Spelling suggestions: "subject:"changing attitudes"" "subject:"changing atttitudes""
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Socially developing the man : exploring the perceptions of young, male university students in relation to gender studies.Osikhena, Igbanoi Leo 01 July 2014 (has links)
The present study set out to explore how male university students perceive their involvement in gender studies and how this intersects with their masculine identities. The research was a qualitative one and semi-structured individual interviews were used to collect data from ten Humanities postgraduate students attending a large, urban university comprising men who do gender studies and those who do not. Two key informants were also interviewed for the study. Qualitative thematic content analysis was employed to analyse the data collected; these reflected themes that bordered around the men and their identities, gender equality, engagement in gender studies, and changing attitudes towards observable gender transformation. In comparing the responses of both categories of men, an inference made was that, although the men mostly expressed positive attitudes towards engagement in gender studies, there does not seem to be a direct relationship between exposing men to gender studies courses or not, and changes in perception towards gender relations. This was evidenced by the fact that both groups of men predominantly upheld traditional hegemonic ideals of masculinity through displays of complicit, accommodating and defensive masculinities amidst a couple of progressive representations. The study affirms the thesis that masculinity is socially constructed based on the contradictory manner in which the men spoke about their identities. This reaffirms the essentiality of speaking about men in diverse ways and rejecting any notions of singularity.
Key words: Gender studies, masculinity, hegemonic masculinity, masculinities, university men, changing attitudes
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Molding Minds and Changing AttitudesGarris, B., Langenbrunner, Mary R., Taylor, Teresa Brooks, Cockerham, S., Blankenship, Cecil 01 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Psykisk ohälsa : En kvalitativ studie om attityder, återhämtning och attitydförändrande arbete / Mental illness : A qualitative study of attitudes, recovery and the work of changing attitudesEklund, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa kan drabba alla och ligga inom spannet från svåra livskriser till psykiatriska diagnoser. Trots en strävan efter normaliserande levnadsvillkor i samband med avinstitutionaliseringen av mentalsjukhus och psykiatrireformen är attityderna mot personer med psykiska sjukdomar fortfarande negativa, vilket gör denna grupp extra utsatt. Denna studie syftar till att öka kunskapen kring upplevelser av omgivningens attityder och återhämtning utifrån personer som själva lider eller har lidit av psykisk ohälsa. Ett andra syfte är att belysa delar av det attitydförändrande arbete. Genom textanalys och två kvalitativa intervjuer har syftet uppnåtts. Teorier som varit centrala handlar om sociala konstruktioner, stigma, erkännande och empowerment. Resultatet visar på hur vanligt det är att inte bli tagen på allvar när man har en psykisk sjukdom, det har också tagit lång tid innan man blivit lyssnad till. Omgivningens stöd och nära relationer har varit viktiga aspekter i återhämtningen. Man har också utarbetat olika strategier för att t.ex. undvika situationer som kan väcka obehag. Hjärnkoll och RSMH arbetar med attitydförändringar och står som en arena för personer med psykisk ohälsa där de själva får komma till tals vilket har ett inflytande både på omgivningens attityder och verkar positivt i återhämtningsprocessen. / Mental illness can affect anyone and be within the range from difficult life crises to psychiatric diagnoses. Despite a desire for normalizing the living conditions associated with psychiatric reform is attitudes towards people with mental illness is still negative, which makes this group particularly vulnerable. This study aims to increase knowledge about the experiences of the attitudes and recovery from persons who have or have had mental problems. A second purpose is to highlight parts of the attitude-changing work. Through textual analysis and two interviews the aim has been achieved. Theories that have been central concerns are social structures, stigma, recognition and empowerment. The result shows how common it is not to be taken seriously when you have a mental illness, it has also taken a long time before been listened to. Ambient support and close relations have been important in the recovery. People with mental illness have also developed various strategies for examples avoid situations that might arouse discomfort. ‘Hjärnkoll’ as a campaign and ‘RSMH’ as an organization is working with changing attitudes and stands as an arena for people with mental illness in which they are heard, the work has had an influence both on the attitudes and acts positively in the recovery process.
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Changes in Attitudes Towards Substance Use Among High School StudentsElias, Laura Sue Catherine 01 January 2018 (has links)
Use of alcohol and illicit drugs during adolescent development can have negative effects on cognitive functioning and mental health. The purpose of this cross sectional study was to examine grade level, sex, athletic affiliation, and ethnicity as they relate to substance-using attitudes to isolate the period in which shifts in attitudes toward substance use in adolescents occur. The social learning theory provided the framework for the study. Participants included 276 high school students from a midsized Midwestern city. Students in the ninth, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades who participated in the study were asked to complete a brief electronic survey designed to assess attitudes toward substance use, which was administered during a free study period. Survey questions were drawn from the Attitude Scale on the Substance Abuse Screening Inventory for Adolescents. An ANOVA was run using the multiple independent variables taken from the survey to examine the differences between each of the independent variables, grade level, athletic status, sex, and ethnicity on the dependent variable of attitudes. There were overall significant differences found for favorable attitudes towards substance use among the Grade levels ninth, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades at the p < 0.001 level [F(3, 272) = 6.933, p =.001]. Further analysis was conducted and significant differences were found between ninth graders and 11th graders in their attitudes towards substance use and between ninth graders and 12th graders in their attitudes towards substance use. The greater significant difference occurred between ninth graders and 12th graders. The findings from this study can be used to assist educators in the creation of developmentally appropriate curricula that could act as an intervention to the onset of substance use.
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Age management in Swedish organisationsKwasi Britwum, Foster, Lindeberg Svensson, Isak January 2022 (has links)
The population is ageing globally due to improved health care, better medication, and good socio-economic progress, therefore leading to the population ageing globally. A decrease in fertility has as well led to a new age structure of fewer younger populations to an older population. The continuous decrease in the potential support ratio is an indication that the ageing population will negatively affect the labour market. Therefore, leaving organisations with limited access to a competent and experienced workforce. The purpose of this study is to develop insight into the approaches to age management practices and how it is applied in Swedish organisations. It will address the potential for organisations to create an enabling environment for older workers. This is a qualitative study. Data collection was done through a process of semi-structured interviews of five personnel from organisations in different parts of Sweden to develop a further understanding of age management in Swedish organisations. The collected data was then compared with previous literature theories, analysed, and discussed. The findings did not show any distinction in the older workforce in the Swedish organisation since Sweden as a country does not differentiate or give special attention to a particular age group but rather treats all persons equal; therefore, engagement of the workforce is basically dependent on the competence and capabilities, and not age. But nonetheless, the older workforce is a considerable part of the age group and therefore is covered.
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The impact of State-Of-Rivers Reporting on people’s attitudes towards river conservation : a case study of the Buffalo and Hartenbos & Klein Brak Catchments in South AfricaStrydom, Wilma Fernanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During 2007, two evidence-based studies were undertaken in two catchment areas in South Africa.
The first study ascertained the relationships between demographic attributes and general
awareness, human impacts, attitudes and water use behaviour. The second study determined
whether or not State-of-River (SoR) materials developed for foundation phase learners (grades 1 to
3) improved their understanding of and influenced their attitudes towards river conservation.
Surveys were conducted amongst learners (n=1178) and parents (n=1144) from different cultures
and socio-economic backgrounds. Questionnaires were available in three languages, namely
English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans.
The SoR reporting materials were not adequately distributed. The first study could therefore not
ascertain whether increased awareness or attitudinal and behavioural changes could be ascribed
to SoR reporting in the catchments. The majority of respondents (82%) indicated that there was a
need for more information on rivers and 60% of the respondents indicated that they would
participate in a follow-up survey. Thirty percent of respondents from the Buffalo catchment and 22% of respondents from the Hartenbos and Klein Brak catchment indicated that they use water very
sparingly. Respondents from urban areas scored higher in their attitudes towards river
conservation and were more aware of water issues than those from rural areas. Both attitudinal
and awareness scores did not align with water use behaviour, with rural respondents using water
more sparingly. Attitude and awareness improved with increased education levels. Respondents
who indicated that they would rather pay more for water than change their water use behaviour
showed the lowest score for attitude towards river conservation.
Learners from the Buffalo rural area showed a significant increase in understanding the benefits
that healthy rivers provide, and this can be ascribed to the distributed SoR activity book and poster.
A survey consisting of quantitative and qualitative items, as well as participatory evaluations
determined learners’ level of understanding of human impacts on rivers. The quantitative study
showed learners from the Hartenbos and Klein Brak area as well as the Buffalo rural area improved
the most over time. The qualitative items showed a 35% and 40% increase in the number of
correctly listed items as either making a river happy (healthy) or sad (unhealthy) after exposure to
SoR materials. Respondents from both catchments taking part in the participatory evaluations
displayed an overall increase in their understanding of good practices, as well as the negative
impact of human activities on rivers. Those learners that scored low in the participatory evaluations
at time 1 showed the most improvement over time, concluding that those learners who knew the
least at the start of the study, gained the most understanding of human impacts on rivers. All
schools in the Hartenbos and Klein Brak catchment, with the exception of one, showed a slight
increase in understanding of human impacts on rivers. Results from the schools in the Buffalo
catchment were more variable. Data gathered demonstrated that the SoR materials helped
learners to better understand benefits from clean rivers as well as human impact on rivers.
Although the learners from urban areas had a better understanding of the concept of river
conservation before contact with the SoR materials, learners from the rural areas showed the most improvement over time. There was an increase in the number of learners that showed a willingness
to take responsibility for their actions that could impact on river health. Far more learners
mentioned remediation types of actions than protection or preventative actions.
A change in peoples’ attitudes and behaviour is needed to ensure adequate protection of South
Africa’s natural water resources. Imprinting values and perceptions that would last into adulthood need intervention at an early age and throughout children’s’ formative years. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende 2007, twee bewysgebaseerde ondersoeke is in twee wateropvangsgebiede in Suid
Afrika gedoen. Die eerste studie was gerig op die bepaling van die verband tussen demografiese
kenmerke, algemene bewustheid, menslike impak, houdings en waterverbruik. Die tweede studie
het bepaal of die Stand-van-Rivier (SvR) inligtingsmateriaal wat vir grondslagfase leerlinge (graad
1 tot 3) ontwikkel is, bygedra het tot hulle begrip van en houding jeens die bewaring van riviere.
Steekproeftrekkings het leerlinge (n=1178) en ouers (n=1144) vanuit verskillende kultuur- en sosioekonomiese
agtergronde betrek. Vraelyste was in drie landstale naamlik Engels, Xhosa en
Afrikaans beskikbaar.
Die SvR kommunikasie material is nie toereikend versprei nie. Die eerste studie kon derhalwe nie
bepaal of groter bewustheid of veranderings in houding en gedrag in hierdie opvangsgebiede aan
die SvR verslaggewing toegeskryf kon word nie. Die meerderheid respondente (82%) het
aangedui dat daar ‘n tekort and rivierinligting is en 60% van die respondente het hulself
bereidwillig verklaar om aan ’n opvolgstudie deel te neem. Dertig persent van die respondente uit
die Buffels- en 22% uit die Hartenbos- en Klein Brak-opvangsgebiede het aangedui dat hulle water
spaarsamig gebruik. Respondente afkomstig van stedelike gebiede het beter
rivierbewaringshoudings getoon en was meer bewus van wateraangeleenthede as die van
landelike gebiede. Houdings en bewustheids-vlakke het nie ooreengestem met waterverbruik nie –
landelike respondente gebruik water meer spaarsamig. Beide houdings en algemene bewustheid
het toegeneem met hoër onderwysvlakke. Respondente wat aangedui het dat hulle eerder meer vir
water sal betaal as om hulle verbruik te verminder, het die swakste houding jeens die bewaring van
riviere getoon.
Leerlinge uit die landelike gebiede van die Buffels opvangsgebied het groter begrip getoon vir die
voordele wat gesonde riviere inhou, en dit kan toegeskryf word aan die aktiwiteitsboek en SvR
plakkaat wat onder hulle versprei is. ‘n Steekproef bestaande uit kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe
items, sowel as deelnemende evaluasies is gebruik om leerlinge se vlak van begrip van menslike
impak op riviere te bepaal. Die kwantitatiewe studie het aangedui dat die begrip van leerlinge van
die Hartenbos en Klein Brak sowel as die van die landelike Buffelsrivieropvangsgebiede oor tyd die
meeste toegeneem het. Op die vraag wat riviere gelukkig (gesond) of hartseer (ongesond) maak,
het die kwalitatiewe items, na blootstelling van die leerders aan die SvR materiaal, ‘n toename van 35% en 40% in korrekte antwoorde getoon. In die deelnemende evaluasie het respondente van
beide opvangsgebiede ‘n toename in begrip van goeie praktyke sowel as die negatiewe impak van
menslike aktiwiteite op riviere getoon. Leerlinge wat swak gevaar het in die deelnemende evaluasie
gedurende die eerste rondte het die meeste vordering getoon. Die gevolgtrekking is dus dat
leerlinge wat die minste geweet het aan die begin van die studie, die meeste geleer het oor
menslike impak op riviere.
Op een na, het alle skole in die Hartenbos- en Klein Brakrivieropvangsgebied ‘n geringe verhoging
in begrip van menslike impak op riviere getoon. Resultate van skole uit die Buffelsopvangsgebied
het meer gevarieer. Data versamel het gedemonstreer dat die gebruik van die aktiwiteitsboek en
plakkate gelei het tot ’n beter begrip by leerders van die voordele van skoon riviere asook van
menslike impak op riviere. Alhoewel die leerlinge van stedelike gebiede beter begrip getoon het oor
rivierbewaring voor kontak met die SvR material, het die landelike leerlinge die grootste toename in
begrip oor die verloop van die studie getoon. Daar was ook ‘n toename in die aantal leerlinge wat
bereid was om verantwoordelikheid vir hulle aktiwiteite wat ‘n impak op riviergesondheid kon hê, te
aanvaar. Veel meer leerlinge het tydens die tweede fase verwys na herstel eerder as beskermings
of voorkomende gedrag.
’n Verandering in mense se houdings en gedrag is noodsaaklik om genoegsame bewaring van
Suid Afrika se natuurlike waterhulpbronne te verseker. Waarde sisteme en persepsies wat met
volwassewording steeds geldig sal wees, word reeds teen ’n vroeë ouderdom, gedurende kinders se vormingsjare, vasgelê.
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Rethinking the CrusadesTheron, Jacques 01 1900 (has links)
The study focuses on the unique phenomenon of society’s changing attitudes towards the Crusades. Right from its inception the Crusades made a lasting impact on history, an impact which is still evident in the present day. Several aspects contributed to the start of the Crusades, among them the world and ideology of the eleventh century, the era in which the Crusades began.
In current times there have been calls demanding an apology for the Crusades, while at the same time some within Christianity have felt the need to apologise for the atrocities of the Crusades. The Crusades are often blamed for the animosity between Christians and Muslims, a situation worsened by the fact that leaders on both sides misuse the word ‘crusade’ for their own agendas.
The thesis is written within a historiographical framework making use of both critical enquiry and historical criticism. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Church history)
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Rethinking the CrusadesTheron, Jacques 01 1900 (has links)
The study focuses on the unique phenomenon of society’s changing attitudes towards the Crusades. Right from its inception the Crusades made a lasting impact on history, an impact which is still evident in the present day. Several aspects contributed to the start of the Crusades, among them the world and ideology of the eleventh century, the era in which the Crusades began.
In current times there have been calls demanding an apology for the Crusades, while at the same time some within Christianity have felt the need to apologise for the atrocities of the Crusades. The Crusades are often blamed for the animosity between Christians and Muslims, a situation worsened by the fact that leaders on both sides misuse the word ‘crusade’ for their own agendas.
The thesis is written within a historiographical framework making use of both critical enquiry and historical criticism. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Church history)
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