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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Circumstellar Interaction Of Young Supernovae : With inputs From Radio And X-ray Wavebands

Poonam Chandra, * 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with the radiative emission arising out of the interaction of several core collapse supernovae (SNe) with their dense circumstellar medium (CSM) and uses the radiative properties as diagnostics of the ionized plasma in and around the interaction region. These supernovae include: SN 1993J, SN 1995N, SN 2002ap & SN 2003bg. In a SN explosion, the outer layers of the star are set in motion with high velocities and the collision of the ejecta with the CSM leads to a less dense and hot blast wave forward shock with velocities ~ 20,000 km/s and T ~ 109K. When the external layers of the expanding ejecta decelerate upon interaction with the CSM, a reverse shock develops that starts propagating into the stellar envelope, with velocity few times 1000 km/s relative to the expanding stellar ejecta, heating it to T ~ 107K. Forward shock velocities are typically 1000 times the speed of the wind that was being lost from the progenitor prior to the SN explosion. Consequently, evolution of the shock and the radiative properties of the SN few years after the explosion probes the history of the environment of the progenitor star thousands of years before the explosion. Interaction of the shocked ejecta with the CSM gives rise to emission in radio and X-ray bands. The emission in various wavebands arising due to this interaction usually has a slower decay rate than the initial photospheric emission arising from ionic recombination and radioactive decay. Hence, one is usually able to track the supernovae for longer time. Radio emission is generated from the forward shocked shell due to the synchrotron emission by relativistic electrons in the presence of the strong magnetic fields. The strong magnetic field in the shocked shell is believed to be generated by Rayleigh Taylor instability, which enhances any seed magnetic field present initially. Relativistic electrons are produced, most likely, by shock mediated acceleration processes. The early rapid rise in the radio flux density results from the shock overtaking progressively further into the progenitor’s stellar wind and therefore in the regions of decreasing optical depth. Since optical depth is larger at lower frequencies lower frequencies turn on later in time. The emission from the shocked region decreases slowly with time as the shock expands, so even when the radio absorption has become negligible, the radio light curve would show this decline. Radio emission is absorbed initially by different mechanisms depending upon the mass loss rate in the progenitor wind, shock velocity, electron temperature etc. If the emission is absorbed by an electron moving in the field of an ion (free-free absorption), then one can infer the mass loss of the progenitor. If on the other hand, the radio emission is absorbed by synchrotron self absorption in which the photon interacts with an electron in a magnetic field, then it gives information about the size of the emitting region. In contrast, X-ray emission initially comes from the forward shock and is non-thermal in nature. The X-rays could be either due to synchrotron emission or due to inverse Compton scattering in which the photospheric optical photons can be boosted to X-ray energies due to multiple scattering with the electrons. Late time X-rays, which are thermal in nature, arise from the reverse shock and probe the CSM interaction of the SN ejecta and provide information of the plasma and surroundings. However, in an alternate model due to Chugai (1993, Astron. Rep., 41, 672), X-rays can also emerge from the radiative cooling of the shocked, dense clumps (clouds) embedded in the circumstellar wind overtaken by the blast-wave shock and crushed by the pressure of the strongly shocked wind. Line-widths, elemental yields and luminosity curves are the observational signatures to distinguish between the two models. X-ray spectra of SNe can be used to determine what elements are there in the shock heated ejecta, the supernova’s nucleosynthetic yield and thence the (helium) core mass of the progenitor at the explosion stage. Nucleosynthetic studies of SNe and constraints on their progenitor masses are of vital interest to the origin and distribution of elements in the galaxy and its chemical evolution. Chapter 1 gives a general overview of supernova types, explosion scenarios and essentials of shock dynamics in the CSM. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the radiative processes relevant to radio and X-ray emission. I describe the radio and X-ray data analysis procedures in Chapter 3. I discuss synchrotron aging in young supernovae in Chapter 4. Synchrotron aging has been seen in many old sources, such as radio galaxies, Compact Steep Spectrum sources etc., where the age of the source is not known. Synchrotron aging was used to determine the age of such sources using magnetic field under equipartition (between magnetic energy density and relativistic energy density) as an input parameter. However in young supernovae (whose ages are known), the magnetic fields are generated due to the instabilities (Rayleigh Taylor) created in the plasma and hence it is difficult to estimate the field correctly. Here synchrotron aging can be used to derive the magnetic field independent of any assumption of equipartition. I discuss the synchrotron aging in detail and derive a significant conclusion about the plasma energetics from the combined GMRT and Very Large Array (VLA) spectrum of a 10 year old type IIb SN 1993J around day 3200 after explosion. I found a steepening of its spectrum caused by synchrotron aging. After taking into account the adiabatic losses and Fermi acceleration of electrons, I estimate from the synchrotron break, the magnetic field in the plasma and derive that the magnetic energy density is 10,000 times larger than the relativistic energy density. In Chapter 4, I also underscore the importance of wide band radio spectrum in dealing with issues of the physics of shocked plasma. In Chapter 5, I describe further studies of SN 1993J with the GMRT at frequencies 1420, 610, 325 and 235 MHz, from 7.5 years to 10 years since explosion. SN 1993J is a unique supernova for which magnetic field and sizes are determined from model independent measurements; the former from the synchrotron cooling break and the latter from VLBI measurements. Using GMRT spectra and earlier published spectra of SN 1993J, I compare the VLBI sizes of the SN 1993J with that of obtained from the peak of the spectra using synchrotron self absorption (SSA) model. I find that the SSA sizes are roughly equal to the VLBI sizes of the SN. This suggests that the synchrotron self absorption is responsible for the turn over in the spectra of SN 1993J at all the epochs. The size evolution shows that the ejecta expands freely initially and then show a small deceleration in the later epochs. I also plot the magnetic field evolution, which goes as Spectral index initially lies between 0.8 - 1.0 and later seems to flatten with time and lies within the range of 0.5 - 0.7. The mass loss rate roughly remains constant ( ~ 5 x 10−5M yr−1) in two years of GMRT observations, i.e., 8000-10,000 years before explosion. Light curves based on high frequency existing models extrapolated to low frequencies overpredict the flux densities at low frequencies. Some extra opacity is needed to incorporate the difference. This suggests that the low frequency opacity in SN 1993J is not a simple extrapolation of high frequency opacity and a hitherto unaccounted for absorption may be at work at low frequencies. I describe the Chandra X-ray observatory work on SN 1995N, which we observed on March 28, 2004, in Chapter 6. I detected the X-ray emission from the SN with most of the emission found to be below 2 keV. SN 1995N had also been observed by ROSAT and ASCA earlier on three occasions. Our reanalysis of ASCA 1998 spectra revealed certain line features which were not reported in the published work of Fox et al. (2000, MNRAS, 319, 1154). I detect a Ne X line in both ASCA and Chandra observations, and while I detect a Ne IX line in the Chandra observation this was absent in the ASCA one. At the same time I detect a 1.3 keV line in the ASCA observation, absent in the Chandra spectrum of SN 1995N. No Fe line was detected in either spectrum. The light curves of SN 1995N suggested a non-linear profile due to high ASCA flux. We re-analyzed the ASCA data in view of the high-resolution imaging data obtained by Chandra and found at least ten more sources contributing to the SN flux due to the large ASCA PSF. After taking out the contribution from the contaminating sources, the light curve appears to be consistent with a linear decline. This indicates that the X-ray emission is due to the reverse shock going through a shallow ejecta profile. I also find that the absorption column density is at least 2.5 times more than that calculated from the galactic extinction maps. This suggests that the moderate, extra absorption is likely to be due to the formation of a thin cool ejecta-shell between reverse-shock and the contact discontinuity. About 0.01 M of Ne is estimated to be present in SN 1995N from the Chandra line detection. This, most likely, arises in the partially burnt He core at velocities > 5000 km s−1 . I also observed SN 1995N with the GMRT in radio bands. I describe these results in Chapter 7. The spectrum is seen to be peaking towards lower frequencies with the time. The radio light curve suggests that the SN is already in the optically thin part of the light curve. Some but not all type Ic supernovae have shown association with Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) sources. This seems to divide the type Ic SNe in two subclasses -the ones associated with GRBs and the ones without the GRB connection. The observations of these two classes of type Ic SNe and their comparison (the ”afterglows”) are likely to be useful in determining the physical conditions inside the progenitor star which leads some of the type Ic supernovae to have GRB associations. Since these SNe are bare core SNe with no hydrogen and little or no helium envelope, their prompt emission in the radio and high energy bands provide the most promising probes of their interior at early times. In Chapter 8, I investigate the origin of prompt X-ray emission in a type Ic supernova SN 2002ap, a non-GRB supernova. An analysis of SN 2002ap, observed with XMM-Newton on Feb 3, 2002 as a Target Of Opportunity is presented and spectral model fits to the prompt X-ray emission are obtained. I model the early X-ray emission with inputs from optical photometry and light curve and find that multiple inverse Compton scattering of optical photons from the supernova photosphere by electrons in the medium can account for the observed early X-ray flux and its spectrum for modest electron temperatures and optical depths. I compare the X-ray image with the GMRT 610 MHz radio image obtained three days apart. While I find no radio counterpart of the SN at such low frequencies, several sources in the field have radio and X-ray counterparts. I compare the radio data obtained from three different supernovae in their early phases and model these using the synchrotron self absorption model. GRB associated SN 1998bw was found to be most rapidly expanding with fastest transition from optically thick to optically thin part in the spectrum. Radio studies of SN 2003bg, another type Ic supernova is discussed in Chapter 9. I observed SN 2003bg with the GMRT from day 43 till day 600 since explosion. On one occasion (day ~ 350), I combined the GMRT data with the VLA data to get a composite spectrum. From the optically thick part of the spectrum, I find that the dominant absorption mechanism in the SN is synchrotron self absorption. I deduced magnetic field and size of the supernova under the assumption of equipartition. I discuss the overall results in Chapter 10. In this thesis, I have investigated four supernovae in detail and few more have been observed with lesser sampling frequency (see Chapter 10 and P. Chandra et al 2002, BASI 30, 755). Although they all belong to the ejecta dominated free expansion phase, the core-collapse supernovae are of widely different subclasses and I have observed them at very young ages (few days) to more than 10 years of age, with multiple probes, going through a variety of emission mechanisms and absorption processes. I provide comparison between different supernovae observed by us and others. In cases, where I am able to obtain X-ray spectra, nucleosynthesis arguments lead me to constrain the mass of the progenitor star and the composition of its layers.


Hornbeck, J. B., Swearingen, J. R., Grady, C. A., Williger, G. M., Brown, A., Sitko, M. L., Wisniewski, J. P., Perrin, M. D., Lauroesch, J. T., Schneider, G., Apai, D., Brittain, S., Brown, J. M., Champney, E. H., Hamaguchi, K., Henning, Th., Lynch, D. K., Petre, R., Russell, R. W., Walter, F. M., Woodgate, B. 22 September 2016 (has links)
We have imaged GM Aurigae with the Hubble Space Telescope, detected its disk in scattered light at 1400 and 1650 angstrom, and compared these with observations at 3300 angstrom, 5550 angstrom, 1.1 mu m, and 1.6 mu m. The scattered light increases at shorter wavelengths. The radial surface brightness profile at 3300 angstrom shows no evidence of the 24 au radius cavity that has been previously observed in submillimeter observations. Comparison with dust grain opacity models indicates that. the surface of the entire disk is populated with submicron grains. We have compiled a. spectral energy distribution from 0.1 mu m to 1 mm. and used it to constrain a model of the star + disk system that includes the submillimeter cavity using the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code by Barbara Whitney. The best-fit model image indicates that the cavity should be detectable in the F330W bandpass if the cavity has been cleared of both large and small dust grains, but we do not detect it. The lack of an observed cavity can be explained by the presence of submicron grains interior to the submillimeter cavity wall. We suggest one explanation for this that. could be due to a planet of mass <9 M-J interior to 24 au. A unique cylindrical structure is detected in the far-UV data from the Advanced Camera for Surveys/ Solar Blind Channel. It is aligned along the system semiminor axis, but does not resemble an accretion-driven jet. The structure is limb. brightened and extends 190 +/- 35 au above the disk midplane. The inner radius of the limb. brightening is 40 +/- 10 au, just beyond the submillimeter cavity wall.

Bumpy light curves of interacting supernovae

Nyholm, Anders January 2017 (has links)
A supernova (SN) is the explosive destruction of a star. Via a luminous outpouring of radiation, the SN can rival the brightness of its SN host galaxy for months or years. In the past decade, astronomical surveys regularly observing the sky to deep limiting magnitudes have revealed that core collapse SNe (the demises of massive stars) are sometimes preceded by eruptive episodes by the progenitor stars during the years before the eventual SN explosion. Such SNe tend to show strong signatures of interaction between the SN ejecta and the circumstellar medium (CSM) deposited by the star before the SN explosion, likely by mass-loss episodes like the ones we have started to observe regularly. The complex CSM resolved around certain giant stars in our own galaxy and the eruptions of giant stars like η Car in the 19th century can be seen in this context. As the SN ejecta of an interacting SN sweep up the CSM of the progenitor, radiation from this process offers observers opportunity to scan the late mass loss history of the progenitor. In this thesis, interacting SNe and eruptive mass loss of their progenitors is discussed. The SN iPTF13z (discovered by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory, iPTF) is presented. This transient was followed with optical photometry and spectroscopy during 1000 days and displayed a light curve with several conspicuous re-brigthenings ("bumps"), likely arising from SN ejecta interacting with denser regions in the CSM. Around 200 days before discovery, in archival data we found a clear precursor outburst lasting &gt;~ 50 days. A well-observed (but not necessarily well understood) event like SN 2009ip, which showed both precursor outbursts and a light curve bump, makes an interesting comparison object. The embedding of the (possible) SN in a CSM makes it hard to tell if a destructive SN explosion actually happened. In this respect, iPTF13z is compared to e.g. SN 2009ip but also to long-lived interacting SNe like SN 1988Z. Some suggestions for future investigations are offered, to tie light curve bumps to precursor events and to clarify the question of core collapse in the ambiguous cases of some interacting SNe.

Debris disks from an astronomical and an astrobiological viewpoint

Cataldi, Gianni January 2013 (has links)
In this licentiate thesis, I consider debris disks from an observational, astronomical viewpoint, but also discuss a potential astrobiological application. Debris disks are essentially disks of dust and rocks around main-sequence stars, analogue to the Kuiper- or the asteroid belt in our solar system. Their observation and theoretical modeling can help to constrain planet formation models and help in the understanding of the history of the solar system. After a general introduction into the field of debris disks and some basic debris disk physics, the thesis concentrates on the observation of gas in debris disks. The possible origins of this gas and its dynamics are discussed and it is considered what it can tell us about the physical conditions in the disk and possibly about the dust composition. In this way, the paper associated with this thesis (dealing with the gas in the β Pic debris disk) is set into context. More in detail, we observed the CII emission originating from the carbon-rich β Pic disk with Herschel HIFI and attempted to constrain the spatial distribution of the gas from the shape of the emission line. This is necessary since the gas production mechanism is currently unknown, but can be constraint by obtaining information about the spatial profile of the gas. The last part of the thesis describes our preliminary studies of the possibility of a debris disk containing biomarkers, created by a giant impact on a life-bearing exoplanet.

Étude des bulles d’étoiles Wolf-Rayet dans la galaxie M33 avec SITELLE

Tuquet, Selin 04 1900 (has links)
Malgré leur rareté et leur vie éphémère, les étoiles massives, par l’entremise de leur forte émission de rayonnements ultraviolet et de leurs vents stellaires importants, ont un fort impact sur l’enrichissement du milieu interstellaire en éléments lourds, ainsi que sur son ionisation, sa structure et sa cinématique. L’étude des étoiles massives et de leur perte de masse est essentielle pour mieux comprendre l’évolution stellaire. En particulier en fin de vie, lors de la phase Wolf-Rayet, on constate parfois la présence d’une nébuleuse sous forme de bulle autour de ces étoiles. Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous analysons la présence et les caractéristiques de ces bulles autour d’étoiles Wolf-Rayet dans la galaxie M33, avec les données de SITELLE, un spectromètre imageur installé au télescope Canada-France-Hawaii. Sur les 211 étoiles Wolf-Rayet connues dans cette galaxie, nous avons pu en observer 178 et détecter la présence de bulles autour de 43 d’entre elles grâce à des critères que nous avons déterminés à partir de nos données. Nous avons analysé chacune d’entre elles et nous présentons notre analyse et les résultats obtenus. Nous remarquons notamment l’absence de biais favorisant la présence d’une bulle autour d’un type spectral par rapport aux autres, et la présence de bulles intriquées autour de certaines étoiles WR pouvant attester de l’évolution des vents stellaires durant les différentes phases de la vie de l’étoile. / Despite their scarcity and their short lifetime, massive stars have a strong impact on the enrichment of the interstellar medium via their heavy element production, ultraviolet radiation and stellar wind emission. Hence, the study of massive stars and their mass-loss history is essential for the understanding of stellar evolution. Especially at the end of their lives, during the Wolf-Rayet stage, we often observe bubble-like nebulae surrounding massive stars. In this study, we analyze the presence and characteristics of these Wolf-Rayet bubbles in M33, with data from SITELLE, an instrument mounted on the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope. Of the 211 known Wolf-Rayet stars in M33, we were able to observe 178 of them and we detected the presence of a bubble around 43, according to the criteria we adopted based on our data. We present here the analysis and the results of our study. We find notably that the presence of bubbles doesn’t seem to be correlated with the spectral type of the progenitor star, and we observe a structure of nested bubbles around some of the WR stars, enlightening us on the evolution of stellar winds during the different phases of a massive star’s life.

Environnements stellaire : des étoiles lambda Boötis aux disques protoplanétaires

Gonzalez, Jean-François 03 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
J'ai effectué une étude des éléments C, N, et O dans les atmosphères d'étoiles chimiquement particulières de la séquence principale, où ils sont sous-abondants et répartis de manière inhomogène. J'ai recensé les processus physiques qu'il faut inclure dans les calculs d'accélération radiative et montré leur importance relative. Des améliorations majeures par rapport aux approximations usuelles ont été obtenues grâce à l'utilisation systématique des données atomiques du projet OPACITY. Elles permettent de calculer précisément la dépendance en fréquence des opacités, et d'améliorer l'évaluation des largeurs de raies. Les contributions des raies et de la photoionisation sont calculées pour chaque ion et l'accélération totale sur un élément donné est obtenue grâce à un modèle prenant en compte les réactions rapides entre ions. Les accélérations radiatives calculées pour le carbone, l'azote, et l'oxygène, les poussant vers le haut, apparaissent inférieures à la gravité dans tous les modèles d'enveloppe considérés (étoiles de type A à F), pour une large gamme de paramètres, expliquant leurs déficits marquées à la surface de la plupart des étoiles chimiquement particulières. Des tables donnant d'une part l'opacité de ces éléments, d'autre part leur accélération radiative sur une grille contenant de nombreuses conditions de plasma permettent d'effectuer des calculs d'évolution stellaire prenant en compte tous les aspects de la diffusion des éléments C, N, et O, les plus abondants après H et He. <br /> <br />Je me suis ensuite intéressé aux étoiles de type lambda Bootis, un petit sous-groupe singulier d'étoiles chimiquement particulières, dont les anomalies d'abondance ne sont pas expliquées par le modèle de la diffusion radiative. Il s'agirait plutôt d'étoiles jeunes, encore entourées des restes du disque à partir duquel elles se sont formées, et dont elles accrèteraient un gaz appauvri en éléments lourds, ceux-ci s'étant condensés en grains. Afin de vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons recherché la signature de matière circumstellaire dans le spectre de ces étoiles. Peu d'étoiles de notre échantillon montrent un tel indice et nos résultats suggèrent une anti-corrélation entre la présence de gaz ou de poussières, pouvant caractériser deux états différents dans l'évolution du disque protostellaire. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons découvert par hasard le premier cas de pulsations non radiales dans une étoile de type lambda Bootis, puis montré qu'elles sont communes dans ce groupe. L'identification des modes de pulsation permet de remonter à la structure interne de ces étoiles et à leur état d'évolution, permettant ainsi de tester le modèle d'accrétion. <br /> <br />Mon étude des environnements circumstellaires des étoiles lambda Bootis m'a conduit à m'intéresser aux disques protoplanétaires. Jusqu'à récemment, nous n'avions observé qu'un seul système solaire (le nôtre) dans lequel nous pouvions tester notre compréhension du processus de formation de planètes. Maintenant, plus d'une centaine de planètes ont été découvertes autour d'autres étoiles et les contraintes sur les modèles théoriques sont devenues très serrées. Nous savons que, dans la nébuleuse solaire, les particules de poussière de la taille du micron se sont agglomérées pour former des planètes, objets 10^13 à 10^14 fois plus grands. Bien qu'il y ait beaucoup de travail réalisé sur les dernières étapes de cette formation, et sur la migration de planètes déjà formées, peu de travail a été fait pour développer des modèles hydrodynamiques décrivant l'interaction du gaz et de la poussière dans les disques proto-planétaires. Nous développons un code hydrodynamique SPH permettant de modéliser cette interaction, principalement par la force de friction, entre deux phases: du gaz et des grains de poussière d'une taille donnée. Nous obtenons ainsi la répartition spatiale des grains dans le disque en fonction de leur taille. Ce travail correspond à la thèse de Laure Barrière-Fouchet, qui se termine en 2005. Nous projetons ensuite d'ajouter les mécanismes de coagulation, croissance, et évaporation des grains de poussière en modélisant plusieurs phases pour différentes tailles de grains et la variation du nombre de particules dans chaque phase qui en résulte. Ceci permettra de caractériser les zones du disque les plus favorables à la formation de planétésimaux. Ensuite, il s'agira d'explorer plus profondément les mécanismes de formation de planètes. En effet, si l'on arrive assez bien à faire croître les grains microscopiques jusqu'à une taille de l'ordre du centimètre, les collisions entre ces gros grains les refragmentent et empêchent de dépasser cette taille. Plusieurs solutions sont à envisager pour permettre de passer ce cap: diminution des vitesses de collisions dans les régions plus denses, rôle de la turbulence, etc... <br /> <br />Un peu à part de mes travaux précédents, avec mes collègues de l'ESO, j'ai observé et pris le premier spectre de la contrepartie optique du sursaut gamma GRB980425, qui s'est avéré être une supernova très particulière: SN1998bw. Son spectre en évolution rapide ne permettait pas de classer cette supernova, la première à être associée à un sursaut gamma, dans les types connus. Notre équipe a suivi régulièrement l'évolution de sa courbe de lumière et de son spectre, la somme de données recueillie ayant conduit à un modèle d'hypernova.

Infrared polarimetry and integral field spectroscopy of post-asymptotic giant branch stars

Lowe, Krispian Tom Edward January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, I present the properties of IRAS 19306+1407 central source and its sur- rounding circumstellar envelope (CSE), from the analysis of near-infrared (near-IR) polarimetry and integral field spectroscopy (IFS), with supporting archived HST im- ages and sub-millimetre (sub-mm) photometry. This is supported by axi-symmetric light scattering (ALS), axi-symmetric radiative transfer (DART) and molecular hy-drogen (H2) shock models. The polarimetric images show that IRAS 19306+1407 has a dusty torus, which deviates from axisymmetry and exhibits a ‘twist’ feature. The DART and ALS modelling shows that the CSE consists of Oxygen-rich sub-micrometre dust grains, with a range in temperature from 130±30 to 40±20 K at the inner and outer radius, respectively, with inner and outer radii of 1.9±0.1×1014 and 2.7±0.1×1015 m. The CSE detached 400±10 years ago and the mass loss lasted 5700±160 years, assuming a constant asymptotic giant branch (AGB) outflow speed of 15 km s−1. The dust mass and total mass of the CSE is 8.9±5×10−4 and 1.8±1.0×10 −1 M⊙, assuming a gas-to-dust ratio of 200. The mass loss rate was 3.4±2.1×10−5 M⊙ year−1. The central source is consistent with a B1I-type star with a radius of 3.8 ± 0.6 R⊙, luminosity of 4500 ± 340 L⊙ at a distance of 2.7 ± 0.1 kpc. A purpose built idl package (fus) was developed and used in the SINFONI IFS data critical final reduction steps. It also produced emission line, kinematic and line ratio images. The IFS observations show that H2 is detected throughout the CSE, located in bright arcs and in the bipolar lobes. The velocity of the H2 is greatest at the end of the lobes. Brγ emission originates from, or close, to the central source – produced by a fast jump (J) shock or photo-ionised atomic gas. The 1-0 S(1)/2- 1 S(1) and 1-0 S(1)/3-2 S(3) ratios were used as a diagnostic and determined that H2 was excited by bow shaped shocks; however, these shock models could not wholly explain the observed rotational and vibrational temperatures. The CDR values were fitted by combining continuous (C) or J-bow shock and fluorescence models, with a contribution from the latter, observed throughout the CSE (5–77 per cent). The majority of shock can be described by a C-bow shock model with B = 0.02 to 1.28 mG. Shocks are predominately seen in the equatorial regions. Polarimetry and IFS highlight a ‘twist’ feature, which could be due to an episodic jet undergoing a recent change in the outflow direction. The sub-arcsecond IFS observations reveal a flocculent structure in the south- east bright arc, consisting of several clumps interpreted as a fast-wind eroding an equatorial torus, possibly forming H2 knots seen in (some) evolved planetary nebulae (PNe). My analysis has effectively constrained the following: spectral type, stellar radius, luminosity and distance, chemistry, dust grain properties, geometry, age, mass loss, excitation mechanism and evolutionary state of the post-AGB star and its surrounding CSE. I conclude that IRAS 19306+1407 is a post-AGB object on the verge becoming a PN.

The Sizes and Depletions of the Dust and Gas Cavities in the Transitional Disk J160421.7-213028

Dong, Ruobing, Marel, Nienke van der, Hashimoto, Jun, Chiang, Eugene, Akiyama, Eiji, Liu, Hauyu Baobab, Muto, Takayuki, Knapp, Gillian R., Tsukagoshi, Takashi, Brown, Joanna, Bruderer, Simon, Koyamatsu, Shin, Kudo, Tomoyuki, Ohashi, Nagayoshi, Rich, Evan, Satoshi, Mayama, Takami, Michihiro, Wisniewski, John, Yang, Yi, Zhu, Zhaohuan, Tamura, Motohide 21 February 2017 (has links)
We report ALMA Cycle 2 observations of 230 GHz (1.3 mm) dust continuum emission, and (CO)-C-12, (CO)-C-13, and (CO)-O-18 J = 2-1 line emission, from the Upper Scorpius transitional disk [PZ99] J160421.7-213028, with an angular resolution of similar to 0''.25 (35 au). Armed with these data and existing H-band scattered light observations, we measure the size and depth of the disk's central cavity, and the sharpness of its outer edge, in three components: sub-mu m-sized "small" dust traced by scattered light, millimeter-sized "big" dust traced by the millimeter continuum, and gas traced by line emission. Both dust populations feature a cavity of radius similar to 70 au that is depleted by factors of at least 1000 relative to the dust density just outside. The millimeter continuum data are well explained by a cavity with a sharp edge. Scattered light observations can be fitted with a cavity in small dust that has either a sharp edge at 60 au, or an edge that transitions smoothly over an annular width of 10 au near 60 au. In gas, the data are consistent with a cavity that is smaller, about 15 au in radius, and whose surface density at 15 au is 10(3 +/- 1) times smaller than the surface density at 70 au; the gas density grades smoothly between these two radii. The CO isotopologue observations rule out a sharp drop in gas surface density at 30 au or a double-drop model, as found by previous modeling. Future observations are needed to assess the nature of these gas and dust cavities (e.g., whether they are opened by multiple as-yet-unseen planets or photoevaporation).

What is the Mass of a Gap-opening Planet?

Dong, Ruobing, Fung, Jeffrey 24 January 2017 (has links)
High-contrast imaging instruments such as GPI and SPHERE are discovering gap structures in protoplanetary disks at an ever faster pace. Some of these gaps may be opened by planets forming in the disks. In order to constrain planet formation models using disk observations, it is crucial to find a robust way to quantitatively back out the properties of the gap-opening planets, in particular their masses, from the observed gap properties, such as their depths and widths. Combining 2D and 3D hydrodynamics simulations with 3D radiative transfer simulations, we investigate the morphology of planet-opened gaps in near-infrared scattered-light images. Quantitatively, we obtain correlations that directly link intrinsic gap depths and widths in the gas surface density to observed depths and widths in images of disks at modest inclinations under finite angular resolution. Subsequently, the properties of the surface density gaps enable us to derive the disk scale height at the location of the gap h, and to constrain the quantity M-p(2)/alpha, where Mp is the mass of the gap-opening planet and a characterizes the viscosity in the gap. As examples, we examine the gaps recently imaged by VLT/SPHERE, Gemini/GPI, and Subaru/HiCIAO in HD 97048, TW Hya, HD 169142, LkCa. 15, and RX J1615.3-3255. Scale heights of the disks and possible masses of the gap-opening planets are derived assuming each gap is opened by a single planet. Assuming a = 10(-3), the derived planet masses in all cases are roughly between 0.1 and 1M(J).

The Formation of High-Mass Stars: from High-Mass Clumps to Accretion Discs and Molecular Outflows / A Formação de Estrelas de Alta Massa: dos Glóbulos de Alta Massa aos Discos de Acreção e Jatos Moleculares

Navarete, Felipe Donizeti Teston 20 February 2018 (has links)
High-mass stars play a significant role in the evolution of the Universe and the process that leads to the formation of such objects is still an open question in Astrophysics. The details of the structures connected to the central sources, such as the circumstellar disks and the morphology of the jets at their launching points, still lack of observational evidence. In this thesis, the high-mass star forming process is investigated in terms of the evolution of high-mass clumps selected from the ATLASGAL survey based on their CO emission in the sub-millimetre. While single-dish sub-millimetre observations provide a large-scale view of the high-mass star formation process, higher angular resolution observations are required to disentangle the details of the protostars within the clumps. For this, three-dimensional infrared spectroscopy was obtained for a group of RMS sources to characterise the circumstellar environment of high-mass YSOs in linear scales of ~100-1000 AU. The ATLASGAL TOP100 sample offers a unique opportunity to analyse a statistically complete sample of high-mass clumps at different evolutionary stages. APEX data of three rotational J transitions of the CO (the CO(4-3), CO(6-5) and CO(7-6)) were used to characterise the properties of their warm gas (~155 K) content and to derive the relations between the CO and the clump properties. The CO line luminosities were derived and the analysis indicated that the CO emission increases as a function of the evolutionary stage of the clumps (from infrared-weak to HII regions) and as a function of the bolometric luminosity and mass of the sources. The comparison of the TOP100 with low-mass objects observed in the CO(6-5) and CO(7-6), together with CO(10-9) data observed for a complementary sample of objects indicated that the dependency of the CO luminosity with the bolometric luminosity of the sources gets steeper towards higher-J transitions. Although the CO luminosity of more luminous clumps are systematically larger than the values obtained for the less luminous sources, the individual analysis of each subsample suggests a similar dependency of the CO luminosity versus the bolometric luminosity for each luminosity regime. Finally, the presence of high-velocity CO emission observed for the TOP100 suggests that ~85% of the sources are driving molecular outflows. The selection of isolated high-mass objects undergoing mass accretion is fundamental to investigate if these objects are formed through an accretion disc or if they are formed by merging of low-mass YSOs. The near-infrared window provides one of the best opportunities to investigate the interior of the sub-mm clumps and study in details their individual members. Thanks to the relatively high-resolution obtained in the K-band and the moderate reddening effects in the K-band, a sample of eight (8) HMYSOs exhibiting large-scale H2 outflows were selected to follow-up K-band spectroscopic observations using the NIFS spectrometer (Gemini North). All sources exhibit extended continuum emission and exhibit atomic and molecular transitions typical of embedded objects, such as Brackett-gama, H2 and the CO lines. The H2 lines are tracing the launching point of the large-scale jets in scales of ~100 AU in five of eight sources (63%). The identification of jets at such small scales indicates that these objects are still undergoing mass accretion. The Brackett-gama emission probes the ionised gas around the HMYSOs. The analysis of the Brackett-gama spectro-astrometry at sub-pixel scales suggests that the line arises from the cavity of the outflows or from rotating structures perpendicular to the H2 jets (i.e., disc). Five sources also exhibit CO emission features (63%), and three HMYSOs display CO absorption features (38%), indicating that they are likely associated with circumstellar discs. By further investigating the kinematics of the spatially resolved CO absorption features, the Keplerian mass of three sources was estimated in 5±3, 8±5 and 30±10 solar masses. These results support that high-mass stars are formed through discs, similarly as observed towards low-mass stars. The comparison between the collimation degree of the molecular jets or outflows detected in the NIFS data with their large-scale counterparts indicate that these structures present a relatively wide range of collimation degrees. / Estrelas de alta massa têm grande impacto na evolução do Universo e o processo de formação destes objetos ainda é um problema em aberto na Astrofísica. Os detalhes das estruturas associadas às regiões mais próximas dos objetos centrais, tais como os discos circunstelares e a morfologia dos jatos próximos à base de lançamento, ainda não foram estudados em detalhe e carecem de evidências observacionais. Esta tese apresenta um estudo da formação de estrelas de alta massa em termos da evolução de glóbulos de alta massa (clumps), selecionados a partir do levantamento ATLASGAL, a partir de observações da molécula do CO na faixa espectral do sub-milimétrico. Enquanto observações \"single-dish\" no sub-milimétrico possibilitam o estudo em larga escala do processo de formação de estrelas de alta massa, observações com maior resolução angular são necessárias para investigar os detalhes das protoestrelas no interior dos glóbulos. Para isso, espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infra-vermelho próximo foi obtida para um grupo de fontes RMS para caracterizar o meio circunstelar de objetos estelares jovens e de alta massa (HMYSOs) em escalas lineares de ~100-1000 UA. A amostra TOP100 oferece uma oportunidade ímpar de analisar um conjunto estatisticamente completo de glóbulos de alta massa em diversas fases evolutivas. Observações realizadas com o radiotelescópio APEX de três transições rotacionais da molécula do CO (CO(4-3), CO(6-5) e CO(7-6)) foram utilizadas para estudar as propriedades do gás morno (~155 K) associado aos glóbulos, e obter as relações entre a emissão do CO e as propriedades físicas dos glóbulos. A luminosidade das diferentes transições do CO foi obtida e sua análise mostrou que a emissão do gás aumenta em função do estágio evolutivo dos glóbulos (de glóbulos com emissão fraca no infravermelho longínquo a regiões HII) e em função da luminosidade bolométrica e massa dos glóbulos. A comparação entre os glóbulos de alta massa presentes na amostra TOP100 com fontes de menor massa observadas nas transições do CO(6-5) e CO(7-6), juntamente com a análise de uma amostra complementar de fontes observadas na transição do CO(10-9) mostrou que a dependência da luminosidade do CO com a luminosidade bolométrica aumenta em função do número quântico J associado à transição do CO. Este estudo também mostrou que as relações entre a luminosidade do CO e dos clumps são dominadas pelas fontes de alta luminosidade presentes na amostra analisada. A análise individual de fontes de baixa e alta luminosidade sugerem que a dependência entreas luminosidades do CO e bolométrica é a mesma em ambos os regimes de luminosidade, embora as luminosidades do CO sejam sistematicamente maiores para os glóbulos de alta massa. Por fim, a análise da emissão do CO em altas-velocidades mostrou que ~85% dos glóbulos presentes na amostra TOP100 apresentam jatos moleculares. A seleção de objetos de alta massa isolados em estágio de acreção ativa é crucial para decidir se ela ocorre através de um disco de acreção e/ou via fusão de YSOs de menor massa. Para isso, observações no infra-vermelho próximo são ideais para se investigar o conteúdo dos glóbulos sub-milimétricos e resolver seus membros individuais. Devido a alta resolução espacial na banda K e a extinção interestelar moderada nesta faixa espectral, um conjunto de oito (8) HMYSOs associados a jatos em H2 em larga-escala foram selecionados para observações espectroscópicas na banda K utilizando o espectrômetro NIFS no Gemini Norte. Todos os objetos investigados com o NIFS apresentam emissão extendida no contínuo, bem como nas linhas espectrais típicas de fontes jovens, tais como o Brackett-gama, transições do H2 e a emissão nas bandas moleculares do CO. A emissão em H2 está associada aos jatos moleculares em escalas de ~100 UA em cinco das oito fontes (63%). A indentificação de jatos moleculares em escalas tão próximas ao objeto central indica que o processo de acreção de massa ainda está ativo nestes objetos. A emissão do Brackett-gama provém do gás ionizado nas regiões mais próximas das fontes centrais ou regiões de choque próximas aos jatos. A espectro-astrometria da linha do Brackett-gama em escalas de sub-píxeis, indica que a emissão do gás ocorre nas cavidades dos jatos moleculares ou delineiam estruturas alinhadas perpendicularmente aos jatos, tais como os discos de acreção. Cinco fontes também apresentam emissão nas bandas do CO (63%), e três HMYSOs apresentam linhas do CO em absorção (38%), indicando que estes objetos apresentam discos de acreção. A massa total do sistema \"disco e protoestrela\" foi determinada a partir do estudo da cinemática das linhas de absorção do CO, detectadas em três objetos. A partir de modelos de rotação Kepleriana, as massas das fontes foram estimadas em 5±3, 8±5 e 30±10 massas solares. Os resultados obtidos a partir da espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infravermelho corroboram a hipótese de que estrelas de alta massa são formadas a partir de acreção por discos, de maneira similar ao observado para estrelas de baixa massa. A comparação entre a morfologia dos jatos moleculares identificados nos campos do NIFS e das correspondentes contrapartidas em escalas maiores indicam que os jatos apresentam diferentes graus de colimação ao longo de suas estruturas, explicadas pela multiplicidade de fontes nas proximidades da base de lançamento dos jatos ou efeitos de precessão no objeto central.

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