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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reducing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

Whitfield, Alexis Genarrian 01 January 2019 (has links)
Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) at the local healthcare setting exceeded the benchmark of 0 CLABSI. The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) department determined that a role as CLABSI nurse champion would address the problem; however, no comprehensive education on CLABSI prevention and maintenance was available at the site. The purpose of this project was to develop a CLABSI prevention and maintenance education module using Knowles's adult learning theory and the chain of infection model. The practice-focused question asked whether a CLABSI educational module would provide the necessary information to educate nurse champions on CLABSI prevention and maintenance. The education module was presented to 9 local experts, composed of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) director, doctor of medicine, microbiologist, biomedical technologists, IPC nurses, and 2 staff nurses, who evaluated the CLABSI education module. An 11-question Likert-scale questionnaire that included an option for recommendations for improvement was used by the expert panel to evaluate the module. Of the 11 questions, only 3 were scored as strongly agree or agree, indicating a need to modify the module to raise the education level of the content and to include the clinical standards, objectives, and dressing-change procedures. After modifications, the education module was scored again, and 100% met the criteria and the recommendations of the expert panel. The project has the potential to promote positive social change by increasing the knowledge of the CLABSI nurse champions and by reducing the risk of CLABSI at the site.

Infektionsrisker och preventiva åtgärder i sjuksköterskans arbete med centrala venösa infarter : En litteraturöversikt / Risks and preventive measures of infections in the nurse’s work with central venous lines - a literature review

Stenberg, Lina, Åsén, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdrelaterade infektioner drabbar 65 000 patienter i Sverige varje år och utgör en tredjedel av landets vårdskador. Vårdrelaterade infektioner är en stor ekonomisk belastning i svensk sjukvård. Säker vård ingår i sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser och innebär bland annat arbete med patientsäkerhet. Patientsäkerhetsarbetet innefattar vårdhygien. Omvårdnaden och hanteringen av centrala venösa infarter tillhör sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgifter, därför är det viktigt för sjuksköterskan att kunna identifiera infektionsrisker, samt ha kunskap om infektionsförebyggande åtgärder.Syfte: Att belysa infektionsrisker i sjuksköterskans arbete med centrala venösa infarter samt hur dessa infektioner kan förebyggas.Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt. Artiklarna är hämtade från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Efter kvalitetsgranskning och analys kvarstod 17 kvantitativa artiklar som inkluderades i resultatet. Analysen av artiklarna gjordes i tre steg enligt en modell av Friberg (2017).Resultat: Resultatet bildade sju underkategorier: riskfyllda arbetsmoment, vårdhygien, kateteriseringsdygn och vårdtid, kunskapsbrist, utbildning, implementering av lokala riktlinjer och policys och arbetsmiljö. Dessa bildade två huvudkategorier: Riskfaktorer och preventiva åtgärder. En del moment i sjuksköterskans arbete med centrala venösa infarter, samt bristande följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner ökade infektionsrisken. Felaktigt handhavande var bland annat relaterat till kunskapsbrist. Utbildningar avsedda för vårdpersonal om centrala venösa infarter ökade kunskapen och på sjukhus med utformade riktlinjer var följsamheten bättre.Slutsats: Infektionsrisker med centrala venösa infarter är bristande följsamhet till hygienrutiner, vissa arbetsmoment, fler kateteriseringsdygn och vårdlängd samt bristande kunskap. Utbildningar och riktlinjer ökar kunskapen och följsamheten till rutiner i omvårdnaden av centrala venösa infarter. En god arbetsmiljö och vårdhygien skapar förutsättningar som minskar risken för vårdrelaterade infektioner. / Background: Healthcare-related infections affects 65 000 patients in Sweden each year and stand for a third of healthcare-related injuries in the country. Healthcare-related infections is a major burden on the Swedish healthcare economy. Safe care is one of the nurse’s main competencies and involves among other things work with patient safety. Patient safety involves care hygiene. The nursing and management of central venous lines is one of the nurse’s tasks, therefore is it important for the nurse to be able to identify infection risks and have knowledge of preventive measures.Aim: To illuminate infection risks in the nurse's work with central venous lines and how these infections can be prevented.Method: The study is a literature review. The articles are taken from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. After quality review and analysis, 17 quantitative articles remained that were included in the results. The analysis of the articles was done by a three step model by Friberg (2017).Result: Seven subcategories were designed for each area: riskfilled work steps, care hygiene, catheterization days and care time, lack of knowledge, education, implementation of local guidelines and policies and work environment. Two main categories were then formed: Risk factors and preventive measures. Certain steps of the nurse's work with central venous lines and lack of compliance with basic hygiene routines increased the risk of infection. Wrongdoings were among other things related to lack of knowledge. Education intended for healthcare staff on central venous lines improved the knowledge and in hospitals with designed guidelines compliance was better.Conclusion: Infection risks associated with central venous lines are lack of compliance with hygiene routines, certain work steps, more catheterization days and length of care and lack of knowledge. Education and guidelines increase knowledge and compliance with routines in the care of central venous lines. A good working environment and care hygiene create conditions that reduce the risk of healthcare-related infections.

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