Spelling suggestions: "subject:"charge transfer."" "subject:"acharge transfer.""
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Non-covalent functionalization of carbon nanostructures : a DFT study / Fonctionnalisation non covalente de structures nano-carbonées : une étude DFTHu, Tao 06 May 2013 (has links)
Le dopage non covalent de nanostructures carbonées par transfert de charge depuis/vers des molécules donneuses ou acceptrices (EDA) ou bien par des molécules d’acide sulfurique H2SO4, est considéré comme potentiellement intéressant pour de nombreuses applications. Parmi celles-ci on peut citer: capteur chimique, transistor à effet de champ, et d’autre l'électronique. Cependant, d'un point de vue théorique, on en sait peu au sujet de ces processus de transfert de charge par électrons ou par trous.Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’interaction entre des molécules d’acide sulfurique et des nanostructures modèles, car elles sont capables de doper des nanotubes, de s’intercaler dans le graphite et même d’aligner les tubes dans une phase nématique, ce qui pourrait mener à la création de matériaux composites à forte valeur ajoutée.Bien que certaines études théoriques DFT ont été menées récemment, leurs résultats restent source de confusion. Par exemple, même s’il est rapporté un transfert de charge entre une molécule de H2SO4 et un plan de graphène, tous nos efforts pour reproduire ces calculs ont été infructueux. Nous proposons dans ce travail de thèse, un mécanisme de réaction qui expliquent la "protonation" des parois du tube, tel que proposé dans la littérature. Enfin nous proposons un scénario possible pour une meilleure compréhension de la structuration à grande échelle des molécules d'acide autour de points d'ancrage, telles que des défauts, de la structure carbonée / Non-covalent doping of carbon nanostructures by charge transfer from/to donor/acceptor molecules (EDA) or by H2SO4 molecules, be it with holes or electrons, is usually thought as potentially interesting for many applications of carbon based nano-devices. However, from a theoretical point of view, little is known about such “charge transfer” processes.Employing first-principles method based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), we have studied in details, and proposed a model to rationalize, the interaction between a prototypical donor molecule the tetrathiafulvalene (TTF), a standard acceptor organic molecule, tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) and carbon nanostructures: graphene layer and SWNTs with various chiral indices. Main results concern structural and thermodynamic aspects including dispersion forces effects, and evidently electronic structure modifications of the nanostructures. Various adsorption modes and concentration effects have been investigated. At very low coverage values, we have reported a charge transfer between graphene and TCNE or TTF. Moreover, we have shown that the charge transfer can be enhanced by increasing the concentration of those two EDA molecules, as it has been demonstrated experimentally. Those results are beneficial for comprehending the nonchemical doping mechanism in graphene structure by means of charge transfers. Considering the interaction between these prototypical molecules and carbon nanotubes, we have found that charge transfers tend to decrease while the curvature of nanotube is increasing. Besides, a strong influence of the metallic/semi-conductor character of the SWNTs can be observed and be explained by the change of polarisability of the curved carboneous substrates. Additionally, we have studied the adsorption properties of sulfuric acid molecules, in its non-hydrated form, on carboneous nanostructures. Against the common believe, no charge transfer is observed in the H2SO4@graphene or H2SO4@CNTs cases, even at very high concentrations. Instead, in order to elucidate the origin of p-doping observed experimentally, we have proposed that molecule is responsible of the reversible doping. Besides we have shown that a proton transfer could cause the experimental phenomenon of crystallization of H2SO4 molecules on SWNT’s surface. Finally in such process, defects like vacancy are of first importance, since they could provide anchorage points for hydrogen atoms. The results of the present work will certainly help to understand the charge transfer and doping mechanism of carbon nanostructures by means of non-covalent functionalization, which is a promising method for their future applications
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Síntese e caracterização de derivados naftalimídicos e sua copolimerização com estireno para geração de materiais poliméricos fluorescentes / Synthesis and characterization of naphthalimides derivatives and their copolymerization with styrene to generate fluorescent polymeric materialsSchimidt, Marcos Felipe Russo Assumpção 15 February 2019 (has links)
O fascínio e a curiosidade da humanidade pela luz incentivaram a compreensão dos fenômenos que envolvem a interação matéria-energia, levando a um avanço tecnológico jamais visto antes. Com essa compreensão, atualmente é possível criar materiais com inúmeras finalidades; como na extensa área de micro e optoeletrônica; como na confecção de OLEDs e OPVs; no desenvolvimento de revestimentos inteligentes; marcadores biológicos; materiais para drug delivery; entre muitas outras aplicações. Seguindo essa perspectiva, a classe dos corantes rilênicos conhecida por naftalimidas possuem propriedades únicas que permitem a confecção dos mais diversos materiais. Desta maneira, o presente estudo sintetizou dois monômeros naftálicos inéditos derivados da 1,8-naftalimida e da 1,4,5,8-naftalenodiimida, os monômeros NI-AL e NDI-ALp. Além disso, também foram sintetizados dois copolímeros compostos por estireno-co-NI-AL e estireno-co-NDI-ALp. Para cada copolímero houve a variação da proporção estireno/comonômero, gerando, ao todo, dez copolímeros (seis de estireno-co-NI-AL e quatro de estireno-co-NDI-ALp). Os copolímeros foram analisados através de técnicas espectrométricas (1H RMN, FTIR, UV-Vis, Fluorescência, Reflectância) e cromatográficas (GPC). Os resultados indicaram que o copolímero de estireno-co-NI-AL sofre agregação devido às interações π-π, mas não há transferência de cargas entre os comonômeros. Já o copolímero estireno-co-NDI-ALp forma uma complexação no estado fundamental, deslocando a fluorescência da NDI-ALp para a região do verde e causando o surgimento de uma banda a 450 nm no espectro de UV-Vis. / The fascination and curiosity of humanity for light has stimulated the understanding of the interaction between energy and matter, leading to a technological advance never seen before. It is now possible to create materials with numerous purposes such as the extensive area of micro and optoelectronics, the manufacturing of OLEDs and OPVs, the development of intelligent coatings, biological markers, materials for drug delivery, among many others applications. Following this perspective, a class of rylene dyes known as naphthalimides have unique properties that allow the synthesis of numerous materials. In this study, two novel naphthalene allyl monomers derived from 1,8-naphthalimide and 1,4,5,8-naphthalenediimide have been synthesized, the monomers NI-AL and NDI-ALp. In addition, copolymers of styrene-co-NI-AL and styrene-co-NDI-ALp presenting different compositions were also synthesized. For each copolymer, the styrene: comonomer ratio varied, generating altogether tem copolymers (six of styrene-co-NI-AL and four of styrene-co-NDI-ALp). The copolymers were analyzed by spectrometric (1H NMR, FTIR, UV-Vis, Fluorescence) and chromatographic (GPC) techniques. The results indicated that the styrene-co-NIAL copolymer undergoes aggregation due to the π-π interactions, but there is no charge transfer between the comonomers. However, the styrene-co-NDI-ALp copolymer forms a complexation in the ground state, displacing the NDI-ALp fluorescence to the green region and causing the appearance of a band at 450 nm in the UV-Vis spectrum attributed to charge transfer complexes.
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Development of supramolecular metal-organic type systems and nanotechnology applications / Desenvolvimento de sistemas metal-orgânicos e suas aplicações nanotecnológicasAraque, Juan Sebastian Aguirre 11 June 2019 (has links)
Polypyridine ruthenium complexes have attracted attention due to their remarkable photoelectronic properties and being employed as electron injection compounds in DSSCs, photo catalysts in water splitting among others. The first two chapters of this thesis present a comprehensive study of two novel ruthenium polypyridine and pyridine based complexes for DSSCs and for the study of an outer sphere intervalence electron transfer respectively. Porphyrins are organic structures commonly found in nature. Their outstanding chemical versatility, structural and electronic properties have made these compounds object of continuous research. Among these properties are enzymatic catalysis, transport and photoelectron generation. For these reasons the last two chapters of this thesis tried to focus in the development of supramolecular porphyrin arrangements capable of exploit and generate a synergistic effect of metallated cobalt porphyrins and polypyridine ruthenium complexes with opposite electronic properties -depending upon their - accepting or donating nature- and their interaction with GO as nanocomposites for effective tetraelectronic dioxygen reduction and isoniazid oxidation. These catalytic studies showed promising results as possible sensors for dioxygen and isoniazid when compared with reported methodologies. / Os complexos polipiridínicos de rutênio têm atraído muita atenção devido às suas notáveis propriedades foto eletrônicas, os quais têm sido empregados como compostos injetores de elétrons em DSSCs, fotocatalisadores na oxidação de água entre outros. Os dois primeiros capítulos desta tese apresentam um estudo abrangente de dois novos complexos polipiridínicos e piridínicos de rutênio para DSSCs e no estudo de uma transferência eletrônica de intervalência de esfera externa respetivamente. As porfirinas são estruturas orgânicas comumente encontradas na natureza. Sua excelente versatilidade química, propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas fizeram desses compostos objeto de intensa pesquisa. Entre essas propriedades estão a catálise enzimática, transporte e geração de fotoelétrons. Por estas razões, os dois últimos capítulos desta tese tentaram se concentrar no desenvolvimento de arranjos porfirínicos supramoleculares capazes de explorar e gerar um efeito sinérgico entre porfirinas de cobalto e complexos polipiridínicos de rutênio com propriedade eletrônicas opostas -dependendo da natureza -aceptor ou doador- e sua interação com GO como nano compósitos para a efetiva redução tetra eletrônica de oxigênio e oxidação de isoniazida. Os estudos catalíticos mostraramresultados promissores como possíveis sensores para oxigênio e isoniazida quando comparados com metodologias na literatura.
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Espectroscopia vibracional de complexos de transferência de carga aminas-SO2: evidências da formação de estruturas associadas / Vibrational spectroscopy of charge-transfer amines-SO2 complexes: evidence of associates structures formationMonezi, Natália Mariana 19 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados três complexos de transferência de carga formados por aminas aromáticas e SO2. As aminas escolhidas foram a N,N-dimetilanilina (DMA), N,N-dietilanilina (DEA) e N-metilanilina (NMA). A interação entre a espécie doadora (amina) e a espécie aceptora (SO2) está bem esclarecida na literatura e trata-se de um reação típica de ácido-base de Lewis, porém existem alguns aspectos inexplorados e sem registros na literatura. Um desses aspectos é o fato de que complexos formados entre as aminas aromáticas e o SO2 dão origem a soluções oleosas com coloração vermelha intensa. O máximo de absorção eletrônica (UV-VIS) desses compostos está na faixa de 350 nm, com uma cauda que se estende pela região do visível, responsável pela cor. Um fato curioso é que a cor desses complexos se altera com a variação da temperatura de forma reversível. Em baixas temperaturas o complexo torna-se amarelo pálido e em altas temperaturas, vermelho escuro muito intenso. Um dos principais objetivos deste trabalho foi reinvestigar a interação de transferência de carga entre aminas aromáticas e SO2 na tentativa de responder tal questão. Para tal, foram utilizadas técnicas espectroscópicas (Raman e Infravermelho), sobretudo a espectroscopia Raman ressonante, com o auxílio de cálculos teóricos baseados na teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT). Os espectros Raman ressonante mostraram a intensificação seletiva de uma banda em cerca de 1140 cm-1 tanto com a variação da radiação quanto com a variação de temperatura. O fato dessa banda ter sido intensificada preferencialmente em radiações de excitação na região do visível e em altas temperaturas, permitiu que fosse proposta a presença de um outro cromóforo em solução. Portanto, além do complexo já bem caracterizado com estequiometria 1:1, propôs-se a presença de um complexo com estequiometria 2:1, ou seja, duas aminas conectadas por uma molécula de SO2, formando um complexo de transferência de carga com maior deslocalização eletrônica. A comparação entre as diferentes aminas mostrou que a formação dessas espécies associadas depende de um delicado balanço entre basicidade, impedimento estérico e possibilidade de interações específicas como ligações de hidrogênio. / In this work three charge-transfer complexes formed by aromatic amines and SO2 were studied. The chosen amines were N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA), N,N-diethylaniline (DEA) e N-methylaniline (NMA). The interaction between the donor (amine) and acceptor (SO2) is well established in the literature and is classified like a typical Lewis acid-base reaction, however there are some unexplored aspects that are lacking in the literature. One of such aspects is the fact that the complexes formed between the aromatic amines and SO2 gives origin of an oily intense red color solution. The maximum of electronic absorption (UV-VIS) of these complexes is near to 350 nm, with a tail that extends along the visible region, which is responsible for the color. A curious fact is that the complex color changes with the temperature variation in a reversible manner. At low temperatures, the color complex becomes pale yellow and at high temperatures, it turns a very intense dark red solution. One of the main objectives of this work was to reinvestigate the charge-transfer interaction between aromatic amines and SO2 trying to answer this question. For this, it was utilized spectroscopic techniques (Raman and Infrared), especially resonance Raman spectroscopy, with the support of theoretical calculations based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The resonance Raman spectra showed the selective enhancement of a band nearly 1140 cm-1 with both, the changing of the exciting radiation and the temperature variation. The fact of this band was preferentially enhanced with visible exciting radiations and at higher temperatures, allowed the proposition of the presence of another chromophore in solution. Therefore, besides the already well characterized complex with 1:1 stoichiometry, it was proposed the presence of a complex possessing a 2:1 stoichiometry, i.e. with two amines connected by a SO2 molecule, forming a charge transfer complex with higher electronic delocalization. The comparison among the different amines showed that the formation of such associated species depends on a delicate balance between basicity, sterical hindrance and the possibility of specific interactions such as hydrogen bonding
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Espectroscopia vibracional de complexos de transferência de carga aminas-SO2: evidências da formação de estruturas associadas / Vibrational spectroscopy of charge-transfer amines-SO2 complexes: evidence of associates structures formationNatália Mariana Monezi 19 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados três complexos de transferência de carga formados por aminas aromáticas e SO2. As aminas escolhidas foram a N,N-dimetilanilina (DMA), N,N-dietilanilina (DEA) e N-metilanilina (NMA). A interação entre a espécie doadora (amina) e a espécie aceptora (SO2) está bem esclarecida na literatura e trata-se de um reação típica de ácido-base de Lewis, porém existem alguns aspectos inexplorados e sem registros na literatura. Um desses aspectos é o fato de que complexos formados entre as aminas aromáticas e o SO2 dão origem a soluções oleosas com coloração vermelha intensa. O máximo de absorção eletrônica (UV-VIS) desses compostos está na faixa de 350 nm, com uma cauda que se estende pela região do visível, responsável pela cor. Um fato curioso é que a cor desses complexos se altera com a variação da temperatura de forma reversível. Em baixas temperaturas o complexo torna-se amarelo pálido e em altas temperaturas, vermelho escuro muito intenso. Um dos principais objetivos deste trabalho foi reinvestigar a interação de transferência de carga entre aminas aromáticas e SO2 na tentativa de responder tal questão. Para tal, foram utilizadas técnicas espectroscópicas (Raman e Infravermelho), sobretudo a espectroscopia Raman ressonante, com o auxílio de cálculos teóricos baseados na teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT). Os espectros Raman ressonante mostraram a intensificação seletiva de uma banda em cerca de 1140 cm-1 tanto com a variação da radiação quanto com a variação de temperatura. O fato dessa banda ter sido intensificada preferencialmente em radiações de excitação na região do visível e em altas temperaturas, permitiu que fosse proposta a presença de um outro cromóforo em solução. Portanto, além do complexo já bem caracterizado com estequiometria 1:1, propôs-se a presença de um complexo com estequiometria 2:1, ou seja, duas aminas conectadas por uma molécula de SO2, formando um complexo de transferência de carga com maior deslocalização eletrônica. A comparação entre as diferentes aminas mostrou que a formação dessas espécies associadas depende de um delicado balanço entre basicidade, impedimento estérico e possibilidade de interações específicas como ligações de hidrogênio. / In this work three charge-transfer complexes formed by aromatic amines and SO2 were studied. The chosen amines were N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA), N,N-diethylaniline (DEA) e N-methylaniline (NMA). The interaction between the donor (amine) and acceptor (SO2) is well established in the literature and is classified like a typical Lewis acid-base reaction, however there are some unexplored aspects that are lacking in the literature. One of such aspects is the fact that the complexes formed between the aromatic amines and SO2 gives origin of an oily intense red color solution. The maximum of electronic absorption (UV-VIS) of these complexes is near to 350 nm, with a tail that extends along the visible region, which is responsible for the color. A curious fact is that the complex color changes with the temperature variation in a reversible manner. At low temperatures, the color complex becomes pale yellow and at high temperatures, it turns a very intense dark red solution. One of the main objectives of this work was to reinvestigate the charge-transfer interaction between aromatic amines and SO2 trying to answer this question. For this, it was utilized spectroscopic techniques (Raman and Infrared), especially resonance Raman spectroscopy, with the support of theoretical calculations based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The resonance Raman spectra showed the selective enhancement of a band nearly 1140 cm-1 with both, the changing of the exciting radiation and the temperature variation. The fact of this band was preferentially enhanced with visible exciting radiations and at higher temperatures, allowed the proposition of the presence of another chromophore in solution. Therefore, besides the already well characterized complex with 1:1 stoichiometry, it was proposed the presence of a complex possessing a 2:1 stoichiometry, i.e. with two amines connected by a SO2 molecule, forming a charge transfer complex with higher electronic delocalization. The comparison among the different amines showed that the formation of such associated species depends on a delicate balance between basicity, sterical hindrance and the possibility of specific interactions such as hydrogen bonding
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Synthèse et mise en forme de matériaux nanostructurés pour la photosensibilisation de réactions d’oxydoréduction / Nanostructured materials synthesis and shaping for oxydoreduction reaction photosensibilizationBoichard, Benoît 12 November 2015 (has links)
La perspective d'une société utilisant l'énergie de la lumière du soleil pour séparer la molécule d'eau en dihydrogène et en dioxygène, ces deux gaz servant de moyens de stockage et de vecteurs d'énergie, nécessite de nombreux développements. En particulier, il est nécessaire de choisir un matériau pouvant absorber la lumière et transférer son énergie aux charges électriques afin de générer un courant électrique. Parmi toutes les possibilités, ce mémoire étudie l'applicabilité des bâtonnets semiconducteurs de tailles nanométriques constitués d'un cœur de séléniure de cadmium et d'une coquille de sulfure de cadmium. Profitant des méthodes décrites ces dernières années et d'une méthodologie de fonctionnalisation, les objets obtenus présentent une grande monodispersité et peuvent être dispersés en milieu aqueux. Les propriétés photoélectrochimiques des nanobâtonnets sont explorées par microscopie électrochimique. Cette méthode permet de déterminer s'il y a un transfert de charge entre des molécules en solution et un substrat constitué des bâtonnets, et le cas échéant son sens. Ainsi les nanoparticules, soumises à une excitation lumineuse, transfèrent des électrons vers les molécules dans l'ensemble des cas explorés, révélant ainsi un caractère plus réducteur que la para-benzoquinone. Ce transfert est réalisé d'autant plus rapidement que le rapport entre la longueur et le diamètre des bâtonnets augmente, jusqu'à un optimum, mais aussi que la taille de la couche organique isolante les recouvrant diminue, comme l'ont révélé des suivis de réduction d'une sonde rédox moléculaire colorée, la résazurine. Ces charges ont été mises à profit pour fonctionnaliser les nanoparticules, au travers de la réduction d'un pont disulfure ou d'un sel d'or. Enfin des stratégies ont été explorées pour permettre aux particules de réaliser la réduction photosensibilisée de l'eau, au travers de la synthèse d'une cobaloxime, un catalyseur moléculaire, ou de la réduction de sels métalliques à propriété catalytique tels que le cobalt et le nickel. / The development of a society based on solar energy requires a way to store it. One possibility consists in water splitting that needs a material to collect and transform the energy contained in light beam in an electric charges movement. Among all possibility, we hereby explore the applicability of nanometers-sized semiconductor rods composed of a cadmium selenide core and a cadmium sulfide shell. Based on methods already developed and a new functionalization methodology, the obtained particles exhibit a high monodispersity and can be dispersed in water, a useful property for the final purpose. Their photo-electrochemical properties have been explored by electrochemical microscopy that allowed to determine whether there is charge transfer between mediators in solution and quantum rods deposited as substrate and its direction. It reveals that under light irradiation and in all cases herein experimented, they transfer electrons to the mediators, making them more reductive than para-benzoquinone. This transfer is fastened when the ratio between the length and the diameter of the rods increased until an optimum, but also when the width of the organic isolating shell decreases, as revealed by time-resolved reduction of resazurin, a colored rédox molecular probe. These charge transfer have been used to functionalize particles by reduction of a disulfide bridge or a gold salt. Finally, strategies have been explored to make these quantum rods able to photosensibilized water reduction through synthesis of a cobaloxime, a molecular catalyst, or metal salt reduction as cobalt and nickel known to exhibit catalytic activity.
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\"Transferência de carga e ligação de hidrogênio intramolecular em derivados de 9-aminoacridina\" / \"Intramolecular charge and hydrogen bon transfer in 9-aminoacridine derivatives\"Pereira, Robson Valentim 25 August 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, o corante 9-aminoacridina foi derivatizado com compostos vinílicos que possuem grupos retiradores de elétrons. A incorporação destes leva à mudanças nas propriedades fotofísicas dos derivados, tais como deslocamentos para regiões de menor energia nos espectros de absorção e emissão, sugerindo a presença de transferência de carga intramolecular (ICT). Os estudos de fluorescência resolvida no tempo confirmam este processo para os derivados. Este estado ICT possui um tempo formação na faixa de 150 300 ps e um tempo de vida entre 1 3 ns, que depende do solvente. Os derivados que apresentam pelo menos um grupo carbonila como retirador de elétron, possuem um tempo de vida longo na faixa de 8 10 ns, atribuído à emissão do enol, formado a partir da conjugação estendida por ponte de hidrogênio. A polimerização destes derivados com o ácido metacrílico promoveram mudanças em suas propriedades fotofísicas estacionárias e resolvidas no tempo devido à quebra da conjugação  estendida. Este fato é ilustrado pelos espectros de absorção e emissão que mostram bandas estruturadas, deslocadas para a região de maior energia e um decaimento monoexponencial, semelhante ao observado com 9-aminoacridina. Anisotropia de fluorescência resolvida no tempo mostra que nos copolímeros o tempo de relaxação rotacional do corante é muito sensível à mudança conformacional do poli (ácido metacrílico) com o pH, possibilitando assim o estudo da dinâmica deste polímero em solução aquosa. / In this work, the dye 9-aminoacridine was derivatized with vinylic compounds containing electron withdrawing groups. The incorporation of these groups leads to changes in the photophysical properties of the dye, such a red shift in the absorption and emission spectra, suggesting the presence of intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) effect. Time-resolved studies have confirmed such process in all derivatives. This ICT state has a risetime in the range 150 300 ps and a fluorescence lifetime between 1 3 ns, that depends of the solvent. The derivatives with at least one carbonyl group as electron withdrawing, have an additional lifetime in the range of 8 10 ns, attributed to the enol emission formed by the extended conjugation. The polimerization of these derivatives with methacrylic acid induces changes in the stationary and time-resolved properties of the dye due to the breaking of the extended conjugation. This fact is illustrated by the absorption and emission spectra that show structured bands with a blue shift, and a monoexponencial decay, similar to the behavior of 9- aminoacridine. Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy of the bound dye shows that the copolymers have a segment relaxation of the chain is very sensitive to the change in the conformational shape of poly (methacrylic acid) with pH, and such a process is well indicated by following the rotational relaxation of the dye.
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The synthesis of advanced " special pair " models for the photosynthetic reaction centreMecker, Christoph J, Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
Multi-step photoinduced electron transfer takes place over a large distance in the photosynthetic reaction centres (PRCs). Electron donor in this life-spending event is the photo-excited 'special pair', a unit of two electronically coupled porphyrinoid chromophores. Bacteriopheophytin and two quinone molecules function as electron acceptors and contribute to the charge separation with almost unit quantum efficiency. The natural photosynthetic reaction centre is the most sophisticated molecular electronic device to date and interest is high in increasing our understanding of the basic quantum mechanical principles behind efficient electron transfer and ultimately copying Nature and construct similar efficient devices. Two main approaches towards a better understanding of the mechanisms involved have been taken. The more biological disciplines isolate, cultivate and alternate reaction centres whereas synthetic chemists prefer to construct well-defined models that mimic certain aspects of the reaction centres. Such a synthetic approach is described in the 'Synthesis of Advanced 'Special Pair' Models for the Photosynthetic Reaction Centre'. The aspect to be mimicked is the 'special pair'. One or two porphyrins in a well-defined spatial disposition (kinked or non-kinked in respect to each other) were to act as electron donor in rigid bichromophoric and trichromophoric systems. A tetracyanonaphthoquinodimethane (TCNQ) unit was employed as the electron acceptor in the series of dyads synthesised. The TCNQ acceptor was replaced by a naphthoquinone (NQ) primary acceptor covalently linked to a TCNQ secondary electron acceptor in the series of triads. Rigid norbornylogous bridges held the chromophores in place and Diels-Alder methodology as well as condensation reactions were applied to link donor, bridge and acceptor components. Despite larger interchromophoric separation than in the natural 'special pair', the two porphyrin chromophores of the series of 'special pair' dyads show some interaction and thereby prove the success of our approach towards 'special pair' mimics. Strong fluorescence quenching in the porphyrin-TCNQ dyads indicates the sought after electron transfer process. A number of synthetic problems experienced and overcome in the synthesis of the series of triads led to discovery of a one-step 'bis-ketonisation' from an olefin under Sharpless bis-hydroxylation conditions with N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide. High pressure was applied to circumvent a lack of reactivity in the condensation reaction used to attach the porphyrin moieties (one or two) to the donor backbone. For the linkage of donor, bridge and acceptor component, a procedure was developed and successfully applied to give the giant mono-porphyrin-NQ-TCNQ trichromophore. In a similar manner 'special pair' trichromophoric systems should be available as part of future work.
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Rhenium(I) metal-to-ligand charge-transfer excited states containing sigma-bonded closo-dicarbadodecaboranesSmithback, Michael T. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wyoming, 2006. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Dec. 21, 2007). Includes bibliographical references.
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Caractérisation théorique de la dynamique de processus de transfert de charge au sein d'architectures de type donneur-espaceur-accepteurVan Vooren, Antoine 28 September 2009 (has links)
Les réactions de transfert de charge entre molécules sont des processus fondamentaux dans de nombreux domaines scientifiques. En particulier, elles sont responsables de la conversion de la lumière en énergie chimique (photosynthèse) ou en énergie électrique dans les cellules solaires organiques (domaine du photovoltaïque). Ces dernières visent à produire de l’électricité à coût réduit afin de contribuer aux besoins en énergie renouvelable. Leur rendement reste toutefois faible (environ 5-6% contre 25% pour les cellules à base de silicium) et leur amélioration requiert l’optimisation de chaque étape du processus de transformation de l’énergie lumineuse en courant électrique : absorption de la lumière ; dissociation des excitations ; séparation des charges ; transport des charges. Les processus de dissociation d’excitations, de transport de charge, ainsi que de recombinaison de charges (diminuant le rendement de la cellule solaire) impliquent tous des réactions de transfert d’électron.
Les transistors à effet de champ sont des composants fondamentaux en électronique, utilisés comme interrupteurs, déterminant si le courant passe ou non. Les transistors organiques se posent comme alternative moins couteuse aux transistors à base de silicium. Comme dans les cellules solaires, les processus de transfert de charge sont d’une importance primordiale, gouvernant ici la mobilité des charges au sein du dispositif.
Rendre les dispositifs d’électroniques organiques concurrentiels par rapport aux dispositifs inorganiques nécessite de les rendre plus performants. Cette amélioration des performances passe, entre autres, par une optimisation des processus de transfert de charge. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse porte sur une étude théorique, basée sur des méthodes de chimie quantique et de mécanique moléculaire, de systèmes donneur-pont-accepteur, dans le but de mieux comprendre les processus de transfert de charge au sein de ces systèmes, en vue de leur utilisation en électronique organique. Ces systèmes présentent plusieurs avantages pour les cellules solaires : le fait de lier chimiquement le donneur et l’accepteur réduit la ségrégation de phase et la séparation des charges est facilitée lorsque les charges sont formées loin l’une de l’autre (grâce à la présence du pont) car l’attraction de Coulomb entre charges générées est réduite. Des molécules pontées peuvent également avoir d’autres applications, comme par exemple l’amélioration de la mobilité des charges dans un transistor organique à effet de champ en permettant un transport entre couches moléculaires.
Nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à des structures modèles afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes fondamentaux associés aux processus à transfert de charge. Nous avons ensuite appliqué cette méthode à trois types de systèmes réels, synthétisés et caractérisés expérimentalement. La première étude concerne le transport de charge au sein d’un copolymère conjugué donneur/accepteur, F8BT. La seconde concerne l’utilisation de systèmes pontés en vue d’une utilisation dans des transistors à effets de champs organiques. La dernière concerne l’injection de charges dans un matériau organique conjugué via une couche mono-moléculaire auto-assemblée. Pour terminer, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’influence de la dynamique structurale (vibrations moléculaires) sur les vitesses des réactions de transfert de charge dans des systèmes donneur-pont-accepteur.
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