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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação sazonal do perfil sanitário de pombos-domésticos (Columba livia) em áreas de armazenamento de grãos e sementes no Estado de São Paulo / Seasonal health status survey of feral pigeons (Columba livia) in areas used for the storage of grains and seeds in São Paulo State

Vivian Lindmayer Ferreira 06 August 2012 (has links)
Columbiformes sinantrópicos podem ter um importante papel na epidemiologia de patógenos com potencial zoonótico ou de impacto econômico para a indústria avícola. Dentre eles destacam-se: Mycoplasma spp., Salmonella spp., paramixovírus aviário tipo 1 (APMV-1), inseridos no Programa Nacional de Sanidade Avícola (PNSA) e a Chlamydophila psittaci, agente de uma das principais zoonoses relacionada com aves silvestres. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho objetivou pesquisar, sazonalmente, a ocorrência destes patógenos em pombos-domésticos (Columba livia) em dois entrepostos no Estado de São Paulo. Ao longo de um ano, mensalmente 10 pombos foram capturados em cada entreposto para a colheita de amostras de suabe cloacal e sangue. A técnica de soroaglutinação rápida em placa (SAR) foi utilizada para a detecção de anticorpos anti-M. synoviae, anti-M. gallisepticum e anti-S.Pullorum/Gallinarum; para a confirmação dos sororeagentes foram utilizadas a prova de inibição da hemaglutinação e soroaglutinação lenta, respectivamente. Para a detecção do DNA de C. psittaci e RNA de AMPV-1 foram utilizados métodos moleculares, PCR e RT-PCR. Para investigação de anticorpos anti-APMV-1 foi empregada a técnica de HI. Na SAR, 3,3% dos soros foram reagentes para M. synoviae; 2,5% para M. gallisepticum e 0,4% para S. Pullorum/Gallinarum. No entanto, essas amostras foram negativas nas técnicas confirmatórias. A ocorrência do APMV-1 não foi detectada. O DNA de C. psittaci foi detectado em 13,3% das amostras sendo 10,8% provenientes de aves capturadas na estação seca e 15,8% na estação chuvosa. Tais resultados são relevantes, pois demonstram que a C. psittaci ocorre em pombos presentes em áreas públicas frequentadas por um grande número de pessoas. Frente à escassez de pesquisas realizadas em Columbiformes no país, novos estudos são necessários para a determinação do real risco que pombos-domésticos podem representar quanto à transmissão de patógenos para aves comerciais e a influência da sazonalidade na disseminação desses microrganismos. / Columbiformes may play an important role in the epidemiology of pathogens with zoonotic potential or economic impact in the poultry industry. Among these pathogens there are Mycoplasma spp., Salmonella spp., Avian Paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1), included in the National Poultry Health Program (PNSA) and Chlamydophila psittaci, etiologic agent of an important zoonosis associated with wild birds. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate, seasonally, the occurrence of the pathogens listed above in feral pigeons (Columba livia) in two warehouses in São Paulo State. During one year, 10 birds were captured monthly in each locality and cloacal swabs and blood samples were collected from each pigeon. The rapid seroagglutination test was performed for the detection of antibodies against M. synoviae, M. gallisepticum and Salmonella Pullorum/Gallinarum. Positive results were submitted to the hemagglutination inhibition and slow seroagglutination test, respectively. For the C. psittacis DNA and APMV-1s RNA diagnosis, molecular techniques PCR and RT-PCR were performed. Hemagglutination inhibition test was also performed in order to detect antibodies against APMV-1. From the serum samples analyzed by rapid seroagglutination test, 3.3% were positive for M. synoviae, 2.5% for M. gallisepticum and 0.4% for S. Pullorum/Gallinarum. However, none of these samples was positive on the confirmatory tests. APMV-1 was not detected in any of the laboratory tests used. C. psittacis DNA was detected in 13.3% of the samples being, 10.8% from pigeons captured during the dry season and 15.8% in the rainy season. These results are relevant since they indicate that C. psittaci occurs in birds living in public areas frequented by a large number of people. The occurrence of the other pathogens was not detected. Nevertheless, due to lack of information about the pigeons sanitary status in the country, additional researches are necessary to determine the risk that feral pigeons can pose in the transmission of pathogens for poultry and the influence of each season in the spread of these microorganisms.

Identifizierung und Charakterisierung des Effektorproteins CPn1020 von <i>Chlamydophila pneumoniae</i> / Identification und characterisation of the effector protein CPn1020 of <i>Chlamydophila pneumoniae</i>

Polch, Tobias 20 December 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Ocorrência de Chlamydophila felis e do plasmídeo críptico em gatis nas cidades de São Paulo e Osasco / Occurrence of Chlamydophila felis and cryptic plasmid in catteries in the cities of São Paulo and Osasco

Fernanda Fidelis Gonsales 06 December 2013 (has links)
A infecção de trato respiratório superior em gatos é uma afecção muito frequente em indivíduos que vivem em abrigos, com elevada morbidade e em alguns casos, fatal. O herpesvírus felino tipo1 (FHV-1) e a Chlamydophila felis estão entre os principais causadores. O FHV-1 ocasiona quadros de espirros, secreção nasal e alterações oculares como conjuntivite. A C. felis é responsável pelos piores casos de conjuntivite e apresenta um plasmídeo críptico como possível fator de virulência. A presença dos retrovírus da leucemia felina (FeLV) e/ou imunodeficiência dos felinos (FIV) debilita a função do sistema imunológico, causando imunossupressão e consequentemente aumento no índice de morbidade e mortalidade. Neste trabalho foram avaliados quatro abrigos, três gatis particulares não-comercias (um localizado em Osasco/SP e outros dois São Paulo/SP). Os gatis possuiam alta densidade populacional e a procedência dos gatos alojados era desconhecida. A detecção de FHV-1, como de C. felis e de três genes do plasmídeo criptico foram realizadas por PCR em amostras de mucosa oral e de conjuntiva ocular de ambos os olhos obtidas com swabs de algodão, secos e estéreis. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para a detecção do FIV e FeLV por meio de teste imunoenzimático. O sintomas clínicos dos animais foram classificados de 1 a 4, sendo 4 atribuído àqueles que apresentavam pior sintomatologia. A ocorrência de FIV e FeLV no 1° gatil foi de 4,63% e 3,70%, no 2° gatil foi de 0% e 6,45%, enquanto que no 3° gatil foi 75% e 0% respectivamente, estes vírus não foram detectados no 4° gatil. FHV-1 foi observado em 61,11% dos gatos no 1° gatil; 90,32% no 2° gatil, 100% no 3° gatil e em 89,74% dos animais do 4° gatil. No 1° gatil, 7,41% das amostras apresentavam C. felis, no 2° gatil, 58,06%; no 4° gatil, 23,08%; enquanto que no 3° gatil o agente não foi detectado. Dentre as amostras positivas para C. felis, os genes do plasmídeo críptico foram detectados; no 1o gatil o gene 1 estava presente em 62,50% das amostras, o gene 2 e 3 em 75%, para o 2° gatil obteve-se 61,11% de positividade para os genes 1 e 2 e 55,56% para o gene 3; no 4° gatil o gene 1 e 3 estavam presentes em 77,78% das amostras, o gene 2 em 55,56%. Os óbitos relatados no período do estudo foram de animais classificados com sintomas 3 ou 4 e positivos para C. felis e para o plasmídeo críptico. No presente trabalho foi observada uma elevada ocorrência de C. felis e de seu plasmídeo críptico, apesar da baixa ocorrência de FIV e FeLV nos gatis. / The infection of upper respiratory disease in cats is very common in individuals that living in shelters, with high morbidity, and in some cases, fatal. The feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV- 1) and Chlamydophila felis are agents the main causes. The FHV- 1 causes sneezing, nasal discharge and ocular abnormalities such as conjunctivitis. The C. felis is responsible for the worst cases of conjunctivitis and features a cryptic plasmid as a possible virulence factor. The presence of the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and/or vírus of feline immunodeficiency (FIV) weaken the function of the immune system, causing immunosuppression and therefore increased morbidity and mortality. This study evaluated four shelters, three catteries private non-commercial (one located in Osasco/SP and two in São Paulo/SP). Catteries possessed high population density and cats housed origin was unknown. The detection of FHV- 1 as three genes of the C. felis and cryptic plasmid was performed by PCR in oral mucosa and the ocular conjunctiva of both eyes obtained with cotton swabs, dried and sterile. Blood samples were collected for the detection of FeLV and FIV by enzyme immunoassay. The clinical symptoms of animals were classified from 1 to 4 , with 4 assigned to worst symptoms. The presence of the FIV and FeLV was in the first cattery 4.63% and 3.70%, in the second cattery was 0% and 6.45%, while in the third cattery was 75% and 0%, respectively, these viruses do not were detected in the 4th cattery. FHV- 1 was observed in 61.11 % of the cats in the first cattery; 90.32 % in the second cattery 100 % in the third and 89.74% of the animals of the fourth cattery. In the first cattery, 7.41% of the samples had C. felis, the second cattery, 58.06 %, in the fourth cattery, 23.08%, while the third cattery the agent was not detected. Among the samples positive for C. felis genes were detected cryptic plasmid; in the first cattery, the first gene was present in 62.50%, gene 2 and 3 in 75% of the samples; for the second cattery was obtained 61.11 % positive for 1 and 2 genes and 55.56 % to the third gene; in fourth cattery the first and the third genes were present at 77.78% of the samples in the second gene was in 55.56%. The deaths reported during the study period were classified in animals with symptoms 3 or 4 and positive for C. felis and the cryptic plasmid. In this study we observed a high incidence of C. felis and the cryptic plasmid, despite the low occurrence of FIV and FeLV in catteries.

Zellautonome angeborene Immunantwort in humanen Endothelzellen auf die Infektion mit Chlamydophila pneumoniae

Laak, Claudia van 28 April 2014 (has links)
Wirtszellen verfügen über bisher unzureichend verstandene zellautonome Immunmechanismen zur Abwehr von intrazellulären Bakterien. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Abwehrmechanismen charakterisiert, die in Endothelzellen und Makrophagen Infektionen durch C. pneumoniae bekämpfen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass C. pneumoniae über einen MAVS-abhängigen Signalweg in humanen Endothelzellen erkannt wird. Diese Erkennung aktiviert die Transkriptionsfaktoren IRF3 und IRF7 und nachfolgend eine IRF3/7-abhängige Typ I-IFN-Produktion. Typ I-IFN bewirken auto- und parakrin eine Kontrolle der intrazellulären Infektion mit C. pneumoniae. Zum anderen wurde gezeigt, dass das mitochondriale Molekül NLRX1 eine zellautonome Abwehr gegen C. pneumoniae in Endothelzellen und in Makrophagen vermittelt. Diese NLRX1-abhängige intrazelluläre Abwehr ist unabhängig von verschiedenen, bisher mit NLRX1 in Verbindung gebrachten Signalwegen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen somit zum ersten Mal, dass NLRX1 eine zellautonome Abwehr gegen intrazelluläre Bakterien vermittelt. Daraus gewonnene Erkenntnisse sowie die Ergebnisse zukünftiger Arbeiten zur Klärung der NLRX1- und MAVS-aktivierenden chlamydialen Moleküle und den durch Typ-I-IFN-abhängigen intrazellulären Abwehrmechanismen könnten bei der Erforschung neuartiger antibakterieller Therapien hilfreich sein. Diese ist angesichts der weltweiten signifikanten Zunahme von mehrfach-resistenten Infektionserregern, unbedingt notwendig. / The cell autonomous defense mechanisms against intracellular bacteria in host cells are so far insufficiently understood. In the present work two defense mechanisms involved in the elimination of C. pneumoniae in endothelial cells and in macrophages were characterized. It could be shown that C. pneumoniae is recognized by a MAVS-dependent signaling pathway in human endothelial cells. This recognition activates the transcription factors IRF3 and IRF7 and subsequently an IRF3/7-dependent type I-IFN production. Type-I-IFNs induce an auto- and paracrine control mechanism against the intracellular infection with C. pneumoniae. Additionally it could be shown for the first time that the mitochondrial NLR molecule NLRX1 mediates a cell autonomous defense mechanism against C. pneumoniae and most likely other intracellular bacteria in human endothelial cells and murine macrophages. This NLRX1-dependent intracellular defense mechanism is independent of the different mechanisms which were so far linked to NLRX1. The outcome of this work and future studies to identify chlamydial molecules responsible for the activation of the MAVS- and NLRX1-dependent signaling pathways as well as the effector mechanisms responsible for Type-I-IFN-dependent control of intracellular chlamydial replication could be very helpful in the development of novel antibacterial therapies.

High Prevalence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae in Children with Acute Respiratory Infections from Lima, Peru

del Valle-Mendoza, Juana, Orellana-Peralta, Fiorella, Marcelo-Rodríguez, Alvaro, Verne, Eduardo, Esquivel-Vizcarra, Mónica, Silva-Caso, Wilmer, Aguilar-Luis, Miguel Angel, Weilg, Pablo, Casabona-Oré, Verónica, Ugarte, Claudia, del Valle, Luis J. 27 January 2017 (has links)
Background Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae are atypical pathogens responsible for pneumonia and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in low income countries. The study objective is to determine the prevalence of this pathogens in Peruvian children with acute respiratory infections. Methods A consecutive cross-sectional study was conducted in Lima, Peru from May 2009 to September 2010. A total of 675 children admitted with clinical diagnoses of acute respiratory infections were tested for Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and clinical symptoms were registered by the attending physician. Results Mycoplasma pneumonia was detected in 25.19% (170/675) of nasopharyngeal samples and Chlamydia pneumonia in 10.52% (71/675). The most common symptoms in patients with these atypical pathogens were rhinorrhea, cough and fever. A higher prevalence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae cases were registered in summer, between December 2009 and March 2010. Conclusions Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumonia are a significant cause of morbidity in Peruvian children with acute respiratory infections (ARI). Further studies should evaluate the use of reliable techniques such as PCR in Peru in order to avoid underdiagnoses of these atypical pathogens.

The Role of Chlamydophila Pneumoniae in the Inflammatory Response and Expansion of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Karlsson, Lars January 2009 (has links)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common disease that develops gradually over several years and is characterised by weakening and dilatation of the aortic wall. AAAs also demonstrates a marked inflammatory infiltrate throughout the aortic wall. Chlamydophila pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae), is a common bacterium. About 50% of the population has been infected in adolescence. Thirteen studies report the presence of either C. pneumoniae or its antigens in 35-100% of AAA specimens. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the possible role of C. pneumoniae in inflammatory response and expansion of AAA from a clinical point of view. In paper I, viable C. pneumoniae was detected in a majority of 26 patients with AAA having open surgery. Patients operated for AAA had higher C. pneumoniae antibodies titers than controls. In paper II, 247 patients were randomised in a double-blind trial, to evaluate the effect of azithromycin on the expansion of small AAAs. No such effect was seen and there was no correlation between C. pneumoniae antibody titers and AAA expansion. In paper III, 42 patients with AAA were compared to 100 age- and sex matched controls with normal aortas. C. pneumoniae antibodies were analysed in plasma samples obtained at screening, and in samples from a study conducted 5-15 (mean 12) years previously on the same population. There was no significant difference between the groups. In paper IV, were 211 patients were analysed, we could not find an association between levels in plasma of three markers of inflammation (IL-6, MMP-9 and CRP) and AAA expansion. A significant reduction in AAA expansion rate was found in patients treated with a combination of ASA and statins. In conclusion, viable C. pneumoniae is found at the scene of the crime, but we were unable to reverse or halt expansion of AAA with antibiotic treatment. C. pneumoniae antibody titers cannot be used, to detect small AAA, or to evaluate AAA expansion. From a clinical point of view, based on the methods and analyses used in this thesis, the role of C. pneumoniae in the inflammatory response and expansion of abdominal aortic aneurysms is limited.

Interferons in immunity to chlamydia pneumoniae/

Rothfuchs, Antonio Carlos Gigliotti (Tony), January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol inst., 2004. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

DNA vaccines and bacterial DNA in immunity /

Bandholtz, Lisa Charlotta, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. Inst., 2002. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Chlamydia pneumoniae, toll-like receptors and pathogenesis of atherosclerotic heart disease

Cao, Fei, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D. )--University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 2007. / Title from title page screen (viewed on May 16, 2008 ). Research advisor: Gerald I. Byrne, Ph.D. Document formatted into pages (xi, 114 p. : ill.). Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-107).

Aborto infeccioso em pequenos ruminantes no Estado de Pernambuco : aspectos epidemiológicos, sorológico, molecular e anátomo-histopatológico / Infectious abortion in small ruminants in Pernambuco State: epidemiologic, serologic, molecular and anatomo histopathological aspects

PEREIRA, Márcia de Figueiredo 31 August 2007 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-10-18T15:40:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia de Figueiredo Pereira.pdf: 5111781 bytes, checksum: d85ec68d2c4f154dbae8c79330a24874 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-18T15:40:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia de Figueiredo Pereira.pdf: 5111781 bytes, checksum: d85ec68d2c4f154dbae8c79330a24874 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-31 / The objective was investigating participation of the Chlamydophila spp. and Toxoplasma gondii in reproductive disorders and identifies risk factors associated to infection for these agents in goat and sheep in the regions of the Coastal Zone of Mata and Wasteland of the State of Pernambuco. Serum samples were collected from 290 animals, from which 123 were sheep and 167 goats, in 12 properties, to search antibodies anti-Chlamydophila spp, using Complement Fixation micro technique, and from 262 animals, being 167 goats and 95 sheep to search antibodies anti-Toxoplasma gondii, using Indirect Imunofluorescent Antibody technique. Questionnaires were applied to owners to identify risk factors associated to infections. Samples of 23 goats and sheep aborted fetus, stillborn and newborn were used to investigate causes of abortion. Tissues were processed for histopathology and PCR examination. Frequency of animals serum-reagents for Chlamydophila spp was 10,3%, with 12.0% for goats and 8.1% for sheep, It was identified 11/12 (91.6%) focus of infection. All flocks had animals serum-reagents for T. gondii, and frequency of positives was 31.7% for goats and 16.9% for sheep. Risk factors associated to Chlamydophila spp infection for goats were breed (OR=9,10), intensive handling (OR=6,41), the milk exploration (OR=3,19) and natural breeding (OR=3,77). Risk factors associated to T. gondii infection for goats were intensive handling (OR=2,40), milk exploration (OR=2,10), animals originating from other states (OR=7,89) and natural breeding (OR=5,69). The most frequent anatomic and histopathologic findings in fetus were presence of serohaemorhagic fluid in thoracic cavity in 17 (73.91%) fetus, subcutaneous edema in 10 (43.48%) fetus, serohaemorhagic fluid in abdominal cavity in 7 (30.43%), in pericardial sac in 9 (39.13%) and subcutaneous hemorrhage in 8 (34.78%) animal ones; vascular endothelium reaction was seen in lungs, heart, liver, kidney, spleen and brain in nine (39.13%) fetus. Five fetuses (21.74%) had presented compatible injuries with toxoplasmosis as mummification (4/5) and focus of necrosis in placenta and brain (1/5). Search for Chlamydophila spp DNA in fetal tissues was negative for all the samples. One concludes that infections for T. gondii and Chlamydophila spp is widely spread in goat and sheep flocks studied and that Toxoplasma gondii is involved as cause of abortions in these species. Sanitary measures must be adopted to control risk factors identified in this study. / Objetivou-se com este estudo investigar a participação da Chlamydophila spp e do Toxoplasma gondii em falhas reprodutivas e identificar os fatores de risco associados à infecção por estes agentes em caprinos e ovinos nas regiões do Litoral/ Zona da Mata e Agreste do Estado de Pernambuco. Foram colhidas 290 amostras de soros, sendo 123 ovinos e 167 caprinos em 12 propriedades para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Chlamydophila spp, utilizando-se a microtécnica de Fixação do Complemento e de 262 animais, sendo 167 caprinos e 95 ovinos para pesquisa de anticorpos anti–Toxoplasma gondii, utilizando-se a técnica da Imunofluorescência Indireta. Para identificar os fatores de risco associados às infecções foram aplicados questionários junto aos proprietários. Para o estudo das causas de aborto em fetos caprinos e ovinos foram utilizadas 23 amostras de órgãos de fetos, natimortos e neonatos que foram processadas utilizando-se a histopatologia e PCR. A freqüência de animais soro-reagentes para Chlamydophila spp foi de 10,3%, sendo 12,0% para caprinos e 8,1% para ovinos, identificando-se 11/12 (91,6%) focos de infecção. Em 100% das propriedades havia animais soro-reagentes para T. gondii, observando-se 31,7% e 16,9% de caprinos e ovinos positivos, respectivamente. Os fatores de risco associados à infecção por Chlamydophila spp em caprinos foram a raça (OR=9,10), o manejo intensivo (OR=6,41), a exploração leiteira (OR=3,19) e a monta natural (OR=3,77). Os fatores de risco associados à infecção por T. gondii para a espécie caprina foram o manejo intensivo (OR=2,40), exploração leiteira (OR=2,10), animais procedentes de outros estados (OR=7,89) e monta natural (OR=5,69).O achados anátomo-histopatológicos mais freqüentes nos fetos foram: presença de líquido serosanguinolento na cavidade torácica em 17 (73,91%) fetos, edema subcutâneo em 10 (43,48%) fetos, presença de líquido serosangüinolento na cavidade abdominal em 7 (30,43%), no saco pericárdico em (39,13%) e hemorragia subcutânea em 8 (34,78%) animais; reação do endotélio vascular foi observada no pulmão, coração, fígado, rim, baço e cérebro em nove (39,13%) fetos. Cinco fetos (21,74%) apresentaram lesões compatíveis com toxoplasmose como mumificação (4/5) e focos de necrose na placenta e encéfalo (1/5). A pesquisa do DNA da Chlamydophila spp nos tecidos fetais foi negativo para todas as amostras. Conclui-se que as infecções pelo T. gondii e Chlamydophila spp encontram-se disseminadas nos rebanhos de caprinos e ovinos estudados e que o Toxoplasma gondii está envolvido como causa de abortos nessas espécies. Medidas de sanitárias devem ser adotadas para controlar os fatores de risco identificados neste estudo.

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