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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autocrine regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in immortalized hypothalamic GT1-7 neurons

Pithey, Anne Louise January 1994 (has links)
The existence of an ultrashort feedback mechanism regulating GnRH secretion has been supported from in vivo and in vitro studies. However, the complex synaptic connections of GnRH neurons with other neural elements made it difficult to determine whether the regulation was mediated by direct actions on the GnRH neurons or through actions on other interneurons. The recent development of the GnRH-secreting neuronal cell line, GT1, provided a model system for the study of neural regulation of a pure population of GnRH neurons. The present studies utilized GT1 -7 cells to investigate whether GnRH (at the level of the nerve terminal) influences the control of its own release. Preliminary studies determined the presence of GnRH mRNA in GT1-7 cells and established a cell culture system for the analysis of secretagogue-induced GnRH release. In this system GnRH release was shown to be spontaneous and was enhanced by the addition of K⁺, L-GLU, forskolin and PMA. Furthermore, K⁺- and forskolin-induced GnRH release was dependent on extracellular Ca²⁺. For the analysis of an ultrashort feedback mechanism, GT1-7 cells were cultured in 6-well plates to near confluence and then incubated in serum-free medium in the presence (1 nM- 1 μM) or absence of GnRH antagonist, Ant 27. Basal, K⁺-and forskolin-induced secretion of GnRH was monitored with antiserum 1076 which does not cross-react with Ant 27 at> 1 μM. Ant 27 treatment increased basal, K⁺- and forskolin-stimulated GnRH release in a dose-dependent manner. Total content was unaffected by 18 h treatment of GT1-7 cells with Ant 27. This suggests that the effects of Ant 27 are at the level of release and not biosynthesis. The presence of GnRH binding sites in the cells was demonstrated with ¹²⁵I-GnRH analog. These findings support the concept that GnRH, acting via autoreceptors, negatively controls its own release.

The role of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor gene regulation

Pheiffer, Carmen P January 1998 (has links)
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) is a key reproductive hormone in vertebrates and exerts its effects via the GnRH receptor (GnRHR) to result in the synthesis and release of the gonadotropin hormones in the pituitary gonadotrope cells. GnRHR expression is likely to be regulated in a tissue- and cell- specific manner. A variety of hormones, including GnRH itself, estrogen, progesterone, inhibin, and testosterone have been shown to regulate GnRHR expression. Steroidogenic Factor-1 (SF-1), a member of the orphan nuclear receptor transcription factor family, regulates the expression of both the gonadotropin hormones in the pituitary and the steroidogenic enzymes in the gonads and adrenal gland, and provides a potential molecular mechanism for coordinate control of reproductive function. SF-1 binds to a gonadotrope-specific element (GSE) in the promoters of the gonadotropin hormones. Our studies involved investigating whether SF- I plays a role in tissue-specific regulation of GnRHR gene expression. A genomic clone of the mouse GnRHR gene contains a putative SF- I site at about -15 relative to the translation start site. We demonstrate the presence of a factor with SF-1-like DNA-binding activity in the gonadotrope cell lines, αT3-1 and αT4, by gel retardation assays. DNasel footprinting reveals that the major DNA-binding activity in αT3-1 cells on the GnRHR promoter occurs at the SF-1-like site. The SF-1-like sequence specificity of the interaction is demonstrated by gel redardation and DNasel footprinting assays using specific and mutated oligonucleotides as competitors. Northern blot analysis suggests that GnRHR expression is not solely dependent on the presence of SF-1, as αT4 cells do not express GnRHR but a SF-1 transcript is seen in these cells. Promoter function was analysed by constructing plasmids containing 563 bp of the GnRHR gene 5' to the ATG translation start site linked to a luciferase reporter gene, followed by transfection of these constructs into different cell lines. In addition, a mutant construct containing a mutated SF-1 site was tested. We demonstrate that this 563 bp of the GnRHR gene contains strong promoter activity in both pituitary gonadotrope (αT3-1) and somatotrope (GH₃) cells, but not in non-pituitary (COS-1) cells. Thus promoter activity appears to be tissue specific but not gonadotrope specific. The presence of a mutated SF-1 site in the 563 bp GnRHR gene fragment did not significantly effect the promoter activity, showing that binding of SF-1 protein to this site is not necessary for high levels of GnRHR expression in the pituitary gonadotropes.

Systematics of cetaceans using restriction site mapping of mitochondrial DNA

Ohland, Derek Paul January 1992 (has links)
A phylogenetic study of eleven cetaceans was undertaken using Restriction Endonuclease Maps (RSM) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). One species from the suborder mysticeti (baleen whales) was sampled, and of the ten odontocetes (toothed whales) sampled two were from the family Ziphiidae (beaked whales) and eight were from the family Delphinidae (dolphins) (each representing a different genus). The primarily opportunistically obtained (i.e. from strandings or accidental death in commercial trawl nets) heart tissue generally yielded high quantities of mtDNA which is needed for double digest fragment analysis. The mtDNA extracted from the sampled taxa was cleaved with fifteen different six-base Restriction Enzymes (RE's). Using the three-way method of analysis and aided by the computer program Resolve (Ver. 2.7) (Harley, unpublished), RSM's were constructed. Distance (Neighbor-Joining and Fitsch-Margoliash) and cladistic (Maximum Parsimony and Bootstrap) methods were used to infer phylogenies. The baleen whale was used as an outgroup for the cladistic analysis. Both the distance and both the cladistic methods produced the same single topology, which is concordant with morphologically based classifications. The two differences (within the Delphinidae), viz. Grampus' most basally rooted position and Cephalorhynchus' grouping with the Delphininae are of taxa whose groupings are unresolved in the morphologically based classifications. Using Brown et al's (1979) molecular clock, very recent divergence times at the generic, family and suborder levels were obtained, when compared to fossil based estimates. Using the odontoceti/mysticeti split the base substitution rate of cetacean mtDNA was estimated to be much slower than that of terrestrial mammals (0,3% compared to 1,0% Myr⁻¹). A similarly slow rate was calculated for cetacean nuclear DNA (nDNA) (0,09% Myr⁻¹) (Schlotterer et al, 1991). It remains an unresolved issue as to whether the base substitution rate of cetacean DNA is slower than terrestrial mammals or whether the fossil evidence needs to be reinterpreted. The time of the mysticeti/odontoceti split is palaeontologically uncertain and the suggested monophyletic status of the extant suborders has been questioned, thus making the calculation of cetacean base substitution rate risky. Equally, the incomplete fossil record can lend itself to misinterpretation.

Development of a pathology-supported genetic test for improved clinical management of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis

Jalali Sefid Dashti, Mahjoubeh 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Pathology. Chemical Pathology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aetiology of multiple sclerosis (MS) remains largely unknown, due to its multifactorial nature with environmental and genetic factors contributing to the risk. Several investigations highlighted the important role of the genetic component influencing disease susceptibility and progression. In the present study genetic variations in the MTHFR (1298 A>C and 677 C>T) and HFE (845 G>A) genes previously, shown to affect folate and iron metabolism respectively, were studied in the context of MS. The aim of the study was to contribute the laboratory component of a pathology supported genetic testing approach used to identify a subgroup of MS patients with altered nutritional requirements due to genetic susceptibilities. The study population included 90 patients with a clinical diagnosis of MS and 49 control individuals, without any signs or symptoms of the disease, drawn from the same age- and population group. Three mutation detection systems were compared in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, cost effectiveness and ease of operation in relation to the MTHFR and HFE gene mutations analysed. Analytical validity of the genetic assays was an important consideration; therefore the respective real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods were compared with direct DNA sequencing as the gold standard. The methodology included use of the ABI™ 7900HT, the Roche LightCycler® 480 II system and the Corbett Rotor-Gene™ 6000 5-plex HRM. The same genotype results were obtained for the DNA samples tested with the three RT-PCR methods. In terms of cost effectiveness, ease of operation and optimization, the Corbett Rotor-Gene™ 6000 5-plex HRM thermal cycler, with use of the ABI™ TaqMan Genotyping assays was found to be the most efficient for mutation detection using relatively small sample batches. Following successful standardization of the RT-PCR assays, genotype-phenotype correlation studies was performed in a subset of 43 MS patients with available data. Biochemical tests were previously done on blood samples at the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) chemical pathology laboratory at Tygerberg Academic Hospital. A novel finding of this study was that heterozygotes and homozygotes for mutation 1298 A>C in the MTHFR gene presented with lower serum iron levels (12.37 ± 5.91 μmol/l) in comparison to subjects without the C-allele (18.64 ± 7.15 μmol/l; P = 0.02). Furthermore, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were found to be marginally significantly higher (P = 0.07) in the MTHFR 1298 A>C mutation-positive heterozygotes compared to subjects without the C-allele (6.65 ± 4.96 mg/l vs 2.93 ± 2.31 mg/l), linking inflammation to the presence of the MTHFR 1298 A>C mutation. In comparison, the MTHFR 677 C>T as well as the HFE 845 G>A mutation showed no correlation with transferrin saturation, ferritin, haemoglobin or CRP levels. The absence of increased iron status in HFE mutation carriers was in accordance previous findings suggesting altered iron metabolism in MS patients with this mutation. For the first time, high-throughput assays for functional polymorphisms in the MTHFR and HFE genes can now be offered as a routine service at the Tygerberg Academic Hospital. This application is used in combination with blood biochemistry tests as part of a comprehensive gene-based, pathology supported screening and intervention program aimed at improved quality of life in patients diagnosed with MS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die etiologie van meervoudige sklerose (MS) is nog grootendeels onbekend, as gevolg van die multifaktoriale aard van die siekte, met omgewings- en genetiese faktore wat bydra tot die risiko. 'n Aantal ondersoeke het reeds die belangrikheid van die genetiese komponent vir die vatbaarheid vir die siekte en die progressie daarvan beklemtoon. In die huidige studie was genetiese variasies in die MTHFR (1298 A>C en 677 C>T) en HFE (845 G>A) gene bestudeer wat voorheen getoon het dat dit foliensuur- enystermetabolisme respektiewelik in die konteks van MS affekteer. Die doel van die studie was om die laboratorium komponent van 'n patologie-ondersteunde genetiese toets daar te stel wat gebruik kan word om 'n subgroep van MS pasiënte te identifiseer wat veranderderde voedingsbehoeftes het as gevolg van genetiese vatbaarheid. Die studiepopulasie het bestaan uit 90 pasiënte met 'n kliniese diagnose van MS en 49 kontroles sonder enige tekens of simptome van die siekte, wat ingesluit is vanuit dieselfde ouderdoms- en populasiegroep . Drie mutasie analise sisteme was vergelyk in terme van akkuraatheid, sensitwiteit, kostedoeltreffendheid en gemak van gebruik met betrekking tot die MTHFR en HFE geen mutasies. Analitiese geldigheid van die genetiese toetse was 'n belangrike oorweging; daarom was die onderskeie rieëltyd polimerase kettingreaksie (RT-PKR) metodes vergelyk met direkte DNA volgordebepaling as die goue standaard. Die metodologie het die ABI™ 7900HT, die Roche LightCycler® 480 II sisteem en die Corbett Rotor-Gene™ 6000 5-plex HRM ingesluit. Dieselfde genotipe resultate was met die verskillende metodes verkry vir die DNA monsters wat getoets is met die drie RT-PKR metodes. Wat betref kostedoeltreffendheid, gemak van gebruik en optimisering, was die gebruik van die Corbett Rotor-Gene™ 6000 5-plex HRM Thermal Cycler, met die ABI™ TaqMan Genotyping essays die mees effektief vir mutasie opsporing van relatief klein getalle monsters. Nadat die RT-PKR toetse suksesvol gestandardiseer was, was genotipe-fenotipe korrelasies uitgevoer in 'n subgroep van 43 MS pasiënte met die beskikbare data. Biochemiese toetse was voorheen gedoen op die betrokke bloedmonsters by die Nationale Gesondheid Laboratorium Diens (NHLS) se chemiese patologie laboratorium by Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal. 'n Nuwe bevinding van hierdie studie was dat heterosigote en homosigote vir die MTHFR 1298 A>C mutasie gepresenteer het met laer serum yster vlakke (12.37 ± 5.91 μmol/l) in vergelyking met individue sonder die C-alleel (18.64 ± 7.15 μmol/l; P = 0.02). Verder was die C-reaktiewe proteien (CRP) marginaal betekenisvol hoër (P = 0.07) in die MTHFR 1298 A>C heterosigote in vergelyking met individue sonder die C alleel (6.65 ± 4.96 mg/l vs 2.93 ± 2.31 mg/l), wat aandui dat inflammasie verhoog mag wees in die teenwoordigheid van die MTHFR 1298 A>C mutasie. In vergelyking hiermee het die MTHFR 677 C>T sowel as die HFE 845 G>A mutasies geen korrelasie met transferrien versadiging, ferritien, hemoglobien of CRP-vlakke getoon nie. Die afwesigheid van verhoogde yster status in MS pasiënte met die HFE mutasie was in ooreenstemming met vorige bevindinge wat veranderde ystermetabolisme in MS pasiënte met hierdie mutasie aangedui het. Vir die eerste keer is hoë deurvoer genetiese toetse nou vir funksionele polimorfismes in die MTHFR en HFE gene beskikbaar as 'n roetiene diens by die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal. Dit kan gebruik word saam met bloed biochemiese toetse as deel van 'n omvattende geen-gebaseerde, patologie ondersteunde intervensie program wat daarop gemik is om die kwaliteit van lewe van pasiënte gediagnoseer met MS te verbeter. / Medical Research Council

The development and application of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assay to determine the impact of genetic variation in South African patients diagnosed with depression

Delport, Darnielle 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPath)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a severe debilitating medical condition that may lead to suicide. Due to a poor understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the disease process therapeutic decisions are usually taken using a ‘trial and error’ approach. This is not ideal since many treatments do not work as expected for all individuals. Studies have shown that only half of MDD patients receive the appropriate treatment, whereas many patients have adverse response to anti-depressants. These may include weight gain and raised homocysteine levels that may further compromise the health status of MDD patients and may partly explain the link with cardiovascular disease. The objective of the study was to identify genetic risk factors interacting with environmental factors implicated in MDD that may be of relevance to the South African population. Polymorphisms in the MTHFR (677 C>T, rs1801133 and 1298 A>C, rs1801131), COMT (472G>A, rs4680), CYP2D6 (6937G>A, rs3892097), ASMT (24436 G>A, rs4446909) and SLC6A4 (43 bp ins/del, rs4795541) genes were genotyped in 86 MDD patients and 97 population-matched controls. The specific aims were 1) to analytically validate high throughput real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) genotyping assays for the selected SNPs against direct sequencing as the gold standard for 2) possible integration into a pathology-supported genetic testing strategy aimed at improved clinical management of MDD. A total of 183 unrelated Caucasians participated in the study, including 69 females and 17 males with MDD and 57 female and 40 male controls without a personal and family medical history of overlapping stress/anxiety and depressive disorders. All study participants were genotyped for the six selected SNPs considered clinically useful based on international data. The allelic distribution of the SNPs, single or combined into a genotype risk score after counting their minor alleles, did not differ between MDD patients and controls. Homocysteine levels were determined and correlated with body mass index (BMI) and other variables known to influence these phenotypes. The folate score assessed with use of the study questionnaire was significantly lower in the patient group compared with controls (p=0.003) and correlated significantly with BMI, particularly in females (p=0.009). BMI was on average 8% higher in the MDD patients compared with controls (p=0.015) after adjustment for age and sex. The MTHFR rs1801133 677 T-allele was associated with a 14% increase in BMI in MDD patients but not controls (p=0.032), which in turn was associated with significantly increased homocysteine levels (p<0.05). The aims of the study were successfully achieved. Identification of the MTHFR rs1801133 677 T-allele reinforces the importance of adequate folate intake in the diet due to increased risk of obesity and depression found to be associated with low dietary intake. Evidence of shared genetic vulnerability for many chronic diseases and drug response mediated by the MTHFR 677 T-allele support the clinical relevance of this low-penetrance mutation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Major depressie (MD) is ‘n aftakelende siektetoestand wat tot selfdood kan lei. Onkunde oor die siekte se onderliggende biologiese meganismes lei dikwels tot ‘n lukrake terapeutiese benadering. Dit is ‘n onbevredigende situasie aangesien indiwidue verskillend reageer op die middels wat voorgeskryf word. Navorsing toon dat slegs ongeveer die helfte van MD pasiënte toepaslike behandeling kry, terwyl anti-depressante ‘n nadelige uitwerking het op baie pasiënte. Dit sluit massatoename en verhoogde homosisteïenvlakke in wat MD pasiënte se gesondheid bykomend nadelig kan beïnvloed en die verband met kardiovaskulêre siekte gedeeltelik kan verklaar. Hierdie studie poog om MD verwante genetiese risikofaktore en omgewingsfaktore wat mekaar beïnvloed en moontlik op die Suid Afrikaanse bevolking betrekking het, te identifiseer. Polimorfismes in die MTHFR (677 C>T, rs1801133 en 1298 A>C, rs1801131), COMT (472G>A, rs4680), CYP2D6 (6937G>A, rs3892097), ASMT (24436 G>A, rs4446909) en SLC6A4 (43 bp ins/del, rs4795541) gene is geanaliseer in 86 MD pasiënte en 97 kontroles geselekteer van dieselfde populasie. Die spesifieke doelwitte was om 1) hoë deurset direkte polimerase kettingreaksie (RT-PCR) genotiperingstoetse vir die 6 gekose polimorfismes met direkte volgordebepaling as maatstaf analities te valideer vir 2) moontlike insluiting in ‘n patologie-ondersteunde genetiese toetsstrategie met die oog op beter kliniese hantering van MD. Altesaam 183 Kaukasiërs het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die MD pasiënte het uit 69 vroue en 17 mans bestaan. Die kontroles (57 vroue en 40 mans) het geen mediese geskiedenis (persoonlik of familie) van oorvleuelende stress/angstigheid of depressie gehad nie. Gebaseer op internasionale data, is al die deelnemers vir die 6 gekose, potensieel klinies-bruikbare polimorfismes getoets. Die alleliese verspreiding van die polimorfismes enkel of gekombineer (uitgedruk as ‘n genotipe-risiko-syfer nadat minor allele getel is), was dieselfde in MD-pasiënte en kontroles. Homosisteïenvlakke is bepaal en gekorreleer met die liggaamsmassa-indeks (BMI) en ander veranderlikes wat bekend is vir hulle invloed op hierdie fenotipes. In teenstelling met die kontroles, was die folaat telling, soos bepaal met die studievraelys, betekenisvol laer in die pasiënte (p=0.003). Die korrelasie met die liggaamsmassa-indeks, spesifiek by vroue, was ook betekenisvol (p=0.009). Na aanpassings vir ouderdom en geslag, is gevind dat die liggaamsmassa-indeks gemiddeld 8% hoër was in die die MD pasiënte teenoor die kontroles. By MD-pasiënte, maar nie by die kontroles nie, is die MTHFR rs1801133 677 T-alleel geassosieer met ‘n 14% toename in liggaamsmassa-indeks (p=0.032), wat ook geassosieer was met betekenisvolle verhoogde homosisteïenvlakke (p<0.05). Die doelwitte van die studie is bereik. Identifisering van die MTHFR rs1801133 677 T-alleel beklemtoon hoe belangrik dit is om voldoende folaat in te neem, veral omdat ‘n verhoogde risiko vir vetsug en depressie met ‘n lae folaatinname in die diet geassosieer word. Die kliniese belang van die MTHFR 677 T-alleel word beklemtoon deur toenemende bewyse wat daarop dui dat gedeelde genetiese vatbaarheid vir ‘n verskeidenheid van kroniese siektes asook middelrespons aan bemiddeling deur hierdie lae penetrasie mutasie toegeskryf kan word. / Winetech / Technology for Human Resources and Industry Program (THRIP).

Free light chains in patients with HIV: establishing local reference ranges and their association with stage of disease, chronic antigen stimulation and the effect of Haart

Germishuys, Jurie J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Serum free light chains (FLC) are associated with imbalances in heavy and light chain production. Abnormal FLC ratios have been associated with risk of progression in certain diseases. Automated assays are available for their determination and they are used in the followup and management of patients with monoclonal gammopathies. Acceptable imprecision, specificity, accuracy and reproducibility between reagent batches is required to prevent under- or overestimation. Method validation is a standard process in every good laboratory to judge the acceptability of a new method. Reference intervals have been established in an older population, but it was considered important to verify these in our population. HIV is associated with B-cell dysfunction. As B-cell abnormalities are associated with disorders leading to monoclonal gammopathies, we postulated that the FLC levels and FLC ratio would be abnormal in HIV infected individuals. Methods and materials: Controls and pooled patient samples were used for the method validation study which included imprecision studies, linearity, recovery and interference studies, and method comparison studies, the latter compared our method to the same method used in another laboratory. For the reference interval study, blood was obtained from 120 healthy subjects. The following blood tests were performed: total protein, IgG, IgA, IgM, creatinine, protein electrophoresis, kappa FLC and lambda FLC. Using the kappa and lambda FLC results, a FLC ratio was determined. Three hundred and sixty-nine HIV positive subjects were then studied. The same tests were performed, as well as CD4+ counts and viral loads on the majority of them. Results: For the method validation study, precision, linearity and recovery was acceptable. Minimal interference was observed with haemolysis, lipaemia, bilirubin and rheumatoid factor. Our method showed comparable performance with the established method. For the reference interval study, all the creatinine values were normal, as were serum protein values. The serum protein electrophoreses were independently reviewed by 3 pathologists. Most were normal, with a few polyclonal increases seen, but no definite monoclonal bands. The 95% reference intervals for FLC’s as well as the FLC ratio were not statistically significantly different to the manufacturer’s recommendations. When examining the HIV positive study population, we found that FLC and FLC ratio were influenced by markers of HIV disease severity, such as CD4+ count, IgG, viral load, use of antiretroviral treatment and abnormal serum protein electrophoreses. Conclusion: The validation study of FLC showed excellent precision, acceptable bias, good linearity, good recovery and minimal interference, allowing routine introduction of the test. The 95% reference intervals obtained for our population were slightly higher than those recommended by the manufacturer. However, as most of the values fell within the manufacturer’s limits, we could accept the manufacturer’s recommended cut-offs. We found that FLC levels were definitely influenced by markers of HIV disease severity in our population and we postulate that they may be of use for follow-up of patients with HIV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Serum vry ligte kettings (VLK) word geassosieer met ‘n wanbalans van ligte en swaar ketting produksie. Abnormale VLK ratios is geassosieer met ‘n risiko van verloop in sekere siektes. Geoutomatiseerde laboratorium toetse vir VLK is beskikbaar vir hul bepaling en word gebruik om pasiënte met monoklonale gammopatieë op te volg en te behandel. Aanvaarbare impresisie, spesifisiteit, akkuraatheid en herhaalbaarheid tussen reagens besendings is belangrik om onder- of oorbepaling te verhoed. Metode validasie is ’n standaard proses in elke goeie laboratorium om die aanvaarbaarheid van ’n nuwe metode te bepaal. Verwysingswaardes is al bepaal in ’n ouer populasie. Ons het besluit om die verwysingswaardes in ons populasie te bepaal. Mens-immuungebrekvirus (MIV) word geassosieer met B-sel disfunksie. Omdat B-sel abnormaliteite geassosieer word met afwykings wat tot monoklonale gammopatieë lei, het ons gepostuleer dat die VLK vlakke en VLK ratio abnormaal sal wees in MIV geïnfekteerde persone. Metodes en Materiale: Kontroles en pasiënt monsters is gebruik vir die metode validasie studie wat impresisie studies, lineariteit, herwinning, inmenging en metode korrelasie studies ingesluit het. In laasgenoemde geval is ons metode met dieselfde metode van ’n ander laboratorium vergelyk. Vir die verwysingswaardes studie is 120 gesonde persone se bloed gebruik. Die volgende toetse is bepaal: totale proteïen, IgG, IgA, IgM, kreatinien, proteïen elektroferese, kappa en lambda VLK. Die VLK ratio is bepaal deur die kappa en lambda resultate te gebruik. Driehonderd nege en sestig MIV-positiewe pasiente is gebruik vir die studie. Dieselfde toetse was gedoen, asook CD4+ tellings en virale ladings op die meerderheid van pasiente. Resultate: Vir die metode validasie studie, was presisie, lineariteit en herwinning aanvaarbaar. Minimale inmenging van hemolise, lipemie, bilirubien en rumatoïede factor is waargeneem. Ons metode het goed gekorreleer met die bepaalde metode. Die serum kreatinien en serum totale proteïen waardes was normaal tydens die verwysingswaardes studie. Die serum proteïen elektroferese was onafhanklik beoordeel deur 3 patoloë. Die meeste was normaal met enkele poliklonale verhogings, maar geen definitiewe monoklonale bande nie. Die 95% verwysings intervalle vir VLK en VLK ratio het nie statisties betekenisvol verskil van die vervaardiger se aanbevelings nie. In die studie van die MIV-positiewe studie populasie, het ons gevind dat VLK en VLK ratio beïnvloed word deur merkers van ernstige MIV siekte, soos CD4+ telling, IgG, virale lading, die gebruik van antiretrovale medikasie en abnormale serum proteïen elektroferese. Gevolgtrekking: Die validasie studie van VLK het uitstekende presisie, aanvaarbare partydigheid, goeie lineariteit, goeie herwinning en minimale inmenging gewys, wat die roetine instelling van die toets toegelaat het. Die 95% verwysingsintervalle wat vir ons populasie bepaal is, was effens hoër as die vervaardiger se aanbeveling. Die meeste van die waardes het egter binne die vervaardiger se limiete geval, dus kon ons die vervaardiger se afsnypunte aanvaar. Ons het gevind dat VLK vlakke definitief beïnvloed word deur merkers van die ernstigheidsgraad van MIV siekte in ons populasie en ons postuleer dat VLK van waarde kan wees met die opvolg van MIV pasiente. / NHLS / Harry Crossley for funding obtained

Microsatellite instability and cell cycle protein analysis in endometrial carcinoma.

January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MMedSc)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2006.

Development of a monoclonal antibody-based immunoradiometric assay for the measurement of the free alpha-subunit of human chorionic gonadotrophin.

Haneef, Raazia Be. January 1990 (has links)
Almost a century has elapsed since the antigen-antibody interaction was first recognised as the basis of an immune response (Ehrlich, 1897). However, it was only in the 1930s, with the development of improved technologies that this concept was better understood, and led to the discovery of the amazing diversity and specificity of antibody molecules (Landsteiner, 1933). Theoretically, it is possible to make antibodies to a variety of biological substances and other chemicals, and therefore they are ideally suited as specific recognition elements to be used for analytical, cytological, functional, therapeutic and biochemical purposes. The development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) thirty five years ago, revolutionised research in many areas of clinical and scientific investigation. This technique evolved rapidly from the discovery made by Berson et al. in 1956 that antibodies to insulin could be detected in patients treated with this hormone, by measuring the binding of radiolabeled insulin to these antibodies. Although in the past RIAs have been the most important assay system employing antibody and labelled tracer, the limitation was that reliance had to be placed on the chance development of a good polyclonal antibody. These shortcomings stimulated the search for monospecific antibodies of reproducible quality and sufficient quantity. The development and introduction of monoclonal antibody technology brought about a revolution in immune serology (Kohler and Milstein, 1975). Establishment of immortal cell lines which contained the genetic elements of antibody-producing cells was achieved by fusion between a myeloma cell line and spleen cells from an immunised donor. The resulting hybrids had the essential properties of both parents, namely, permanent growth and a high capacity for the synthesis and secretion of immunoglobulins, normally characteristics of plasmacytomas, together with the genetic elements defining a specific antibody. Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a neoplastic condition of the trophoblast and occurs as molar pregnancy in a benign or invasive form, or as choriocarcinoma in a malignant form. Effective therapy has been developed for the treatment of both choriocarcinoma and molar pregnancy, but the key to successful management of these patients lies in their prompt diagnosis and careful monitoring of response to treatment (Green-Thompson, 1986). Fortuitously, these tumours elaborate the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone (hCG) and its free alpha (a) and beta (B) subunits and hence a ready marker for the tumour exists. Human chorionic gonadotrophin is one of a group of glycoprotein hormones, which includes luteinising hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). These hormones are composed of two dissimilar subunits designated a and B, which are bound non-covalently in the intact molecule. The B-subunit of each glycoprotein hormone is unique and is responsible for the respective biological and immunological properties of the glycoproteins. In contrast, all four hormones possess an identical a-subunit which is coded for by a single gene (Fiddes and Goodman, 1979). The measurement of hCG and its free B-subunit, as so-called BhCG, for the diagnosis and monitoring of therapy in patients with GTD is now routinely practised throughout the world (Vaitukaitis et al., 1972). However it has been demonstrated by Bagshawe (1975) that when serum BhCG can no longer be measured by current RIA methods, up to 10" tumour cells may remain undetected. In addition, there have been isolated reports of two patients with choriocarcinoma in whom BhCG was undetectable in the serum but who appeared to be secreting only the a-subunit (Dawood et al, 1977). Furthermore, it has been suggested that measurement of free a-subunit rather than intact hCG or the free B-subunit is a more effective means of detecting persistent trophoblastic disease as well as tumour recurrence following treatment (Quigley et al, 1980a and b). Radioimmunoassays which measure the free a-subunit of hCG have been developed, but in general lack the specificity and sensitivity required (Gaspard et al, 1980; Kohorn et al, 1981). These assays employ polyclonal antisera which also detect epitopes common to the pituitary gonadotrophins. Thus there is a need to produce monoclonal antibodies which recognise regions of the free a-subunit which are hidden in the intact gonadotrophins. Such antibodies would provide the required specificity for use in RIAs but are limited in their use by their inherent lack of high affinity for the antigen. Fortunately, this drawback may be overcome by using monoclonal antibodies as labelled reagents in an alternative assay system, the immunoradiometric assay (IRMA), described by Miles and Hales (1968). The IRMA, particularly the two-site sandwich version of the assay, has been shown to provide greater sensitivity in addition to allowing enhanced specificity. This is a consequence of the use of two antibodies in excess to detect the analyte, each directed at a different epitope on the target molecule. The first antibody, referred to as the capture antibody, is usually linked to a solid-phase to facilitate easy separation and is added in excess relative to the target hormone to enhance antibody-antigen interaction, thereby allowing increased sensitivity in the measurement of analyte. The second antibody, referred to as the detection antibody, is labelled with a radioactive isotope or an enzyme to detect antigen already bound to the capture antibody. The application of monoclonal antibodies specific for the free a-subunit to a highly sensitive IRMA format is an obvious need. Hence this study was undertaken firstly, to raise and characterise monoclonal antibodies to the free a-subunit, secondly to develop an IRMA using these antibodies and finally to establish whether measurement of free a-subunit has any clinical advantage. / Thesis (M.Med.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1990.

Apolipoprotein E allele distribution in a South African Indian female population : effect on the lipid profile.

Gounden, Nirmala. January 1993 (has links)
Genetic polymorphism of apolipoprotein (apo) E has been shown to account for a significant amount of variance in plasma lipid and lipoprotein levels, thereby contributing to the incidence of cardiovascular disease across populations. In this cross-sectional study apo E genotypes were determined in a sample of 173 healthy, middle-aged Indian women using a restriction isotyping method, in which DNA was amplified by PCR and the Cfol restricted DNA fragments were separated on a polyacrylamide gel, allowing unambiguous typing of the common apo E genotypes. Considering the three common alleles, e2, e3 and e4, a reduced frequency of the e2 allele was observed in the study population in comparison to other populations around the world. This finding underlines the heterogeneity of apo E allele frequencies in different populations. This study also investigated possible effects of apo E genotype on lipoprotein changes in this sample of women spanning the menopause. Apo E polymorphism was associated with significant differences in plasma lipid levels. Notably, total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol and more especially plasma triglyceride concentrations were increased in carriers of the e3/4 genotype. Two-way analysis of variance of the effect of apo E genotype and menopausal status on the lipid profile showed no significant interaction effect, indicating that the effects of apo E genotype on the lipid profile do not differ significantly between premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Age and to a lesser extent the waist hip ratio also correlated with lipid concentrations, but menopausal status had no apparent effect in this sample. This study confirms the potentially deleterious effect of the e4 allele, in a vulnerable population. The reduced occurrence of the E2 isoform, which is considered to offer a measure of protection against cardiovascular disease, may contribute to the relatively high incidence of coronary heart disease in the South African Indian population. However, the relatively low incidence of the e2 allele may protect this population against the occurrence of type III hyperlipoproteinaemia precipitated by diabetes and obesity in e2/2 homozygotes. / Thesis (M.Med.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1993.

Two North American arthropods of clinical significance : their venoms and the development of specific antivenoms

Jones, Russell Guy Ashley January 2001 (has links)
Large volumes of antisera were generated against Apis melli/era venom with which to develop a novel, platform technology for the inexpensive production of anti venoms. The ovine sera contained high levels of specific antibodies which neutralised the myotoxic, phospholipase A2 and in vivo activities of the venom. Methods of processing the antisera to provide Fab or F(ab')2 were investigated. F(ab')2 was thought to be clinically advantageous and, by determining the conditions necessary for the preferential breakdown of Fc and serum components other than F(ab')2' it was possible to avoid salt precipitation. Diafiltration was then used to remove most of the unwanted small fragments and anion-exchange chromatography to remove any remaining acidic impurities such as pepsin and large aggregates. The F(ab')2 was -97% pure and the yield - 199 per L of serum. This is the first specific therapy for mass envenoming by European or Africanised bees. Spiders of the genus Latrodectus (black widows) are distributed widely and about 2,500 bites are reported annually in the USA. The neurotoxic effects of the venom were studied on the isolated phrenic nerve diaphragm preparation. Low venom concentrations (ImgIL) were stimulatory while high concentrations (IOmg/L) caused nerve blockade which was potentiated by increased calcium levels. Although effective, the Merck antivenom, which is unprocessed horse serum, causes unacceptable risks. The second purpose of this project was to prepare an improved Latrodectus spider antivenom using the new platform technology. Different immunisation schedules were studied to optimise the humoral immune response. Sheep immunised with 2mg La. hesperus venom produced the highest levels of specific antibodies as assessed by ELISA, using the isolated nerve diaphragm preparation or in vivo in mice. The new process provided a pure F(ab')2 antivenom retaining 78% of the original antisera ED so neutralising power and was - twice as effective as the Merck antivenom.

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