phases and biological response similar to calcium phosphate bioceramics used as implant material par excellence due to its high biocompatibility and excellent bioactivity; but with the difference that these can be easily shaped and adapted to the site, injected through minimally invasive means, or mixed with various drugs for a specific therapeutic action at the site of implantation. In general, both bioceramics such as CPC have low mechanical strength; whereby, the main objective of this study was to obtain new formulations of CPC with improved mechanical properties by adding components of traditional Portland cement or calcium aluminate cement. Other properties that are intended to improve with the addition of silicon compounds, are the bioactivity and osteogenic potential of the resulting materials, as it cements based on calcium silicate are highly osteogenic. For this, we chose a system based a-Ca3(PO4)2 and different formulations were designed by introducing Ca3SiO5 (C3S) or CaAl2O4 (CA), majority phases of Portland cement and calcium aluminate cements that have an excellent mechanical strength, and are biocompatible and bioactive. From the study it was found that the adittion of a 5% C3S to the a-Ca3(PO4)2 based cement, produces an increase in the mechanical properties in the long term (14d) and enhances bioactivity and cytotoxicity; however, enlarge the setting times and the degree of degradation ofaand hydrolysis of materials. The introduction of SiO2 as a modification of this formulation, resulted in a pH decreased, but in the increased of the setting times causing a noticeable loss of strength during the early stages of the reaction. Moreover, the introduction of CA reduced the compressive strength of cements, regardless of content added, and there was no improvement of this property with increasing time. However, the presence of CA allowed the production of materials less cytotoxic, and thereby to more biocompatible, as well as the increase in bioactivity relative to traditional CPC.
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Réalisation d'éco-ciments par la valorisation de cendres volantes de charbon non conventionnelles issues de centrales thermiques Spreader Stoker / Realization of eco-cements using non-conventional coal fly ash from spreader stoker thermal power plantsSow, Moustapha 06 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse a été d'évaluer le potentiel de valorisation des cendres volantes de charbon issues de centrales thermiques Spreader Stoker (Cendres Volantes Spreader Stoker), dans la fabrication d'éco-ciments sur l'île de La Réunion. Nous avons dans un premier temps effectué une caractérisation physico-chimique des CVSS et vérifié leur réactivité. Deux voies de valorisation ont ensuite été retenues, l'une qui ne présente pas de valeur ajoutée mais qui permet de valoriser un volume important de CVSS par une stabilisation dans des matrices à base de ciment, l'autre qui offre une valeur ajoutée aux CVSS par une incorporation dans la fabrication de ciments composés. Le relargage en lixiviation a été étudié pour la première voie de valorisation retenue, puis, les effets des CVSS dans les matrices à base de ciment, notamment le rôle des imbrûlés contenus dans les cendres, ont été évalués aux états frais, durcissant et durci, suivi d'une petite exploitation numérique des données expérimentales. Enfin, une étude de durabilité sur des bétons à base de ciments de laboratoire a été faite par une approche comparative avec la pouzzolane naturelle, qui est actuellement utilisée pour la fabrication de ciments composés sur l'île de la Réunion. / The main objective of this project was to evaluate the potential of coal fly ash from Spreader Stoker thermal power plants (Spreader Stoker Coal Fly Ash) in the manufacture of eco-cements in Reunion Island. We first performed a physico-chemical characterization SSCFA and verified its reactivity. Two valorisation paths were chosen, one of which did not present any added value but which permit to value a large quantity of SSCFA by stabilization in cement-based matrices, the other which offers added value to SSCFA by incorporating it in the manufacture of composed cements. Leachate release was studied for the first path of valorisation, and then the effects of SSCFA in the cement matrices, especially the unburned particles contained in SSFCA, were evaluated in fresh, hardening and hardened states, followed by a small numerical exploitation of the experimental data. Finally, a sustainability study on concretes based on laboratory cements was made using a comparative approach with natural pozzolana, which is currently used for the manufacture of composite cements in Réunion Island.
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Estudo da variabilidade do cimento Portland que abasteceu o mercado do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 1992 a 2012 / Variability study of Portland cement that fuelled the market of Rio Grande do Sul in the period 1992-2012Girardi, Ricardo January 2014 (has links)
O cimento Portland, em seus diferentes tipos e classes, é o principal constituinte dos concretos e das argamassas, e é aplicado em todas as tipologias de obras de construção civil. Caso as propriedades do mesmo sofram variações, em função de diversos fatores, esta variabilidade influenciará nas propriedades do concreto, pelo fato do cimento Portland ser seu principal constituinte. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho visa analisar a variabilidade de diferentes tipos e marcas de cimentos produzidos no Brasil através do cálculo da média, do coeficiente de variação, da resistência característica à compressão, bem como determinar os coeficientes de crescimento de resistência à compressão entre as idades preconizadas, conforme as especificações normativas de cada cimento. Os dados para o estudo pertencem ao registro de ensaios efetuados pelo Laboratório de Materiais de Construção Civil da Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, compreendidos entre o período de 1992 a 2012. Este banco de dados permitiu a realização das análises considerando duas faixas de tempo relacionadas a dois distintos momentos da economia brasileira, entre 1992 a 2003, referente ao pequeno crescimento do país e da indústria cimenteira, e entre 2004 a 2012, relacionado à retomada do crescimento do Brasil e consequente aumento do consumo de cimento. Da mesma forma, foi possível, separar os fabricantes de cimento que possuem o selo de qualidade segundo os padrões da Associação Brasileira de Cimento Portland (ABCP) – “Com Selo” – dos que não possuem – “Sem Selo”. Dentre as principais conclusões, pode-se ressaltar que quando analisado de forma geral, por tipo de cimento, os índices de consistência médios variam de 165mm para o CP I S a 186 mm para o CP V ARI RS, com coeficientes de variação entre 7,77% para o CP II Z 32 a 13,70% para o CP IV 32 RS; as superfícies específicas Blaine médias variam de 3480 cm²/g para o CP I S a 5170 cm²/g para o CP V ARI RS, com coeficientes de variação entre 6,21% para o CP I S 32 a 12,2% para o CP IV 32 RS; as resistências mínimas especificadas em norma foram respeitadas para todas as idades, tomando as resistências médias à compressão; em contraposição, somente os cimentos CP II Z 32 e CP II Z 32 RS atingiram as resistências características à compressão mínimas em relação à norma para todas as idades. / The Portland cement, in its different types and classes, is the main component of concrete and mortar and is applied in all types of civil construction works. If its properties suffer changes, depending on various factors, this variability will influence the properties of the concrete, because the Portland cement being its main constituent. Accordingly, this study aims to analyze the variability of different types and marks of cement produced in Brazil by calculating the mean, coefficient of variation, characteristic compression strength, and determining the coefficients of the development of compressive strength among the recommended ages, according to the normative specifications of each cement. The database for the study belong to the record of tests conducted by the Laboratory for Civil Construction Materials of Foundation of Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul state , ranging from the period 1992-2012. This database allowed the analyzes considering two time slots related to two distinct moments of the Brazilian economy, between 1992 and 2003, concerning the small development of the country and cement industry, and between 2004 and 2012, related to the resumption of development in Brazil and consequently an increase in cement consumption. Similarly, was possible to separate the cement manufacturers who have the seal of quality standards in the ABCP (Brazilian Association of Cement Portland) – “With Seal” - of those without the seal – “Without Seal”. Among the main conclusions, can be noted that when analyzed in general, by type of cement, the rate of medium consistency ranging from 165mm to 186mm for the CP I S to CP V ARI RS, with coefficients of variation ranging from 7.77% to 13.70% for the CP II Z 32 to CP IV 32 RS; averages Blaine specific areas ranging from 3480cm²/g to 5170cm²/g for the CP I S to CP V ARI RS, with coefficients of variation ranging from 6.21% to 12.2% for the CP I S 32 to CP IV 32 RS; the minimum resistance specified in the standard have been respected for all ages, taking the average compressive strength; in contrast, only CP II Z 32 and CP II Z 32 RS cements reached the resistance characteristics to the minimum compression relative to the standard for all ages.
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Avaliação de cimentos ósseos de fosfato de cálcio com adições de aluminato e silicato de cálcioMorejón Alonso, Loreley January 2011 (has links)
O aumento da longevidade da população mundial e dos acidentes com consequências traumáticas nas últimas décadas provocaram um incremento na demanda de materiais e tecnologias destinados à substituição de alguma função ou porção do organismo humano para assegurar a qualidade de vida do ser humano. Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais para a ortopedia e odontologia baseados nos fosfatos de cálcio é relevante, uma vez que estes apresentam composição química semelhante à fase mineral de ossos e dentes. Os cimentos de fosfatos de cálcio (CPC) possuem composição de fases cristalinas e resposta biológica similares às biocerâmicas de fosfato de cálcio utilizadas como material de implante por excelência devido à sua alta biocompatibilidade e excelente bioatividade; mas com a diferença de que estes podem ser facilmente moldados e adaptados ao local de implantação, injetados através de vias minimamente invasivas, ou misturados com diversos fármacos para obter uma ação terapêutica determinada e localizada no local de implantação. Em geral, tanto as biocerâmicas como os CPC apresentam baixas resistências mecânicas, pelo qual o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi a obtenção de novas formulações de CPC com propriedades mecânicas melhoradas mediante a adição de componentes de cimento Portland tradicional ou de cimento de aluminato de cálcio. Outras propriedades que se pretende melhorar com a adição de compostos portadores de silício são a bioatividade e osteogenicidade dos materiais resultantes, uma vez que os cimentos baseados em silicato de cálcio são altamente osteogênicos. Para isto, foi escolhido o sistema baseado em a-Ca3(PO4)2 e foram desenhadas diferentes formulações através da introdução de Ca3SiO5 (C3S) ou CaAl2O4 (CA), fases majoritárias dos cimentos Portland e cimentos de aluminato de cálcio que apresentam uma excelente resistência mecânica, além de ser biocompatíveis e bioativas. Do estudo realizado verificou-se que a adição de um 5% de C3S ao cimento baseado em a- Ca3(PO4)2 produz um incremento das propriedades mecânicas em longo prazo (14d) e melhora a bioatividade e citotoxicidade dos CPC tradicionais; no entanto, retarda a pega do cimento e a hidrólise do a-Ca3(PO4)2 e aumenta a o grau de degradação dos materiais. A introdução de SiO2 como modificação de esta formulação, embora diminuiu o pH resultante, retardou a pega do cimento provocando uma perda notável da resistência mecânica durante os primeiros estágios da reação. Por outro lado, a introdução de CA provocou uma diminuição da resistência à compressão dos cimentos, independente do teor adicionado, e não se observou a melhoria desta propriedade com o aumento do tempo. Contudo, a presença de CA permitiu a obtenção de materiais menos citotóxicos, e por consiguiente mais biocompatíves, assim como o aumento da bioatividade em relação aos CPC tradicionais. / The increased longevity of the world population and the growth of traumatic accidents in last decades, led to an increase in demand of materials and technologies for replacement of any portion or function of the human body to ensure the quality of human life. In this context, the development of new biomaterials for orthopedics and dentistry based on calcium phosphates is relevant, since they have similar chemical composition to the mineral phase of bones and teeth. The calcium phosphate cements (CPC) have composition of crystalline phases and biological response similar to calcium phosphate bioceramics used as implant material par excellence due to its high biocompatibility and excellent bioactivity; but with the difference that these can be easily shaped and adapted to the site, injected through minimally invasive means, or mixed with various drugs for a specific therapeutic action at the site of implantation. In general, both bioceramics such as CPC have low mechanical strength; whereby, the main objective of this study was to obtain new formulations of CPC with improved mechanical properties by adding components of traditional Portland cement or calcium aluminate cement. Other properties that are intended to improve with the addition of silicon compounds, are the bioactivity and osteogenic potential of the resulting materials, as it cements based on calcium silicate are highly osteogenic. For this, we chose a system based a-Ca3(PO4)2 and different formulations were designed by introducing Ca3SiO5 (C3S) or CaAl2O4 (CA), majority phases of Portland cement and calcium aluminate cements that have an excellent mechanical strength, and are biocompatible and bioactive. From the study it was found that the adittion of a 5% C3S to the a-Ca3(PO4)2 based cement, produces an increase in the mechanical properties in the long term (14d) and enhances bioactivity and cytotoxicity; however, enlarge the setting times and the degree of degradation ofaand hydrolysis of materials. The introduction of SiO2 as a modification of this formulation, resulted in a pH decreased, but in the increased of the setting times causing a noticeable loss of strength during the early stages of the reaction. Moreover, the introduction of CA reduced the compressive strength of cements, regardless of content added, and there was no improvement of this property with increasing time. However, the presence of CA allowed the production of materials less cytotoxic, and thereby to more biocompatible, as well as the increase in bioactivity relative to traditional CPC.
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