Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cervids"" "subject:"corvids""
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A Systematic and Taphonomic Analysis of Late Pleistocene Cervid Remains and Isotopic Paleoecology of Herbivores from Guy Wilson Cave, Southern Appalachians, TennesseeGiesler, Amanda K. 15 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The paleoecology of Guy Wilson Cave is based on 1) systematic identification of cervid material, 2) taphonomic analysis of cervids with a focus on carnivore utilization, and 3) carbon isotopes from cervid and herbivore tooth enamel (δ13C). Systematic identification reveals that there are at least three cervid species in the cave fauna based on fossil remains: Odocoileus virginianus, Rangifer tarandus, and either Cervalces scotti or Alces alces. Separation of Cervalces and Alces based on the dental material was not possible. Taphonomic analysis of gnawing and tooth markings showed alterations by a canid predator, and the overall pattern suggests full-heavy utilization and possible scavenging activity by the dire wolf, Canis dirus. δ13C analysis of the herbivore community showed that taxa were feeding in a dominantly C3 environment, likely a relatively dense forest. Odocoileus showed no dietary shift from the late Pleistocene to today, also suggesting a forested environment in the past.
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Elninių žvėrių gausa ir jų poveikio mitybos ištekliams įvertinimas Kuršėnų miškų urėdijoje / Cervids density and influence to nourishment resources in kursenai forestsZeleniūtė, Vitalija 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo išstudijuoti elninių žvėrių (briedžių, tauriųjų elnių ir europinių stirnų) gausumą 2009-2010 m. žiemojimo periodu Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose ir palyginti skirtingų miškų gautus rezultatus. Tyrimai atlikti 18 miškų, naudojant McCain netiesioginę elninių žvėrių apskaitą pagal jų paliekamus ekskrementus bei Aldous medžių pažeidimo metodą. Pagal atliktus tyrimus, vidutinis elninių žvėrių tankumas Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose 2009-2010 m. žiemojimo periodu buvo 14, 7 individų tūkstančiui hektarų. Briedžių tankumas tirtame regione buvo du kartus didesnis, lyginant su vidutiniu briedžių tankumu visoje Lietuvos teritorijoje, tauriųjų elnių – labai panašus, o stirnų buvo dvigubai mažesnis. Taigi, tirtuose miškuose yra gausu stambiųjų elninių, tačiau jie konkuruoja su stirnomis. Vidutinis briedžių ir tauriųjų elnių tankumas tirtuose miškuose atitinka ekologinį ir ūkiškai leistiną elninių žvėrių gausumą Lietuvos miškams, o stirnų yra du kartus mažesnis, tačiau, atsižvelgiant į mitybinę konkurenciją, taurusis elnias laikomas pagrindine elninių žvėrių rūšimi tirtoje vietovėje, tad pagrindinis dėmesys turėtų būti skiriamas jo populiacijų gausinimui. Elniniai žvėrys pagal mitybos specializaciją renkasi skirtingus biotopus. Didžiausias briedžių gausumas nustatytas krūmynuose, tauriųjų elnių – pievose, o europinių stirnų – dirbamų laukų biotopuose. Vidutinis dendrofloros panaudojimo pašarams intensyvumas Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose buvo 18,5 %, bet netgi didžiausi pažeidimai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to find out the density of cervids during wintering period in Kušėnai forests and to compare gathered data with density in different forest. The research have been conducted in 18 forests, using McCain indirect record by excrement and Aldous trees damage method. Studies have shown that the average density of cervids in surveyed areas is 14.7 individuals per thousand hectares. Moose density in this region is twice higher than average moose density in whole Lithuania, red deer – very similar, roe deer density is half lower. Therefore, explored forests is rich of large ungulate mammals, but they compete with roe deers. The average abundance of red deer and moose satisfies commercially and ecologicaly acceptable ones, also roe deer density is more than two times smaller, bur in aspect of the competition diet, red deer is considered to be the main cervid species in studied forests, so more attention should be paid to increase their population. Cervids by specificity of their species in different forests choose similar biotopes. The highest abundance of moose were in scrubs, red deer – in meadows, roe deer – in cultivated fields. The average of tree damage in stydy areas is 18.5 percent, but even the highest nutrient load does not exceed the recommended rate (30–40 %), so there is no danger to natural forest regeneration.
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Écologie de la besnoitiose chez les populations de caribous (Rangifer tarandus) des régions subarctiquesDucrocq, Julie 11 1900 (has links)
Bien que les infections à Besnoitia tarandi sont documentées chez l’espèce Rangifer sp. depuis 1922, les données récoltées sur l’écologie et la distribution de cette parasitose demeurent rares. Les objectifs de cette étude ont donc été (i) d’identifier le meilleur tissu à échantillonner pour détecter les infections à Besnoitia tarandi dans les populations de caribous, (ii) de calculer la sensibilité et la spécificité de l’examen visuel comparativement à l’examen microscopique et (iii) d’identifier les facteurs de risques intrinsèques et extrinsèques associés à cette parasitose afin (iv) de comparer la prévalence et la densité des kystes parasitaires entre certains troupeaux. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'examen microscopique du derme superficiel d’une section de peau provenant du tiers moyen antérieur du métatarse devrait être privilégié pour dépister les infections par B. tarandi et en évaluer l'intensité. L’examen microscopique est également un outil très sensible comparativement à l’examen visuel des kystes parasitaires. Besnoitia tarandi, qui semble être absent du Groenland, a été observé dans environ un tiers des caribous nord-américains. Une variation saisonnière de prévalence et d'intensité de B. tarandi a été détectée; le parasite étant plus abondant chez cet hôte intermédiaire durant la période de l'automne/hiver comparativement à celle du printemps/été. Cet effet saisonnier pourrait être associé à une augmentation de l'abondance du parasite suite à la saison des insectes (i.e. été), supportant ainsi le rôle présumé des arthropodes piqueurs comme vecteurs de la maladie. Cette différence saisonnière pourrait aussi être expliquée par la diminution de la charge parasitaire par le système immunitaire et/ou par un taux de survie inférieur des animaux les plus parasités durant la saison froide. Les niveaux d'infection étaient légèrement plus élevés chez les mâles que chez les femelles, ce qui suggère soit une diminution du taux de mortalité, soit une exposition accrue ou une plus grande susceptibilité au parasite des mâles en comparaison aux femelles. La densité d’infection supérieure dans le troupeau Rivière-aux-Feuilles (Nunavik) suggère des niveaux d'exposition au parasite plus élevés et/ou une diminution des niveaux de résistance de ces caribous à ce protozoaire. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que B. tarandi peut réduire les chances de survie des caribous infectés. Il sera donc important de continuer à surveiller les infections à B. tarandi surtout en cette période de changements climatiques. / Although Besnoitia tarandi has been described in Rangifer sp. for over 80 years, understanding of its ecology and distribution is still relatively limited. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine the anatomical sampling site that enhances detection of Besnoitia tarandi infections in caribou populations; (ii) to evaluate the relative sensitivity and specificity of the in situ macroscopic assessment for diagnosis of besnoitiosis compared to the microscopic evaluation; and (iii) to identify potential risks factors associated with the prevalence and intensity of B. tarandi cysts and compare these across different populations. Our results suggest that calculating the number of cysts present in the superficial dermis of a skin section of the anterior mid-third of the metatarsus region by microscopic examination should be favored in order to monitor the presence and intensity of B. tarandi infections. Macroscopic assessment of B. tarandi cysts was not a sensitive method compared to that of a microscopic analysis. Besnoitia tarandi seems to be absent from Greenland but has been encountered in approximately one third of North-American caribou. A seasonal effect was noticed in the prevalence and intensity of B. tarandi infections; the parasite being more abundant in caribou sampled during the fall/winter period compared to the spring/summer period. This effect could reflect the increase abundance of B. tarandi following the end of the insect season (i.e. summer), supporting the role of arthropods as vectors of transmission. Reduction of the parasite burden by the immune system and/or a lower winter survival rate of severely infected caribou could explain the seasonal difference. The slightly higher prevalence in males suggests lower mortality rate, higher exposure and/or higher susceptibility to the parasite in infected males when compared to infected females. The apparent higher density of infection by B. tarandi in the Rivière-aux-Feuilles herd (Nunavik, Québec) suggests either higher exposure to the parasite or reduced resistance of caribou from this herd. The findings of this study suggest that infection by B. tarandi might reduce survival of individual animals; hence, the dynamic between this parasite and its hosts is worth further investigation, especially in these days of changing Arctic environment.
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De la mise en évidence à la gestion de l’effet de cerf : Leçons pratiques et théoriques fournies par l’introduction du cerf à queue-noire sur Haïda Gwaii / From research to management of deer impacts : Practical and theoretical lessons learned from the introduction of black-tailed deer to Haida GwaiiChollet, Simon 05 December 2012 (has links)
Depuis le début du 20ième siècle, les changements d'usage des terres, la disparition des prédateurs et les régulations de la chasse ont provoqué une augmentation des populations de cervidés dans les forêts tempérés et boréales. Ce phénomène, qui est un grand succès de la conservation de ces espèces, a toutefois conduit à des surabondances qui ont entrainé des effets négatifs en cascades sur la végétation et les communautés animales qui en dépendent.J'ai utilisé l'expérience naturelle qu'est l'introduction du cerf à queue noire sur l'archipel d'Haïda Gwaii pour étudier les conséquences de sa surabondance sur un écosystème tempéré peu perturbé par les activités anthropiques. J'ai ainsi pu mettre en évidence les contrôles descendants directs et indirects qu'exerce l'herbivore sur les Bryophytes (positifs), les plantes vasculaires (négatifs) et sur l'avifaune (négatifs) quand il n'est pas limité par les prédateurs ou la chasse.J'ai complété ces résultats par une analyse régionale sur 20 ans pour montrer que la perte de biodiversité enclenchée par la surabondance de ces cerfs était un phénomène d'érosion continu se prolongeant bien au-delà de l'impact initial. A l'échelle de l'Amérique du Nord, j'ai ensuite pu montrer, conformément aux prédictions faite à partir des études locales, qu'il existait une relation entre surabondance des populations d'ongulés et déclin de l'avifaune du sous-bois du continent. Enfin, j'ai analysé les suivis d'une expérience de réduction des densités de cerfs entamée sur deux îles il y a 13 ans. La végétation et l'avifaune se sont partiellement reconstituées démontrant qu'il est possible (1) de restaurer les réseaux trophiques fortement modifiés et (2) qu'une telle restauration si elle est possible prendra du temps et ne convergera pas (rapidement) vers un état initial. Afin de limiter les conséquences dommageables provoquées par la surabondance des cervidés, la conservation des prédateurs et l'augmentation de la chasse doivent être favorisés. / Since the past century land use changes, elimination of predators and hunting regulations triggered an increase of deer populations in temperate and boreal forests. This remarkable conservation success, lead to deer overabundance and to a cascade of negative effects on vegetation and on animal communities depending on it. I used the natural experiment provided by the introduction of black-tailed deer to Haida Gwaii to analyze the consequences of overabundant herbivore populations on temperate ecosystem only slightly modified by human activities. This unique situation allowed me to demonstrate the direct and indirect top-down effects that herbivores uncontrolled by predation or hunting exert on Bryophytes (positive) and Vascular plants (negative) as well as on songbirds (negative).I used an analysis of regional trends spanning over 20 years to show that biodiversity erosion caused by overabundant deer extends far beyond the initial impact. At the North-American scale I was able to establish a relationship between expanding deer populations and continent wide declines in understory birds. Finally I analyzed the results of an experimental reduction in deer populations initiated 13 years ago on two islands. The understory plants and songbirds responded positively and we show that (1) it is possible to restore trophic networks even after their dramatically modification, (2) that such a restoration while possible takes time and does not (rapidly) converge towards an identified initial state. From a practical standpoint I recommend that to mitigate negative effects of overabundant deer, predator conservation and hunting have to be promoted.
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Écologie de la besnoitiose chez les populations de caribous (Rangifer tarandus) des régions subarctiquesDucrocq, Julie 11 1900 (has links)
Bien que les infections à Besnoitia tarandi sont documentées chez l’espèce Rangifer sp. depuis 1922, les données récoltées sur l’écologie et la distribution de cette parasitose demeurent rares. Les objectifs de cette étude ont donc été (i) d’identifier le meilleur tissu à échantillonner pour détecter les infections à Besnoitia tarandi dans les populations de caribous, (ii) de calculer la sensibilité et la spécificité de l’examen visuel comparativement à l’examen microscopique et (iii) d’identifier les facteurs de risques intrinsèques et extrinsèques associés à cette parasitose afin (iv) de comparer la prévalence et la densité des kystes parasitaires entre certains troupeaux. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'examen microscopique du derme superficiel d’une section de peau provenant du tiers moyen antérieur du métatarse devrait être privilégié pour dépister les infections par B. tarandi et en évaluer l'intensité. L’examen microscopique est également un outil très sensible comparativement à l’examen visuel des kystes parasitaires. Besnoitia tarandi, qui semble être absent du Groenland, a été observé dans environ un tiers des caribous nord-américains. Une variation saisonnière de prévalence et d'intensité de B. tarandi a été détectée; le parasite étant plus abondant chez cet hôte intermédiaire durant la période de l'automne/hiver comparativement à celle du printemps/été. Cet effet saisonnier pourrait être associé à une augmentation de l'abondance du parasite suite à la saison des insectes (i.e. été), supportant ainsi le rôle présumé des arthropodes piqueurs comme vecteurs de la maladie. Cette différence saisonnière pourrait aussi être expliquée par la diminution de la charge parasitaire par le système immunitaire et/ou par un taux de survie inférieur des animaux les plus parasités durant la saison froide. Les niveaux d'infection étaient légèrement plus élevés chez les mâles que chez les femelles, ce qui suggère soit une diminution du taux de mortalité, soit une exposition accrue ou une plus grande susceptibilité au parasite des mâles en comparaison aux femelles. La densité d’infection supérieure dans le troupeau Rivière-aux-Feuilles (Nunavik) suggère des niveaux d'exposition au parasite plus élevés et/ou une diminution des niveaux de résistance de ces caribous à ce protozoaire. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que B. tarandi peut réduire les chances de survie des caribous infectés. Il sera donc important de continuer à surveiller les infections à B. tarandi surtout en cette période de changements climatiques. / Although Besnoitia tarandi has been described in Rangifer sp. for over 80 years, understanding of its ecology and distribution is still relatively limited. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine the anatomical sampling site that enhances detection of Besnoitia tarandi infections in caribou populations; (ii) to evaluate the relative sensitivity and specificity of the in situ macroscopic assessment for diagnosis of besnoitiosis compared to the microscopic evaluation; and (iii) to identify potential risks factors associated with the prevalence and intensity of B. tarandi cysts and compare these across different populations. Our results suggest that calculating the number of cysts present in the superficial dermis of a skin section of the anterior mid-third of the metatarsus region by microscopic examination should be favored in order to monitor the presence and intensity of B. tarandi infections. Macroscopic assessment of B. tarandi cysts was not a sensitive method compared to that of a microscopic analysis. Besnoitia tarandi seems to be absent from Greenland but has been encountered in approximately one third of North-American caribou. A seasonal effect was noticed in the prevalence and intensity of B. tarandi infections; the parasite being more abundant in caribou sampled during the fall/winter period compared to the spring/summer period. This effect could reflect the increase abundance of B. tarandi following the end of the insect season (i.e. summer), supporting the role of arthropods as vectors of transmission. Reduction of the parasite burden by the immune system and/or a lower winter survival rate of severely infected caribou could explain the seasonal difference. The slightly higher prevalence in males suggests lower mortality rate, higher exposure and/or higher susceptibility to the parasite in infected males when compared to infected females. The apparent higher density of infection by B. tarandi in the Rivière-aux-Feuilles herd (Nunavik, Québec) suggests either higher exposure to the parasite or reduced resistance of caribou from this herd. The findings of this study suggest that infection by B. tarandi might reduce survival of individual animals; hence, the dynamic between this parasite and its hosts is worth further investigation, especially in these days of changing Arctic environment.
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En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt : En undersökning av tillgänglig rönn, asp, sälg och ek efter röjning / The rich costume of a friendly green : a study of available rowan/mountain ash, aspen, sallow and oak after pre-commercial thinningHjälte, Kenny, Larsson, Björn January 2020 (has links)
Röjningsinstruktioner och virkesinköpare anser att rönn, asp, sälg/salix och ek (RASE) ska sparas i ungskogsröjningar för att det ska finnas annat foder åt skogslevande vilt än produktionsskog. Dessutom är ett vanligt råd till skogsägare av virkesköparna att satsa på foderskapande åtgärder för att avleda hjortdjuren. Undersökningen av ungskogsröjning visar dock att teori och praktik inte går ihop, där få stammar av RASE sparas och det är troligare att björk sparas. Enstaka RASE kan sparas i lucka där de inte kan konkurrera med en huvudstam av det planterade trädslaget. En alternativ skogsskötsel, som Öster Malma-modellen, ser blandskog som en mer ekonomiskt stabilt skogsbestånd och det bidrar samtidigt med mer lövskog än traditionell skötsel som sköter bestånd utifrån monokulturer. Forskning har även visat att foderkonkurrens mellan hjortdjuren kan göra att älg betar mer tall än bärris. En kunskapsbaserad viltförvaltning som omfamnar fler arter än en skulle kunna vara en del av lösningen.
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Revue systématique sur les valeurs estimées de paramètres influençant la détection de la tuberculose bovine chez les cervidés d’élevageBaraheberwa, Nestor 01 1900 (has links)
La tuberculose bovine est une maladie zoonotique se transmettant principalement par inhalation. C’est une maladie qui peut avoir des répercussions économiques (ex : saisie d’un animal infecté à l’abattoir) et sur les échanges commerciaux, car les pays peuvent bannir l’importation des animaux provenant des pays touchés par cette maladie. Au Canada, le contrôle de cette maladie a commencé en 1923 chez les bovins et a ensuite été appliqué chez les cervidés depuis 1989. Ce programme est composé par la surveillance, la réponse aux éclosions, ainsi que le contrôle des mouvements des cervidés. La capacité de détecter cette maladie lors des activités de surveillance est influencée par la performance des méthodes diagnostiques utilisées à chaque étape de la surveillance. À l’abattoir, la surveillance est effectuée par l’inspection visuelle post-mortem et par différentes procédures diagnostiques réalisées sur des prélèvements de tissus anormaux (histopathologie, réaction de polymérisation en chaîne (PCR) ou culture bactérienne). Chez le cervidé vivant, la surveillance est plutôt réalisée par des tests cutanés ou sérologiques. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de fournir, à travers une revue systématique de littérature, les estimés des valeurs des principaux paramètres pouvant influencer la probabilité de détection de la tuberculose bovine dans un contexte de surveillance de cette maladie à l’abattoir chez les cervidés d’élevage et chez les cervidés vivants. Les études qui ont estimé la probabilité de présence des lésions macroscopiques ont trouvé qu’elle variait de 20% à 100% alors que la probabilité de détection des lésions tuberculeuses était supérieure ou égale à 90%. L’estimé de la sensibilité des tests diagnostiques pouvant être utilisés pour la détection de la tuberculose bovine à l’abattoir (histopathologie, PCR et culture) variait de 63.6% à 98.6%. Chez les animaux vivants, les tests sérologiques et sanguins avaient une sensibilité qui variait de faible à élevée (1.4% à 100.0%) alors que les tests cutanés avaient une sensibilité qui variait de 65.0% à 100.0%. Comme le stade de la maladie (temps depuis l’infection) influence la sensibilité de la majorité des tests diagnostiques et que ce facteur n’a généralement pas été rapporté par les études, la performance de ces tests peut difficilement être comparée. La prévalence de la tuberculose estimée lors des études transversales ou de contrôle de la maladie était faible (prévalence au niveau animal au sein d’un troupeau). Une étude effectuée au Canada sur les facteurs de risque de la tuberculose bovine chez les cervidés d’élevage a constaté que l’augmentation de la taille du troupeau était associée à une augmentation du risque de positivité (du troupeau) à la tuberculose bovine. Ces informations sur la performance et les limites des méthodes diagnostiques sont essentielles pour orienter le choix du test diagnostique et pour permettre l’évaluation de la sensibilité des activités de surveillance / Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease mostly transmitted by inhalation of contaminated material. This disease leads to the economic losses (e.g. condemnation of meat from infected animals at the abattoir) and impede trade since countries can stop importing live cervids from tuberculosis endemic countries. In Canada, the control of bovine tuberculosis started in 1923 in cattle and then was implemented in farmed cervids in 1989. This program is composed of surveillance, response to the outbreaks and movement control of cervids. The capacity of detecting this disease during the surveillance activities depends on the performance of diagnostic methods used at each step of the component of the surveillance system. At the abattoir, the inspection is carried out by visual inspection of organs and carcass and diagnostic tests carried on abnormal tissues by using histopathology, PCR or culture. In live cervids, the detection is carried out through skin or serological testing. The main objective of this project was to provide, through a systematic literature review, the estimates of main parameters that can influence the probability of detecting bovine tuberculosis in the context of surveillance activities in farmed cervids at the abattoir and in live cervids.
The probability of presence of macroscopic lesions estimated by studies ranged from 20% to 100% while the estimate of probability of detection of lesions was greater than or equal to 90%. The estimate of sensitivity of diagnostic tests used during bovine tuberculosis surveillance at the abattoir (histopathology, PCR and culture) ranged from 63.6% to 98.6%. In live cervids, studies that investigated the performance of serological tests reported an estimate of sensitivity ranging from low to high (1.4% to 100.0%) while skin tests were reported to have a sensitivity ranging from 65.0% à 100.0%. Given that the stage of the disease affects the performance of most diagnostic test while that variable was not reported by studies, it was difficult to compare the performance of the various tests. Bovine tuberculosis prevalence estimated by studies using a cross-sectional or disease control design reported a low prevalence (prevalence at the animal level within a herd). One study carried out in Canada evaluated the risk factors for bovine tuberculosis infection and found that the increase of herd size was associated with an increase of risk of herd positivity to bovine tuberculosis. This information on the performance and limits of bovine tuberculosis diagnostic tests is critical for orienting the choice of appropriate diagnostic method and for a valid evaluation of the surveillance activities
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Nutrição e ecologia nutricional de cervídeos brasileiros em cativeiro e no Parque Nacional das Emas - Goiás / Nutrition and nutritional ecology of brazilian cervids in captivity and in the Emas National Park - GoiasBerndt, Alexandre 26 September 2005 (has links)
Existem poucas informações sobre exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, dificultando o sucesso de manejo e reprodução em cativeiro. O conhecimento das exigências de energia também é importante para determinar os recursos necessários para sua conservação em parques e reservas. O primeiro objetivo deste experimento foi estudar as exigências nutricionais do veado catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) em cativeiro. O segundo objetivo foi observar o comportamento alimentar do veado-campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) no Parque Nacional das Emas (PNE), descrevendo qualitativamente e quantitativamente as principais espécies vegetais utilizadas para o aporte de nutrientes. A determinação das exigências de energia para mantença utilizou 8 veados-catingueiro de ambos os sexos em cativeiro e foi desenvolvida através de dois métodos: a)equilíbrio de peso e b)água duplamente marcada (2H2 18º). Os animais foram dosados com água duplamente marcada (111,8 mg/kgPV para 2H2O e 163,1 mg/kgPV para H2 18O) e amostras de sangue foram coletadas em intervalos de 3 dias, até que 3 ou 4 meias vidas dos isótopos tenham decorrido (atingindo o limite de detecção em aproximadamente 30 dias após a dosificação). As curvas de desaparecimento dos isótopos em função do tempo foram utilizadas para calcular o turnover" de CO2 e H2O. Os resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos foram semelhantes (111,4 e 112,0 kcal/kg.75.d) comprovando que a técnica da água duplamente marcada pode ser utilizada em estudos nutricionais de cervídeos. Informações de doses (mg/kgPV) e intervalo máximo entre aplicação e coleta de sangue (30 dias), permitem o uso desta metodologia em estudos futuros em vida livre. No PNE, veados-campeiro já monitorados com radio colares, permitiram a observação de seu comportamento alimentar. O experimento foi realizado em duas épocas distintas (inverno e verão). As espécies foram analisadas quanto à composição nutricional, para estimar valores energéticos assim como consumo de minerais e proteína. As contribuições das diferentes espécies que compõem a dieta dos cervídeos foram estimadas para duas populações em vida livre, uma com acesso apenas a espécies nativas (área central do parque) e outra com acesso às espécies cultivadas na periferia do PNE. Os sinais isotópicos do carbono 13 e os perfis de n-alcanos foram utilizados para quantificar a contribuição das diferentes espécies ingeridas. Os resultados indicaram que os veados-campeiro utilizam uma ampla gama de partes e espécies vegetais. Sua dieta é composta por aproximadamente 78 ítens, divididos em brotos (38,5%), folhas (15,4%), flores (17,9%), botões florais (12,8%), frutos e sementes (15,4%); de 55 diferentes espécies nativas e 7 culturas agrícolas. Há grande diferença no padrão de consumo entre as populações no interior do parque e aquelas que tem possibilidade de selecionar plantas cultivadas pelo homem. As espécies agrícolas podem contribuir com até 46,9% da dieta dos cervídeos da periferia do parque. Este trabalho determinou as exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, validou o uso de uma técnica indireta para futuros estudos em vida livre e descreveu as espécies e partes utilizadas como aporte de nutrientes por cervídeos em vida livre. / There are limited data on energy requirements of brazilian cervids. Thus, it is difficult to succeed in their management and reproduction in captivity. Knowing the energy requirements is also important to determine the necessary nutritional resources for their conservation in parks and reserves. The first objective was to study the nutritional requirements of the grey-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) in captivity. The second objective was to observe the feeding behavior of the pampas-deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Emas National Park (ENP), describing qualitatively and quantitatively the main vegetal species used to supply these animals with nutrients. The determination of energy requirements for maintenance used 8 gray-brocket deer of both sexes in captivity and was carried through two methods: a)weight equilibrium and b)double-labeled water (2H2 18O). The animals were dosed with double-labeled water (111.8 mg/kgBW for 2H2O and 163.1 mg/kgBW for H2 18O) and blood samples were collected with 3 days interval, until 3 or 4 half lives of isotopes had occurred (reached limit of detection at approximately 30 days after the dosage). The curves of isotopes disappearance as a function of time were used to calculate the turnover of CO2 and H2O. The results obtained from the two methods were similar (111.4 and 112.0 kcal/kg.75.d) proving the double-labeled water technique may be used in nutritional studies of cervids. Information on doses (mg/kgBW) and maximum interval between injection and blood collection (30days), allow the use of this methodology in future studies with free ranging deer. In the national park, pampas-deer already monitored with radio colars, facilitated the observation of their feeding behavior. The experiment was conducted at two distinct seasons (winter and summer). The species were analyzed for the nutritional composition, to estimate energy values as well as mineral and protein consumption. The contributions of the different species to the diet of the cervids were estimated for two free ranging populations of the national park, one with access only to native species (central area of the park) and another with access to the crop species cultivated in the periphery of the park. The isotopic signals of carbon 13 and profiles of n-alkanes were used to quantify the contribution of different species to supply the energy demands. The results indicated that pampas-deer feeds on a broad spectrum parts and vegetal species. Its diet was composed of approximately 78 different parts, divided in sprouts (38.5%), leaves (15.4%), flowers (17.9%), floral buttons (12.8%), fruits and seeds (15.4%); from 55 different native species and 7 agricultural cultures. There is a great difference in the intake selection patterns between populations in the interior of the park and those that have access to cropland and the opportunity to choose feeding on native or cultivated plants. The agricultural species can contribute with up to 46.9% of deer diet of the park periphery. This work determined the requirements of energy of Brazilian cervids, validated the use of one indirect technique for use in free ranging animals and described the species and parts used to supply nutrients to cervids in the wild.
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Nutrição e ecologia nutricional de cervídeos brasileiros em cativeiro e no Parque Nacional das Emas - Goiás / Nutrition and nutritional ecology of brazilian cervids in captivity and in the Emas National Park - GoiasAlexandre Berndt 26 September 2005 (has links)
Existem poucas informações sobre exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, dificultando o sucesso de manejo e reprodução em cativeiro. O conhecimento das exigências de energia também é importante para determinar os recursos necessários para sua conservação em parques e reservas. O primeiro objetivo deste experimento foi estudar as exigências nutricionais do veado catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) em cativeiro. O segundo objetivo foi observar o comportamento alimentar do veado-campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) no Parque Nacional das Emas (PNE), descrevendo qualitativamente e quantitativamente as principais espécies vegetais utilizadas para o aporte de nutrientes. A determinação das exigências de energia para mantença utilizou 8 veados-catingueiro de ambos os sexos em cativeiro e foi desenvolvida através de dois métodos: a)equilíbrio de peso e b)água duplamente marcada (2H2 18º). Os animais foram dosados com água duplamente marcada (111,8 mg/kgPV para 2H2O e 163,1 mg/kgPV para H2 18O) e amostras de sangue foram coletadas em intervalos de 3 dias, até que 3 ou 4 meias vidas dos isótopos tenham decorrido (atingindo o limite de detecção em aproximadamente 30 dias após a dosificação). As curvas de desaparecimento dos isótopos em função do tempo foram utilizadas para calcular o turnover de CO2 e H2O. Os resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos foram semelhantes (111,4 e 112,0 kcal/kg.75.d) comprovando que a técnica da água duplamente marcada pode ser utilizada em estudos nutricionais de cervídeos. Informações de doses (mg/kgPV) e intervalo máximo entre aplicação e coleta de sangue (30 dias), permitem o uso desta metodologia em estudos futuros em vida livre. No PNE, veados-campeiro já monitorados com radio colares, permitiram a observação de seu comportamento alimentar. O experimento foi realizado em duas épocas distintas (inverno e verão). As espécies foram analisadas quanto à composição nutricional, para estimar valores energéticos assim como consumo de minerais e proteína. As contribuições das diferentes espécies que compõem a dieta dos cervídeos foram estimadas para duas populações em vida livre, uma com acesso apenas a espécies nativas (área central do parque) e outra com acesso às espécies cultivadas na periferia do PNE. Os sinais isotópicos do carbono 13 e os perfis de n-alcanos foram utilizados para quantificar a contribuição das diferentes espécies ingeridas. Os resultados indicaram que os veados-campeiro utilizam uma ampla gama de partes e espécies vegetais. Sua dieta é composta por aproximadamente 78 ítens, divididos em brotos (38,5%), folhas (15,4%), flores (17,9%), botões florais (12,8%), frutos e sementes (15,4%); de 55 diferentes espécies nativas e 7 culturas agrícolas. Há grande diferença no padrão de consumo entre as populações no interior do parque e aquelas que tem possibilidade de selecionar plantas cultivadas pelo homem. As espécies agrícolas podem contribuir com até 46,9% da dieta dos cervídeos da periferia do parque. Este trabalho determinou as exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, validou o uso de uma técnica indireta para futuros estudos em vida livre e descreveu as espécies e partes utilizadas como aporte de nutrientes por cervídeos em vida livre. / There are limited data on energy requirements of brazilian cervids. Thus, it is difficult to succeed in their management and reproduction in captivity. Knowing the energy requirements is also important to determine the necessary nutritional resources for their conservation in parks and reserves. The first objective was to study the nutritional requirements of the grey-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) in captivity. The second objective was to observe the feeding behavior of the pampas-deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Emas National Park (ENP), describing qualitatively and quantitatively the main vegetal species used to supply these animals with nutrients. The determination of energy requirements for maintenance used 8 gray-brocket deer of both sexes in captivity and was carried through two methods: a)weight equilibrium and b)double-labeled water (2H2 18O). The animals were dosed with double-labeled water (111.8 mg/kgBW for 2H2O and 163.1 mg/kgBW for H2 18O) and blood samples were collected with 3 days interval, until 3 or 4 half lives of isotopes had occurred (reached limit of detection at approximately 30 days after the dosage). The curves of isotopes disappearance as a function of time were used to calculate the turnover of CO2 and H2O. The results obtained from the two methods were similar (111.4 and 112.0 kcal/kg.75.d) proving the double-labeled water technique may be used in nutritional studies of cervids. Information on doses (mg/kgBW) and maximum interval between injection and blood collection (30days), allow the use of this methodology in future studies with free ranging deer. In the national park, pampas-deer already monitored with radio colars, facilitated the observation of their feeding behavior. The experiment was conducted at two distinct seasons (winter and summer). The species were analyzed for the nutritional composition, to estimate energy values as well as mineral and protein consumption. The contributions of the different species to the diet of the cervids were estimated for two free ranging populations of the national park, one with access only to native species (central area of the park) and another with access to the crop species cultivated in the periphery of the park. The isotopic signals of carbon 13 and profiles of n-alkanes were used to quantify the contribution of different species to supply the energy demands. The results indicated that pampas-deer feeds on a broad spectrum parts and vegetal species. Its diet was composed of approximately 78 different parts, divided in sprouts (38.5%), leaves (15.4%), flowers (17.9%), floral buttons (12.8%), fruits and seeds (15.4%); from 55 different native species and 7 agricultural cultures. There is a great difference in the intake selection patterns between populations in the interior of the park and those that have access to cropland and the opportunity to choose feeding on native or cultivated plants. The agricultural species can contribute with up to 46.9% of deer diet of the park periphery. This work determined the requirements of energy of Brazilian cervids, validated the use of one indirect technique for use in free ranging animals and described the species and parts used to supply nutrients to cervids in the wild.
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