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Standard vs. revolutionary sealing: : An investigative thesis on two methods of conceptual designing with regards to the root causes of failure mode in raw mill 7.Abou El Alamien, Karim January 2020 (has links)
The grinding rollers of raw mill 7 operate in very harsh conditions and, because of this, suffer from excessive failure mode due to lip seal deterioration. Foreign material penetrates the deteriorated lip seal and enters the bearings resulting in bearing failure. Failure mode brings about high maintenance costs for the cement-producing company Cementa AB. This thesis aims to accomplish two things. 1- Hypothesize a set of root causes for failure mode and link them to existing literature studies to determine what actions should be taken to prevent or at least postpone failure mode. 2- Generate several new conceptual designs for the sealing mechanism by either creating a revolutionary sealing design or taking inspiration from standard seals currently on the market. The generated concepts aim to provide Cementa AB with a new perspective as well as mitigate some or all the root causes for failure mode if implemented. The hypothesized root causes for failure mode are categorized through the creation of a problem tree and are defined as lip seal failure, lubricative pressure and contamination, tribologically improper friction, vibration, and finally very harsh conditions that are indigenous to raw mills in general and that are seemingly incompatible with the current sealing mechanism. Revolutionary concepts are brainstormed entirely from an experimental perspective, while standard concepts are inspired by established sealing technology on the market. Both alternatives are then conceptually adapted to the grinding roller of raw mill 7 and, with inaccurate scaling, 3D modelled with the aid of Autodesk Inventor. 7 concepts, revolutionary and standard combined, are generated as a result. The revolutionary concepts have been deemed non-viable due to the limited timeframe and scope of the thesis. Instead, the selected seal for the upgrade is a labyrinth seal, which is a non-contact standard seal that has the potential to mitigate many of the root causes for failure mode. The literature studies on the hypothesized root causes also indicate that there are actions that could postpone failure mode should Cementa AB chose to retain the original sealing mechanism for a longer period. / Valsarna i råkvarn 7 arbetar under mycket tuffa förhållanden och på grund av detta lider maskinen av en överdriven mängd haverier till följd av läpptätnings försämring. Främmande material tränger igenom den försämrade tätningen och kommer in i lagren vilket resulterar i lagerhaveri. Detta medför höga underhållskostnader för det cementproducerande företaget Cementa AB. Denna avhandling syftar till att åstadkomma två saker. 1-Hypotesera en uppsättning av grundorsaker till lagerhaveri och länka dem till befintliga litteraturstudier för att avgöra vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att förhindra eller åtminstone skjuta upp lagerhaveri. 2-Generera flera nya konceptuella konstruktioner för tätningsmekanismen genom att antingen skapa en revolutionerande tätningsdesign eller hämta inspiration från standardtätningar. De genererade koncepten syftar till att ge Cementa AB ett nytt perspektiv såväl som att mildra några eller alla grundorsaker till lagerhaveri om de implementeras. De hypotiserade orsakerna till lagerhaveri kategoriseras genom skapandet av ett problemträd och definieras som trasig läpptätning, smörjningstryck och förorening, tribologiskt felaktig friktion, vibrationer och slutligen tuffa förhållanden som är inhemska för råkvarn generellt. Revolutionära koncept är brainstormade helt ur ett experimentellt perspektiv medan standardkoncept är inspirerade av etablerad tätningsteknik på marknaden. Båda alternativen är sedan konceptuellt anpassade till valsen i råkvarn 7 och, med oegentlig skalning, 3Dmodellerad med hjälp av Autodesk Inventor. 7 koncept, revolutionerande och standard kombinerat, genereras som resultat. De revolutionära koncepten har bedömts vara icke-livskraftiga på grund av avhandlingens begränsade tidsram och omfattning. Istället är den valda tätningen för uppgraderingen en labyrinttätning som är en icke-kontakt standardtätning som har potential att mildra många av orsakerna till lagerhaveri. Litteraturstudierna om de hypotiserade grundorsakerna tyder också på att det finns åtgärder som kan skjuta upp lagerhaveri om Cementa AB väljer att behålla den ursprungliga tätningsmekanismen under en längre period.
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Grön Betong i husproduktion : Att kompensera för lägre hållfasthetsutveckling i slaggbetong / Green concrete in building constructionNeves Lundin, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Concrete is one of the world's most widely used building materials,but due to the high carbon dioxide emissions produced by the concretecomponent Portland cement, there is a growing need of alternativeconcrete recipes that require less portland cement. When you replace aportion of the Portland cement in the concrete recipe with an additivematerial such as granulated blast furnace slag, the carbon dioxideemissions decrease, but the strength growth becomes slower. Inconcrete casting, there are currently several working methods foraccelerating strength growth and the purpose of this work is toinvestigate the effect that various hardening accelerating measureshave on slag-based concrete. The work is limited to studying buildingproduction and focuses on the structural parts concrete slabs, wallsand filigree slabs. The study was carried out in collaboration withSkanska AB.To investigate the effect of different hardening accelerating measureson slag-based concrete, concrete casting simulations are compared inthe software Produktionsplanering Betong (PPB). The measures that arestudied in different variations are heating coils, external heating,insulation and elevated casting temperature. A total of 114simulations are planned, which include variations of the investigatedmeasures, outdoor temperature and design geometry. A survey is alsoconducted with the purpose to assess how hardening acceleratingmeasures are applied in swedish building production today. The surveyis spread with a geographical spread to five of the largesthouseproducing construction groups in Sweden. The result of thesimulations performed is that the measure heating loops has achievedthe best result where its effect has been optimized for eachindividual case. The results indicate that heating coils, incombination with insulation, are an effective measure. At the sametime, the survey shows that there is annoyance with the methods thathave proven effective in the simulations performed. Although it is notpossible to draw a conclusion about a universal solution to compensatefor the slower hardening time of the slag concrete, the results stillindicate that today's construction industry has good conditions for atransition to a more environmentally friendly concrete. / Betong är ett av världens mest använda byggmaterial, men på grund av den stora haltkoldioxidemissioner betongkomponenten cement producerar så finns ett ökandebehov att tillämpa betongrecept som kräver mindre cement. Då man ersätter en andelav portlandcementet i betongreceptet med ett alternativt tillsatsmaterial somgranulerad masugnsslagg, minskar koldioxidemissionerna, men hållfasthetstillväxtenblir långsammare. Vid betonggjutning finns i dag flera arbetsmetoder för att påskyndahållfasthetstillväxten och syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilken effekt dessaolika härdningspåskyndande åtgärder har på slaggbaserad betong, även kalladslaggbetong. Arbetet begränsas till att studera husproduktion och fokuserar påkonstruktionsdelarna platta på mark, väggelement och filigranbjälklag. Studien ärutförd i samarbete med Skanska Sverige AB.För att undersöka vilken effekt olika härdningspåskyndande åtgärder har påslaggbetong jämförs betonggjutningssimuleringar i programvaranProduktionsplanering Betong, (PPB). Slaggbetongen som undersöks är Skanska GrönBetong, och åtgärderna som huvudsakligen studeras är olika variationer avvärmeslingor, extern uppvärmning, isolering och höjd gjutningstemperatur. 114stycken simuleringar planeras totalt, vilka inkluderar variationer av de undersöktaåtgärderna, uteluftstemperatur och konstruktionsgeometri. En enkätundersökningutförs även med syfte att bedöma hur härdningspåskyndande åtgärder tillämpas isvensk husproduktion idag. Enkäten sprids med en geografisk spridning till fem avde största husproducerande byggkoncernerna i Sverige. Resultatet av de utfördasimuleringarna är att åtgärden värmeslingor uppnått bäst resultat där dess effekt varitoptimerad för varje enskilt fall. Resultatet tyder på att värmeslingor i kombinationmed isolering, är en effektiv åtgärd. Samtidigt visar enkätundersökningen att det finnserfarenhet av de metoder som visat sig effektiva i de simuleringar som utförts. Trotsatt det ej går att dra en slutsats om en allmängiltig lösning för att kompensera förslaggbetongens långsammare härdningstid, tyder ändock resultatet på att dagensbyggindustri har goda förutsättningar för en övergång till en miljövänligare betong.
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Strength and Deformation Characteristics of a Cement-Treated Reclaimed Pavement with a Chip SealWilson, Bryan T. 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this research was to analyze the strength and deformation characteristics of a cement-treated base (CTB) constructed using full-depth reclamation, microcracked, and then surfaced with a single chip seal. In this field study, strength characteristics of the CTB layer were determined at the time of construction, and then both strength and deformation characteristics were evaluated after 9 months of low-volume, heavy truck traffic. After 9 months, observed distresses included transverse cracking, rutting, and chip seal joint failure. The loss of the chip seal was caused by poor chip seal construction practices and not a deficiency in the CTB layer. The importance of the role of the chip seal as a wearing course was made evident by these failures since the exposed CTB often exhibited material loss. The average ride qualities in and out of the wheel path were in the fair ride category; the roughness was not likely caused by trafficking but probably resulted from construction or climatic factors. Structural testing performed after 9 months of service indicated that the CTB stiffness and modulus were greater than the values measured after microcracking at the time of construction, indicating continued strength gain. However, trafficking over the 9-month period had caused significantly lower stiffnesses measured in the wheel paths than between the wheel paths. The average unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the cores tested at 9 months was not significantly different than the average UCS of the field-compacted specimens tested at 6 weeks. Based on the observed performance of the CTB and chip seal evaluated in this research, recommendations for improved CTB performance include the use of a thicker and/or stiffer CTB layer, ensuring a smooth CTB surface during construction, and application of a double chip seal or equivalent.
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Mapping and treatment optimization attempt of monocalcium phosphate monohydrate (MCPM) in bioceramic implant productionHunhammar, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The in vitro production of ceramic implants used for cranial defect repair can be challenging and complex. In this thesis, a raw material in such a production has been mapped in order to optimize the production process. The current production leaves variations in the handling properties of the calcium phosphate cement (CPC), such as the viscosity and setting performance. The problems originate from the in-house recrystallization of the raw material monocalcium phosphate monohydrate (MCPM) with a 70% ethanol solution. The treatment of MCPM is strongly dependent on the relative humidity and the current process is not reliable and leaves unwanted fluctuations in the quality of MCPM. Various material and process parameters were investigated to get a deeper knowledge of MCPM in the specific process. The mapping resulted in new information about how the MCPM recrystallizes and how it depends on the evaporation of the ethanol solution during the treatment. Other findings were that the particle size distribution of MCPM is not the only factor controlling the viscosity of the CPC; the density and shape of the MCPM particles may also influence the handling properties. The mapping led to a process optimization suggestion where the amount of ethanol solution is adjusted to the relative humidity during the recrystallization to neutralize the effect of the humidity. The adjustment of ethanol solution volume means the evaporation can be controlled and in theory, constant quality of MCPM can be maintained. Unfortunately, the new method needs additional data to be fully effective but shows great potential.
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The Effects of Early-Age Stress on the Elastic and Viscoelastic Behavior of Cement PasteGalitz, Christopher Lee 28 October 2015 (has links)
The viscoelastic behavior of concrete, nearly completely attributable to changes in properties in the cement paste, is an ongoing area of research with the objective of avoiding unpredictable response and potentially failure of concrete structures. This research explores the elastic and viscoelastic response in cement paste beams using relaxation testing, with and without strain reversals in the load history. It was seen that strain reversal imparts significant changes in mechanical response, retarding load relaxation. Companion beams were tested for chemical composition at varying depths in the beam section and the results were compared to those of control specimens not subject to stress. Results indicate significant variations in composition implying that stress accelerates the hydration process. The reasons behind the acceleration are discussed and incorporated into a preliminary solidification-dissolution model for beam relaxation. The model, though in need of improvement through further research, shows promise in potentially predicting relaxation in cement paste and by extension, in concrete structures. / Ph. D.
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Etude de la réactivité des ciments riches en laitier, à basse température et à temps court, sans ajout chloruréVan Rompaey, Gilles 17 February 2006 (has links)
Le ciment Portland est de loin le liant hydraulique le plus connu et utilisé depuis de très nombreuses années tant dans le secteur de la construction civile qu’au niveau du stockage des déchets (barrières ouvragées ou matériau de confinement). Le processus industriel qui donne naissance au clinker, constituant de base du ciment Portland, n’a pas subi de modifications depuis des décennies. <p>Par ailleurs, au cours de ces dernières années, certaines considérations telles que le réchauffement climatique et le développement durable ont mis à mal les industries qui émettent des gaz à effets de serre et qui sont grosses consommatrices d’énergie. <p>Or, la production de ciment Portland n’est pas uniquement consommatrice de calcaires, d’argiles, de marnes et de combustibles fossiles, elle produit et libère ces gaz à effets de serre tels que le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et l’hémioxyde nitreux (N2O). Le dioxyde de soufre (SO2), l’acide chlorhydrique (HCl) ainsi que d’autres oxydes d’azote (NOx) sont également émis lors du processus de fabrication du clinker. Le secteur des matériaux de construction contribue de façon importante aux émissions de CO2, le principal responsable du réchauffement climatique.<p>La problématique majeure de l’industrie cimentière provient d’un simple processus chimique de transformation :la décarbonatation du calcaire ou de la craie, débutant vers 550°C, qui forme de la chaux (CaO) et qui libère du dioxyde de carbone selon la réaction suivante :<p><p>CaCO3 =\ / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation géologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Stabilised Rammed Earth For Walls : Materials, Compressive Strength And Elastic PropertiesKumar, Prasanna P 07 1900 (has links)
Rammed earth is a technique of forming in-situ structural wall elements using rigid formwork. Advantages of rammed earth walls include flexibility in plan form, scope for adjusting strength and wall thickness, variety of textural finishes, lower embodied carbon and energy, etc. There is a growing interest in the construction of rammed earth buildings in the recent past. Well focused comprehensive studies in understanding the structural performance of rammed earth structures are scanty. Clear-cut guidelines on selecting soil grading and soil characteristics, assessing strength of rammed earth walls, density strength relationships, limits on shrinkage, standardised testing procedures, behaviour of rammed earth walls under in-plane and out of plane loads, etc are the areas needing attention. The thesis attempts to address some of these aspects of cement stabilized rammed earth for structural walls.
Brief history and developments in rammed earth construction with illustrations of rammed earth buildings are presented. A review of the literature on rammed earth has been provided under two categories: (a) Unstabilised or pure rammed earth and (b) stabilised rammed earth. Review of the existing codes of practice on rammed earth has also been included. Summary of the literature on rammed earth along with points requiring attention for further R&D are discussed. Objectives and scope of the thesis are listed.
The thesis deals with an extensive experimentation on cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) specimens and walls. Four varieties of specimens (cylindrical, prisms, wallettes and full scale walls) were used in the experiments. A natural soil and its reconstituted variants were used in the experimental work. Details of the experimental programme, characteristics of raw materials used in the experimental investigations, methods of preparing different types of specimens and their testing procedures are discussed in detail.
Influence of soil grading, cement content, moulding water content, density and delayed compaction on compaction characteristics and strength of cement stabilised soil mixes were examined. Five different soil gradings with clay content ranging between 9 and 31.6% and three cement contents (5%, 8% and 12%) were considered. Effect of delayed compaction (time lag) on compaction characteristics and compressive strength of cement stabilised soils was examined by monitoring the results up to 10 hours of time lag. Influence of moulding water content and density on compressive strength and water absorption of cement stabilised soils was examined considering for a range of densities and water contents. The results indicate that (a) there is a considerable difference between dry and wet compressive strength of CSRE prisms, and the strength decreases as the moisture content at the time of testing increases, (b) wet strength is less than that of dry strength and the ratio between wet to dry strength depends upon the clay fraction of soil mix and cement content, (c) saturated moisture content depends upon the cement content and the clay content of the soil mix, (d) optimum clay percentage yielding maximum compressive strength is about 16%, (e) compressive strength of compacted cement stabilised soil increases with increase in density irrespective of cement content and moulding moisture content, and the strength increases by 300% for 20% increase in density from 15.70 kN/m3, (f) compressive strength of rammed earth is one - third higher than that of rammed earth brick masonry and (g) density decreases with increase in time lag and there is 50% decrease in strength with 10 hour time lag.
Stress-strain relationships and elastic properties of cement stabilised rammed earth are essential for the analysis of CSRE structural elements and understanding the structural behaviour of CSRE walls. Influence of soil composition, density, cement content and moisture on stress-strain relationships of CSRE was studied. Three different densities (15.7 – 19.62 kN/m3) and three cement percentages (5%, 8% and 12% by weight) were considered for CSRE. Stress-strain characteristics of CSRE and rammed earth brick masonry were compared. The results reveal that (a) in dry condition the post peak response shows considerable deformation (strain hardening type behaviour) beyond the peak stress and ultimate strain values at failure (dry state) are as high as 3.5%, which is unusual for brittle materials, (b) modulus for CSRE increases with increase in density as well as cement content and there is 1 to 3 times increase as the cement content changes from 5% to 12%. Similarly the modulus increases by 2.5 to 5 times as the dry density increases from 15.7 to 19.62 kN/m3 and (c) the modulus of CSRE and masonry in dry state are nearly equal, whereas in wet state masonry has 20% less modulus.
Compressive strength and behavior of storey height CSRE walls subjected to concentric compression was studied. The results of the wall strength were compared with those of wallette and prism strengths. The wall strength decreases with increase in slenderness ratio. There is nearly 30% reduction in strength as the height to thickness ratio increases from 4.65 to 19.74. It was attempted to calculate the ultimate compressive strength of CSRE walls using the tangent modulus theory. At higher slenderness ratios, there is a close agreement between the experimental and predicted values. The storey height walls show lateral deflections as the load approaches failure. The walls did not show visible buckling and the shear failure patterns indicate material failure. The shear failures noticed in the storey height walls resemble the shear failures of short height wallette specimens.
The thesis ends with a summary of the results with concluding remarks in the last chapter.
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Fracture Behaviour including Size Effect of Cement Stabilised Rammed EarthHanamasagar, Mahantesh M January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Rammed earth is a monolithic construction formed by compacting processed soil in progressive layers. Rammed earth is used for the construction of load bearing walls, floors, sub base material in roadways, airport runways, taxiways, aprons, foundations and earthen bunds. Soil, sand, cement and water are the ingredients used for the preparation of cement stabilized rammed earth (CSRE) specimens. The cracking in a rammed earth structure is due to the development of tensile stresses. The tensile stresses are generated due to various causes like unequal settlement of foundation, eccentric loading and / or lateral loading such as wind pressure and earthquake on an earth structure. The cracking in a rammed earth structure causes the failure of its intended function. For example formation of crack may lead to the instability of an embankment slope. And earthen dam can be destroyed gradually by erosion of soil at the crack surface (Harison et al. 1994). Hence, it becomes important to understand the fracture behaviour of cement-stabilized rammed earth structures. Well focused studies in understanding the fracture behaviour of CSRE structures are scanty. The present work attempts to address some issues on the fracture behaviour of CSRE including size effect.
Through an experimental programme material properties viz. compressive strength, tensile strength and stress-strain relationships are generated for two chosen densities, 17 and 18.5 kN/m3 of CSRE both in dry and saturated condition. Soil composition, density, cement content and moisture content of the specimen during testing influence the characteristics of CSRE. In the present investigation keeping the cement at 10%, the density is varied choosing a soil-sand mixture having optimum grading limits. The basic raw materials used are soil, sand, cement and water in the ratio of 1 : 1.5 : 0.25 : 0.34 by weight.
The strength properties studied alone are inadequate to predict the mechanics of fracture due to the presence of microscopic flaws, cracks, voids and other discontinuities. Therefore, some linear elastic fracture parameters such as mode I fracture toughness (KIc), critical energy release rate (GIc), net section strength (f net) and notch sensitivity are calculated, presuming that CSRE is still a brittle material because it is yet to be confirmed that CSRE is a quasibrittle material. In fact, in the present work, it is shown that CSRE has significant amount of softening. A comprehensive experimental work has been undertaken to test CSRE beam specimens for two densities, three sizes of beam and three notch to depth ratios under three point bending (TPB) in a closed loop servo-controlled machine with crack mouth opening displacement control. Results indicate that the CSRE in dry condition exhibits a greater resistance to fracture than the saturated specimen. The variation of net section strength with the notch depth is not significant. Therefore the CSRE material is notch insensitive, implying that it is less brittle.
An experimental program was undertaken to determine the nonlinear fracture parameters of beam specimens both in dry and saturated condition. The influence of moisture content, density, size of the specimen as well as notch to depth ratio of the specimen on RILEM fracture energy (G F ) are presented. The GF values increase with increase in density and size of the specimen, while they decrease with increase in notch to depth ratio. Results clearly show that the total energy absorbed by the beams (W OF ) and RILEM fracture energy (G F ) for all specimens tested in dry state are higher compared to the specimens tested in saturated state, indicating that the dry specimen offers higher resistance to the crack propagation.
The RILEM fracture energy GF , determined from TPB tests, is said to be size dependent. The assumption made in the work of fracture is that the total strain energy is utilized for the fracture of the specimen. The fracture energy is proportional to the size of the fracture process zone (FPZ), which also implies that size of FPZ increases with increase in the un-cracked ligament (d - a) of beam. This also means that FPZ is proportional to the depth d for a given notch to depth ratio, because for a given notch/depth, (d - a) which is also is proportional to d because is a constant. This corroborates the fact that fracture energy increases with size. Interestingly, the same conclusion has been drawn by Karihaloo et al. (2006). They have plotted a curve relating fracture process zone length and overall depth the beam. In the present study a new method namely Fracture energy release rate method proposed by Muralidhara et al. (2013) is used. In the new method the plot of GF /(d - a) versus (d - a) is obtained from a set of experimental results. The plot is found to follow power law and showed almost constant value of GF /(d - a) at larger ligament lengths. This means the fracture energy reaches a constant value at large ligament lengths reaffirming that the fracture energy from very large specimen is size-independent. This Fracture energy release rate method is used to determine size-independent fracture energy GRf , based on the relationship between RILEM fracture energy and the un-cracked ligament length. The experimental results from the present work agree well with the proposed new method. Similarly, the method is extended to determine nominal shear strength τv for large size beam. Results show that for both densities GRf decrease in saturated condition, while in dry condition as the density is increased from 17 to 18.5 kN/m3 the GRf decrease by 7.58%, indicating that the brittleness increases with higher density. The τv for large size beam increases with density both in dry and saturated condition.
The size effect method for evaluating material fracture properties proposed by Bazant (1984) is applied to cement stabilised rammed earth. By measuring the peak loads of 2D geometrically similar notched beam specimens of different sizes, nonlinear fracture parameters such as fracture energy (Gf ), fracture toughness (KIc), effective length of the fracture process zone (Cf ), brittleness number (β), characteristic length (l 0) and the critical crack tip opening displacement (CT ODc) are determined for both dry and saturated conditions. The crack growth resistance curves (R-curve) are also developed for dry and saturated specimens.
In the size effect method, for both densities 18.5 and 17 kN/m3 the values of nonlinear fracture properties, namely G f , Cf , KIc, CT ODc and l 0 are lower for the saturated specimen compared to those of the dry specimen. In dry condition as the density is increased from 17 to 18.5 kN/m3 the Gf decreases to 13.54%, indicating that the brittleness increase with higher density. The areas under the load-displacement and load-CMOD curves are a measure of the fracture energy and these areas are low for saturated specimens. The crack growth resistance curves (R-curve) plotted using the size-effect law from peak loads are the measure of resistance against crack growth R. The value of R is high for dry specimen compared to that of the saturated specimens. During aggregate pullout or the opening of crack, the interlock or friction between the crack surfaces may cause the energy dissipation through friction and bridging across the crack. Therefore the wet friction in case of saturated specimen must be smaller resulting in more brittleness compared to the larger dry friction for dry specimen.
In the present investigation the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique is used to study the FPZ properties in cement stabilised rammed earth. The MATLAB package written by Eberl et al. (2006) is suitably modified and used for image correlation to suit our requirements. CMOD measured using DIC technique is validated by comparison with the CMOD measured using clip gauge. The FPZ properties such as the development of FPZ and crack opening displacements at different loading points as well as the influence of notch/depth ratio on FPZ length (lFPZ ) are evaluated for both dry and saturated conditions. At peak load the lFPZ are about 0.315 and 0.137 times the un-cracked ligament length respectively for specimens tested under dry and saturated conditions. In dry and saturated states the FPZ length decreases as the ratio increases. Lower values of lFPZ in saturated specimen indicates that it is relatively more brittle compared to dry specimen.
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Příměsi ovlivňující tuhnutí portlandského cementu / The admixtures which are influencing setting time of portland cementHlaváček, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
During the production of concrete is important the careful selection of raw materials. Nowadays, we are trying in the production to minimize the economic burden and to maximize the use of secondary raw materials. This work is focused on the use of secondary raw materials from the energy industry in construction for the preparation of hydraulic binders. As the main raw materials were used different power plant fly ash from fluidized combustion. The composition of these secondary materials is quite different from conventional high-temperature ash, due to mixing with water they solidify and harden. Experiments were performed with three lodge fly ash from electrostatic precipitators of the fluidized combustion and one high-temperature fly ash. This work is focused on the possibility of monitoring the use of these secondary materials in construction, especially when tests were evaluated characteristics of strength and speed of setting and hardening.
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Studium vývoje fázového složení v silikátových systémech dostupnými metodami a jejich optimalizace / Development of phase composition in silicate systems by available methods and their optimalizationOpravilová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
One of the most prominent measurable parameters of the development of phases and phase transformations in inorganic systems are undoubtedly the volume changes of silicate matrix. The study of volume changes is crucial in the terms of usable durability of final product. They represent shrinkage or expansion of the material and may lead to significant decrease of technological and ecological parameters and often to complete destruction of these materials. Most often the volume changes can be observed when cement is used as a binder and in concretes, mortars, artificial aggregates and other similar materials. There are many methods to detect, define and determine the volume changes qualitatively or quantitatively. The development of phases was investigated as a part of the dissertation thesis and hence the volume changes were observed under the conditions closest to the real state in the construction industry. The raw materials and admixtures were selected which model the content of hazardous components present in conventional materials (both natural and secondary), used in construction and the relationship with volume changes was searched and demonstrated. The contacts for measuring the volume changes were attached to test surfaces of specimens and the physical - mechanical tests (volume changes, phase changes, strength, etc.), chemical analysis and ecotoxicity tests depending on the length of hydration were performed.
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