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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A translation project :The Boy Who Went under the Border or Hell and Back Again

Lyu, Chen Ge, Karen January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of English

Vervreemding, patronaat en tuiskoms : die Gilgamesj-epos vir Afrikaanse kinderlesers

Walters, Coenraad Hendrik 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest recorded story known to humanity. It has a long and complex textual history. The final version of the epic, generally known as the standard version, was produced about 1200 B.C. in the Babylonian dialect of Akkadian by a priest and scribe named Sin-leqi-unninni. The cuneiform tablets upon which the epic was recorded, were rediscovered during the nineteenth century when European archaeologists started digging in the ancient cities of the Middle East, especially Nineveh. Since then the story has been translated into many languages; several English translations have been published. Some of these translations of the epic maintain epic poetic form, others are in prose, and there are a number of versions for children. At the moment no complete version exists in Afrikaans. This thesis presents a translation of parts from Geraldine McCaughrean's English children's version, which was published in 2002. McCaughrean adapts the structure of the standard version, clearly a strategy to make her text exciting for modern readers. The theoretical insights of André Lefevere and Lawrence Venuti form the paradigm for the translation process. Lefevere sees translation as one of a number of rewriting techniques. The detail of such a rewriting is determined by the poetics of the target culture, the patronage which enables such a translation to exist, and the ideological framework within which the rewriting develops. Venuti distinguishes between two translational approaches: a domesticating translation adapts the translation to the target culture and creates the impression with readers that they are reading an original text; foreignising translation makes the readers aware that they are reading a text from another culture. The opportunities and limitations of children's literature and translation for children are explored. Specific attention is given to taboo topics, as a number of these appears in the Gilgamesh Epic. The writers of the children's versions have solved these problems in different ingenious ways. Annotations shed light on the translational challenges and the decisions of the translator. Finally the whole project is evaluated and suggestions for further research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Gilgamesj-epos is die mensdom se oudste opgetekende verhaal. Dit het ‘n lang en komplekse ontstaansgeskiedenis. Die finale variant van die epos, wat algemeen bekend staan as die standaardweergawe, is ongeveer 1200 v.C. in Babiloniese Akkadies geskryf deur ‘n skriba-priester genaamd Sin-leqi-unninni. Die spykerskriftablette waarop dit opgeteken is, is gedurende die negentiende eeu herontdek tydens argeologiese opgrawings van die verwoeste antieke stede in die Midde-Ooste, veral Nineve. Sedertdien is die verhaal in verskeie tale vertaal; daar bestaan etlike vertalings in Engels. Hierdie vertalings van die epos word soms aangebied as epiese gedig, in ander gevalle in prosavorm, en daar bestaan ook ‘n paar verskillende weergawes vir kinders. Daar bestaan tans egter geen volledige weergawe in Afrikaans nie. Hierdie tesis bied ‘n vertaling van dele uit een van die Engelse kinderweergawes, dié van Geraldine McCaughrean, wat in 2002 verskyn het. McCaughrean pas die struktuur van die standaardweergawe aan, ‘n duidelike strategie om haar teks vir hedendaagse lesers opwindend te maak. Die teoretiese insigte van André Lefevere en Lawrence Venuti vorm die raamwerk vir die vertaalproses. Lefevere beskou vertaling as een van ‘n hele aantal tegnieke van herskrywing. Die besonderhede van so ‘n herskrywing word bepaal deur die poetika van die doelkultuur, die patronaat wat die herskrywing moontlik maak, en die ideologiese raamwerk waarbinne die herskrywing ontstaan. Venuti onderskei tussen twee vertaalbenaderings: ‘n domestikerende vertaling pas die vertaalde teks sterk aan by die doelkultuur sodat lesers van die vertaling onder die indruk gebring word dat hulle ‘n oorspronklike teks lees; en vervreemdende vertaling, waarin die lesers bewus is dat hulle ‘n teks uit ‘n ander kultuur lees. Die moontlikhede en beperkinge van kinderliteratuur en vertalings vir kinderlesers word ondersoek. Spesifieke aandag word geskenk aan taboe-onderwerpe, waarvan ‘n hele paar in die Gilgamesj-epos voorkom, en hoe die skeppers van die kinderweergawes hierdie probleme opgelos het. Annotasies belig die vertaaluitdagings en die vertaler se keuses. Ten slotte word die projek as geheel geëvalueer en voorstelle vir verdere navorsing verskaf.

'n Afrikaanse vertaling uit Cornelia Funke se Tintenherz

Fouche, Marietjie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / At present there is an extreme shortage in the publication of Afrikaans children’s books. Although revised publications of popular, classic series, such as the Maasdorp-, Trompie- and Saartjie-series can help fill the void in the market, the contribution made by translations of children’s books should not be underestimated: Afrikaans translations of popular children’s books, such as the Harry Potter- and Narnia-series are well-liked and can even encourage young readers to develop an Afrikaans reading culture. Young readers throughout the world get pleasure from the books written by the renowned German author Cornelia Funke. Funke is viewed as an influential author of children’s books and this is largely due to her popular fantasy-adventure Tintenherz; the extremely original plot of this fantasy-adventure, which forms part of a trilogy, persuades young readers to change their unenthusiastic approach towards reading by showing them that reading can be a pleasant, thrilling experience. This study attempts to prove that an Afrikaans translation of Tintenherz can make an important contribution to fill the void in the Afrikaans children’s literature, as well as encourage young readers to read more. Critics fear that translations of popular children’s books might flood the market with books that might be cheaper, but that are second-rate versions of the original texts since the translations fail to achieve the same literary standards as the original texts. This study attempts to prove that knowledge of theoretical translation strategies, such as George Steiner’s hermeneutic motion, Lawrence Venuti’s approaches of foreignisation and domestication, as well as André Levere’s approach of rewrite as a form of translation do in fact make it possible to produce an Afrikaans translation of Tintenherz which not only meets the requirements of the target-culture and satisfies the wants of the target-readers, but also upholds the literary standard of the original German text.

Alice se avonture in Afrikaans : 'n vertaalteoretiese beskouing van geskiktheid, aanvaarbaarheid en gepastheid

De Roubaix, Lelanie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lewis Carroll’s classic children’s tale Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, as well as its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, have the reputation of being the most quoted and translated texts of all time, after the Bible and Shakespeare. The status of the Alice books as timeless classics is confirmed by the numerous translations and adaptations of the texts that have already been made and is still being made. In this study, a descriptive investigation of André P. Brink’s Afrikaans translation of Carroll’s classic children’s books is undertaken in order to investigate whether the translation is still suitable for Afrikaans readers today. Brink’s Afrikaans translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1965, and his translation of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There in 1968. Firstly, an overview of the most important theoretical contributions to translation studies since the nineteen-eighties is given to provide a foundation for the investigation and description of translations. Relevant terminology, such as adequacy and acceptability, will be explained. Emphasis will especially be placed on the interaction between the theoretical contributions, which will serve as a basis for the conclusion drawn regarding the suitability of the translation. The conclusion will be based on an application where the translation will be investigated. The translation is studied from a theoretical point of view on macrostructural as well as microstructural level. In the macrostructural analysis, references to the title, cover pages, illustrations, chapter titles, and the (in)visibility of the translator will be made. The microstructural analysis comprises an investigation of how Brink dealt with translation problems that arose during the particular translation. As a result of the investigation of the translation, conclusions can be drawn regarding the suitability of the translation for current readers. A recommendation on the possibility of a retranslation is also offered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lewis Carroll se klassieke kinderverhaal Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland en die opvolg Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, het die reputasie as die tekste wat, naas die Bybel en Shakespeare, die meeste aangehaal word en vertaal word van alle tekste. Die status van die Alice-verhale as tydlose, klassieke verhale word bevestig deur die verskeie vertalings en verwerkings daarvan wat reeds gedoen is en steeds onderneem word. In hierdie studie word ’n beskrywende ondersoek van André P. Brink se Afrikaanse vertaling van Carroll se verhale onderneem om vas te stel of die vertalings vir huidige lesers steeds gepas is. Brink se Afrikaanse vertaling van Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is reeds in 1965 gepubliseer en die vertaling van Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There in 1968. ’n Oorsig oor die vernaamste vertaalteoretiese bydraes sedert die tagtigerjare word eerstens gebied as gronding vir die bestudering en beskrywing van vertalings. Relevante terminologie, waaronder geskiktheid en aanvaarbaarheid, kom ook aan bod. Daar word veral klem gelê op die interaksie tussen die teoretiese bydraes, wat gesamentlik dien as ’n grondslag vir die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak word oor die gepastheid van die vertaling. Die oordeel oor die gepastheid, al dan nie, van die vertaling word gegrond op ’n toepassing waar die vertaling bestudeer word. Die vertaling word vanuit ’n vertaalteoretiese oogpunt op makro- sowel as mikrovlak bestudeer. Op makrovlak word daar onder andere verwys na die titel, voorblaaie, illustrasies, hoofstuktitels en die (on)sigbaarheid van die vertaler. Die bestudering van die vertaling op mikrovlak behels ’n ondersoek na Brink se hantering van vertaalprobleme wat in die betrokke vertaalsituasie ontstaan. Na aanleiding van die bestudering van die vertaling kan daar afleidings gemaak word oor die gepastheid daarvan vir huidige lesers en word ’n aanbeveling gemaak oor die moontlikheid van ’n hervertaling.

Translating African folktales for children into German : challenges, strategies and solutions

Kratz, Julia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African author Linda Rode‘s book In die Nimmer-Immer Bos (2009a) and Elsa Silke‘s English translation thereof In the Never-Ever Wood (2009b) have won a number of prizes in South Africa, which is evidence both of the quality of the anthology and its translation, as well as of the continued significance of the folktale genre in today‘s fast-paced, modern society. People continue to make sense of the world through telling stories and, although the stories told today might be marked by life in the 21st century, our ancestors‘ stories are still appreciated by many. Although Rode‘s tales are not unlike other folktales, her collection differs in that it is a mosaic of cultures and their folklore spanning the globe, a book that appeals to the whole family, and to young readers and listeners in particular. Through a practical translation into German of selected tales from Silke‘s English version of Rode‘s book, the present thesis investigates ways and means of translating folktales for children. A functional approach was suggested, taking into account the European audience as well as the original intention of the author. As such, the author‘s style was naturalised and an attempt was made to replicate it in the target language, whereas culture-specific items relevant to the setting of the individual tales were retained. Hans J. Vermeer‘s skopos theory, as enhanced by Christiane Nord, as well as Lawrence Venuti‘s concepts of foreignisation and domestication were discussed, amongst other relevant theories. Many of the challenges discussed in the annotations to the practical translation typically occur in the translation of literature for children, and the study thus hopes to make a contribution to research on the translation of literature for children. Interviews conducted for the purpose of the present study furthermore proved the positive impact of good cooperation between the people involved in a translation project on the final translation product. The resulting translation, meant to impart knowledge and pleasure to the audience, furthermore serves as a translation sample that is intended to entice German publishers to commission a translation of Rode‘s anthology for the German book market. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse skrywer Linda Rode se boek In die Nimmer-Immer Bos (2009a), sowel as die Engelse vertaling daarvan deur Elsa Silke, getiteld In the Never-Ever Wood (2009b), is in Suid-Afrika met verskeie pryse bekroon. Hierdie erkenning is ‘n bevestiging van die gehalte van die antologie en van die vertaling, sowel as van die voortgesette belangrikheid van volksoorleweringe as genre in die gejaagde, moderne samelewing van vandag. Mense maak steeds sin van die wêreld deur stories te vertel, en hoewel die stories wat vandag vertel word meestal handel oor die lewe in die 21ste eeu, word die stories van ons voorouers steeds deur baie mense waardeer. Hoewel Rode se verhale nie besonder anders as ander volksverhale is nie, verskil haar versameling in dié opsig dat dit ‘n mosaïek van kulture en volksoorleweringe van regoor die wêreld is. Die boek is dus een waarby die hele gesin, maar veral jong lesers en luisteraars, aanklank kan vind. Hierdie tesis ondersoek, deur ‘n praktiese vertaling van enkele verhale uit die Engelse weergawe van Rode se boek in Duits, strategieë vir die vertaling van volksverhale vir kinders. ‘n Funksionalistiese benadering is gevolg, wat die Europese gehoor sowel as die oorspronklike bedoeling van die skrywer in ag neem. In die lig hiervan is die styl van die skrywer genaturaliseer en, waar moontlik, na die doeltaal oorgedra, terwyl kultuurspesifieke items behou is wat relevant is vir die agtergrond waarteen die individuele verhale afspeel. Hans J. Vermeer se skoposteorie, soos aangepas deur Christiane Nord, sowel as Lawrence Venuti se konsepte vervreemding en domestikering is bespreek, saam met ander relevante teorieë. Baie van die uitdagings wat in die annotasies by die praktiese vertaling bespreek word, kom dikwels in die vertaling van kinderliteratuur voor. Hierdie studie hoop dus om ‘n bydrae tot navorsing oor die vertaling van verhale vir kinders te lewer. Onderhoude wat vir die doel van die studie gevoer is, het verder bewys gelewer van die positiewe impak wat goeie samewerking tussen die rolspelers in ‘n vertaalprojek op die finale vertaalproduk kan hê. Die uiteindelike vertaling, wat bedoel is om kennis oor te dra en genot aan die gehoor te verskaf, dien verder as ‘n vertaalvoorbeeld wat Duitse uitgewers hopelik sal aanmoedig om Rode se antologie vir die Duitse boekemark te laat vertaal.

生成與接受: 中國兒童文學翻譯研究, 1898-1949. / Production and reception: a study of translated children's literature in China, 1898-1949 / Study of translated children's literature in China, 1898-1949 / 中國兒童文學翻譯研究, 1898-1949 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Sheng cheng yu jie shou: Zhongguo er tong wen xue fan yi yan jiu, 1898-1949. / Zhongguo er tong wen xue fan yi yan jiu, 1898-1949

January 2006 (has links)
Child-oriented Chinese indigenous children's literature was created with the translation of western children's works and theories on children's literature. The study on translated children's literature in China is significant not only to the research on Chinese children's literature, but also to Chinese translation history. At present the study on translated children's literature both at home and abroad occupies a marginalized position. Particularly in China, the limited research that has been done on the subject is of poor quality. / Key words. Translation Studies; translated children's literature; poetics; patronage; linguistic elements; personality; influence study; reception. / This dissertation combines the methods taken from Descriptive Translation Studies, children's literature research and Comparative Literature to describe and analyze the production, reception and influence of translated children's literature in China during the period of 1898-1949. Based on two catalogues compiled by the author of this dissertation, namely, A Catalogue of Translated Children's Literature During 1898-1919 and A Catalogue of Translated Children's Books During 1911-1949, the dissertation describes a picture of translated children's literature in China during the period of 1898-1949. The production of translated children's work is analyzed from four perspectives: poetics, patronage, linguistic elements and personality of translators. The reception part, based on the reception models by Yves Chevrel, takes Curoe translated by XIA Mianzun, The Watch translated by LU Xun, and "Translated Russian Children's Literature in China" as three case studies to examine the reception of translated children's literature in the Chinese context. The influence part adopts the methodology of chronology and doxologie to prove and conduct the detailed aspects of the influence of translated children's literature upon indigenous Chinese children's literature from three aspects: techniques, content and image. The dissertation ends with an outlook for future research on translated children's literature in China. / 李麗. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2006. / 參考文獻(p. 222-238). / Adviser: Chee Fun Fong. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-02, Section: A, page: 0562. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2006. / Can kao wen xian (p. 222-238). / Li Li.

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